Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Persuasive for biology honors class. subject is related to the book andromeda strain and you need to come up with something related to the book and biology and write a persuasive on it

To some extent, this is a theme in Michael Crichton's novel The Andromeda Strain, where a team of scientists must try to prevent the outbreak of a rapidly evolving extraterrestrial virus. This can be measured as we can identify the changes the virus is undergoing as it travels from one host to another.

Who or what influenced you to apply to syracuse university

Syracuse University expands boundaries of the world's science, the world's culture and technology. But I think it's not reasonable to enumerate advantages of the Orange.

Reasons for low gpa

My wish to transfer to Korea is based on the fact that I have faced several challenges in the United States that have had a negative impact on my education. In my urge to excel in education, I sought help from my professor who gave me moral and academic support.


A Literature Review on Learning Assessment Design for Chronic Disease Introduction The selection of different assessment tools is essential part of determining the learning process of students with regards to the study of chronic diseases. Impact of Learning Assessment on Students' Learning The selection and use of assessment tools can significantly affect the quality of β†’

Ethical concerns

Once a patient has been classified as " red tag", any procedure need to be immediately settled prior to the administration of the procedure, regardless of the necessity and the kind of the procedure to be undertaken. However, it is also the responsibility of the patients and their families to pay for all the medical β†’

Why have not we mastered alignment

INFORMATION SYSTEM ALIGNMENT By 9th, September, Importance of Information System Alignment and Formal Organization Structure This article, based on the research conducted on the techniques used by eight organizations to monitor and improve the alignment and performance of their information system functions, focuses on the challenge of aligning the information system and how it influences β†’

Journal entry #1

It is fortunate that with the modern conveniences of daily living such as the internet, satellite and cable television, and other electronic devices, we find easy access to news, programs, and shows that feature the culture in other countries the language, songs and dances, manner of dress, story plots, games, current events, histories, and so β†’

The discussion of nagel thomases death

For example, in comparing the perception of death of a young person and the death of an old person, one can easily point out that the death of the younger person is more of a loss because he still has his whole life ahead of him. Another context is if the person has seen his β†’

Is it sports, the weather or love of god that keeps us married by william r. mattox

It is a fact that baseball is the most popular sports activity in United States and it has the power to keep the couples who are the fans of baseball, united always. Marriage is a covenant signed by the couples in the presence of God.

Brain fingerprinting 302 wk5

The courts allowed fingerprinting evidence to be used in the courts. Appropriate hypothesis testing techniques must be used on questions of interest to the scientific community.

Advantages and disadvantagess of power point presentation

Advantages and Disadvantages of PowerPoint Presentation Advantages and Disadvantages of PowerPoint Presentation The prolific use of PowerPoint Presentations could not be ignored since it pervaded vast sectors and improved dissemination of relevant information to a specifically identified target audience. The advantages noted in PPT use include " a positive influence on perceptions of learning and β†’

Issues facing gifted learners

The article entitled " Gifted Learners in an Urban Setting: Challenges and Opportunities" written by Grubb presented pertinent issues relative to the challenges that apparently face gifted students in an urban setting. Reaction to the Article One commends the author for sharing the challenges that gifted learners face in an urban setting.

Math problem

In this case, keeping the contribution margin constant, the increase in overheads increases the number of units required to breakeven. Question 3 Therefore, the equilibrium price is $30 and the equilibrium quantity is 20 units.

The role of physical education in the universities

The Role Of Physical Education In The Universities Physical education is a must because it teaches the students more than what their education teaches them. It is important that physical education is given to students so that they become stronger and their minds can open up in a very good way.

Recommendation letter

He is competent in his roles as a production operator, excellent in providing customer care and can serve in competitive work environments. Having satisfactorily completed his university education, he attained a cumulative GPA of 2.9.


Essentially the Facebook approach to compensation offers employees wages that are commensurate with those in the technology industry. The challenge these becomes finding the ' best-fit' between the strategic approach and compensation.

