Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

Open forum intelligence analysis

Open Forum Intelligence Analysis From the beginning of this I have been able to widen my scope on matters to do with intelligence analysis and the use of the structured methodologies. However, I do not seem to understand some aspects mostly to do with Analysis of Competing Hypothesis. To my understanding, ACH is an analytical β†’

Comparison of non-vegetarians and vegetarians

Non-vegetarians and vegetarians are similar in that both consume vegetables, both see their diet as a means of staying healthy and physically fit while the two differ in the range of foods, perceptions about animals, and tendency to become overweight or obese. The desire to be a vegetarian comes from a myriad of sources which β†’

Ethical decision making and ethical leadership

I understand your current dilemma, and I am glad that you are seeking further insight into the issue. The Kohlberg Model is of critical importance in this situation as it can help you analyze the level of ethics you should exhibit. Therefore, I hope you will reconsider the company's code of ethics as well as β†’

Cultural exploration

Hence, the US culture promotes equality among the gender and give them equal expectations. Similarly, India and US are different in terms of task relationship. For instance, women are expected to rear children and pay dowry to the husband.

Interest and security lies

I intend to use the knowledge that I have gained in understanding terrorism in correlation to international relations to a more substantial application that goes beyond the four corners of the classroom. As a nation, it had been an imperative function for us to communicate and develop ties with other nations. I have been working β†’

English only: press no – editorial in los angeles times

Although proponents of English becoming the official language of the United States would say that it helps to unite a diverse group of people, the action of making English the only language to be officially used in the United States would only turn immigrants against native English speakers. Although forcing new immigrants to only use β†’

Political-economic resentments in gulf

POLITICAL-ECONOMIC RESENTMENTS IN GULF Iran and Iraq are the two most dominant countries in the gulf region with conflicts. In fact, the war overstated the oil production all over the Gulf area. The " Tanker War" was expanded to the extent of involving the tankers that were used to transport oil to the Gulf since β†’

Sex education in the united states

Thus, they gain diversified knowledge about the attitudes and views of society regarding sex-related issues like socially-accepted gender roles and social taboos like abortion, birth control, etc. "...cultures around the world socialize boys and girls through both, direct and indirect means, to understand their gender roles in society".Thus, children and adolescents develop their social and sexual β†’

Injustice in society: racial recognition in the us

This paper will discuss whether or not racial reconciliation has already occurred in the United States, especially in the aftermath of Obama's election as President. Body Racial reconciliation has not been achieved yet in the United States. In a survey of Americans, about 37% African Americans and 46% whites believe that some improvements in β†’

Unemployment in the united states

The expansion of businesses and the direct investment by the government in the entrepreneurship programs tends to do little to eradicate the issue of unemployment. The rise in technology, particularly companies and offices is, therefore, a major issue that is contributing to the rise in unemployment in the United States. The government also faces the β†’

Aristotelian and confucian virtue ethics philosophies aristotle and confucius

One of the similarities between the views of the two philosophers on virtue ethics is functional holism and perfectionism. Review of the ethics of Confucius and Aristotle: mirrors of virtue.


As a result, every organization has a mandate or ensuring that part of the revenue collected through sales is taken back to the society to help in improving the living conditions of the people through supporting noble programs such as education and environmental conservation. Explore I find it absurd that a company can outsource β†’

A systemic necessity or an act of convenience

Are there systemic factors involved or the students are simply morally wicked to involve in various forms of plagiarism? Who is to be Blamed In his New York Times article " A Survival Skill", Mark Bauerlein argues that cheating has become a digital cultural practice in the age of information sharing. However, β†’

Women’s empowerment as a development goal

It is also done to know if a certain independent variable creates a negative or positive impact on the dependent variable. To dispute or agree with the question that empowering women has increased prejudice in men, the subject has to be divided into two different parts mainly, the experimental section where the stimulus is administered β†’

Preventing nuclear capacities in north korean or iran

There are a number of measures that I would have taken to this end if I were the president of the United States, these include: Possible Measures to Prevent North Korea from obtaining Nuclear Capabilities Pressure North Korea to Return to Six-Party negotiations The United States can possibly employ the use of economic β†’

