Complete Essay Samples on Science

Life in the universe: the significance of planet x

The Internet is replete with sites touting proof of extraterrestrial life in the universe; television programs found on channels with a scientific slant, such as Discovery, The Learning Channel, The History Channel, SciFi, and Nova, explore the possibilities of extraterrestrial life on a regular basis; a slew of books have been published by those β†’

“science the world has experienced scientific advancements

Based on this, the following essay will argue forthe statement ' Science and Biology have advanced over the past one-hundredyears' based on the following: the world has experienced scientificadvancements over the past one hundred years that have changed the way wethink, technology is advancing at a more rapid pace than ever before, lastly, due to β†’

What a black hole is

In the event that any question is go into the dark gap then it will not return. Imagine a scenario where you fell into a dark opening? The sun is definitely not a major bounty star to type a dark opening. Is it true that we are living in a dark gap?

A description of relationships in hughes’ poetry

Explore How Hughes Presents Relationships in Full Moon and Little Frieda and At Least One Other Poem Hughes uses the description of his daughter to depict the relationship between humans and the natural world. However " Full Moon and Little Frieda" rejoices in the the wonder of a personified natural world.

Astronomy as among the oldest science

Astronomy Astronomy is the science that deals with the study of celestial bodies such as the moons, planets, stars, galaxies and Nebulae. Galileo's telescope helped in revealing the phases of Venus, and this was a striking moment to the explanation of the heliocentric theory.. Both Galileo and Harriot were astronomers.

Various the completeness and the efficiency, also

Instances of suchnumerous projects are the SKICAT-Sky Image Cataloging and Analysis System for catalogproduction and analysis of the catalog from digitized sky surveys particularly the scans given by the second Palomar ObservatorySky Survey; the JAR Tool- Jet Propulsion Laboratory Adaptive Recognition Tool used for recognition of volcanoes formed in over 30, 000 images of Venus β†’

Fighting with the mercury contamination in grassy narrows

Where- Mercury has tremendous effect on the health and lives of hundreds of residents from the First Nations communities in Grassy Narrows. What- Around 10 metric tons of mercury were spilled into the river by a paper plant in the 1960s, and today, the fish in the river have the largest amount of mercury concentrations β†’

Moon melding made titan a chimera

The atmosphere of Titan is composed of double cloud layers of 200km and 300km, which is equivalent to 125 miles and 186 miles respectively above the surface. Titan do not have a magnetic field and at times it orbits around the magnetosphere of Saturn. The rotational and orbital period of the moon is 15.

Astrophysics and space astronomy

As a red giant, they are cooler and brighter than the main sequence stars. Possibilities for what massive stars that have left the main sequence may look like include: a red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf, or black hole. 1b) Larger mass stars burn hydrogen faster than lower mass stars, so usually, it is the β†’

Misconceptions about planet mars

Internationally viewed on films, Mars has represented the hazards of communism, the fear of everything brand-new and odd, as well as a future utopia for mankind. Mars as well as our strong mental images connected with it have likewise been manipulated in domains such as the comics, music, advertising and marketing, and also the plaything β†’

A beauty of solar eclipse

Solar eclipses are called Nature's Greatest Coincidence, and they are a thing of beauty that can have a strong effect on people. A solar eclipse can only occur if the moon is in its new moon phase when it passes between the earth and the sun. Had it been a few miles smaller across, the β†’

Adam smith invisible hand essay

Adam Smith used the term ' the Invisible Hand' in the ' History of Astronomy' and used it twice, each time with a different meaning in The Theory of Moral Sentiment and the Wealth of Nations. This is the term that Economists nowadays use to refer to the nature of the market and how it β†’

The glass menagerie: atmosphere

The social history which is described by Tom, "...the huge matriculating in a school for the in the negative while the vivid description of the play is written in a very melancholy but interesting tone, " is sentimental..." Williams gives very strict stage directions and this can only contribute to the atmosphere, even without β†’

People supporting space exploration

The main topic I will be discussing and debating on the issue whether or not should the United States continue to fund space exploration even though we have our own matters to attend on planet Earth. My research project Includes with the supporting point of view, the UN-supporting point of view, ending with β†’