Countercultures; impact on socialization and values in society

The Ku Klux Klan or just the Klan relates to the name of three different movements in the United States. The first was involved in the aggressive role against the African Americans in the south through the era of the Reconstruction in the 1980s and was dispersed in 1869.

Analysis of sonnet 130 vs. dim lady

Another way of stating the theme of both poems is through the quote, " Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". The tone of both " Sonnet 130" and " Dim Lady" is both ironic and sarcastic because both poems seem to insult the woman being described yet the man still loves her dearly.

Assesing organizational readiness for change

In a meeting with senior managers and important middle managers, this change agent should be elected to take on the responsibility of communicating the importance of the relocation effort with employees and coordinate the necessary human resources activities necessary to keep motivation high and commitment top-notch. After electing the change agent, they should be exposed β†’

Application for head teacher position

As a headteacher, I will make sure I capture the imaginations of customers by enhancing the services, products, and brand of the institution to retain and attract them across the market. I will achieve this by reviewing and simplifying the customer-facing processes.

A psychological perspective (lifespan: the early years (continued): parenting, peers and school)

Authoritative parents discuss choices, options and decisions with their child and let him know the pros and cons of, say, preferring one type of clothing to another. Hence, authoritative parents give their child autonomy through communication and reasoning with logic, and also encourage them to initiate and explore new ideas through intrinsic motivation and acceptance β†’


The project was started in 1964 and the last installation was closed in the year 2000. Multics Influences on the Future One of Multics remarkable features was that the OS was written in a high-level language.

Gorporate governanace advisor for case

It is imperative for the role of the good governance in corporate performance, and maximization of share holders' value and the protection of investor's rights. The board should be advised that, the main objective of corporate governance is to reinforce a company, and encourage the standards of self rule so that the intensity of governance β†’

Ethical dilemas internatonalizing firms have faced

Ethical Issues in Marketing Ethical Issues in Marketing This paper is going to analyze ethical issues that arise in Apple Company due to cultural concerns and their causes. M, & Hammer, M.R.

Anything free style

Digital camera has become a popular item; people know that in the range of cameras, digital camera is a latest hit thing. This is the most worthy feature of a digital camera.

Rafaella sartis europe at home

E@H Rafaella Sarti's Europe at Home Rafaella Sarti's book tackled the " diversity and development of the material culture of the household in Europe during the ancient regime" shedding substantial light on the general preoccupations of a household in the Europe of that age but the book has its own share of flaws with regards β†’

Jury deliberations

JURY DELIBERATIONS [School] Number] June 10, JURY DELIBERATIONS The first is a proposal to eliminate the requirement for a unanimous verdict of 12 jurors to make the majority of 9 of the 12 jurors sufficient to stand a verdict of guilty or not guilty in criminal cases, is constitutional and does not violate the Sixth β†’


Paragraph 2: Development of leaders and effective leadership through action learning The practical approach of the Action Learning motivates the leaders to indulge in the work themselves to better perceive the situation. Optimizing the power of action learning: solving problems and building leaders in real time.

The merchant of venice

The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Portia: A Good Leader in a Crisis In the play, 'The Merchant of Venice, Portia is a vital and important character, because she was involved in all the decisive actions and without her, matters would never have turned out so well in the end. Myself and what is β†’

Corporate governance rules albazie law business

Similarities: In both cases a corporate is required by law to have a memorandum of association and articles of association to govern the interactions of the corporate with its shareholders and its own internal affairs respectively. In both cases, the chairman to the board is not the CEO to the corporate.

Incident of morales video

Given also that the new plant is envisioned for construction in Mexico it is clear that Phaust is looking to lower its cost of building the plant. The practice of taking a plant on manual control in order to avoid automatic overrides is also reprehensible.

