Quality Anthropology Essay Examples for Your Learning

The four forces of evolution & speciation

The ones focused on are; Species, Population, the four forces of evolution, the variation within and between populations, isolating mechanisms and speciation. Microevolution: This describes the significant changes that occur in a species over time, to give it traits or groups of traits classifying it differently from its original species, for example, as a sub-species, →

Anth week 5

Anthropology: Origin of Homos This paper aims to jot down the imperative points of the chapter Early Homo and the Origins of Culture from the book: Anthropology: The Human Challenge by Haviland et al. The origin of Homos as maintained by the archeologists has been trivial and had been explained differently. The classification of the →

Geert hofstede vs. fons trompenaars essay sample

The culturalists qualify culture as " the way of thinking, feeling and acting of a human group, which was acquired and transmitted by symbols and which represents its specific identity".Geert Hofstede explains the origins of the differences in behaviours, which can tend to problems. Collectivism In individualistic cultures, people place the community after →

Motivations of war

Apply one of the theories presented in " The Origins of War: Biological and Anthropological Theories" to the war. Investigate the general experiences and factors that shape human experiences during the time of the war and recovery from the perspective of at least one culture involved in that war. There were numerous stated motivations →

Hominin discussion : the evidence for early human evolution

After comparing Homo erectus with Dmanisi, and Homo erectus with the WT 15000, this paper reveals that the paper Homo erectus and WT 15000 share numerous characteristics and this makes WT 15000 the direct ancestor to Homo erectus. Within the same time the fossils of Homo erectus were found in East Africa, the fossils of →


The film depicts the current cultural phenomenon in Hollywood and around the world as we will see when comparing and contrasting the two films. Discussion The antagonists in both the " Blade Runner" and " Shaun of the Dead" depict human-like characteristic in their physical form but are still monsters. There is a fear →

Section 2 video report

The culture that was shown is our wanton disregard to the environment and the call to change this culture of abuse and neglect to restore the health of our plaent. 2. The dominant theme and events in the film The film can be likened to Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth that discussed the →

What is field theory?1

THE PASSING CRISIS IN WESTERN SOCIOLOGY Surveying the state of Western sociology at the dawn of the new millennium, what is most striking and perhaps troubling is the absence of theoretical crisis: even the most sour doomsayer cannot in good conscience point to any signs that there is a deep theoretical rupture or confusion in →

Advantages and disadvantages of a multi-racial society

A multi-racial society is also a multi-linguist society so people living in such societies benefit from the richness of languages and are thus able to speak different languages , there is also a wide variety of traditions, customs and festivals that are being carried out in such countries. In addition a multi-racial society teaches people →

Lab report example

These occipital condyles are projections from the bottom of the skull that attach the skull to the atlas and axis of the cervical vertebrae. This means that the brain is posterior to the eyes and thus a trait of primitive hominids.


In a review the author examines the tactics used by people in the sugar plantation to stay alive in the society ravaged by poor working condition, malnutrition, sickness and high deaths. Main body In this book Hughes investigates reasons behind high mortality in children and factors contributing to the high mortality. The frequency with →

Example of behavioral sciences essay

The philosophical justification of experiment is that, this research method makes the variable research method essential because the steps of experiment research are based on the results of the variable research. Experiment research method utilizes the data and variables produced by variable research. Cultural anthropology research methods Anthropology is the study of human being →

Short answer only

Focusing on the said ' harmful intent', contemporary scientists, sociologists, and politicians continue to monitor and study how to prevent racism among groups in the context of more controversial issues on " race and intelligence, race and health and race and crime". 3. Retrieved from http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_is_America_called_the_melting_pot Multiculturalism..

