Quality Chemistry Essay Examples for Your Learning

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Us coking coal specifications.pdf

4 Semifusinite Micrinite Fusinite Mineral Matter Total Inerts 9.7 3.2 6.7 7.0 26.6 0. 75 26.81 7.39 1.70 1.03 0.56 2.59 1.33 0.37 1.

“the light begins…the light ends”

Carotene is the most soluble of the pigments and as a result will be carried the farthest by the solvent. Using the formula Rf one can determine the relationship between the distances the solvent traveled to the distance the pigment traveled Materials and Methods for LAB 1: Materials: In the first lab they used filter →

April 8, 2012

April 8, 2012 Dear Senator Greg Ball, The current practice of hydraulic fracturing began in America in the late 1990' s and has been wreaking havoc on the land and the lives of the American people since. In case you are unaware, fracking is the process well diggers use to extract natural gas and oil →

Effect of carbon chain on equilidruim and rate constants of esterification

The reaction rate of the reaction plays an important role in the production of the ester which could affect the production of the ester. Thus, the research topic of this investigation is: How does the carbon chain length of the alcohols and carboxylic acids affect the rate constants of the forward and backward reactions and →

Space exploration- good or bad

According to the majority of our readers, space travel is not beneficial to humanity and the main reasons include the safety, environmental issues as well as the cost. Safety is one of the main reasons why space travel is not beneficial to humanity.

Modern methods of organic synthesis

Therefore, it is not acceptable to expect the compound to react through substitution reactions as these reactions are not typical for ketones. The compound reacts with Grignard reagent giving magnesium alkoxide which then yields the tertiary alcohol when water is added to it.

Synthesis and estimation of gelation ability of c3- symmetry tris-urea compounds

The gel of the acetone for C3- symmetry tris urea LMWG, was changed into a solution that is homogenous by the addition of anions and re- gelated by the addition of a Lewis- acid. Thus, the urea moiety was fixed on the part of the hydrogen- bonding where it is also combined with the aromatic →

The silicon rubber review

The method followed for the preparation of hybrids were given in the supporting information. 5 mm was used for the dielectric measurement.

Basic titrating skills and techniques in order to titrate hcl

Titration is the process of measuring the exact volume of a solution of known concentration that is required to react completely with a measured volume of a solution of unknown concentration or a known mass of unknown solid. Standardization is a laboratory process in which the exact concentration of a solution is obtained by comparing →

The iodine clock reaction

Determining the rate constant and the rate law for the iodine-clock reaction: We know [S2O82-] and [I-], because we know initial volume and concentration of each solution and the final volume for each solution, e.g for [S2O82-] in trial 1: [S2O82-] = / = 0. 1 [ S O2 ' ] d [ I2 ] →

The catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide essay sample

Therefore both increasing the concentration of the Hydrogen peroxide and increasing the surface area of the catalyst open to collision may increase the number of collisions between Hydrogen peroxide molecules and the catalyst therefore increasing the rate of catalytic decomposition. This is because the increased chance of collisions with the catalyst, due to the increased →

Date: 8th october, 2012

25 cm3 Volume of water = 5 1. As it was a semi-quantitative test the exact concentration of solution could not be obtained.

Sources of arsenic in soil

A variety of As compounds, each organic and inorganic, square measure introduced into the setting through earth science and anthropogenic sources.little amounts of As conjointly enter the soil and water through numerous biological sources that square measure wealthy in As. Though the anthropogenic supply of As contamination is progressively turning into vital, it ought to →

Experiment 2: common-ion effect and buffers

DATA, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In the first part of the experiment the experimenters used visual indicators and pH meter to know the pH of each solution. The experimenters dropped the indicators in the solution and the color of the solution immediately changes.

