Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Public habit

Win-Lose is the attitude that there's only a certain amount of something, and if you get big piece, there is less for me, so therefore I am going to get my piece first. Lose-Lose is the attitude that, " If I go down, you are going down with me." Unlike these, the Win- Win cares β†’

Homework assignment

Should " problem" = an issue in the code that is preventing it from executing, than the first thing I would imagine being done is to look over the program for syntax errors and logic errors.2. This is where a programmer writes out the code without worry of syntax or logic errors to get a β†’

Collaboration vs complicity in apartheid south africa

However, in Jacob Dlamini's book, Askari: A Story of Collaboration and Betrayal in the Anti-Apartheid Struggle, Dlamini aims to challenge the automatic association between askaris and traitors by including facts about Glory Sedibe's life that could have complicated his decision to switch sides. Dlamini's presentation of these facts seems to suggest a connection between Glory β†’

Propylene glycol as a pharmaceutical excipient in pediatrics

Disha Patel The Utilization of Propylene Glycol as a Pharmaceutical Excipient in the Pediatric Field Abstract As a widely used excipient in pediatric formulations, propylene glycol functions as a solvent, emulsifier, humectant, and hygroscopic agent. On a positive note, there is no correlation to cancer from the use of propylene glycol.

The islam and christian holy war religion essay

In the Christians context, we see a gradual decline in violence, the opposite is witnessed in Islam, and there have been a few recent cases of killing in the name of religion in Islam, the September 11 attack is one of the most serious in recent time. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the β†’

A theoretical analysis of richard ramirez

From the months of May to August 1985 he committed a massive series of rapes, robberies, and murders with a variety of weapons, including a tire iron, a variety of knives, and his. He excelled as a football player and considered his time on the field as a form of solace.

Photographer: thomas hoepker

The rule of thirds applies to this photo with the mother in the bottom of the image with the baby in the centre and the doctor who has delivered the baby at the top of the image. The doctor is in the centre of the image with the focus being mainly on him but the β†’

Sexuality in the catcher in the rye by j.d. salinger

Another interpretation of the novel is that Holden is a repressed homosexual. The scene that stands out is when he's in his hotel room and spying on the couple on the other side of the hotel.

Barriers to innovation in smes in africa economics essay

A report by the Shannon Development Company in Ireland in 2009 stated that " Lack of both finance and internal expertise are critical barriers to innovation". The purpose of this research paper is to examine the financial and competence barriers to innovation within SMEs in Africa and the consequences these barriers may result in.

Impacts of globalization on the us jobs market economics essay

The Globalization can be defined as the tendency of increasing the connectivity and the interdependence of the world's markets and businesses. In the financial arena, the U.S.decision to allow the value of the dollar to be determined in the free market played a role in the globalization of currency markets and ultimately other financial markets.

New public management in ghana

This has been a product of a number of factors, including the economic and fiscal crises of the state that called the post-war consensus on the active role of the state in the economy into serious question. In developed economies such as the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, the crisis in the Keynesian welfare state β†’

Explain how internal and external business essay

The culture of a business is shown in the way in which the business acts and performs. Business culture is usually shown in the rules and regulations of a business such as the way staff are expected to dress and behave.

Tracheobronchial transplantation with a stem-cell-seeded bioartificial nanocomposite

They demonstrated ischemia as a result of poor vascularisation is a primary risk factor of airway transplantation, a graft that encourages quick and efficient angiogenesis is critical in the restoration of the normal function of the trachea. T, Macchiarini, P.and Mantero, S.' A double-chamber rotating bioreactor for the development of tissue-engineered hollow organs: from concept β†’

Introduction them to the rehabilitation center because punk

For Example, in Aceh 2011 punk communitythere were holding a concert and in the middle of the concert law enforcerinterrupting the concert to detain punk community member and send them to therehabilitation center because punk lifestyle was seen as practices that againstthe Islamic values. As they flourished in the underground scenefollowers of punk were spread β†’

Capitalism assignment

The movie was very inciteful and funny by the way that Michael Moore reveals the insidious role that Capitalism has played in America. In the movie Michael Moore showed several families that got the short end of the stick of capitalism.

Introduction to criminal justice essay sample

All of which that leads up to the trail part of the criminal trial. On February 28, 1931, Capone was found guilty in federal court on the contempt of court charge and was sentenced to six months in Cook County Jail.

