Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Assignment 1 week 7

The key elements that an organization must focus on to promote change are: Motivation: The employees need to be explained about the necessity of change and they must be convinced of the personal and professional benefits to themselves, as well as to their organization. If the management, senior executives and the employees have their shared β†’

Never give up – difficulties raise will

I am fortunate to have him as my father and friend, and to receive his love and guidance that I am sure will continue to help me in times of distress throughout my life. Then, my teacher called me to her chamber and announced that I had failed because of cheating in the exam.

Current issue between native america and the federal government

Current issue between Native America and the Federal government In scrutinizing through the Indian Country Today, I realized that there are a number of issues that have still been an issue between the Native Americans and the federal government. Therefore, in the meantime most tribes are in the process of to buying the lands that β†’

How does each try to be entrepreneurial, while operating in highly challenging markets

According to a Fortune Magazine article, Jobs went completely against the grain of the Silicon Valley employee-management norm by being the tyrannical boss often associated with industrial times. Google now encompasses many online services that are not search related, which has stretched the company's focus and may pose a threat to future profits.

Back belts

It states that NIOSH " does not recommend the use of back belts to prevent injuries among uninjured workers, and does not consider back belts to be personal protective equipment" According to NIOSH, lifting technique plays important role in the incidents of lifting injuries. Retrieved May 26, 2011, from The Advantages of Wearing Back β†’

Ford motors as the best company to work with

The company has competitive renumeration, on the job training, air promotions and employee incentatives. This requires a degree in sales and marketing Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that Ford motors is the best company to work in because it is profitable, has employee motivation strategies and has competitive remuneration package that attracts the people β†’

Answering questions regarding personal statement 1

However, the feedback further shows that I have to enhance my commitment and interact with like-minded individuals who would help increase my productivity both in school work and later at a place of work. Question 4 In my future studies at LJMU, I will strive to develop my skills by deciding to specialize in a β†’

Understanding challenges in the third sector

On the contrary, they are community and voluntary-based organizations, which strive for the betterment of the society. Hence, the third sector became a really interesting model for me to study and I learned how the entity succeed to survive when I worked as a volunteer with them.

Ideology and ideological state apparatuses. louis althusser

In the article, ' Ideology and Ideological Apparatuses', Louis Althusser, an eminent philosopher has expounded on the wider meaning of ideas and ideologies that are subscribed by human race. He asserts that theory of ideologies depend on the social formations which are linked to production and creation of social class.

Just 3 questions for organizational behavior class

Applicants will be tested, and evaluated on the degree that they posses the necessary abilities to perform the tasks of the job. The tasks of the job can be modified in such a way that it is suited to the specific talents of an employee.

Natural capitalism – business strategies, sustainable practices, innovation, and eco-friendly technologies enabling markets functioning

The author of the article categorically identified a possible remedy for unsustainable market activities as the adoption of sustainable market activities. The activities serve to counteract and shape the direction of market forces to ensure they produce favorable outcomes through the inclusion of all-natural capital.

Gangs and gang behavior – week 6

Criminologists have carried out research in several states, which show that when males get involved in female gangs, there is the likelihood of elevation of criminal involvement of the gangs as a whole in serious violent crimes. Hence, the involvement of male in female gangs might lead to the females in getting involved in crime β†’

Hcm367-0801b-01 the health care organization – phase 2 discussion board

Our network of physicians, nurses and para-medics, and our health plan which provides medical and health care to thousands of patients, and group health plans which assist thousands of employees in various firms and their families is witness and testimony to the goodwill Vitruvian enjoys. As is the case in the medical fraternity the world β†’

Managing human resources (hrm)

Although not immediately apparent, such situation can escalate to hostile work environments and disability harassment that can cause inefficiencies and setbacks for the company not limited to the loss of qualified employees with disabilities, a decrease in the performance of employees with or without disabilities, an increase in the costs related to the loss of β†’

Food sovereignty: ending world hunger in our time

Since most of the aid is given to developing countries in the form of ' in-kind', U.S.based manufacturing companies that produces food, seeds, and other farming-related products are the ones that earn profit out of the food aid program. Discussion Given that the United States is considered a developed country, the volume of food β†’

Feedback and me

Feedback and Me Feedback is very critical in business as it helps an organization to gauge how they are doing in terms satisfaction. A negative feedback could also be a blessing in disguise as it offers an organization the opportunity to improve in terms of customer satisfaction and overall productivity.

