Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

The allegory of the cave

Allegory of the Cave Introduction The Allegory of the Cave is a story contained in the book " Republic' written by Plato who was a Greek philosopher. Conclusion These are just but a few of instances of how the allegory is brought out in the story.

Wills, trusts, and probate week cd

Alternative Valuation Method The term " Alternate valuation method" deals with the total value of the all the assets of estate at the time of the death of the person for the purpose of a tax on the estate of the deceased person on a date different to that of his death, generally a year β†’

Article review

Drug Abuse in American Youths Drug abuse remains one of the most pervasive issues in the community today. The American community has implemented measures to ensure that teen drug abuse is dealt with.

The usefulness of motivation theory for managers

The Usefulness of Motivation Theory for Managers Motivation theory is useful to managers because it helps them understand the needs of employees and prioritize how to address them in their varying levels of urgency. Managers can use motivation theory to understand and address the training and development needs of an employee.


The Ferris houses the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at its Big Rapids campus, Michigan. One of the most notable merits of the presented information is the acknowledgement of the sources in-text as well as at the end of the articles.

Reviving ophelia – saving the selves of adolescent girls

Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls The book reviving Ophelia is among the most amazing books that Mary Pipher has ever written. From the content of the book, it is evident that the book has a wide audience.

Personal statement

I am ready to confront challenges and deal with obstacles that I might encounter in the learning process. I look forward to cooperating with the management as well as my instructors in the process of learning.


This intellectual property will affect the Quick-Med Technologies in a great way, as the Rosacea disease is prevalent in nearly 16 million American, so a very effective technique of curing Rosacea will gives them a huge market and big profits because other treatments available have side effects and other companies cannot use this technique due β†’

Importance of the address at the time and its resonance in todays world

Lincoln felt the need to make it clear that now that the war was over a new type of freedom and unity needed to exist in America. In a country that was looking for leadership and governance, his speech was the beacon of guidance that every American was looking and waiting for.

Pol2000 american government wk 5 assignment

A common building block of political socialization within the majority of cultures is jingoism, a realization of the country-state and of fitting into it.2. Nonvoting and people who do not take part in elections generally undercut the health of self-governing politics.

Mathematics learning disability

A teacher of mathematics teaching students with disabilities can use the link, to teach mathematics. This also helps in dealing with the conceptual knowledge and skills of students with disabilities.

Selling city futures:the financialization of urban redevelopment policy

This leads to the discussion of the author's concern about the role of local government in shaping and being shaped in the financial markets. Structure In discussing the arguments, the author begins by providing a brief overview of the financialization literature such as discussing the importance and the role of the local government.

Banana garden

Banana Garden Poetry Club Presented By Presented To Lecturer Banana Garden Poetry Club Gu Zhiqiong was the founder of the Banana Garden Poetry Club, although she is not listed formally as a member of the club. In addition to that, Feng Xian, who was a member of the Banana Garden Poetry Club, wrote a consolatory β†’

What are the historical causes of racial inequality in the united states

The popular racist belief system that the white race was superior of the black, which grew at the end of the 1800s, played a big role in validating suppression and the demolishing of the traditional cultures, societies and civilizations of the native peoples of different races and ethnic groups particularly the African slaves who were β†’

Fashionable company

Through the trunk shows clients will be shown a video and photos to inform customers of the company's mission. In conclusion, by adopting the technique of trunk shows, FashionABLE is guaranteed to sell a lot of products and receive a profit.

Case week 2

The essay cites several examples of U.S.companies which have decided to hire employees outside of the U.S.because of the cost savings that they realize from the lower cost of labor in other countries. The country that benefits from the outsourcing of skilled white-collar jobs to developing nations are the developing nations because it provides employment β†’

Price and promoting starbucks

40 In a research on the pricing strategies of Starbucks by Phan, et al, it was revealed that " paying premium prices stimulates production of high quality coffee; allows farmers to increase income and reinvest in their farms and plan for the future; promotes steady and sustainable growth in a market with price fluctuations; and β†’

Germany’s holocaust memorial

Berlin Holocaust Memorial The Denkmal fur die ermordeten Juden Europes or Monument to the Murdered Jews of Europe was opened on May 12, 2005, the 60th anniversary of the fall of the Nazi regime and the end of the Second World War. Eisenman designed the monument to create a sense of instability, and the maze β†’

Extra writing

Comparison of the Two Versions of Geronimo's Cadillac Michael Martin Murphey released the song Geronimos Cadillac in 1972. In 1987, Murphey highlighted that he selected the title of the song after he came across an image that depicted Geronimo in a Cadillac.

