Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Waterfall model and spiral model essay

In Waterfall model there will be no involvement of customer, only at the beginning of the project the customer is involved. After the whole project is completed the project is given to the customer, until then there will be no involvement of the customer.

The anatomy of the eye and the physiology of the vision

Vision is our one of our dominant sense: 70% of all the sensory receptors in the body are in the eyes, and almost half of the cerebral cortex is involved in some aspect of the visual processing. The function of the oblique muscles is to move the eye in the vertical plane when the eyeball β†’

Meaning of life argumentative

It is the journey on TRACKS, with TRACKS, towards TRACKS, and away from TRACKS; tracks that take us to fates and destinations; tracks that brew and bake our journey and disband it too; tracks that mould the living and the non-living and demould them too; tracks that activate the existence and pacify it too. TRACKS β†’

International human rights which violates religious rights theology religion essay

Other than that, Allah besides said in verse 7 of Surah Al-Hasyr: " Whatever Allah restored to His Messenger from the people of the towns, it is for Allah and for the Messenger, and for the near of family and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, so that it be non taken by β†’

Kehrs compensatory model in public sector cuts essay

Contents Decision Kehr ' s theoretical account of compensatory theoretical account of work motive and will integrates inexplicit and expressed motivations and the possibility of intrapersonal struggle, the volitional mechanisms to decide such struggle, and the impact of the said procedures to comprehend abilities and problem-solving. Another cardinal penetration that be derived from Kehr ' β†’

Is slim handicapped – of mice and men

Candy's dog is very precious to him, not only because he had been with him ever since he was a pup but also because he could see himself in the dogs place after a very short period of time. Physically, because he does not have a hand and mentally, because of the fear he has.

The medusa and the snail mistakes

Although some people do use their past mistakes to learn and grow as a person, not all are this wise. It is hard to make such a hasty generalization such as all people learn by " trial and error", and expect it to be accurate.


It is also important to note that suggestions directed by the hypnotherapist are beneficial to the client as they aim to be in the direction of change of the client desires. Lastly, it is all important for the client to discuss with their hypnotherapist any anxieties, previous conceptions of hypnosis and fears in the initial β†’

Baddeley’s working memory model

This perspective suggests that working memory holds only the most recently stimulated portion of long term memory, and transfers it into and out of brief, temporary memory storage." According to Baddeley and Hitch the working memory plays an important role in supporting a whole range of complex everyday cognitive activities including reasoning, language comprehension, long-term β†’

A comparison of saudi arabia and liberal democracies politics essay

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia, also called the Land of Two Holy Mosques: Mecca and Medina, is a country located in the Middle East at the southwestern side of the Continent of Asia. In a liberal democracy a citizen is under the protection of the constitution from the powers of the government.

Benefits of community health centers

Expansion of healthcare centers already proven to provide quality care is intended to improve the quality of care for a greater number of people. Despite the lack of substantial increase in primary care providers, community health centers demonstrated the ability to continue delivering high-quality care during the period of rapid growth and expansion.

Ethical issues in marketing vulnerable customer groups

So, it is in the interest of the company to screen such things and make them suitable so as to match to the tastes and preferences of their target market. Due to globalization of the markets and hence the marketing practices, the marketers have to deal with the ethical issues arising in cross-cultural scenario.

Volunteer management has become an important issue management essay

The Urban Institute in 2004 confirmed that there was a correlation between the amounts of time a staff member spent on volunteer management and the ability of the organization to handle additional volunteers. In a study by Cuskelly, Taylor, Hoye and Darcy, the implementation of the Human Resource Management approach to volunteer management and retention β†’

John f. kennedy assassination essay

John Connally was riding in the same car as Kennedy and was sitting in the passenger seat in front of the president. George Burkley came to the hospital shortly after the president was shot and looked at the head wound and said that it was the cause of death.

India and the competitive advantage of its retail industry

The India Retail Industry is the largest among all the industries, accounting for over 10 per cent of the country's GDP and around 8 per cent of the employment [source: Appendix-A]. B&Q was founded in 1969 and is the largest DIY retailer in Europe, the largest in China and the third largest in the world, β†’

Agnew’s general strain theory (gst) summary and analysis

Anger and depression are often are the results of failing to achieve goals, such as a student struggling to fit in with his peers or with the loss of a positively valued stimuli such as a friend or family member. For example, the finding that " anger is unrelated to the likelihood of legitimate coping," β†’

It and mis 11252

IT has developed into a popular and a well paying job entering the 21st century. According to Khawaja, " Government owned companies are less challenging In conclusion, the development of information technology has transformed itself into a popular and a well paying job entering the new millennium.