Shared practice: westjet – aligning it and business strategy

WESTJET - ALIGNING IT AND BUSINESS STRATEGY School: WESTJET - ALIGNING IT AND BUSINESS STRATEGY As much as the use of information technology is very important for the survival of any modern business, Andriole noted the need to align IT with specific business strategy. From the case, it can be said that to better help β†’

A day in the sleep clinic cs4

The United States are putting increased emphasis to reduce health disparities, but ethnic and racial disparities in health care continue. Research shows that there is low performance on health care among minority races and ethnic population as compared to the white people.

Flags of our fathers: by james bradley and ron powers

Some of the notable historic wars include the First and Second World Wars, the Civil War, the American Revolution, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf War, and the Korean War among others. In his book, James Bradley captures the triumph, the glory, the legacy, and the glory of six men who managed to raise the β†’

Summarize chapter 22

The next approach for aviation safety is the Boeing Safety Management System which is simply a system of analysis of commercial jet airplane accidents. System safety refers to the forward looking identification of possible hazards in order to control/manage the effective risks and in a way the represents the opposite of the Boeing Management System.

Evaluation report

Monitoring involves the evaluation of student participation in the programs and individual achievement of the students. As a coordinator, the development of plans and participation in the Isolation immersion program with the students is vital.

Arabian nights and days written by naguib mahfouz

The other importance of religion in the book is brought about by the genie story where the genie deceives a religious man from his religious ways into committing rape and murder to an innocent man only to fail to fulfil its promises to the man. According to the author Mahfouz, his depictions of Sheikh as β†’

Road rage

When they eyes are on the cell phone or one hand is busy holding it to the ear, the situation becomes dangerous when a critical turn or an emergency move is to be made. When a person is eating while driving, his attention is toward the meal and not on the road.

The social work skills

My classmates help me do the homework in coordination and groups. The most external factors affecting my life include religion and culture.

Business policy and strategic management

Introduction Southwest Airlines hold a prestigious in the airline industry, not because of its profitability and culture, but because of the initiatives and strategies which it applied in creating a competitive edge over its rivals. While employees started complaining of low wages, Southwest also suffered as strikes and complaints by employees deteriorated the culture at β†’

Treatment approaches in hospital

Nonetheless, there is highly individualized treatment and the rehabilitation is intensive, while an on-going treatment for addicts by addiction psychiatrist runs for five days a week. I chose this center because I believe it is the best center for addicts.

Summary of the books of the old testament books

Some key themes and events include God as the creator and sustainer of his creation demonstrated through the accounts of the creation week, the fall of man, the flood, and Patriarchal History, including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph. The main focus of the book is the need for the Jews to repent of their sin β†’

Drug usage

Drug Usage of the of the Drug Usage Industry and drug usage Drug usage has been a serious concern amongst people belonging to different fields of life especially for working professionals. It is learned that one of the causes of Exxon oil spill is the usage of drugs by its employees, which led to negligence β†’

U.s. landmark case of plessy v. ferguson

Ferguson decided: 1896, overruled in 1954 Facts of the case: In the year 1890 a lawcalled the ' Separate Car Act' was passed that stated that different accommodations were required for the people that belonged to the black and the white races on railroads including on the trains. According to Justice Brown, " We consider β†’

Santa catalina island trip

The experience made me question the authenticity of the area because the resemblance to Italian and Spanish cultures was not a representation of American culture. Break from Reality: The tour was beyond my imagination, it all felt unreal.


