Genuine Review Examples

Analysis of niccolo machiavelli’s book the prince: a still relevant cheat sheet for managers

This book is a must-read for the CEOs and Managers who are in a need of coming up with strategies and tactics to have a leading or competitive edge over their employees, as there are nuggets of wisdom hidden inside this book for several situations. Obama, being one of the successful presidents in the history →

Reviewing corporate social responsibility of starbucks

All the articles I have chosen are relevant, recent, and address the following issues: Starbucks commitment to the environment, Starbucks commitment to the employees, Starbucks commitment to consumers, discussions of ethical and unethical business behavior, and Starbucks commitment and response to shareholders. Ethical and unethical behavior is always a hot topic for the media, and →

Machine learning -linear algebra review

matrix definitionrectangular array of numbersdimension of matrixnumber of rows times number of columns ONMACHINE LEARNING -LINEAR ALGEBRA REVIEW SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. 90/PAGEOrder Nowmatrix numbers x by y is whichrows by columnsFunny R symbolAll matrices of specific dimensionMatrix elementsentries inside of matrixvector defined asAn n x 1 matrix4 dimensional vector means4 x 1 matrix y →

Theories on creativity | literature review

The summary as the name entails will summarize the main points of the literature; the evaluation sub-section consists of the critical analysis of keys points I found interesting in the literature and then a conclusion. The chapter explained the difficulties of measuring creativity, showing that there are constraints that exist in the locus of creativity.

Econ learning catalytics review

Which of the following would be included in the gross domestic product for 2017?* the value of the services of the real estate agent the value of the house in 2017 less depreciation the value of the house in 2017 the value of the house in 2003 *the value of the services of the real →

Review on playing cards essay sample

The performance, set in the luxurious city Las Vegas during the Iraq war in 2003, emphasizes a completely opposite image with the stunning flashlight of the city as it usually expressed. The first card suit in Spades represent the " Swords" is a thrilling performance with perfect combination of visual and audio effects as well →

Literature review of foreign exchange essay

The Foreign exchange trading history started in 1875 with the birth of the gold standard monetary. The aim of the implementation of the gold standard was to guarantee any currency, to set amount of gold.

Review of the teaching of early reading

This enables them to consolidate their knowledge and to secure word recognition processes as efficient and effectively as possible.' Children must understand the purpose of learning phonics and have lots of opportunities to apply their developing skills in interesting and engaging reading and writing activities'. By doing so, it will enable me to monitor children's →

Multivitamin review essay

The main benefit of taking a multi-vitamin every day is to prevent deficiency. Too much Vitamin K can cause blood clots, but taking a multi-vitamin every day is very beneficial.

Credibility assessment of peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed sources essay sample

Credibility Assessment of Peer-reviewed and Non-peer-reviewed Sources In order to advance the current knowledge of their field, doctoral students must be able to assess the credibility of information. To gauge credibility, students must understand the difference between peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed sources and utilize a method for assessing the credibility of those sources.

Review of the ones that got away

The ones from Omelas go away as a result of they are doing not need to be a celebration to the terrible crime of scapegoating the one wretched kid. The individuals of Omelas settle for the sacrifice of the kid as a result of it keeps them in their good life.

Arrogance of power review essay sample

Fulbright uses the survival of the human race to embark fear as well." Man...for the first time, is in a situation in which the survival of his species is in jeopardy," is one of many sentences aimed at the readers sentimental sides. In addition to his use of pathos, Fulbright also has an excellent use →

Book review: young, gifted and black: meet 52 black heroes from past and present

With a title from the Nina Simone song, " To Be Young, Gifted and Black," the author has curated a collection of historic black figures, which is accessible for children seven years and upwards. In the preface, the author and illustrator call the book a " love letter" to their ancestors and " to the →

The choice between gale and peeta in mockingjay

Throughout the books, it is inevitable that the series will have a romantic conclusion, and in the middle of the uprising against the Capitol, Gale and Peeta discuss Katniss' final choice at the end of the war with Gale declaring " Katniss will pick whoever she thinks she cannot survive without". In the case of →

Literature review of international business in u.s.

In the fourth and final step the product of the feasibility study should be properly communicated to the decision-making management. The goals of management should be to acquire specific knowledge of the partner, in a joint venture situation, as well as the financial aspects, and the business-environment.

