Complete Essay Samples on Science

Benefits of android app development for business seeking growth and visibility

Developing an Android app can be helpful for your business if you are eager to reach out to the mass. The smart expedient and touch screen allowed Google platform is used by more than 80% smartphones and 60% tablets all over the world. For governments that are accepting the BYOD policy, it is possible for β†’

Studying the open source software

The idea of open source is not a new one." The progress of science over half a millennium has been founded upon the notion of " open source" a model in which the brightest minds contribute their work to the community for the betterment of humankind. Given this background into the idea of open source β†’

Newtons law of motion computer science essay

The way of the acceleration is in the way of the acceleration is in the way of the net force moving on the object. Finally, the 3rd Torahs, whenever we push on something, it pushes back with equal force in the opposite way. Forces A force is normally imagined as a push or a β†’

A report on use case diagrams

The way a person will make use of the functions of the machine and the expected outcome or decisions one has to make, is all incorporated in one diagram. One needs to be aware of the processes and systems which are to be shown in these diagrams.

System integration

This is certainly part of the context, but this paper argues that there is more to be said. Since the earliest days of computing, the term " integration" has been seed in both the trade andacademicliterature to describe a process, a condition, a system, and an end-state. The implication is that you can β†’

The interesting topic

The data entered is normally sent back to the web server where it is processed by database software. It is always a good idea if the data entered into a computer system is validated in order to reduce the number of errors that occur. A common way is to write scripts that intercept β†’

Robot operating system

ROS has two basic " sides": The operating system side ros as described above and ros-pkg, a suite of user contributed packages (organized into sets called stacks) that implement functionality such as simultaneous localization and mapping, planning, perception, simulation etc. ROS is released under the terms of the BSD license, and is open source software.

Sad exam paper

4 marks.e) Draw a sequence diagram to illustrate initialisation of the MVC architectural pattern. 4 marks.f) Describe the Broker architecture with proxies, and illustrate your answer through the use of a sequence diagram.

The constructed critical data path

In evaluation phase pc = 1, if the input is a single-rail data0 in = 0, the converter keeps the dual-rail data0. The disappearance of spacer violates the four-phase dual-rail protocol, which would cause data transfer error. In practice, the robustness of the constructed critical path is affected by delay variations.

Introduction to matlab critical analysis

After get downing MATLAB, the MATLAB desktop opens - see MATLAB Desktop. You can alter the directory in which MATLAB starts, specify startup options including running a book upon startup, and cut down startup clip in some state of affairss. Discontinuing MATLAB To stop your MATLAB session, choice Exit MATLAB from the File bill β†’

Computer science assignment

Vermaat from the Discovering Computer computer security risk is defined as any event or action that could cause a loss of or damage to computer hardware, software, data, information or processing capability. The scenario which involves Ahmad'computer, is related to the types of computer security risk which are Internet and network attack and system β†’

Litecoin (ltc) – is there a future for litecoin?

It is fast, has low cost transactions, and has the lightning network, which makes it almost infinitely scalable. However, Charles Lee, the main person behind Litecoin has been making moves that in the grand scheme of things put to question the future of this crypto. Take a look at his tweet below. According to Charles, β†’

Webrtc implementations & ortc

However, the deployment and use of WebRTC technology will show explosive growth, which will lead to the transition of IM applications to IM Web applications and the migration of users to IM Web applications and beyond the WebRTC 1.0. Further, the role of abstract signaling is to separate the specific services from the signaling control β†’

The invention of nano-scale laser cleaner

The prime aim or objective of this literature review is only to present the use of nano-scale laser cleaner in cleaning the polymeric materials or products. Key Feature of laser cleaning The prime key feature of laser cleaner is essential to determine importance and significance of this modern and upgraded IT supported machine. The β†’

Text messages and video conferencing

After the requirements have been gathered and analyzed, the researchers then started to build the design of the system. The user -interface was drafted and designed according to client's request. The researchers chose IV programming Language for construction of the system.

Manual website constructor

1 Add new element 1) Choose the section tot the menu which you mean to ad ad link to 2) Choose the preferred level of the link.) Enter the name of the link. In order to place a link on a certain website page, please visit the Web-pages section.

