Complete Essay Samples on Science

Culture in american society

The topic, which interests me the most, is the association of culture to the development of society and individuals of a society. With the help of culture, the development in a society can be judged.

Nuclear plan

However, the fact of the matter is that the emphasis for the United States to encourage banning the testing of nuclear weapons was not ultimately a desire to protect the environment. As a function of this, it is the understanding of this particular analyst that it is incumbent upon the United States to sign the β†’

Ethical or unethical argument

The question arises of how to distinguish between a good and ethical argument and a bad or unethical argument. These arguments are based upon logic, fact, and contain proof of reasoning instead of relying upon a single person's judgment.

Why freedom of speech should be allowed in college campuses

On the other hand, controlling and curtailing the freedom of speech on the campus tends to stifle and kill the natural creativity of the students. We should all learn from the experience of Berkeley and uphold the rights of the students to free speech and academic freedom.

Social media

In any case, employers should not be allowed to screen life of a person in social media. Finally, if the employers look into social media account of a possible employee in order to find some information that might be latter used against one, this means that the former violate the right to a private life β†’

Nazis and art

The task of the Ministry was to inculcate the ideas of Nazi in masses through art, music, theatre, cinema, books, radio and the press. The culture of many countries was enriched as a result, because many outstanding Jewish Musicians were afraid to be killed and chose to leave Nazi Germany.

Under the gun: weapons, crime, and violence in america byjames d., and kevin c

The publisher endorses both the religious and political views that affect the objectivity of gun control mechanisms in the United States. In the case of a religious view, bishops of the United States Catholic advocated for the stronger regulations on the sale of guns and gun free society.

Social responsibilities of business

In this regard, one strongly believes that social responsibility is necessary for the success of a business because by taking into consideration the concerns and interests of the society within which the organization operates, various stakeholders would regard the organization as worthy to be patronized. This simply means that although one of the objectives of β†’

Article by james howard kunstler

What amazes Kunstler is that the Americans have dismantled a number of buildings and turned them into scrap yards because all they thought of was the Disneyland, where they could go at the end of the week and enjoy for all the time that they could. There was a serious lack of planning within the β†’

Attitude and beliefs

I find these types of a quiz to be very helpful as these are the exercises, with which I can spend some quality time for my needs, understand my own preferences and changing needs and help in determining the factors influencing decisions of my career and life. I was aware of discrimination due to the β†’


Question 2: The problem of tyranny of majority is not new as it has occurred in the past history. An example that serves this problem is Slavery of the black people by the majority Whites in the USA.

Brief critique

The advertisement expounds on the fast meals that are loved by the majority of the people in the world. It is also evident that the advertisement has not unraveled the price of the meal its advertising.

Vietnam veterans against the war – social protest against drug addiction, health problems and other social problems arising as a result of the american war in vietnam

They were so outraged by the injustice of the war that they formed the organization " Vietnam Veterans against the War". The Vietnam veteran's memorial was erected primarily to return the honor and respect the troops deserved despite the political reasons of the war.

My future job

These days, new ways of marketing management are emerging with the use of latest apps, smartphones, and iPads. To conclude, Marketing Management is a very good profession with a lot of opportunities for development and creativity and a lot of importance.

Why has political participation declined over time what strategies would you recommend for increasing voter turnout

All these information is available in the government database and hence will not be taxing for the election officials and will allow a large number of people to participate in the voting process. Allowing a number of the non-citizens to vote will definitely increase the declining political participants.


The various art trends that were brought about during the Middle Ages helps to the shed light on the cultural and socio-economic conditions that prevailed during that time. As an instructor of Humanities and given the task of explaining the social role of arts during the Middle Ages, I would first introduce my students to β†’

Uninvolved parents

So it is vital that parents understand their role in the character building of their children, as they can give shape to their future lives. Uninvolved parents are completely uninterested in the welfare of their children, and they are dismissive and non-caring.