Pioneer day essay sample

Through this event I learned three things: how to make cornhusk doll, Butter, and more information on tamales. Learning about tamales, butter, and cornhusk dolls were only the few things I learned during the pioneer and Ranching Craft day event.

A dispatch from soviet uzbekistan

The richness of the culture and traditions of Samarkand was evidently noticeable from the very first moment of entry into the area. The centuries old mosques and other buildings, the cultural elements and the nature appeared to speak much about the people and life in Samarkand.

Us history

Given the pattern of events leading up to the American Revolution and the subsequent Declaration of independence, there is an air of inevitability to it. The seeds for the American independence that were sown during the French and Indian War gained momentum after the conclusion of the war in 1763.

Introduction to the energy requirement of the world commerce

The basic kernel of scheme is to assist an organisation to place assorted ways of achieving the ends of the organisation. The chief intent of this act was to take monopoly power and create competition in the electricity providing sector.

A synopsis of the documentary regret to inform essay

3 Elsewhere, Anthony McCosham wrote of Regret to Inform: " A common complaint about filmic representations of the Vietnam war, particularly those produced in Hollywood, is that the films tend to focus too narrowly on the personal relationships of the characters involved, ignoring not only the political context of the war but also the viewpoint β†’

Irony in the matrix

The sensory inputs in your brains are now connected to the outputs of a giant super computer. There are numerous similarities and differences between The Matrix and the writings of Plato and Descartes.

Foxconn suicides

This event not only challenges the global mindset of the management within Apple, it forced the management to decide how the company wanted the public to continue to view it. The managers at Apple Inc used a number of decision-making models and tools to resolve the ethical issues at Foxconn.

Chinese new year should avoid taboos cultural studies essay

If the restaurant decoration, the service and food is nice it is a five star restaurant for me. Lastly, it will be Lantern Festival or " YuanXiaoJie" which is on the 15th of the first month of the Chinese New Year.

Costs and benefits of conformity and rebellion in selected literature essay

The works are often a depiction of the way of life of the people in the society at that particular period of time In this essay, the author uses the works of chosen authors to analyze the benefits and costs of conforming to the norms of the society or rebelling against them by choosing to β†’

The assassination of patrice lumumba history essay

His frustration shines through, and towards the end his patience had clearly run thin, this charismatic leader was up against the pride and prestige of the best in the business; the global gamesmanship of the western powers was a step to far even for a man of such high intellect and integrity. Lumumba spoke forcefully β†’

Where as an indigent person has to be

Where such security has been furnished and deposit made, the court will declare the appeal admitted, give notice thereof to the respondent, transmit to the Supreme Court under the seal of the Court a correct copy of the said record and give to either party authenticated copies of any of the papers in the suit β†’

Plastic surgery assignment

People of every race and culture have gone to extremes in the name of beauty Of foot binding in china to nose jib in 800 B. Thesis Statement; Despite the fact that attractiveness have distinct advantages in our community, more people want to do plastic surgery in order to survive in the society.

Media culture: the triumph of the spectacle assignment

Media Culture: the Triumph of the Spectacle " Media culture is a contested terrain across which key social groups and competing political ideologies struggle for dominance and.individuals live these struggles through the images, discourses, myths, and spectacle of media culture" -Douglas Kellner, Media Culture Table of Contents Introduction -3 History of Media -4 Media Spectacle β†’

Cyclone tracy essay sample

Building design at the time of Cyclone Tracy was loose and the combination of this construction and the powerful cyclone made the destruction probably inevitable. Stretton introduced a permit system where the people who were in the Cyclone Tracy Relief Operation could stay behind, and the rest of the population had to evacuate.

Requiescat and mid-term break on the theme of death essay sample

In the third stanza of Requiescat, we see that Dickens relates her to lilies and snow...his is significant as snow is reminiscent of peace and tranquillity, lilies are also reminiscent of this, and another significance of this is that lilies are used at funerals. He also says: " I vex my heart alone", realising that β†’


Giger Hans Rudolf Ruedi Giger is a renowned surrealist born in Switzerland in the year of 1940. Most of the paintings that he has designed are revolving around human beings in a different state.

