Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

Imaging examinations of complicated pneumonias in children

Results: On the grounds of the imaging investigations that we made, we established an increasing incidence of the complications of the pneumonias in children, caused by the foreign bodies aspirated within the respiratory tracts. The used classical and cytochemical histological methods allowed the observation of the white adypocites, of the conjunctive septa and of other β†’

The pakistani stock market and its analysis

325 billion.[2] The last stock exchange in Pakistan is the KSE, which is the largest stock exchange in Pakistan and was established on September 18 1947 and was incorporated on March 10, 1949 in order to maintain the interaction between the lenders of capital such as savers and investors and borrowers of capital such as β†’

Nigerias micro and macro economics policies economics essay

Findings from the study revealed that proper monitoring of loans by microfinance banks leads to proper management of SMEs; microfinance banks contributes to sustainable growth and development of SMEs in Nigeria; and proper funding of financing of SMEs by microfinance banks contributes to the performance of SMEs. The result further shows that the poor and β†’

Concept of non conventional alcoholic beverages in india

When it comes to wine what comes to mind is grape wine and for several thousands of years wine has been traditionally made by the fermentation of the juice of the grape. Many varieties of wine are made throughout the world and the French wines are considered to be the most popular all over the β†’

She the hospital she takes charge of

As she reaches the hospital she takes charge of her ward from the other nurse and soon she is busy with her work. She is supposed to be with the doctor when he is on round of the ward to tell about the condition of each patient.

Already at the start of the essay, we

If it was possible that because of their multilinguals, a countrywould be in danger, and the amount of importance that a language has to acountry in terms of culture and identity. Robert King makes two important claimsregarding the first question: Thefirst one is that considering having a language riot has got to be a Jake, β†’

Help me and best friend essay sample

I can live without computer and TV but I cannot live without " friend" the person who is sharing my mood with me whenever I am happy or sad and I found " her" my really best friend who has nice appearance, good personality and I am very happy that I can be friend with β†’

The letters in birdsong essay sample

The majority of the letters in Birdsong and the letters from Roland to Vera all feature some information of the attack; however the way in which they are presented could not be more different. The reader is able to understand that Roland was not able to control the situation he is in and this lack β†’

Abstract critique

The strategy used was a meta-analysis inquiry of various literatures that explain the reason for the decreasing status of the said profession and the specific model that will create reversion of this feared trend. These were gathered from different published books and studies that underwent relative inquiries related to the topic and the various models β†’

Age regression – use of dermabrasion

The stratum basal layer is considered the " germative layer", " since all of the mitotic activity of the epidermis occurs in the basal layer" The surgeon would only remove the " damaged outer layers of skin, or the epidermis layer of the two mutually dependent layers"." The intradermal epithelial structures, such as sebaceous glands, β†’

The five stages of group development essay

The role of the group leader or facilitator is important during this stage for it is the leader who help to control and resolve disagreements and to help restore and maintain group moral. This is when the project is complete and the members of the group are moving on to other projects, Hopefully the project β†’

The best gift you ever received essay

It was not a normal scarf which was bought from the shop but it was made by my friend. However, it was also the last gift from my best friend.

This issue of cosmetic surgery sociology

The literature reappraisal presents a reappraisal of the literature related to the survey of the organic structure and decorative surgery. As Crossley clearly explains in his book The Social Body: Habit, individuality and desire, the mind-brain individuality theoreticians believed that there is no interaction between the organic structure and the head and the fact that β†’

Hallucinogens flashcard

the word hallucinogen comes from the Latin word __alucinere, meaning to wander in mind, talk idly, or prateDSM5 defines a hallucinogen as asensory perception that has the compelling sense of reality of a true perception but that occurs without external stimulation of the relevant sensory organ-distortions of sensory information, some drugs cause mental confusion or β†’

Department for children families

Most often they refer to ' disruptive', ' disaffected' and ' bullying' behaviours, or sometimes behaviour is said to be ' challenging.' These terms are associated with the particular focus of the behavioural description: for example, ' disruptive' refers to the interruption of the work of the teacher and other pupils, or even the smooth β†’

Newman’s sermon

We know about the nature of the case because of the Evidence and when we believe in a miracle because of such Evidence we can be said to believe because of reason.2. 33 It is not Faith but superstition that leads to stories of omens, charms and so on.