Tim had special problems, he was a tough child to handle and she tried to influence his disposition by arranging the meeting with his parents, but she was not successful in her efforts initially but her persistence paid off later and Tim was on the road of reformation process.Q.2. The responsibilities of the parents at β†’

College education and the class system

College Education and the System Research has been carried out over the past years to assess the effect of high cost of college fees on the equality in access to higher education. The high cost of higher level education has been found to bring inequalities in the level of access to colleges.

Persuasion and cognitive dissonance

Persuasion is said to have occurred when the behaviour or thoughts of an individual influences the behaviour of another. Self-affirmation is a psychological theory with the premise that people are motivated to maintain the integrity of the self with an aim of protecting the image of its self-integrity and morality.

The shawshank redemption

It is based on the lives of the American prisoners, how they were treated and felt and was there any racism in them in the 1950's and 1960's. In the case of Shawshank Redemption, if a separate isolated prison was shown, as it used to be in reality it would not have carried the movie, β†’

Gross national product of the usa

The highest gross national product of the USA was 16188. 90 USD Billion whereas the lowest gross national product of the USA was 2096.

Cocaine epidemic in the usa in 1980s

Cocaine Epidemic in the USA in 1980s The extent of psychostimulants use cyclically varies in contrast to the relatively constant level of opioids use. Due to this fact the popularity of use of cocaine among pregnant women was high.

Personal statement. application

I could therefore claim that the package of qualities I have, and which I continue to enthusiastically develop each day, prepares me to succeed in my goal of becoming a good primary school teacher. Lastly, I know what succeeding as a primary school teacher demands, and I have the passion to succeed.

Officer mohammed (tribute speech)

In his years of service, he went to great heights to ensure that he got what he wanted. Even though he had his good and bad days, my grandfather was so sensitive to the needs and interests of those around him.

Reflection questions

For this reason, I believe time is a complex variable, of which it might be impossible to understand it as a whole. Nonetheless, most people have a myth, be it from religion or science, which they believe in and use to perceive the after-death experiences.

A mothers heart in a father

Ignoring the sound, he went to his room but on his way down, he caught a glimpse of his father lying on the floor. He runs to the kitchen and discovered his father struggling to breathe.

Economics learning requirements

Thanks to the interest and hard work I put in, I happened to get an internship, which helped me in getting acquainted with the field of economics. I feel that I have enough knowledge and passion to show that I have a craze about going ahead in the field of economics and contribute to the β†’

Are tax cuts promoting economic growth

Are Tax Cuts Promoting Economic Growth Tax cuts have been a means to promote economic growth for decades, and history has proven its trackrecord. It is based off a common sense principle that the more money the private sector has to create and expand businesses, the more opportunities for employment, the more goods are bought β†’

Reading response

However the people of Britain and France were devastated by the destruction caused by the war and in no mood to forgive Germany for it. It led to more friction among nations and was helpless in preventing the next war that was even more horrific than its predecessor causing untold misery to the peoples of β†’

Looking for my father on the mountain

As I strolled on the beach I deliberately kicked the top of a bottle that was sticking out of the sand. Yes a Jinn appeared, and I felt that the solution to all my problems had presented itself.

Anselm of canterbury

Anselm's Ontological Argument in the " Proslogion," attempting to prove the existence of God, hinges on his definition of God as " something than which nothing greater can be thought of". This definition of God as the ' greatest' mandates a conception of God as Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent: the Perfect God.

Reading journal

The experience has been somewhat similar while reading the chapters in the book by Kagan and Rogers. According to the chapters in the book it has been told that the early 17th and mid 20th centuries have been very favorable for Europe as it has dominated majority of the world.

Volunteer work

Volunteer Work Volunteer Work Last summer, I had a chance to do volunteer work with the kids at the Ryves youth center. Furthermore, if I look at my problems and compare them with those of the youth in the center, I realize that my problems are nothing compared to theirs.