Episodic memory assessment and remediation in normal and pathological aging using virtual reality: a mini review

At the theoretical level, the use of VR in memory studies addresses the pivotal role of self-experience and bodily representation, raised by the embodied cognition framework, in supporting EM. In summary, some of the previous studies in healthy and pathological aging investigated the effect of the degree of interaction of the VR system on EM.

Book review-the voyage of the frog essay

David felt that now, felt that he had to know things, know all things, but there was not a way to learn on the boat, not a way to study and gain knowledge. David suddenly comes to the realization that he is alone at sea, as I am alone in my decisions.

Review of flannery o’connor’s book, a good man is hard to find

Accordingly, it is the grandmother's thoughts and point of view that the readers have access to, thus revealing the use of the third person point of view in the novel. In her novel, A Good Man is Hard to Find, Flannery O'Connor employs the use of various literary elements, techniques and devices to narrate her →

Ginkgo biloba: evaluation of memory article reviews examples

The outcome of this peer-reviewed research came to the conclusion that Ginkgo Biloba is ineffective in regard to treating Alzheimer's and dementia after a study conducted over a period of four years. Reviewing the effectiveness of the study, the peer-reviewed reached the conclusion that, in neuropsychological domains of both Ginkgo Biloba and Placebo groups; memory →

Book review napoleon a life

He is also the best author of the book known as the Storm of War. According to Kelly, Roberts describes Napoleon as a passionate, inspired and visionary leader of the first modern state.

Usefulness article review

The subject article was published in the New York Times on 4 July 2011 and was entitled: " The Bicycle Dividend", by Nancy Folbre. And the more people use bikes, the safer it becomes, as bike lanes on the roads attract greater numbers of cyclists.

Unredeemed captive review

What was the population of Deerfield in the Fall of 1703? 3005. Which Williams family member died on the second day of the march?

Exam review guide

Then, as you review the items listed below, think in terms of how the theories discussed in class relate to the particular scenario described in the article. Please do not forget to bring a copy of the article with you, so that you will be able to have it available for your reference.

The entwistle 4mat review theology religion essay

The book displayed the faith and assurance that psychological science and Christianity should unite for it to possess a higher apprehension and allowing the client a higher chance of mending. The Word of God is the Bible that God created as a usher to populating life in the manner that God designed to be the →

Mechanisms that the federal drug administration has to protect the population from unsafe drugs

If it finds the firm violating the law, the agency encouraged the offending company to intentionally correct the problem of recalling the faulty product from the market. Lastly, since numerous drugs are being produced by drug manufacturing firms, the FDA has accelerated the reviewing process of the drugs.

Article review: effectiveness of acupuncture for lower back pain

Medications for acute and chronic low back pain: a review of the evidence for an American pain society. Effectiveness of Acupuncture for Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review.

The fault in our stars book and movie review

It was a story that they turned into a movie and there is a reason why and i am going to tell you. It made me look at life a lot diffrent.but if you want to find out more your just gonna have to read the book and watch the movie.

Bad seed

Her personality will not portray her as evil but in the end everybody realizes that she is the one who killed her classmate. The personality of Leroy as depicted in the movie while considering the trait theory of OCEAN is; Openness- he noticed that Rhoda is not like other kids within the neighborhood, and continuously →

An argos strategic review marketing essay

This report summarises Argos' new Strategic Review, its findings & implications and also surveys the various factors considered during the review, the strategy they would adopt and also examines if this new step would be beneficial for the growth of Argos in the long term. Argos is also adopting a strategic option; by retrenchment they →

Several situation under review. its purpose is

Its purpose is to update on the latest state of a news item. Therefore, a fitting definition of news is an item of communication through mainstream, official and personal means of communication that passes on new information to the recipient to achieve a clear objective.

Industrialized building system (ibs) | literature review

The IBS system is actually apply in construction industry is mainly to reduce input and generate more output by maximize or fully utilized the production, transportation and assembly during construction stage which indirectly save up a lot of time and costs for the process of above." Meanwhile according Warszawski, IBS defined as a set of →

Review of the book the spiritualist murders by james musgrave

This is the second volume in the Portia of the Pacific Historical Mysteries series, and the characters from the first instalment are revived in this one. I would recommend this book to any fan of historical fiction with a murder mystery thrown into the mix.

