Complete Essay Samples on Science

Madame butterfly

Throughout the play Song plays the role of a female but expresses herself in a more confident, and independent way as an Asian female. In the end, Song reveals herself for the man she is, but continues to act with more confidence and independence as a woman than as a man.

Charles darwin and herbert spencer

Darwin and Spencer made great advancements in the study of evolution. Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection.

Definition of marine biology

While working in the field some Marine Biologists travel to coral reefs in tropical seas and ocean waters in cooler climates having to work a The earnings of a Marine Biologist are complicated. These are only a few of the advantages and disadvantages in the field of Marine Biology.

Medicinal plants and their antimicrobial activity

The frequency of the resistant bacteria and the number of drugs to which they are resistant is increasing at an unpredictable rate and has begun to compromise the efficient treatment of the patients. Several spices are studied and it is found that some of the spices also have antilisteric activity which prevents from listeria and →

The role of botanical gardens in climate change

In addition, the gardens have provided the opportunity to the research and distribution of specific plants that have a positive impact in the climate change. The role of Botanical Gardens in Climate Change Research.

Suspect terranes and continental accretion biology essay

It will first, feature of the classification of suspect terranes and later discuss the process of continental accretion. Examples of these terranes are the Hercynian massifs of Europe and the Paleozoic basement terranes of Sundaland.

Speech coding development for audio biology essay

The power spectrum of the ideal reconstructed signal equals the power spectrum of the original signal minus the mean squared quantization error. It is based on the conversion of the vocal message in electric impulses to the stimulation of the nerve cells.

Genetic basis of complex behaviours biology essay

Supervisor: Professor Roger AndersonVladislav MiscianinovBSc Genetics Behaviour genetics is the field of study that examines the effect of genetic composition on the behaviour of an organism. The phenotype of the complex traits is strongly influences by the environment and its interaction with the genes.

Serena nanda hijras an alternative sex and gender role in india in ed herdt third essay

Reassignment with intersexuals is not so soon as a surgical procedure as it is a length of time called Puberty where clusters of children in places like the Dominican Republic come to the same mind-altering status as any other, typical children: hormones. In the preferred perfect world this equals fewer accidents to contemplate, not as →

Conventional drug delivery system biology essay

Changes that are due to neutralization of charged groups is caused either by pH shift or the addition of an oppositely charged polymer, alters the potency of hydrogen bonding with a rise in temperature or ionic strength and results in collapsing of the hydrogels and properties and structure of the polymer network*. The molecular weight →

Biology 9 introduction to environmental biology

In addition to this, the use of herbicides to kill the weeds has resulted in the elimination of some weeds which bear flowers fed on by the bees. The adoption of monoculture form of farming results in the elimination of plants such as almond that are important for the nutritional purposes of the bees.

Free detection and identification of bacteria in food

The following sections will discuss the use of five different detection methods, flow cytometry, the enterotube II system, chromogenic media, the Enzyme linked immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction and the necessity to balance the specificity and sensitivity of each technique, for the most accurate means of bacterial detection.2. The technique of FCM relies on the →

History of pueblo revolt

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680, also known as Pope's Rebellion, was the rebellion of the Pueblo people toward the Spaniards. Most of the Spanish that was in New Mexico moved to El Paso.

Sample essay on motivation scenario

The reason is pretty clear; Drew is unmotivated to learn biology because he feels there is nothing good to learn about it, and since he lacks incentive then that gives Drew more of a reason to turn his back to the subject. The suggestions that I would give my friend on how to better motivate →

The fundamental structural unit on cells biology essay

Within the cell is genetic material, deoxyribonucleic acid, containing coded instructions for the behavior and reproduction of the cell and also the chemical machinery for the translation of these instructions into the manufacture of proteins. The DNA of procaryotes is a single molecule in direct contact with the cell cytoplasm, whereas the DNA of eucaryotes →

An experiment of building a new plant

For General Materials and Fabrication Corporation to be successful in getting rid of the need for unions in their new plant, they need to eliminate the need for employees to desire third party representation. However, the management should ensure that employees are comfortable and satisfied in their workplace to get rid of the need for →

Psychology – cognitive level of analysis

Acetylcholine effect: muscle contraction, and a role in the development of memory in the hippocampus.2. These higher levels of serotonin activated the parts of the brain called the hypothalamus and the frontal cortex, resulting in hallucinations.