Three models of corporate social responsibility

Although business or corporations by their nature of operation focus on producing services and goods in a manner that yield maximum profit for the shareholders but which may have negative impacts on the social life and the well-being of the environment. Friedman argues firstly that human beings having moral responsibility over their actions not corporations, β†’

Family ties and morality

After reading the story, I suddenly thought of my own family and ask myself at what point should an individual break his/her ties to his/her family when the revelation of the truth is involved? However, just like Sarty, I realized that the tyranny of my father is an expression of his own individuality which is β†’

Increased gdp and poverty

Include a description of the problem, a cause of the problem, and one of her solutions with a link to a web resource. In essence, the elite and the rich have continued to impose their will along with other elements that have caused poverty.

Should there be any specific limitations on the powers of the president

INTRODUCTION There has been a lot of debate recently and in the past concerning the limits of presidential powers and what American legislators can do to stem abuse of power by the president. Nixon clearly violated the law and ethical standards of the office of the president of the United States by ordering domestic espionage, β†’

How to make this land heaven-like according to martin delaney

The societal practices which subjugate the blacks can never be the means of elevation and be construed as part of the welfare state that respects the essential dignity of the individual. He has no options to challenge the craftiness and the salesmanship of the white man.

Parents should not be punished for their childrens crimes

Parents Should not be punished for their Children's Crimes Parents act as sources for their children, that is to say, children learn a lot of things from their parents. Although Children do not have sufficient knowledge on what is good or harmful for them, it is the responsibility of the parents to adequately guide them.

Motivational theory in management and administration

The learning results that were derived from POSDCORB is a popular acronym widely used in the field of Management and Public Administration that reflects the classic view of administrative management. Whereas for many years the questions of politics and policy were those which unconditionally dominated the realm of public administration, it has always been under β†’

Development public expenditures & urban services delivery

Developmental public expenditures refer to expenditure incurred by the government to enhance the growth of the economy of its country according to Shantayanan et al. This expenditure incurred by the government increases capacity of production and in the long run acts source of income to the government.

Fish a remarkable way to boost morale and improve results

This book helped me come to grips with the expectations that people have of those in the food service industry and what it is that the workers in the food service industry expect of their employers. The book also reiterates the need to make the day of the clients memorable so that the company can β†’

Interest group

Another failure by the government is the lack of reforms in the visa section. It is important for the government to look into state protection of the property rights, to prevent abuse from legislatures and the local government.

Drugs and crime prevention

The core emphasis of 'be a jerk' campaign is to reduce alcohol advertisement tailored to the youth and to change the community's customs associated with tolerability of underage drinking.' Be a jerk' ad is a very effective strategy and the message portrayed in the advert has aided the Hawaii government in the fight against underage β†’

The use of animals for research

Animals and their roles in research Researchers use animals for research and there are individuals who do not support the use of animals in research. The rights of animals are infringed when animals are used for research testing.

Globalizations has spawned a new frontier in the fight for human rights protections

The United States is a super power because of the fact that it imperialized and was able to control its colonies compared to its European predecessors. Stearn also reemphasizes the fact that United States was in the prime position to take advantage of globalization and has made itself a dominating superpower in the 20th century β†’

Mind-body connection

Yoga is one popular method of mind-body awareness that in a way helps to heal the body because the mind and the body are only one unit. Both yoga and pilates offer the same benefits of the mind-body awareness due to connection of nerves, molecules, antibodies and hormones.

Factors of the international trade and economic growth

Factors Of The International Trade And Economic Growth International trade is the exchange of good and services with other goods and services or with money. 5 They therefore act as a link for the survival of the poor nations.

Leadership in a correctional environment

This article investigates leadership skills and qualities of nursing professionals involved in the criminal justice system with the view to effecting change in service provision and engendering a culture of empowerment in the offender healthcare setting. These leadership practices are employed in prison systems and other core areas of the criminal justice system to expose β†’

Magnet schools and the pursuit of racial balance

And the commitment to the republic became a guiding obligation for the American colleges. The institutions of the college movement in America intended to be the democratic institution for the democratic society.