Early modern philosophy

It's necessary that Descartes' ' Cogito Ergo Sum' argument be understood from the first person perspective because the argument throughout Descartes' philosophy is precisely that senses cannot determine the validity of existence. Descartes' was skeptical of the senses and sought a more rigorous understanding of knowledge through his rationalist philosophy.

Website analysis

Furthermore, I felt that the website I feel that the website graphic developers did an excellent job and designed the website so that long and returning users would not get bored of a single style. With a white background, a lot of rotations are possible and the way the content was laid out was seemingly β†’

Pygmalion, by george bernard shaw essay

The first trial takes place at Higgins' mother's home, where Eliza is introduced to the Eynsford Hills, a trio of mother, daughter, and son. Shaw describes the appearance of Eliza Doolittle on the day of her meeting with Higgins to reinforce the difference among the classes." The flower girl enters in state.

South africa 1945-1994 the end of apartheid

Some of the factors that could have facilitated the ending of the white minority rule are: external pressures, Nelson Mandela, pressure from black protest within South Africa, the actions of De Klerk and the collapse of Communist rule in the Soviet Rule. In my opinion the two main factors which contributed to the ending of β†’

How is technology changing the way organisations conduct business nowadays

Although there are the initial and maintenance costs to consider, the advantages of having one are increasing drastically mainly not only to improve the business but also to enlarge it and compete with the rivals. This hence varies from introducing new equipment in the office to the use of emails, internet/websites, and evolved telephone systems.


Bargaining Power of Suppliers The bargaining power of suppliers is high since there are only a handful of movie studios that are able to supply the DVDs. Strengths Redbox is owned by a publicly traded company and has the funding of its shareholders.

Smaller public companies and sox

Specifically, the smaller of the larger companies that had to comply with all sections of SOX 404; 35% of those costs were related to audit cost as it relates to SOX 404. Lastly, smaller public companies feel that they have already spent a lot ofmoneyjust to be in compliance with SOX 404, and do not β†’

Europe and the new world: new encounters

By the 16th century, the Atlantic seaboard had become the center of a commercial activity that raised Portugal and Spain and later the Dutch Republic, England, and France to prominence? the age of expansion was a crucial factor in the European transition from the agrarian economy of the MA to a commercial and industrial capitalistic β†’


I will be identifying the different forms of helping relationships and how counselling is a different form from the rest. Normally at the first session a contract is established to clear all boundaries and doubts.

Trade consultation eu policies and regulations of organic products from the us.

Buyusa.gov DEFRA The following is an overview of the organic product market in the EU and general specifications the EU mandates regarding organic products? production, authorization, and import licenses. The European Commission authorizes the use of products and substances and decides on methods to be used in organic farming and in the processing of organic β†’

Historical response to disability national situations social work essay

Provide the best education for disabled peopleProvide opportunities in employment and make sure disabled people have an adequate incomeStrengthen the leadership of disabled peopleMake sure government organisations, and organisations that get money from the Government, know about and respond to disabled peopleHave services for disabled people that work for disabled people and are easy to β†’

Chapters 13-14 apush

Robert E Lee Lincoln was hesitant to support abolition early in the war because he: Feared losing the support of the slaveholding border states within the union The last nation in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery was: Brazil The Emancipation Proclamation of January 1, 1863: Did not apply to the border slave states that β†’

Metaphors for the closet in coming out stories

I will discuss how Giovanni's room in Giovanni's Room, the mountain in " Brokeback Mountain", and Alison's childhood home in Fun Home, all symbolize the closet in how the settings act as very personal worlds estranged from reality for the characters, work to conceal the secret of the characters' sexualities, and reflect the characters' attitudes β†’

Love is a choice: a theme essay on louise edrich’s love medicine

Rather than excuse his grandfather's behavior to him not being in his right mind, Lipsha believes that the part of him that " is all there" is what is causing the affair." Now what was mostly our problem was not so much that he was not all there, but that what was there of him β†’

Should race be used as a form of identity?