Using appropriate management studies models commerce essay

Throughout this period, IBM central HQ was content to rely on the success and profitability of its mainframe computer range and observe the rapid growth of another small but related market in which it had no involvement: the personal computer market. The IBM PC was just one of many computers in the small-computer market.

Two wheelers in india marketing essay

The trend of owning two wheelers in India is due to a variety of facts. The entire automobile industry saw a drastic fall in demand in the year 1990 which resulted in decline of demand by 15% in 1991 and 8% in 1992, resulting in a production loss of 0.

Critique of how to fix financial reporting

The basic aim of this report is to identify the loopholes in financial reporting and find solutions to improve the transparency in it. Banks and mortgage landing companies are the worst victim of this current financial crisis as they have failed to recognise the risk in their products because of the complex nature of the β†’

Education for girls in zambia education essay

There is need therefore for the government to expand its primary education system in order to capture all the school-age children who are not in school. Zambia's minister of Education in an interview said " Perhaps the biggest concern in relation to the policy of free education is the quality of the education being provided.

Prostitutes: victims or offenders?

It appears that in most cases, acceptance to be subjected to degradation in the form of sex work is a direct result of poverty and lack of opportunities and hence, is a ' coerced choice' rather than an independent one. In 2009, Section 14 of the Policing and Crime Act rendered it a ' strict β†’

History of the construction quality assessment system construction essay

The objective of introduction of CONQUAS is for the public and private construction industry sector to measure the standard quality of works done of construction project, 2009). The main objective of CONQUAS is assessing the quality of construction works to ensure the quality of the project fulfill the quality standard.

Reversible photochromism: effects and applications

This report will explore a range of the effects of the compound, which will include a review of the applications of this property and the process that make them possible, by exploring the, ' Ring Process', method. The life of Photochromic material depends on the amount of Photochromic compound used, the stabilisers used and the β†’

18th century and romantic test

Plea for doing away with superficial trappings and the unity of all believers- clean up the religions Gullivers Travels " A Modest Proposal for Presents the Childern of Poor People in Ireland for Being a Burhen to Their Parents or the Country and for Making the Beneficial to the Publick" Alexander Pope* very short b/c β†’

Public relations

Another key to a successful PR campaign is the creation of an interesting and exciting story related to your service, company, or product. The main key in launching a successful and effective media relations campaign is a focus on the need of various media outlets.

Enzyme controlled reactions lab essay sample

A) The relationship between the substrate concentration and the initial reaction of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is very productive, but is dramatically affected by the pH level of the given solution. The most productive pH level is pH7 B) The relationship is somewhat linear both according to the pH level, and substrate concentration up to the β†’

Seinfeld and postmodernism essay sample

For the content analysis the following Seinfeld series were reviewed: " The pick," " The contest," " The dinner party", " The fix up", " The race", " The airport" and " The cigar store Indian". Additionally, examples from the following series will be used in the seminar paper: " The pen", " The pez β†’

Water’s life-supporting properties essay sample

Specific Heat The specific heat capacity of a substance is the energy required to change the temperature of 1 gram of material by 1? C. In a random orientation, the electric fields produced by the charge separation on the water molecules would cancel, but in this coordinated alignment, the electric fields of the water molecules β†’

Thinking critically

Possessing the knowledge of what ethics are and conforming to the principles of being ethical goes unnoticed. Colleges are believed to be the final stage of learning the essence of ethics and being ethical.

Describe how amazon.com uses e-business and e-commerce for b2b and b2c

Amazon.com also uses a business-to-business type of e-commerce. In a " sell-side" model, the seller, amazon.com, uses e-commerce to increase sales, reduce selling and advertising expenditures, etc.

King lear analysis essay

How far is King Lear a tragedy without any redeeming features? ' King Lear' is a well known tragic play due to the flaws present in the King, the two evil daughters whom crave power, the torturous acts and number of deaths provided at the end of the play. Goneril and Regan play a massive β†’

Dance as a form of worship essay

The liturgical dance which is really rich in itself enables more active engagement of the people in the Holy Eucharist and helps in conveying out the endowments and creativeness of the people within the church. The research worker hopes that this survey opens up the mentality of the clergy and people to utilize dance as β†’

An effective solution to mitigate greenhouse gases environmental sciences essay

The issue of mitigating Green House Gas emissions and trading carbon credits is quite new and an emerging field for the agricultural sector in Vietnam. Low carbon farming involves the adoption of practices and techniques which lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and improved energy efficiency.

