Complete Essay Samples on Science

The teen court juvenile diversion program

The main mission of the Teen Court is to change the behavior of offenders while its goal is to deter the offenders from breaking the goal again. The Teen Court is effective since it is teenagers who offer judgment and punishment to the offenders.

Viking ceramo st comparison – lab report example

The variables are based on the price, performance and features of the two brake pads. The report will use the variables to gauge the cons and pros of the pads and come up with the winning brand.

Wild land fire fighting techniques

The manner in which this type of attack is employed is done by building a fire line along with the natural fuel breaks or within a safe distance from the fire. The indirect attack is used when equipment and personnel are lacking and the fire is located at a rough and dangerous landscape that makes β†’

The conflict between science and religion in matters of the creation of the world and man, and unity – in discussions about charity and humanity

The paper " The Conflict Between Science and Religion in Matters of the Creation of the World and Man, and Unity" is a thoughtful variant of a term paper on social science. Religion and science form the basis for man's view of the world.

Part 2: order #1188454

This is in terms of doing away the statutes and precepts that have barred democracy in Middle East without using power to realize own individual interests. Since, what they entail is to embark on affirmative actions backed by the desire to have liberal democracy in their state without involving Islam influence their affairs.

Ethics awareness

Ethics is regarded as the general education in that it allows one to have wide range of skills that help improve the quality of life. In conclusion, general studies are important in the present world as it provides one with wide range of knowledge and skills that help in improving the quality of life.

German debate ignores need for educated immigrants

A debate on whether to integrate them in the education system is a pressing issue that has seen Chancellor Angela Merkel be intermittently changing her take on the issue. Seehofer and Merkel are clearly aware that the public is against more immigration in Germany and more so, by the Turks.

Phase 4 individual project 4

This might be explained by the fact that the modern business is able to have much stronger effect on the environment and that is why many companies need to be aware of the possible negative consequences of their business. First of all, it is essential to develop programs that would benefit the local community.

American government

What should the US government do about health care in the US today?" According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, healthcare is a basic human right. First and foremost, the main objective of healthcare should be to promote the quality of healthcare.

A man and a woman according to deresiewicz

The writer gives an account that in historical times friendship between the opposites sexes was not a norm. The writer suggests that the new kind of woman is responsible for the companionship and friendship among men and women.

Public awareness, response and recovery

The GIS is enabled to meet the most basic of the information needs to the most advanced as the complexity of the situation increases. The downside of this response plan is the lack of knowledge of the existence of this framework to all these structures mentioned above such as the households and communities or what β†’

Stages of development

Piaget divided development into a Sensorimotor Stage, a Preoperational Stage, a Concrete Operational Stage, and a Formal Operational Stage. Stage 1 is Trust v.

Diversity in law enforcement

The focus of the research article was to identify as well as conduct and analysis of the number of people belonging to different races and working in law enforcement agencies and to identify the various strategies that are being used by these agencies in order to attract as well as hire individuals belonging to different β†’

Should the affirmative action programs be abolished, amended or left alone

Looking at the current scenario though there is a need to protect the rights and welfare of those who have been suffering from discrimination but on the other hand, equilibrium has to be maintained for the welfare of the entire society. This will help in the mobilization of resources and will indeed help the actual β†’

Decisions within ca state assembly

Issue ' The California Supreme Court allowed law practicing license to an undocumented Immigrant.' The CA Supreme court granted a proposal submitted by the Committee of Bar Examiners of the State Bar of California to allow admission to an illegal immigrant to the State bar. The Committee of Bar Examiners investigated the entire issue and β†’

Fine and gross motor skills

Fine and Gross Motor Skills Fine and gross motor skills Motor skills are the movements made by a child from the moment they are born up to when they will perfect them. The earlier the reading and frequency the more the baby starts learning vocabulary as well as getting their brain cells stimulated to β†’

The essential equality of human power

Question In the first sentence " My culture forbids x because it is wrong" means that x which may be a habit or phenomena is not morally accepted because of the effects or repercussions it has on people. On the contrary, " x is wrong because my culture forbids it" means that x or phenomenon β†’

Movie review-why we fight

In the great military establishment and the big arm industry of the new America, there is an influence of political, economical, and spiritual as it is evident in all the cities, every house, and the federal government offices. In the movie, Eugene looks as to the reason why young people of America are sent to β†’

Critical thinking and ethics

For instance, some doctors and police force in the china are deviating from the rules and principles governing critical thinking and ethical reasoning. Performing this act is deviating from the moral principles of critical thinking and ethical reasoning.