Hydrogen peroxide essay sample

This is because, when increasing the surface area of the potatoes it will increase the rate of reaction because there will be more surface area on which particles from the potato and the Hydrogen Peroxide will collide on, and with more surface area there would be more particles carrying kinetic energy, and by carrying more →

Using carbon fibre reinforced polymer

Car bodies made of CFRP technology will endure high and low temperature fluctuations without expanding or contracting in contrast to those made of traditional metallic components such as aluminium or steel. Carney uses Ferrari as a case study of the trouble with CFRP technology when compared to traditional metallic materials such as aluminium alloys.

The united states pharmacopeial convention

The enforcing of USPs drug standards in the United States is by the administration of food and drugs. The founding of United States Pharmacopeial Convention in 1820, by a group that comprises 11 physicians that are responsible in organizing the need that is essential for a nation's dictionary of names of drug and formulas in →

Summary and poems

Poem on reduction and oxidation Electrochemistry the back bone of electrolysis, Forms the basis of our car batteries, Our dry cell and fuel cell fall the truck, Oxidation and reduction is the foundation of our chemistry. The knowledge facilitates our daily activities, Apparatus under the subject are comprehensible, Tutors and instructors have an easy time →

Factors affect the rate of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide essay sample

Therefore the lower the concentration of hydrogen peroxide, the lower the rate that hydrogen peroxide and manganese oxide decompose. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8.6 9.2 8.9 7.2 7.1 7.2 4.5 4.5 4.5 2.5 2.6 2.

Chemistry in the development of synthetic gemstones

The diamond seller DeBeers is long known to have a monopoly over the sale and distribution of diamonds across the whole world. It is also known that DeBeers has large stockpiles of diamonds that they withhold from the market so that the price stays high, and so that the public still sees the diamond as →

Chemical compound

The severity of exposure to this compound is evident in its symptomatic respiratory challenge, headache, and irritation of the skin. It is worth to note that as part of the health guide and prevailing risk of exposure to some chemical compounds, the article is significant.

The effect of substrate on the rate of respiration on yeast essay sample

The height of the area filled with gas was measured, after thirty minutes the test tube containing the cofactor MgSO4 revealed the higher amount of carbon dioxide evolved, which is one of the products of cellular respiration. In the second experiment, Smith fermentation tube method was used to test " If the nature of substrates →

Chemistry for dummies

Knowing this pattern is useful in many aspects of chemistry, including predicting the bonding situation of a particular atom and in the prediction of the geometry of a covalent compound. 01 * kilo- = 1, 000 The Basic Chemistry of Acids and Bases A lot of chemistry requires you to understand the difference between acids →

Negative effects of chemicals in commercial powdered-pigment for paint

80% children and individuals who uses materials that is oblivious of the risks and labels is dominant that counts around 80% than the individual who is fully attentive about the materials that they are using. In fact, one of the toxics that can be found in an inorganic pigment is called white lead or flake →

Isolation of aspirin

Once the aspirin is prepared, it is isolated from the reaction solution and then it is purified. The aspirin is insoluble in cold water, and it is isolated by filtering the chilled reaction solution.

Comprehensive and detailed chemistry notes essay sample

MUCH OF THE WORK OF CHEMISTS INVOLVES MONITORING THE REACTANTS AND PRODUCTS OF REACTIONS AND MANAGING REACTION CONDITIONS * outline the role of a chemist employed in a named industry or enterprise, identifying the branch of chemistry undertaken by the chemist and explaining a chemical principle that the chemist uses * identify the need for →

Chemical reactions

Add 5 to 10 drops of potassium iodide solution to the test tube and record your observations of the reaction.3. Next, test for hydrogen and oxygen gas produced at each end of the tube.5.

About effect of salt on rusting

The chemistry is relatively simple, rust is Solubilised by the acid and citrate ion coordinates to the iron-forming soluble iron citrate. The chemistry is relatively simple, rust is Solubilised by the acid and citrate ion coordinates to the iron-forming soluble iron citrate.

Bleaching of crude palm oil

It is operated at the temperature of 200 C for about 1-2 hours until hexane is totally removed. The oil that retained on flat bottom flask is weighted for determination of the collected oil.