Human biology

Response to Question 2 Based on the significant evolutionary development that have taken place in on earth, the organisms that have contributed a lot the evolutionary changes are the simple organisms. If one component on the food web is altered or threatened, the impact is transferred to the rest of the organisms in the ecosystems, →

The emergence of multidrug resistant salmonella biology essay

ABSTRACTBackground: The emergence of multidrug resistant salmonella enterica serotype typhi in pandemic proportions throughout the world and therefore there is a necessity to speed up the discovery of novel molecules having different modes of action and also less influenced to the resistance formation that would be used as drug for the treatment of salmonellosis particularly →

Evaluation of hypoglycemic effect of lagerstroemia speciosa biology essay

The hypoglycemic effect of Banaba Leaf Extract at a dose 800mg/kg was comparable to Metformin. 1 Ironically, the dramatic increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes can be attributed to the rapid economic development and correlated to changes in lifestyle within the last 50 years.


AMNIOCENTESIS Amniocentesis Amniocentesis is a procedure which involves the extraction of a small quantity of amniotic fluid from the mother's uterus for diagnostic purposes. This amniotic fluid can be used to detect many genetic and metabolic disorders of the baby because the fluid carries cells of the baby as it circulates in and out of →

Research paper on theoretical approaches to child development

That a human acquires traits from his ancestors imprinted in genes and start manifesting it from childhood to adulthood forms as the thesis of the evolutionary view of the biological perspective of child development. Arnold Gesell, a noted scholar that tackled the biological perspective of child development, followed from the works of Darwin and other →

Developing a conservation plan for a protected area

Strategies for developing the plan The cause for a conservation plan in the national park is mainly because of the threats to the species and ecosystems. In particular to the national park in question; Pinery park, it is paramount that conservation efforts be carried out since there are various species and indigenous plants that need →

Marine biome

The tundra is a biome that is located in the Northern Hemisphere of the world. The growth of the vegetation is primarily low to the ground and the biomass of plants is concentrated in the roots.

Uv spectrophotometry calibration curve of quinidine sulfate biology essay

A calibration curve is essential in establishing the relationship between the UV-absorbance reading and the amount of drug present.[53] This usually involves the preparation of a set of standard solutions containing a known concentration of drug. Stock solution: 639 M Quinidine Sulfate in bufferEqual volumes of stock solution and buffer were added on each side →

I am not sure ( just follow the guideline )

Comparison between the Lay Article and Peer Review Article DNA Replication: An Engineering Marvel Summary The of this newspaper article reviews the process of DNA replication considering its basics and importance to life. The formation of the replication fork is necessary for DNA replication.

Henri bergson

Thus intuition is a direct perception and experience of the continuous flow of reality, without the use of any concepts the flow of time as real duration can be experienced only by intuition. Choice is a temporal act for Bergson as it is pertaining to the present and conscious state of mind.

Example of essay on orenstein, what makes a woman a woman

Orenstein argues that femininity influence the social identity of women in the society claiming that their natural and innate traits are common to many women and they shape their lives as well as their ability to perform various goals and tasks in life. Chabon challenges the notion of men to possess the knowledge and capability →

Annotated bibliography

Initially from page 1, they give the definition of the disease. They also highlight the causal agents of the disease and highlight that the disease is mostly caused when the skin contaminated by things that are infected such as water.

The importance of food analysis to promote biology essay

Qualitative and quantitative analysis is used in the determination of composition of carbohydrate in food, beverages and their ingredients. The amount of water in food is a determinant for its nutritive value and taste12.

The evolution of our civilization: forming of government systems

But as the population started to grow, and things were getting chaotic, people started to recognize that they needed some system of government to keep peace and maintain order. Government officials needed to document tax collections, a passage of laws, and the storage of grain.

Bio 3

Frederick Sanger It is obvious, that if you intended to indicate the contribution of a person in science and in the proposed list will be Frederick Sanger you will definitely choose him. Nevertheless, the real glory and recognition as one of the greatest chemists of the era was brought to him through findings in the →

Molecular biology paper

The pressure gradient on each side of the membrane as well as the membrane pore size depends on the number of solutes and fluids in the filtrate. When the timer was started, the barrier that surrounded the membrane holder was lowered to allow the contents of each beaker to come in contact with the membrane.