Perception of the politics in the us

Thesis of the Article The thesis of the article is based on the liberal perception of politicsby citizens of the United States. Additionally, he seems to target citizens of the United States and other parts of the world who might be interested in understanding political dimension of US and Europe.

Quiz 4

Lastly, the implementation of court decisions is influenced by the discretion of the lower courts. The Supreme Court and the Constitution.

Management or public relations

The true application of public relations as self-conscious managing art and occupation was through the 20th-century ideas of Bernays aimed at influencing the opinion of the public on commodities through the use of psychology. Today, public relations practitioners seek to achieve an essential moment that representatively engraves in the mind of the public.

Public administration-politics dichotomy

Public Administration/Politics Dichotomy Introduction The relationship between public administration and politics has beenone of the great issues in public administration. According to, the dichotomy between public administration and politics mean that public administrators be politically neutral.

The flourishing villain

Happiness and Flourishing According to Aristotle, human flourishing stays for the innate potential of persons to lead a life of enduring happiness, which is different from a pleasure of feeling good. Moreover, it is not possible to say that a person, who enjoys pleasure is flourishing as far as only the highest good, which is β†’

Multivariate techniques

Multivariate Techniques Introduction This white paper explains the importance and use of the multivariate analysis with a real example of the firm using one of its techniques. Normal distribution of the data actually shows the quality of the data.

The different types of the net generation students

What are the Different Types of the Net Generation The Net Generation have been proved to possess a diverse set of knowledge and skills. Students have changed their preferences and their experience is biased towards the direction of technology.

Providing the means of a healthy life to the worlds people

Moreover, the after-effects of recession make it difficult for people in developed countries to buy quality food in the global market, while those in the Third World are still able to have healthy food on daily basis thanks to the local markets that do not charge exorbitant prices for meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables. The β†’

Life span development

The relationship of a person with parents, the marital status of parents, and a number of other factors related to different stages of development, have a significant effect on the romantic love of young adults. Love and Divorce in Society Selecting a life partner is one of the most important decisions of young adults and β†’

Chinese american discussion homework

For the case of the Harvard University the enrolment rates for the Asian Americans has reduced from 20. For the case of the Whites, the numbers are still the same.

Are employees discriminated on the basis of appearance

Employers in for-profit making organizations have the right to create a conducive environment that will allow their businesses to make a profit. Thus, depending on the kind of business, if it is justifiable that employees need to look attractive if the business has to excel, then be it.

Protection of intellectual property, confidentiality, and freedom of expression on the internet

I am also an internet-user but I am in favor for restricting free speech on the internet to minimize the possibility of acquiring problems, most especially for the cases that can ruin the life of others. The act of hate speech, pornography and the like are very alarming in the country as it can affect β†’


Such is because the health component has to be used in the evaluation of the key impacts of WMD to the environment and society. Hence, the component of technology and its important in improving the security level of the drones has to be involved in the illustration of this objective.

Reaction paper on david cole interviews dr. franciszek piper

As the truth carefully unfolded, one could not help but feel disappointed and disgusted that a nation such as the Soviet Union could fabricate events and continue to mislead the public into the truth that happened within the labor camp. The presentation was clearly created and vividly revealed that people continue to mislead others for β†’

People or penguins

People or Penguin Affiliation: The article basically describes how people have control over pollution and they can end it if they wish to but they have to give up on a lot of comfort they are used to such as each individual driving a car to work which is bound to reduce all that carbon β†’

The souls of black folk by w. e. b. du bois

Du Bois reveals the extent of hatred shown to the blacks and the magnitude of power they used to resist it. Du Bois says that the political situation in the southern region contribute to the suffering of the black Americans.

Relevant career

Finally, this subject plays an important role in the business career because ethical behavior can bring huge impact and benefits for the business, that's why MGT230 is relevant to my business career in the future.2. Since utilitarian theory aims to maximize the benefit of happiness and reducing negatives in its objective, the theory holds that β†’

Ethics: the fabric of business at lockheed martin

This research will discuss the most effective tools and approaches in encouraging ethical behavior in the Lockheed Martin company and how the Human Resource Department can help the ethics and business conduct department in that company. Therefore daily internal newspaper is among the effective tools to encourage ethical behavior in the company it will help β†’

Development of working relationships with children

In fact, according to Wright, Turner, Clay, & Mills, it is evident today that there is increased acceptance and participation of children in the development of children services and social care. It is the role and duty of practitioners to enable the participation of children, by directly working with them through listening and responding to β†’

Child protection program

The program's mission will be protecting children from neglect and abuse to ensure they grow in a healthy environment and proper mental, social, psychological, and emotional development. The effectiveness of the program is measurable in the following ways; data can be obtained from the related agencies and compared to cases reported after awareness is done.