Studies whereas, ~10-20% of dmrs are negatively

Higher levels of DMRs in specific accessions of a species that are associated with functional variation of genes are reckoned to be responsible for maintenance of epigenetic regulation in these accessions. EpiRILs can bring out the cryptic information within the genome that has been silenced due to DNA methylation in a portion of the progeny β†’

Kinds of probation

Therefore, I would like to survey and interview the domestic violence victims bearing in mind the ethical considerations associated with such interviews, as well as the privacy or confidentiality of the information acquired. Due to this, my research would take a qualitative approach, ensuring that the confidentiality of the respondents is assured before the commencement β†’

Single mothers and children

A significant portion of the homeless comprises of women with children and children, who comprise the majority of the homeless people in society. In families where the woman is the head of the family, it is quite common to find that they are poorer than two-parent families because of the existence of a single income β†’

Chem 1

Heat taken out of water = specific heat of water x wt.of water x temperature difference = 4. 5 X J Heat absorbed by ice = heat of fusion of ice x wt.of ice = 333.


Therefore, media can be considered as a booster of obesity in the public, and specially the youngsters. These are only some of the many ways in which media has ruined the society.

Social learning theory

11 March Social Learning Theory: Social Learning Theory is one of the numerous theories of learning and emphasizes upon the occurrence of learning in a social environment. Social Learning Theory and the Explanation of Crime.

European values essay

My answer is that the map of Europe is defined in the minds of Europeans. Enlargement is a matter of extending the zone of European values, the most fundamental of which are liberty and solidarity, tolerance and human rights, democracy and the rule of law." In his words Olli Rehn defines Europe and European values β†’

Research of the tingunee essay

Upon my return, I will hope to be the first person to have a basic understanding of the Tingunee culture. After I have been a part of the Tingunee culture, I then will be able to further analyze and document what I have learned and give an account for my findings.

Social and cultural views of healthy and unhealthy human sexuality

From a social perspective, the male has always been the person who went to work and provided for the family but due to the economic changes and the opportunities woman now have the female hold employment that equal or succeed the male income earnings. However, many people live in fear to express their sexuality due β†’

Is the ability to read and write more important today than in the past essay

But with rapid changes in the society and scientific advancement of human race over the decades, the necessity and importance of reading and writing has increased remarkably. Several reasons account for the lesser importance of reading and writing in the past.

The element of disguise in as you like it and much ado about nothing

Apparently Orlando's character conform to the conventions of literature and poetry on how to deal with love, holding the idea that love is a sickness that brings pain and suffering to the lover and the assumption that the male lover is automatically the slave or servant of his mistress. With boldness, imagination and disguise, Rosalind β†’

Animal farm and stolen bacillus

Wells was born in 1866 and died in 1946; he was the author of many books including ' Time Machine', ' The Invisible Man' and ' The Stolen Bacillus'. The anarchist is inspired by the bacteriologists work on the ' cholera' when they were discussing the effects of it and the bacteriologist explains to him β†’

Ultimate goal for performance success

In an effort to explicate anxiousness reading differences, Jones, proposed a theoretical account of control, whereby jocks ' anxiousness reading was governed by the assurance in their ability to command behavior and the environment in which to accomplish their ends. The theoretical account explains that a more positive anticipation of end attainment is attendant of β†’

Atticus finch is an exemplary father

He teaches his children and the people of Maycomb how to stand up for one's belief in the face of prejudice and ignorance even when faced with the possibility of being looked down upon and scorned. His methods of teaching, exampling and communication make his role in To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the β†’

Non monetary system of reward

Complete delegation of power and authority may lead to its misuse and misuse of the company's resources thus this method of reward system may be undesirable. The share ownership method of reward helps in creating a sense of ownership and workers are bound to work harder as they become owners of the organization.

