Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Executive shirt company essay sample

Planning the Custom Shirt Line Collier knew that the introduction of a custom-sized shirt line would require some changes to the manufacturing process. He proposed that all of the custom shirt operations, from cutting to packaging, be done on a separate assembly line.


As she presents her information to these groups, she reveals that the interest in the results of her study is equaled by the interest in why she would willingly undertake the work and the problems she faced. This includes a literature review of the applicable laws and discussion of how she applied these laws to →

Critically examining the structural wellbeing of boeing engineering

Contents Decision Since the early old ages of the twentieth century, aircraft have had a dramatic structural and public presentation betterments, including the stuffs used in the building of different parts of the aircrafts. Furthermore, by analysing the dependability of the composite stuffs and carefully groking the contrast between the designs based on aluminum and →

Friends. good friends – and such good friends.

It ne'er does deep into the topic but simply touches upon it." The most indispensable characteristic of the essay is personality of attack to the topic of survey and comparative freedom and naturalness of look.which is decidedly contrary to the scientific manner of presentation. Tautologies are besides presented: "...a friend is a friend all the →

Cultural differences in robinson crusoe

The clashes between the cultures in the novel and that of Defoe's contemporaries is also apparent, particularly the themes of imperialism and religion, aspects of eighteenth century life that were seen as imperative to the survival of man. The father refers to the middle class as having the fewest surprises or " vicissitudes", however where →

Test – college essay

Select one of the laws and discuss its implication to your business or a business that you are familiar with. Is it better to have counsel in the United States with offices in the region you are doing business in, or is it better to employ local attorneys in the region?

Benefits of jumma prayer

Once the khutbah commences, the angels close the register and begin listening to the khutbah." To walk to the Masjid if possible for every step is a reward of a year's Nafl Fast One should listen very attentively to the khutba even if one does not understand. If a person walks to Jummah prayer, for →

Sour grapes

Each of these will help the identification of the variation that is happening and will also aid in the analysis, documentation ND organization of the information. The flow chart can show the relationship between the activities and tasks for each process, and give a better idea of how the rejections are happening.

Cultural diversity in criminal justice

Racial disparity occurs when a significant difference is established between the proportion of a racial group in the general population and the proportion of this same group under the control of the criminal justice system. Racial disparity in the criminal justice system exists when the proportion of a racial or ethnic group within the control →

The importance of context and perception in silent spring

With the discovery of DDT as an insecticide in 1939, the use of pesticides in the US grew exponentially. Critics argued that Carson was ignoring the benefits of DDT and pesticides in general.

Tomorrow will be anxious for itself: a close reading of devotion and allusion in “pamela”

A reading of the scene contextualized by Matthew 6 allows the reader to grasp the ways in which Richardson might have used Scripture to ground exposition of the residual anxiety that haunts Pamela in matrimony; at the very least, we see that her inability to accept the bliss afforded to her is allegorical, rather than →

A comparison of materialism, communication, and connection in death of a traveling salesman and neighbor rosicky

Joint critiques of modern materialism and the resulting void in the life of the everyday man, Willa Cather's Neighbor Rosicky and Eudora Welty's Death of a Traveling Salesman illuminate the modernist dilemma of isolation through the characters of Rosicky and and R.J. Bowman, who for fourteen years had traveled for a shoe company though Mississippi, →

Use of stem cells on ageing prevention

There are two main types of stem cells, embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. The Hydras biological immortality can be attributed to its' stem cells which are able to renew and regrow parts of the Hydras' body.

Leading people guiding people influencing people commanding people management essay

To be an effective leader, the manager must influence his associates in a positive way to reach the goals of the organization. In other words, transformational leadership is the ability to get people to want to change, to improve, and to be led.

The socio economic and political structure of belgium

In the course of history, the Franks, the Burgundians, the Spaniards, the Austrians, and the French mixed with the original population. Some 97 percent of the population is classified as urban in 2004.

Critically evaluate whether the financial crisis of 2007-2009 has been a wasted opportunity for regulatory and corporate governance reforms.

The Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2009, rooted from the United States subprime mortgage market, is not the first time in the history of the financial system collapses; crisis like this undermine the public's confidence in the banking sector. Aliber, Manias, panics and crashes: a history of financial crises [2]The Turner Review: A regulatory response to →

Banning smoking in public places

As a result, the WHO decided to pass a law to prohibit smoking in public places to protect people and the environment from the dangers of smoking. Arguably by allowing smoking in public places it is the freedom of non-smokers that is being restricted.