Become a model

Whether you are a professional or not, if you are confident that you have what it takes to be a model, please do not hesitate to contact us. Studios and model agencies Are you a professional photographer or are you new to the industry?

The policy of deportation and detention in greece and the uk

THE POLICY OF DEPORTATION AND DETENTION IN GREECE AND THE UK Seeking to explore European immigration policies with respect to asylum seekers and refugees in comparative perspective, I propose to analyze the policies of deportation and detention in Greece and the United Kingdom, respectively. Research Questions Through an exploratory analysis of the immigration policies β†’

Hobbes and lockes legitimate political authority

Hobbes and Locke reiterate that the people have the power to grant authority to govern and that authority belongs with the people. Conversely, Hobbes's influence is evident on what the people can do to change their government Similarities and differences between Hobbes and Locke Both Hobbes and Locke agree that the government is a necessity.

Poverty is not a lifelong identity

The article is based on an interview about how those who are poor and receiving financial aid from the government should have their names published and made public knowledge as a way to tell the rich how their money is being used and by whom. The poor may be relying on the support from β†’

Steve smith and postmodernism

To be able to answer how Steve Smith defend postmodernism, it would be necessary to state the critiques of sterud against postmodernism. Even the deconstruction method and approach of sterud criticism against postmodernism which is deconstruction is also lambasted by Smith to be faulty because it leads an infinite regression that undermines the research.

American goverment (2)

American government From a political science- American government we learn an introduction to the political system of the United States and the purposes of its main players and institutions of the government. We learnt that public strategies are engraved in every form of American government are the key to the lives of the United States β†’

Who gets access to the information and technologies that (scientific) research makes possible

Nevertheless, outcomes of alteration of technologies are frequently complicated and capricious as in the story of Henrietta Lacks and the HeLa cells. The main partners accessible to information and technologies according to the Henrietta Lacks and the HeLa cells are limited to research hospitals, scientists, research institutions and the doctors.

Leadership in ethics

The only area where ethics and research goes well is in areas where the people involved are professional and consequently have an obligation while carrying out their activities. Another area where the ethics may fail in research is in the field of catering.

The importance of facebook in our life

The paper " The Importance of Facebook in Our Life" is a great example of an essay on social science. It should be used well in the sharing of information and ideas so as to create harmony and a better society.

Definition of racism

Racism can be defined as the physical, cultural, social and intellectual superiority of a race in comparison to another race. For example Racism is rampant in almost all aspects of American society between the whites and the Blacks.

Civil service

The role of the public is to understand and decipher the adequate role of the federal level employees and comprehend the fact that they are doing something for the betterment of the whole society. One must comprehend the fact that civil service entails of federal employees to give in their very best, time and time β†’

How life is influenced by science

Testosterone levels in the body should not exceed the normal level, this is the basis of the testosterone test. This test tends to find out the reason for higher performance than usual especially to the athletes who are suspected to be using synthetic testosterone.

The issue of bulling

It is important to note that bullying is a type of violence against others and thus, cannot be tolerated in any environment. Violence is against the law, and bullying is not considered as a form of violence unless it involves an attack.

Cities, family occasions, work and social life, climate in germany and the us

On the other hand, such practices are uncommon in America and hence the government has a difficult task of meeting all the humanitarian needs during the crisis. The Americans, on the other hand, are swift in developing friendships that do not last long and are also free in engaging in social issues while in the β†’

The effects of race

Both Hurston and Staples share similar and contrasting views about the effect of the color of their skin, the different ways of coping with discrimination, and the time that they realized they were different. Both Hurston and Staples realized the difference that their skin color made when they went to school; it was just at β†’

Who are you

My goal is to capture the premiership of the United Kingdom and try to demonstrate a different kind of leadership that considers the interest of all UK citizens. My leadership aims to increase the minimum wages in the country and also restructure the National Hospital Fund.


With the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine causing more devastating effects to the Palestinian than to the Israeli, it would be a logical expectation that America, as well as the rest of the international community would support the Palestinian and bring about ceasefire. In as much as the conflict has a religious connotation among β†’

Character above all and the three words to live by duty, honor, and country

Every individual on the planet is associated with one country that provides him an identity upon his birth; duty and honor towards such a country are no less than spiritual conduct for one of his character traits and values are in accordance with purity and honesty. The character remains as the foremost essence of one's β†’

Major thoughts or conclusions on role of intelligence in threat managemenm

The role of the intelligence in combating terrorism Terrorist organizations mainly use defeatist approaches to feign the helplessness of a country incountering the attacks. In homeland security and defense, the intelligence protects the society from security threats and intrusions that would lead to endangering of the common person, as well as the government.

