Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Advantages and disadvantages of drugs essay

However, at the same time, there is a sixteen year old boy who brought a bag of illegal drugs to a party, and is now trying to convince everyone there to try some. Drugs, both illegal and legal, are taking away the minds and lives of people from all ages and all parts of the β†’

Athena in the odyssey vs. virgil in the inferno

Athena appears to Odysseus in the signifier of Mentor and attempts to actuate Odysseus to kill all the suers off with menaces and accusals. He's spent his clip as a warrior and won his most of import conflicts before the beginning of the verse form.so now he deserves to populate out the remainder of his β†’

Accounting questions and answers flashcard

A) True B) False This is the correct answer. A) Financial accounting This is the correct answer.

The objectives of cadbury trebor bassett essay

They also affect the ways that the business operates, they state in general terms what the company wants to be able to achieve in the long-term. They have invested in to " Snapple" which is a healthy fruit juice and they have also invested in to medicated confectionary." Working together to create brands people love" β†’

The on-the-job training – narrative essay

Objectives of the On-the-Job Training Generally, this on-the-job training aimed to enhance the skills of the trainee and become more efficient and effective in the field of Information Technology and as a highly-trained information technologist in the future. She was introduced to the manager and employees of the agency.

The beginning of a new life

I arrived knowing nothing and speaking English was not the same as when I was twelve when I was studying in Tampa, FL. In my country, I was unemployed and the place where I worked gave up my services and I could not find work.

The use of natural resources & the development of modern technologies

The environmental conditions that define the sensor to challenge are such petroleum in hard conditions, one of the many physical influences that effect the sensor is the high temperature. The temperature of the environment is a challenge to choose a solution of alloy that has the capacity to resist the heat and to expand it β†’

Benjamin franklin’s idea of public library

Because he was able to notice his faults it allowed him to slowly work on each one and get rid of these habits. It was so hard for him and he had such frequent relapses, that he was ready to just give up on it.

Settings and their importance: the white tiger and native son

When writing The White Tiger and Native Son, Aravind Adiga and Richard Wright utilized setting to influence the plot of the novels, by having the stories of their characters happen in very regulated and controlling societies. This situation makes Bigger even more angry at the white population, because he knows it is because of them β†’

The bells toll for her

Frequently indeed, the idea of death surrounds the bells that announce the hours. Perhaps the mysterious description of the bells in Mrs.

Redang island

Best if you could check around the diving packages offered by the resorts before getting to the island, as they would usually have better ' value-for-money' factor if compared to ' per dive' rates offered over the counter in the dive resort. While it is recommended to dive in the spots distanced away from snorkelers β†’

The nature versus nurture debate sociology essay

However, I believe that nature has a more domineering role in the development of how people behave in society with regards to sexual orientation, crimes and violence and mental disorders. If a person keeps committing crimes in a bad neighborhood then it is most likely that the DNA of that person convinces them that it β†’

The industrial and french revolutions sociology essay

' Explain how the Industrial and French Revolutions led to the establishment of Sociology as a Social Science'. Functionalism says that social stratification in society is based around the idea of meritocracy and that individuals are trained skills to fulfil different roles which help direct society.

Psycho-spiritual: nature of imagination and dreams

Consider the nature of the imagination and dreams, and illustrate with examples from clinical literature.' The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the psyche, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far β†’

Causes of the genocide in bosnia

Radovan Karadzic led Serbs who built their own Republica Srpska in the East, while a Bosnian Serb army was in control of the other of the country, driving out most of the Bosnian Croats. In the late 1980's, a new leader by the name of Slobodan Milosevic came to power in Yugoslavia.