Will restricting u.s. carbon emissions damage the u.s. economy? essay sample

With the decrease in forests and continuation of the burning of fossil fuels, earth's biological processes cannot convert and replenish the carbon at the rate that carbon dioxide is accumulating. The goal is to reduce carbon emissions to a level that is sustainable and also causes a decrease in the rate of climate change.

The quality of tap water sample – lab report example

What do you feel is the quality of your water sample? The values obtained for the different parameters of the water samples fall within the ranges set for clean water.

Chemical substances fungicides

Mode of action The fact that fungicides can control a wide range of fungi elicit the question of how this happens, some of the advanced reasons as to how the fungicides work include the following; there are specific fungicides that impairs synthesis of the genetic material in fungi thus avoiding synthesis of major fungi constituents →

Benefits of organic powdered-pigment used for paint

Moreover, root and tuber crops which is the family of purple yam has a lot of benefits to human health. Purple yam is proven to be versatile and composed of different health benefits as we are looking forward to create pigment from this vegetable that actually possess important roles.

Cracking and crude oil essay sample

Explain the use of crude oil as a source of both aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons Crude oil: a complex mixture of hydrocarbons found in layers of rock beneath the earth's surface Aliphatic Hydrocarbons: contain chains of carbon atoms that may be branched Aromatic Hydrocarbons: contain Benzene rings- rings of carbon atoms with delocalized electrons Alkanes →

A cycle is a biological pathway or process in which the end product of one cycle becomes the starting point for the next cycles: write an essay about cycles.

Photophosphorylation occurs during this reaction which is the making of ADP plus an inorganic phosphate to make ATP. This reaction is shown in the form of the Calvin cycle.* CO2 enters the stroma from the light-dependent reaction, and produces 2 3-carbon glycerate-3-phosphate.* 2 ATP molecules then donate 2 phosphate molecules to produce ADP.

Physical chemistry formal report essay sample

This is limited in the availability of the reagents to be used in each test, the samples to be tested and the substitution of chemicals restricted to use in the experiment that student could be able to verify experimentally. And to determine the presence of phosphate, molybdate test is used test to detect the presence →

Respiratory system

The blood is circulated by the heart, which pumps the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the body. What happens to the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the blood during rapid breathing?

Energy wedges – lab report example

From the 15 strategies in the Wedge Table we chose one wedge strategy at a time to fill the 8 spots on the wedge game-board, V. Using a combination of strategies will be needed to build the 7 wedges of the stabilization triangle.

Determination of kf for naphthalene

To determine the Kf for naphthalene, we need to find the difference in the freezing point of pure naphthalene and the solution of 1, 4-dichlorobenzene in naphthalene. What is the molality of the solute? msolute= molality of solute = moles of solute/kg solvent moles of solute = 1.

Hazardous properties of chemical substances

The first property is that polymeric materials are stiff because they are constituted of very high mechanical features to their density. This is because they are organic materials and further, cellular materials constructed of the flammable matrix such as polymeric foams, are more susceptible to fire than their equivalent concrete materials as a result of →

Determination of zinc and nickel concentration essay sample

In the second method, the unknown was analyzed through the atomic absorption spectroscopy of the mixture. The 30 mL sample was transferred to the top of the column.

Renewable energy source

Solar energy is the transformation of light from the sun into power either by photovoltaics, or ultimately using focused solar. The development of affordable, endless and clean solar energy technological innovation will have huge longer-term benefits.