Literary analysis the birthmark by nathanial hawthorne

This passage is one of the most telling of Nathaniel Hawthorne's main character in The Birthmark, Aylmer, a chemical scientist, and a perfectionist. Howard shares that the tie between the blemish and Georgina is a reference to the association between the blemish and the life that Georgina led.

Structure and rhetorical strategy in “the new jim crow”

In The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, author Michelle Alexander delves into the troublesome topic of social control mechanisms through the lens of race. In the first chapter, " The Rebirth of Caste," Alexander traces the path of social mechanisms back to the very beginning: slavery.

Ethical issues for children in therapy

The benefits of marriage and family The Marriage and Family therapist will allow the family unit to have a better understanding of addiction and how it affects behaviors. In this case, the marriage and family therapist will need to teach the parents and Jimmy about setting boundaries.

Question of the american political culture politics essay

Lau and Caroline Heldman called " the role of self-interest and symbolic attitudes" American political culture emphases on egalitarianism and individualism, there are belief that Americans specifically the elite champion the ideal of autonomy, more than in any other industrial society, for the elites in America they believe governments activities to be harmful and see β†’

Analysing the reggae music genre music essay

Although reggae is possibly the most popular genre in Jamaican music it was certainly not the first of its kind in Jamaica, with reggae having a few predecessors and a vast history that made reggae what it was today. It was this freedom that boosted the popularity of Ska and made it a huge success β†’

Techniques used by mahatma gandhi history essay

Indeed, he recalled of first political organ with which he chose to involve himself Gujarat Sabha that ' for me the value of it lies in the education that the masses will receive and the unity that the educated men and women will have of coming in close touch with the people.'[4]Gandhi spoke to the β†’

Government expenditure and national income

Government expenditure and national income is the major and main important in economics growth These often used to know the fluctuation in the economy growth based on the government expenditure and also national income. To increase the generate the standard of living among the people in the country and to ensure the stability of the β†’

Service quality dimensions that affect customer satisfaction commerce essay

Based on the review of literature and the research problem, the following question has been formulated in order to determine the relationship that exists between the various dimensions of customer expectation and the service quality by the insurance companies for motor insurance policy holders. It is important to understand this relationship as it would enable β†’

Introduction to the pc house plc commerce essay

A With to the full fledged gross revenues mercantile establishments throughout the island, an extended merchandise portfolio & A; a strong presence in the local market, the Company is the preferable Information and communications engineering merchandise and service supplier for the bulk of the Corporate and Retail consumers across Sri Lanka. The Personal computer House β†’

System analysis and design

Process modeling is a technique for documenting and organizing the structure as well as the flow of data through a system's processes and the procedures, logic and policies to be implemented by a system's process. Process modeling is an important part of SDLC in the sense that it helps the project team to study the β†’

Please operations in this hour of crisis.

Yours faithfully, Dear Sir, In response to your letter accompanied with a copy of Statement of Account, I am sorry to inform you that due to strike in our factory there has been no business, no production at all during the last ____________, and it has resulted in a sudden setback. We highly appreciate the β†’

Looking we can say they are nothing but

In this artifact, we can say that the machines have destroyed everything and we can say that the earth was doomed, we can easily say this just by looking at the color of the picture, a black background has always been an ambassador for tragedy. There is a possibility that humans has left this place β†’

Iris setosa, iris versicolour assignment

The following is an analysis of 4 classification algorithms that can be optimally used for these data sets.ANN.would be a good decision when simplicity and accuracy are the overwhelming factors, like in the " Zoo" data set. The disadvantages are that it takes quite a long time to classify and that it's somewhat hard to β†’

Education–key to social justice assignment

The Constitution of India aptly mentions achieving" Justice, social, economic ND political" as the first of the four goals of the Constitution. As India moves confidently in the path of development with its vibrant democracy and composite culture, the question of education and social Justice is of utmost importance in the present crucial socio-economic Juncture.

Geography of the world assignment

Severe winter storms affect the upper plain States, the Midwest, the Western Mountains, and the Northeast coast of the us. The vast majority of Canadians are concentrated In a belt across the southern part of the country nearly parallel to the border with the U.S.