Women in islam

The state has a responsibility to provide work and a fair wage but individual men have also a responsibility to provide for the wife and for their children, especially during the pregnancy of the wife and the time when she cares for young children. Inheritances favor men in quantity because men have more responsibilities and β†’

Brazil and its population

This is the statistic as of the year 2017. This is because of the composition of the Catholics.

Writing for different cultures and audiences

It was, therefore, an opportunity for readers to appreciate realizing that contemporary art could still present and highlight ancient art as a means of sharing the legacy to the current generation. As such, one was intrigued by the information noted through the personal insights and interpretation of Julien's artwork.

Not all companies are viewed as equal

Contextually, in this similar context, the aspect of free trade is identified to be changing the perceptions of the people in the form of the customers towards viewing all industries in an equal manner. A Brief Explanation of the Major Reasons Nowadays, every company operating in dissimilar industries is apparently observed to be offering the β†’

Analyzing sexual harassment

For her statement would indirectly convey that she did not face serious sexual harassment, and thus she might not file a complaint if the related investigator finds such a scenario. But if it is proved that the salary has been differentiated based on qualification, then Jolene Carter will not get a positive result from her β†’

The various images of buddha, a good society in the past

A good society in the past entailed the social bonds between the people. A good society entailed the upholding of morals and beliefs of the community as a whole.

Professional development opportunities

The SAFE organization, Society of Aviation and Flight Educators, offers a variety of useful information on their site. However, even without being a member, there is a multitude of pertinent information on their website and the site does not go overboard in terms of pushing their memberships.

Dating and mating relationship from christian standpoint

On the other hand, mating in biological term refers to the pairing of contrasting sex with the intention of copulation. In the contemporary world, men and women engage in a process of looking out for spouses with the aim of getting into marriage.

The chapter how private interested take over public space

Incorporating into their own communities to create private-public spaces that are only available to a select population, for instance, of a newly incorporated sub development. The process of trying to create public infrastructure available for all, including public spaces began in the 19th century.

Juvenile justice system

It is in this hearing where it will be decided whether the accused is to be released or detained until the preliminary hearing is held, and then the adjudicatory hearing in which guilt will either be established or not. Based on a personal view, the process shown in the flowchart is fair, and there is β†’

Republicans warn washington to think twice about legalizing marijuana

Though enough signatures exist to legalize marijuana in the district, it is obvious that a blockage is in the looming even as the residents continue to celebrate the new law. The powers came into effect in 1973 when Congress enacted the Home Rule Act that gave the District the capacity to elect a city council β†’

Research methods in the social sciences

The highest-ranked applicant is selected for the award of the grant. The date for the award of the grant is also given.

Buddhist ethics and emotivism

A look at Buddha's journey of ethical and spiritual development shows that the development of a particular ethical view point in life is a process that is mainly influenced by the events and circumstances in our lives. I was introduced to the dos and do nots of the family at a very tender age and; β†’

The role of the un during the could war

The Role of the United Nations during the Cold War Apparently, the United Nations was formed soon after the League ofNations was discredited due to its failure to handle security issue that was paramount immediately after the Second World War. Similarly, the United Nations was engaged in the role of ensuring that Soviet Union was β†’

Debate speech for filibuster protocol

The results are usually such as death of a bill since it talks the bill out. Briefly, it is important to impose a filibuster when a contradictory bill is brought to parliament to allow for necessary corrections on it to safeguard the interests of the electorate.

Political office

Some people vie for local political offices with a view that it will provide them with the skills needed to engage in national politics. I view politics as a means of personal gain and not in the interest of the people as it is perceived to be.

Every child is born a poet

What is your assessment of his message regarding the use of creativity to create a better life, in his case, to leave behind a life of violence and crime? I strongly believe that this is so because of the reality of the experiences of his previous life of violence and crime which actually led him β†’

Most significant problem in american politics

On the basis of Bardes, Shelley and Schmidt assertions that in excess of 40 million individuals in the U.S.lack health insurance, healthcare can be considered the most significant political issue today. In this policy, employers were obligated to pay a monthly fee for each of their employees and the remaining healthcare fees to accommodate the β†’

The life review interview

I am proud of various accomplishments like the fact that when I came to the United States I enrolled in high school and eventually graduated and started doing a part-time job to sustain myself. My kids have been a great blessing in my life and I have and still do my best even at this β†’

State of nuclear energy in germany

In your opinion, which is the greater threat, the use of nuclear weapons in war or the peaceful use of nuclear energy? With regards to foreseeing a time in which nuclear disarmament will occur worldwide, it is the strongly held belief of this student that this will not occur.