Data and information

In using primary sources to make a background review of a study, one of the main advantages it provides is reliability it serves as the original source of information of the topic. Choosing the right source whether primary or secondary source depends upon the author themselves as both of the sources may have benefit and β†’

The use of parables in literature

The story Jackson is very metaphorical, as it inadvertently informs the reader of the occurrences at the small village, and the information passed that implies the stoning of a village after a lottery exercise. Conclusion The two short stories and the Sermon on the Mount have a unique connection and that is the usage of β†’

Home work2

I am currently and intimacy versus isolation stage and this paper offers an overview of my experience in earlier stages of Erikson's development, management of the current crisis and prediction over remaining stages besides personal opinion on relevance and applicability of the stages. My life, in my interactions with the environment and my behavior, identifies β†’

Mellow assignment #2

Summary The of California has seen an alarming rate of prison violence in the past and the recent tragic event of the stabbing of Correctional Officer Manuel A. According to the article in The New Yorker, The Brand became the most lethal prison gang in the history of America, starting from California and spreading in β†’

Legal envirn of business

Executive Employment Agreement Executive Employment Agreement The contract signed between Jonny Bee Good and Big Bad Cars is a valid contract with the preservation of all necessary requirements in a contract. In this case, the executive is entitled to a valid compensation for a full period of contract per the original agreement.

The book will do summary from it

The different characters introduced in the previous books and had become part of Harry's life growing up appear again in Deathly Hallows, with several dying in their quest to keep Harry safe. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Illustrating notoriety

Illustrating Notoriety What does it take for someone to be utterly notorious How is notoriety best exemplified in our modern world It is seemingly reasonable to assume that notoriety occupies a precise definition in the mind of the society as anything notorious is held as something which is equivalent to the public, manifest, evident, and β†’

How to change the world

In addition, it is important to create a relevant project for easy adoption and integration; Souza adapts her teaching ideas to India's specific issues, a thing that saw the incorporation of EVS into the India's education curriculum. How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas.

Bloody mary as an urban legend

According to the legend, Bloody Mary was an old woman who lived in the woods just outside of a small Pennsylvania town. From this story, the legend suggests that anyone who now stands in front of a mirror and repeats the phrase ' Bloody Mary' three times in a row will invoke the witch's spirit β†’

Screen time study finds education drop-off by rich

The principal objective of the research was to assess if increased screen time was contributing to education in children. No data was specified for a level of controls however it was apparent that the tested sample constituted of educators and parents of young children.

Fieldwork observation report

The school is located on long island and the study mainly covered five students from grade four, five, and six. Students also have desks arranged in the middle of the classroom as the teacher's desk stay next to the blackboard.

The industry and ethanol producing firms

It is assumed that gasoline production will not be affected due to withdrawal of subsidy on ethanol production. There are a large number of farmers producing maze and there is no barriers on selling maze to any of the ethanol producing firm.

Applied microbiology

The cells within the biofilms differ from planktonic cells metabolically and biochemically due to their increased expression of beneficial genes, phenotypic changes in the colony morphology and the in the production of extracellular polymers. Strategy used in the natural environments includes the microbial control strategy that addresses the microbiological attributes and the impact of microorganisms.

Marketing assigment

I can give you hundreds of such examples but before that just a small out-of-the-topic example, which I think would help the readers bring closer to the point I am actually talking about. I do not deny the quality of the soap but the way it is being marketed, is totally unethical in fact a β†’

Problems publlic schools face across the nation

In the documentary, " Hard times at Frederick Douglass High school," it is emotional, disturbing, and depressing to watch as video unfolds the challenges that public schools in America are facing. For the success of American public schools, it is the duty of the parents, students, and administrators to restructure the educational system of America β†’

The automotive industry in the united states

The United State automotive industry is the largest in the automotive manufacturers. The automotive industry has different sectors that define the success of the industry.

