Essay Samples About Mathematics for Student Inspiration

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Math problems essay

The properties of real numbers is a fundamental concept of basic algebra. The second step of our solution, is to arrange the like terms after removing the parentheses.

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Much of Gauss' influence is seen in the fields of mathematics and science. Gauss had a lot of influence in the field of mathematics.

The root finding methods

Your Section and Serial Number Root Finding Algorithm A root-finding algorithm is a numerical method, or algorithm, for finding a value x such A root-finding algorithm is a numerical method, or algorithm, for finding a value x such that f = 0, for a given function f. The Secant Method: The secant method is based β†’

Trigonometry in real life essay sample

The angle of elevation can be formed, when an individual to the front of this structure raise his/her head to look at this, making a line of sight with the horizontal. And by determining the distance to the covered court and the angle at which they stand in relation to the top of this structure.

Lecture week

The cylinder made of any materials will have the same stress values and thus if strength is the major concern, one should select the highest strength material. Four-point bending The better positioning of strain gauge should be in a far field as shown below to get more stable and reliable testing result.


Department stores can sell kitchen gadgets as impulse items because retailers have seen sales skyrocket of some items simply by the placement of the products in the store. How can knowledge of the product life cycle help buyers decide which products to eliminate from their merchandise mix?


In addition, unitizing is very useful in understanding and developing the meaning of division as well as multiplication of both natural numbers and fractions. Unitizing is so important since it facilitates the understanding of mathematical objects such as number and operations, especially in fractions, ratios and proportions.

Name : math133 unit 5 individual project a

Round your answer to the nearest cent. Round your answer to the nearest cent.rt Answer: Show work in this space:

Air cargo pkomot

The findings summarise the major air trade markets in the world, giving the major trends and projects on the future improvements and performance of the world's cargo airplane. Planning on the other hand is the creation and maintenance of a flow of events in an organisation and the process of coming up with the procedures β†’


Internal Control Characteristics Affiliation Internal Control Characteristics Introduction Internal control refers to the process in which the aim of an organization is to comply with the rules and regulations, achieve the objectives financial reporting reliability, and provide timely feedback on the strategies achievement. Situation Missing internal control: Supervision control or assignment of duties Possible problem: β†’

Classical probability of favorable outcomes

Classical Probability of Favorable Outcomes Classical probability is the number of favorable outcomes over the total number of outcomes while empirical probability is the number of times an event happened over the total number of trials. Since we did an experiment in finding the probability of an event occurring, the probability used is empirical β†’

Can public knowledge contribute to scientific understaning

They claim it is the first ever official definition published: " Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence" - The science council The definitions of " science" and " scientific knowledge" as based on empirical evidence have important implications β†’

Music is a kind of mathematics

In the same manner, if a face is proportionate, we will probably notice it quickly and think that it's beautiful and perfect. God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world".-To end this here's what Maulana Wahiduddin Khan believed: " The truth is that God is the greatest Mathematician, the greatest artist and the greatest genius".

Accounting theory and practice

An accounting treatment has been provided to show the preference shares as an equity without considering the time value of money, to show the preference shares as a financial liability without adjustments of the time value of money, to show the preference share as a financial liability using amortized cost, and to show the preference β†’

Mathematical modelling of a hyperboloid container essay sample

Empirical modelling involves examining data related to the problem with a view of formulating or constructing a mathematical relationship between the variables in the problem using the available data. For deterministic modelling, it involves the use of equation or set of equations to model or predict the outcome of an event or the value of β†’

When are pivot tables useful

Similarly, Pivot Tables are interactive means of summarizing the data, allowing you to add or delete fields in the contingent tables. This is really handy when the headings in the worksheets are identical as it saves both time and effort.

Srinivasa ramanujan

Ramanujan went to Cambridge in 1914, despite the great strides he made in his work in corroboration Hardy and Littlewood it took a great toll on his body. He was also a man entrenched in his religion and a deep commitment to his family.

How the calculus was invented?

The purpose of this section is to examine Newton and Leibniz's investigations into the developing field of infinitesimal calculus. In comparison, Leibniz focused on the tangent problem and came to believe that calculus was a metaphysical explanation of change.