Discussion questions

This is because; the flag was established by the governor to represent his opposition to the civil rights of a given group of people in the region. On the other hand, the heroes represented by the flag were against the civil rights which promote racism in the region.


Plagiarism In the article " A Debate About Plagiarism as The Times Investigates a Case" Margaret Sullivan sheds light on the issue of plagiarism and the way it is being widely spread nowadays. She provides a vivid example, pointing on the story of The Times reporter, Carol Vogel, who had written a short passage about β†’

Interest groups

According to Hays, The main difference between economic and non-economic interest groups is that the economic interest groups aim at getting financial support for their members while the non-economic interest groups are not interested in getting benefits for their members. The Role of Interest Groups.

Reading respond#3

It is clearly stated that the President is the commander in chief for both the Army and Navy of the U. S, and of the armed forces of the numerous states, when given the actual service of America and commission all the service personnel of the United States.

Commitment to diversity in american cancer center society

The study of Third Sector New England has provided detailed information about organizational commitment to managing diversity and it is appropriately applied in ACS. The relevance of Information to Diversity issues/Content available on Website All the content provided on organization's website is related to diversity and all latest articles, guidelines and happenings of the organization β†’

Interest groups

Interests Groups The group I would form to advocate for this issue is my fellow This is because they are the people whom we interact together in the university and we can meet frequently to organize the formation of the group. We will request them to explain the imporatnce of the process to the entire β†’

Family stressors

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Bay Area Recovery is an organization that provides rehabilitation programs for drug and alcohol addicts with the aim of enhancing the individual's health, as well as the family and community relationships. Death/Grieving Sesame Workshop is an organization that focuses on helping children to develop the strength to heal and have hope β†’

Ways that airports can prepare for and respond to aircraft accidents

It is therefore extremely important for the airport to put in place guidelines and procedures of preparing for and responding to such accidents in case they occur. In responding to the accidents, the airport must keep up-to-date records of all contact institutions that can offer assistance during an occurrence of such accidents.


It can be observed that the World Trade Organization undermines the undeveloped and the developing countries of the world and makes policies in the favor of the developed countries, especially USA. Bibliography Anon, 2013.

Sexual harassment

October 27, Sexual harassment laws and policies help prevent workplace conflict because they define sexual harassment, demonstrate commitment to averting sexual harassment, and guide employer and employees on the procedures of reporting sexual harassment cases. People have a responsibility to their co-workers of avoiding actions and circumstances that may lead to sexual harassment.

Women in the yellow wallpaper by gilman

As reiterated in the yellow wallpaper, American society in the context of the black community placed much pressure on women due to their gender and this considerably resulted in people overlooking their potential and even seriousness in their works as explained by the black literary scholars. The literary work on the yellow wallpaper is a β†’

The media and socialization

While people may have initially been livid with the way the case was handled, and the severity of the spill on human and plant health, the way that the newspaper presents the news about the settlement may change the discernment and actions of people towards BP. Through the major forms of media, television, and newspapers, β†’

Of paradise and power by robert kagan

Of Paradise and Power by Robert Kagan A book that has had a big influence on my thinking about conflict resolution and identity conflicts is Robert Kagan's book Of Paradise and Power. The success of European integration and solving the " German problem" has a lot of Europeans, Kagan says, to believe that they β†’

The student conduct code

I strengthened the ideas of my earlier submitted paper; as I believed that, the essay was rich enough and would go through to the finals. I was accused of not adhering to the policies of academic dishonesty in the course of my studies.

Life stage or levinson model

Personally, as a student of 21 years and in a foreign country, it can be considered to be in this phase following migration to a new country that is away from home and following attempts to take a job away from their parents. As a result, the Levinson's perspective evidences one as a young adult β†’

Smokers avoidance to pay cigarette taxes

On the other hand, tax avoidance is legal and is but a natural tendency for all. When we say one evades tax, this means he does not pay the tax that he is legally required to pay.

The tsunami that devastated japan

The earthquake was the strongest that hit Japan since the late 1800s. The tsunami resulted in a massive destruction of infrastructure and thousands of innocent lives lost.