Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Noise source and control measures

The noise of an in-house generator in the maintenance building affecting the officers working in a nearby building of a business complex. Hence a combination of administrative and work practice control measures can also be adopted to reduce noise level coming from the maintenance building due to the generator.

Banks and other financial institutions

5 million, what would be the amount of the owners capital? c.if total liabilities and capital were $14 million, and $1 million of deposits were withdrawn from the bank, what would be the amount of the owners capital? a. If the total liabilities and capital were $14 million, and $1 million of deposits were withdrawn β†’

The cyberspace and identity by sherry turkle: the effect of online life

Cyberspace was proffered to contain a range of psychological effects, to wit: for simulation of conflict resolution strategies; to work through personal issues to identify an appropriate personal identity; to engage in adolescent moratorium through intense interactions with both ideas and people. These effects are made possible through the accessibility of unlimited time, space, environment, β†’

Discovering japan

The movie shows that generally, people are happy with their lives in Japan despite the major concerns about the lack of opinions and critical media. On the other hand, it is pleasant to see that people adapt to local customs and contribute to community order and safety.

Public health

Public Health Policy making in public health is quit a crucial process as it affects people's health in the community. The New Public Health, 3rd Ed.

Shades of the earth

Abbas Kowsari's work is highly appreciated by people all over the world and his photographs have qualified for Prix Pictet Earth. In his Shade of Earth series, Abbas Kowsari has depicted the intimacy of pain with respect for the dignity of its expression.

Getting fired from jobs

These include the use of employer time to conduct personal business, repeated lateness and inclusion of personal problems in business of the workplace. As a result, it is crucial to understand the causes of getting fired and go into the details of some of the mentioned reasons of getting fired.


The Athenians particularly dominate the history of political instability that resulted to the archisonship of Solon, the constitution of Clisthenes and the Persian Wars. The other key feature of the Hellenic Polis was the Athenian Democracy that was truly " rule by the people" where every citizen had privileges and responsibilities under the law requiring β†’

Team conflict scenario

Thus, as a leader to help solve the problem I will employ multiple strategies or follow a systematic approach to ending the conflict by considering the behavior, perceptions and attitudes of the group members towards the achievement of the group's goal. Therefore, I believe through division of the work and the fear for accountability amongst β†’

Debate topic abortion should be illegal in canada

The decreasing trend in population in Canada, over the years, is a matter of grave concern to a government and people blessed with a vast tract of habitable land and other resources. In the case of Canada, the primary reasons for stringent anti-abortion laws may be for reasons like dwindling population, family issues, and last β†’

Merchant of vinice

Merchant of Venice This paper will provide a persuasive answer to the question " How is Shylock guilty of deadly sins of avarice, envy and wrath?" The format that this paper will utilize is to first highlight some background information on the Shakespearian play The Merchant of Venice and the character Shylock. It could be β†’

Mental health $ motivation

In a recent study, Pennebaker and Chung found out that there is a strong and convincing correlation between expressive writing and meaning making to psychological and mental health outcomes. In order to widen the expressive writing and meaning making model to clinical applications, having a close reference to the conventional procedures will aid in the β†’

Similarities and differences in crane and dreiser’s practice of realism

Crane's practice of realism is the same with Dreiser's style in the sense that the two of them try to show the experience of people living in the urban city as this was evident in each of their works in Maggie: A Girl of the Streets and Sister Carrie respectively. The difference that exists between β†’


This identifies diversified topics for my dissertation and my focus in the dissertation will be household poverty and wellbeing with focus on the factors' covariance and their individual and interaction effects on education. Other population segments for consideration in my research are parents of the adolescents, the elderly, and adults with disabilities.

The strategy that will fix health care

In recent times one of the major concern associated with the rising cost associated with the healthcare system as well as disparity in the quality of health care system available for the people across the society. As Porter and lee in their review has directly mentioned that the goal is to increase value for the β†’

Thomas hobbes and battle of algiers

The Battle of Algiers simply expresses the feelings, reactions and resolves of the Algiers to disallow the French rule in Algiers. For the Algiers to obtain their self-determination and freedom, they had to fight the French rulers.

Disability discrimination

The law compels the need for employers to make available " reasonable accommodation to employees with disabilities, not unless their accommodation would cause considerable problems and, or cost to the employer. In respect to the law, the department might take some steps to accommodate the firefighter.

Department of health and human services

Department of Health and Human Services Department of Health and Human Services The Department of Health and Human Services is the United States government's primary organization for looking after the health of the American people and offering indispensable human services, for those who are not able to assist themselves. The fundamental difficulties of health care β†’

Case study example

The executive engineer needs to be called in immediately to service the equipment while temporary air conditioners need to be provided. The switchboard operator failed to relay calls with important information to the chef and the reasons need to be known.