Prominent african-american mathematicians

When he finished his 19, he was recognized by the national press as a " negro genius." Jesse Ernest Wilkins taught at the Tuskegee Institute prior returning to the University of Chicago to contribute to the Manhattan Project. Cox's portrait hangs in Howard's Mathematics Common Room as a consistent reminder of his contribution to β†’

Further topics in primary mathematics education education essay

The Assessment book 's chief constructs do fit with the course of study ', but the Assessment book have missed to advert the kids 's acknowledgment that the longer lengths necessitate a larger unit, that is kilometer, and that the shortest lengths, require a smaller unit, that is the centimetre. It 's besides a good β†’

The fencing problem

I predict that the length of a rectangle that will give me the maximum area will be 250m. The square height will therefore be equal to the square of the hypotenuse minus the square of half the base.

Consumer math

A specific example of annuities is when one deposits a certain amount at a savings plan at the end of each year for five years. Indeed, it is essential for every individual to understand the concepts covered by consumer math because it has a huge impact on one's personal finances.

Conversions in the metric system

In the metric system, quantity pertaining to length, thickness, distance, or girth is measured in terms of ' meter' while the customary system consists of an inch, foot, yard, and mile. Based on metric units, the volume may be in milliliter, cubic centimeter, liter, and cubic meter whereas based on the US customary units, the β†’

Time, distance and speed

TIME, DISTANCE AND SPEED and Department al Affiliation Question If a vantravels for a distance of 18 km at an average speed of 75 km/h and then for a distance of 63 km at an average speed of 90 km/h, what is the total time for the journey in minutes, to the nearest minute? The β†’

Free-will and determinism

The endless debate around the crisis in sociology and in social sciences in general, can be interpreted as the reissue of the discussion on their scientific status, in particular on the topic about the capacity to generate " legalform" propositions, as well as the plausibility of the explanation and the prediction based on the resulting β†’

Equivalant fractions with unlike denominators

You can show the students by coloring in one of the two pieces and two of the four pieces they are equivalent. An activity to help students figure out if fractions are equivalent or not is to have the teacher give the student a page of fraction circles.

Math paper

07 T = 3 years = N = 3 x 1 = 3 A = P ^ n A = $1000 ^ 3 A = $1225. 035 T = 3 years = N = 3 x 2 = 6 A = P ^ n A = $1000 ^ 6 A = $1229.

Euler’s formula essay sample

The product of two complex numbers is a complex number with a magnitude equal to the product of the magnitudes of the two multipliers and its angle is equal to the sum of the angles of the two complex multipliers. Using the complex exponential form of the Euler formula allows us to solve for the β†’

Donald duck mathematical magic trick

The pentagram contains the " Golden Rectangle" or a rectangle whose sides form the ratio known as the " Golden Mean". The video showed that when the pentagram is deconstructed, and the parts were arranged according to their lengths, the two short parts combined formed the longer part in the ratio of the Golden Mean.

Use of math in daily life

Merits of mathematics: The merits of mathematics in our life cannot be described in words. Mathematics helps us to create everything as without the application of mathematics.

Variable and fixed costs

Herrested Company Contribution Margin Income Statement For the period ending December 31, 2011 per unit No.of units sold Total Sales 250 8, 000 2, 000, 000 Variable Cost Direct Material 100 Direct Labor 50 Variable Overhead 30 Variable Selling & Admin 10 Total Variable Cost 190 8, 000 1, 520, 000 Contribution 60 8, 000 β†’

Do males and females have different abilities when estimating size narrative essay

After collecting the data in my study, the results of this analysis indicate that males have the more accurate abilities in size estimating than females. To sum up, I prefer to think that the ability of males in estimating size is better than females.

Aborption cost systems – math problem example

The has selected a very good example of a manufacturing concern that implements the job order costing system in order to account for the cost of every job completed. In addition to that, Boeing has a state of the art technological infrastructure, which is charged as overhead in the cost of each and every plane β†’


5th= 12-7= Approximately 5 c) For each distribution find the i) Mean The mean is the average of the numbers it is the sum divided by the count. 66667 Range 36 64 iii) The standard deviation is used to quantify the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of data values d) Discuss the β†’

Measures of central tendency

As such, the tail of the distribution is longer on the left side of the distribution than on the right side. The effects of such outliers on the distribution is that one finds most of the values including the median tend to be greater than the mean.

Srinivasa ramanujan

Following is an anecdote of Hardy: 2 Hardy Ramanujan number 1729 A common anecdote about Ramanujan relates to the number 1729. Ramanujan is said to have stated on the spot that it was actually a very interesting number

Flow induced vibration

0? 0? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KGlobal 31 32 The two 4x4 element sti? ness matrices are? 2: Introducing a Taper in the Pipe Carrying Fluid of t = 0.