Us intel community

Therefore, the confederate and the union leadership valued intelligence and thus established spy networks. Over the years, both the legislative as well as executive arms have devised committees and commissions that have proposed for the reorganization of the US Intelligence Community. Foreign intelligence refers to the information about foreign government's activities or the activities of β†’

Hot topic

Winning the case followed a series of unethical market based policies in the past. Topic 2 A shocking Lack of Common Sense Milligan reports the most shocking unethical practice by a Republican senator. Shock faces allegation of office abuse by the in appropriation of the public money. Topic 3 Porter β†’

Actions speaks louder words

Of the two kind of sports, I enjoy playing individual sports more than team sports because I can play it anytime compared to team sports where I have to wait for other people before I can play. 6. TOEFL is a wonderful test because it allows me to know my level of knowledge in the β†’

Two-career family versus one-career family

In a 1-career family the earning member has to face different types of problems and challenges like taking care of the family finances, transportation, taking care of the children and other household jobs all alone. In the 2-career system both share the duties, may be not equally, while in the 1-career system the only bread β†’

Timing mediation initiatives

In determining a stalemate, and making a decision on whether it is ripe for mediation, there is a need of assessing the costs of the conflict, and analyzing the losses that both parties have suffered. If these changes occur, chances are high that the new leadership would embrace peace, and hence there is a need β†’

Changing the world through the internet

I, for a fact, had once never thought that in an instant I could have build friendships with people from different parts of the globe without even spending much money and without fearing that I might be rejected. The Internet has really changed my life and me to something I never thought it could be. β†’


Whistleblower 23rd January Whistle blowing Describe the key characteristics of a whistleblower A whistleblower as defined by many philosophers to be a wrongdoer in different perspectives such, personality and company has numerous characteristics that makes one to be more powerful to present issues which affect the company and the whistleblower himself. The following are key β†’

Consumer incentives

The government may give economic incentives to healthcare providers through tax-free imports of medical facilities, tax holidays, and financial support with the aim of improving the quality of healthcare. The nursing home can signal the quality of its services to customers by hiring adequate number of nurses, ensuring nurses are educationally and clinically prepared, availing β†’

Informal fallacies

He is also very ignorant of what the scientists and other specialists have said and written on the subject; hence, his report cannot be considered as true. The Second Informal Fallacy The Congress of the United States should not bother to consult major colleges and universities on educational appropriations in the country. This is β†’

Alcoholics anonymous community

Alcoholics Anonymous With all the greed and corruption found in this world, it is difficult to find people whose sole purpose of wanting to interact with one, is to help that person. Then the attention of the person is shifted to themselves, as they are told to look within themselves to perform a β†’

Complexity of the us immigration policy

The US immigration policy although not being a major area of concern for the government is still a major concern in order to sustain the sovereignty of the nation. One of the major reason so as to why the immigration policy is being criticized that after Obama's government it was expected that the rate of β†’

Animal right

This paper will assess the views of Tom Regan on animal rights as compared to the utilitarian view of animal rights. Regan gave the philosophy of animal rights in his famous book The Case for Animal Rights. Regan rejects this view and argues that humans gain the value and respect regardless of their rationality as β†’

The logic of suicide terrorism

On the other hand, the attached writing entitled " The logic of Suicide Terrorism: It is the Occupation, not the Fundamentalism" is an article written by Scott McConnell after meeting with Robert Anthony who wrote a book with a similar sub-title in regard with suicide terrorism. This article will specifically address the connections between the β†’

Threat analysis

At that point in time, Al-Qaida's major achievement was to incite other non-state actors as well as the wider Muslim community against the U.S. In fact, U.S.adversaries go beyond al-Qaida to accommodate the radical ideological factions, motivated to a certain extent by al Qaeda3; and the threat of Islamist extremism as well as β†’

200 villagers houses burnt down again near barrick gold mine in papua new guinea

200 Villagers' Houses Burnt Down Again Near Barrick Gold Mine in Papua New Guinea 200 VILLAGERS' HOUSES BURNT DOWN AGAIN NEAR BARRICK GOLD MINE IN PAPUA NEW GUINEA Background This case involves a raid by the police in Enga Province of Papua New Guinea near the Porgera gold mine, in which at least β†’

Capitalism: ethical issues regarding economic justice

Political liberty allows for the inclusion of both individuals and groups to be represented in the constitutional system of government. Through the competition, consumers will have access to quality products of their tastes and preference.