The components of a firms image

Store Image Store Image is the positioning of a store in terms of its branding, product selection, interior and exterior design, fixtures and fittings, lighting and other elements affecting the visual outlook of a retail store. Analyses of such information often lead the manager to a broader understanding of the marketing forces operating in a β†’

Paper – mcdonaldization of society

McDonaldization of Society The book describes a sociological occurrence that happens in the modern world. McDonaldization refers to the process of rationalization in relation to fast-food chains like the McDonalds.

Managing exchange rate risk (slp)

RUNNING HEAD: MANAGING FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK Managing Foreign Exchange Risk of the of the Managing Foreign Exchange Risk Purpose The purpose of this paper is to mark out significant impact of fluctuations of foreign currencies on the investment portfolio of an individual or a company. Hedging of Foreign exchange risk depends on the volatility in β†’

Caree paper

The paper covers the history, requirements, duties, and the job outlook of a high school or a secondary teacher. My decision is due to a couple of benefits in the teaching profession.

Compare and contrast

The Wife of Bath and the Prioress In creating his Canterbury Tales, Chaucer introduced several characters that represented the extremes of the society in which he lived. While the Wife of Bath is worldly in the true sense of the word whichever way it is interpreted, the Prioress is the medieval feminine ideal, soft-hearted almost β†’

Reason for choosing pharmacy

They have the responsibility to educate and let the patients know about the use and potential effects of medication, to keep important medical records of patients to make their safety certain and check their progress. I want to participate in formulating better policies and keep a check on the sold of drugs that they should β†’

Michael moore: sicko

Moore's film highlights how the US health care system appears to have lost this respect for human life as shown through the failings within the different arms of the healthcare system. This is one of the areas that " Sicko" exploits as a possible cause of the failings of the current American health care system.

Sociology in our times

This difference in the social positions represents different levels of power, influence and money The British society is often considered to be divided into three main groups of classes, namely, the Upper Class, the Middle Class and the Lower or Working Class. In the " Social structure of the United Kingdom," there is Received Pronunciation β†’

Personal best place: the czech republic

Most of the people in the Czech Republic are Czech while the next largest ethnic population is Moravian. Although Prague is a busy city, the Czech people are very accommodative and friendly.

Video summary and reflection

Summary: The video is shown within one minute and 25 seconds and the main point that was presented was the reported protest of the social networking site, Facebook, for allegedly encouraging users to post images of Islam's prophet, Mohammad, which was reportedly not allowed. Introduction: The video entitled " Malala Yousafzai, 16, and Her Miraculous β†’

The world is more depressed

The most likely factor that can account for the increased rate of depression globally is the concept of urbanization, considering that by 2010, 50% of the world's population was living in cities. Identify the main argument The major argument of the article is that the process of urbanization and the advancement in technology are major β†’


This protection comes in the form of antitrust law and, to a significant extant, insulates owners and other interested stakeholders from competition within the baseball industry. The irony is that while the owners and the players often trade accusations about the other using unfair methods or misleading financial formulas the truth is that both reap β†’

Respond to post on the effects of personnel selection

Response to posts on the effect of personnel selection March 13, Response to posts on the effect of personnel selection Response to Shelia's post I wish to expand your post by explaining a legal implication of job evaluation. The post should have therefore extended to state such an example of the implications and not just β†’

Autobiography and professional goals

The reason why I plan to pursue a professional career in this area is because I feel that I have something to offer society. I had a dream to go to school and make something of myself, and this would not be possible with my husband around.

The significance of art education to stakeholders

The goal of the survey was to evaluate the value of art education to today's society, and the importance of art education to teachers, administrators, parents, students and the community. The results indicate that most of the teachers, administrators, and members of the board of education valued art education.

American unemployment and how it effects the economy

A New York Times article discussing the same report indicated similar positive indicators and speculated on the nature of the connection between the economy and the unemployment figures. It attributed the lowered rates to both the general flux of the economy, and the most recent stimulus package.