In this paper I will investigate the use of race as an identity, as this has traditionally presented us with both the positive and negative model of identity, and in more recent times, a more positive model in both identity and difference. Whether this is correct or not, it does at least render problematic the β†’

Under treatment and pain among the elderly nursing essay

This research is meant to find a solution and to break down the barriers to the total minimization and eradication of the chronic pain phenomenon among the elderly. Basically, at the end of the study, three significant and relevant questions will be answered to address the problem statement above and these are: How active and β†’

Have the rules of marketing changed

Subtlety is now the name of the game for marketers in today's digital age gone are the preachy, buy tones of communication today it is about telling the consumer what he wants to know and the adding the suggestion of purchase. By giving free advice solutions and information relevant to the consumer the marketer is β†’

The competitive environment of british petroleum management essay

The analysis covers the competitive environment of the company in terms of its stance in the midst of its various competitors and also how attractive is the industry in which the British Petroleum company belongs to. POWER OF THE SUPPLIER: The bargaining power of suppliers is relatively high and this is driven by the presence β†’

Case study of valentine shortis

As the workmen went to put the money in the vault, Shortis grabbed the company revolver he knew about from the office drawer shooting one of the workers, Hugh Wilson. The case of Valentine Shortis: a true story of crime and politics in Canada.

Marriage contracts

There are different types of such contracts: a prenuptial agreement, which regards financial matters and property handling in the event of a divorce, and a covenant marriage statement, which is a type of agreement that is not foused on finances, via which spouses usually make vows of eternal unconditional love and loyalty. A marriage contract β†’

The at last, in spite of you

The narrator in Charlotte Perkins Gilmans short story, The Yellow Wallpaper, is truly insane from the very beginning of the story; she just falls deeper and deeper into insanity as the story progresses. In the beginning of the story she tells of how her husband diagnoses her insanity, a slight hysterical tendency.

Challenges in life bring out the best in young people essay sample

However, when a person uses underhand means to overcome that challenge then it will not bring out the best in him. An eldest child in a family of orphans has to take on the challenge of taking care of his younger siblings and bringing them up.

Realism: the most effective and pragmatic approach to international relations essay sample

If not so, the temptation always existed in his nature and can well be traced to the start of humanity with Adam eating the forsaken fruit and being banished from the Heavens." The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it".. The desire to reconcile experience of freedom with the determined β†’

The symbolic analyst essay sample

Robert Reich brought forward the theory of the symbolic analyst to describe a growing trend in the American economy. The symbolic analyst is a role that more and more workers will have to take on in the coming years, regardless of the industry they choose to work in.

Foreclosure crisis and cities

Foreclosure Crisis in US The origin of the foreclosure crisis can be traced back to a decade ago when financial s relaxed lending conditions with the hope of availing high returns from the sale of securitized mortgages and this simple and liberal policies of the banks led to the emergence of millions of adjustable- rate β†’

Kotler and keller essay

Performing the distribution and bulk reaking function, the retail sector serves the population for most of the household requirements. The popularity of supermarkets is manifested in the fact that about 61 percent of the family expenditure among all income classes in Metro Manila could now be purchased at the supermarkets, based on the 2006 Family β†’

Operations inventory management: defining replenishment from requirements philosophy

That is taking the end product of a certain production agenda to be able to find the needful points and natural stuffs.input.required to finish it. A agenda of the measure and completion of the assemblies must be prepared to find the exact day of the month on which any portion will be purchased.

β€˜the arrival of the bee box’ by sylvia plath

The poem is about the arrival of a bee box, and the emotions that Plath has towards it, and the sounds emanating from it. The first way could literally be the sound of a swarm of bees that are in the box, and the second way is that the ' din' could represent the thoughts β†’

The historical development and context of technology

Tiny microchips can be placed in the sensory part of the brain and a computer interprets what the brain in thinking to movement of the limbs. Political and Legal Issues Although many of us agree that the BCC technology is a well developed piece of technology that assists those whom are in need of it β†’

E-commerce chapter 3 test answers

A) placing packets on and receiving them from the network mediumB) addressing, packaging, and routing messagesC) providing communication with the application by acknowledging and sequencing the packets to and from the applicationD) providing a variety of applications with the ability to access the services of the lower layers C The Internet Layer of TCP/IP is β†’

The barbie effect

That is a lot more achievable than the one in one hundred thousand chance a girl has of achieving Barbie's dimensions-this defiantly gives weight to the argument that the media puts unrealistic expectations and pressures on women. But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing?