Ethnic diversity in the united states

In fact, in the 2000s, there were around 11 million Asians, Latin Americans, Africans and Caribbean people who came to America. The strength that diversity brings about is therefore in the sense of freedom and omniscience that it ascribes to the population. Among the various ethnic groups in the United States, the most dominant remains β†’

The federalist number ten

Madison is justified to argue that majority factions may oppress the minority for self-gain, prompting the necessity for a government to ensure fairness in a democratic society. Madison argues that two strategies are feasible to eradicate the effects of faction, in a democratic society. The second option is to discourage the passions and β†’

Training to prison staff in post conflict areas

It is also the mandate of the NGO during the process to develop proper and appropriate training curricula for prison law enforcing officers. Instead, it advocates the rule of law and justice to all.

The charlie hebdo shooting by muslim extremists

The Charlie Hebdo shooting by Muslim Extremists It is horrific as France continues to recover from the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Getting the killers may be a difficult task since they can easily cross the borders but reinforcing the wrong ideas will only do more harm than good to the people in France. I feel β†’

Decolonizing pacific studies

However, to do this, first the society must acknowledge the contributions that the West has made to the Pacific and realize that the Pacific islands have their unique culture that they need to embrace. Most of the educationalists in the Pacific have studied in the Western background. Decolonization was a gradual process that involved reprogramming β†’

Trait of effective communication

Although, effective communication need not be spoken at all. Effective communication can also be seen in the coherence of a person's written words, The method by which he uses key phrases in order to better explain his message is a factor by which the written word becomes better and easier to understand than the spoken β†’

Compare the taiwan political system and the hong kong political system

Taiwan Political System and the Hong Kong Political System Hong Kong is a special administrative region under the people's republic of China under the one country, two systems principle. The region has a unitary government system and is globally accepted as an administrative region of the People's Republic of China. On its part, Taiwan β†’

Ethics in organizational leadership

Ethics in Organizational Leadership Ethics in Organizational Leadership Work performances and every operation in the organization require mechanisms and standards to oversight and regulate the manner and procedures in which tasks are carried out. The Virtual theory is based on virtues but these virtues may differ and a leader may have different moral values and β†’

Normative ethics

Only the mentioned cases should anyone conduct abortion. In case, the health of the mother is at stake and there is no way the fetus can survive under those circumstances. Such cases of abortion should not be morally permissible despite the justification such individuals try to make on the acts. I believe that if the β†’

Andrews discussion 3

If your rating has not changed, are your reasons for the rating any different now from when you first responded to this statement? The rating of the initial statement lies at ' strongly agree.' It does not change after reading the text because the meaning can only get stronger. As such, the doctrine of utilitarianism β†’

Persian gulf today

The empire expanded into the Iraq region, which used to form part of the Persian Empire. The period was refereed to s the golden age of the civilization in the entire Muslim world.

Dis post poll 211 7

Many of the nations were looking for an effective model of development that could help them promote the economic growth and the advancement of the political independence. Modernization Science: The Principles and Methods of National Advancement.

Planning your graduation party

Capsule Studio - The place is spacious and cozy at the same time, I think, because of the high ceilings. I think laughter would be a good way to end the party.

Constitutional ethic

Constitutional Ethic Application of the concept of constitutional ethics to all public services The concept of constitutional ethics in public service is a form of government reform that has gained focus in the recent past. Assess the roles of Neutral competency and expertise in Public administration Neutral competence involves the capacity of the public β†’

Article response

However, the pickle did not stop; Americans started to use it as diet reforms declined, and nowadays pickles are enjoyed as normal food. This story shows that one can eat any kind of food and speak any language and still be an American. In a similar case, Pickles has been accepted due to its convenience β†’

Disscusion 7

Schoendorff sued the society of New York Hospital for taking her to surgery, without her consent. Therefore, even if a patient is dying, and he or she is of the right mind, a medical practitioner must seek their consents, before carrying out a treatment. References: Law, Science and Public Health." Basic Right to Consent to β†’

Congress and state legislatures policy communication

Impacts of Vague Policies of Outline Introduction Advantages and Disadvantages of Vague Public Policies Conclusion Impacts of Vague Policies Introduction Public policies contain laws and regulations used to govern a nation. The public policy is built on the base of rules and regulations of a nation's constitution. Disadvantages of Vague Public Policies β†’