My impressions from moon over buffalo performance

The play was performed in a proscenium theatre, I feel it had a good effect on the play, it made it like a window looking into someone else's life. The set for Moon Over Buffalo was astounding, it felt very realistic for a 1950's home. And when it comes to sound the most important sound β†’

Kepler mission

Also to find planets around stars that are noisier either due to being fainter or having more variability The scientific objective of the Kepler Mission is to explore the structure and diversity of planetary systems. This is achieved by surveying a large sample of stars to determine the abundance of terrestrial and β†’

Free essay about archimedes was trying to solve the problem of squaring the circle and reached outstanding

Such evidence is his tombstone. The area of a circle is equal to the area of a right triangle with legs equal length and radius of the circle The area of a circle refers to the area around the square, as 11: 14. The ratio of the circumference to the diameter of more than β†’

The possibility of living on mars

Nonetheless, none of the shuttle missions to Mars have included among their logical targets the investigation of Special Regions, those spots on the planet that could be possessed by surviving Martian life or where earthly microorganisms may reproduce. Voyages to the Moon and Mars are connected in current arranging and open impression without bounds of β†’

The astrological kinds of the performers

The Aries Performer always love to involve themselves in competition and they are marked by imagination, initiative and readiness to undertake new projects. The Aries Performer is able to make good company with people and are much capable of showing commitment and feelings of ardent love than compared to the rest of the Performers. The β†’

Everything four hydrogen atoms into one helium

The three main sizes of stars include, low mass stars, medium mass stars, and massive stars. This nuclear fusion happening in main sequence stars is essential to the star's balance. The gas pressure produced from the hydrogen fusion is able to withstand the force of outward gravity trying to collapse the star.

Vivid atmosphere

My fast reflexes allow me to throw my racket to where the ball is going and my jaw tenses as I brace myself for impact. The vibrations tingle up my arm as I strategically swing through the ball at the perfect speed and angle.

Preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases

The number of sexually active teenagers is rapidly growing and becoming problematic due to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. This is because the youth are experiencing the sexual influence by the media which is causing them to become sexually active at early stages in life.

Epidemiological survey of coxiella burnetii specific antibodies in sheep, goats and camels

In the current study, PCR was employed on vaginal swab to diagnose Q fever as one of the routes of discharge of C.burnetii is the vaginal mucus. Infected ticks are playing a major part in the transmission of C.burnetii among livestock. The evident increase of serum proinflammatory cytokines reported in the infected β†’

Pico paper

Are kidney patients who received a radical nephrectomy at a higher risk of impaired renal function and cardiac related death compared to those who received a partial nephrectomy? Purpose According to this study, " a partial nephrectomy has been associated with improved overall survival in patients with localized renal masses compared to those who β†’

Review of health care in uttar pradesh

The aim of this report is to highlights the health status of the Uttar Pradesh in context of different indicators associated with the health. So in this report our aim is to explore in detail the current status of health condition of Uttar Pradesh.3.

Sepsis: blood and fluid resuscitation

Sepsis screening begins in the ER, signs and symptoms that are indicative of sepsis, or early indications of infection that can eventually lead to sepsis should be identified quickly. Our role as the nurse is to recognize the signs of sepsis, and or infection that could lead to it, and make theDoctoraware of any abnormal β†’

What is asbestos? how is it a health problem? essay sample

Inhalation of airborne asbestos fibers has been established as the cause of asbestosis (thickening and scarring of lung tissue) and as a cause of mesothelioma (a highly lethal tumor of the pleura) as well as of cancers of the lung, intestines, and liver. The main symptoms include shortness of breath on exertion, a persistent β†’

Public health strategies

Monitoring the health status of the population Explanation: monitoring the health status of a population helps to discover emerging forms of illness and disease and provides information to inform policy and planning of health services. Identifying the health needs of the population Explanation, finding the health needs of population and discuss how to discover it.