Comparison of qatar and oceania

Big Brother is the only religion that the government will allow in order to keep unity and control over the citizens of Oceania. The websites display a message reading, The webpage you are trying to access has been blocked by the internet of Qatar as it contains materials which are prohibited in the state of β†’

How is the antagonistic yet potentially loving relationship between beatrice and benedick quickly established in much ado about nothing?

The messenger defends Benedick, saying that Benedick is a good soldier, to which Beatrice responds: " And a good soldier to a lady, but what is he to a lord?" This implies that Benedick is good with women but not at fighting. The way Beatrice delivers the line suggests that she finds the way Benedick β†’

The theme of isolation in β€˜the god of small things’ and β€˜the ministry of utmost happiness’

The permanency of ink mirrors the permanency of the trauma and guilt of the deaths of Ammu, Sofie-Mol and Velutha, where the idea of the organic contrasts the sterile and non-fading ink. Similarly, in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness, Anjum's isolation can be symbolised by the graveyard that she calls ' Jannat', where she ' β†’

Scarlet o’hara: symbol of the delusional south

Gone with the Wind opens with a grandiose description of the South: according to the opening text, this is the region where " gallantry took its last bow" and " knights and their ladies" took a stand against the onslaught of Northern aggression. For them, it is easier to see the beautiful damsels and the β†’

Does crime and violence affect the tourism industry tourism essay

The purpose of this report is to show whether crime and violence will affect Jamaica potential investments in the near future or in the present, also if this factor affects the different sectors of tourism which include entertainment, sports, health, and food amongst others. This happens due to the performing of specific tasks or the β†’

Motivations of counselling and therapy professions

Barnett's study of therapists' unconscious motivations for their choice of profession arose from her observation of the recent substantial increase in the number of counselling courses on offer and the number of people wishing to become counsellors and psychotherapists. A common theme in the literature is that of cultural or social marginalisation, the external counterpart β†’

Extraocular structures inside the orbit of the eye

Anatomy Orbital openings The lateral wall of the orbit consists of superior orbital fissure and the floor of the orbit involves the inferior orbital fissure. The eyeball is located in the anterior part of orbital cavity, which is closer to the roof than the floor, also nearer the lateral than the medial wall.

The structure of the indian navy

The aim of this paper is analyse the future roles of the Indian Navy and suggest a perspective force structure for the Navy in 2025.5. The fostering of economic security for India in the maritime sphere would include the protection of trade, energy supplies and the ocean resources.

Examining the incentive effect of state aid

The article also argues that the timing of the assessment of the need for state aid has a decisive impact on the determination of whether aid has an incentive effect or not. The timing of the assessment of the need for state aid is critical.

Soap notes

Any comment made in this portion of the notes should be supported by information in the subjective and objective information in the note.- The PTA does not design the treatment goals or the functional outcomes for a patient, but should work with the PT in offering suggestions, notifying the PT when goals are met, and β†’

Creative writing-belonging essay

I remember how I came in here a lot in the middle of a thunderstorm at night to wake my mother up, as I was too scared to sleep by myself. I was in such a shock when Josh said that to my face, the next thing I know, I was in an empty room β†’

“robber barons” vs. “industrial statesmen” essay sample

Author Mark Twain described the latter half of the nineteenth century as the " Gilded Age," meaning golden, because of the economic opportunities that America had to offer during these times. However, for the lucky ones sitting at the top of the social ladder, mass money-making was the foremost goal.

Regional studies of morocco essay sample

In carrying out a regional study of the country important aspects addressed include its history, culture, economy, environment and its climate.-History It was dominated by the Berbers since the second millennium BC. In 17th and the 18th Century it was under the Barbary.

Grapes of wrath synopsys essay sample

The film the Grapes of Wrath is about a family from Oklahoma trying to escape the Dust Bowl, which dried up the land, caused the lack of jobs, and made them to move to California in hopes of finding better jobs. The Joad family had heard that there was plenty of work, however when they β†’

Human resource case studies

Both the Act and the recent movement for comparable worth focus on reducing the wage gap between women and men in the job market. The individual performance modifier ensures that the individual is awarded the overall company and team incentives in a ratio comparable with his or her own achievement of individual goals.