Newton’s 2nd law lab

Then we found the total mass being accelerated in kg by adding the mass of the hanging glider to the mass of the hanging weight. Then we found the theoretical acceleration by using the formula a= F/m and plugged in the total mass for m and the applied force for F.

Composition and inverse

So, f h = 2x + 5 - f h = - = Then upon substitution of 4 into ' x', = = 12 Evaluate the following two compositions: A: would pertain to a composition where the function g is composed within the function f such that g serves as an expression that replaces ' β†’

Data collection activities in algebra 1

Students will then use a prepared activity sheet that requires them to draw a diagram of the experiment, describe the procedure, identify the independent and dependent variables, create a table of data, graph data, choose two representative points to connect and create a " line of best fit", find the slope and y-intercept of this β†’

Reflection on study skills

For Information technology I downloaded a paper from the journal of community nursing online, the subject was falls and the elderly; I chose this because I have worked in the community as a District nurse auxiliary and have a particular interest in promoting health for the elderly. Coming to university as a mature student is β†’

Math lab evaluation paper

Students appear to be unable to focus due to various distractions like the constant noise of some of the math tutors joking with one another and the lights flickering throughout the room is also very distracting. I would make the following changes in the math lab to make it a more productive and studious environment.

Aqr vi.d.9

The specification was the general principle that governed the selection. The beta value of the portfolio is -25.

History of algebra essay sample

Hindu Algebra The successors of the Greeks in the history of mathematics were the Hindus of India. Peacock was the founder of axiomatic thinking in arithmetic and algebra.

Discrete math

The study of the structure of compound propositions is made easier by the use of symbols for atomic propositions and connectives. The program will terminate if and only if the input is not numeric or the escape key is pressed.

Real world radical formulas

C/4b = 1/3 d Taking the reciprocal of both sides we get, 4b/C = 3 d Taking the third root of both sides we obtain 3 = d Rearranging, d = 3 c) C= 4d-1/3b b = 13. 5 = d-1/3 0.

Math203 – applications of discrete mathematics -phase 4 db

The automation is able to read in the string one symbol each time from left to the right. The automation begins to calculate immediately as the start state begins and it continues to read the initial symbol of the input string.

E-text 12.47 essay sample

Use the quick rule to make a 95 percent prediction interval for Y when X= 2, 000 FREE THROWS Find the expected number of free throws made for a team that shoots 2, 000 free throws. 2 1515 The expected number of free throws made for a team that shoots 2, 000 free throws is β†’

History of mathematics

Mersenne used the academy as a forum to spread the ideas of Descartes who was in Netherlands. For Descartes, Fermat and Mersenne, mathematics was their passion.

Truss design essay sample

The designer may change the material, the amount of material, or the number of members in a truss in order to make a design safer or more efficient. If the truss is statically indeterminate, then you will not be able to solve for all of the forces.

Using newton method of optimization

The problem is to minimize the surface area to reduce the cost of the vessel. Insert the value of x and substitute for h in the surface area equation to obtain.

Real world quadratic functions

When the parabola opens downward, the vertex is the point where the relative minimum of the function occurs and when the parabola opens upward, the vertex is the point where the relative maximum of the function occurs. This paper will determine the maximum possible profit for the chain store and the number of clerks that β†’

Example of report on the inverted pendulum

Derivation of Equations of State and Output: Based on the parameters and the physical values of the system, the equations of state and the output equations are derived below the dimensions are omitted in the equation in order to preserve the readability. Compensator Gain: The first step in the design procedure is to determine the β†’

Mathematics as a source of knowledge

Although contrary to the opinion that math is not a closed intellectual system, in which everything has already been worked out, the mere existence of math compels us to have a black and white perspective of the world. The discontent that he had with the probability of human error to a large extent shows that β†’

The real number system and order of operations

In order of operations PEMDAS is the acronym used to illustrate the way the orders are executed. M stands for Multiplication and it takes the third precedence in the order of operations.

Actions speak louder than words

O'Brien knew well how important the draft card was to the government because of the war, and that's why he burned it. In conclusion, the acts of symbolic speech should be protected under the First Amendment because it is a strong, way to represent and express what you feel and believe.

Mathematics of finance and commerce

Compound interest is the concept of adding accumulated interest back to the principal, so that interest is earned on interest from that moment on. The return of a bond is largely determined by its interest rate.

Ada solution manual

Given that the official purpose of the U.S.patent system is the promotion of the " useful arts," do you think algorithms are patentable in this country? What is the smallest and the largest number of divisions possible in the algorithm for determining a prime number? 9.a.


