Genuine Review Examples

Article review on critical analysis

The author cites a UK study in which 60 subjects of dementia, as well as 84 subjects of Alzheimer were investigated to elucidate the effect of cerebral emboli (blockage in the blood veins of the brain) on their cognitive functions. On the other hand, a 70-points scale assessing the level of Alzheimer disease was used β†’

Review on indian financial system

The financial system of a country is concerned with: Allocation and Mobilization of savings Provision of funds Facilitating the Financial Transactions Developing financial markets Provision of legal financial framework Provision of financial and advisory services There are various advantages of investing in financial system of India by the foreigners, β†’

Review of literature on the influence of global media on pakistan

Juni in his paper " Impact of Global Media on the Culture of Pakistan" stated that Pakistan is not a developed country and it is verily facing negative effects of mass media, Pakistan is readily being influenced by the west media and entertainment channels replacing the Pakistani culture by others. Shabir, Farooq, β†’

Example of literature review on forensic examination of skype

For instance, over usage of Skype may affect the information about the list of the user accounts, and reveal their passwords to other users. The other effect of Skype usage is that it may lead to a user's computer or that of his contact to be compromised or hacked. The first step in obtaining forensic β†’

Acknowledgement article reviews examples

Article Review: Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: Theory and Practice Abstract The following paper is a review of the article " Measuring Natural Resource Scarcity: Theory and Practice" by Kerry Smith. In this article, Smith assesses the Barnett Methodology to determine if there is an actual increase in natural resources scarcity β†’

Elizabeth a. johnson book reviews example

Methodology The classical positions of the broad debate are based on the Scripture, both from the Old Testament, and the history of God and the people of Israel and God's direct interventions, and also the New Testament and Christ's incarnation, death and resurrection. The other position is the Greek β†’

Daily reading literature review example

God spoke to the old in the traditional African setup through the prophets and they would tell the people what God. All the societies had their own knowledge of God and in most of the situations they would speak of God's presence in everything they did.

Christopher columbus book review examples

The first instance of Columbus' providential belief that he was destined to embark on his journey for the new world was his insistence in the face of rejection. This shows that even in the face of failure he believed that his trip was so important and destined that the Spanish Crown should fund it. Another β†’

Example of what is the responsibility a creator has to his/her creation movie review

In the end, though, he was ultimately responsible for letting this monster loose and the world, and for the death of his wife, father, brother and fianc. Victor had certainly not planned for any of this to happen, but ultimately he was responsible for all the death and destruction caused by the monster. At the β†’

Book review on joanne rypma’s prayers for everyone book review

The book also helps one know the meaning of life and why God's presence in one's life is necessary[1]. Everyone is expected to search for the truth from the scriptures and improve one's trust in the Lord.

Example of movie review on dead man walking

However, according to the Christian rite of absolution before his death and, according to the modern politically correct tolerance for any murderer the villain, which in the final stage of the film, still confessed in committing the crime to the nan, allegedly deserves tears of remorse and compassion both on the screen and in the β†’

Good example of summarize essay book review

Conversely, the article records that true disciples of Jesus Christ must resist the temptations, of the world so as to live in the way that is truly pleasant to God. Subsequently, it seeks to explain the origin of the Jesus Christ as a son and true or real descendant from God while juxtaposing β†’

Literature review on john donnes the flea explication & response

Now it is clear that she has denied him of sex. O: Yet this enjoys before it woo, And pamper would swells with one blood made of two; And this, alas! is more than we would do. I: The poet is complaining that the flea gets to enjoy her without charming her and still gets β†’

Free book review on spiritual knowledge and truth and the highest form of knowledge in platos republic

In the intellectual sphere, one subdivision concerns the understanding of abstract theories and hypotheses , such as odd and even numbers, diameters, angles and geometric shapes, which are assumed to simple exist a priori, so that mathematicians " do not deign to give any account of them either to themselves or others; but they β†’

Example of ann moody biography book review

The memories of the atrocities suffered by Blacks in America over the last 200 years going right back to the founding fathers of America. The African Americans, " the south" live in a state of perpetual fear of the whites like they had done for the past 200 years.

The “long walk to freedom” by nelson mandela review essay sample

The family was wealthy by the standards of the time. However, the state of poverty was common for all native Africans as they had been sidelined by the colonialists. Mandela was the eldest child in his homestead and the youngest of all the sons in the family.