Animals should be used in scientific research

Facts of Why animals are used in scientific research Over 100 million animals are used every year in the United States as models in biological and medical research to study human disease, injury, development, psychology, and anatomy and physiology. Today, the majority of people in our society do agree with the idea of the humane β†’

Free essay on epidemiological studies

Discussions of ethics as they relates to the epidemiological studies Epidemiology is the basic science of the public health and study of how often diseases arising in different groups of people and why. The HIV/AIDS pandemic disease and the clinical trials on the vaccines and treatment of the HIV candidate had sparked so β†’

Childhood obesity and epidemiology health and social care essay

Another complication of current informations is that there is a demand for more precise and dependable steps of dietetic consumption and activity degrees, as single callback of events and diet are non the most reliable beginnings for information " ( Department of Health and Human Services, 2010, p1 ). Research on successful intercessions for kids β†’

Psychological negative effects of mrsa

Many patients of not understand their infection and its ways of transmission; this can lead to feelings of astigmatism and fear.MRS.itself cannot have any direct psychological impact on patients with MRS.but is in fact other people's attitudes and the patient's perception of scrutiny. Research has hon.that contact with infected hospital patients on β†’

Obesity people

The most relevant stakeholder is the children because this is when the obesity epidemic usually takes place, the younger years. Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems.

The key understanding between the epidemiologic triangle & hill’s criteria of causality

Environmental Epidemiology The key understanding between the epidemiologic triangle and Hill's criteria of causality is indeed the fact that there is a correlation revealing a cause and effect mechanism of exposures and health outcomes within the environment of a population. The environment is defined as the domain in which disease-causing agents may exist, β†’


Because of the omnipotence of fast food chains in America, when we feel the urge for an easy meal, Americans, in general, immediately look to the fast food nation for a quick suppression to their hunger. Now that Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.we need to re-evaluate the β†’

Communicable disease epidemiology essay sample

Determinants of Health The determinants of health include the social and economic environment, the physical environment, and the person's individual characteristics and behaviors.. Varicella prevention in the United States: a review of successes and challenges.

How to stay healthy

In everyday life, there are a lot of examples of ways or tools that people use to protect themselves and even too many publications have found to teach people how to protect themselves in different aspects of fields of life. One of the most things that should be observed by people in order to stay β†’

The health belief model essay sample

Using the health belief model how can nurses encourage patient to make immediate and permanent behavior changes, particularly as they relate to lifestyle choices. Health belief model was developed in the 1950s by social psychologists at the US public Health Services to explain and predict health-related behaviors, particularly in regard to the β†’

Is your sore throat strep?

The back of the throat is usually very red and there may be white patches in the back of the throat or on the tonsils. For these reasons, it is very important to see the doctor if you or your child have symptoms of strep throat.

How to lead a long and healthy life speech

It is here that protection and care is needed, so that each organ functions well, each organ develops naturally, and there are no deformities, disabilities and diseases but often the health of children remain neglected, with the result that they grow unhealthily and that affects their education as well. A healthy person is an asset β†’

Cholera in haiti

Diseases can be a result of a person's environmental conditions. This spread of disease is what is currently taking place in Haiti as discussed in articles written by the Wall Street Journal and The Global Post. Marc, where many of the cases have been reported"( It is reported that the cholera disease β†’

Ernestine m. scott

The legalization of prostitution would bring prevention of certain health issues and protection of persons in that profession from crimes. One of the major risk factors in the profession of prostitution is the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease and potentially spreading of the diseases to another person.

How feminism harms women’s health care.

But do not expect the women's health lobby - the network of public " offices of women's health" that exist on the state and federal levels, and the university-based " women's health centers" - to admit it any time soon. An exception, in my view, is the NIH's Office of Research on Women's Health.


In the position of the appendix, age of the patient, and degree of inflammation make the clinical presentation of appendicitis notoriously inconsistent. A history of similar pain is reported in as many as 23% of cases, but this history of similar pain, in and of itself, should not be used to rule β†’

Global is preferred to local

Today, I would like to talk about sedentary lifestyle is one of the main cause of health problems as the opposition's 2nd stand and pollution is one of the main cause of health problems as the opposition's 3rd stand. Now, I will go on to talk about the opposition's 2nd stand which is sedentary lifestyle β†’

Reasons for regional variations in morbidity in the uk

This is possibly due to deprivation in terms of employment and housing as well as education. This can also be linked to the lack of sporting facilities to those earning a lower income. This is shown in Glasgow, which is a large city that also has the lowest life expectancy in the β†’

Causes of earthquake

This is plate tectonics - the motion of immense rigid plates at the surface of the Earth in response to flow of rock within the Earth. At such places the motion is not smooth - the plates are stuck together at the edges but the rest of each plate is continuing to move, so the β†’

Kilauea volcano

Located in the southeast region of the Island of Hawaii, Kilauea sits on the flank of the active Mauna Loa volcano, and is one of five shield volcanoes that together form the Island of Hawaii. Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes on Earth, and it is the youngest.