Flags of fathers by james bradley a book review essay

His ability to narrate the events and bring history to life in the minds of the readers has made him one of the most sought authors by history enthusiast readers. The book mainly points out the fact that remembering this account in the American history is a strong mark of the American soldiers' courage and →

Film or play

In order to avoid Antonia and Alonzo, he proceeds to create his own kingdom in a remote island in Greek with Miranda, Aretha, his mistress, and Kalibanos, a goat herder and the only inhabitant on the island before Philip arrives. Unlike Shakespeare's Prospero, the protagonist of the film Philip, performed by John Cassavetes is portrayed →

Resilience: health and literature review page essay

Rather, the focus of the coping is on the resultant stress itself and entails basic stress management responses." Out of the beliefs and values in the culture people are able to create a strategy for manageable suffering, a strategy that can convert the endurance of unavoidable hardships into a moral virtue". This raises the study →

The emotion of fear in richard wright’s “native son”

Bigger is controlled by the fear of white people and this fear caused Bigger to kill Mary Dalton, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dalton was unable to see Bigger when he murdered Mary as in the text it states " Mary?

Book review: clés des songes et sciences des rêves. de l’antiquité à freud

The aim of this paper is to analyze the western tradition of studying oneirocriticism: the book of interpretation of dreams, cles des songes. In the introduction, the authors highlight the work of Aristotle as the two different representative points of view of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: dreams as a natural phenomena and dreams as →

Summary and analysis: the secret life of walter mitty

Nuuk, a drunk guy he met at a bar forces him to sing and they both get into a fight and just when Nuuk is about to hit him with a broken glass bottle, Mitty notices the his thumb, which is the same as he saw in the picture and they both indulge in a →

Technology in “the pedestrian” and “fahrenheit 451” by ray bradbury

The story " The Pedestrian," has a major problem in the world we live in by not seeing the full aspect of life and having it revolve around technology which strictly connects to the story " Fahrenheit 451". This connects to the story " Fahrenheit 451" by both of the stories sharing what will happen →

Check your privilege

As such, the school environment posed numerous challenges that included a lack of concentration and an uncomfortable feeling. Personal experiences in the American neighborhood inflicted a sad reality of the harsh treatment in the world for minority individuals.

Compulsive internet use scale test review

The purpose of the first study was to evaluate the internal consistency of the CIUS as well as the validity of the construct. When discussing the results of Meerkerk's CIUS study, validity is important in the development of the CIUS because the test must be able to measure the elements of compulsive internet use.

Tongue’s blood does not run dry by assia djebar | review

Recalling the horrifying nights in the annals of Algerian independence in the early sixties, she pens her work between France and her native country, in the echoes of women who have dual loyalties and who are multi-lingual. In the story, Djebar motions at the oscillations of Europeans from their settlements to France and back to →

Review of the novel tuesdays with morrie by mitch albom

The novel was actually written to pay of Morrie's hospital bills; Albom himself did not expect the book to be popular. But he did not care about the rejections and declines; he took the risk, wanting to do this for the sake of his teacher.

Pest analysis theoretical review management essay

Germany's economy has also contracted and continued to fall in the eight years periods of Walmart's operation before finally it announced to leave the country by the end of 2006. Furthermore, Walmart's IT-driven supply chain is considered as a leader in the use of efficient technology that the company invested on a private satellite network →

The hurt locker movie review essay sample

In the beginning, a bomb disposal goes bad and Sargent Matthew Thompson is killed by the blast, Eldridge blames himself for his friend's death because he had the chance to shoot the bomber, but he was too scared and so his friend died. Eldridge invites his commander out to the field to see what really →

Literature review: are sunbeds safer than natural sunlight?

The amount of exposure time and intensity of UV rays varies according to the different skin types as the different skin types have a different reaction to the exposure of sunlight. Harvard states that the protection of the base tan, which is your body's natural way in protecting your skin from the UV rays, has →

Review of khayal darpan

As mention by great modernist poet Faiz, the body of art is the visible representation of a national identity, however in case of Pakistan forging an identity of its own rather than adopting from Indus valley civilization was the one of the reasons why pre partition art was throw in to abyss. Yusuf documented some →

Journal review

Issue The purpose of this research is to identify the main problems that can be encountered during the implementation and use of a performance management yester. The objective of the study is to examine the impact of HARM practices on organizational performance.