Ap bio lab report

In this experiment, the amount of oxygen taken up by the organism is investigated, and how this uptake is affected by the temperature and the time of the lifecycle that an organism is in. The amount of oxygen consumed was calculated by the amount of water that enters the pipette of the respirometer and the →

History of alchemy

The Stone was a red colored material capable of transforming metals like iron into silver and gold." Discovering the principals of the Philosopher's Stone was one of the defining and at the same time seemingly unobtainable objectives of Western alchemy".. Today, alchemy is largely a forgotten art but many of the techniques and terms coined →

Mercury effect on seed germination


The effect of different isotopes on atomic mass (chemistry lab)

Find the mass of each cup of beans and subtract the mass of the cup. To find the average atomic mass of beanium, use the following formula: percent of balckium atoms average mass of blackium percent of brownium atoms average mass of brownium +percent of whitium atoms average mass of whitium atomic mass of beanium →

Primary and secondary standard solutions in chemistry essay sample

The same goes with the pipette when filling it with analyte, which was the acetic acid; if the pipette is not rinsed with the analyte after being rinsed with distilled water, the analyte will become slightly diluted and it will mean that a little more sodium hydroxide will be introduced and it will increase the →

My first day at school

I have? been out of school for years and all I was concerned about was not wasting any more time without a high education; I knew it that without a college degree the chances of being successful out the are very slim to none. I remember walking to class looking at students face and just →

Determining the empirical formula of magnesium oxide essay sample

In the Lab Determining the Empirical Formula of Magnesium Oxide, students set out to find if there is a true 1: 1 ratio in the empirical formula of MgO. The formula for Magnesium Oxide is Mg _1 O _1, a 1: 1 ratio of Magnesium to Oxygen.

Factors to consider for the design and development of emulsion

EMULSION is the process of dispersing the mixure of two or more immiscible liquids while EMULSIONS is the mixture of the immiscible liquids wherein the first liquid is suspended to the second liquid. The ultimate goal of emulsion is to know and understand the main factors of dispersion of the mixture.

Bubble lab

In addition to this, a larger quantity of salt and sugar could be added in order to make the changes more drastic and easier to see. Then, a straw would be dipped in the solution and blown through in order to make bubbles.

On radiation

There are two basic types of radiation, namely the ionizing radiation and the nonionizing radiation. Examples of electromagnetic radiation are x rays and gamma radiation whereas examples of particulate radiation are alpha radiation and beta radiation.

Notes on aryl halides

Chemical tests: Test Reagent Br2/CCl4 KMnO4 AgNO3 Result Metallation Reactions for aryl halides without reactive groups Grignard Reaction: IR Spectroscopy C-X absorptions lie in the fingerprint region? not useful for analysis 1000 1350 cm-1 C F str. 500 680 cm-1 C Br str.

Lysol as household product

If the consumer thinks Lysol will prevent H1N1 the more Lysol will be sold. Lysol has been around for a long time, but so have the others.


Aspirin Aspirin Aspirin is one of the major and oldest pain killers used in the medical science. Acetyl salicylic acid is the chemical name of Aspirin and C9H8O4 is the chemical formula of aspirin.

Abstract. have played an significant role in

Contrary to the popular belief that turmeric to be used only in household or as a medicine, we found an entirely different dimension to the whole idea of its activity. Curcumin, a major constituent isolated from turmeric is found to be active as catalyst for coupling reactions when complexed with palladium acetate.

loren inc. essay sample

Brent has been appointed raw material buyer, reporting to the manager of chemicals buying group, and the hexonic acid contract will need to be approved by his immediate supervisor and the director of department. Brent thinks that, the demand for hexonic acid has eased, and there has been excess hexonic acid inventories, and Brent thought →

The established threshold for hazardous material

According to the EPA, " the current thresholds for Sections 311 and 312 are stipulated: for extremely hazardous substances: 500 pounds or the threshold planning quantity, whichever is lower; and for all other hazardous chemicals: 10, 000 pounds". This means that a person would be affected when exposed to 500 pounds of extremely hazardous materials →

Analysis of an antacid

29 g 25 mL 0 mL 18 mL 0. 221 g 25 mL 0 mL 17 mL 0.

Kristina matthews

The phosphorus cycle is the soil minerals." The most serious human intrusion into the phosphorus cycle comes from the use of phosphorus containing fertilizers". Nitrogen is an element in the air." Human involvement in the nitrogen cycle is substantial.