Change management situation in a police organisation

This essay will analyse a change management situation in a Police organisation, comparing approaches to leadership, analysing the efficiency of interpersonal skills for a Leader and analysing the role of a Leader within the Police environment, taking cognisance of the principles, theories and approaches to Leadership. Remembering that there is a difference between " leaders" β†’

Sir winston churchill’s leadership traits

He managed to inspire the nation to continue enduring the suffering and fight on; inspire confidence in the ability to win; and to make unusual sacrifices to achieve his well communicated vision. His pay as a second lieutenant in the regiment was 300 and was not sufficient for him to maintain his life style and β†’

Mission and goals of marks and spencer commerce essay

Although M&S, Clarks, Faith and Office are in a high quality segment where others like Top shop and River Island ends as a medium priced segment but these can be outweighed in fashion market of shoes and clothes and because of all these variations in Individual styles and spending habits, M&S must plan for an β†’

Economic sectors and strength products in mongolia economics essay

Mongolia is a landlocked state in the Centre of the Asia and it is surrounding with the People 's Republic of China and Russian Federation. Mongolia can cut down the poorness due to merchandise which will construct up a strong and competitory economic system and my inquiry is to happen out the manner of the β†’

Introduction and shrinking world the sites of power

The change is driven by the knowledge thatwe have acquired since ages and the resulting huge advancement in informationtechnology, communication and the infrastructure of transportation. The British vote to leave the EU andthe election of Donald Trump in the US have shown that a sizable proportion ofcitizens in developed world are ready to oppose free β†’

Introduction the usage of the society’s resources

In these campaigns, companies are encouraged to give back to the society as a way of compensating the society for the inefficiencies caused. To conclude, some business owners argue that it is the work of the politicians to attend to the needs of the society.

Study habits assignment

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word study as " the application of the mental faculties to the acquisition of knowledge, which can be in a particular field or to a specific subject." The dictionary then defines skill as " the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance. At this β†’

Cost terms and concepts essay sample

At the end of the leased term, regardless the value of the equipment, XYZ has the option to simply walk away. If the equipment is leased, XYZ would likely not be responsible with paying insurance to safeguard the cost of the equipment in the event of a catastrophic loss.

The case of cephalon essay sample

Based on the contract, the strike of the call options is $21. 5 two options, and the value is the difference between the two.

Netflix essay sample

In order to cope with competition, Netflix needs to come up with innovative and revamp its products or services, thus the introduction of the " skip intro button" and the thumbs up or down rating system which will increase the number of viewers. The efficient use of its tangible and intangible resources, gives more power β†’

My educational goals and why i would like to participate in the tsa associates program

Dorothy Kelly My Educational Goals and Why I would like to Participate in the TSA Associates Program Getting an opportunity to participate in the Transportation Security Administration will be essential since it will give me a chance to advance my education in addition to being able to develop my career in homeland security. My main β†’

Week 5 discussion questions

The reason that total quality can positive influence the sustainability initiatives of a company is because the implementation of total quality leads to continuous improvement through an organization. A sustainability plan can help improve the working condition of the employees of the company.

Resolving conflict

In the end, I explained this to my parents, and there was a lot more understanding for the boy next door. He was able to talk to my mother about what was happening, and I think that helped him a lot.

Economic and political problem affecting counties at the present time

A specific economic or political problem affecting your country at the present time Situation The situation that has marred my country at the present is that people do not like to invest within its fore, which has meant that there are immense issues within the aegis of economics that are affecting the country. The problem β†’

Philharmonic musicians essay

In addition, the sound of trumpets, trombones and other musical instruments which the Orchestra uses is quite deafening and it hurts the musicians physically. Every musician in the philharmonic group is expected to take responsibility of purchasing or caring for a certain the equipment put in his charge.

The film mississippi masala

The movie Mississippi Masala portrays the Asian's varied and baffled individuality in a multi-ethnic together through an interracial love matter between Uganda-born Indian adult female Mina and an Afro-american adult male Demetrius in the American South in 1990. She embraces her individuality as African despite her family's expatriate from Africa and migration to America.Mina.on the β†’

I am going to compare and contrast two film versions of henry v essay

First I am going to compare the acting in the Kenneth Brannagh version to the acting in the Lawrence Olivier version. The actors talk to the live audience in the Lawrence Olivier version, which makes it more obvious that it is a play, whereas the actors talk to the camera in Kenneth Brannagh version, which β†’

Ovid essay

One of the ideas presented was that of the domina amoris and the servitium amoris. By dedicating his life's work up to that point to her, Ovid is placing Corinna in the position of a domina amoris.

Black men in the prison system

Rap lyrics may not be the formal type of quote to open a paper; however, in order to properly represent the voice of young black males, it is completely appropriate. As a result of a certain behavior, a spanking is added to the situation in order to decrease that behavior.

