Complete Essay Samples on Science

Prpperties of an element

You will submit the softcopy to [email protected] The project must contain in the order listed: 1)A cover sheet with the element name or formula and your name. 2)The hardcopy must include this original page (duplication of this page will result in no credit for the project). 3)All the data listed in the β†’

Random sampling in hypothesis

Random sampling does not portray bias to any part of the population. Random sampling gives a true representation of the population because it is not biased to any side.

Correct survey organization within research

5 In regard to the ways of minimizing mistakes in research, the following strengths and weaknesses can be deducted. Third, exploring alternatives to response strategies such as use of polite language may help in sustaining the interaction of the researcher and the respondent.

Discuss strategies these business owners used to manage their working capital

The aim of managing the working capital of a business is to ensure that the business continues to be in operation by having the ability to pay short-term debts and operating expenses anytime they fall due. The first working capital management that the partners used was ensuring that a large part of their revenue comes β†’

Homework: week 7, chapter 7

Out of the sample, 338 votes were in favor of an issue on the ballot. Confidence Interval The 95 % confidence interval for the proportion that favored the issue is the set of values within the interval, 0. 4299-0.5025. This interval defines the estimated range of the population proportion with a probability of 0.95. β†’


05 significance level. Cover-letter Type I II III Frequency 49 41 37 Step 1The null and alternate hypotheses are The variable has the specified distribution. (The true proportions of all returned questionnaires accompanied by cover letters I, II, and III are the same). The variable does not β†’


The points of the data include: -Number of weeks of severance pay -Age of employee -Number of years with the company -Annual pay Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. 95% Confidence Interval for B Correlations B Std. Error Beta Lower Bound β†’


The Factorial ANOVA with Random Effects emphases on how random the outcome's observations vary across within-subject variables. For example, let's put in consideration that you are in some way interested in the outcomes or effects of people with social anxiety' new therapy , as well as the number of the days they use yearly as β†’

Research questions, objectives and hypothesis

This requires a focus on the original research question and the ability of researchers to set aside additional questions that may arise for later research studies. A research hypothesis or alternative hypothesis is the hypothesis which researchers " want to support that predicts a significant difference exists between the two groups being β†’

Electronic gadgets

Our method of data collection includes both a survey of high school students in the Midwest area and an analysis of national SAT scores in the years before computing and in years with computing. In order to make our data comparable, we only compared the verbal and math scores for all the years we analyzed.

Statistics homework

The coefficient of carA on the other hand is -28463, this shows that the price of cars with no garage is much more, those with garage are -28463 cheaper. b) Properties with a one-car garage and properties with a two-car garage. From the figure below, R-squared value is 0. The coefficient of carA on the β†’

Discussion #3 stat

Although the website gives sufficient insight into the topics of probability and statistics and the contents have been made very easy to understand, yet the website does not have all components of the course taught at MIT. Advanced search is another option that can be used to find a particular topic. " Probability and Statistics in β†’

Research one of the formulas in that we will cover and discuss the relevancy and application to the program

This is because statistics provides evidence and an understanding of risks that are involved in nursing processes. One of the statistical formulas that are applicable to the nursing program is the concept of probability. Probability is therefore relevant to the nursing profession because it forms a basis for decision making in selection of nursing practices.

Confidence intervals

0%, So the sampling proportion will be the key to our ability to generalize from our sample to the population. Now, we know that the sampling distribution model is centered at the true proportion, p, of all home owners who use electricity to heat their homes. Now, We do not know exactly β†’

Hominid activity

In spite of the extent of accuracy in fossil dating methods, which in fact determines humans' origin, a number of theories exist with varied explanations on the decent of species leading to the current status of man. Below are sketches of Ian Tattersall, Bernard Wood and Donald Johansson theories of evolution to date. (Kindly sketch the β†’

Lenkeits cultural anthropology

Lenkeit's Cultural Anthropology: An Essay This paper will be dedicated to three main topics answered in the essay style below: first, it is strongly recommended to contrast and compare two different parts of the world concerning technology, subsistence, systems of distribution; then, we will be focused on Euro-constructs about sexual orientation; finally, our paper will β†’

The archival turn to carry out research

The extended case method has an extensive array of principles of science that are geared at getting the true or real picture of the main objective of the research. It is in this light that Buroway uses ethnography to explain why as well as how scientific research is needed and how it of done as β†’

Formative assessment

Admittedly the world we live in is the subject of our study to a certain degree, though I feel it is important to emphasize that modernity was not only an important principle of thought for those of the socially concerned mindset - which began to appear throughout its fruition - but also the artist, or β†’

Describing the morphology and behavior of gorilla, white-handed gibbon and bolivian grey titi monkey

The morphology and behavior of gorilla, white-handed gibbon and Bolivian grey titi monkey Gorilla The westerngorilla is short, has a slender form, weighs less and has got light colored fur. The feet and hands are white; likewise there is a ring of white hair surrounding the black face.