Article review on leadership theories

Therefore, trait theory is a current event that takes place in an organization and related to the organizational behavior. The other leadership theory is the situational theory. This theory is also related to the organizational behavior in an organization.

Example of the existential necessity of midlife change article review

Consequently, to expand on the idea that life can be productive at midlife, the common myth of midlife crisis needs to be demystified. Most people view midlife based on the problems that one is likely to encounter. Such training can help most executives to understand that, after their jobs, it could β†’

Literature review examples

This is the indication that they are not willing to let themselves be guided by the ineffable unknown force of nature lead them and maybe that is the reason the experience draws very deep questions about man and nature in the heart of the author, Crane. In Jack's " to β†’

Free book review on natural science

The scientists from the West have acted in total disregard of the fact that the issues faced by the people of the earth in sectors like the pharmaceutical industry who have continued to exploit the available remedies as regards to the medicinal welfare of the local people. Looking at the various common practices of the β†’

Literature review on proffesor

Decoding of cytosolic calcium oscillations in the mitochondria. A description of the rapid uptake mode. New York: J Biol Chem.(

Free movie review on film viewing guide: oceans (2010)

What is the title of the film, what is it about ? The film that I chose to watch is Disney's Oceans, which was released in 2010. The purpose of this documentary was to educate and entertain the audience.

Movie review on film review the man who planted trees

The short film is one of the greatest short films ever made, a tour de force of fluid, stylized animation that uses color and line in very interesting ways to showcase the importance of nature and the interconnected nature of story. The animation throughout the short film is nothing short β†’

A review of eugene o’neill’s “the hairy ape” essay sample

The one thing which made his life endurable was that he felt that he belonged, that he was a necessary, vital and human part of a social order. And this is not Yank's problem alone, but the problem of the whole social system. Yank wants to find out what it is that has happened β†’

“the suitcase” play review essay sample

" The Suitcase" Play Review Essay Sample The play, The Suitcase, is about two men meeting in the most unusual of ways. And this is where the play's story revolves. Watching The Suitcase was a pleasure.

Literature review methods for artificial recharge environmental sciences essay

This method involves surface distributing of H2O in basins that are excavated in the bing terrain. For effectual unreal recharge, extremely permeable dirts are suited and care of a bed of H2O over the extremely permeable dirts is necessary. When direct discharge is practiced, the sum of H2O come ining the aquifer depends on three β†’

Review on various haze removal techniques

The quality of entire picture of outdoor scene in the foggy or hazy atmosphere is usually degraded as a consequence of scattering of sunshine prior to hitting the camera because of these large sets of hanging molecules (e.g.fog, dust or other impurities) in the environment. To eliminate this color change in the graphic, different fog β†’

Method article review

It was expected that if the infants were able to relate between words and object then in the first half of the training the infants were expected to have related the words with their corresponding objects. The pictures were easily linked to the words by the infants because of the repetition that took place during β†’

Good example of documentary review: a place for pedophiles movie review

Through this, we are able to learn more about the disorder and what to look for so as to protect the children. The name of the documentary is also in line with the contents of the documentary too. The subject is touching and Louis has managed to bring it out in a way that one β†’

Example of article review on articel review on social skills groups for aspergers disorder and pervasive

The strength of this practical research is that the parents can learn the technique and practice with their children suffering from Asperger's disorder in other natural settings, increasing their concentration and social abilities to interact. The section " Practice Point: Start with Simplistic Topics and Review Often" has also a practical role, since it offers β†’

Blind side: family and adopted child achievements

He did not put any effort and failed too much to the point that the schools he went to faked his grades just to make him move on. Big Tony went to a school called Briarcrest Christian school, and it was a school of religious and high-achieving students. Michael got scholarships from numerous universities. Michael β†’

Sample essay on the foreign policies of adoption in arab nations need to be reviewed

The factor should unify the laws in Gulf countries and those of Arab nations into putting the needs of the child beyond doctrines. The law reform I am advocating is the inclusion of a clause on the citizenship of orphans in the laws of countries such as Syria. A case study of the conflict and β†’

Literature review on children in care who have been put into transracial placements

Opponents believe that children should be brought up by foster carers of the same race in order for the child to obtain a ' positive sense of racial identity'. This project also contributes to the debate about the contented nature of ' black identity' and the affects transracial placements has on forming positive ' black β†’