Evolution of western ideas

They present a code that has to be encoded by the spectator and an image is estimated as successful in case the majority of the spectators encodes it in the desired manner. Scientific study of visual art started in the age of visual mass media and consumer culture when it was no longer possible to →

Anthropology interview

HIS family and he was the first one that came to the United State. HIS family and he also had to learn how to adapt to is freedom.

Alternatives to the bayesian change point biology essay

Instead of testing the hypothesis for change point, there exists a Bayesian change point detection method which uses the probability distributions - the probability of a change point at each location in a sequenceAlternatives to the Bayesian change point include the frequentist and the non-parametric CPA. In the CUSUM CPA procedure, the CUSUM of the →

Drying in food processing biology essay

Water moves from the interior of the food to the surface by the following mechanisms: liquid movement by capillary forces, particularly in porous foodsdiffusion of liquids, caused by differences in the concentration of solutes at the surface and in the interior of the fooddiffusion of liquids which are adsorbed in layers at the surfaces of →

Humman genome

Another bone of contention brought about by the adoption of genetic techniques has to do with the use of genetic information by insurers. Individuals should not be obligated to disclose the results of a genetic test by insurance companies.

The history of the disintegrant concentration biology essay

After the analysis of the data was complete the powder was used for the production of the tablets and then underwent testing to find the effect particle size has on tablet properties, the results of which can be seen in table 5. It was found that the p value for the weight, thickness and diameter →

Efforts in improving drought stress tolerance biology essay

Tuberosa and Salvi noted that breeding programmes aimed at improving drought tolerance have had limited success in the past because of its quantitative genetic basis and the poor understanding of the physiological basis of yield in drought conditions. An important mechanism that has been reported in drought response is the closure of the stomata and →

Life science

One of the biggest reasons is their localized habitat due to human activities making the population more spatially restricted. Vast space is required for the appropriate mobility as well as to establish connectivity for the perseverance of population.

The effects of toxicity biology essay

The aim of this report is to alert the most toxic food items that should not be fed intentionally or unintentionally to dogs such as onions or garlic and raisins or grapes. The breathlessness occurs because the erythrocytes that carry oxygen through the body are reduced in number and cause haemolytic anaemia accompanied by the →

The animal weapons arms race

The topic in discussion in the Science Friday radio show discusses horns claws and teeth in different animals and how these features are adapted as weapons to fight or protect the animal. The guest on the show is Douglas Emlen, who is the author of a book named animal weapons the evolution battle.

Determining the protein content of nuclear pellets from kidneys of rats through lowry procedure – lab report example

The objective of this experiment was to determine the level of protein in the nuclear pellets from cortex and medulla of rats. The purpose of the laboratory was to employ the Lowry procedure to determine the protein content of nuclear pellets from kidneys of rats.

Agam sidhu

Details in the moth's role in life and the personification of the moth, giving the moth emotions, portray the sorrow the author has towards life. He was little or nothing but life." The contrast between the sky and the moth emphasize the frailness of the moth and of life.

Article review cell transfer during pregnancy

Running head: YOUR CELLS ARE MY CELLS SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION Your Cells are My Cells Summary and Discussion Abstract This paper reviews the article Your Cells are My Cells and considers the validity of the article based on current knowledge about the immune system, microchimerism and the immune response. The main point in the article →

Genetics and society

Genetically Speaking, You are More Like Your Dad One may claim or may hear from others that they have they eyes of their mothers but after undergoing a study it has been proved that passing of your fathers DNA to you is usually more than that compared to the DNA of you mother. The same →

Photosynthesis in plants

Discussion: an increase in light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis while a decrease in light intensity decreases the rate of photosynthesis. The leaf in Figure 3 had been covered for a longer period of time and the energy needed for photosynthesis was depleted.

Human cloning and stem cell research

While the nature of human cloning and stem cell research has a number of important medical implications, these notions are always accompanied by the ethical concerns of biotechnology. In addition to these aspects some of the complex moral questions regarding both stem cell research and human cloning have been considered.

The double helix

The double helix Double helix, as used in molecular biology, refers to pairing of dual strands of nucleic acid molecules. In this paper, I seek to explore the role of double helix in complementary base pairing in DNA replication and the nature of the pairing.