Where will i find my sample and how can i access them

On the other hand, I would visit schools since it is one of the places that I would find homeless adolescents who are pursuing their education.2. Another problem that may be encountered during the process of accessing the source is that the source may refuse to co-operate.

Human services research article discussion

Further, the statistical analysis within the article would be evaluated to address the following concerns, to wit: is it appropriate for the subject? And does the article incorporate graphs or tables that facilitate understanding? " Social Work Practice in Child Welfare from a Cross-Cultural Perspective: Concepts of Change Process" by Kui Hee Song Presentation of β†’

Kangxi-emperor and the taiping rebellion

Kangxi-Emperor and the Taiping Rebellion When comparing between the two communities, Kangxi-Emperor and the Taiping Rebellion I would prefer living in the Kangxi-Emperor time. He encouraged people to love schools and academics as that was one way of gaining knowledge and honoring the scholar.

Business email

Advantages of aligning business and IT strategies In order to ensure that the competitiveness of the firm is well-maintained, it is vital for the management team to create appropriate level of Business-IT alignment strategies. Role of IT in enhancing business strategy IT can help a business in availing the opportunities that are unexploited in the β†’

Environment in literature

Environmental issues and literature The debates around environmental issues caused the necessity to reflect the main problems in the literature. The writers want to determine what place the literary products play in the struggle with environmental crisis and how the environment issues are represented in literature.

Challenging life experiences

This was a very difficult period and the very thought that I would not be able to pursue my passion for sports was scary and devastating. Thinking back, I now realize that my health problem could have been averted if I had avoided the continuous training sessions and physical strain.

Providence college supplement

I have always had the passion of joining a college or other institute of learning where I can learn how to create and nurture my goals and objectives for helping other people in the community. I have participated in many activities and volunteered in organisation that aim at helping underprivileged members of the community in β†’

Compare and contrast disparate treatment and disparate impact

Compare and Contrast Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact: Disparate Treatment and Disparate Impact are two theories under VII of the United States Civil Rights Act. In all disparate treatment cases, " whether the issue is the truth or falsity of the employer's reason for its action, or the co-existence of legitimate and illegitimate motives, whether β†’

Online learning

In this article, the author asserts that online learning is very essential in enabling students from different countries to share information online thus being able to learn about the culture of countries. In addition, the author asserts that online learning is very beneficial since it is affordable, easy to access information, convenient and customized.

Policies on sexual aggression

The company identifies a common form of sexual harassment, quid pro quo harassment, in the following manner: " If submission to or rejection of the conduct is used and as a basis for an employment decision affecting the person rejecting or submitting to the conduct", 2007). Therefore, the policy appears to be fair by protecting β†’

American individualism

And the continuous practice of individualism in every sphere of American life only make individualism to be the core of American value system. Individualism becomes part of American culture as it is nurtured in the homes a children grew up.

Causes of structural failure

30 January 2007 Causes of Structural Failure Structural failure can be broadly defined as the " loss of the load carrying capacity of a component or member within a structure or of the structure itself". Any or combination of the aforementioned factors always leads to structural failures.

Fundamentals of mass communication

One of the reasons for the speech was to call the attention of all Americans and the world at large to the unfortunate events that had occurred that fateful day. The other reason behind the speech was to assure Americans and the world at large that the country was still stable in spite of the β†’

Law school personal statement

I wish to make a difference in the lives of underserved youth who are forced into the legal system due to family circumstances. That is my goal: to become the best child advocacy lawyer I can and hopefully change the lives of disadvantaged children in future years.


Endocannibalism describes the process of ingesting the bones of a dead person to ensure that the spirit of the dead person remains. This food is shared among the members of the community to ensure that the spirit of the dead person rejuvenates in every living person within the community.

Bilingual and multilingual person

In cases where the migrants practice their traditions in their adoptive country, they are far more likely to retain their first language and acquire the second one, i.e, the language widely spoken in the foreign country to which they have relocated. In other meaning, when they speak to a family member they use their native β†’

The brain

Young people should not consume alcohol Recent research shows that due to several important structural and functional changes in brain function which take place in adolescence, adolescents are more vulnerable than adults to the impact of alcohol on memory and learning. The data suggests that the subjects who abuse alcohol in their early adolescence are β†’

Compare and contrast the three sky’s religions

Ridgeon continues to argue that in these religions, the doctrine of God of Israel is the foundation of the religions. These aspects link the three religions to the concept of God and the role of Abraham in religion- the founder.