Chagnon’s definition of unokai in regards to the yanomami essay sample

A village can produce all of its needs from only three hours worth of work per person. One characteristic of the Yanomami is that they are accustomed to violence as a result of their values and culture and because of this, the Yanomami live in a constant state of warfare. This supposed high incidence β†’

Belajar rajin

Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa ISSN: 1520-5509 Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania CULTURAL PLURALISM AND THE QUEST FOR NATION BUILDING IN AFRICA: THE RATIONALE FOR MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION Francis Muchenje Department of Educational Foundations, University of Zimbabwe ABSTRACT This article seeks to show how multicultural education as a form of education β†’

Human skin pigmentation as adaptive evolution

Anthropologists and scientists have asserted that the levels of vitamin D in the human body help in the evolution of the skin color, and hence the human skin pigmentation is a suitable example of adaptive evolution. Body Ancient researchers, scientists and philosophers associated the human skin color with the environment, in terms of the β†’

Domestication of plants and animals in anthropology

Domestication of plants and animals in Anthropology In anthropology domestication of plants and animals is not merely the growing of plants and rearing of cattle, but rather is the shift from gathering of food to producing food for own consumption. For domestication to be successful, man further realized that it was imperative that β†’

The puerto rican americans

The Puerto Ricans forms quite a significant number of the Hispanic Population in the United States where they have contributed to the development, defense and prosperity of the country since 1898. Puerto Rico and the Puerto Ricans.

Dialectical discourse journal

In economic discourse communities, economists are essential players in the sense that their contributions to the field of economics is used to examine, evaluate and formulate solutions and hypotheses regarding economic phenomena. There are a couple of notable and world renowned economists who have made immense contributions to the field of economics through the development β†’

Describe the difference between religion & magic, giving examples of each. (give 2 + examples each.)

In contrary to magic, a religion is usually accepted and followed devotedly and mostly act as a guidance that contains a moral code governing the conduct of a community. Religion can also be well explained through consideration of its essential characteristics; religious belief, unity of a society of the same faith and finally religious practices β†’

The emergence of anatomically modern humans

Therefore, the tracing of human evolution is most accurate when these two chromosomes are used for genetic reconstruction of ancient Homo sapiens. The second part of this theory discusses how the Homo sapiens travelled out of Africa and expanded to other parts of the world. According to this model, the modern Homo sapien is an β†’

History of world migrations-kindle chapter 3

Lecturer History of Migrations Migration started during the origin period of the human species. In the early modern duration, migrations again connected the continents by the process of colonization and also coerced migration of people or communities.


The very concept of multiculturalism was brought in by the evolution of such a social system in the USA. The Cultural Influence A general concept can be framed that the association of many cultural models in civilized communities give birth to a commonly accepted new one in the absence of specific dominance by any β†’

The true nature of the kung bushmen – no acts of generosity

Task: Responsive Essay This article is all about a social scientist that is out to study the behavior of the Bushmen in Kalahari Desert Community. As a matter of fact, they are a group of people in the society that enforces humility in people who do not have it at hand.

Writing an abstract

Field Methods, 14 , 190 196. Key Words Participant-observation, observer-as-participant, participant-as-observer, point of equilibrium, teamwork. Methods Hong and Duff adopted a teamwork approach in seeking to find a solution to the dilemma of balance in participant-observation in field research in social sciences. In the acceptance phase, the last phase for the observer-as-participant role β†’


The documentary bases on climatic changes as the main cause of change in the characteristics of different species of human beings. The last species in the species is " The Survivor" that includes Homo sapiens idaltu, Homo sapiens, Neanderthal and Homo heidelbergensis. The film has the strengths of enabling the audience to understand the evolution β†’

M&m project report

23 Orange 75 0. 13 Brown 45 0.

Two questions essay examples

While in the Golden Age of Islam, the scholars were willing to translate and assimilate the Greek philosophy within Islam, the later schools of Islamic thought believed that this was against the teachings of the Prophet. With the advancement in mathematics came the new developments in the fields of astronomy. In this work, he demonstrated β†’

Key concepts of calculus

For example, if , we can say that which is apparent from the table below x f x f 9 0. 9 0.