A gender gap in math achievement education essay

It is vital to understand the reasons why the difference in gender has been attributed to the cause in the differences in performance in science and mathematics. In their analysis it is the differences in the experiences of the male and female that is a source of the difference in performance in mathematics.

Uk supermarket industry oligopoly economics essay

It is where the dominant firms within an oligopolistic market work together to try and maximise the profits available to them by restricting output and pushing up price Firms know that they do not have to worry about consumers going to their competitors for cheaper prices as all companies are as attractive as each other →

Eggs industry in malaysia

The accreditation of the overseas poultry and table hen eggs farm is very important because this will help to make sure that the imported poultry and eggs are up to the standards. The country that is entitled for exporting the table hen eggs and poultry broilers to Singapore should follow some of the rules and →

Introduction be discussed within the topic. many

The main purpose of this project is to consider the political and economical situation in the country as the background for more detailed description of the following issues, economy in the business sector and the economic problems the country faces. The general situation in the political and economical life of the country is the best →

In to successfully reverberate teachings of the

The teaching and learning of Religious Education in the classroom is followedby the Archdiocesan Religious Education Curriculum. There is a great differencebetween Catholic schools and public schools in the sense that Catholic schoolspreach and practice the key messages of the Gospel and the teaching of JesusChrist.

Personal plan assignment

Obtaining the results from the multiple questionnaires in my career plan and my personal ethics, will guide me in my academic journey as I work toward receiving my bachelor's degree. My competencies displayed my strengths and weaknesses, which will help me choose my career interest to guide me in my arsenal, academic journey.

Bone tissue essay sample

The close relationship between bone and calcium is the principal processes of calcium metabolism. Bone contains about 99% of calcium in the body and can behave as an adequate buffer for maintenance of a constant level of freely moving calcium in soft tissues, extracellular fluid and blood.3.

Persuasive speech on death penalty

Persuasive Speech against the Death Penalty Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: The purposeof this speech is to give reasons as to why the death penalty should be abolished Specific Purpose: The speech specifically aims at getting the audience to agree to the abolishment of the death penalty. Thesis Statement The death penalty should be abolished →

Letter of transmittal

We work in close collaboration with the teachers of students to achieve realistic goals of students. As outlined above, our dedication to the field of housing and helping students is our core responsibility and we really mean it.

Computers and marketing

Pop-up ads are a form of on-line advertising; I appreciate the creativity of those who made them. Conclusion There has to be a balance between freedom of speech and on the other side, the people who received those ads.

Effects of gambling essay

Due to the bankruptcy of a personal will affected the economic growth. Due to bankruptcy, it caused many people to face unemployment and because of this, it will affect the growth of economic.

Dell external environment

Government control of internet usage in china one of the threats of the growth for the internet and it's the worse reason among all the reasons. A threat in the technological segment to DELL's business in China is that access to the Internet is costly.

Business & admin ba107 telephoe calls essay

Transferring calls- This is available when you need to re direct a call to another colleague or maybe the required person or department the costumer has seed for, you normally do this by pressing the ' transfer' button and the select the line you wish to send the call to.*Answer phone- This is a mail →

My favourite song essay

I know that you might be thinking that the main reason that I like this song is because it is sang by Justine Bibber, and if you are thinking that, you are wrong. The main reason that I like this song is because it brings back memories of my childhood.

Charlotte doyle character analysis

Thirdly, he chose to beat up Cranky to the point his arm had to be cut off, and this brings the crew against him." Captain Jaggier said Mr. Firstly, Ketch decides to sign the round robin, and this causes change in his life." As for Mr.