Ethics journaljournal

In this case, taking care of the patient is the right thing to do. In the above situation, intentions are important in a moral life because actions are not just based on their outcomes but on the intentions. In this case, the intention of the nurse is to make the patient comfortable and treat him β†’

The world 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years from now

Wars continue to influence the future of the world as countries continue to invest in their militaries in readiness of a hypothetical war. Despite such preparations, I believe the possibility of global war is unlikely in the near future given the patterns of diplomatic relations in contemporary society. Among the conspicuous results of the first β†’

Great need for comprehensive and well managed economic and political reform programs in north korea

This will be vital in improving the lives of the people in the country who have suffered greatly under the dictatorship of the Kim family since the year 1948. This will be handy in the creation of employment and provision of a strong economic base for the North Korean population.. Developing the economy of North β†’

Two party system

For instance, the two party system limits the choice and options of the American voters in the process of selecting their leaders. The constitution of United States recognizes the two-party systems as the legal and governing political system in the country.

Discussion responce

Our generation will be remembered for those who complained but never stood up to say enough is enough or " stop let me show you how it's supposed to be done" in favor or everyone. Reply to response 2 Just as you have emphasized, our actions have consequences and it is unfortunate that we β†’

Son’s room

The bed I gave him was a wooden framed futon with a full-sized black mattress but all one can see of this is one side of the wooden frame closest to the wall where an inexplicable and largely inaccessible hole exists in the mess reaching all the way to the floor only a few wrappers β†’

The ethics of lying

The Ethics of Lying Table of Contents The Ethics of Lying References 2 The Ethics of Lying Bullet Point On whether lying is ever permissible morally, the answer lies in whether the ethics of lying is absolute or relative to some mitigating circumstances. From a Kantian perspective this is morally wrong, but a utilitarian perspective, β†’

Coursework example

Following the flow of air from C as result of the Pascal's principle and forces the water in vessel or Basin B to move up the hose connecting B with A. Air in basin B and C is compressed and drives the water to shoot from the upper basin thus resulting in a continuous movement β†’

Aircraft drawings

It shows the relationship that exists in various parts of the drawing. The drawing of Fokker IIV aircraft also has an installation drawing section. Installation section is the last in the working drawing of the aircraft.

Research jupiter’s moon europa

There are a number of characteristics of Jupiter's moon Europa which appear to be very similar to those of Earth. Scientists believe, therefore, that Europa may possibly have the necessary qualities to support life, although so far there has been no way of investigating this in order to obtain any certainty one way or the β†’

The outside of the solar system

The Outside of the Solar System In the May Issue of Sky and Telescope Magazine, Sue French wrote the article en d " Heavens Within Themselves" where she featured and discussed the neglected galaxies M88 and M99 in Coma Berenices. M88 is a Seyfert galaxy (named after American astronomer Carl Keenan Seyfert) and is β†’

Find out about recycling of steel/aluminum drink cans

Production of aluminum in raw form requires huge amount of energy, various natural resources required to produce aluminum includes water and energy resources. Bauxite is utilized during the production of aluminum, which requires both steam as well as heat energy.


The Environment of the Pleistocene The Pleistocene period was marked by a series of glaciations. It is said that there was much flooding in the area that is now Idaho, and that climate fluctuated during much of this time.

Aqci #5

Woman is regarded as something that every culture this text; the author blames culture for the lower regard of women in the society. However, the text by Ortner dismisses culture for the negative presentation of the woman figure in society. Works cited Moberg, Mark.

Nanook of the north (youtube)

Through the life of Nanook, we get to know how the traditional society practiced fishing, hunting, frequent migrations of the group in search of food and trading in the Northern Canada. Assumptions in culture can also be made based on the Nanook movie. There is some lack of realism in the movie like during the β†’

Wells fargo

To ensure that these activities are properly done, the financial supervisor should ensure that he follows the organizational behavior. Since the major goal of the company to satisfy the needs of its clients, the financial supervisor should stick to the culture of ' One Wells Fargo.' It is a culture that requires all the employees β†’

Discrepancies in corporate world

A company's internal accounting policies and procedures need to be under constant scrutiny. Even with today's state-of-the-art technology, much remains to be studied regarding internal controls and their effectiveness. The prevention of financial statement distortion is an on-going dilemma in the accounting phase of the corporate system. Both should assume the role of financial detective. β†’