Animal welfare

In the stunning process, the animal is stunned before being blend to lose consciousness and be insensitive to pain. In this consideration, the exemption should be granted only to uphold peoples' religious and social practices.

Dissent about nuclear safety

Alison is a junior member of the PNSCR, which has the task of making a recommendation concerning the likely continuity of the heat exchanger. The second instance is that she should not request for a delay by stating that public risk is not high and therefore, the impacts of the breakdown will be confined to β†’

Police jobs

Police jobs are considered to be one of the most responsible and dangerous jobs known to humanity. Dangers faced by police vary from death to mental and physical disorders and even the risk of infectious diseases.

Dressing standards

Procedure After a thorough literature survey the questionnaire will be formulated and personally distributed to 300 participants, from international organizations, and then when collected back the result will be organized and interpreted to answer the research questions. The questionnaire will be a combination of nominal, ordinal and interval scale according to the nature of the β†’

Marxist tradition

In fact, the kind of opinion on capitalism created by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels left a significant trace in current and further understanding of the world around us. In this context, the way their vision appeared and explained the challenges of Industrial Revolution led to the appearance of such concepts as ' proletariat', ' β†’

Respond to questions

Therefore, leaving the decision on the use of sustainable materials to designers is a major risk to the existence of the future generation. However, the essay can be used in major arguments that are related to design.

Analysis of vast fire erupts

The local resources comprised of the first aiders and residents who came to assist in the management of the fire. It is also apparent that the scope of operations was not easy to manage since the fire spread to the nearby towns.

Ancient and medieval political theory

Teacher Interpreting the world according to Nicomachean Ethics Aristotle's Virtue or Nicomachean ethics has never been more relevant than today where the world is reduced to tinder box because of the many conflicts that beset us. Tolerance and moderation which is the antithesis of extremism must be exercised constantly to make it habit.

Viewing disability binary vs. continuum

The author of the paper will begin with the statement that defining the parameters associated with a disability has always been problematic, as the majority would rather view it in a binary sense as opposed to seeing it as a continuum. In this regard, viewing disability in a binary sense would be unfair as persons β†’

Examples of economic choices that prolong poverty and effectiveness of social networks in terms of accelerating the implementation of particular financial tools

The paper " The World Bank's View on the Roots and Consequences of Poverty" is a thoughtful example of an article on social science. The main argument of the article is that poverty is not just a deficit of money.

Types of divorce

During the early days when divorce was not a common trend in the society, in order for a spouse to get out of the marriage, he or she has to prove that the other has neglected the solemnity of their marriage. Collaborative divorce on the other hand requires each of the couple to hire a β†’

Divorce rate in uae

The higher family expectations raise in cases where there were arranged marriages among the parents of the couples, and once there are deviations from such expectations, the only option is to have a divorce so that each of the partners will try it elsewhere. Additionally, there is a need to create more awareness about this β†’

Democratization efforts in the gulf

Every single aspect of the society is enshrined in Islam to the extent that anything contrary to the religious doctrines is met with the full force sometimes ending up in the persecution1. It is important to note that certain elements of the education system in the Middle East are relevant to the needs of the β†’

Communication-positive responses to relational conflicts

The whole situation led to decreased productivity, and it got the attention of the manager. In this situation, the manager decided to take a collaborative approach by having a sit-down with members of the team and addressing the issues.

Advantages and disadvantages of primary data

PRIMARY RESEARCH INTRODUCTION Primary Research is considered the heart of the research. Field research is necessary because the information needed does not exist, in contrast to the secondary research in which the information and data are already published so that the researchers need only to find the existing data.

What is normative question and is there a place for normative question

Full On Normative Questions A normative question is, as the word suggests, a question about what have been believed to be right or wrong, the practices and beliefs which are considered norms. People are thinking beings and it is natural for them to ask questions about the things that happen around them.