Ideologies of islam | peace and brotherhood

Islamic terrorism is the common term for violence,[1] rooted on Islamic fundamentalism, and aimed at defending, or even promoting, Islamic culture, society, and values in opposition to the political, allegedly imperialistic, and cultural influences of non-Muslims, and the Western world in particular.[1] Today, it is global terrorism has come to fore of the world politics →

A swot analysis of tourism in malaysia

Tourism Malaysia's goal is to increase their number of foreign visitors to improve Malaysia's economic sector." We aim to showcase Malaysia's unique wonders, attractions and cultures; develop domestic tourism and enhance Malaysia's share of the market for meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions". Due to the low price of accommodations, Malaysia is facing a slow economic →

The strategic positioning of harley davidson

1 THE ENVIRONMENT In order to understand the environment which H-D operates in the following frameworks are used with the aim of helping to identify key issues and challenges and ways of coping with complexity and change.1.1. H-D aspires to increse it consumer demographics, however "...although the younger generation below 35 years of age has →

Blue ocean strategy strategy simulation analysis

The price of the product was fixed much higher than the ' Red box' as the product blue box was very superior to it in a number of ways, some of the features that the blue box continued from the red round products were very similar to Shiny station and Purple player levels and hence →

Challenges and opportunities of the ethiopian coffee sector

Limited use of enhanced technology; land degradation and population pressure; limited access to inputs such as fertilizer, seeds, credit and irrigation; and high costs of quality coffee production and processing are also mentioned as the major challenges of the coffee sector of the country. It is the largest Regional State in Ethiopia in terms of →

Local supermarket operations of an istanbul supermarket business essay

Thus, the output of the operation is the combination of customers and goods sold in the store, implying that customers are satisfied with the provided goods to fulfill their needs. Products are clearly visible to customers and in order to make it easier for customers to find a particular product, Istanbul Supermarket has arranged the →

Attention deficit disorder

Some forms of brain insult have been seen to be causes of hyperactivity such as exposure to lead and environmental toxins, as well as exposure to drugs and alcohol when in the fetus. ADHD expert Russell Barkley, Ph.D.went on a speaking tour to discuss the symptoms of ADHD in adults and the serious consequences of →

About huckleberry finn

For example, in chapter 31 when Jim got picked up as a runaway slave by the Phelps and Heck came back to the raft to look for Jim when he saw the duke and the king there, Heck said, " l would not shake my Niger, would l? - the only Niger I had in →

When both manure and liquid that is high

Gallus gallus domesticusfecal matter for fertilizing is magnificent for it makes great soil amendment, Gallus gallus domesticus fecal matteradds organic matter and increases the water holding capacity and beneficialbiota in the soil, although there are also some issues concerning it. The high amount of Nitrogen and balanced nutrients is the mainreason that Gallus gallus domesticusfecal →

Indian online real estate market — property portal watch essay sample

Here is a rundown of some of the key industry players: magicbricks.com [3] Launched in August 2006, magicbricks.com is a subscription-based property portal that also generates revenue through on-site display advertising. Its parent company is Times Business Solutions Ltd [4], which runs a number of other online portals in areas such as jobs and match-making.magicbricks.com →

An ethical question involving standard costs essay sample

Elgar believed that the company was facing an operating loss and that the assignment to evaluate the proposed purchase was designed primarily to keep her staff from revising and lowering standard costs. She questioned the chief financial officer about the assignment and reiterated the need for updating the standard costs, but she was again told →

Case study

The Chinese people did not know how to refuse; it was in their culture to be courteous and not say ' No', the refusal would be conveyed in hidden words which was difficult for the Westerners to gauge. 2) What are key features of VW and the Chinese Automotive sector that need to be considered →

Business management

Welch's objective in the series of initiatives he launched in the late 1980s and early 1990s was to redefine the culture of GE as one focused on innovation and constant change. It is easy to let waste and inefficiencies develop in a company the size of GE, but Welch's insistence on leanness kept the company →

Fly high with sti college angeles

STI College Angeles branch was the pioneer franchise of SYLLABUS, Inc, and because of the passion of Mr. It is also the purpose of SYLLABUS, Inc.to harness its resources of people, money, technology and management know how in order to establish upstream and downstream enterprises and subsidiaries that will continuously provide opportunities for the company's →

La dame and cathy ames comparison

In the beginning of both the poem and story the authors give a very visual description of the women. Both of the women are beautiful yet 'wild', put a man to sleep, and force someone to solitude.