The 2008 financial crisis

The other reasons for the global financial crisis in 2008 were the resultant inability to measure risk, screening of borrowers and bank lending of precarious loans, and lack of concern on the ability to pay with the main aim being the origination of loans. These factors that resulted in the financial crisis show the blatant β†’

Reconstruction after civil war

It was during the emancipation of the northern slaves, just immediately after the American civil wars; thanks to the civil war, I would be a slave somewhere in one of the northern farms at the moment. For sure the thorns of the desert, the scorching sun of the desert, the cold of Mississippi were just β†’

Chinua achebe’s response to conrad’s heart of darkness novel

The problem of racism, which he feels is evident in the writings and perception of Conrad, is actually an issue of localized conception of reality something of which the critic has become a victim himself. He feels that the novel presents only a dark and limit side of the natives and inhabitants of Africa, and β†’

Policy analysis i paper

They have stated that it is the responsibility of the federal government in keeping the illegal aliens out of the country and expelling those who are in the country. The numbers of the illegal aliens that are in the federal criminal justice have shot up sharply.

Briefly discuss how multinational companies use erp systems to process transactions and provide information for stakeholders

Processing transactions with ERP Processing transactions within the organisation with the use of the ERP has been known to involve three major types of services which are consulting, customisation and support. Reporting information to stakeholders In most multinational companies, the use of ERP is directly connected to supply chain management and value chain systems.

Women and gender role in my antonia by willa cather

Thesis ment on Gender Roles in Antonia by Willa Cather Willa Cather in her novel my Antonia makes a firm stance regarding the ' Modern Woman' by using their powerful natures and their boldfaced sexuality of the female characters in the novel. She has given us examples of Antonia and how she was condemned by β†’

Narrative reports to monitor and evaluate integration of pharmacist into family practice sattings

The researcher is able to establish the needs of the respondents, risks and the challenges that they face. Through filling the narrative reports, I can be able to tell why people behave the way they do, causes of dissatisfaction and the challenges that they face.

For sorbbone university

I believe that Sorbonne University is the best place to pursue law as a career because I am confident that Sorbonne would develop in me the skills that are essential for me to follow my passion with a renewed and a consistent vigor, and the international exposure that I will receive during my studies at β†’

Short story paper

Similarly, while there is somebody telling the story from the start till the end of the novel, the reader can never be sure who actually the narrator of the story is. One proof of all these strengths of A Rose for Emily is that this story is frequently taught in the classes of literature in β†’

Using cellular phones while driving

When talking on phone, the attention of the driver is diverted to the conversation and the driver pays little attention on the road. Use of cellular phone during driving must be forbidden because unlike music, it requires the driver to pay attention and concentrate towards the call.

Self reflections

To contemplate on the modern age and see through the economic and technology-enhanced reality, the most practical aspect of examining students with respect to the outcomes of an instruction is to figure what matters essentially to the learner. Feedbacks, on the other hand, may be perceived as an approach designed for instructors to let students β†’

Personal statement example

With the intention to have my career in pharmacology, I graduated in Pharmaceutical Science from King Saud University in the year 2011. I am sure that with my passion and dedication, I will be able to make valuable contributions in the field of pharmacology.

Apology letter for an assault happened two years ago

I wish I could undo the harm that I have done to you. Oh! How I wish I could rewind the time and undo the harm that I have done to you.

Booker t. washington era

In an effort to prove to other races that they were not different form them, the African Americans developed ways of proving that they were in no way inferior to the white race. The self-help ideology was formulated and adopted to uplift them during the harsh times and also to bring change for future generations β†’

In depth news assignment

Canadian Government recently announced a plan to invest $400 million in the local venture capital industry in order to help increase the private sector investment over the period of next 7 to 11 years. Some argue that the overall size of pool of the funds to be made available is relatively small and may not β†’

Tooth and claw

Junior is keen to blame his unhappiness and lack of life accomplishment on his immediate environmental surroundings as shown by Boyle where he moves to California because it's ambitious driven similar to his desires. Environment does not determine happiness it is simply one's ability to have a positive mindset and appreciate what life offers like β†’

E-commerce’s advantage and disavantage / what do you needs and what qualities or character to be a success entrepreneur

E-commerce offers exclusive customer service as the customer is able to go through all the products of the seller without having to call the seller hence saving of time and money. Additionally, E-commerce has ensured that delivery is to the advantage of the shoppers because they need not to leave their homes as mostly, the β†’

Annotated bibliography

The History of the United s of America from the Discovery of the Continent. The focus of this source is the civil war that pitted the confederates from the south and the union forces.