Two-variable inequality

Write an inequality that limits the possible number of maple rockers of each type that can be made, and graph the inequality in the first quadrant. Assigning a variable to each type of rocker Ozark Furniture makes. Let x = the board feet needed to make classic rockers Let y= theboard feet needed to β†’

Mathematics and being mathematical education essay

This provided them with a focal point for their question, and the assurance to prove their thoughts which resulted in the bulk of students organizing generalizations about the forms created by the Numberss. The kids who were able to generalize, did so as a consequence of effectual communicating and following a systematic attack to their β†’

Multinational corporation (mnc) now and then

Accumulated amount or Future value is the value of a loan or an investment made today, at a specified in the future. It is calculated by compounding the interest that the investment made today will earn over time. FV = P n... Where, FV = Future value of the investment β†’

Integrated education of basic mathematics and social studies essay sample

This organization as well as advance representation obviously shows the way to the flawless combination of technology plus information literacy principles by means of the skillfulness of educator make use of to educate the components. Integrated education sets off further than the vague impression of area under discussion area lines to a method of instruction β†’

Phase 2 individual project

The equation used to figure this out is 0. For the percentage of total carpet to be used in the master bedroom, 120 square feet can be divided by the total amount of carpet.

Team project

In application, moreover, Riemann's Sums are similar with both Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson's Rule for being a method that estimates the area under the curve in an approach that determines the sum of areas of the rectangular strips spread throughout the region, multiplied by the width x and divided by ' n' subintervals. Riemann's Sum β†’

Maximizing revenue

79 Taking the positive value, x = 27, 000 units For part , revenue R =.* x = 27, 000 *.= 2, 643, 289 Dividing each side by 27, 000 - ? selling price.= $97. 5x3 Taking derivative of this profit function and setting to zero to get the critical x's, β†’

Bridging the gender gap in mathematics essay sample

If environmental and cultural factors are the source of a problem, the chances of remedying that problem increase substantially. The fact that gender differences in mathematical performance vary widely depending on economic background, ethnic background, and other environmental factors points to a very possible socio-cultural influence. In fact, results of a 2002 β†’

Mathematics and time

However, we believe that the above time signifies the actual time spent by labor in producing or working on new parts. Profile operation - Break-even analysis: Let the optimal order size be N boards a) Using Punch Press: Total Operating Time = Setup time + Cycle β†’

Physiology essay

The glycolysis system " provides energy for activities of slightly longer duration and lower intensity like strength training." And the oxidative system is used for physical activities that perform for a longer period of time, requiring more oxygen. The first two energy systems are anaerobic, while the third one is β†’

Informative essay on lupain ng taglamig

VILLAMAYOR GR & amp; SEC: VI-MALINIS TEACHER: MR: PENIDA A detergent is a surfactant or a mixture of surfactants with " cleaning properties in dilute solutions."[1] These substances are usually alkylbenzenesulfonates, afamilyof compounds that are similar to soap but are more soluble in hard water, because the polar sulfonate is less likely than β†’

Effects of sub inhibitory levels of antibiotics biology essay

Development of new techniques such as gene expression profiling studies and proteome analysis etc try to correlate the mode of action of varying concentrations of antibiotics at whole cell responses or the cellular functions of the target cells. The surface-adhered cells in the MTP wells were stained with 200 l of 0.

Promised land

The atmosphere of realism is created by the environmental issues addressed in the film. The town people are introduced to the idea of mining of natural gas, without being given the precise details by a salesperson. The role of the soft spoken but self-driven sales-person Steve Butler is played by Matt Damon.