To kill a mockingbird

The most important theme of the 1960 Pulitzer Prize winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird is author Harper Lee? s tenacious exploration of the moral nature of people. As a result of this skillful literary portrayal by Harper Lee of the psychological transition from innocence to experience to realization, To Kill a Mockingbird succeeds admirably →

The survival and growth of small-medium size enterprises in ghana

Since Ghana? s independence in 1957, the government and business sector development in Ghana have shown great interest in the possible contributions of SME in the social and economic development of the country. Penrose argued that there is no limit to the growth of the firms; it is the rate of growth that is limited →

Nonpoint source pollution assignment

You can also be careful as to how much fertilizers and pesticides you use because the more you use, the more runs off when it rain and it is in the soil as well so when the rain washes the soil, it flows through Storm drains. The algae grow to make a mat over the →

Families in ancient greek times

Evidence of this claim that the gods had a lack of mercy and forgiveness to their people which can be found in the story Antigone. To conclude, Greek gods and God in today's society have many shared and different laws and influences within the role of a family, gender roles and death.

Theories of leadership in sports coaching

The main objective of the leader/coach is to bring about high levels of performance and satisfaction in the athlete. MML shows that a leader/coach's 'actual' behaviour is affected both by his awareness of the athlete's 'preferred' behaviour and by the behaviour arequired' of him by the coaching context.

Reiss and ted baker are growing uk retailers marketing essay

The aim of any SWOT analysis is to identify the key internal and external factors that are important to achieving the objective. Reiss is a growing retail business in the UK that stocks and sells knitwear.

Important theories and models of microfinance economics essay

Unrelenting poverty, and apparent shifts in the modeling of the poverty problem have led to policy makers and developmental scholars diverting increasingly scarce resources to better, more effective means of extracting a billion of the worlds poor from the maws of destitution and its ridding effects. The microfinance literature geared at assessing the performance of →

Apples business strategy with the iphone

It is safe to say that the research and development arm of Apple Inc.is one of the most important aspects of the industry and as a result a huge amount of capital is injected into this division. Since the introduction of the iPhone, there has been a steady increase in the sale of this product, →


Senator Chuck Schumer, in light of the immigration debate that has raged on for years and the events that have gone on in the recent past, especially in Arizona, I would like to contribute to this ongoing debate on how to deal with the immigration problems in this beloved country of ours. Whereas we can →

Wallace stevens

In later years Elsie Stevens began to exhibit symptoms of mental illness and the marriage suffered as a result, but the Stevenses never divorced.[2] After working for several New York law firms from 1904 to 1907, he was hired on January 13, 1908, as a lawyer for the American Bonding Company.[4] By 1914 he had →

Promising boost vc bitcoin startups

The Bitcoin community can take great pride in the fact that Bitcoin start-ups are making progress in leaps and bounds, which will only serve to enhance the reputation of the cryptocurrency in the long run. Adam Draper, the CEO of Boost VP, said that the demo featured more Bitcoin start-ups than ever in the history →

Modern the goddess, athena. athena’s help is

The Greek hero Achilles, is a demi- god who is dipped in the riverStyx by his mother. Athena's help is a turningpoint in the war and aides Achilles as he defeats Hector of Troy.

Night: the holocaust and wiesel essay sample

* His survival of a Nazi concentration camp has shaped his destiny.* It has guided his work as a writer, teacher, and humanitarian activist; influenced his interaction with his Jewish faith; and affected his family and personal choices.* Wiesel spent his childhood days of the 1930s and 1940s studying sacred Jewish texts.* In 1944 during →

Causes and pathology of mucositis

The role of bacteria in oral mucositis According to this five phase model the oral microbiota play no role in the pathobiology of mucositis. Influencing the permeability of the mucosa The permeability of the oral mucosa increases after chemotherapy treatment as lots of cells are damaged in the third en fourth phase of the process.

King richard iii analysis

This cinematic technique not only highlights the lack of skills of leadership Richard possesses as a king but like Shakespeare, it highlights the significant of the value of kingship in such a way that today's audience is able to comprehend. It is also in Looking for Richard that the value of trust is heavily explored →

Rural and urban orientation sociology

In a pursuit to develop into urban countries, rural countries need to borrow some development tips from the urban centres, while the urban centres on the other manus would non last without the support from the rural countries for illustration in footings of agricultural merchandises that come from the rural countries to back up support →

The effect that copper sulphate has on the action of the enzyme catalase

The peroxisomes in liver cells use the catalase-hydrogen peroxide system to detoxify alcohol that a person drinks. This effect is easy to envision if such an amino acid is in or near the active site of the enzyme.