Changing american families

The children learn to be responsible for the absence of their parent. In conclusion, children who fully rely on their parents are incapable of growth, economically and psychologically and this may cause them to take a longer time to be independent.

A person of belief

However, I have to say that now that I have been, I look forward with great anticipation of the ability to go and repeat such a process either in Peru or elsewhere during my next break. Although such actions might not be for everyone, I would highly recommend to everyone to at least volunteer their β†’

Review on god’s samurai by gordon w. prange

In this book, the author's thesis revolves around narration of the biography of Mitsuo Fuchida. In the novel, a comprehensive and well researched account of the comedown of Mitsuo Fuchida from the war has been presented.

Looking for a job in business organization

Games Company in Indonesia As marketing chair, I was responsible for determining the next big arcade game to release to the public. I did not have long to come up with a proposal because I was due to go to the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to purchase new β†’

Trading with principles

The award of the best " eco-friendly business" will be a token of respect, and it will be a great achievement for our company if we win this award. Our efforts will definitely help the environment and increase the awareness of the eco-friendly nature of the chemical industry.

Family violence

Victims of abuse ma fail to realize that they are being abused because of their age or may not be in a position to address the issue by seeking help; this paper will discuss the most dangerous type of elder abuse and the rights of a competent elder in terms of accepting abuse and another β†’

Achievements in education

Education for me is an important matter that I believe is a means for me to better my life. I know that this might be a small thing to other people, but for me, this is a great achievement because I was able to discipline myself to still continue with my studies no matter how β†’

Exploring online consumer behaviors

ResearchParticipants and Sample Size The denominator of analysis in this research study is the individual consumer who has familiarity and understanding in buying products online. For the purpose of this study, a sample population of public school teachers within a New Orleans school district would be used to study and analyze their online consumer behavior.

Unit 8: groups, teams, and teambuilding

Exercise 14-2: Analyze the level of group cohesiveness in one of the groups to which you belong. The medical outcome of the nursing team which I work in directly represents the cohesiveness of the work group.

Human resource and employment law

Employees were fighting for payment of time spent getting into and out of required safety and sanitation clothing. Additionally, the employees felt they should be paid for the time spent walking to and from the stations where they worked at both the beginning and end of their shifts.

Calibration of pressure measurement system – lab report example

The digital pressure gauge has a selection point for the required display unit to be posted on the screen. Operation The pressure is applied to the pressure sensors within the equipment.

Groups and teamwork

Running head: groups and teamwork Groups and teamwork Explain how a work group becomes a team, identify five teamwork competencies, and describe self-managed teams and virtual teams. In norming stage, group members tend to identify and agree upon common and acceptable norms related to power and authority; team members develop responsibility and aim to achieve β†’

Why do i want to become a doctor

My interest in science and medicine has been a personal journey that began with hardship and grew to an instinctive and deliberate desire to study medicine and become a doctor. With these experiences, I began to understand my potential to have a meaningful impact on the lives of others.

Habituation in sow bugs

Habituation in Sow Bugs Sow bugs live in almost every moist environment on earth and eat mainly of decaying plant and animal materials They usually habituate cool damp places like under rocks, rotting wood and other decaying vegetation, and need a humid environment in order to thrive. If a large number of sow bugs are β†’

Employment law

In addition, the employer did not give him a proper written notice informing him of the termination of his employment or a pay for the termination. The termination pay in lieu of notice was inappropriate.

Aspects of contracts and negligence for business

Reading Plc has all reasons to sanction Farmer Dale Farm and Bob the Builders Contractors for tort in negligence and vicarious responsibility as explained belowTort of NegligenceDeakin et al.suggests that victims of harms caused by torts of negligence have the rights to recover their damages through lawsuits and must be able to produce relevant evidence β†’

The ace of hearts dog rescue

Personally, I have a dynamic and benevolent approach to business, and this informs my love for animals and extracurricular activities. I believe that USC will instill in me a more holistic approach to business and everything it entails.

Professional portfolio

I demonstrate this by evaluating the ability of the learners while he/she is recommending proper oral dosages that are forwarded to me in writing. For example, I ask students ' What is the main consideration in Oral presentation?' and " How does a nurse follow medication of the patients?' I have also put into consideration β†’

Cultural evaluation

India is a diverse country with having deep rooted traditions, culture, and religion which lives with one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Therefore, it is said that youth of the nation will now be self dependent, individual, cosmopolite, and they would belong to a global culture.