Wimax technology essay

16 standard forms the basis of ' WiMAX' and is sometimes referred to colloquially as " WiMAX", " Fixed WiMAX", " Mobile WiMAX", " 802. A number of WiMAX Mobiles are expected to hit the US market in 2010.[14] Technical information [pic] Illustration of a WiMAX MIMO board WiMAX and the IEEE 802.

Argumentative essay dedicated to the parking situation at a growing university essay sample essay

Discussions of the Greater Vancouver theodolite system.the emphasis.the cost.and incommodiousness of parking.and fit solutions to the parking job will explicate how parking could be convenient.therefore less nerve-racking.for **** commuters if a multi-level parking garage were added. Kole Harden.besides a commuter from Langley.attempted to take the greyhound one time a hebdomad.in Winter Semester 2005.to avoid parking β†’

The inflammatory response

The mechanism of the inflammatory response is to protect the injured site by killing the agent responsible, limiting its effects on the rest of the body and initiating the healing process. The changes are designed to maximise the movement of plasma proteins and circulating cells out of the blood flow and into the site of β†’

Benefits of religion to society

Religion is a system of beliefs and practices that a group of people interpret and respond to what they think is divine. Because of religion, we now know that a superpower is the architect of the universe and all that is in it.

Need and importance of manpower planning

Manpower is advantageous to this hotel in different aspects such as Helps in growth and diversification Shortages and surpluses can be identified so that quick action can be taken Avoids overstaffing and reduces labour costs as excess staff can be eliminated Based on manpower planning recruitments and selection process would take place Helps in stabilizing β†’

Chapter 6 learning objectives

The key elements in classical conditioning are the unconditioned stimulus, the unconditioned response, the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response. In the operant conditioning, extinction occurs when reinforcement for a response is terminated and the rate of that response declines.

6-cognitive approaches to learning

cognitive learning theoryan approach to the study of learning that that focuses on the thought processes that underlie learning.latent learninglearning in which a new behavior is acquired but is not demonstrated until some incentive is provided for displaying it. ON6-COGNITIVE APPROACHES TO LEARNING SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13.

Is liberal autocracy the optimum form of governance for lesser developed countries

Andre Lim, Joshua Tjahjadi August 2011 1743 Words Hypothesis: Liberal autocracy is the optimal system of governance for lesser-developed countries Democracy at home, and abroad: In this essay, the authors aim to compare the systems of governance in Indonesia and Singapore, as well as how their differences have led to varied repercussions in both countries; β†’

However, teaching hospital resulting in primary and routine

With its concentration of health professionals, a hospital is in a position to effectively supervise and monitor PHC work, in addition to providing primary care through the hospital- staffed mobile and outreach clinics. The secondary care role of the hospital would support PHC by providing referral from primary health services, technical and logistic support and β†’

Detecting plagiarism assignment

Please refer to the Center for Writing Excellence for more details on pap writing standards, a cite and reference generator, and also what I think will be the most useful tool for you to avoid future confusion about plagiarism, is the plagiarism checker. The second time you submit popularized work you will be suspended for β†’

Government of gb assignment

The head of the state The head of the state is monarch. One Important duty Is the choice of Prime Minister, although by convention the monarch chooses the leader of the party with a majority in the House of Commons.

Power and control in one flew over cuckoo’s nest essay sample

Both Ken Kesey the author of the novel One Flew Over Cuckoo's Nest and Milos Forman the director of the film version, expose us to power and control strong nurses and aids acquire. The difference between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched is that he is trying to earn his freedom back and she has the power β†’

Many of todays drivers have dangerous habits

Even as the accident figures show an upward mark and we all think of the alarm that it brings with it, rash drivers and motorists with little regard for the safety of others continue to masquerade as a fatal threat to the road users. He suffered a severe shock and when he climbed out of β†’

African american family & resistance

The reasons behind the slave owners wish for control over the religious schooling of their slaves was not only that by this method they could ensure that the slaves learned to turn the proverbial other cheek, as Christianity preached, but also that this was the only way to ensure that the slaves did not read β†’

Free time college

Some people prefer to plan every activity for their free time in their life and someone does not like " strict" plans. It's OK to do once in a while, and the kids enjoy it.