Reversible computing for digital circuits

Quantum cost : This refers to the cost of circuit in terms of primitive gate. Basic Reversible Logic Gates 1) NOT Gate The simplest Reversible gate is NOT gate and is a 1*1 gate. This design is efficient in terms of number of reversible gates, constant inputs, garbage outputs and quantum cost. In β†’

The investigation on social media

The information gathered were broke down with the utilization of graphic measurements of recurrence check and level of the each inquiry and after that the discoveries of information investigation strategy were talked about. The outcome acquired is demonstrated that students' dependence and introduction towards the web based life and its sites impact English dialect learning. β†’

How cyber warfare is a threat in the united states

According to the speaker, the greatest impediment to avoidance of these types of attacks is the lack of the right forensic tools to trace to root of these obscure computers and hackers. He additionally claims that about 750 of these attacks have already happened without the knowledge of the public and asserts that the public β†’

Digital art

In an expanded sense, " digital art" is a term applied to contemporary art that uses the methods of mass production or digital media There are two main paradigms in computer generated imagery. The simplest is 2D computer graphics which reflect how you might draw using a pencil and a piece of paper. A possible β†’

Big data analysis in education

Online education system is different from the traditional education system by the following characteristics. Volume: The size of stored data. Velocity: How much data is generated and can be access. Variety: Data in which form or format. Veracity: Data must be accurate otherwise it is worthless. Value: How data can turn into value. Variability: Data β†’

If a picture told a thousand words

By incorporating more details into the images, she allows the reader to empathize and connect with the story, for the reason that it has a deeper sense of realness. In both Maus and Darkroom the analysis' of these messages varies. In Maus, the use of more text and less detailed images allows the audience to β†’

Different ways of data presentation

Instances of subjective information are the level of sedation accurate methods/limits and intubation conditions. The nature of tables is that they can decisively present information that cannot be given a graph. In addition, since all data are of identical centrality in a table, it is hard to perceive and particularly pick the information required. Graph β†’


By cause of this search problem, time for passing of messages Is very slow I.E., time Is delayed to reach particular message to the destination. When the buddy-list search problem is occurred, at that situation there is a chance to delay the message passing.

Search engine optimization: an introduction

This is desirable; the earlier your website appears, the more people who click through, and the less who click through to your competitors. SEO has come a long way from the golden years of spamming white keywords on a white background to increase your engine viability without alerting your users, but the basic ideas of β†’

My drive to succeed in the field of computer science

One day when I was bored and I picked up this book that was near the computer that said basic program and had a really simple started hello word program and I am writing it and recognising that but that was not advanced. I am very bright, speak fluent English and have every aspiration of β†’

Combatting cyberstalking and how it is evolving

Cyberstalking can be defined: " gather private information on the target to further; and communicate with the target to implicitly or explicitly threaten or to induce fear." Cyberstalking comes in many forms but usually the intent is to scare or threaten someone via online social media or β†’

Soft computing practical file

Program: /*PERCEPTRON*/ #include #include main() { signed int x[4][2], tar[4]; float w[2], wc[2], out= 0; int i, j, k= 0, h= 0; float s= 0, b= 0, bc= 0, alpha= 0; float theta; clrscr(); printf(" Enter the value of theta & alpha"); scanf ; for printf(" Enter the value of %d Inputrow β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of normal lan vs. wireless lan

For dial-up connections to the Internet, the computer hosting the modem must run Internet Connection Sharing or similar software to share the connection with all other computers on the LAN. The correct cabling configuration for a wired LAN varies depending on the mix of devices, the type of Internet connection, and whether internal or external β†’

Cost classifications critical essay

This worksheet requires you to match the definitions and examples of types of cost, and the types of centers where costs occur. I chose hospital cafeteria, gift shop, and parking ramp as the real life example of revenue centers because these are all for profit examples.