Medical anthropology

By narrating his personal story, just as he so often narrates the problems of Haiti, Paul Farmer, a physician, anthropologist, and the author of ' Pathologies of Power: Health, Human Rights, and the New War on the Poor', displayed a corresponding between medical anthropology with that of the stories of his personal past. →

Communication technologies that will change our lives by graham t. t. molitor and technology and social change: the effects on family and community, by dr. j. a. english-lueck

Effect of Technology on Family Molitor and English Lueck offer slightly different views on the effect of technology on family. In addition, distance has no effect on the cost and time required to be in touch with the ones who live far away. While Molitor provides a picture that is optimistic, English-Lueck →

Sorsogon state college

Peoples connect if their conversation have been properly discussed and come with the same decision.* How does an employee cope with changes in the work place Employee cope with the changes in the work place by accepting the fact that change is under way and they must bear in mind that every changes does not →

Compare nacirema and voodoo

Like the authors of " Body Ritual Among the Nacirema" and " Voodoo in Haiti", they hold quite different attitudes and views to these exotic cultures. He thinks that " the magical beliefs and practices of Nacirema present such unusual aspects that it seems desirable to describe them as an example of the extremes to →

Do you agree or disagree: “it is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics”

Personally, I think that it is more important for every student to take part in history and literature class since these subjects will educate students about the past of history and give them rich sources of culture values. In conclusion, I think history and literature would be put in the curriculum in university since it →

Afghan woman prisoner

Afghan were too proud of ruining their reputation, saving face was the only thing they can do to maintain their name in the village and so sending her to prison was their way of saving face. In my point of view, it is wrong to imprison young women for crime that were against their culture →

A river sutra

The people, all from different social status and religious beliefs, from the wealthy and the poor, learned and less educated, go to pilgrimage to the river to seek healing for both physical and spiritual suffering. The main theme depicted in these stories is love. In summary, the river offered love and life to all the →

Anthropology and the state essay sample

In the earlier years, belonging to our ancestors, there seems to be a semblance of a state but this state is not the state that we know now. This contract then involves a special participation in the affairs of the state. It would then be seen that the state is →

Looking for logical fallacies by both genders

The decision to capture Cassandra, the daughter of the defeated Trojan king by Agamemnon is another manifestation of the appeal to tradition when family members suffered because of their parent's evil during war. The above fallacies, therefore, have deeper meanings in critically examining the play. Contrastingly, the logical fallacy in Agamemnon's capture of Cassandra reveals →

What is sociology

According to functionalism, society is a system of interconnected parts that work together in harmony to maintain a state of balance and social equilibrium for the whole. Education offers a way to transmit a society's skills, knowledge, and culture to its youth, politics provides a means of governing members of society, economics provides for the →

The kinship system of yanomamo culture

The Kinship System of Yanomamo Culture of the Anthropology of the Concerned August 11, The Kinship System of Yanomamo Culture The lifestyle of the Yanomamo tends to be replete with violence and aggression. One of the important social systems that the Yanomamo culture has managed to remain intact over the years is its kinship. →

Biological anthropology

These advancements have helped the H Sapiens modernize themselves in such a way that would cause the " re-envisions" of human origins paving the way for advent of the so called " modern humans".H. Sapiens and of a modern man but their brains were solely focused on the needs of their massive bodies, leaving them →

Halloween as a ritual of reversal

Also, bats are thought to be creepy and this put people to think they would symbolize the link with the dead the other common costume symbolizes the black cat this was due to at the end of the autumn season symbolized the act of reincarnation. The skull is unique in its own as it is →

Origins of hominid bipedalism

This essays objective is therefore aimed at looking at two distinct hypotheses that attempt to provide explanations to the origins of hominid bipedalism. Rodman and McHenry Energetic efficiency hypothesis The first hypothesis to propose is that bipedalism evolved because of energetic efficiency needed by the hominid for travel and that the need →

I will put the things in the file

Cranial comparisons of Asians and Africans The African shape of the eye orbits, as viewed from the front, tends to be more rectangular shaped, while the Asians' are more circular. Nasal sill: Africans tend to lack a sharp angulation dividing the nasal floor from the anterior surface of the maxilla, while the Asians angulation tends →

Research methods in social sciences

Fundamentally, social science research is concerned with people and their life contexts, and with philosophical questions relating to the nature of knowledge and truth , values and being which underpin human judgements and activities. Empirical social science research that is research which involves the collection of data about people and →

An310 cultural anthropology 5

Technology and Family Technology has greatly contributed to our lives and one of the greatest additions that have revolutionized our living is the communication. Although, it has resulted into lack of security and space and due to this, family rules are formed related to the technology punishments.