Listening to walker junior high school choir. live performance review

In the beginning of the choir show, Walker had sung " You Are the Music In Me" by High School Musical. In addition to this, all the choir students had only sung the chorus.

Middlesex by jeffrey eugenides: contradicting roles of gender

At different points in the novel, Cal conforms to the constraints of a generic male or female gender, wearing dresses and having the hair of a young girl or the suit, tie and physique of a grown man. Taking the viewpoint that Cal was meant to be a person in between male and female and →

Book review: language teacher cognition: a sociocultural perspective

A Book Review on Language Teacher Cognition: A Sociocultural Perspective Li Li, 2020, 353 pages, ISBN: 978-1137511331 Written by Li Li, Language Teacher Cognition: A Sociocultural Perspective, as the title indicates, explores the topic of teacher cognition from the perspective of sociocultural theory, aiming to theorize and analyze what teachers think, believe, know, and do →

Structure and meaning in literary discourse

Linguistic and Literary Issue 3: Phonological over-regularity, grammatical over-regularity, and lexical over-regularity are the components of linguistic over-regularity and in " in Just" by E.E. Therefore, the linguistic deviation and over-regularity are the two factors that ensure the use of the foregroundingtechnique in the poem " in Just" by E.E.

A brief review of horatio nelson history essay

Suckling had been the commanding officer of the HMS Dreadnought, a 60 gun ship-of-the-line, and had seen combat against the French in the West Indies. The threat of war with Spain diminished, Nelson did not sail for the Falklands, and the ship he had been assigned to was taken out of commission.

The analysis of “jasmine graves” by christina speller

In addition, they must study the ways of the modern people crowding them so they can feel a sense of belonging in this community, and be able to speak with others and they can try to obtain careers to help themselves and family. In the story, the girls are forced to go by a new →

Free article review about the need for alternative energy

In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to the development of alternative fuels due to the continuous depletion of non-renewable energy resources, emission of greenhouse gases and soaring costs of petroleum. Recent advances in the field of biology and applied technologies have greatly increased the possibility of the production of biofuels using this vast →

“america’s failing experiment: how we the people have become the problem” analysis

But I am fundamentally compelled and in agreeance with his thesis because he acknowledges the fact that America is also to blame for shaping us to think this way; Under a country who values democracy so much and conditions these types of characteristics and beliefs onto their citizens. Although, with that being said- I would →

Review of related literature of enrollment system essay sample

Which enforces its standards, advises the government, and help coordinate between the center and the state? This continuous performance is the reason that it granted a second level re-accreditation by The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation.

Book review on platoon leader: a memoir of command in combat

And as he was readily equipped, he was brought to the StrategicHamletProgram formed by the US armed forces in the 1960s to weaken the Viet Cong through civilian control, which, failed in the 1970s. The novel provided a realistic point of view to both sides of the war good and bad, the thoughts that prevail →

Analysis of john humphry’s article “i h8 txt msgs: how texting is wrecking our language”

Humphry's objective to the reader is that texting is shattering the world of formal writing and is fearful that it is going extinct. Humphry's objective to the reader was texting is shattering the world of formal writing and he was efficient in proving his argument.

Bio 101 review questions

The colors of light in the visible range is ___.a) ROYGBIV 14. The role of NADPH in oxygen-producing photosynthesis is to ____.b) supply carbon to the carbohydrate 29.

Book review: exemplary practices in marine science education

E, Lantz-Anderson, A, and Crouch, F. Google Scholar Niedoszytko, G, Wojcieszek, D, Podlesinska, W, and Borowiak, K." Implementing ocean literacy through the bond of informal and formal education," in Exemplary Practices in Marine Science Education, eds G.

Review of a streetcar named desire, based on the vision of blanche

Blanche was subjected to a series of deaths in her family and the ultimate loss of the ancestral home. But illusion is hard to keep up and Blanche is at the end of her strength.

The cfo & the performance and budget review

The company president is reviewing the performance and budget of the marketing department with the vice president of marketing. If budget is over or underutilized then VP Marketing can give its justification and on the basis of whichperformance of entire marketing department can be evaluated.