Reviewing the computer hacking industry

The definition of a hacker according to the Hacker's Dictionary, " a person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities"." The Internet is just another playing field"." Hackers regard hacking as a game in which their mind is up against that of the system designers".The Internet allows the β†’

The ethereum blockchain review

Societal issues adding to a " regulation" attitude and operational status of a nation are not sound, yet it is not the banks requesting this " control" in any case. Without anyone else by the unforgiving financial reality of living in an Underdeveloped nation. Engaging to enhance the financial status of a nation is not β†’

Database visual querying

Cerullo and Porta noted that the inherently linear structure of SQL sometimes hinder correct query formulation so visual approaches were developed " to take advantage of the greater bandwidth of the human vision channel". While visual approaches are prominent both in the airline industry and the military, however, Cerullo and β†’

The concept and structure of e-hailing applications

On the other hand, android devices use Google's location APIs that uses information directed from cell towers and WI-FI nodes to return a location and accuracy radius, which mobile devices can detect. As the driver accepts the trip request, the system runs the drivers identification number, which is essentially the primary key in the relational β†’

How software can help support the changing role of academic librarians

But some universities are starting to see the benefit of hiring candidates with PhDs to help provide specialist knowledge to support students. The goal is to make the librarian a more integrated part of the learning process. And it allows the library to purchase books which are better suited to the curriculum.

The 5g economy: how 5g will impact global industries

The 5G Economy: How 5G will Impact Global Industries We are now in the early stages of the next technological revolution: the development of a ubiquitous wireless network that will marry data collection and computation with billions of devices. In the years to come we will see 5G boosting tourism, with technological advances β†’

Scavenger hunt

What is the charge for Drop/Add? Where is the main campus of GMC located?

Teensafe app for ios

Robert Wiggins, a UK-based security scientist who scans for open and uncovered information, discovered two broken servers. Both of the servers was pulled disconnected after ZDNet alerted the organization, including another that contains what has all the earmarks of being just test information." We have made a move to close one of our servers to β†’

Big data ecosystem in linkedin

The index file is a compact structure containing a hash of the key followed by the offset to the corresponding value in the data file, with the entire file sorted by the hashed keys. The identity mappers in MapReduce job only emit the hash of the key " replication factor" number of times, followed by β†’

Quantifying memory bandwidth limitations of current and future microprocessors

The number of instructions that the processor can issue during an access to main memory is already large. Methodology We first surveyed a wide range of these techniques and qualitatively showed that each one exacerbates bandwidth limitations, either directly or indirectly. This fact suggests that future designers should consider on-chip memory systems that are β†’

Advantages & disadvantages of sensors

The audience for the Gui and the Wimps have needs that the company creating the Gui/Wimp need to consider for example they need to be easy to navigate to fulfil the needs.audiences easy and good control over the Gui also it needs to be fast or faster than the previous edition so the users have β†’

Reviewing two different methods of data mining

The goal of a business is to reduce costs and maximize sales and revenue, which is where data mining can be beneficial. The store can track how many people are buying certain products and at what price in order to tailor future sales and coupons based on that collected data. Big data is a term β†’

Room thermostat and system controller

While set temperature adjustment is carried out, the display of measured temperature will be replaced with a display of the set temperature. The set temperature will be displayed for a further five seconds after the final button press. You will design a prototype to be tested on the Spartan 3E development kit, β†’

The role and benefits of good cyber security in a company’s marketing

Internet has become the point of contact and interaction between the clients and the company and creates the need to have good cyber security for clients. The more information a company has on their clients, the better because they are able to increase the utility of the consumers. Increased cyber security also allows for the β†’

Social media and its negativity

Studies have demonstrated that cordial individuals turn out to be forlorn and discouraged because of web based life utilize. Instead, those who bolster online networking need a clarification regarding why web-based life is terrible, moving the weight of verification to the opposers of the relentless utilization of internet-based life.

Using the virtual reality to develop educational games for middle school science classrooms

During the course of the experiment, the avatar is held stationary at the desk and the camera view is held to the working area of the desk. The control group is allowed to play the game after taking the test for the sake of fairness and equality in the classroom.

Statistic project

5674 The above uses; Degrees of freedom = 9 for the numerator and 18 for the denominator Therefore, the Probability = 0. 05 From the above P = 0.