Example of daniel siegal mind brain and relationships article review

According to their inference, the short-term lifespan of information is 20 seconds, and if this lapses then the information decays and thus forgetfulness comes. The Working of the Human Brain (Long Term Memory and Short term Memory). According to several scholars, the small capacity of the short-term memory is a function of the evolutionary survival β†’

Serious case reviews in childcare sector

Improve inter-agency working and better safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Additionally, LSCB's may decide to conduct a SCR whenever a child has been seriously harmed in any of the following situations and the case gives rise to concerns about the way in which local professionals and services worked together to β†’

Literature review: the indian banking system

Under the government controls state owned banks recommends to sell out its public portion to private sector and consume the public property in other economic project which needs more funds and these funds are taken from the privatization of state owned banks. Under the Nationalization act 1969, the largest banks were nationalized with the aim β†’

Example of leisure the basis of culture book review

The role of philosophy is to give us a mandate to stop serving our short-term interests and to consider the deeper, less visible ramifications of the decisions that we make. The rush for both the Left and the Right to make their reactions known held the attention of the 24/7 news cycle for a full β†’

Sample literature review on how tv stereotypes affect a child perception of themselves

Children's behavior and the change in their attitudes is actually the main reason behind the study of the TV and its role in the character building of the new generation. Hence the images about a certain event and persons are typically considered from the past as the final for making a stereotypical view (Culture Stereotypes β†’

Free movie review about north korea

An added bonus is the festivities in Pyongyang on the 60th birthday of the party. The video starts with the futile attempts of the VBS Team to fly to Pyongyang from South Korea. This is true from the library where the librarian claims that Kim altered the design of the β†’

Book review on the simpsons and media literacy

In Douglas Rushkoff's article " Bart Simpson: Prince of Irreverence," he refers to the FOX sitcom The Simpsons as " the closest thing in America to a national media literacy program".Within this program, the Simpson family deconstructs memes and cultural landmarks of television at a breakneck pace, holding a lantern up to the way β†’

Good why children need to spend time in outdoor environments literature review example

In the book, The Last Child in the Woods, Richard Louv says that the today's families have little chances to connect with nature and resulted to intake of processed food that are rich in calorie. Hand Hunt et al.on the other hand, relates natural environment to reduction of stress and other health issues such as β†’

Article review on human evolution in science textbooks

The first was examining the textbooks of the 18 countries and finding out if the topic of human evolution was present in the science textbooks. The second examined two sets images: the Genus Homo in the chapters of the science textbooks on human evolution; and Homo sapiens as part of the β†’

Book review on jan-werner miller’s book contesting democracy

In addition, from these struggles as they will be illustrated in the below paragraphs made this famous continent Europe to attain their democracy. The mass mobilization came and was being shared their sacrifices and became the swollen nations that held their first greatest war in the world history. This is a method that increases the β†’

Occupational carbon monoxide fatalities in the us from unintentional non-fire related article reviews examples

In any case, CO-related mortality information is not accessible through standard reporting plans, and accordingly, the extent of CO- related mortality has dependably been liable to estimation. INTRODUCTION/THEORY OR BACKGROUND/LITERATURE REVIEW Is/are the problem /thesis clearly stated? : Comment: Yes The investigation of CO mortality information β†’

Effect of trade liberalization on jamaican agricultural sector movie review sample

In the 1990s, the trade liberalization in the country continued because of modification of CET and pressure from the World Trade Organization to comply with the international trade regime (Witter, " Trade Liberalization; the Jamaican Experience"). During the post-world war two period, Jamaica's main exports were the agricultural products

The wealth and poverty of nations book review

In this paper, I will respond to Landes arguments about the western world and to his major claim about the position of China and give my views as to whether his argument can still hold a place in our modern world. In his book, Landes attributes the huge economic success in European nations to their β†’

Crevecoeur ‘s letters from an american farmer:rhetoric to define a new american literature review

The letter form of the writing allows him to discuss America from a voice of personal expertise and also in an intimate tone that allows the reader to feel as if the words are written to them. The idea of people coming together from many backgrounds to work for themselves rather than to support nobility β†’

Literature review on belovezhskaya pushcha national park belarus

The forest was even the subject of a renowned Russian ballad showing the cultural connections among the people that inhabit the area occupied by this forest. The Park which is part of this forest is about 340 km from the capital of Belarus, Minsk. They are a very important aspect of Belarus culture which probably β†’

Literature review on the happy family

The story features two snails that believed they were the most outstanding creatures in the whole world and that the entire forest of burdocks was built for them. They are similar to the great Chinese proverb " the frog in a well" in the sense that they lack understanding and vision. The other side theme β†’