Developmental interviews

According to Kohlberg she is at Stage 2 of Pre-conventional Morality, Individualism and Exchange; she said she would either try a trade off with her sister about borrowing something or just wait until her sister was not available and let her own needs justify using the object. The challenge was in getting this person to β†’

Criticize of the (dao de jing) response paper

Chapter one of the book says that the way which can be spoken of is not always the true way. It is a difficult chapter to translate and interpret and needs one to be very critical so as to understand the hidden meaning of the words contained in it.

Industrial relations

The role of union leaders has become critical to the wider interest of the human capital employed across the organizations. The collective bargaining of the union has greatly facilitated the welfare of the workforce and has promoted their interest amongst the management.

Management science – math problem example

If CONICE were to acquire the company, what production schedule would you recommend How much of each raw material ingredient would the plant be purchasing daily and how much would CONICE earn or lose per day Recommended Production Schedule Regular Individual Bars Chocolate covered vanilla 7, 817 bars Chocolate covered chocolate 1, 072 bars Toasted β†’

About amelie

The film beautifully presents the relentless struggling character of the film heroine Amelie, who strives hard to change her own life along with considering various options for bringing positive changes in the lives of those existing around her. The irrevocable positive element in Amelie is portrayed throughout the movie in such a way that the β†’

The importance of auditing

As such, this paper seeks to critically evaluate the importance of accounting and auditing in the operations of the organization. In most cases, the aspect of auditing is overlooked and this leads to some irregularities in the accounting practices of different firms.

International investments slp

The table below shows the name of the fund, its ticker, the number of shares I decided to buy, the recent share price and the total investment money needed. The ETFs VUG, QQEW, SPYG, and RPX are in the large growth category and I have allotted a considerable number of shares in them.

2 pages only :)

Purpose of the Study The purpose of the present study was to measure the implementation of inquiry by middle school teachers in Kuwait and their beliefs about teaching science as inquiry as a part of the science curriculum. The Role of the Teacher in the Inquiry Classroom Teachers are one of the essential elements in β†’

Introduction to social sciences

Hypothesis Sociological work is undertaken with the help of hypothesis that is defined as a mererelationship between two variables in a hypothetical nature. The usage of hypothesis for a research work is as old as research process itself4.

Workplace communication and content theories of motivation

It states that all the characteristics in combination form what is called Motivation Potential Score which is applied in the determination of attitudes and behaviors of employees. The theory tries to explore the essence of experience and it brings about new insights that bring about success in management.

Social status

In the event that a poor experiences a sudden status inversion and he happens to become rich overnight after winning a lottery, the person will have to cope with several challenges, although the benefits of such positive status inversion outweigh the challenges. However, such a sudden change in status can stimulate many challenges as the β†’

Identify an organizational communication concept that is particularly interesting to you. my degree working toward is in – healt

Arguments against the impact of leadership Lack of impact of leadership has roots in the field of sociology. Argument for the impact of leadership This takes into account a reconsideration of the data and does reinterpret the findings that can point to serious flaws in the research concerning the lack of impact of leadership.

Cutting operating cost

This means that if the company had been spending $200 million on expenses, and then it manages to cut this to $150, the company will be able to decrease liabilities by $50 million. This on the other hand, will increase the assets of the company by $50 million in the form of hard cash or β†’

The day-age viewpoint

The day-age viewpoint has a number of questions that are yet to find a solid solution; this is concerning how the day period differences during the Biblical age and the present. There is enough evidence in the Bible that God's days were much longer than the common 24 hour-days those human beings are used to.

Introduction to business

In addition, by collaborating with Recycling, Stonyfield Farm will have an opportunity to reach out to the community on the importance of conserving the environment by recycling used products. As a result, the company will have to increase its productivity in order to keep up with its expenses.

Developmental psychology related to childcare

On the other hand, research has shown that in high quality child care facilities, the child develops normally, and benefits from the group environment and social interactions with care-givers and peer group. Advice to parents who are deciding the issue of childcare for their child: The first option should be that one of the parents β†’

Right to confrontation

The judges ought to reaffirm that the Sixth Amendment obliges prosecutors to call the lab investigators whose work they depend on. On the off chance that the prosecutors need to utilize the reports, they ought to be obliged to call the examiners as witnesses.