How statistics has affected my daily life

In addition, with the increasing number of people around the world suffering from heart diseases caused by cholesterol and sedentary lifestyle, I am also inclined to avoid some food and increase my activities. I also increased my food intake of those which help my heart work better to improve the flow of blood in my β†’

Example of critical thinking on quantitative research about hotels occupancy in dubai

Tourists from countries like the United States were hit by the recession in 2008, thereby reducing their tour travels to Dubai. The revenues are consistent with the occupancy rates in the first half up to 2008. Considering the hotel occupancy rates and the revenues, I think the revenues are consistent with the projected tourism numbers β†’

Analysis of variance results

Analysis of Variance Results Table 4. Analysis of Variance for ADD-like Behavior among Participants in the Remedial, General and College Preparatory English Levels. SS df MS F d Sig. Between Groups 3476. Error Sig. dimension2 College Prep dimension3 General -10.

Logic of statistical significance

The statistically significant result that is given by probability p-value is less than the threshold of a significant level then it justifies the rejection of the null hypothesis. Once the variations have been attained, the Fischer value is calculated and is compared to the f critical value from the table at a given degree of β†’

The race, age, and social status of death row essay

People who oppose the Death Penalty have long argued that the system of putting criminals on death row is unfair, favoring the white and the wealthy. The startling statistics behind the death penalty and death row inmates is a large factor in their argument. It will not only focus on the statistics amongst the β†’


The null and alternate hypotheses are The selected level of significance, is.10. The selected test is F-Test for Equal Variances. Numerator degrees of freedom, Denominator degrees of freedom, Below figure shows the critical values and rejection regions. The test statistic is Decision: Reject H0 at =. The test statistic is F = 9.109. β†’

Bhs 220 case 5

The null hypothesis will be as follows:- H0: A= B (There is no difference between drug A and drug B) Alternative hypothesis on the other hand is the proposition that prevails in the event that there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. If the probability is less than or equal to the significance β†’

Discussion 1 week 10 comparing transshipment models to inventory applications

From the explanation of Taylor , the transportation model could be considered an example of decision making under certainty. Decision-making satisfy the certainty condition when the evaluators or decision makers have the essential information to make a responsible decision. Can We Apply the Transshipment Models to Inventory Applications?


Chi-square and the Independent t-test Here s Here Chi-square and the Independent t-test The independent t-test is a parametric test that compares scores between two unrelated groups of subjects (sometimes a control group and an experimental group). This test involves the use of the standardized " t" distribution and is used to determine β†’


The value is positive because the raw score of 21 is above the mean value of 17. b) On another day when Eric reach on the job in 12 minutes, we can find the z-score by the following working; The negative value of the z-score represents a value below the mean of 17. c) In β†’

Discussion 5.1

The manufacturer sets a hypothesis that the mean hardness of all such pieces is greater than 170. Null hypothesis, H0: = 170 Alternative hypothesis, H1:: > 170 The mean hardness = 172. 0 The standard deviation= 10.

Hypothesis testing procedures

This is then used to estimate the population standard deviation towards generating the required standard error (Mendenhall, Beaver and Beaver, 2009). In testing for mean, and using the test statistic approach to a two-sided hypothesis for a known standard deviation, a researcher would formulate a two-sided null hypothesis. For an unknown population standard deviation, a β†’

Error correction model

Random Walks A random walk is a time series in which the value of the series in one period is the value of the series in the previous period plus an unpredictable error. If there is a unit root in the AR model, then g1 will be 0 in a regression where the dependent variable β†’

Homework: week 6, chapter 6

According to the presented illustration, the sample means serve as the population mean, since the anticipated sample mean is equivalent to the population mean. The mean for this distribution is p, with the standard deviation being.

Partial correlation

The only way one can solve such a problem is by calculation of the correlation that partially exists between bodyweight of the driver and the gas mileage with a resistance of wind being omitted in both variables. It is a correlation that exists between bodyweight of the driver and the gas mileage that is residualized β†’


Statistics from a telephone survey by the US National Fire Protection Association, NFPA show that Americans have indeed appreciated the importance of that this device plays in ensuring their safety as 24 out of 25 of the surveyed homes have at least one fire alarm. The malfunctioning of these fire alarms was the cause of β†’

Statistics assignment week 6

Quiz 2 and 3 had the highest mean score showing that the students performed very highly in the two conditions. However, there is an interaction effect between the condition on of the quiz and the participation in the extra credit = 7.6, p

Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis

In the article, CFA and EFA approaches are applied in investigating the theoretical constructs and the factors represented in the study about the relationship between technostress and human productivity (Chilton, Hardgrave, & and Armstrong, 2005). The Impact of Technostress on Role Stress and Productivity.