Good example of almost maine literature review

The assertion of this play is that all of these stories across the town take place at the stroke of 9: 00 with the northern lights illuminating the slightly surreal, cold and northern night. It is never dull and leaves happier feeling in the thoughts of the audience. Elements Magic and Love are in β†’

The narrator in araby literature review examples

It is however pretty clear, that though this narration is of a little boy, the words are actually from someone who is a lot more mature. The boy seems to be infatuated with Mangan's sister. And it is exactly because on this childish infatuation, that he offers to bring something for her from the " β†’

Good essay on time stands still play review

Sarah is in love with taking pictures of the war scenes, and being in the epicenter of the chaos, her car was hit by a bomb and she was severely wounded. Margulies shows that most conflicts come from the childhood of people (Sarah tells that her parents were quarrelling all the time and this is β†’

Twelfth night

Soon, Viola has gained Orsino's confidence to the extent that the Duke trusts " him" to act as his envoy to Olivia. The joy of the twins' reconciliation is shared not only by Sebastian's bride, Olivia, but also by Orsino, who finally recognizes the true nature of Viola's affection for him, and agrees to marry β†’

James baldwin’s sonny’s blues: to listen and to be freed article review examples

Baldwin seems to reveal through the two brothers' relationship that this is a common aspect of the human condition, to be isolated from each other. The suffering Sonny and his family have endured is immense. Sonny's Blues is a story about the human condition, the challenges all types of people share, and how much better β†’

Free the great gatsby (movie) archetypes movie review example

Jay Gatsby, the protagonist of " The Great Gatsby" is the archetype and represents the tragic hero. To conclude with, a tragic hero usually has a flaw in his character, which is in this case, being too emotional and susceptible for the interference of people who want to hurt them and prevent them from β†’

A review about hr department architecture essay

Although the construct of TM late instigated in the current economic conditions, it is instead apparent that in most administrations where HR section fails to follow the rules and patterns of TM, it comes up short in footings of corporate public presentation when compared to a company that patterns TM ( this impression is clearly β†’

Movie review example

As the story continues it changes into reality as all the characters in the story are shown including Alexandria and Roy who are incorporated into the film. The outstanding character in this movie is Alexandria who is nine years old. The film is, therefore, relevant to the field in that the director has β†’

Kinky and the lost tooth: a book review in relation to child play

The voice in the story is very simplistic and direct-to-the-point, making it clear and obvious that the words come from a child's mouth (although this is a common approach and style that writers of children's literature usually employ; more like stooping down to a child's eye level to connect with them while communicating). The lines β†’

Free article review on blood breath alcohol

Blood Breathe Alcohol This paper talks about the increased level of alcohol consumption in the University amongst the students and other college fans, especially during the game days compared to other social days. Moreover, lastly, the articles also compared the rate of alcoholism between the college fans and the students during the game β†’

Australia— alcohol-related problems literature review examples

With the aspect of social enjoyment, society forgets the deleterious impacts of higher alcohol consumption which they found are not new in global society. Australian Alcoholic related Research Fluctuation in the use of alcohol in is quite evident from 1990s and with the progress there is also expansion in the rate of depression, similar β†’

Air quality article review

The main focus of the paper was on the interrelations that exist between air pollution, and physical activity, and the relation of these two factors to the design of a neighborhood or community. According to the study, outdoor air pollution and physical inactivity were the leading causes of impairments in health. β†’

Free forewords literature review sample

When the concentration of the pollutants reaches beyond the mark and can affect the health of the human being and life alike, the area is certified to have poor air quality. As per the Clean Air Act, the air, climate and energy research done by the EPA is used as β†’

John brown the legend revealed book review examples

Merril Peterson's biography John Brown: The Legend Revisited " is an extended meditation on the life of John Brown and his place in American thought and imagination from the time of his death in 1859 to the near-present". While doing that, the book also establishes the mercurial figure that β†’

Review of john blassingame’s ”the slave community” essay sample

He passed away in February 2000, and is survived by his father, Grady Blassingame, his wife Teasie, and his two children, Tia and John. In The Slave Community, Blassingame argues that despite their physical enslavement, African Americans avoided psychological enslavement and retained their culture through language, names and proverbs; a link with the past; β†’

Example of movie review on slavery by another name film

This, therefore, shows how the government facilitated the torture of the blacks in secret even after slavery was constitutionally abolished in the U.S. Discuss the bias in the film (point of view of the filmmakers). This appeals to the reasoning and emotions of the readers in order to explore on the aspects of slavery.

