Essay Titles and Topic Ideas for Community

⭐ Fascinating Community Ideas to Improve Your Writing

  1. The importance of rubber trees in the community
    The white sap is a natural form of latex, which is then used for the production and the manufacture of rubber. They can be sold, transported, and grown at a low cost to the consumer.
  2. The impact of the sarbanes-oxley act on community bank governance essay sample
    It is also necessary to look at what position community bank governance found itself in before the passing of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the position it is in after the passing of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to assess the changes and impacts that it has had. For the purposes of supplying additional and supporting information, →
  3. The impact of publicity on the naval special warfare community essays examples
    This then leads to unwelcome media coverage which is the opposite of the expectations of the profession.nPublicity on the Naval Special Warfare Community is in most cases unwelcome because it puts the community on the wrong footing especially with the public. Any time that it appears in the news, the →
  4. Essay on community teaching work plan proposal
    In respect of this, the group will teach the community about the causes, effects, and levels of obesity and diabetes in South Orange Township. Whether they are observing healthy feeding or have maintained the unhealthy feeding. - Planned Evaluation of Lesson and Teacher : The teacher and the lesson will →
  5. A discourse community jail inmates and those who visit them
    As John Wideman put it in his seminal book, a person visiting a prison " is forced to become an inmate...subject to the same sorts of humiliation and depersonalization...made to feel powerless, intimidated by the power of the state". There are strict rules of behavior among inmates and a social hierarchy every bit →
  6. Literature review on police corruption impact on the community of paterson
    Impacts of Police Corruption on the Community of Paterson Impact of Police Corruption on the Community of Paterson Introduction Corruption by the police is an act that involves the police acting beyond their powers by demanding money from people and in an unreasonable manner. It is in response to the action →
  7. The importance of community development
    The writing also states the positive outcomes of the programmes as well reporting on the need to mobilise those communities and provide recommendations to address the challenges encountered. Reports on the Importance of Community Development Focusing on the Field visits Observations and Learnings from Balam, Yabob and Riwo Communities These three communities are out-suburb →
  8. Example of essay on community building
    The project will involve both the old and the youths, who will come together and gather resources required for the project. The project is organized and coordinated by students through the support of the entire Seattle community. The whole project will be run on volunteer basis and will bring experts in the construction industry starting →
  9. Introducing a youth sports program to my community research proposal sample
    The program is to be implemented in three phases as follows; the first stage is introducing the youths to the program together with their parents, next will be training of the youths on the game and the final stage will be ensuring a well maintained team. The initial amount of money required to start the →
  10. Broken windows theory within a community policing model
    The authors go on to state that fear is the fueling source behind delinquent behavior, which resulted in higher rates of serious crimes. The main concept of this theory illustrated that if police were to target and eliminate minor disorders through community policing, it would have an overall impact on the reduction →
  11. Community program planning project research paper
    This paper assess the use of helmets in relation to the accidents as well as how they could minimize deaths and injuries, hence, identify a plan that could be used as an intervention for the problem. How was the problem identified? The use of motor cycle helmets has consistently indicated to be the best strategy →
  12. Patient rights versus the practical needs of the medical community essays examples
    There is a growing area of concern between the rights of patients and the often necessary practical needs of the students in the medical field. The debate has majorly focused on whether patient's rights are infringed when a case of negligence or misdiagnosis has happened in a medical facility that has been set up →
  13. Sensitivity analysis: patton fuller community hospital essay sample
    Elements That Affect Staffing at Patton-Fuller The elements that affect the health care staffing as observed at Patton-Fuller which includes raises in wages, the nurse-to-patient ratio changes, the contracted staff reduction, and the additional staffing of more nurses aides. For the case of Patton- Fuller, the staff nurses are to be reduced according →