There are four idols which beset the minds of men. Firstly, idols of the tribe relate to human nature and ethnicity. He notes that people need to be aware of how the views distort their perceptions of world and seek to change that. Works cited Bacon, Francis.

Modeling evaluation

You can use your textbook, readings, and other course materials as resources for completing this examination. When finished, submit your answer template to the assignment area. Question 01 The appropriate multivariate statistical technique to investigate the research question is _____Logistic regression___ Question 02 Job satisfaction Decision making Question 03The parametric β†’

Leah lopez american inter

Overview of the Data Set The current data set is comprised of 64 individuals who were surveyed, and this is a part of the sample of the population at American Intellectual Union, and these individuals were identified by 5 characteristics: gender, age, position , tenure, and how they felt about job satisfaction on a β†’

Linear correlation of ceo salary/quality control & statistics

Regardless of one's beliefs there is believed to be a link between the success of the company and the salary of the CEO. I think most successful companies are able to offer a generous salary to CEO's as a result of company success. This only makes sense since a company that brings in $300, 000 β†’

Principal components analysis research paper examples

In that case, one of the preferable techniques is the application of the row normalization with the sum of squares of the variants for the specimen forced to one. A special form of PCA is highly essential in the analysis of compositional data. Every component works with its latent root of the eigenvalue, which shows β†’

Regression analysis

000 0. 000 0.


Thus, this can be interpreted that an increase in one of the variables, gender and employee engagement, showed a significant relationship such that an increase in one of the variables resulted in increase in another variable at a probable rate of 0.05. Thus in relation to the gender of the employees both genders show identical β†’

Latino urbanism in los angeles

The Latino community makes use of all space outdoors, forcing the researcher to base the research on the outdoors. In conducting research on a social platform, James gathered most of the data via personal observation. He introduces the personalization element adopted by the community in the absence of government support. Works Cited Rojas, James." β†’

Communication method preferred by workers

The study was effective since the population at the company keeps growing. Based on the information gathered, the following results reflect the position of the company and the results obtained by the study. According to the graph, many of the employees rather supported the use of formal means of communication rating it than using the β†’

Role of statistics in the research process

The application is used is the so-called sampling technique, whereby only a certain component or portion of the population is included to answer questions for the whole population. In addition, statistics also have a role in identifying and quantifying pertinent effects and relationships prior to any discussion, and one of the most familiar ways for β†’

Statistics project example

The distributions of scores for the experimental and control groups were not similar for the length of labor because the two means were different. 6 for the experimental group and the control group respectively. 6.

Theory, operationalization, and observation

The researcher may adopt the hypothesis that delinquency is inversely related to social class whereby as social class goes up, delinquency reduces. Operationalization encompasses developing operational definitions, or stipulating the precise operations involved in identifying and measuring variables needed to be observed. For instance, in the stated example, the variables encompass social class and delinquency. β†’

Existing body of knowledge

Attainable: A research paper must provide a thesis statement, one that answers the research question and contributes to the knowledge of the given subject. Time: A research paper cannot be written without the researcher knowing the limits, timeshares, and focus of the required work. Without the writer / researcher stating the scope and limitations of β†’

Basic statistics

Frequency Distribution chart of Product B-17 based on a number of rejects. Be sure to clearly show how you arrived at your conclusion in at least one-half page of text. First, I calculated the relative frequency by dividing each frequency by the sum of frequencies. All the rejections are 7 or more than 7, which β†’

Characteristics of bo-kaap

Bo-Kaap is a section in Cape Town, South Africa that was formerly known as the Malay Quarteron the slopes of Signal Hill and above the center of the city. A unique tribute to the inhabitants of this area to the scenery of Cape Town is the 1844 Nurul Islam Mosque (Wilkinson and Kragolsen-Kille β†’