Statement of purpose for business administration

At this point of my career, I have the feeling that I have touched and accomplished a lot and been through various challenges at my current academic level; and hence, turning to a Master's Degree in Business Administration is a far more than a logical choice in my career. After completion of the course, it β†’

Art and craft

ART AND CRAFT By: + Art and craft is a special entity that requirespatience, skills, swiftness and keen interest for a learner comprehend and master the subject. A distinction was only attained through the uniqueness and application of basic arts and craft skills to attain originality in all projects of arts.

Religion interview

We had really never discussed her religion on a deeper level, because I felt she wanted her privacy and I did not want her to feel she had to explain herself or her choices to her friends. It happened that she decided to convert from her Baptist faith to Islam, at first because she fell β†’

Powerful word love

You start feeling for someone and then term it is as love. Love is something which gives you the courage to challenge the circumstances and gives you the strength to give up on your happiness for the sake of someone else.

Preparing for college: practical advice for students

Conclusion I can summarize my core motivation for wanting to join college as the prospect of being able to learn new aspects in varying disciplines that will add to the knowledge I already possess, while simultaneously learning from other people and gaining new experiences. I look forward to having an unforgettable, productive and satisfying time β†’

Treating depression

That is why I am seeking this opportunity so that I can acquire the knowledge required in this field. This is because I understand that to become a certified nursing assistant one needs to put in more effort and dedicate their time to the nursing profession.

Reading disabilities

The main purpose of this article is to give an overview of the instructional practices for teaching word reading to with reading disabilities. Also, it is important to note the role of teachers in implementing the reading instructions effectively.

Pressure bulkhead to support the landing gear system

Pressure Bulkhead for the Landing Gear System Number Pressure bulkheads to support the landing gear system The structure of pressure bulkhead for installation on an aircraft's landing gear includes a web of bulkheads and a supporting structure to ensure stability. According to Currey, the popular structure of modern aircraft landing gear come in the form β†’

A 200 word comment on each artical

Tonnies made a point of defining the Gemeinschaft from the Gesellschaft, or in economic terms, the relationships formed in rural and urban areas. For Tonnies, the relationships in the Gemeinschaft are based on mutual understanding and a " unity of being".

What are the causes of mortgage fraud

These causes include: Lack of disciplined underwriting The consistent failure to apply underwriting policies, in the process of assessing the suitability of borrowers to qualify for a loan is the major cause of mortgage fraud. Failure to apply the necessary underwriting guidelines comes in the form of deliberately refusing to apply the required mortgage control β†’

Sick around the world

Sick Around the World Affiliation: Sick Around the World The United Kingdom spends 8. Use of the insurance policy and monthly premiums has reduced the costs spent by the government on health care.

Higher processes of cognition

To make sure that the neutral posture of the body of the respondents was consistent with the center of a fixation cross, the researchers made sure that the balance board for all the participants was calibrated before the start of the experimental sessions. In order to help respondents maintain their position, the researchers displayed the β†’


There is a growing increase in production and labor costs, and even though the government is constantly increasing the money in the country, the distribution of income is uneven, adding to the reduction of purchasing power for the citizens. Implementing a fixed exchange rate in Brazil is not a plausible concept because the value of β†’


I have decided to pursue my graduate business degree because I want togain proper knowledge of business administration before setting my foot in the entrepreneurship. I want to gain knowledge of business administration from a proper platform so that I would be equipped with the knowledge of the latest and advanced methods, tools, and techniques β†’

Jean watson’s theory on caring is adopted in many aspects of nursing. listen to the monologue by dr watson. what does this mean

Value of Care in Nursing In this modern world, it is but common to assume that professional careers must be efficient, and in some ways, mechanical in approach. Enhancements in care, thereby, need to be reapplied in nursing practice, as had been originally intended from the beginning of the profession.

Fastest growing career – physicians

The career of a physician is one that can be considered as a fast-growing one because of the number of physicians that will be needed in future, the number of areas they can work in and the wages that they are offered. A physician's career is expected to be the fastest-growing career because it is β†’

Advocates for children

Additionally, the local United Way in the community hosting the seminar has guaranteed 45 participants. In exchange for this guarantee, the United Way has asked you to set the seminar fee as low as possible.

Read an

Sur Due According to the article on past and future of construction equipment does the past affect what will bedone in the future and if so how? However it is important to note that it is what was tested and failed or succeeded in the past that has contributed to this much advancement in the β†’

Child trauma 8

The study by the three authors mentioned above examined the differences in the trauma exposures of children under the child-welfare system and their corresponding responses to such type of exposure. A significant finding of this study was the results showed a high degree of exposure to traumatic experiences for children falling under the DEC group β†’

Hills like white elephants, symbolism and theme, ernest hemingway

Analyzing the story, an individual's attention is brought to the title of the story as well as the mention of the white elephants in the story. The Dispersion.2011.Web.