Civil education research

In the US, deliberate and intended education pertaining to civic issues and social participation are two salient modes of civic education. The surprising thing is that the outcomes of civic education have been found to be more positive in such methods that encourage active engagement and identification with political issues.

Think tanks what are they and the task of policy analyasis

Think Tanks what are they and the task of policy analysis Think Tanks what are they and the task of policy analysis Think Tanks, as McGann indicates, involve public policy analysis, research and engagement associations. The think tanks can then be indicated to play the role of voicing policy related issues in debates on policy β†’

Banning junk food advertisements

Banning junk food advertisements has been a controversial issue for a few years, as more and more companies are now advertising junk foods that have increased the demand for junk foods in a significant manner. Experts have indicated that junk food is one of the fundamental causes of obesity that is now occurring in children β†’

A discussion of a personal, local, or national issue

6/sq mi, the health issues of the country have remained on the top-notch priority list of the government, since the publication of the National Public Health Reports dated as of 1987. This policy elevates the health issues on the paradigm of national political agenda and makes the process of equity in health policy an agenda β†’

Ontario high school and volunteer work

Added to this singling out a group of people and imposing such restrictions to their fundamental rights is also tantamount to a violation of the equal protection clause guaranteed by the XIV Amendment. 1 Is the act of performing voluntary work by the Ontario High School Students as a condition or requisite to graduate violative β†’

The problem of homelessness

The Problem of Homelessness During my research on the role addiction plays in the problem of homelessness for my ENG101 class, I used Google to obtain my information from the internet. Retrieved July 22, 2014, from The Effects of Sports on Emotional Health.

U.s. homeland security in the context of global security

Effect of Enhanced US Homeland Security upon the Global Community of the of the Effect of Enhanced US Homeland Security upon the Global Community The enhanced Homeland Security of the US affects the global community in several ways. The globalization of homeland security.In K.

Potentials of artificial intelligence in terms of humanity

As a virtue, humanity refers to the tendency of befriending others.I.e.humanity and social intelligence, the acts of love as well as altruism are typically interpersonal strengths while else fairness is expanded to all. The modern robots that have been developed have the ability to replicate the actions and movements of mankind.

Ethics theories

Ethics Theories Introduction Virtue theory is an ethical theory individual based theory focusing on individual's moral character in carrying out actions rather than the consequences of the particular actions. Deontological ethics asserts that the wrongness or rightness of an individual's action is at least a portion of the intrinsic moral features like lying.

St cloud area apartment boom

The boom in apartment construction in St. I am in favor of the boom in the apartment construction because this could signal a revival in the housing industry which has been in a slump in these past few years.

The anti-slavery movement of the early twentieth century

The Anti-Slavery Movement of the Early Twentieth Century The anti-slavery movement of the early twentieth century took the form of the Civil Rights Movement, which influenced and was influenced by various other such movements for rights and equality. In the first place, there is an interesting comparison between the " Letter from Birmingham Jail" β†’

Needs-based theories of motivation

The second layer is related to the safety and security needs of a person. Fourth layer of needs in the hierarchy is related to personal worth and esteem.

Difference between the usa and uk government type and the difference in the checks and balances. (uk unwritten checks and balances list) (usa written checks and balances)

The differences between the UK's and USA's systems of checks and balances There exist a number of differences between UK's unwritten checks and balances and USA's written checks and balances. One of the differences between UK's unwritten checks and balances and the USA's written checks and balances is flexibility.U.

Bp oil disaster in the gulf of mexico

Case One: BP Oil Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico BP Oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico case involves an oil spill in the deep underwater well. The case of oil spill is not the first scenario of oil leakages in the underwater; ExxonMobil had the worst case scenario in 1989 famed as β†’

Realist theories

Teacher It would not be surprising that China will finally launch a military offensive in its claim in the Western Sea to finally end the stalemate. Analysis China may be emboldened to bully its neighboring countries due to its $9240 billion GDP which is the second highest in the world.