Geomorphology 2 – lab report example

The radiocarbon age-based sedimentation rate is considered unrealistic and cannot relied upon because of the fluctuations witnessed in the rate of production of carbon 14 at the top of the atmosphere. What are the sedimentation rates for radiocarbon age-depth curve and calibrated age-depth curve From the gradient of the curve, The sedimentation rate for β†’


A Volunteer Disaster Response or Relief Organization of the organization The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies through marshalling the power of volunteers as well as the donors' generosity. Who may join the organization? The American Red Cross has administrative centers in every country. The organization also assists β†’

Immigration is tightly controlled by most countries around the world. why this case what strategies and requirements are used by canada and the united states to control immigration are there advantages and disadvantages regarding current canadian immigr

The reunification of families is crucial to the immigration policies in these regions, and they use this to select the immigrants to the different states present. New York: American Printing Press, 2004.

Assignment example

According to the west tries to depict they are much superior to the Middle East in culture since they view " Holy war" as act of terrorism which is associated with Islamic religion. The USA use Google earth to monitor the borders of Canada and Mexico. The border between USA and Mexico differs β†’


Tourism in the Netherlands Tourism in the Netherlands In Europe, the Netherlands is one of the countries with the most stable economies. It will also discuss the impact of tourism on the Netherlands. The Delta Project is recognized as one of the major tourist attractions sites.

World regional georgraphy unit 6

The word apartheid was used to refer to the separation between the white settlers and the black. The whites were the minority while the blacks were the majority but apartheid was introduced to ensure that the whites would continue to dominate the country. Before independence, racial segregation in South Africa was intensive.

Pre-colombian society and northern south american chiefdoms

The chiefdoms of the Pre-Colombian Caribbean were closely related to those of Northern South America. On the other hand, the Mesoamerican area extended from Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula to the Nicoya Peninsula. The intermediate area was made up of different societies that were ruled by different chiefdoms.

The beta group

The actual business model of The Beta Group is known as Business Engineering that refers to development of a concept and business strategy through comprehensive marker research followed by analysis of potential and scope of certain products and technologies. For instance, owning a company would also enable to market new technologies and products to existing β†’

Geography – lab report example

Additionally, Yellowfin Tuna's capability to reproduce quickly also aids in boosting their sustainability despite heavy overfishing especially in the unregulated regions. 3. Fish 1 Barramundi This is a US farmed fish reared in a sound and well-managed environment, hence it does not pose any danger to human consumption or other aquatic life. Fish β†’

African elephants

The validity of the report will be evaluated with reference to a scientific journal on the same issue retrieved from on 22nd March 2015. According to the BBC news, the population of African elephants had declined to a critical point. BBC reporter, Rebecca Morelle added that the primary cause of the increased elephant poaching β†’

Earth day

Earth Day Earth Day As the largest civic event in the world, earth day bears a very significant influence in environmental protection. At a time that there is rapid pollution of the environment, the day is used to highlight the effects and raise awareness about the consequences of the pollution on the environment. Earth day β†’

Difference between alain city and abu dhabi city

The growth and establishment of the city depend on the oil in the region. Presently there are about 568221 people in the garden city.

In africa

The workers undoubtedly have to deal with plague-like conditions in which pesticides are exposed, lack of accesses to toilets is hindered, drinking water is not available, and to efforts are conducted to protect the workers through a union. The majority of the current and former farm workers interviewed about these conditions said they had been β†’

Geography sba

100164 Topic: To identify and examine whether residence of Ensom City, Spanish Town are aware of the origin, development and the precautions to be undertaken during a hurricane. Strategy Sheet Table of Contents Page Aim of Study Location of Maps Method of Data Collection Presentation of Data Conclusion Bibliography Appendix Aim To identify and examine β†’

Cte 3

This paper discusses numerous activities and facts about Syria that threaten the US interests in the Middle East. Around mid of the year 2012, the government of Syria declined the access of the UN observers to a site where mass killing was reported. We cannot allow mass killing to become part of everyday reality in β†’