The role of nursing in patience care

In respect of nursing Florence Nightingale, who was one of its most famous practitioners, d that " Nursing is an art, and if it is to be made an art, it requires as exclusive a devotion, as hard a preparation, as any painter's or sculptor's work, for what is having to do with the living β†’

John l. o’sullivan and his times

This belief, when coupled with the geographic, economic and technological realities of the mid-19th century through the beginning of the 20th century led to the rapid westward expansion of the United States. The changing geography of the United States was a factor in westward expansion.

Conceptual math

V = 22 I = 9 L = 12 V+I+L = 22+9+12 = 43 Thus, Yearly Income = Sum*1200 = $51600. 00 Monthly income = Yearly income/Number of months = 51600/12 = $4300.

Week 3 discussion question 1 and 2

If he had been open and honest with the american people from the beginning of watergate, do you think that we would have a better view of Nixon today? Therefore, it would take a different kind of president and transparency in the White House to bring back the blind faith that people once had in β†’

If children are never exposed to risk, they will never be able to cope with risk

Exposing children to risk help them to cope with the risk by developing resilience towards the risk's effects, but may have negative effects on the development of the children physically, psychologically, and behaviorally. Counterarguments Negative consequences linked to exposing children to risks are long-term despite being meant to help children cope with risks.

Demonstration speech on paper airplane (the stealth )

Stealth Paper Aircraft In this demonstration of the manufacture of stealth aircraft, the process is detailed and thus need to be clearly followed. Conclusion The making of a paper stealth aircraft is demanding and thus challenging for beginners.

The arab ideology

The Arab ideology emanated from a wide array of factors ranging from colonial rule, the formation of new nation s, and the urge to find identities from the numerous races and tribes. This led to the mass movement of Arab nationalism.

A salient theme of body hate at beauty: when the other dancer is the self by alice walker

The middle part of the essay describes the genesis of the fading beauty that Alice Walker started to experience. The amount of time and energy that people take in trying to hate and hide some of their body parts that the perceptually deem faulty is surprising.

Assigment #1

A President who was not implicated in the economic meltdown that occurred in the last years of George W. Many Americans saw President Obamas election of the dawning of the new era in the first decade of the new millennium.

Bureau of labor statistics

I honestly believe that the skills and competencies to be gained in this field of endeavor would immensely assist in the degree course that I intend to pursue. In addition, a university education would enable inculcating the needed skills set that are crucial in the profession.

Pandeys article

Pandey's article, " The evidence of the historian" The article focuses on a moment of rupture and genocidal activities; this makes the elimination of the regime difficult. It also focuses on the development of new states that claim the legitimacy of the nation-statehood, sociality and history." The evidence of the historian" analyzes the role of β†’

Case study example

The amount already used for capital expenditure is 60, 000 and the increase in working capital is 78, 000, thereby bringing the amount to a total of 138, 000, which leaves an amount of $1, 362 thousand dollars. The actual Interest tax shield in a given year equals the minimum of the calculated Its and β†’

Element of the folktale in the rocking horse winner: (a) separation from the familiar world; (b) journey into the mysteries of adulthood; (c) return to reality

In The Rocking-Horse Winner, for example, the writer tries to explicate the rewards of thriftiness while castigating its eventual consequence as this paper will show. On that account, Lawrence attempts to explain how living beyond one's means is wrought with high expectations and could result to lack of money in the family.

Fashion theory

Dior," New look promoted a fashion that exhibited the beauty of women and matched the political schema of the new world. Social situation of the 1950s and 1960s The increased number of new-borns triggered the development of the junior market during the 1950s era.

Nativist movements and the new right in american history

During the potato famine in the mid 19th century, a huge wave of nativism took part in unite states after the migration of Irish Catholics to the country. In Massachusetts and other colonies by the 1870s, a celebration of Guy Fawkes Day was done by burning the pope in effigy.

Sociology of aging – discussion 8

Some of the stereotypes associated with minority groups include the stereotype that minority groups like the Mexicans and Arabs are not as educated as other groups and can only do casual work. However, the elderly also suffer from stereotypes arising from their ethnic group and from the fact that they are older than the rest β†’

Poitical science

In addition to this, the group was also actively involved in restocking the fish levels in the rivers and lakes. Most of the students fall in that age group.