Neolithic art and architecture paper

The people of Catal Hoyuk were Neolithic arm and toolmakers.particularly in the usage of obsidian. The 3rd and concluding stage of Stonehenge is known as the rock memorial.

Enterpreneurship theories and practice essay

A model proposed by the Forum of Private Business, for instance, does not stop at maturity, but includes the stages of ' decline' and ' termination', while the Krueger model recognises that the beginning of trading is not itself the start of the process but that there are stages before the formation of the business β†’

Jonathan edwards’s sinners in the hands of an angry god: annotated bibliography of its critique essay

Included in the book are the authoritative/definitive version of the sermon; essays that tell how the sermon came about and place it in historical and theological context. It serves as a sampling of Edwards' " theological, philosophical and personal writings to contextualize the sermon in the life and thought of the man; a number of β†’

The effect of osmosis on a potato cell

During the process of osmosis, the water leaves the cells of the potato to the solution outside. The potato in the saturated solution will be the lightest because the water from the potato will travel to the solution to even out the concentrations because the water in the potato is at higher concentration.


The centre aims to bring together technical, organisational and legal expertise and research activities in the area of cybercrime in order to produce up-to-date scientific output and evaluations and advice.1. The exchange and handling of digital evidence in the whole chain of criminal prosecution, including the preservation of digital evidence; The organisational and legal aspects β†’

Transportation &solution methodsls assignment

Table B-37 The Opportunity Cost Table with the Line Test Notice in Table B-36 that the assignment of team A to Atlanta means that no other team can be assigned to that game. A test to determine whether four unique assignments exist in Table B-36 is to draw the minimum number of horizontal or vertical β†’

The shaping of triton’s life

In the novel Triton holds an insider/ outsider status in the Salgado household, which is instrumental in many of the events that leads up to the awakening of his maturity. Triton unfortunately becomes an " outsider" in the household as well because he is not a social equal to Salgado or any of the other β†’

Franz kafka’s β€˜in the penal colony’: a microcosmic enactment of the historical interaction between the colonial and post-colonial discourse

Such domination is accompanied by the use of brute force, and is essentially exploitative in nature, as it works to the benefit of the dominant group, and to the abuse of the exploited one. The proud stubbornness of the colonizers reflects in the stoic determination of the officer; the submissive colonized represented in the meekness β†’

The body in the chronic illness sociology essay

Kelly and Field in their paper " Medical sociology, chronic illness and the body", point out that from the perspective of the person who has the illness and in whose body the physical or psychological pathology exists, the illness will be felt in a variety of ways. They also argue that the extent to which β†’

How strong is your faith religion essay

For example, in the Hindu faith they have a God in which goes by the name of Shiva, believed to be the " restorer and destroyer of worlds", which gives Shiva the persona of being one of the most temperamental gods of any faith. He has a painting at the foot of the Pulpit of β†’

Strategic marketing management of the eat sandwich shops

The prepared food is also sold in the same day Its mission is to be the number one for sandwiches and soups from a united team that is passionate about being the best in the bakery. Source: www.eat.co.uk EAT's vision is to be the number one for sandwiches and soups from a united team that β†’

Rates of respiration in peas experiment

It is implied from this law that when the temperature and pressure are constant, the volume of the gas is directly proportional to the amount of molecules of gas, that if the temperature and volume were constant, then the gas pressure changes in direct proportion to the number of gas molecules there are, that if β†’

Curriculum: education and louisiana content standards

HIDDEN- The hidden curriculum Is the covert, or Implicit, Implied by the very structure of the school buildings. As you look at the structure of the school, Is there a computer room, or Is technology evident in every classroom?

Jock vs nerds

Segura English 111 4 Nov 2011 Jocks Vs Nerds The main two types of college students are the jocks and the nerds. When the jocks are in the gym and on the field, the nerds can, most of the time, be found with their noses in a book somewhere.

Steroids control gas exchange in plants

Observations and questions leading to the experiment: Weeds growing in the field soil get damaged to various extents when subjected to the. The questions raised are: What causes the weeds to be susceptible to the Herbicide Glyphosate?

Answer product as it takes longer for

The glucose is locked up in cell and Italso enables the glucose to go on to step 2 of glycolysis. The concentration of fructose 1, 6bisphosphate is very high in the cells which is formed due to high -ve gibbs free energy.