Biosynthesis of peptide and steroid hormones

Biosynthesis of Peptide and Steroid Hormones - Biosynthesis of Peptide and Steroid Hormones Introduction: Hormones are chemical messengers synthesized by endocrine organs and released directly into the blood stream and are carried to distant target organs. The first step in the synthesis of steroid hormones is the shortening of the cholesterol chain and its subsequent →

High corrosion resistance even at high temperatures biology essay

However, most of the ceramics are crystalline structure and that makes the definition of ceramic is often restricted to inorganic crystalline materials, as opposed to the non-crystalline glasses. Kaolinite is used both as a filler in the bulk of the paper and to coat its surface.

Evolution and scientists

Unit 2 Evolution Steps Leading Up to Charles Darwin's Theory Around the world, there is an enormous diversity of life Each species has its own set of characteristics Arctic animals have characteristics that help them survive in the cold, harsh environment Desert animals have characteristics that help them survive in the extreme heat Theory is →

Natural selection, evolution, mutation, variation, heritability, and fitness.

In California, University of Toronto biologist Arthur Weis and his colleagues found that a seven-year drought had spurred the evolution of field mustard plants. In the past, it's taken millions of years for an organism to evolve the genetic differences necessary to be considered a separate species.

Theory of evolution

Darwin is certainly the father of evolution, but our current understanding of evolution [DNA, natural selection, genetics, etc.] has evolved through the scientific understanding of others. Of course, the basis of our knowledge came from Darwin, Wallace, Lemarck, and Mendall, but to capitalize on these theories we use our technology sources today.

The colorado river runs dry

The river is the seventh longest covering a total length of 1, 500 miles. The continued arid conditions will plunge more into the menace raising the eyebrows of officials in the water divisions of Colorado River.

Investigation process of crime scenes biology essay

The analysis of the -keratin in hair using HATR FTIR provides robust method of identifying species of the origin of the hair samples among all the three species studied in current research. A Bruker Tansor 27 FTIR with a Miracle HATR Accessory was used for the present study and in developing a population database for →

Critical scale sexual presentation

A few years back i) endeavored to design this making point of view Connell 1990 out of six proposals: 1 the state is the focal heading of the power relations of sexual presentation control relations being one of the vital substructures of sex relations. Sexual presentation and the state 125 on the other hand states →

Auditory and vestibular system / visual system

In the ear, the medium through which sound waves travels is the air. The larger the size of the vibration, the louder the sound gets.

The erythrocyte membrane skeleton biology essay

These proteins intervene not only in the flexibility of the membrane, but also in the surface to volume relation and through transmembrane exchanges, in the internal viscosity of the red cells. The differences of the membrane proteins especially in the -spectrin and protein 4.

A major predisposition of atopic dermatitis biology essay

This shows that even though, the central role of filaggrin in the formation of tough CE is generally accepted, it should be looked with caution as an initiation factor of pathogenesis of AD as up to 40% of patients with null FLG mutation do not have clinical evidence of AD and has a normal phenotype →


Take a walk of approximately one mile along a country road or walk at least 30 minutes in a city or town and record the trash that was improperly disposed of in the natural environment. As can be seen in the picture below, it is an interesting artistic way to take something mundane and make →

Right movies on the right seat: laterality and seat choice

The researchers decided that in order to clearly demonstrate the effect of this lateral bias on the right-seat bias, they would have to find out if the right-seat bias is influenced by positive or negative motivations, as this would challenge the claim that the bias is due to a more general right-side bias of right-handers, →

The highest thermoelectric figure of merit biology essay

1, 2 The performance of TE devices is assessed by the dimensionless figure of merit, defined as ZT = 2 T/ , where , , T and are the Seebeck coefficient, the electrical conductivity, the absolute temperature and the thermal conductivity, respectively. The thermal conductivity of the sample with x = 0.

White spot syndrome virus biology essay

The VP28 gene from Indian WSSV isolate was sequenced and the sequence was deposited in gene bank. The different host responded differently to WSSV the study was carriedout the expression of VP28 gene of WSSV infected fresh water crab.