Forces that drives growth in international trade

FORCES THAT DRIVES GROWTH IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE Affiliation Forces that drive growth in international trade According to Van & Lewer, international trade is performing better in the modern times than the past decades and it is projected to get even better in the days ahead. Many of the driving forces that have kept international trade β†’

International business law

September 11, Article Review: " US Says It Has Indications Toxic Chemical Was Used In Syria In April" In an article entitled " US Says It Has Indications Toxic Chemical Was Used In Syria In April" published online in the International Business Times, the information disclosed alleged indications that the Syrian government could have used β†’

The veterans health affairs handbook

Ideally, the letter opposes the draft VHA Handbook with a view that the proposed changes may significantly undermine the delivery of care within the VHA while disregarding the states' role in regulating the health and safety of their residents in the delivery of health care services. I strongly agree with the letter in calling for β†’

Criminal justice

The functionality of the criminal justice system is subject to the direction of legal provisions and codes of conduct. In response to unethical behavior in the courtroom, it is important to punish court officers for the violation of judicial codes of conduct.

Company motivational profile paper

Motivational Strategies s Motivational Strategies Primarily, the goal of every organization is to be as productive as possible and increase its returns. This includes the employees being encouraged to seek new ideas and to be given a favorable medium to promote them.

Environmental justice: shantytowns

Shantytowns are viewed as the ultimate example of poverty, dictatorship, immorality, and lack of law in contemporary Argentina which resulted in fear and avoidance of this area. In addition, the district of Avellaneda is also one of the shantytowns that are prone to hazard risks particularly, flammable hazards.


In this stage, the antibody " bumps" into the red blood cell at the corresponding site of the antigen. On the other hand, the chemical forces include the unlike ions that the antigen and the antibody possess.

The financial future of the organization

Stark suggests that there needs to be a plan that establishes the business need for a forecast and that it should be followed for best results. In order to create a plan, Stark suggests that when the organization is making the forecast, they should use at least two years of data.


These options however do not promise growth and profits for Namaste's employees as the new entrants and/or stakeholders would come with different expectations that may not match with Namaste's culture; in this case, employees that are used to one way of leading their company and giving commitment may not be able to adjust to the β†’

University admission: the ambition of becoming engineer

One of the most challenging elements I had to endure during my endeavor in engineering is to follow my passion, even if it meant that the field was not lucrative. However, I know that my hard work and dedication will allow me to fulfill even the toughest challenges that lie ahead.

Learned helplessness

Learned Helplessness Learned Helplessness Impact of Organizational Role Stress on Learned Helplessness in NGOs: Implications for Human Resource Management by Hardik Sha & Sanjyot Pethe This article is about a study conducted to determine the relationship of Organization Role Stress and Learned Helplessness. From the findings of the study, it was determined that the role β†’


MOTIVATION Sue, a new has d that the reason she has enrolled on a business degree programme is because a ? it is the onlyway to get a half decent job in this day and agea. She wants to get a job: so what is the best way to do that?

The great non-debate over international sweatshops

There was various legislation pushed by unions, which include minimum wages, child labor laws, and health and safety regulations that aimed to solve the problem of sweatshops. Despite however of such legislation, there are still some laws, which do not protect international worker's rights.

Adventures of huckleberry finn

Huck helps save these two men from the angry townspeople and the two beg Huck to let them ride with him and Jim. The young man claims that he is the Duke of Bridgewater and must be treated with respect and the old man claims to be the Dauphin, the rightful heir to the French β†’

When the laptops were stolen

Definitely, I need this job to sustain my integrity and I would try my best to preserve it. As I pressed the button, I felt cold.

Summary of genesis chapter 27 to 24

Irony and radical reversal too is evident when Jacob the lastborn is blessed instead of Esau the firstborn as it is the tradition. This passage is important as it shows the Gods way of working with humanity.

Cv letter for transportation security administration

I am deeply dedicated to the accomplishment of required endeavors and am committed to being instrumental in creating progress and development to the organization I am connected with. I am enthusiastic to offer my professional services as part of the accounting team of your prestigious institution.