Financial statement

The presentation of the financial statement of the company is done in accordance to standard IAS 1. The cash flow values are expected to grow at a rate of 5% every month.

No name woman by maxine hong kingston and on seeing england for the first time by jamaica kincaid

No Name Woman" By Maxine Hong Kingston As seen in the book " No Name Woman by Maxine Hong Kingston" adultery in an issue with a strong connection to the humanity and the entire society. This is despite the fact that this was not actually the first time that she was in England.

Kinimatics and dynamics – lab report example

Governing Dynamics of Gyroscope Institute Governing Dynamics of Gyroscope Aim: The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the relationshipbetween the precession angular velocity, the spin angular velocity, the applied moment and the rotational mass moment of inertia of a gyroscope in steady precession. Measure the angular velocity of the gyroscope using the tachometer.5.

U06d2 market competition

Considering the health care industry, it is clear that the level of competition and the type of competition is very different when compared to that in other industries. O, & Porter, M.E.

Retail management simulation report

In the month of August, the external market enjoyed a share of 2. When compared to the best slacks in the same month of November, group 1 had a higher market share and a lower price for good slacks as compared to its market share and respective price for best slacks.

The uniform commercial code (ucc)

Unconscionability exists in a contract where there is no equality in the bargaining power of the parties in a contract. Under UCC 2-302, the person who has a better chance of getting out of a contract due to unconscionability is the person to whom goods were sold to in an unfair contract or way.b.

The gamble on teslas gigafactory in the nevada desert

The paper " The Gamble on Tesla's Gigafactory in The Nevada Desert" is a great example of a business article review. The article discusses the construction of Tesla Company on Tesla Motors gigafacotry East of Reno, Nevada.

Answer this question in 2 pages

Interestingly, there has been a great deal of study into the impacts of the " at-will" doctrine on the firing process and how this negatively or positively promotes the interests of the organization. Ultimately, it is the view of this student that the " at-will" doctrine, in application, provides for a decreased sense of employee β†’

Iron and hemochromatosis

The HFE gene controls the quantity of iron that is absorbed in the intestine from food. 5-B) Would you expect the prevalence of the symptomatic hemochromatosis to increase or decrease with the introduction of an iron fortification program or an increase in the intake of bioavailable iron.

Administration issues

The company's background problems revolved around the product of the company known as wall tiles. This was the cause for the success of the company.

After civil rights movementss, the us social movement of the 1960s and 70s

Makers: Women Who Make America is a documentary about the progression of the Feminist Movement in America which started in the 1960s as a reaction tothe lack of opportunities for women. The focus gears toward the point that it was through a series of historical incidents and the aggressiveness for change that women's rights had β†’

Resolving ethical issues

The other underlying moral issue is the directive for Mary to lie to Ted that the Reverend needs the machines. The aim is to push Ted to lower the value of the property.

Why i live at the p.o. by eudora welty

The kind of explanation, he provides about his life and experience is only possible through a character like him. The character, therefore, completes the story and is quite crucial.

Trends in adventure lodging for housekeeping department in chateau hotel

In addition, the hotel can exploit the historical narrative of Louisiana and New Orleans to its advantage. Furthermore, the hotel should invest in equipment that facilitate the adventure of self-food preparation.

Script adaptation

Her eyes are constantly moving as if the girl is asking someone from the audience to help her and take her from this dull life. Bridget stretches her hands to the sky and tells that she hates seeing her mother phoning the list of people who had died.

Journa l#4

IG: You give the impression that you do not know how to stick to your priorities ME: Maybe the blame is partly on me but also from other quarters. IG: What exactly do you mean when you say that the blame maybe from " other quarters" ME: I mean that my friends have a part β†’

Terminology & experiences & beliefs

Accounting Question The original usage of the word can be traced to the nineteenth century around the period of 1840s. I began to associate the term with high intelligence in a given area and high levels of income.

The protection of biodiversity involves a multi-pronged approach in response to numerous threats, challenges and pressures. desc

This paper discusses the approach that the Canadian government applies in protecting the endangered species the primary threats, challenges and pressures that the approach addresses. To ensure that these measures are adhered to, the ministry responsible undertakes constant supervision of the endangered species and their habitats.