Anatomical features

They have roamed all over the world to look for the remains of the past inhabitants of the universe and the evidence that proved their existence. Its brain was small and comparable in size to that of the modern chimpanzee.

Gede spirit

Gede The Gede Lwa are among some very funny and interesting spirits known in the tradition of Vodou. The services of Gede may be particularly required in the times of transformation e.g.from sickness to health or from being alive to dead." Papa Gede sits at the center of the thick weave of relationships that make →

Darwins theory of evolution

Darwin's theory of evolution has been appreciated by many scholars but there are also other scholars who have largely disagreed with what Darwin had to say. Darwin's dangerous idea is quite entertaining to watch but he has forgotten to examine living objects as he has examined the natural star, the moon and so on and →

Short writing

Another reason I found this article interesting was that as a student I recognize that writing is an important element of communication, as well as scholastic and professional success; as such, I believe that it can benefit me as a writer and communicator to understand various sociolinguistic and rhetorical aspects of the English language. The →

Early human evolution

The answers range from the mythological theories of creationism to the scientific perspectives of evolution. One of the very important aspects of that history is the discovery of Australopithecus afarensis.

Ancestry in a drop of blood

This paper discusses the principle of " Ancestry in a drop of blood " with reference to the Indian people. The knowledge of the underlying historical issues of Indians is vital for their social integration especially in the US. It is believed that their descendants are in the northern part of the state and that →

Examine sociological contributions to our understanding of youth culture

They say that we are able to manage the impression that other people have of us and that we are not just a product of the Agents of Socialisation. Lastly Feminists, structuralist and conflict theorists, also believe that we are taught Youth culture through the agents of socialisation.

Why would satanism be called magic

The practices take the turn of benefiting a few individuals who conform to the rules of engagement of the satanic world. The satanic practices involve the use of blood sacrifices to uplift the strength of influence to the masses.


Globalization and Culture The Helena Norberg has talked about globalization and its negative effect on people around the world in the documentary " An Economic of Happiness". The author suggests that the globalization and spread of corporate power has divided cultures and introduced fierce competition.

Is there a distinction of sociology from the other social sciences

In today's modern world it is the desire of the practitioners of the social sciences or social scientists as they are called to be clearly distinguished one from the other, instead of being placed into one general category as suggested by a " Professor Small" in his manifesto entitled " The Relation Between Sociology →

Short answer

Since culture passes on from generation to generation, it represents a heritage that has passed on for generations and in the study of anthropology the origin of man is explored, it is very important to study cultural variations in the prevalent pressures of globalization and how the changing dynamics of the world are impacting culture. →

Physical anthropology – a feline paternity suit

Determine all possible genotypes of the kittens based on their phenotypes: Kitten #1 is an all black cat. trait phenotype All possible genotypes hair length short GG, Gg and gg. tail length long LL, Ll and ll pigmentation wild type Pp PP and pp →

Fruit flies and genetic traits

Given that ebony is a recessive trait, what percentage of these offspring should express the mutation ? Top of Form A. This is the reason why in the above experiment, none of the offspring's expressed mutation because ebony was a recessive trait.

Essay on cross-cultural comparison

There are cases of diorce which are common in the early years of marriage and discussion of previous marriages in public are a taboo. Political organizations Rom resists any form of official leadership. They also believe in the coming of God which is through the rain, lightening and thunder.