The interactions between the living and non-living components are defined by the unique process of nutrient sequences and flow of energy which are the source of interaction between the constituents. 3) Despite the increase in the threat to the rainforests and more specifically the Orangutan species, various proposals have been put in place to cater β†’

Pepsi frito lay division: a diagnosis essay

An organizational diagnosis of the Frito-Lay Division of Pepsico is for purposes of identifying and deliberating on the congruence of the various factors of its operations that contribute to its sustainable performance. The volatility of changes and dynamics of the market and its tastes and needs and preferences will indeed warrant a cultivated diagnosis.

What can be concluded from the teleological argument essay

The word ' telos' is Greek for aim, goal or purpose and the word ' logos' means reason and the relevance of these can be seen throughout the argument as countless philosophers over a period of more than 200 years have tried to prove, using this argument, that the world was created with an aim β†’

The book thief by markus zusak

In the year 2013, the novel is adapted by Michael Petroni and directed by Brian Percival, the film version of " The Book Thief" forgoes the ultimate severity of the historical situation in favor of a well-created drama that's perfect for the whole family due to the vibrant work of its talented cast. Her mother β†’

“ode on melancholy”: sorrow dwells in the temple of delight

Keats makes this connection to humanity in comparing the emotional states of melancholy and joy to a mistress showing her anger. The " she" in the first line of the final stanza contains a double reference to both melancholy and the mistress.

Introduction of tourism industry in mauritius

As tourism is one of the fastest growing industry in the world, people are willing to travel to different parts of the world to experience the different culture and events which they find interesting. The research report also shows the various development procedures implemented by the government to attract more tourists to the island as β†’

Gene expression regulation

Chromatin structure and epigenic control of gene regulation In eukaryotic cells, DNA is contained in the nucleous and packed in chromosomes. The activation process, involving transcription factors, along with histones and cofactors, displaces or remodels chromatin, and opens up regions of the DNA and the core promoters of genes, for the binding of regulatory proteins β†’

The potential unreliability of eyewitness criminology essay

The aim of this essay is to investigate, based on the literature, the reasons that may influence the memory process of eyewitnesses and also what can be done in order to ensure that eyewitnesses testimony worth the value. In this stage the factors that may influence the eyewitnesses' testimony are the length of time or β†’

Common ground between islam and christianity assignment

It also discusses the role of Jesus and Prophet Muhammad as the founders f Christianity and Islam, and religious notion of being appointed by God. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Vol 1 1, No.2.

Ammunition. to her brother when she is

The purpose of gun regulation is not just about safe storage and the misuse of firearms, but also about actually controlling what weapons are in circulation. A ban on high-capacity magazines means that the part of the firearm where the ammunition is stored would be limited to a certain number of rounds.

A man for all seasons – more vs. rich essay sample

Chapuys a character in the play sees More as an upstanding moral and religious man, and Chapuys takes comfort in the fact that the virtues More represents contradict the king's actions. In Rich's awareness of his moral shortcomings, he is similar to the Common Man.

Critical thinking – inductives & deductive reasoning

CRITICAL THINKING CRITICAL THINKING Inductive Reasoning According to Teitelbaum & Wilensky, inductive reasoning is the reasoning whereby the premises request to deliver strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion. This is because the certainty of the conclusion can be established in order to validate or invalidate the premises.

Mindfulness practice in my life

I plan to maintain the practice of mindfulness in life since it is very helpful. I have also leant to deal with different situations in life such that I am in control of whatever I would be doing.

Current issues in dissability studies activity 5

The correct procedures that should be applied in gathering information about a disabled person include but not limited monitoring the emotional changes of the boy; paying more attention to the boy's actions, as a whole; identifying instances where the boy's behaviour is different from that of the non-disabled boy; estimate the level of empowerment possessed β†’

Negotiations resolution & conflict

The major goal of the negotiators in the Northern Ireland peace process was ending the violence that had hit the region for 30 years. On the other extreme, the republicans led by the Provisional IRA wanted the formation of a united Ireland and the release of republican prisoners who were been held by the Irish β†’

Shifting courses essay

There are many reasons why students are not happy with their courses, and the first reason could be because these students do not really know what they want to do or be in life yet. But because these students who let their parents pick out the course for them or those who picked a course β†’

Mcdonalds threats of new entrants essay

The major barriers a firm faces in this industry are the economies of scale and the access to distribution. This is a cutthroat industry in the sense that all firms are trying to steal each other's customers.