Book review: self and social identity in educational contexts

While the above is, undoubtedly, a non-exhaustive list of those currently working within the area of " self" and " social identity," Mavor, Platow, and Bizumic's book " Self and Social Identity in Educational Contexts " utilizes social identity theory combined with self-categorization, referred throughout as the " social identity approach," to highlight the importance →

Literature review: smoking and coronary artery disease

To assess the knowledge of diabetic smokers about the health risks of smoking and their awareness of nicotine medications. To compare between varenicline and NRT in the abstinence rate of smoking.

A review on the book of suicide sociology essay

Taylor suggested that prior to Durkheim's study, suicide act was regarded as individualistic, which rose of individual psychological tendencies Durkheim's " Suicide" challenged the popular academic views and claimed that suicide is a social phenomena, which depended on social causes and it is collective in nature. In his findings he highlighted that suicide rates, for →

The glass castle review: taking your life in your own hands

Jeannette depended on her parents to only want what's best for her siblings and her, but she quickly realizes that for her to be able to get out of her parents hold and thrive is to do it on her own. This moment symbolizes Jeannette's sinking period in which she had lost herself to the →

Extra credit #2

Film Review on Financial Crisis The CNBC Subprime Mortgage Special - House of Cards gives an explanation of the global financial crisis. The financial greed among investors is what led to the financial crisis.

Natural things and drug metabolism

Natural products such as herbs are a significant source of enhancing the activity of metabolizing enzymes in addition to reducing the concentration of several drugs which might be harmful for normal body functions. In order to identify the effects of natural products on drug metabolism consider an example of Ginger.

Review strategic aims and objectives of infosys.

Even though some CEO's describe the vision for their selfish purposes, a company has to have a vision which determines the ways that the company has to adopt in order to reach the goals and objectives set for the company to progress in the market where the company exists. The mission statement of the company →

The problem and review of related literature and studies

With Telepharmacists being the ones performing complete drug utilization reviews on the patient medication profile and performing the mandatory patienteducationcounselling to patients over the phone, the readiness of the community pharmacist on the task is crucial to the effective implementation of the Telepharmacy. The fact that the Telepharmacy service permits delivery of effective pharmaceutical care →

Article review-how collectivism affect management(international management)

Secondly, the study not only looked at the mere relationship between collectivism and propensity to trust and OC, but also explored the process that links the antecedents to OC. Besides, the role of organizational-based self-esteem as valid mediator of the effects of collectivism and propensity to trust on OC was confirmed, while organizational tenure moderated →

Literature review: diabetes, inflammation and obesity

Inflammation is a helpful process to fight against infection through the use of proteins and cells from the bloodstream to the site of infected tissues resulting in the pathogens to be directly destroyed. The attraction of microbes and antigen-presenting cells into the lymphoid tissues are helped by chemokines and this cause the activation of lymphocytes →

Hedda gabler review document essay

This tells the reader that it is a season of death, and this foreshadows the death and decay of nature and the environment, clearly foreshadowing future death and decay within the play and its events. The importance of the past on the present and future: Hedda's life prior to her marriage with Tesman, which is →

How to live safely in a science fictional universe

While it seems like this is a metaphor for the physics of the machine, it actually is a metaphor for how people think about the past and the future. In the story, the main character is overwhelmingly intrigued with the past, and uses the time machine to prolong that he forgets about his present.

How to write book review assignment

For achieving this academic goal, you will have to find how to do an assignment book according to the history of its creation. You will have to ask your teacher about which type of the book review you need to consider.

Litrature review

All of them are in unison about the growth prospective of Indian retail market however there are some difference of opinions about the value and volume of the market. The report states that the size of Indian retail market is US $ 435 Billion with 7% organized retail sector with expectation to grow to 20% →

The battle of ape and crab by william elliot

The Battle of the Crab and the Ape, by William Elliot When a person only thinks of his or her own profit and tries as much as possible to benefit their interest in expense of some people, at the end what is incurred is hatred, disowned and possibly death, like in the case of →

Independente movie review

In addition, the movie offers solutions to the plastic problem and highlights some of the measures people in some countries are taking in order to deal with the problems related to plastic. In addition, the film showed that each one of us is to blame for the problems associated with plastic that affect the contemporary →