Element that undergoes radioactive decay

The radioactive tracer is absorbed by the muscle of the heart in proportional direction to blood flow, then to the muscle area, during rest and in the post stress. The variation in myocardial absorption of technetium after and before stress identifies heart muscle areas that are considered ischemic or short of the flow of blood, →

Spectroscopic study of cu(ii) complexes: crystal field theory essay sample

These colors are due to the absorption and subsequent emission of light in the visible part of the spectrum. The Broken line represents the spectrum of TiCl63-, with a maximum at 13, 000 cm-1 The size of E is most readily measured spectrochemically by observing the energy of the electronic transitions between the t2g and →

Determining an equilibrium constant essay sample

57 Volume of HCl added /cm3 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5. 53 Volume of ethyl ethanoate added /cm3 5.0 5.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 2.

Chemistry in everyday life

10) Anaerobic fermentation is also a great concept which is present in the chemistry of everyday life. 11) The food chain present in every ecosystem is also a major part of chemistry in everyday life.

Conservative vs. non-conservative amino acid substitutions

The occurrence of mutations may cause malfunctioning of the protein. There are different mutations that affect the functioning of the gene in different ways.

Ap bio lab

Part B of this lab involves differing variables of light and carbon dioxide and the effects they have on the rate of photosynthesis. Part A: Plant Pigments and Chromatography Observations: The plant produced five visible bands of color: dark green, light green, green, light yellow and dark yellow.

Applied chemistry: rbst and chlorpyrifos in food

In relation to the commonly used food chemicals, this study aims to closely examine the nature of rBST and the chemical composition of Chlorpyrifos. About rBST As a type of artificifical growth hormone, the rBST is actually a kind of peptide hormone that is normally produced the the pituary gland of a cow.rBST can be →

Gas law

The independent variable is temperature whereas the dependent variable is pressure From equation y= 0. Plotting the values of pressure against the inverse of the volume gives us Boyles law that states that at constant temperature the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional to the size.

Effects on humans and environment by acid rain

Effects of acid rain on the environment and human health Acid rain refers to rain whose water is acidic and it results from acidic gases such as sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen. Acid rain also affects people and the environment through the soil from which our food is grown.

Thin layer chromatography

The method used to separate the components was Thin Layer Chromatography with silica adsorbent as the stationary phase and 0. The results of the lab showed that the unknown tablet had an Rf value of 0.

Investigatory project essay sample

The objective of the first part of the study was to find the best ratio of ink using carbon from used batteries and charcoal as pigments. The carbon paper was evaluated on the basis of clarity, neatness of the print and general acceptability.

Examine the reasons why some sociologists choose not to use experiments when conducting research

Field experiments are an experiment carried out in a ' natural' setting; that is, unlike in the case of laboratory experiments, the setting is not created by the researcher. So sociologists will usually avoid experiments because of the practical, ethical and theoretical issues.

Nagtatrabahong mag-aaral essay sample

In there, the water is sun-heated and gets split into hydrogen, oxygen and ATP. Dark Reaction After the hydrogen gets to the other part of the leaf, the CO2, that we breath out, mixes with the hydrogen and gets fused using ATP, making sugar/starch he raw materials are carbon dioxide and water; the process of →

Food chemistry options report

It is up to the food chemists to design the most efficient and fastest way to make and preserve both the appeal as well as the nutrition of the food. As the discussion of food fat and oils continues, it is important to distinguish that the difference between the two is that a " fat" →


1 of the crude product was then placed aside for later TLC analysis. For the TLC analysis, solutions were prepared of benzophenone, crude diphenylmethanol, and recrystallised diphenylmethanol, by dissolving 0.