The samurais garden by gail tsukiyama

The Samurai's Garden by Gail Tsukiyama In Gail Tsukiyama's " The Samurai's Garden," Stephen is a young Chinese man who studies at a university, and Matsu is a middle-aged servant at a house in Japan. Matsu keeps silent after Stephen's words, but the reader is able to infer that his heart has softened toward β†’

Biology with citation

This is due to the build up of lactic acid, which is generally caused by the lack of oxygen in the leg muscles. The deltoid muscle is a mover and a stabilizer, as it lifts the arm up and it also helps press the end of the upper arm bone into the shoulder socket.

Federal courts jurisdiction

United s versus Alfonso Lopez, Jr discussion of limitations of federal power United States versus Alfonso Lopez, Jr. In the case of United States versus Alfonso Lopez, Jr.

Explain how equilibrium is detemined in the keynesian income expenditure model. use this model to examine the impact of a fall in government spending on the eco

The aggregate effective demand is composed of planned real aggregate consumption expenditure, planned real aggregate investment and real aggregate government expenditure. In the diagram above, the effective demand curve, I and G) intersects the 45 degree line for the level of real aggregate output Y*.


Among the proponents and the critics of the concept of biblical inspiration, the working definition of the principle revolves around this concept; that biblical inspiration requires a person to act as a vehicle and/or channel of god's words. With the power of the Holy Spirit or of a certain divine intervention, the rest of the β†’

Pop culture women’s voices discussion

Pop Culture: The Voices of Women in History I like to listen to 90s pop music because it is reflective of the amazing technology that was moving thenation and the world into the future. There was barely a song out about women " talking to" men that wasnt about real life, as if musical artists β†’


Initiative for Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of The California Initiative that this paper would focus on is the initiative to legalize marijuana which is popularly known as the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010. According to a news report last May, the said initiative upon becoming a law would then allow β†’

Personality development

Using Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development of personality, the authors establish a relationship between well-being of adolescents and identity consolidation of the latter. Latent growth curve model was used to assess and compare correlations between the maladaptive traits, intimacy and well being on the one hand, and patterns of their development, on the other β†’

Horse power – lab report example

Table 2 Person A is observed to be a fast-moving student as evidenced by an average of 5. 72 watts and 61 horsepower on average.3.

Healthcare finance

First and foremost there is need to understand the billing of health care services. Accessibility of health care records to a greater amount of staff, physicians and clinicians is vital to ensure the speed of delivery and determine the individual cost of services offered.

Virtue honesty

That's before the bankruptcy of the company in 2001. We should emulate the example of the small boy who never took anything that he did not ask for.

The examples of direct theatres

Theatre has always been a way for the playwrights to discuss the aspects that have been affecting society in one way or the other. There have been different forms of the theatre that have been witnessed where space has been used in order to highlight the unofficial culture.

The problem afflicting the e-learning system of knowledgeable university

The article goes to great lengths to describe the problem afflicting the e-learning system of KU and the way in which the IT staff of the KU University tried to salvage the e-learning system that had been brought down because of a cyber attack. These and other errors led to the system crashing and threatening β†’

International mass communications

Domestic Violence Domestic Violence Intimate partner violence is a serious and common problem despite the fact that it is preventable. In addition, various form of domestic violence leads to emotional and psychological problems for the victims.

Primary biliary cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is caused by the formation of tissues in the liver as the liver strains in its activities. In the process, the liver gets injured and in its repairing mechanism, there is the formation of scar fibrous material.

Human behavior

Their behaviors were as a result of the killings and torturous activities in the surroundings. This was also as a result of the change in their emotions.

Policy and planning

This essay seeks to investigate the role of stakeholder and managers in this industry and the challenges they face during their engagement in the various stages of the development planning process. A Methodology for the Integration of Tourism in Town Planning.

Abcs modern family

The setting of this film is from the perspective of an unseen filmmaker who tells the story of a modern family. Each character in the series presents a specific personality that is particular to his or her role in the film.

Ambition is the path to success

I want to become a competent Radiologic Technologist, and be a part of a significant team of medical experts who are devoted to give wellbeing and health to hundreds of suffering patients I was motivated to pursue the domain of medicine by a wish to positively influence the lives of people. As I am a β†’

Self assessment

It is common to say that emotions are the fuel of conflict but is also important to note that understanding emotions can be a source of solution to conflicts. Shame and pride go hand-in-hand in that, and pride is linked to the parties' feeling of proximity and connectedness and shame often results if parties' feel β†’