Free essay on relative and radiometric techniques

They both rely on old evolutionary assumption of Uniformitarianism in that geological features are products of gradual geological forces of the same kind and strength as of today. They differ by principles of determining the ages of geological events, relative dating ranks geological activities in order of their occurrence assuming that lower layers in respective β†’

Earth science and society term paper

The process is continuous, and is a global wide process ensuring that every water drop on earth is part of the system. At the beginning of the process, water from the seas, lakes, wetlands, rivers gain energy from the sun and get transferred to the atmosphere as vapor. The simultaneous occurrences β†’

Example of essay on geology report

The majestic valleys that we have such as the African Great Rift Valley, were formed as a result of tensional forces in opposite direction, that acted upon the earth's plates causing a large amount of stress on the land and as a consequence, unbearable stress was experienced along the fault lines that had formed within β†’

Volcano, physical and chemical changes

I learned that we should always be alert, caring, trustworthy, and we should have teamwork and cooperation. We should be alert so that when disasters like this happen to our community, we will know what to do and we can evacuate safely. Last but not the least, we should have teamwork and cooperation so that β†’

Short personal statement by a geology student

Instead of being bored, I was stimulated to think of the world through a different focus, through the lens of a geographer: to view people and places and examine how each relates to the other. Suddenly, I was thinking of everything in this fashion. One of the principles of my religion, The β†’

Endogenetic process:

The Endogenetic forces and related horizontal and vertical movements are caused due to contraction and expansion of rocks because of varying thermal conditions and temperature changes inside the earth. The Endogenetic forces and movements are divided, on the basis of intensity, into two major categories: Sudden Diastrophic forces Sudden forces are β†’

Geology exam questions

The Hawaiian Island chain was formed by which one of the following processes? *C.movement of the Pacific plate over a stationary mantle plume causing the formation of a string of volcanoes 11. The floor of the Atlantic is widening: why then is there a ridge in the middle? *B.volcanism 14.

Mesa verde national park research paper sample

The processes involved in the formation of the mesa and the cliff dwellings are of geological explanation. This paper identifies the geological history of the formation processes of the Mesa and the processes involved in its formation.

Overview of the bay of bengal biology essay

The factors which cause difference in temperature and salt between the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea will besides be discussed. Variations in O values for the Bay of Bengal Datas for the Bay of BengalFigure 2 shows a alteration in O values from the northern terminal of the Bay of Bengal to β†’

Potential aquifers essay examples

The boundaries of aquifers are usually graded into other aquifers, in essence, an aquifer could be a part of an aquifer system. Aquifers are filled with moving water and the quantity of water stored in the aquifer varies from season to season and also from year to year.

The geology of seattle

The Geology of Seattle Seattle is located in the state of Washington in the Pacific Northwest. From the center of Seattle you can find shoreline to the north, Bainbridge Island to the north-west, The Puget Sound to the west, Vashon Island to the south-west, Tukwila to the south, Renton to the south-east, Lake Mercer β†’

Bathymetry, sediments and plate tectonics

The Glomar Challenger explored the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans as well as the Mediterranean and the Red Seas, drilled and cored the bottom of the ocean and collected core samples. These core samples became a definite proof for continental drift and sea floor renewal at rift β†’

Origin and evolution of earth

Washington, dc 20001 NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The institute of medicine was established in 1970 β†’

Geology article review example

The article in question presents one of the most recent discoveries of a rock/site that has the potential of providing significantly high quantities of natural gas. The article addresses some of the most important aspects concerning the extraction of natural gas from Marcellus shale. The significance of the Utica Shale in the region is that β†’

The magilligan foreland

The Magilligan Foreland is situated in the North West of Northern Ireland and comprises a triangular beach ridge plain that stretches from Downhill in the North East to Magilligan Point, which is the northernmost spit of the Foreland. Over the past fifty years extensive research has been undertaken and published on the archaeological, ecological, β†’