Book review on black boy

Wright also delves deeper into the mechanics of the Reconstruction period than many arguing that emancipation was taken away from the former masters who were chomping at the bit to continue dominating the slaves. Slavery in earlier times: Wright delves deep into the mechanics of the slavery system in the early 18th century and how β†’

Example of book review on the rise and fall of the american whig party: jacksonian politics and the onset

Holt's The Rise and Fall of the American Whig Party: Jacksonian Politics and the Onset of the Civil War, the American Whig Party is given a comprehensive review of its history during the Jacksonian Era. According to Holt, however, the Kansas-Nebraska Act (and the reaction it received from the public in the North) did not β†’

The jim crow laws review

Even when slavery was abolished, the economic and political system was so deeply entrenched that the passing of the black codes, and eventually the Jim Crow laws, did not hinder the white South's morality. Once it was instituted it became separate from slavery and acquired a social policy of its own. During the Reconstruction Era, β†’

Chika da silva book reviews examples

She was a member to various social groups which were exclusively for the rich and the whites, though she was black and was a well-known slave. He says that rather than being the commencement of the formation of a positive black identity, it was the beginning of the acceptance of moral values by the elite.

Literature review of cambridge by caryl phillips essay sample

The first two of the three narratives are written in first-person voice: those of Emily Cartwright, the mistress of the plantation and Cambridge, a slave on the same plantation. She sees herself as on a moral crusade of sorts and hopes to convert her father to the abolitionist cause through her first-hand knowledge and account β†’

Free book review on religion in america

The church has led to the development of both the American religion and the economy because of its highest population in the United States. The reform helped the Jewish to print newspapers and other media to promote their religion's idea and this connected them to people who were devoted to make the Jewish religion and β†’

A review of efficient market hypothesisβ€”from the point of view of current financial crisis

The joint distribution established based on the information consistent with the joint distribution of future price, the specific formulation is as. indicates the joint density function of the correct future prices, while indicates the joint density function of future security prices based on all the available information at the time point β†’

Genomic medicinean updated primer article review examples

The article, " Genomic Medicine An Updated Primer" by Feero and Guttmacher, offers an update on the field of genomewide scans, or a test that provides a measurement of up to millions of types of disparate genes within an individual's genetic structure. The surgery of the lump removal is successful and Cathy has chemotherapy as β†’

Example of article review on the 2 kinds of muscle fibres are called slow and fast twitch

Did deleting the MED1 gene from the mouse DNA have a negative effect on muscles? We cannot say for sure that the effect of deletion of this gene on muscles was good or bad, because from one aspect it has improved the muscles, the size of mitochondria has been increased in muscular cells which β†’

Ethical issues of genetic screening book review sample

One of the major innovations in this field relates to the invention of PCR and it has advanced the genetic research to the advanced level and enables the copy of genes to be replicated several times with proper speed and ease. The ethical and moral concern lies in the understanding of positive and negative aspects β†’

Common reading assignment book review sample

Apart from the fact that people may not be knowledgeable enough to understand the complexities involved in obtaining genetic information, some information obtained in genetics may not be appealing to the users. Genetics helps a person to know more about their future and in some cases; some of the revelations may not be pleasurable.

Free literature review on feminism, bi-cultural identities, and modern muslim women

Approaching this issue as a logical syllogism, the following inference appears: migrant Muslims express stress and lower levels of adaptation in the host countries, as they respond negatively to the acculturation and assimilation expectations; among the Muslim migrants there are also Muslim women and the logical inference is that Muslim women respond negatively to the β†’

Example of status of jews article review

In ancient times it was called Sumer the positioning of Ur of the Chaldea and the birth place of Abraham. The land bridge that connected Africa and the Arabian peninsular was a source of competition between the two empires.