The evaluation of toefl test

The speed of listening Is normal speed and sometimes, the listening test involves in different voices of pronunciation to make test takers know and listening test as we discussed above. Nevertheless, due to the test is based on Internet, that is, speaking section also needs to be tested in the computer, and it brings a β†’

The mixtape

Lonely Akon In the song the singer's girlfriend runs away and now he is lonely and his whole life has come crashing down, and " he has nobody to call his own." This song relates to the theme of Holden's loneliness. Use Somebody- Kings of Leon In this song the singer talks about how lonely β†’

The role of cosmetic surgery in korea society

The role of cosmetic surgery in Korea societyIn the past, cosmetic surgery was once thought to be the exclusive domain of celebrity. What is the role of cosmetic surgery in Korea society In other words, what is the factor that makes Korean people have an obsession with cosmetic surgery I think that cosmetic surgery is β†’

The history of christianity

Essay: The history of Christianity According to the scholar John Dominic Crossan, Jesus who is often called Jesus of Nazareth by the lakeside is the honorable divine savior of this world full of barbarian civilization, social violence and injustice and the historical Jesus is not complete the same Jesus Christ depicted in the Bible. In β†’

Star river electronics assignment

To compute for the Return on Assets and Return on Equity of Star River in 2002 and 2003.V. To find the rate of interest of New Era Loan, multiply the borrowings of bond issue and short term borrowings to their rates then deduct the total of the two interest amounts from the total interest expense β†’

The zimbabwean government implemented the economic structural cultural studies essay

The study seeks to give a detailed analysis of the media environment since the abandonment of ESAP by the government of Zimbabwe as well as flesh out the operations of the various media stakeholders and investigate how they have operated, related and responded thus far to the changes experienced since the abandonment of ESAP in β†’

Identification of the risk construction essay

In our case there are following riskLand slide = a land slide is something which is commonly find in slope area it may happen because of the poor upper layer of the soil. Site safety is the way in which we make our site safe for future and present.

Dark beauties in shakespeare’s sonnets and sidney’s “astrophil and stella”

No longer did the brown hair of " Alison" only serve to distinguish her from the pack; the features of the new " Dark Lady" became more pronounced and sullied, and her eroticized associations with the foreignness of the New World grew more explicit through conceits of colonization. The range of environment sky, sea, land, β†’

Adult psychosocial adjustment to exposure to interparental violence in childhood

The first goal was to document the prevalence and spectrum of the violence as well as the nature and extent of the violence between parent's during childhood. The second was to examine the relationship between the extent of reported interparental violence in childhood and prevalence adverse outcomes that occurred later in life.

The association between alzheimer’s disease and heart disease

The risk factors of Alzheimer's disease, blocked blood flow, and genetic components have been studied to see a possible association between heart disease and Alzheimer's. This paper utilizes this information to look at the risk factors of Alzheimer's disease, blocked blood flow, and the APOE gene/pathology to find the association between Alzheimer's disease and heart β†’

Customer behaviour towards local apparel brands in pakistan

Therefore the problem statement is," Why Pakistani Apparel brands are not so successful in the market as compared with international brands and on which bases customer change their buying preferences?" The Objectives of conducting this research on success factors in branding of apparel industry are; To critically examine the theory relating to consumer behavior towards β†’

Facilitating change in health and social care management

An inspection was conducted on 21th and 22th of November 2016, and on the 13 of December 2016 unannounced by the Care Quality Commission and the outcome of the inspection indicated that Beacon Edge Care Home has not made any improvement based on the recommendations of the first inspection conducted by CQC and the home β†’

Collapse and recovery of the malaysian economy economics essay

The crisis started in Thailand with the financial collapse of the Thai baht caused by the decision of the Thai government to float the baht, cutting its peg to the USD, after exhaustive efforts to support it in the face of a severe financial overextension that was in part real estate driven. A proof of β†’

Earnings quality assessment

A quality of earnings assessment of PepsiCo is applied to the various techniques to analyze accounting income and economic income. According to Schroeder, Clark, and Cathey quality of earnings is " the degree of correlation between a company's accounting and its economic income".