The saber tooth curriculum education

The cosmopolitan rule was illustrated through preparation and how the demands of the folk and subsequently of the society were met. While the lessons taught by New-Fist were relevant to the folk at the clip, fortunes had changed and the demands of the folk had changed.

Gattaca – college essay

In the film Gattaca directed by Andrew Niccol the power of the human spirit is exemplified as the prominent theme, presented through the characterisation of Vincent Freeman, the protagonist of the film. It is during the early flash back sequences of the film we learn of Vincent's dream of space travel, and the genetic inferiority β†’

Body art

A way of being mischievous for a woman or going over the edge or developing a sexual identity is to have a piercing: navel, nipple, and nose. Measey found that there was a positive correlation between personality disorders and the number of tattoos one possessed; 48% of those with no tattoos had a personality disorder β†’

Group experience

I had an opportunity of teaching " bhangra" to my classmates too which is a form of a regional dance in India. In the process of my group project, I had a vision of achieving something extraordinary by teaching the eastern dance to westerners.

Aftermath of the great catastrophe

What was the after-effect of the destruction of Smyrna on those who lived there and the rest of Greece and Turkey? The destruction of Smyrna was a catastrophic event for them, causing physical assault and murder of civilians, the forced population exchange of people between Greece and Turkey, and the burning of a diverse and β†’

Construct and support

While I do know it is not required to have this degree to succeed in today? s economy, it would help to make me more of an asset wherever I decide to go and help to ensure a more fulfilling future for me, and a more financially secure future for my family. I believe that β†’

In what ways are indonesian nationalism assignment

The Indonesian language, or Bases Indonesia, the official national language of Indonesia, Is a standardized version of Malay, and the choice of Malay as the national language to present the spoilt of Indonesian has a variety of reasons. The famous the Oath of the Youth' were announced, and in the third oath: We the son β†’

Fueling purpose

In his novel The Wars, Timothy Findley explores the origin of Robert Ross's incentives and investigates his actions as the protagonist strives to preserve life. Moreover, Robert Ross's departure to the training grounds allows him to witness the strict and unforgiving fashion his life will endure for the duration of the war.

Causes of muscle damage

This has led to the recent investigation on the possibility of increased production of free radicals during exercise and the effects of antioxidant supplementation in athletes. Acute phase response in exercise: Interaction of age and vitamin E on neutrophils and muscle enzyme release.Am.J.

Psychological and sociological concepts explaining depression behaviours

The possible options available to Edward will be identified to enable him to reduce his feelings of depression, and allow him to attempt to change his current perceived lack of opportunities and options. In Haralambos and Holborn, Fagin and Little suggest that work structure's a sense of who people are and their role in society β†’

Interpretation of 1 corinthians 7 1 16 religion essay

A Study of Questions on Marriage as Answered by the Apostle Paul in the Seventh Chapter of the First Epistle to the Church at Corinth. But now, beginning in 7: 1, Paul is going to respond to a whole series of questions that were addressed to him in a letter from the leadership of the β†’

Mass media creates rather than reflects social reality media essay

It has been argued by some that the media's role has extended from the conventional reflection of societal values to the creation of new values. Some of the content is distorted, even though one cannot down play the inherent significance of the media's belonging to the society.

Ducati incremental income from cruiser line

If Ducati was able to eventually match the success it had in the Sport segment and capture 7% of the worldwide Cruiser segment, it would almost certainly be able to quickly recoup its initial investment costs and drive future profitability. Ducati's cost structure will be similar to what it had in the Sports segment in β†’

Problem however has not been established whether

David Greenfield of the Center for internet studies, students have come to testify that they tend to spend a lot of time on Facebook at the expense of their studies. It is definitely advisable that the schedule include at least a few hours to login to Facebook because at the end of the day the β†’

Article is two fold, firstly, that law

Article 22 of the Constitution states, " Every person who is arrested and detained in custody will be produced before the nearest magistrate within a period of twenty-four hours of such arrest excluding the time necessary for the journey from the place of arrest to the Court of the magistrate and no such person will β†’

Chapter as follows: Ø boiling chamber Ø test

Following point were kept in mind during the design of the setup: Thevolume of the boiling chamber should be kept small to prevent the setup frombeing too large. The refluxcondenser is fixed at the top of the boiling in an opening in the top plate ofthe boiling chamber.