Dell marketing

" Dell Case Analysis" Being the biggest computer company in the world, Dell had always been known for yielding high returns to its investors, largely in part to rapid growth and a superior business model which had revolutionized the entire computer industry. The Chinese market had grown to be the largest in the region from β†’

The significance of love, as gleaned from clive staples lewis and jean-luc nancy essay

To the ancients, Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves; the crown of life and the school of virtue. So, yes, perhaps that could be meaning of " shattered" that is that to love means in one way to give the self as possession, the self as present to itself, and β†’

Reflection – learning to live with complexity

In a complex system, the same starting conditions can produce different outcomes, depending on the interactions of the elements in the system. To appeal to novice gamers and keep the price down, the company made the rest of the console relatively simple.

Holden caulfield undertakes a journey of personal discovery

Through his inability to conform to the rules of the adult world that he is sucked into, he frequently criticizes people and is extremely judgemental to those around him. The way Holden reacts to the people around him, and how he starts off his " hero's quest", is definitely individual because of his unique personality.

Marketing 4p plan- club med flashcard

By providing installment and discount payment for the Club Med's payer. Provides full information and create awareness for the Club Med brand itself and also distribute the brochures to the potential customers.

Dhl express in malaysia essay

DHL Express has teamed up with Malaysian postal operator Pos Malaysia to offer a new international express service for shipments to and from the south-east Asian country. DHL will provide the international express delivery service and customer service, while PosLaju will be responsible for sales.

Who is to blame for the death of eva smith

Other reason for why it was set in 1945 is that 1912 was the period of the Russian revolution, the holocaust and the atom bomb. Eva worked at the shop and Sheila got Eva fired from her job when she lost her temper at her for looking better than her for looking better in a β†’

Vaccinations-educate before you vaccinate

An aspect of research in which the consent of the subject is obtained and the subject is informed of possible risks and benefits from participating in the research.2. Because most people are told that this is normal, they are unaware of the fact that it is a reaction none the less and should be reported β†’

The market structure: disneyland company

Disney magic still in its theme parks, each year more than 43 million people visit it, making it the world's number one tourist attraction, having a Telematch games in Disney Land will be a good idea that will increase number of visitors, creating a buzz, and is just a new innovation in Disney Land business β†’

Is it possible to control the ebola epidemic?

The work developed focusing on dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and epidemics, was the theme in 2006, of master's thesis " Homeopathy in Public Health: Contribution to the Study of Epidemics", in Post-graduation in Health Sciences of the Medical School of S o Jose do Rio Preto, S o Paulo SP, Brazil. Contribution of homeopathy β†’

According to junaidi abu bakar education essay

Chapter one provides the background of the study, the problem statement, research objectives, research questions and other pertaining data regarding our research on participation of undergraduate student in politics by obtaining the perception of undergraduate student towards the amendment of Universities and University College Act 2012 that become the manifestations to allow students to participate β†’

Environmental kuznets curve definition and usage

The Environmental Kuznets Curve is a pragmatically, relationship that is assumed to trace the pollution path followed by countries as their per capita gross domestic product grows and describes the relationship between per capita income and indicators of environmental degradation. This means that the impact of environmental indicator is an inverted U-shaped function of income β†’

Maharashtra apmcs: current status and substitute marketing

Shivaang Sharma In India, the marketing of agricultural produce is regulated by Agricultural Produce Marketing Act 1966, which provides for the constitution of market committees by state government, notification of agricultural commodities as also place of marketing of agricultural produce. The age old monopoly of wholesale markets under the government's regulation have essentially curbed the β†’

Hotel pest analysis

Due to the possible impacts on the Environment from the operations of a hotel, there is a need to comply with Environment related regulations. The hotel industry is seen as utilizing an increasing amount of technology with a view of achieving greater customer satisfaction.


The challenges that usually face by online retailing are begins with the response time of the Web server, moves to the amount of time the customer must wait until the order ships, and also includes the time the shipping process takes. While there is a lack of physical constraints on e-tail site design, the costs β†’


In an accounting firm, accountants are required to build trusting relationship with their clients to earn more consulting fees and maintain their status in the firm. The role of a tax accountant is to seek and develop a closer relationship with more SME clients who need to consult external tax accountants owing to their entity β†’

Indows business to update to windows 2000

Therefore, it is necessary for the business to update to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 for its office PCs. First of all, the first thing is to determine that Windows 2000 is compatible with your machines.