This of public opinion. statistical analysis is

In some Western countries ' public opinion polls' or ' Gallup Polls' are held to assess the opinion of the people on the performance and policies of the government and the holders of office and on matters of public importance. Even a slight drift in public opinion is investigated and its repercussions on the opinion β†’

Therefore, consisting of key functionaries of the

To execute the disaster plan, the hospital should have a Disaster Committee consisting of key functionaries of the hospital, viz.the Director, or the Medical Superintendent, Administrative Officer, Heads of Clinical Units including operation theatres and casualty, Matron, and Officers in Charge of Transport, Supply, Security and Communications. The primary task of the Disaster Committee is β†’

Federal government assignment

To what extent did the Federalist administrations of George Washington and John Adams promote national unity and advance the authority of the federal government? As a result, their administrations were built around promotion of national unity and advancements of the authority of the federal government.

It religion and death are the main subjects

Inresponse to this socialization, it is interesting to note the use of the word " MISFIT" the grandmother used to describe the killer. On the other hand, in the " Lottery" there is no direct reference to religionbut the lottery itself serves as a symbol of sacrificial killing.

Aristotle’s beliefs essay sample

In his Physics and Metaphysics Aristotle discussed the material and formal causes Plato used and also the efficient and final causes. Aristotle also perceived God in the beginning as well as the end as the prime mover and in the present as completely actual in contrast to the concept of potential.

Essential requisites of an ideal form of business organisation essay sample

Answer:- Before undertaking a description of the various forms of organisation and their respective merits and weaknesses it will be desirable to refer to the features which make for an ideal form of business organisation. The various characteristics of an ideal form of organisation are to be taken into consideration.

Housing; dmv; medical insurance

Tenants have to keep the premises clean as the requirements of the premises permits. The final step is to find a DMV office where the applicant will undertake a driver's licence test.

Compare movie doubt with the novel doubt

Some of the general difference we find in ' A Parable' and ' Doubt' the movie is that the script of the play is more direct and more compact as when compared to the script of the movie Doubt. The scene involving the cat and the mouse was not part of the play but was β†’

Advantages of cctv essay

In conclusion, crime prevention using CCTVs is not the only way to combat crime and anti-social behaviour, but it is one of the practical ways that should be implemented. There are some countries that install CCTVs in public areas for the purpose of deterring crime and anti-social behaviour such as United Kingdom.

Itd-110 unit 1 exam set 3 essay

hierarchical, linear, and randomSelect the three most common methods of organizing web sites.both a and bSelect the recommended design practice that applies to a web site using images for main site navigation.provide alternative text for the imagesconfigure text hyperlinks at the bottom of the pageCorrect both a and bno special considerations are needed60KBLimit the file β†’

Why french mothers are superior essay

She tries to make a message by the Informative message function, where she focus on the intents and the factual information that the American children are not as raised as the French. It is like she is speaking to us, she is being serious about her message and the problem with the children, deploring that β†’

Payton’s trip to disney world essay

Cinderella was welcoming all of her guests to the park and inviting them to her castle in the Magic Kingdom to have dinner with her. The day before we left Disney World, Payton finally got to have dinner with Cinderella in her magical castle.

Mammals of asia and fallow deer

For most deer in modern English usage, the male is called a " buck" and the female is a " doe", but the terms vary with dialect, and especially according to the size of the species. The adjective of relation pertaining to deer is cervine; like the family name " Cervidae", this is from Latin: β†’

From sula to oscar wao: interpreting sex in literature

In Audre Lorde's essay " Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power," sex is described as an instrument of power for women, as a tool to be used to empower and lift the self out of repression, imposed by both others and the self. It is something often taken by men, with or without β†’

Insights from 1964: the case against setting β€˜the secret life of bees’ in a later time period

Throughout the novel, Lily sees a lot of racial injustice, but if the novel took place after the civil rights movement it would not have had the same effect, because the racial discrimination was not as prominent then. If this was written after the civil rights movement, it would not be uncommon for interracial partners, β†’

Hobbes features of sovereignty philosophy essay

However, he suggests that as a pre-requisite for this model to function as expected, sovereignty to the higher power should be absolute, and as a result, this authority will have the mandate to stipulate all the laws and principles that will govern the organization of life of these people. Owing to the thinking and acting β†’

Benefits of learning through play

Play is a very important part of a child's development, and can affect their development in a number of ways, there is a collection of principles that were formed to look at the value of play in nurturing a child's development, this is called the 'play Cycle'. Intellectual development-This type of play does not necessarily β†’

Effect of stem cell treatment on blood cancer patients

In spite of the fact that stem cell transplants can help many patients, notwithstanding giving a few people a possibility for a cure, the choice to have a transplant is not simple. To get enough peripheral blood stem cells for a transplant, the contributor takes a white cell development, for example, granulocyte-state fortifying variable medication, β†’

Grapes of wrath american dream

In the book the American Dream is corrupted by greed, exploitation, and lack of compassion. The Joads' family American Dream is corrupted by greed, exploitation, and lack of compassion.