Case study example

Ethics: Case Study The theory of utilitarianism, which s that a person should act in such a way to produce the best consequence, can play a critical role in decision on the investment project. Choosing to invest in this project will have an implication on the surrounding due to the gases released from the energy β†’

The electoral college is a critical tool in american electoral system.define and assess the electoral college and how it has or has not encouraged political participation by the citizenry

Electoral College The Electoral College is the that elects officially the President and the Vice President of the United States after every four years by a vote in congress and counting of the electoral votes by congress. Electoral College consists of the selection of electors and the meeting of electors where they usually vote for β†’

Food and service

The edge of the knife is usually sharpened to make the right cuttings in the preparation of food. A Paring Knife A paring knife is one of the most common knives in a food lab or even in the kitchen.

Socio-cultural, personal and psychological factors of rape

Available statistics demonstrate that an estimated 15 to 38% of women in the United States experience a sexual assault or rape during their lifetime, and that college women are more susceptible to rape and other forms of sexual assault than women in the general population due to the dynamics involved. In rape, the perpetrator seeks β†’

Drug and alcohol abuse among teens

Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Teens Drug and Alcohol Abuse among Teens Introduction Drug abuse refers to misuse of or destructive pattern in the use of substances that attributes to significant social-economic constraints. It has statistics and trends of drug abuse in the country including useful publications on related topics.

Service learning written report

Section 3 As far as the project of The Zombie Run is totally creative, I often had to invent interesting ways to scare people and decide which locations to choose to make my work interesting and fun. So I tried to organize the atmosphere of cooperation and democracy in our group.

Commitment, a weapon which gives us the fruit of success

Commitment, it's not only a word, but it is also a panacea and a weapon which will help a man a lot and leads him towards success. So we can say the commitment is a weapon which we should use in the proper way to get the fruits of success.

Policy debate 2

In spite of the fact that the 1st amendment to the Constitution of the USA forbids the state to interfere with the mass media's affairs, and advertizing is recognized a part of the mass media, the opinion was created that advertizing is subject to more severe restrictions than other forms of a freedom of speech. β†’

Content review: government policies

What all these means is that there is a fresh call for understanding of at will contracts, particularly with respect to the impact of verbal promises in the context of its modern meaning. The presentation will reveal different types of promises and what constitute valid in the eyes of the law especially in terms of β†’

Life is a trajectory

Flexibility is the need of the time and with growing time adaptability and flexibility is the real philosophy of life. The Philosophy of Life.


Reflection; Flow: For Love of Water, Table of Contents Document 3 Explore 3 What I Found Confronting and What Surprised Me3 Why I Was Persuaded4 New Things4 Comment4 Work Cited6 Reflection Document This reflection looks to explore some of the key areas that I have studied in the business ethics class, most notably the consideration β†’

My speech -effective organization

If the components of the speech are assembled properly, it can function like a well-oiled machine and have the right effect on the audience. An effective organization can mean the difference between a speech that is understood by the audience and a speech that is not.


Whereas it is the duty of the media to report scandals, especially those concerning politicians, they should ensure that they respect the rights of the politician as an individual. Politicians, like the rest of us, deserve to a fair treatment by the media.

The major cause of obesity

The large majority of the people over time as a result of globalization adopted a passive means of livelihood where they rarely do anything with their energy, e: g some people use elevator to get to the second floor of a building, taxi to get to the next bus stop, machines are doing our dishes, β†’

How to fake a puffin society

The author seems to think this is a very interesting process, and seems to think that the audience will think so too. There does not seem to be any underlying arguments about politics of the environment or anything like that the author spends almost the entire time describing the process that had to be undertaken β†’

End of life medical issues

It is ethically significant to allow patients to end their lives in order to practice patient's autonomy, prevent painful deaths, and to promote stewardship of resources. Patients should be allowed to end their lives because they have a right to practice their autonomy.