Production systems

In virtual prototyping technique, the individual or integrated parts of a larger product may be accessed and opened using computer aided engineering software to imitate the behavior of the actual physical product. This type of prototyping accounts not only for the production of entire product and their parts but also the assembling and linking of →

Book review: holographic entanglement entropy

The holographic correspondence between d +1-dimensional Anti-de Sitter spacetime and conformal field theory in d dimensions [ 4, 5 ] points to the geometric counterpart of the entanglement entropy, the so-called holographic entanglement entropy [ 6 8 ], which is the topic of the new book by Rangamani and Takayanagi [ 9 ]. A comprehensive →

A review of evidence-based therapeutic interventions for bipolar disorder term paper example

Recent research shows that there is a significant need for adjunctive psychotherapy to supplement and optimize the benefits of medication, Researchers and clinicians recognize that quality of life outcomes are at least as important as clinical outcomes to successful treatment of bipolar disorder A growing body of literature indicates that psychotherapeutic interventions benefit bipolar clients →

Journal article review: when i’m 64 how the boomers will change health care

Journal Article Review The report in question has been produced by the American Hospital Association and discusses how the health care will change as baby boomers come to an age where they require healthcare services to the level of today's senior citizens born during the 40s and 50s. Clogging of the health system and a →

Literature review on a strategic alliance management essay

In such arrangements, the responsibility is usually assigned to the partner that owns the majority of the stock in the joint venture. In contrast, control is a more proactive and interventionist approach and leads to a low risk perception through affecting the behavior of the partner.

Literature review on preassigned article on amniotic stem cell

ISOLATION OF AMNIOTIC STEM CELL LINES WITH POTENTIAL FOR THERAPY: A LITERARY REVIEW 2007 Isolation of Amniotic Stem Cell Lines With Potential for Therapy: A Literary Review INTRODUCTION The issue of amniotic stem cell science is one of incredible controversy and complexity, and the article Isolation in Amniotic Stem Cell Lines With Potential for Therapy →

Sample outline for a book review essay sample

Body Paragraph Summarize the important points of the book Use quotes or paraphrases from the book to prove your points. Use quotes or paraphrases from the book to prove your points.

Micronucleus assay procedure | literature review

13 In the last three decades, ever since the advent of MN assay on exfoliated cells, the buccal cells have completely replaced the usage of lymphocytes for the obvious reason of non-invasive collection of cells and simpler method for analyzing the MNi. The MN assay in buccal cells was also used to study cancerous and →

The dark knight rises – movie review

The Dark Knight Rises Movie Review Eight years since Batman vanished into the darkness of shadows where he turned from a hero into a fugitive, being a scapegoat burden with hiding the truth of Harvey Dent to maintain justice to the city of Gotham. In The Dark Knight Rises we can experience the impressiveness of →

Obsessive compulsive disorder at the example of the novel “paper town” by john green

In the beginning period of relationship, there is an enormous and moment fascination toward one's affection in love which gradually proceed onward to end up a delicate and delightful relationship in light of companionship and trust and keeping in mind that this is the conventional climax for all relationship, there are occurrences when these pleasure →

Analysis of the issues of race, class and gender in the book the contexts reader by douglas hartmann

In passage number 22 Poverty and Welfare in the Contexts book, I learned that race and class have a lot to do with our poverty and unemployment issues, it is stated that " Most Americans will experience poverty during their lifetime but it has little to do with individual motivation or attitude". Gender is a →

Technology review

It can be used in classroom to enhance the learning experience and to bridge the communication gap developing a mutual relation between the student and instruction. It is a very reliable website for instructors which aim to compare the work submitted to the teachers with works on the web in order to check the reliability →

“giovanni’s room” by james baldwin

The picture of the couple on the wall is a constant reminder to Giovanni the life he had in Italy with his wife, and the life that he wants with David in his room. David closes his homosexuality in Giovanni's closet of a room, and outside of the room he is not homosexual or with →

Review of john green’s novel the fault in our stars

Gus turns out to be promptly pulled in to Hazel and, however the inclination is shared, Hazel realizes that their affection is bound from the beginning. The Fault in Our Stars is something that will speak to everybody, as it pulls on your heart strings and makes you chuckle.