One of the earliest examples of sterilization advantage reside in the notes that the state's interest in limiting the growth of the Black population coincided with the expansion of post-World War II welfare provisions that have allowed many African-Americans to leave exploitative jobs. As with forcible sterilization, a divergence appears to be emerging with respect β†’

This group of lean initiatives, treating them

What I conceive to waken the party with this book may be a additional " everyday" approach to the topics underneath discussion, with enough detail and illustration of a number of the fundamental tools of lean to administer the reader a transparent read of a way to implement what we tend to square measure talking β†’

Business & society

Business & Society Name: Course: Date: Business & Society One method in which shareholders can be able to exercise their rights as shareholders is through voting of directors as well as on other corporate matters affecting the corporation such as approving of changes to the articles of incorporation, approving of mergers and acquisitions, sale of β†’

Fighting should not be allowed in hockey essay sample

But in my opinion hockey should be banned from the NHL Not good for the human body in general, its partially illegal, and it will bring out the true fans in hockey. Fighting adds a certain entertainment aspect to the game; it draws in fans because truth is told hockey without fighting would be kind β†’

Social class in to kill a mockingbird argumentative

In To Kill a Mockingbird, a novel by Harper Lee, the symbols of the mockingbird and the snowman helped to develop the underlying idea of social and racial prejudice in the text. In the novel, Harper Lee uses the mockingbird as a symbol to help develop the main ideas of prejudice and innocence.

Three men in a boat summary

This house was subsequently donated to the Church to construct a " Kurishum Thotty" by the household members after the Heavenly Abode of Thirumeni. On the 3rd twenty-four hours of the supplication.while jook was being served to the hapless people on the Northern side of the Church at the Chethimattom Field.the sky darkened and heavy β†’

Why china is medc

The death rate is low because of reasons such as there is good healthfacilities which obviously means that people can be treated betterlowering the chance of death. The death rate is 16per 1000 people in Kenya which is just over double of China.

Eva’s print shop

Eva's - - Print Shop: tripled bottom line operates as a social business and a corporate structure divided in terms of it's two businesses some horizontal connection between the teams but not a clear functional structure hybrid between functional and divisional innovative features: social business integrating the production and the teaching business side bringing inmoneyto β†’

Study of the u.s. economy: past,present, and the future

Over the years the economy of the United States have risen and fallen, we have had some major disasters in our past but it is best that we learn and educate ourselves about them and prepare ourselves for the future in case we do have some more similar dilemmas like the Great depression or recession. β†’

Modernity and anti-modernity in stoker’s dracula

Present research paper seeks to provide the analysis of modernity's and anti-modernity's reflection in Stoker's masterpiece Dracula, which was created in the end of Victorian era in England. Seen from the philosophical and ideological perspectives, it may be said that modernity should be regarded as emancipation of free subject from the burden of feudal oppression, β†’

Ethical issues in the uk government

In the case of the UK government, the legislative branch consists of the Cabinet, which is made up of government ministers who are responsible for making and deciding laws. In the property market demand outstrips supply and some of the determinants of this is due to the increases in population, the obtainability of available property β†’

Health promotion in adult nursing: adult asthma case study

As already mentioned asthma is a long-term chronic condition and although chronic illness is not a newly-recognised phenomenon, the incidence and prevalence has significantly increased over the second half of the 20th century and continues to rise in the 21st century. It is important that the stage of change is re-evaluated regularly, and that the β†’

Customer relationship management practices in hsbc plc

So, at HSBC Personal Banking, customer enquiries are considered the critical service moment for customers in the Post-purchase customer process. For customer enquiries to the customer service centre, as mentioned in the At-purchase process, there are dozens of Day and Night Centers in Hong Kong to specially deal with customer enquiries.

Starbucks corporation marketing audit and corporate strategy

I have chosen The Starbucks Coffee Company because I like to drink coffee and I like to drink it in Starbucks. I believe that in the process of work I will find and use the newest sources of information as possible.