In the cut throat business of electronic goods, Sonic mission would be to capture the market segment that caters to the upcoming young executives who are looking for gizmos which are small enough to hold in their pockets but powerful enough to be used as computer, or phone or even as an entertainment device, as β†’

Childrens literature

In order to be an emotionally secure grown-up, it is important for the child to understand the meaning and relevance of social-emotional skills, the art of coping with challenges and themes such as friendship, empathy and having fun. The protagonist in The Catcher in the Rye, is however an introvert and thinks of friends as β†’

Un agenda 21

Principle 6 of the Declaration states that the special situation and needs of developing countries, particularly the least developed and those most environmentally vulnerable will be given special priority; and international actions in the field of environment and development should also address the interests and needs of all countries. This shows PDO's willingness to deal β†’


Slavery The plantation system in the southern s of the United s was mainly crafted by the demand of cotton and sugar. However, the main contention is that the rise in the demand for sugar and cotton, and the emergence of the commercial textile industry are the key features that drove the world to increase β†’

I do not have any idea

The concept of " public interest" implies the interest of the greater majority of the population to benefit more from anything that is proposed. Public interest in planning entails giving what is more beneficial to those of greater number in society than those who actually make the plan in their personal and professional situations or β†’

Plastic sorgery

According to this article, the upper lid blepharoplasty is the most widespread plastic surgery procedure done in Asia and has time and again maintained its place as a cultural acceptance and ways have developed. The article depicts this Asian upper lid blepharoplasty as a complex procedure, which needs proper knowledge of the anatomy and accurate β†’

Business environment

However, with the passage of time, the world became interconnected with the help of internet and that particular development assisted humanity in terms of seeing the world with a globalized perspective. The plan of EU is to create a unified and integrated economic zone in Europe so that region's cultural identity can be saved from β†’

Political philosophy – what is the best form of government

The issue of saying which the right one is and which is not becomes a matter of opinion which is only to be hoped for to be based on actual facts and experience. The Greek word ' demos' which translates to ' the people' is easily attributable to the concept of ' the mob.' This β†’

Empowerment in health promotion

Therefore, the person intending to empower either individual or the community must initiate the process by identifying the groups affected and then evaluating the nature of the discrimination involved. The universal aim of individual empowerment is to initiate an action or process that builds an individual and his collective assets towards improving fairness and efficiency β†’

In apa style

Adult ESL Literacy Education in the United s: Developing a Learner-Centered Approach, ERIC, EBSCOhost, viewed 8 November. Themes For Literacy Acquisition: Some Beliefs And Approaches For Teaching GED, ABE, And ESL, n.p: ERIC, EBSCOhost, viewed 8 November 2014.

Jews in socio-religious seclusion and persecution

Jews in Socio-Religious Seclusion and Persecution Judaism is the world's oldest religion, connected with the history of the Jewish people and founded on the original agreement made between God and Abraham in 1900 B.C. God gave the 10 commandments and other rules to the Jewish people by which they were to live and, this β†’

The manual for engineers and technicians

The Manual for Engineers and Technicians This reflective memo discus the rhetoric choices made during the preparation of the manual. The parts described in the manual are changing the camera module, the liquid crystal display, the ear piece, the mouth piece and the integrated circuit on the mobile circuit board.

Ethical behavior in an organization

One of the ways in which an organization can achieve and maintain a modicum of ethical behavior is by adopting a Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics adopted by a business organization reflects its approach to business and also defines it's values and standards.

Reader response

Supervisor's due: Response to the story ' a good man is hard to find.' The story pictures the outstanding short story anthologies by O'Connor. The tragic Misfit character in the story eventually takes another turn to be a redemption story of the grandmother at the mercies of the violent criminal.

Discussion: shared practice: detail and dynamic complexity part ii

As much as this may be workable to some extent, I believe that the alternative of seeking to expand opportunities of growth will do the company a lot of good than just diminishing limits of growth. I say this by posing the question, " what happens after diminishing the limits of growth when there is β†’

Flowers for algernon

His co-workers tease and make fun of him, even the ones Charlie considers to be his friends. Because of this, a majority of the workers agree to sign a petition to remove Charlie from his position in the bakery.