Philippine history reviewer part un

5 km (2x as long as the coastline of US) * Third country with the longest combined coastlines * Most strategic location for commerce Plains * The Central Plain largest lowland area in the country and known as the rice granary of the Philippines * Cagayan Valley the leading tobacco-producing region in Asia * Agusan β†’

Brillantes review

Though the Philippines has had numerous milestones and setbacks in its struggle to empower the local governments, the perceived openness of the Filipinos to this form of devolution of powers and the observed progress and efficiency among local governments has revived the debate on the implementation of a Federal form of government. THE FUTURE OF β†’

World issues

By broadcasting the bravery of women and girls, who rise above their circumstances, shows that there is a light at the end of this tunnel of suppression. Forced Prostitution, Maternal Mortality and the lack of a good Education, are the three main issues that need to be reversed in order for the healing process to β†’

Everyman and the second shepherds play a review – literature review examples

The spirit of redemption is invoked when the good-spirits of the shepherds return and they decide to go visit the baby Jesus after they decide not to report Mak to the police. Identity. But it is only after we reach for them and fail to be comforted, do we realise the frailty of the world β†’

Summary and review of death cure by james dashner

They were told that they needed to get the chip out of their brain that WCKED put in. They all start running in groups of 50 to the exit of the maze.

Sample book review on the epic of gilgamesh

The people of Uruk cried to the gods to be liberated from the cruelties of Gilgamesh, and they did so by offering sacrifices to the gods. After the death of Enkidu, Gilgamesh feared death, and that is the reason he was searching for immortality.

No mans land movie review

It was shown at this point in the movie that whoever has powers are considered to be powerful and same is the case going on with Bosnia and Serbs and Croatia. After few moments they found a third man from Bosnia, who was wounded and they thought him to be dead but in reality that β†’

Because i could not stop for death by emily dickinson literature review

This poem is one of her most well-known works, and is indicative of her attitudes toward the afterlife.This explication will examine each line of the poem in detail, and determine how it uses language and symbols to thoroughly examine this particular subject. ' Because I could not stop for Death' The β†’

Example of the newseum and it historical implications literature review

It also gives a history of Pennsylvania Avenue. In the newseum, there is a gallery of the Pulitzer Prize Photographs. Offering these gallery to the public promotes awareness of the history to the people. In the newseum there is a section that gives the history of the Berlin Wall.

Can judicial review be reconciled with democracy? essay

In this paper the arguments of different legal experts and philosophers will be used to explore the discussion of this subject. Supporting the position that judicial review is compatible with democracy and serves noble purposes of protecting human rights and that it actually supports democratic principle of the work of the government, I will argue β†’

Corporate philanthropy in the singaporean workforce literature review example

The objective of this paper is to discuss a corporate philanthropy effort initiated by two organizations, the Yale University from the United States and the National University of Singapore to offer a global and holistic approach to research and education with a focus on Asian and Singaporean arts and perspectives. It is important to note β†’

Cultural and ecological factors in the education and socialization of african-american article review sample

ABSTRACT All practitioners in the fields of education, social work, and youth and family services should be aware of the cultural and ecological factors that affect the development and education of African-American youth, and adolescents in other minority groups that have traditionally experienced stereotyping and discrimination. This article considers two culturally-sensitive methodologies for β†’

Free article review on comparative politics

A country needs to select the system that will best fit its needs and conditions. The writer decided to write about the US since the world view is that US is democratically matured and many nations end up copying its democracy. This helps people to understand that politics is a result of the scramble for β†’

Transition to democracy in latin america essay (book review)

Despite widespread economic gains during this period, one problem still persisted, transparent and equitable distribution of these financial benefits to the wider public. To demonstrate political autonomy to the outer world, Latin American countries realized that they needed a transparent political framework sensitive enough to the interests of its people and this could only be β†’

Book review on monsoon: the indian ocean and the future of american power

In this chapter, we learned that the author wrote the description of the country's democracy, based on the tensions that happen, as a democracy that is present in the failing state. We learned in this chapter that India's democratic status is a moderating force as this country is the birthplace of some religions such as β†’

Online reviews – boon or bane?

All the basic needs of a human are being fulfilled by the digital convenience of myriad sectors. Healthcare being a sector of utmost importance is not away from the hackles of digitalization. In this world of digitalization, hospital and physician's review is not far away from the prospective patients. While looking for a doctor the β†’

Reviewing the computer hacking industry

The definition of a hacker according to the Hacker's Dictionary, " a person who enjoys exploring the details of programmable systems and how to stretch their capabilities"." The Internet is just another playing field"." Hackers regard hacking as a game in which their mind is up against that of the system designers".The Internet allows the β†’

The ethereum blockchain review

Societal issues adding to a " regulation" attitude and operational status of a nation are not sound, yet it is not the banks requesting this " control" in any case. Without anyone else by the unforgiving financial reality of living in an Underdeveloped nation. Engaging to enhance the financial status of a nation is not β†’