The primary literature source written by Peter Dickos with the title The Next Frontier In Food: FDA Regulation Of Genetically Engineered Animals explains the various aspects of genetically engineered animals and also the Food and Drug Administration's regulatory measures that are needed to be brought out for the safe use of GE animal β†’

Example of johann wolfgang goethe essay

He gave a remarkable contribution in field of biology especially his morphology concept, which is the foundation of evolution theory. However, his passion of being an artist made him go back to writing where he devoted the rest of his life. Polymath A Polymath is a person who possesses an extensive knowledge of a β†’

Biology assignment, types of wounds and quick treatments

Extensive or deep abrasions require a bigger treatment, which, in the most severe cases, may include skin grafting (used to permanently replace damaged or missing skin or to provide a temporary wound covering). Accidentally stepping on a nail or other sharp object is a common cause of puncture wounds. Punctures wounds provided β†’

Extraction of bacterial chromosomal dna

Why is the OD280 useful as a measure of contamination and what type of contamination is it measuring? OD260/OD280 ratio is used as an estimate of DNA purity with a ratio between 1. An RFLP probe is a labeled DNA sequence that hybridizes with one or more fragments of the digested DNA sample.

The relationship between oxidative stress and apoptosis in plants

In this article, the authors unravel that from a previous intense research, they deduced that EADs boost induction of oxidative stress in MCF-7 cells that results to cell death since a pre-treatment with antioxidants such as ascorbic acid significantly reduces the extract cytotoxicity. The article is purely qualitative research that was done to establish the β†’

Reflection essay on microbiology research paper

When researching this topic many questions arose and they were all addressed with further research. Things addressed in this paper are: how many people the disease effects annually, the cure for humans infected with the organism, where in the world people are affected, whether the number of infections is increasing or decreasing, β†’

Example of obsessive compulsive disorder research paper

Introduction Obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder of the brain and behavior which causes severe anxiety and involves both obsessions and compulsions which may interfere with the normal activities of a person. As years passed and more research was conducted on OCD's etiology, biological factors were recognized to be contributory to causes β†’

Animal behaviour questionnaire #3

Researchers have always been baffled by the true purpose of the lion's mane and even though it is thought to be a sexually selected advantage, newer studies have brought to light some of the other main objectives and necessities for the existence of the lion's mane. Darker mane meant that the lion were more mature β†’

Dual antiplatelet therapy with thienopyridines and aspirin biology essay

The numbers regarding the repercussions of the spread of cardiopathies are impressive; almost half of the deaths in EU (42% or 1. Bearing all these in mind, EU has already decided to continue funding the research towards prevention of CVDs and study of the genetic risk factors Example of Current Antiplatelet Therapies Dual β†’

Summary to the article

Summary of the article ' A Devonian tetrapod-like fish and the evolution of the tetrapod body plan' Certainly, the paper addresses certain key questions concerning the evolution of the limbed vertebrates called the tetrapods from sarcopterygian species that were mainly lobe-finned fish. In this respect, the paper mainly addresses the process of the evolution of β†’

Exam 1

Sucrose is the main source of fuel in pants, called a disaccharide because it is essentially two simpler sugars bound together 32) The blackberry invaded because its population is not reduced from consumption by the elk, like the salmonberry is. To measure this, a portion of the field should have both plants removed, but β†’

Essay summary of cultural anthropology

Usually Cakewalk marry to have the woman tend for the pigs while the man is away. Pigs have been In the tradition of Amok for centuries.

Chemotherapeutic agents of control

This way we can evaluate the antimicrobial's reaction to different chemotherapeutic agents. This will be the best chemotherapeutic agent to treat this certain antimicrobial disease.

Discussion and results of macromolecule station lab

Therefore, the two macromolecules present in the foods that were tested include carbohydrates, specifically monosaccharides for the fruit punch, and proteins for the almond milk. There are eight amino acids which are essential to the human body. The function of cellulose is to give structure and support to plants and is also crucial β†’

A bushy savannah plant biology essay

Thus, the objective of the presentstudy was designed to test the hepatoprotective activity of the methanolic extract ofplant leaf against carbon tetrachloride induced liver damage in rats. MATERIALS AND METHODS PLANT MATERIALS AND PREPARATION OF THE METHANOLIC EXTRACTLeaves of Cochlospermum tinctorium were collected from a local garden inAbeokuta, Nigeria. Thevalue of MDA was close β†’

Research article

An article by Karen Kaplan, claims that physicians have long known that women having mutations in 2 specific genes-BRCA1 and BRCA2-usually have a high ovarian and breast cancer risk and have now began figuring out which mutation is worse than the other one. Consequently, doctors have realized that some of these mutations might minimize a β†’

Nagel and reductionism argumentative essay examples

From the materialist viewpoint, only the physical universe exists, not God, an immortal soul or a non-physical mind, and in fact the mind and the brain are one in the same. The Nature of the Mind and Other Essays.