  14. Research paper on community engagement practice: mother to mother initiative
    The organizational activities will be run and coordinated by professional women willing to volunteer their time to help their vulnerable counterparts. The concept of Mother to Mother is based on the reality that only a woman who is a mother can understand the length to which another mother can go to, to provide for her →
  15. Portryal of racial inequality and lgbtq community in the novels of james baldwin
    Barbara is present to show the delicate and virtuous side of people. The story of Leo Proudhammer has him have a heart attack on stage that results in an end to his reel and real life. Baldwin had been mature enough to separate the two and also to introduce them. He has focussed on writing →
  16. A good community comes with unity essay
    As for me, a quarrel with my class advisor gave me a chance to make a difference from being an outlier to a key member, which taught me that a good community comes with unity. However, I guessed the best solution was to take this as a challenge. I tried to make a training plan →
  17. Argumentative essay on does the international community think that iran is a direct contributor to terrorism
    Iran does not have diplomatic relations with the US since the Iranian revolution. Iran has been repeated declared a state sponsor of international and regional terrorism by US and the western world. Imposition of miscellaneous financial and other restrictions. According to the country reports on terrorism published by the US Department of State, Iran has →
  18. Community service can restore social justice and uphold human rights
    Community Service is crucial in today's society because it can help to restore social justice and protects and upholds the rights of those who the volunteer helps. With these opportunities, people can make it out of poverty and this creates a smaller gap between the rich and the poor, which is noticeable in a socially →
  19. Why immersing yourself in the entrepreneurship community can get you ready for the future
    During his time studying at UCLA as a double-major in Biology and Economics, he experienced firsthand how difficult a lack of entrepreneurial support can be to initiating a startup. This guide is going to introduce you to the importance of immersing yourself in an entrepreneurship community. No Background No Support During his sophomore year →
  20. ž¢ christianity: a story-formed community
    Christianity: a story-formed community Like the rabbits in Watership Down, Christian communities are " story-formed communities" because Christians are people who have been and are being formed by the stories of the Scriptures that culminate in the story of Jesus Scripture: a community-formed text The converse is also true: the Scriptures are " community →
  21. Patton-fuller community hospital it department
    A major goal of the hospital is to protect the personal information of the patients who fall under the guidelines of theHealthInsurance Portability andAccountabilityAct. HIPAA requires the protection and confidential handling of protected health information (" Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act", 2012). Error checking and elimination of duplicate packets is done →
  22. The protestant reformation and islam community essay sample
    Both the Protestant Reformation and the community after Muhammad's death ended up separating from the religion they once believed in and the disputes between the leaders. In the Protestant Reformation, people left the Catholic Church and converted to Lutheranism. In the Islamic community, the development of the first caliphate, the Muslims divided from Islam →
  23. Review of john blassingame’s ”the slave community” essay sample
    He passed away in February 2000, and is survived by his father, Grady Blassingame, his wife Teasie, and his two children, Tia and John. In The Slave Community, Blassingame argues that despite their physical enslavement, African Americans avoided psychological enslavement and retained their culture through language, names and proverbs; a link with the past; →
  24. The portrayal of lgbtq+ community in hindi cinema
    But, as we know, that media also plays a significant role in the makings of the public narrative so the oft-shown demonization and mudslinging on the LGBTQ+ community, as a whole, has added fuel to fire and resulted in furthermore blackening of the character of the community and its members, who are considered bizarre and →
  25. Me, my family, and my community values
    Two differences between my family and the neighborhood that we live in is that the we are surrounded by an older community, with most of the families being elderly Me, My Family, and My Community Values 3 couples in their 50s or higher. My Community Community is defined as a group of people living in →