The weighted index overlay analysis (wioa)

The average score is given by; ?= / Where ? is the average weight score of the polygon, Wc is the weight of each criterion map and Scc is the rating score of the class of the criterion map. Individual criterion maps were reclassified and the reclassified map together with the weightage β†’

Example of grief essay

Her disillusion with life in general and her quest to seek meaning in life both in her family life and in her profession as a geologist is expressed in the passage where she ponders over the meaninglessness of life. Her reminiscence of the swimming they used to enjoy in the cave and how she imagined β†’

Detection of surface deformation due to volcanic activity using satellite remote sensing

Thus up to date observations of the surface is crucial for current hazard level. Observations of the volcano can be made using a variety of techniques and sensors, but most of the methods have limitations. 0 means there is no useful information in the interferogram and 1.

East africa’s great rift valley: a complex rift system essay example

Also, the formation of the said rift system was discussed by providing a model supporting the geology of the rift system. The movement of the plates left several rifts forming the western branch and the eastern branch of the EARS. On the other hand, the second part of the article states the relevance of the β†’

Maps of geology

Since there are two blocks of rocks involved in a fault, the block which is above the fault plane is the Hanging-wall while the block below the fault plane is called the Footwall. There are three general types of faults: the Dip-slip, Strike-slip and the Oblique faults. Unlike the Normal type, the β†’

Ancient cultures

The ' potrait head of an elder shows respect for the elder among Romans, ' The Seated scribe' shows the detestation towards scribes' way of life while the Standing Buddha shows the important role of the Buddha among the Buddhist. The Great Stupa of the Sanchi depicts the urban life of the Indians.

Nature of culture change

Archaeology helps answer the question of " What is the Nature of Culture Change? " by a number of things. Culture change is a part of nature.

Good article review on art in the tomb

The political power of the Shang emperors and dynasty, allowed this technique to flourish considerably since there have been considerable discoveries of bronze ornaments and weaponry that date from this period. However, Clunas seems to argue that although there seemed to be political polity in the China of the Shangs, this was evidently only a β†’

The clovis people, managed a boom

During this time, they spread from the Canadian Arctic, through the entire contiguous United States, and into the Pampas of Argentina, as evident from the wide range of arrowheads found through the Americas. In turn, the Aztecs were unable to do the same and reach the Incas.

Lessons from tribal people

Hopi and Kogi are the indigenous people who tell us that tribal life is solely natural and they believe earth is their mother. Tribal people feel the universe, nature is alive and sacred and the stars, rocks, water, wind, creature and people are interrelated.

Introduction to cultural anthropology-unit 4, question # 1

What are some of the characteristics of African nations todaythat can be traced directly to the colonial experience? The politics of African nations were profoundly affected by the brief period of colonial rule during the 19th and 20th centuries and some of the effects are visible in current African politics. However, this ended as a β†’

Mythological and historical reasons for the trojan war essay sample

Aphrodite was so grateful to be chosen as the most beautiful that she made Helen, also a beautiful woman, fall in love with Paris because Paris was in love with Helen. Troy was a very large city. Archaeological experts think that the " Trojan War Myth" is based on several wars that occurred in Troy, β†’

Preserving the past for the present and future

Much of the reason why many people do not realize there is even a problem with the destruction of archaeological sites is that the sites are prehistoric, meaning they date back to times before written records, and most people have not heard of the sites. People in charge of a building project, β†’

Hellenistic art

Section/# Hellenistic Art Question A unique component of Hellenistic art is that it employed a type of universality that was flavored with elements of the multi-cultural influences that were a very real part of life as a result of Alexander the Greats' conquests. Of special interest is the way that art was presented within the β†’

Repatriation and reburial issues with native american ancestral remains

Repatriation and Reburial Issues with Native American Ancestral Remains Desiree Berrios Professor Brian Bates Archaeology April 2, 2012 Repatriation and Reburial Issues with Native American Ancestral Remains Repatriation is the return of human remains or sacred objects or objects of cultural significance to the individuals, groups, or nations that the archaeological finds belonged to. β†’

Archaeology think-piece

The main objective of archaeology is to study the human past and finding out how it affects and connects with the present and the feature of human being. As indicated above, archaeologists seek to learn and understand more about societies in the past and how human race developed from the earliest simple form of life. β†’

The role of artifacts in history and culture of society

Clemens Reichel addresses the issue of looting in Iraq and shares how he and fellow archaeologist have forced together to try to recover and restore the artifacts that were looted and destroyed. Preservation of our shared culture allows us to better understand and appreciate the people before us.