5step approach to biomedical science research

These findings led to hypothesis that artermisins interact with a region of PfATP6 that binds thapsigargin-binding cleft of malarial and mammalian SERCAs, and are the determinant of the arteminisinin. Carried Out Experiments and Obtained Data: To determine the role of leu263 and other amino acids in PfATP6 doain.

The fallacy of the american dream. the reservation cab driver and mexicans begin jogging

The Fallacy of the American Dream: The notion of the American Dream, whereby through hard work and earnest enterprise a citizen could rise to a comfortable standard of living is an exaggeration. As the two poems The Reservation Cab Driver and Mexicans Begin Jogging illustrate, the achievement of the American Dream remains elusive for a β†’

Civil right

Watching the discussions of what occurred in the fight for human rights brought so much grief, sorrow, misery and pain to me as a viewer so I can just imagine how the Blacks felt in their struggle to acquire the equal rights they have been fighting for. The Blacks wanted to get rid of racial β†’

Traditional games from five different regions

The traced image will then be checked and then cut out from the cardboard. The tape will then be placed over cut out and allowed to dry.

Frequency distributions

The aim of any instructor is to promote understanding amongst maximum number of students; and thus, a normal distribution would be the distribution the instructor would prefer if a majority of students were to get average scores.3. Thus, students would prefer the distribution of scores to be negatively skewed because this would mean that a β†’

Those winter sundays

In the first stanza the poet has used descriptive words to narrate to its reader the scene in which his father would wake up. In the first stanza the poet narrates the situation in which his father used to wake up.

Congressional term limits

Reaction Paper: Congressional Term Limits Affiliation with more information about affiliation, research grants, conflict of interest and how to contact Reaction Paper: Congressional Term Limits In the first paragraph, you state that term limits ensure that Congress can be more representative of the present generation. It is then the voters that elect a particular candidate, β†’

Mgt 516 slp 3 managing in an inclusive environment: discrimination

The anti discrimination laws requires the companies to focus on posting notices to the employees providing them with details of their rights under the laws of EEOC Also, the companies need to refrain from any form of discrimination like based on color, race, religion, sex or nationality, providing equal pay without discriminating based on sex, β†’

For paper already written

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Blood on the Moon: The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Td 1 mgt- 412 discrimination

The aspect of discrimination is portrayed in this context to be caused by poor development in the social perceptions of the modern world. Several publications have addressed the aspect of discrimination in its various forms.

Illict drugs

Illicit drugs and family engagements Illicit drugs Most reports from the United s and most parts of the world have come to an agreement that any substance taken illegally pose some negative effects to the user. To the patients who have a history of prevalent consumption of illicit drugs, the rate of stigmatization and relationship β†’

Cyberspace communication

CYBERSPACE COMMUNICATION What is the meaning of metaphorical concept according to Lakoff and Johnson In the book Metaphors we Live By written byGeorge Lakoff and Mark Johnson, the term metaphorical concept is used to show how the use of metaphor in language structures what we do and how we understand what we are doing.2. The β†’

End of term

The cons of e-discovery are also important and it can be identified as follows: 1. The e-discovery, in short, has both positive and negative aspects.

Week 5 discussion questions #1 & #2

Though the U.S.must safeguard the fragile peace that exists in the region in order to maintain a stable oil supply for the world, it is important that our nation do so without compromising our political foundation. The United States must find a way to keep the oil supply going without sacrificing the people of that β†’

Your powers of observation

I discovered how the child employed the concept of ownership, by integrating the idea about space in the process. The concept of privacy is a matter of space and ownership.