Calpain mediated proteolysis of polycystin biology essay

To determine whether the degradation of PC1-CT is caused by calpains in vitro, GST-PC1-CT was reacted with - and m-calpain at the different calcium concentrations. GST-PC1-CT- PEST was incubated with graded concentrations of - and m-calpain.

Bioinformatics essay

Application of information technology in the field of molecular biology is what is known as Bioinformatics. Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins.

Unknown bacteria

For the SIM test, I aseptically inoculated the bacteria into a tube of the SIM media and let it incubate until the next class period. In the Indole part of this test, the enzyme involved is tryptophanase has been produced, I added Kovac's reagent to the media and observed it for a red color-which would →

Peroxisome in animal cell

First group is a disorder duo to overall dysfunction of peroxisomes, like zellweger syndrome, second group duo to dysfunction of only some peroxisomal functions, Example for disorder of this group is rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata and third group because of dysfunction of a single peroxisomal function, Example of this group is acatalasemia. Isolation There are different →

Impact of use of color in yellow fish by ambai

The fact that images of the ash-grey sea and horrific colour images of the fisherwomen's clothes were inserted, ought to give the reader a premonition, of kinds, about the dark turn, the narrative is about to take a little way ahead. The bright colors of the fisherwomen's clothes: demonic red, blinding indigo, profound green and →

Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer biology essay

Instead the donor protein requires irradiation with an external light source, which will then cause the transfer of energy to the acceptor protein which will fluoresce with a light of a different wavelength that can be detected, as in BRET. This allows for the detection of smaller variations in the BRET signal, compared to FRET.

Prevention and treatment of the common cold: making sense of the evidence

PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF THE COMMON COLD Prevention and Treatment of the Common Cold Although incidences of the common cold are quite recurrent and somewhat harmless, it yields a relatively discomforting situation. Conversely, there have efforts and studies seeking to determine the effect of vitamin C on the common cold as a therapeutic supplementation.

Diffuse optical tomography and magnetic resonance imaging techniques biology essay

The principle of DOT imaging is the illumination of the tissue by infrared light emitted from an array of light sources and measuring the scattered or absorbed or both with an array of detectors. The characteristics of the detectors and photons of the pulse oximeter and laser cannot be used to detect hemodynamic changes in →

Dna use in mass disasters literature reviews examples

The DNA analysis process requires:- Samples from victim and also their kinship samples these are handled all the way through methodical chain of custody and privacy.- All the samples are accessioned for documentation purposes and also re-accessioned, if they need to be outsourced.- The DNA is extracted and genotyped - The genotyped DNA is then →

Summarize the article

Results and Conclusion The authors found that sleep difficulty are common in older individuals and are significantly associated with more severe and disseminated pain. Work cited Chen, Qian, et al." Characteristics of chronic pain associated with sleep difficulty in older adults: The Maintenance of Balance, Independent Living, Intellect, and Zest in the Elderly Boston study".

Bowlby’s evolutionary theory of attachment

This shows a weakness in Bowlby's theory of attachment because it states that a primary attachment figure is of special significance in emotional development. It also states that the secondary attachment figures which form a hierarchy also contribute to social development.

Drug addiction and behavioural sensitization biology essay

Thus, a better understanding of the mechanisms that predispose individuals to the environmental factors associated with drug-taking behaviour and the systems that translate the response to environmental stimuli into long-lasting cellular memories in the brain are fundamental to unlocking the neurobiological changes that are implicated in drug addiction. It has been found that acute exposure →

Clinical usefulness of the vep biology essay

The phases of menstrual cycle were determined by the detailed history and the latency of p 100 wave of pattern reversal visual evoked potentials were recorded during these phases. CONCLUSION: Estrogen is reported to cause a decrease in the visual transmission time by increasing the sensitivity of receptors in the optic pathways to dopamine.