Risks and Benefits of Annuities Immediate annuities can lead to inflation, for instance the income of a person will increase from 4 percent to 6 percent each year. Annuities offer a person with competitive interest rates, which is one of the benefits that people experience.

Math project

00 ECO 1302 A Contemporary Macroeconomics Issues CBY C03 ECO 1104 G Introduction To Microeconomics Gordon Lenjosek ART 033 ECO2117 C Introduction to Economics of Development Geranda Notten TBT 333 From the schedule above, I would not have early morning classes except for the Macroeconomic Theory 1 class on Thursdays. My classes spread throughout the β†’


The correct way to calculate the fat content is to multiply the number of grams of fat by 9 to get the calories. 1 g of fat= 9= 9 calories The fat content is 100%= 0.

Georg cantor

At this time, he was given a considerable inheritance, and decided to transfer his studies to the University of Berlin. He also showed the necessity of one-to-one correspondence in set theory.

Singapore math

Singapore Math Singapore Math Introduction Singapore a located in the southeastern part of Asia to the south of Malaysian peninsula is famous for its equatorial climate, sea port, cultural diversity and religious acceptance, distinctive skyline, technological advancements and landmarks achieved in the field of commutation and automation and for being host to the head quarters β†’

Financial stewardship

That is, instead of my retirement benefits being subjected to a formula which takes into consideration how long I was on my job and my average income during my last years of employment, this plan will credit my account with certain set percentage of my income each year, classically 5%. The aspect of retirement is β†’

Business statistics and software engineering

Furthermore, a Business studies and software engineering related degree would allow me to explore, in depth, a range of exciting, multidisciplinary topics as diverse as game theory, a subject only hinted at in A Level and which I would love to explore in university, international trade and development studies. I have high ambitions, and in β†’

Discussion question

The order dual of every Boolean algebra obtained by interchanging AND and OR is also a Boolean algebra. On the other hand, given a Boolean ring A, this can be turned into a Boolean algebra by the definition x OR y = x +y + xy and x AND y = xy.

M&m project report

23 Orange 75 0. 13 Brown 45 0.

Two questions essay examples

While in the Golden Age of Islam, the scholars were willing to translate and assimilate the Greek philosophy within Islam, the later schools of Islamic thought believed that this was against the teachings of the Prophet. With the advancement in mathematics came the new developments in the fields of astronomy. In this work, he demonstrated β†’

Key concepts of calculus

For example, if , we can say that which is apparent from the table below x f x f 9 0. 9 0.

Two-variable inequality

Write an inequality that limits the possible number of maple rockers of each type that can be made, and graph the inequality in the first quadrant. Assigning a variable to each type of rocker Ozark Furniture makes. Let x = the board feet needed to make classic rockers Let y= theboard feet needed to β†’

Mathematics and being mathematical education essay

This provided them with a focal point for their question, and the assurance to prove their thoughts which resulted in the bulk of students organizing generalizations about the forms created by the Numberss. The kids who were able to generalize, did so as a consequence of effectual communicating and following a systematic attack to their β†’

Multinational corporation (mnc) now and then

Accumulated amount or Future value is the value of a loan or an investment made today, at a specified in the future. It is calculated by compounding the interest that the investment made today will earn over time. FV = P n... Where, FV = Future value of the investment β†’

Integrated education of basic mathematics and social studies essay sample

This organization as well as advance representation obviously shows the way to the flawless combination of technology plus information literacy principles by means of the skillfulness of educator make use of to educate the components. Integrated education sets off further than the vague impression of area under discussion area lines to a method of instruction β†’

Phase 2 individual project

The equation used to figure this out is 0. For the percentage of total carpet to be used in the master bedroom, 120 square feet can be divided by the total amount of carpet.

Team project

In application, moreover, Riemann's Sums are similar with both Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson's Rule for being a method that estimates the area under the curve in an approach that determines the sum of areas of the rectangular strips spread throughout the region, multiplied by the width x and divided by ' n' subintervals. Riemann's Sum β†’

Maximizing revenue

79 Taking the positive value, x = 27, 000 units For part , revenue R =.* x = 27, 000 *.= 2, 643, 289 Dividing each side by 27, 000 - ? selling price.= $97. 5x3 Taking derivative of this profit function and setting to zero to get the critical x's, β†’

Bridging the gender gap in mathematics essay sample

If environmental and cultural factors are the source of a problem, the chances of remedying that problem increase substantially. The fact that gender differences in mathematical performance vary widely depending on economic background, ethnic background, and other environmental factors points to a very possible socio-cultural influence. In fact, results of a 2002 β†’

Mathematics and time

However, we believe that the above time signifies the actual time spent by labor in producing or working on new parts. Profile operation - Break-even analysis: Let the optimal order size be N boards a) Using Punch Press: Total Operating Time = Setup time + Cycle β†’

About me essay 8

Principle of Accounting is one of my favourite subjects and this is the main reason I refused to study in Sekolah Menengah Sains Kubang Pasu which offered me Science stream. After SPM, I decided to further study in Accounting course and I am really hope that I can get my high education in overseas.