Gattaca & 1984 draft essay

Within the movie it depicts the relationship of brotherhood of both Jerome and Vincent, Vincent and Atom and the love relationship with Irene. Vincent is filled with a sense of hope partly due to the glowing effect in the scene.

Are “good” computer viruses still a bad idea? 13782

The paper also demonstrates that the main reason for the conflict between those supporting the idea of a " beneficial virus" and those opposing it, is that the two sides are assuming a different definition of what a computer virus is.1. That's why Cohen's model of a computer virus considers the history of the states →

The economy and the mainstream of british cities

Its development of the Cultural Industry Quarter as a reaction of the declination of steel industry and prosperity of local music bands prompted the City Council to think of cultural industry as a new growing sector. Popular music is a cultural strategy for many of the British cities, such as Manchester, Newcastle and Birmingham, but →

Searching for relevant information social work essay

The study looked at the barriers and the recommendations of the information and that one of the commonalities was the lack of awareness of personalisation, direct payments and personal budgets direct payments between professionals, GP's the client and their carers. The studies found that in order to make a direct payment personal budget work for →

Democratic unionist party: history and ideology

The product of the talks, the 1998 Good Friday Agreement on steps leading to a new power-sharing government in Northern Ireland, was rejected by the DUP, which denounced the new Northern Ireland Assembly as a dilution of British sovereignty and objected to the inclusion of Sinn Fein in the assembly and the new executive body →

Introduction to strategic management management essay

Every organization is responsible of what they produce, how do they carry out their business activities, and also what do they need to keep in mind in terms of protecting the environment when it comes to their business that is related to extraction of oil from the deepwater. So the following of the assignment is →

Greek mythology and the historical timeline of greece

The historical and anthropological timeline shows an increase in complexity starting with the Pre-Greeks during the Paleolithic Age to the Romans and the Hellenistic Age. This is seen from the transition from the wars in the Dark Ages to the insightfulness and knowledge of the Archaic Period.

Causes and effects of healthy inequality in new zealand

The government of New Zealand formulated the principles of Treaty of Waitangi and cultural safety that involves participation, partnership and protection of the Maoris to address the changes, improvement and inequality of healthcare delivery system in the country. The opportunities and healthcare access of Maori and non-Maori respectively and the differences of the rights and →

The usefulness of titration and colorimetric analysis

54mg of AA in 100g of broccoli Estimation for Mg of ascorbic acid in 100g of Cauliflower: Number of moles = 0. 51mg of AA in 100g of cauliflower Estimation for Mg of ascorbic acid in 100g of Cabbage: Number of moles = 0.

Imagine dogs that generally miss out in the

As a result this shows me that everything they do is just to help abandoned pets. All in all teen activists are working hard to combat the issue of abandoned pets.

Reaction to oedipus the king assignment

Reaction to Oedipus the King In Greek mythology, humans are actors to the gods and only show a role in the play of life. Oedipus relates to the human condition through humanity's fear of fate, how humans are irrational to one another and people kind's mental blindness.

Development of social media in the philippines assignment

On the local literature Barn defined and emphasize the power of media In a direct statement that the media is powerful enough to influence how the people act and that audiences are " little less defenseless" when it comes to interpreting media messages. Al, 2012 Faceable and Twitter have dominated the intersection of social media →

Benjimin’s theory that the ‘aura’ of art decays in the age of mechanical reproduction essay sample

Since mechanical reproduction allows art to be criticised and interpreted by diverse cultures Benjamin concludes that mass reproduction results in changing attitudes towards art." That which withers in the age of mechanical reproduction is the aura of the work of art. 1 Although Benjamin wrote in other works that the loss of aura was not →


Under the lease classification criteria set out under the FSAB standards, the lease agreement is for the use of the combustion turbine which could qualify as a capital lease because it is an agreement for the use of a piece of property that could be classified as an asset. In regard to the second provision, →

Drafting introbodyconclusion

They spend a lot of time and money in their quest for the perfect body. Is life on the ramp a bed of roses, as most of us make it to be How true has the proverb, " All that shines is not gold" proved to be.

Education testing measurement knowlege

Comments and revision: The item is a problem relating to the sales figures mentioning the word salesman. 00 $40 rebate Which of the above gives the maximum saving on the price a) B b) C c) D d) A 3.