Describe the mechanisms that contribute to the development of autoimmunity. how may the role of reglulatory t cells be altered in patients suffering from autoimmunity

of the of the Concerned Biology 4 May Describe the mechanisms that contribute to the development of autoimmunity. The following mechanisms have been proposed: 1) Genetic factors The role played by genetic factors in the development of autoimmunity can be easily explained by single gene disorders in which there is direct correlation between the genetic →

Background & the evolution of the internet

The definition of the best path may mean the most cost effective or the fastest path or some path based on optimization of multiple protocols, but the current technology used in the internet cannot guarantee that the best path for data transmission will be chosen. The time required for all the routers to agree on →

Structure and function of proteins biology essay

This reaction occurs as a condensation reaction where there is a removal of a hydrogen atom from the amino group of one amino acid and the removal of a OH group from the carboxyl acid from another amino acid forming a water molecule. The unique side chain or R group is what disguises one amino →

5 different ones

The process of meiosis is important for the reduction of the diploid number of chromosomes to haploid. The black coated Labrador has one recessive allele of brown color and thus, there is a chance in fifty percent of the offspring to have this allele.

The toxic effect of the hydroalcoholic extract biology essay

The plant material was identified and the voucher specimen is deposited in the herbarium of Federal University of Vicosa. The solutions of hydroalcoholic extracts of P.gonoacantha leaves was prepared by dissolving a given quantity of the ethanolic extract in a small volume of dimethylsulfoxide and made up to the appropriate volume with physiological saline.

Interpretation of lens essay

She argues that gender in reality is performative, which means that gender is real only to the exact extent to which it is performed. She states that gender is not a fact but the various acts attributed to particular genders bring to life the idea of gender, and in the absence of those acts, the →

Reductions between np complete biology essay

1 A graph is a pair, where V is the set of vertices, andE is the set of edges, where an edge is a 2-element subset of V. 4 A subset, is a collection of distinguishable elements, suchthat, all the elements of the set A are in the set B, if x 2 A implies →

Criticisms of the way ethnoscience was practiced biology essay

Ethnoscience / EthnographyEthnoscience in the early 1960s provides a prototypical case of an elite specialty.understand Ethnoscience according to as " a scientific realm which aims to understand how humans in spite of their fragmented and limited interactions with the world are developing different forms of knowledge and beliefs".refers to Ethnosciences as the set of concepts, →

Huntington’s disease and testing for it

Aside from the toxicity of the mutated huntingtin protein, the loss of normal huntingtin protein also seems to add to the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease. The epidemiology of Huntington's disease.J.Med.

Eo wilson the process of evolution

According to Archibald, in page 46, the pattern of radiation and alternating the extinction has a long-term effect on species. The fall of one set of species, such as dinosaurs later gives a rise to another set of species.

Emergence of burkholderia pseudomallei biology essay

The adult CF unit at the Prince Charles hospital in Brisbane provide care to the majority of adults with CF in the state of Queensland, the northern part of which is tropical and endemic for B Pseudomallei reside. Antibodies for B Pseudomallei antibodies were measured in each patient using the blood samples collected, after the →

Society methods of sustainability

Geographically speaking, Egypt was poised to be one of the ancient world's superpowers due to Its location next to the Nile River. The importance of the Nile River to Ancient Egypt culture and way of life was evident in their polytheistic religion - they prayed/

The establishment of an animal cell culture

For designing the animal tissue culture laboratory following items should be considered: Pressure balance: a tissue culture laboratory should be at positive pressure relative to surrounding work areas. Sterile work should be located in a quiet part of the tissue culture laboratory and should be restricted to tissue culture.

Gene manipulation pros and cons biology essay

Gene therapy: Currently, the most common vector to deliver the therapeutic gene to the defective gene, is a virus that has been genetically altered to carry normal human DNA. The reason for this is that viruses are capable of encapsulating and delivering their genes to a human cell.

Candidate genes immune respons biology essay

The results of this systematic overview highlights that these findings, when considered collectively, illustrate the role of enteroviral infection to the onset of T1D as possessing clinical significance while a link between an infection by an enteroviral agent and onset of T1D cannot be inferred, the likelihood of such an infection having occurred, and the →

How antibotic resistance occurs and prevention of resistance

How Antibiotic Resistance occurs and Prevention of Resistance How Antibiotic Resistance occurs and Prevention of Resistance Antibiotics have been one of the best medical innovations of the twentieth century which have changed the face of medical practice. But the effectiveness of these drugs has been threatened by the formation of strains of bacteria that are →

Summary the lecture

Environment peace and security In the modern world peace and security are essential towards the conservation of the environment. The designs of conflict resolutions and achievement of peace and security are based upon the policies that reduce environmental degradations, the climatic changes that take place in various places and the growing competition of natural resources.