The relationship between technology and progress

Rational world view of technology is thus important in establishing the interactions between technology and society. Although not opposed to technology per see, they demand for more serious discussions and deliberations on the role and effects of technology in society.

Evocative production about aging care

The policy for the aged in Australia safeguards old people in the society from fearing the young as well as feeling misplaced. If the aged are offered the necessary attention and care, their life is prolonged and opportunistic ailments in old age may be avoided thereby reducing the cost of care as well as the β†’

Social education to end the vice of alienating others in terms of physical appearance, language, mannerisms, socio-economic status, and national identity

The paper " Social Education to End the Vice of Alienating Others in Terms of Physical Appearance, Language, Mannerisms, Socio-Economic Status, and National Identity" is a meaningful example of a literature review on social science. In a classroom situation, this leads to a feeling of insubordination by the affected student.

Andrew sullivan: society is dead, we have retreated into the iworlds

Though the main theme of the article is not entirely original, the article is well written and emphasizes the isolation that results from listening to portable music. The picture he creates attracts attention and the readers are also able to relate to the scenario he is discussing.

Media ethics: to print a name

The police are holding the names of the victim and the suspect as for the respect of their families. The action is ethical because the public may twist the information and cause a shock to the family of the victims.

Modern social imaginaries

From this we can see that the whole idea of order can be one of two things, a higher order and morality that is the Ultimate, such as the ancient order of Sainthood, or it can be a rational experience in the current time and the present, and if that is the case the whole β†’

Topic selection and sources

Hate Crime The concept to be researched regarding hate crime is " hate crime" itself, how it is and should be defined, how the criminal justice system can determine hate crimes and how these crimes can be prevented and punished." Hate crime" is hard to define because " crime" itself is socially constructed and can β†’

Major middle east events of 1978-1979

Major Middle East Events of 1978-1979 This paper presents a critical review of the reason and the way the Christian Zionists in the United States, the Jewish Movement within the Soviet Union, and the Islamic jihad in Afghanistan maintained a common goal of defeating the Soviet Union. The move by Christians, Jews, and Muslims to β†’

Response to students posting

It is interesting to note that the entire population of the Turks worked together without any discrimination to ensure that they built a new nation from the ruins. It is good that you have mentioned the issue of the Great Powers and their interest in the Arab nations.

How smoking affect relationships in work or in home

The family members, friends and the co-workers of the smoker may respond differently to the as far as their relationship with the smoker is concerned. The above fact is true in the case of relationships of the smoker with his friends and co-workers at the workplace.

Michelle alexander: ferguson shows why criminal justice system of racial control should be undone by amy goodman and juan gonzlez

In the presentation, Goodman and Gonzalez expose the skewed application of the law by exploring the police killing of Michael Brown and a higher percentage of incarceration of African Americans than their white counterparts. There Missouri discrimination in the manner in which the police handle individuals of different racial backgrounds, with the blacks facing the β†’

In what instances of your own life has malleability been a factor in success or failure

As a personal quality malleability means being able to adjust to all circumstances under varying degrees of pressure or high levels of expectations to achieve the desired outcomes and results. There are potentially weaknesses to having the personal attribute of malleability when involved in academic, social, and employment situations.

Transnational crime: america and muslim and arab nations

It is difficult to establish if the future of the United States and its citizens will be shaped by the clash of ethnicities and religions. Moreover, a number of Muslims and Arabs have been socialized to trust business activities of America are pursued all over the world in an aggressive manner.

Drugs and crime: the media’s influence

The media should take the initiative to enlighten the public, especially the youth, on the side effects of the misuse of drugs. The media should not be allowed to be part of any criminal proceedings with regard to drugs and crime.

Dissent about nuclear safety

The JCO clearly does not attach any importance to the consequences or outcomes of the act of allowing the loss of one heat exchanger. But, going along with the JCO means that Alison does something which does not maximize utility in an even manner and which is also worthy of punishment because problems are anticipated β†’