See below

Running Head A High-Performance Team A High-Performance Team Motivation Techniques Building a high-performance team, a manager should take into account motivation factors and personality of each team member. The challenge for the leader is to be a source of comfort for high performance team members.

Managing the transition to higher education

Managing the transition to Higher Education Shaping the context of managing the transition to higher education covers crucial issues such as funding of education, states having more local control of educational programs, and the call for greater accountability of schools. Matrix Volume: 1.

Case study #4

This will give me the required time and place to start my counseling while he is most comfortable with his surroundings. This theory basically works in the way that I will try to get to the bottom of the boy's behavior through his subconscious mind.

Summary on ellis island

Chastity Holman Spring History 1302 Ellis Island With a large number of immigrants coming to the United s in search of work and to gain civil liberties, it became important for the US government to regulate the number of immigrants. In 1976, Elis Island was turned into a tourist facility in which people interested in β†’

Regional conflict essay

The question is not in whether the American intervention has brought the anticipated results, but whether the discussed local conflict has a potential to turn into the war of global scale. The Sarajevo assassination has initiated the beginning of the WWI, and this is one of the brightest historical examples when local conflict has turned β†’

English 245 quiz flashcards essay

Breathless dir.by Jean-Luc Godard French New Wave the femme fatale, the " image" of a woman as well, the repeated gesture of the hand touching the lips as a reference to the noir mobster type image, the ambiguous ending lines, the jump cuts conveying the movie as sped up and " breathless" or without pause β†’

Shc 31 answers essay

Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting You must be able to understand what the person requires, act on it from the initial information until the matter is concluded, pass on the information to the relevant person/s to ensure the patient's needs are met, this process takes time to have faith in your β†’


It's a 13 chapter book explaining many different sectors of the wind turbines, but I am concentrating on the history of wind energy chapter 12. Because la Cour is the first inventor of the wind turbine in Denmark, this article is very valuable for my research paper.

The merneptah stele and early β€˜israel’

The literary interpretation of ' Israel' as a people in the inscription is supported by the determinative used by the scribe and the Egyptian word prt as ' seed' correlates with the assumption of Israel existing as a '....rural sedentary group of agriculturalists'. In the context of the inscription the scribe portrays the message of β†’

A comparison of the plays macbeth and antigone

Although Creon and Macbeth both share common aspects in tragedy; ultimately, Macbeth is more of a tragic hero than Creon because Macbeth was portrayed as a more respectable person than Creon was, however, unlike Creon, Macbeth never learned from his mistakes. Ultimately, Macbeth is more of a tragic hero compared to Creon despite their shared β†’

Strategies to prevent the spread of tuberculosis

If the community can see the care and curative treatment the stigma of the illness will lessen and more people come for screening. The purpose behind this is that the sooner TB is detected the easier it is to treat and the less the risk of transmission to other people.

Characterization of antimicrobial peptide ll37

Expression and Characterization of AntimicrobialPeptide LL37in Dog Peripheral Blood Endothelial Progenitor Cells In Vitro Highlights The lentivirus vector pGC-FU-LL37-GFP was constructed and characterized Dog peripheral blood endothelial progenitor cells were successfully obtained Expression of LL37 in was achieved by lentivirus infection. A combination of the anti-infection effect of LL37 and angiogenesis of EPCs might be β†’

Emerging therapies for the treatment of ms

It is currently undergoing Phase III trials and has resulted in 23% reduction in the rate of relapse of MS while there has been a 37% reduction in contrast enhancing lesions in volunteers. Its side effect is only the upregulation of Liver Function Tests The second oral drug that is undergoing phase III clinical trials β†’

Medieval music

Dunstable's music was religious and inclined to isorhythmic motets, which influenced the next generations of France and Italy. Guillame Du Fay was one o the most important music composers in the first part of the 15th century.

” aias stands strong (book 17). a second

The trident is the three main parts of a person which is, the body, spirit, and the mind. Aias is not only a good warrior, and a spiritual man, but he also has skill in the art of speaking and persuasion.