Science, health, and wellness

Science, Health, and Wellness: Lisa Katic, the Senior Food & Health Policy Advisor to the Grocery Manufacturers of America represented the association's perspective on the issue of obesity and overweight problems among American citizens. A better approach to tackling obesity and overweight, the GMA believes, is through educating the consumer about what comprises a balanced β†’

Its our actions that show us who we really are j.k rowling (critical lens)

Another powerful example in literature that demonstrates the prominence of human actions determining who one truly is occurs in Ernest Hemingway's the Old Man and the Sea. In conclusion, this essay has considered William Shakespeare's Hamlet and Ernest Hemingway's the Old Man and the Sea, in demonstrating the importance of action in determining human character.

Functions of guidance essay

From some of the understanding guidance put forward by the experts it can be concluded about a broader understanding of the guidance, that guidance is:" A process of providing assistance to individuals in a sustainable and systematic, conducted by an expert who has received special training for it, intended for the individual to understand himself, β†’

Greed, loyalty, and courage essay

A quote from the story that portrays this trait is, " But I will fight again, seek fame still, if the dragon hiding in his tower dares to face me. This trait is what gives Beowulf the mindset to accomplish everything that he does in the story.

Discuss the characteristics and causes of one type of challenging behaviour

A user who suffers from a severe case of ADHD is seen to have a foul mouth because that is a way for them to express their anger and frustrations. It could leave the parents feeling a sense of regret and sadness of having to take care of the user all day long because it β†’

Alcoholism/chemical dependency diseases

Treats all persons included in the intervention process with care and concern, and works to preserve the dignity and self-respect of the chemically dependent person.7. The spouse and children of a chemically dependent person have an undeclared agreement to not are family secrets It does not occur to the children to talk aboutthe bizarre behavior β†’

The life history of wu ze tian flashcard

This step of changing her name meant that she had almost similar powers to her husband and that she was ready to take the roles she was given as the Empress. Empress Wang had planned to overthrow the Empress Wu Zetian regime from power by claiming that she was the first wife of her last β†’

Sympathy for the devil

I noticed that one of the lines " every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints seems to suggest that the devil is not that bad, and that all people have some devil in them. The sound of the instruments matches the lyrics of the song, singing about overthrowing government and the blitzkrieg.

Team administrator

In business sector around the world, innovation idea is seen as the key brand differentiating factor with the ability to generating new brand and create a whole new market or to transform an industry, whereas the acts of entrepreneurship is often associated with true uncertainty especially when it involves bringing something new to the business. β†’

Jebel ali

Jebel Ali is a port town located 35 kilometers southwest of the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The expansion of Jebel Ali port commenced in 2001, which is the master plan of the port.

Wide awake

In the very beginning she states that she's wide awake, meaning that she has come to realize her mistakes and is seeing things from a different point of view now after the fact. Using repetition to create a mood for the song and to hook the listeners into listening to the story behind of the β†’

Passenger ships issues in philippines

Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the compliance of selected passenger ships berthing in Lillo Domestic Port on ML 2006 Guideline, 83.1. 11 Specifically, this study sought to answer the following question: 1) What is the percentage of compliance of the selected passenger ships berthing and ship visit arrangement)?

Improving eye care rural india

How private entrepreneurship is taking quality oculus attention to the rural multitudes Introduction CATARACT refers to the clouding of the lens in the human oculus, impacting vision.[ 1 ] In the underdeveloped universe, cataract is the cause for sightlessness in about half the unsighted population i.e. Furthermore, this paper will utilize the Drawn-outTechnology-Community-Management theoretical account β†’

Usain st leo bolt – the fastest man in the world

By looking to the sides, Bolty would lose time and his focus. He would teach Bolty how to become a better runner, and Bolty would work hard.