Yellow fever

Yellow fever is caused by the flavivirus (PHAC and is from the family flaviviridae. The virus is spread by mosquitoes in tropical regions of South America and Africa (CDC 2010, PHAC 2010, PubMed Health 2009, WHO 1993, WHO 2011).

Cooking as a mental therapy to relieve stress

When you pick the ingredients, cut the vegetables into various sizes and shapes, when you mix or stir in a certain way mixing, the addition of spices, seasonings, and the final decoration of the meal in a plate This is a wonderful way to reduce stress because it gives you the right to do it β†’

New respiratory poses potential threat to humans

However, when the Adenovirus, the causative agent of the common cold, which is not a lethal illness to most people, mutates into a new form and mysteriously kills a lot of people, this is a cause for alarm. In this connection, according to an article written by Associated Press and was published in Quad City β†’

Scientific inquiry in biology

The control of sodicity is by addition of Calcium in form of Limestone, Sulphur and drainage of the soils affected. Hypothesis. " The addition of salt as a thawing agent in winter retards growth of grass in summer due to an increase in soil osmotic pressure" Prediction. Taking the hypothesis holds true: If an increase in β†’

Example of critical thinking on sw491: fairy tales, fables, and fantasy: clues to a childs psyche

In this context the meaning of the powers served to set Elsa apart from the remainder of her family and her sister Anna. Much like Hansel and Gretel, there is a touch of loyalty and love that serves to protect and define the sisters throughout their adventures.

Re-circulating aquaculture biofloc systems in deserts

It is as well considered to be very expensive and intensive at the start of commercial development. Bio-floc Shrimp Farming and the way it Works Mostly, farming of shrimp is carried out in outdoor ponds which are known to depend on robust algal community as well as sun for nitrogenous wastes processing from the β†’

Friction behaviour of anodized aluminium alloy biology essay

To the author's knowledge, the literature dealing with the study of the dependence of the friction behavior of the anodized aluminum with the elaboration conditions is not voluminous [11]. The main focus of this paper is to study the effect of anodizing temperature and current density on the Vickers microhardness and tribological behaviour of anodic β†’

Performing a titration with potassium manganate biology essay

Rinse the residue that is in the filter paper with distilled water in a washer and into the flaskAdd dilute sulfuric acid to the flask to the markMake sure the contents of the graduated flask are fully mixed. 000cm-3 of the solution containing iron and put it in a beaker.

Assignment example

In addition, it has low transparency due to erosion, average conductivity due to the presence of dissolved nitrate and phosphate salts from fertilizers. Water from this site has the highest biodiversity and abundance due to favorable habitats, low Biological Oxygen Demand because of low temperatures, lowest conductivity due to low concentrations of dissolved salts.

Mutagenesis and mapping of a mouse gene, clock essential for circadian behavior

Due to the isolation of many clock mutants in different organisms been semi-dominant, the heterozygotes found in the mouse were screened. Additionally, in total darkness, it was used in determining the locomotor activity rhythm circulation period. Laboratory mouse was found to have circadian periods that were less than twenty four hours and the B6 mice β†’

Assignment example

The enzyme is specific for a substrate and attaches itself to the active site of the substrate to produce products. Also, the membrane helps maintain a cell potential inside the cell that assists in communication and the exchange of signals from outside the cell What are the three major steps for cellular respiration β†’

The concept and evolution of developmental state essay

A General Characterization of the Developmental State The term developmental state refers to a state that intervenes and guides the direction and ace of economic development. The developmental state is mainly associated with the type of economic policies followed by East Asian governments in the second half of the twentieth century and, in β†’

Identify mechanisms of action of antimicrobial agents biology essay

There are many types of antimicrobial agents, such as: AntibioticsAntiviral drugsAntifungalsAntihelminthic drugsThere are also a number of chemical agents which limit microbial growth: AntisepticsGermicidesSanitizersDisinfectantsSterilisersAntimicrobial agents are used to kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, and they are relatively harmless to the host, therefore can be used to treat infections. The way antibiotics work is β†’

Survey paper on aqua robotics urban farm system

The fish waste in the water is used to supply nutrients to the plants. Auto feeder is used in the system to provide food for the fish that helps to maintain the growth and survival rates of the fishes.