Mat540: statistics concepts for research paper

Yet at the same time, it is clear that the occurrence of childhood obesity places those afflicted at increased risk ofhealthproblems now and in the future. Overweight and poor nutrition of children in the United States are becoming issues of increasing concern for public health. But schools do not seem to be β†’

Elementary analysis

Assuming the represents the partial figure of and represents the partial summation of , so From the hypothesis that for all values of n, we know for all values of n 2b) Supposing that converges, meaning from the definition that as. Therefore, because the equation is a convergence p-series, it definitely converges by β†’


Pending litigations about an entity are for example not reflected in financial statements and therefore do not affect financial ratios. Ratios also assume linear relationship between variables and this mislead stakeholders because most variables are not linearly related. Investors could use liquidity ratios to make decisions, on whether to invest in a company or not, β†’

Alphabet of lines

Alphabet of Lines The " Alphabet of Lines" refers to the different styles of lines used in drafting to show different features about an object that is drawn. Dimension lines are dark, heavy lines. They show the length, width, and height of the features of an object.

Corellation between math, logic and truth

In other words, the soundness of a truth should not be based on an absolute dichotomy, but rather as a spectrum of validity where locality and scope are cornerstones of validity. Let us however, allow this essay to begin the discussion by assuming that such absolute distinctions are plausible. What must be considered β†’

Dynamical systems with applications using matlab

The involved Math Works in MATLAB creates an opportunity to understand the simulation language, which is vital in the process of prototype testing in scientific research. Such occurs since MATLAB aids in the processing of generating effective plots and utilization of numerical codes, which research users in different locations find useful in their research work.

My learning experiences in math

She taught me to understand math the way I understand my easiest subject. She taught me to understand math how complicated life is.

Mathematics and trial rate

We found that the trial rate for " actual definitely would buy" for pizza will be 80% of the definitely would buy rate of the BASEL research. The demand for the pizza is the multiplication of marketing adjusted trial rate and the target households, which is 1.


Below figure shows a line as the intersection for the graphs of two linear inequalities. c.a region Yes, the graphs of two linear inequalities can be drawn with a region as the intersection. Below figure shows a region as the intersection for the graphs of two linear inequalities. intersection Yes, the graphs β†’

Mathematics concepts

The standard form for writing a definite integral is as the following: Where a and b denotes the integration limits, and are equivalent to g g , Where, Dg = f Integrals are used to estimate quantities like work, volume, area and, in common, several different amounts that can be understood β†’

Written assignment 3

In particular, the weight of an object follows this equation:, where C is a constant, and r is the distance that the object is from the center of the Earth. a. Use the value of C you found in the previous question to determine how much the object would weigh at i.the shore of β†’

Quantitative techniques

Classification of Quantitative Techniques: There are different types of quantitative techniques. Mathematical quantitative techniques involve: 1.

Applying the laws of sines and cosines

The solution can be found in the following cases: Two angles and the side between these angles are known ; Two angles and the side opposite to one of the angles are known ; Two sides and the angle opposite to one of the sides are known ; Two sides and the β†’

Why numbers matter

To discuss and understand these principles, an article from Msnbc The Bottom Line dated November 06, 2011, ' After steadying, home prices begin falling again' has been taken into account which entails the scenario of the United States' real estate industry. The author of the article tells about the falling prices of homes in the β†’

Math observations

I was surprised to see that most of the students had no problem drawing and writing out the problem even though an additional factor had been added. Then when they moved on to counting the coins I liked that majority of the students could recognize the coin, the value of the coin, β†’

Linear algebra

Give an example of a possible third row for A. This is a null row representation that the results become zero due to the figures of R which are equivalent to zero. Determine the values of a and b. {1, 2, 5, 1} {b} = {1, 2, 0, 3} {4, 1, 17, -22} {a} = {0, β†’

Domains of rational expressions

However, it is possible that some values will not be allowed in a rational expression depending upon the denominator of the rational expression and they are called Excluded value for the rational expression. In Real number system, division by zero is not defined. Therefore, the rational expression cannot have a denominator value equal β†’