Chemical Properties * Chemical Property- the ability of a substance to change and form new substances.* Chemical Reactivity- With water, oxygen, acids, or another pure substance.* Combustibility- the ability of a substance to burn in air * Stability- the ability of a substance to remain unchanged.* Toxicity- the ability of a substance to cause harmful →

Group ii metals essay sample

Aim To find out the properties and trends of Group II elements using Magnesium, Calcium and Barium to investigate reactions of the metals with water, the reaction of the oxides with water and acid, the solubility's of the hydroxides and carbonates and the thermal stabilities of the carbonates. The universal indicator was used to measure →

Critique of primary article

Purpose of this study The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the measurement of trace metals and compare it to the severity of sickling of hemoglobin F.C. What was the conclusion of the research/experiment done?

Energy wedges – lab report example

However before we expect the opportunities to occur it is important to plan and execute a mission that is likely to reduce carbon emission by half in the next 50 years. The increasing emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is mainly attributed to production of energy, which is required to →

Radiation protection process

Radiation protection is the process whereby the individual working in a place where radiation is emitted are protected from its harmful exposure. Basically, the protection gears are meant to eliminate or reduce the harmful effects of radiation emissions.

Acid-base titration chemistry formal lab writeup by a.mm essay sample

We found that the equivalence point of the titration of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide was not within the ph range of phenolphthalein's color range. The titration of acetic acid with sodium hydroxide resulted in an equivalence point out of the range of methyl red.

Chemical engineer

Thus the engineer is the link between the laboratory and commercial production. The occupation of a chemical engineer is a very exciting one.

Pre-lab paper

The contents of test-tubes A & B were centrifuged to obtain the solids. The observations were recorded in each case and the contents of A1, A2, B1, B2 discarded.

Yeast experiment – temperature essay sample

In this experiment, the effect of variation of temperature on the fermentation of yeast was tested. If temperature affects the fermentation of the yeast, then the rate of yeast fermentation will change with the different levels of temperature.


Checked the alignment of the shell with the Piano wire arrangement. Preheat the joint area of the shell to 150 deg Welding electrodes are to be preheated Complete the root run on the outer surface of the joint side with 2.


Formaldehyde Formaldehyde Formaldehyde has negative effects to the liver, the immune system, the respiratory system and many other organs in the body. The toxic effects of formaldehyde and formalin.

Multistep synthesis of benzilic acid

With the literature melting-point value of benzil being 95oC, the product was deemed of pure enough quality to be used in the preparation of Benzilic acid. The product was then transferred into a flask containing 3mL of water at 70oC and then stirred.

Extraction of trimyristin

After most of the product was filtered an additional 2 mL of TBME was added to the RB flask to wash any remaining product from the nutmeg powder, the additional product was then filtered and added to the previously obtained product. Melting point tests of the purified trimyristin was determined to be between 52-55 C →

Example of cardiovascular and pulmonary reflexes report

Reducing the level of carbon dioxide in the cells may result into the reduced pH in the blood which eventually results in the reduction of the blood vessels. Experimental variable was change in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood while the dependent variables were the heart rate, breathing rate and the depth of →

Analytical chemistry questions essay sample

Calculate the percentage of KCl in the sample. Calculate the percentage of chloride and iodide in the sample.

Compare newton and goethe’s theory described in a particular video

The difference in appearance is as a result of the fact that the eyes try to counter the strong orange-red light from the sun. Therefore, Newton's theory associates the perception of color with light and excludes the role that darkness plays in the display of colors.

The neutralization reaction as a double displacement reaction essay sample

The mechanism of the reaction is explained through double displacement reaction in an aqueous medium, which can be illustrated in the following reaction, for this matter the common acid and base used are hydrochloric acid and and sodium hydroxide: HCl + NaOH a NaCl +H 2 O Take note that the reaction produces the salt, →

Investigating the rate of reaction between peroxydisulphate (vi) ions and iodide ions

The transfer of charge between the iodine and the starch and the spacing between the energy levels in the complex formed corresponds to the absorption spectrum, and so, the complementary colour, a blue-black solution, is observed. Affect of concentration on the rate of reaction For many reactions, including this one, increasing the concentration of the →