Principles in locating manufacturing sites

This essay researches three major theories for locating retail services, and investigates the rationale behind spatial clustering of retail stores. In a regional scale, retail centres with low-order stores such as fast food shops and convenience stores are located closer to each other because consumers of these services have low incentive to travel a long β†’

Sex specific dominance reversal maintains genetic variation for fitness in drosophila melanogaster

Recently it has been proposed that the ability of sexually antagonistic selection to maintain genetic variance in fitness is augmented by the presence of sex-specific dominance reversal, where alleles which promote fitness in one sex, are dominant in that sex [4, 8]. On sexually antagonistic loci, it has been theoretically demonstrated that unequal dominance between β†’

Chemistry report

The volumetric flask is filled with three-quarters of the flask and then, the flask is stoppered and mixed well. 0mL of the iron solution is pipetted into a clean 250mL conical flask.

Literature form 5

IN THE MIDST OF HARDSHIP SYNOPSIS In this poem, the poet tells of the situation of a farmer and his family. She has made a mistake of trusting the man because she has refused to listen to the advice not ' to compromise', that is, lower her standards or expectations in order to please a β†’

Imperialism assignment

But as they soon realized the trouble of importing these materials and the money wasted the U.S. While the idea of America becoming imperialist was not discussed it slowly happened as many other countries started to become a threat to the U.

Education: aspect is the ratio in our society

One is who are inthe favour of co education and want to introduce in all school and colleges. The supporters of co-education also say that in a progressivesociety, men and women should come closer.

Pro-gun rights essay sample

The argument on gun control stem from the fundamental right that Americans feel have been bestowed by the constitution against the problems the society is experiencing as a result of those guns. Those against gun control have argued that the inclusion of the term militia here did not apply to the normal citizens but subsequent β†’

Transfer and objectives

To be in a good position, a person needs a good platform and this is what I hope to achieve through transferring myself to the New York University- Leonard N. The New York University is an organization of prestige which will provide me with the best opportunities to pursue my career in the field of β†’

Power and politics

Now that he is the President of US has conferred upon him legitimate power and also reward and coercive powers that come along with the highest post of that country. At that point referent and expert powers propelled him to the position of undisputed leader of Germany.

The making of the cat essay

According to the more-popular soup theory, chemical evolution first took place in the upper atmosphere, where ultraviolet radiation from the sun could generate an assortment of simple and complex organic molecules out of the basic components of the atmos- phere. It is not the number of differing compounds that provide the secret of DNA's success, β†’

Schizophrenia, a splitting of the mind

The theory that schizophrenia is caused by the neurotransmitter dopamine is a popular theory based upon the range of drugs that are effective in treating schizophrenia. Also if we believe that the symptoms are a reflection of the cause it is also not unreasonable to think stress can trigger schizophrenia.

Mammal classified

These are the most familiar mammals to people, and it is also the largest subclass. While all mammals reproduce sexually and have live young, the gestational periods are different in different classes.

The true universal business theory

Before we begin and prove that the stakeholder approach is the victor amongst the three, we need to first understand what are the characteristics, history, and pros and cons of each approach is. To begin, the shareholder approach utilizes normative claims, and in text is defined as a method to increase value by following the β†’

Holocaust experience in the book β€˜night’ by elie wiesel essay

In the Wiesel's Night story, Eliezer is depicted as the main character who witnesses and survives the Jewish holocaust. Eliezer's depiction in the story as the main character in the story is that of a humble and religious young man.

Akiko and amanda ngoho reavey: survival through identity formation

Her birth mother names her Marilyn, which is a name that she carries with her through her first foster home, and a name that ties her both to that family and to the one she left behind. Indeed, when she imagines a meeting with her mother, she describes telling her that " you named me β†’

The role of the state in the philippines

There is a cycle of necessities of the development of companies, the consumer, active participation and the involvement of the State in order to form a cycle of all society to participate in the promotion of development and good governance. There is also the necessity of promoting the growth of the mining sector, industrial and β†’

Analysis of grover cleveland’s presidency

A lot of the problem was Cleveland believed people who come to the united states should conform to the customs and traditions in the united states and not the other way around. The US constitution gives congress the right to declare war, but the president meanwhile has the right to direct the military.