The power trainings role in the sports football

The Power Training's Role In The Sports Football Introduction Football, like any other sport, consists of several training and conditioning component. The principle of specificity enables the football players to concentrate their power training on the particular muscle group used, as a defensive or offensive player, on the field.

Strategic management example #5

A good manager will first of all evaluate the environment in which the organisation is operating in prior to making up a strategy to be followed by the organisation. To ensure this organisation is proactive, the bank has also seen increase in variety of products it offers to eight customers so as to meet diverse →

The reflects the glamour of america essay

Nick Carraway who is of a " prominent, well to do family" is restless in the West, and wishes to strive out to the East and be a ' bondsman'. At first appearances this is a testament to the power available for those willing to take it, indeed, it is only Nicks personal ability not →

Internet slang essay

Many students said they " accidentally" use Internet shortcuts such as emoticons, or symbols Like for " smile," and common abbreviations, such as " LOL" for " laugh out loud." Also, it can be reflected in the widely reported example of a school essay submitted by a Scottish teenager, which contained many abbreviations and acronyms →

Safety and quality webquest essay

Goal 9: " Reduce the risk of resident harm resulting in falls" The actionable for this goal is to reduce the risk of falls by evaluating the patients risk for falls and take action to reduce the risk of falling as well as the risk of injury, should a fall occur. She had the patient's →

Assia djebar’s fantasia: an algerian cavalcade essay

In the quote " writing in a foreign language, not in either of the tongues of my native country-the Berber of the Dahra mountains of the Arabic of the town where I was born has brought me to the cries of the women silently rebelling in my youth, to my own true origins. Portrays on →

The types of financial transactions and documents essay

Purchase Invoice 2) A purchase invoice is made by the supplier and sent to the customer. Goods Received Note 4) This documents is a record of the goods being actually delivered.

The milky way

Large-Scale Universe to The Milky Way The Birth of Modern Cosmology Cosmology is the study of the structure and evolution of the universe. The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory is a theory that states that the universe was once in a hot, dense form of matter and radiation which expanded rapidly.

The use of literary devices in richard connel’s the most dangerous game

If Rainsford were to take notice of the situation beforehand, he would not have gotten himself in such a life- threatening situation. By utilizing foreshadowing, the readers were able to conceive a sense of danger that Rainsford fails to recognize due to his ignorance.

Effect of child rearing styles on pro-social development

PROSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 1 COMPARISON OF CHILD-REARING STYLES AND THE EFFECTS THEREOF ON PROSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT There are many factors that play a role in the development of prosocial behaviour in children. CULTURAL FACTORS It is evident from various research that environment plays a big role in the development of prosocial behaviour, and research on the cultural →

Classification of the human senses

In this paper, a brief depiction of each sense is presented; the importance, relevance and influence of the sense of sight and hearing in employee recruitment is addressed, specifically in correlation to the screening of cabin crew for a major international airline. All of our everyday tasks, from the simplest to the most technically demanding →

Marketing analysis of apex pal international marketing essay

In 1997, it redirected its focus on the fastpaced food and beverage industry and started its first F&B chain, Sakae Sushi, which is now the flagship brand of Apex-Pal. As Mr Douglas Foo, founder and CEO of the homegrown provider of innovative F&B solutions, put it, the meaning behind the company name " Apex-Pal" is →

Media influence on anorexia in adolescent girls

Adolescent girls are being made to feel insecure about their bodies because of the way in which the media portrays underweight women with the image of the ideal body. To discuss: Magazines Fashion Social media and internet access Methodology A literature review on the impact of social influences and the media has on adolescent girls →

Examples of principle of comparative advantage economics essay

Moreover, in the last part of this essay, limitations and deficiency of comparative advantage will be shown in order to have a better overall perspective of the principle. The principle of comparative advantage explains why countries trade and how they can benefit from trade.

The poverty in africa economics essay

While the United Nations, including UNCTAD, had for many years drawn the attention of the international community to the need to address the plight of the poorest and the least developed countries. Same like inhabitants in others continents, the African people were and up to today are mostly dependent on agriculture, therefore they were needed →

Republican national convention address 2004

The values that he points out are the facts that America keeps on fighting and that America is open to everyone. The general mood in his speech is loaded with patriotism, while the tone is relaxed because he speaks this everyday language, but at the same time is the tone of the speech strong and →