✅ Good Community Topic Samples to Create Your Paper

⚡ Interesting Community Ideas to Write About

  1. Learning in an inclusive classroom community
    Even though Sapon-Shevin states, " the primary justification for inclusion has traditionally resided in the belief that disabled children have a right to and can benefit from inclusion in a regular educationalenvironment," I believethat the ' regular' classroom has the right to benefit from having a diverselearning experienceas part of theireducation. " Research →
  2. Wal-mart’s positive effect on a community
    Although many people believe Wal-Mart shuts down and overruns small businesses, what Wal-Mart brings to the table is that it employs a vast amount of jobs. Instead of trying to battle with them, they claim that Wal-Mart is bad for communities and small businesses.
  3. Community facilities
    Those on web sites, call centres and digital TV have already been published atwww. The underlying principle is to promote collaborative approaches to the use of these media across the public sector in the interests of accessibility, quality, familiarity and ease of use and establishment of coherent branding. E-fire will elevate Humberside Fire Brigade into →
  4. Free essay on community service in todays society
    Community plays a very important role in today's society because it aims to improve the lives of community members. This is through offering help to those in need and providing services so that people do not feel alone, even if they lack the contact of family and friends. I know →
  5. Community emergency preparedness essay sample
    Nurse Karen makes it a priority to educate her clients about reducing exposure to the irritants in the air and advises them to stay inside to protect themselves from further harm. Students at Neighborhood Elementary School are also feeling the effects of the irritants in the air due to the nearby fire. Individuals, businesses, →
  6. Building community
    Elements of Servant Leadership that can be Instrumental inCareerSuccess The encouraging words of Covey would influence anyone to delve deep into the concept of servant leadership, and to satiate that quest, one can find the starting point in the book of Larry Spears , CEO of the Greenleaf Center for →
  7. Community problems
    Creates trouble for all the stores around, for people traveling at night and so on. Every weekend, a specific parking lot in the town of Formidable is filled with Hot Rods, college students, high school studentsand even adults, not to mention, cops too. I heard a lot of stories about this location and →
  8. The effect of field haven center on the community
    Field Haven is a feline center that fosters cats and kittens and gives them a safe place where they are made more adoptable and finally, adopted. Field Haven also has a pet vet and gives cats the attention they need.
  9. Rebuilding a community: the buffalo creek case
    The concept of corporate veil implies that the law recognizes difference between the corporation and its shareholders by recognizing that a kind of ' veil' separates the corporation on one side and its shareholders and controllers on the other side, meaning thereby that the owners of the business normally do not hold personal liability for →
  10. Free essay on community policing: effectively engaging
    Unlike any other model or approach, the community policing model implies the contribution of the public in helping the police department maintain a peaceful order in the society. This will be the result of the suitable execution of community-oriented policing, which will also be based on the community participation performance and the consistency of the →
  11. Seattle central community college
    My parents have been imparting me important values that are necessary in dealing with life and to be a better person. In going on with my journey, I desire that the Catholic institution will continue to guide me. This will not only strengthen my faith but will also remind me of the →
  12. The 4 c’s needed to build a strong startup community
    Once created, startup communities help spur entrepreneurs to build new businesses, connect investors to new opportunities, bring members into the community to support startups and celebrate the success as entrepreneurs excel. Entrepreneurship is a special kind of sport and startup communities provide the network to make your city innovative, vibrant, and a hot bed for →
  13. Victor: english language and white community
    He made great efforts to transform himself to be like whites who he thought were the best." Anything and everything related to the whites was beautiful to Vickramadas." The author has painted a dramatic picture of sufferings and challenges of Victor in his course to attain a new identity - an Englishman. →
  14. Acre woods retirement community
    Acre wood retirement communitycase studyKimberly Woods HSM/230 Axia College at the University of Phoenix Acre wood retirement community case study he resident physical therapist Sara Armstrong manages the retirement communities activity programs, recently a pool was added to its rehabilitation center by they were some original design requests that were not met it has →
  15. Community and community development in india
    Introduction According to the United Nations document , community development is " the creation of opportunities to enable all members of a community to actively contribute to and influence the development process and to share equitably in the fruits of development". As mentioned in Hickman , Dewey highlighted that " the →
  16. Positive contributions of the aged to the community
    In doing so, they are positively influencing society and guiding them to be better people and to live their life to the fullest. As young people are not aware of the consequences of some of their actions, the Aged can contribute their knowledge on this aspect of their lives, which minimizes the risks →
  17. Research paper on community policing
    That process of problem solving is based on the SARA model, as follows: - Scanning: The identification and prioritization of problems; - Analysis: Research of the known facts about the problems; - Response: Development of enduring solutions to reduce the extent and the quantity of problems; In essence, the philosophy behind community policing is to involve individual police →
  18. Concept of community report examples
    It is also true that the concepts of community continue to attract the imaginations of people. The imaginations arise due to the wide perspective and the connotations of the concept of community. Notably, the concept of community has advanced its significance especially within the context of a dynamic environment. The dynamisms →
  19. Community service
    I believe that it is for the good of character if all high school students should have to do at least forty hours of community service throughout their high school career. So in ending I think that if high school students did community service then it would be a big thank you from us →
  20. Community service hour essay sample
    Once I was finished rearranging furniture, the worker I was with asked me to help him set up the giant Christmas tree in the main lobby. Christophe begged me to do Meals On Wheels with him, and I am glad I did.
  21. How can community health nurses apply the strategies of cultural competence to their essay sample
    This paper will explore how community health nurses can apply the following strategies for cultural competence to their practice: cultural preservation, cultural accommodation, cultural re-patterning, and cultural brokering. Cultural accommodation entails supporting and facilitating the use cultural practices that have been shown not to be harmful (College of Nurses of →
  22. Effective business strategies & analysis of the community books online store
    Because of the importance of these businesses to the global economy, various effective business strategies must be recommended in order to uncover all the types of problems that are affecting our businesses. Problem Statement The Community Books Online Store, is a type of a small e-commerce business that mainly deals with selling of books →
  23. Hate crimes in the community essay examples
    In California, the difference in religion especially between the Jews and the Christians has been one of the reasons why hate crimes have taken place in the state. One type of hate crime that has taken place in California is murder. According to recent research that was conducted in the state, most of the people →
  24. Are animals part of our moral community
    " Moral community refers to the network of those to whom we recognize an ethical connection through the demands of justice, the bonds of compassion, or a sense of obligation". The rest of the people that do not view animals as part of their moral community are people that may not necessarily even hate →
  25. Good essay about community issues
    13 Jul.2015. Clay Shirky is a writer and professor at New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program, who specializes in the social and economic effects of social media. 13 Jul.2015. Shirky, Clay." The Political Power of Social Media".

️📚 Community Writing Prompts for Students

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"Community." AssignBuster, 25 Nov. 2021,