College admission: doing well within academics

My dream is to make sure that I attain admission in this top notch university and this can only come about when my admission case is considered. I am sure with my hard work and dedication, I will be able to obtain a degree within chemistry and make a name for myself in the times β†’

Ethics modules

Question1: If disclosure of a subjects involvement in a specific research study can be potentially harmful to the subject, and the consent form is the only record linking the subject to the research, which of the following would be most helpful: Your answer: Obtain a waiver of documentation of informed consent. Points Earned: 1 Question3: β†’

Decision of ameritrade toys to move production to chins

The economic benefits of the decision are that it would make AmeriTrade Toys profitable and allow it to make products available at a lower cost to the customer. No, it is not ethical for AmeriTrade Toys to continue using Wen Wai as a manufacturer until and unless improvements are made to the working conditions.

It601-0903b-07 information technology in business management – phase 3 discussion board

This will also allow Thomas to gain access to the payroll of all the stores and keep a complete balance in the company. The intranet will also help reduce the time for the operations and will also allow for better monitoring and controlling of the key projects of FYC.

Analysis of documents about war prevention of president dwight and general george

George made the Americans aware of their vulnerability and strengths and by that; the American army knew what to do and not to do in wars. General George is, however, concerned with the peace of the world which he believes that only the strongest can bring peace to the world.

The legal and regulatory environment of business

The Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business Businesses are controlled by the government through regulations and laws. These laws and regulations are manned in different codes as well as the constitution.


In accordance to the company rules, an employee is allowed to request for a leave depending on the circumstances that surrounds the request. The duration of my request will last for two weeks.

Cyber crimes

Types of cyber crimes in a business set up One of the types of cyber crimes, and one that is widely experienced among service delivery industries, is hacking. Other cyber crimes include jamming of networks and committing frauds over the internet.


Walmart: a Pioneer in Retail Walmart was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 with the intention of opening up a discount store that would offer " the worldan opportunity to see what it's like to save and have a better life". During the early part of the 70's, Walmart was only able to expand to β†’


Due The Possibility of Fighting War Crimes without Leaving the Couch There is no doubt that the release of " Kony 2012"-a super-viral campaign film that now counts over 100 million views online, did bring to the fore the gravity of the brutal tactics perpetrated by Joseph Kony's and his deadly lead militant group, The β†’

Current event summary

The work of Fandel & Bascle indicates the comprehensive history of Luther is one that explains a leader who was willing, and motivated the society towards championing for their rights. Niagawoe is of the opinion that Charles Taylor, as a leader is one of the major contributors of the Liberian civil war.

Week 6 team assignment team c

I enjoyed working together with all the members of Team C. The members of the team will be better prepared in the future to work in virtual teams as a consequence of their experience working together.

And the band played on by randy shilts

First of all, it is necessary to mention that And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic consists of sequential matter-of-fact summaries, which describes the disease in many details. It is impossible to argue the fact that scientists were incompetence in this question, but political apathy towards the problem helped to continue β†’

The role of hr generalist

According to Kandula, human resource generalist is expected to be at the forefront in matters to do with diagnosing human capital concerns as opposed to employee issues. According to Kandula, the main roles of a human resource specialist include: Planning and employment of workforce: he does the role of a recruiter.

Plato’s allegory of the cave

Plato's Allegory of the Cave Can the people of Platos cave be truly held responsible for their error of not knowing about the real world? In the Allegory of the cave, it is a fact that those who did not know about the real world should not have been held responsible for their errors simply β†’

Heaven is what i cannot reach by emily dickinson

As the poem initiates with " Heaven" is what I cannot reach! / The Apple on the Tree - ", it readily communicates to the reader what the picture of ' heaven' is in Dickinson's thought. Though to the common knowledge of everyone, heaven is literally unreachable, the poet still designates to it a figurative β†’

Bus 234 quail p1

The field agents interact with clients on site and may attract new clients from their code of conduct and interaction with existing clients on the ground. The company wishes to conduct a needs assessment to determine the necessity of training its field agents on the best strategies for winning prospective customers to utilize the business' β†’