Discussion reply

The only disagreement that I have with this theory is that it so staunchly argues that interbreeding is not a factor in the origins of modern humans and their populating of the planet. This would be entirely believable if the distinction between the African stock was vastly superior to the products of evolution that has β†’

Influence of confucianism on the han dynasty

Confucianism became quite popular under the Han dynasty and influenced it greatly in terms of politics, history, education, law, and the role of women. According to Spodek, Confucianism influenced politics in the Han dynasty by changing the hierarchy of power within society. Law also changed as Confucian scholars were given the power to change and β†’

Good essay on cyriacus of ancona

Due to his knowledge of ancient Greece, he had a better understanding of the relevance of the inscriptions he would copy during his travels. His great interest in archeology increased so much that he travelled all over the Eastern Mediterranean where in his day-book named Commentaria, he noted down the archeological discoveries that he made. β†’

Free essay about kerrys visit to egypt

The author also mentions, apparently with approval, the statement issued by the German Embassy in Cairo, in which it denounces the actions of the two archaeologists and stresses the good collaboration of German and Egyptian archaeologists in many projects. A similar statement was issued by the German Archaeological Institute and this is also mentioned by β†’

Halley’s comet

In comparison, the earth has a diameter of 12, 756 km and the sun has a diameter of 1, 392, 000 km. This means that Halley's Comet is only about 4% the size of earth but because of its coma, it appears much larger to the naked eye. If Halley was once β†’

Back to the moon

Moreover, the program also intends to make up for the setbacks experienced by the United States space program, such as the Columbia shuttle disaster. The Columbia disaster prompted Bush and a group of administration officials to develop a new plan that would use the existing space shuttles β†’

Kalpana chawla: the first indian-american astronaut

Chawla was the first Indian-born woman in space, as well as the first Indian-American in space.(She was the second person from India to fly into space, after cosmonaut Rakesh Sharma who went into space in 1984 in a Soviet spacecraft.) On her first mission Chawla travelled over 6.million miles in 252 orbits of the earth, β†’

The soyuz 11 space disaster: a case study in engineering disasters

The primary use of this space station was to study the effects of long term space travel on a human body, as well as studying effects on growing plants. On April 19, 1971 Soyuz 10 was the first spacecraft to attempt a mission out to the space station however this mission was β†’

Commentary: moon tiger, 1987, by penelope lively

She talks about the history of language saying ' we open our mouths and out flow words whose ancestries we do not even know.' This shows that she cares greatly about words and their origin and it is important to her that more people care about it as well. The rhyming of β†’

Mars climate orbiter failure

The primary fault at hand was thefailureto programme and operate the trajectory of the spacecraft in the required manor, causing the space probe to enter a trajectory that took the spacecraft within the minimum altitude at which the spacecraft could survive and operate effectively. Furthermore, any underlying issues that could have led to failures in β†’

Effects of mercury on the enviroment

Mercury's Effect on the Environment and People Mercury is one of the biggest environmental problems that exist because it is hard to get of once in the environment. Another example of mercury's effect on people and the environment comes from the saying " mad as a hatter." In the 1800's, hats were made with mercury β†’

Life on mars essay

The evidences about the presence of water and oxygen on Mars have raised hopes about the probability of life on Mars. If I Get a Chance to Live on Mars While the scientists keep sending spacecrafts and rovers on Mars to conduct their research, I often dream about going to the planet to understand β†’

Apollo 13 communication plan

And above all would I have what it takes to bring the astronauts back home? This exercise asserted that the need to clearly define roles, responsibilities and objectives, and to communicate them to the stakeholders is paramount. Applying those right-brain concepts to the informationtechnologysphere of work would definitely put a positive spin on projects as β†’

Solar nebular theory

What I liked about the video is how they used good analogies such as the pizza and the figure skater to get the idea of angular momentum across. What I did not like about the video is how they did not go more in depth about the other bodies that are created β†’