U s history

The stagflation of the country's economy, the experience and results of the Vietnam war, the lack of confidence of the government by the people as it was no longer perceived as a champion of freedom, the Watergate imbroglio all contributed to the " crises of confidence" in the country. The " conservatism and the Reagan β†’

Starbucks company

The financial status of the company is firm. 05B Total Cash Per Share: 2.

Mba degree

During different periods of my life, I was successful in benefiting from my skills and capabilities, and at the same time, turn my weaknesses into strengths to contribute in my family. During my years in the university, I was able to achieve comprehensive understanding in the field of manufacturing and engineering, and my intellectual capabilities β†’

Compare and contrast 2 articles

It can be regarded that the influence of God in the Black culture is very much apparent and extensively discussed in both of the essays. The indispensability of the force of a higher being and how it shapes the everyday existence of the Black people can be perceived in the articles.

Childhood friend

I however develop closer ties with some of my friends, especially if I share in their social issues, and Saad is one of the people with whom I have been very close. I do empathize with people and having noted a level of distress in his life drew me close to him until he told β†’

Lighting design makes the stage real and bigger

HERE YOUR HERE HERE HERE Lighting Design Makes the Stage Real and Majestic A recent production of " A Midsummer Night's Dream" illustrated the importance of lighting in creating an emotional reaction in the viewing audience. During one particular scene, when the play's characters are having a celebration in a beautiful palace, the aforementioned white β†’

Why i want to join aston business school

As I am of Chinese origin, but have spent a large amount of time in the UK, I am fully aware of the advantages that can be gained from a diverse group of people. Because I have already gone through some of the struggles of settling into a school with a variety of cultures, I β†’

Pol2000 w10 assignment & pol2000 w11 assignment

Other steps include selecting a resolution to the predicament, choosing to whom to deliver the supplies or even services, making regulations for execution, and final realization as a continuing policy. Unlike an institution of higher education, which also generates policy studies, a think tank subsists almost wholly to manipulate the urgent agenda.

Chapter 2 discussion questions

The first difference lies in the fact that group cohesion is, most of the time, a natural mechanism and is based on the ' we' feeling of like-minded workers. III In simple terms, a team is a group of people who have a common task and are working together to achieve it.

For apply master degree

Economics is considered to value the corporate performance in terms of financial gains a person brings to the company. I have strived from my high school to keep in constant touch with the updates of the financial field.

Design of a motor speed sampling, amplification, filtering and display circuit

The MSB output of the counter should be used to connect to the clock terminal of ADC_8 converter The value of the output of the adc_8 converter should be displayed in two 7-segment display units, the MSB four bits are displayed in one and the LSB four bits in another. The output of the op-amp β†’


The stock that he took a loan with from the company was the same stock he had used as security for the startup fee of the firm. They found improprieties that led to a 7% drop in the share of the market.

A view of death and women

Mallard's thoughts confirm her feelings about the death of her husband. Mallard embraces the freedom that she thinks she could have after the burial of her husband.


Board of Education This Supreme Court case overturned the decision in Plessy v. 1978 - Regents of the University of California v.

Week 10 – final project: psychopathology and treatment

The patients with Panic Disorders also suffers from the symptoms of sweating, sensations of shortness of breath, feeling dizzy and the most common symptom of Panic Disorder is that the patient has fear of dying. The Symptoms of Panic Disorder.

Position paper – topic – inside the minds of google

Instruction: Task: Minds of Google Inside the Minds of Google is a short video that offers an in-depth view of how Google operates since it got into the market 14 years ago. In other words, this means that one of the most innovative and a successful company in the world is worried on how it β†’

New character (side kick)

New Character of the English Literature ic and Modern) of the Concerned Teacher June 26, New Character The character I have in my mind is actually a cannibalizing expert, who developed the skills required to contrive state of the art gadgets out of seemingly useless trash by his personal initiative and interest. To the regular β†’

Attitude of the socrates towards the gods in euthyphro

Attitude of the Socrates towards the gods in Euthyphro The discussion of Plato commonly referred to as the Euthyphro is a dialogue that took place between Socrates and Euthyphro that touches on what holiness is. He is quite sure that most of the Athenian people has little understanding of the very nature of piety or β†’

Mayas calendar system

All calendars derive originally from observation of the sky and the planets, since the earth's revolutions cause the change from day to night, and its orbit round the sun causes the seasons to change on an annual basis. 8 Calendars of the Maya: The Pleiadian Cycle and the Key to Destiny.