5sec rule exp report

The experiment was done in five seconds intervals and them measurements were done on the samples to ascertain the level of bacteria in them, type of colony formed and how fatal are the threats they pose. Results PLATE TOTAL COLONIES # OF DIFFERENT COLONY TYPES BASED ON MORPHOLOGY ADDITIONAL RESULTS MORPHOLOGICAL TYPES β†’

The protocol for reversing and reducing osteoporosis biology essay

About 600 mg of elemental magnesium is the correct amount to adjust the calcium and magnesium balance in our body when we have stopped using calcium for a few months. The reason for this is that osteocalcin is a protein that binds to calcium and builds bones and it is vitamin K dependent.

Personal statement for uni in the uk

Adding to this, I have been able to follow the international news through digital media and reading political journals. I have had an opportunity to study with students from different societies and this has helped me to understand the cultures and tradition of the world. I have been able to contribute and share ideas on β†’

Quiz 3

Lastly, is constitution where the president announces the views of the bill on the constitutional aspects. Question 4 The notion of collective leadership is not compatible with the United States this is because competencies must apply to all the leaders in the government or in organizations. This means performance and accountability is the key β†’

Ethics in business

In terms of safety, I would argue that business is meeting its requirements and expectations of the clients. Today, advertising is not positive and socially desirable due to the gross deceptive techniques that are applied in it.

Letter to the editor about airport security

Some of these basic rights include the right to have water, shampoo, or even pasta sauce on flights. Jokes aside, the point of airport security is to provide security.Mr. If the items in the class of being taken away with the passenger still being allowed to board the plane are so dangerous, why are they β†’

International relation

Globalism according to the professors is the state of the world consisting of the network of independence that results from the constant flow of services, people, goods, culture, and ideas internationally. According to Keohane and Nye, globalization can lead to corporation among the separate individuals or organizations that are not in harmony with each other. β†’


The common goal in all these types of egoism is the fact that the motivation or morals are all on the point of view of the individual or individual's activities and not that of others. Egoism is mostly described also in terms of selfishness and hence an egoistic individual in the analysis and eyes of β†’

The resiliency of the adjutant general officer

According to , the resiliency of the Adjutant General Officer refers to a personnel's capacity to deal with difficulty and thrive after tests. In relation to family, a secure, helpful and caring family is vital to the life of the officer as it assists in dealing with tension.

Service contracting

The complex nature of the required service as well as the expertise of the service provider is a key consideration. The solicitation contains the criteria for selection of the contractor in addition to other instructions relating to the evaluation process.

Russia to start supplying iran with a sophisticated air defense missile system

Summary: The United States and Israel have criticized the decision by the Russian Government to lift the ban on S-300s, which will boost Iran's ability to shield themselves from air attacks. Development: After the United Nations imposed sanctions on Iran in 2010 concerning its nuclear programme, the distribution of S-300s was cancelled. The foreign minister β†’

The perception of homosexuality

People frequently argue that they are gays because they feel sexual attraction in the people of their gender. But people that say that they never felt sexual attraction in the people of their gender ever in their life lie.

Political socialisation (models and theories)

According to the theory, children appreciate the beliefs and ideas that are in accordance with the beliefs of their culture. The theories of development argue that individuals embrace various views according to their stage of development in life.

Theories of intelligence by bruce ballenger in the curious researcher

While he agreed with the theories, he felt that " there was a kind of intelligence that really counted and that I did not possess".Throughout the essay, Ballenger takes the reader from his early childhood to his current realization of his limitations and how this has helped him. 2. While Ballenger admits to ridiculing Upton, β†’

Ethics influences regulation in the u.s and abroad

The ethical debates are thus facilitative in the fact that the vision is followed to the core and the government regulations which are set about under such a process are appreciated by the people at large and the governmental circles within the country. All said and done, the role of ethics plays to the positive β†’

Merit & public goods

PUBLIC, MERIT AND PRIVATE GOODS Public goods, merit goods, and private goods Public goods are those good provided with no profit to the members of the society, the government, organization or even individuals are responsible for the provision of public goods. Private goods, on the other hand, are the goods owned by individuals, in that β†’