The impacts of media on pakistans economy media essay

But in recent decades a sharp rise in the media industry has turned the direction of economy where even though most of the population still resides in the rural areas, the power of media has increased the influence on its over all economy. Its effects on country's politics are massive and I would like to β†’

Novels nature of the events narrated, and

Novels are fictitious stories intended to give pleasure to the reader by the interesting nature of the events narrated, and of the characters who take part in the action. To do this we may take five or six hours, during which we are to a large extent blind and deaf to all that is going β†’

Case study assignment

The primary focus of this case study is the understanding and application of fixed costs, variable costs, the least-squares method, and the high-low method. 1 5, 000 Fixed cost per month=$l, 100 Cost formula: Total monthly administrative cost = $1, 100 + $XX, where X is the number of patients for the month.

Incentive spirometry essay sample

The preparation of the patient before the incentive spirometry procedure will be further explain to the student. Content Definition of Incentive Spirometry The purpose of Incentive Spirometry Inspiration and Expiration Mechanism Indications of Incentive Spirometry Contraindications of Incentive Spirometry Patient preparation for Incentive Spirometry Procedure To withhold or not to withhold patient's medication.

Parking guidelines essay sample

They have requested that a reminder be issued to all employees in order to clarify the parking assignments. Day shift employees have the option of loaning their parking space to their co-workers if they are sure that they will not need to use their slot on a particular day.

Arc de triomphe literary analysis essay sample

In his past life, he was one of the leading surgeons in the country, but now he should use the fictitious name of Ravik and hide from the authorities. Arc de Triomphe shows us the last year from the peaceful, Parisian life of the doctor, which began with an acquaintance with the Italian singer and β†’

Ehtno-drama (drama creation) baed on ell(english language learner) interview

He was so excited to land in America the first time and valued to have an experience of the advancements that the Americans had progressed in especially in technology. He was surprised that even to date the whites despise on the blacks and segregate on each other.

Ford pinto case

In the case of the Ford Pinto, Ford engineers determined that the car's design poses a high probability of danger to life and limb of its riders, and such concern was communicated to the management and the government agency. A Critique of the Maximin Principle in Rawls' Theory of Justice.

Risk in building house

Qualitative risk analysis: This step is one of the most important steps of all, the risks that have been made note of should be dealt with and the best way of dealing with these risks is to have backups or plan B. Monitoring reduces the risks involved in building a house, after the process of β†’

Personal statement

I believe that I am born with a deep, innate desire to lend a helping hand to those who are less fortunate than I am and it is this passion which primarily contributed to my development and growth as an individual and elevated my soul to attain greater things. Thus, I grow up instilled with β†’

Cover letter for natural areas supervisor position

In addition to working as a team leader in the Health Professional Society, I also served as a member of the Executive Board. In these leadership roles, I have obtained the skills necessary to be a conscientious supervisor of personnel and a true team player.

Tracing biopower:a foucauldian reading of t.s. eliots poems – thesis proposal example

The paper will be a comparative analysis of the three poems with reference to the concept of biopower in Foucault's later works. My contention is that a close reading of the poems will reveal the effects of biopower in Eliot's time and provide useful links to problematise the identities of his characters.

Background to hrm at general motors corporation

The entry wage of the planetary car manufacturer is dictated by the labour Torahs of each market of operation and therefore varied with the United States of America being the highest irrespective by occupation classs. Effective execution of the Human Resource Management systems will assist General Motors Corporation in categorizing employees harmonizing to their productiveness β†’

Floyd mayweather jr. is pro blood testing

He then goes on saying that the performance-enhancing drug test is what he really wants to pursue the fight against Pacquiao. Because of this, Pacquiao filed a case against Mayweather for defamation and the latter is past due to present a deposition in the case filed at the federal court in Nevada.

Public figures essay sample essay

Media coverage of public figures should be near and the people should be informed about what their leaders are making. The media should merely watch and describe on public figures if what they are making is illegal or immoral or if it would impact the state in a damaging manner.

Chronicle of a death foretold analysis

In the novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold by, Gabriel Marguez, the characters lack individualization and the communal values determine the events of the town. The perfunctoriness of the peoples faith matches that of the bishops blessing as he passes by without stopping: " It was a fleeting illusion: the bishop began to make the β†’

Logged in as jolie cizewski, instructor

ANSWER: from the electron toward the electron out of the page into the page Part C Find the magnitude of the magnetic field that the electron produces at the location of the nucleus. ANSWER: into the page out of the page Direction of the Magnetic Field due to a Wire Conceptual Question Find the direction β†’