Leadership theories

Therefore, successful leaders have the following traits which make them to be successful in their doings. They must have extensive expression, which they exercise to cover the thought of possessing a proof of triumph, whereby the person in question will have the ability to organize and lead others in a more organized manner, also β†’

Interview with leaders or managers in any organization

These responsibilities include performance appraisals and evaluation; scheduling of vacation leaves and monitoring of sick leaves; monitoring the upkeep and maintenance of supplies and equipment for the units, as well as the general functioning of the patients' rooms and amenities and the emergency cart; completion of reportorial requirements of staff nurses; and monitoring the upkeep β†’

Strategic planning

In the next part of the report I will be highlighting the areas on which the company needs to stress more and will also make some necessary recommendations. Recommendations The first thing that GIFC needs to accomplish is that it should define its business, goods and services and also the target customers. Also defining β†’

Organizational change

This aspect makes the employees to resist change. Lack of a clear vision is a major factor that makes the change process to fail. This enables the employees to own the process, thereby, reducing resistance levels. Effective leadership during the change process provides a base for the change process.

Dq1 e-activity and dq2 competitive advantage

Finally, the rivalry influenced the profitability of firms in an industry depending on the intensity of the rivalry and the basis of a firm's rivalry. Online Auction Industry The online auction industry experiences robust growth due to the ongoing global internet and technological innovations although Yahoo, Amazon, and eBay are the most dominant firms β†’

The concerns of the management team of all star industries

In the case study in question, it is easy to understand the concerns of the management team of All Star Industries. The suspicion that she may have acquired the kidney via unauthorized channels is again a problem for the regulators and policy makers, taking for granted the basic entitlement of a citizen to. Looking exclusively β†’

Team development

The most eminent phase of team development that the group centered on was the performing stage, where all members have recognized the need to comply with the defined roles and responsibilities to enable the accomplishment of group goals. The performing stage, however, was most memorable in terms of defining the ability of members to collaborate β†’

National industrial recovery act

National Industrial Recovery Act In response to Great Depression, the United States put up a number of financial regulations to ensure that the New Deal was an effective remedy. Further, based on the moral hazards exhibited during the great depression, the New Deal was accompanied by an act which restricted the age of β†’

Dissolved oxygen content and fish populations in water

Examine the data in Table 4 showing the amount of dissolved oxygen present and the number of fish observed in the body of water the sample was taken from; finally, answer the questions below. QUESTIONS 1. Make an observation Based on the data in Table 4, discuss what patterns you observe in regards to β†’

Target group analysis of redbull in uk

The products also targeted the credibility of those that were involved in interaction with the young target audience (RED BULL GMBH v POTTERS LTD, 2013). Those involved in the brand and product marketing use the local knowledge that they have to increase sale of the product.

Nike product marketing

I think the shoe products from Nike continue to evolve and pass through various stages as it grows to meet the ever-evolving needs of the customers. This is to ensure that the products do not become out of date and irrelevant to customers as well as to their needs at different periods. The company has β†’

A summary of dissertation

Research methodology The main intention of this research is investigating the progress of export of the Italian wine to China. Critical analysis of the Italian wine in China and forecasting measures for the implementation of future growth of this sector.

Love –

Differentiation also implies offering a set of meaningful valued differences to distinguish the company's offering from that of its competitors. 2) Discuss the marketing goals of The marketing goals of include achieving sales growth, satisfying its customers, increase viewers of the website, and increase its customer base. Approximately 80% of the firm's revenues β†’

Nintendo: reviving a company, transforming a market

The sales of gaming console dropped from January 2010 figures of 465, 800 to 319, 000 in the month of January 2011. The company is under pressure from various analysts and they were of the opinion that Nintendo could not survive in a long run because the ' graphical horsepower' systems of Wii are weak β†’

Outline of the question/problem/symptoms

Outline of the question/problem/symptoms Outline of the problem The problem with BMW was that they were failing in the American because of competition that was caused by Japan carmakers and other car manufacturers in the world. Additionally, BMW was failing because of their poor marketing strategy, as it was not eye catching and β†’

Competitors for pint please app

Competitors for Pint Please App Pint Please App has many competitors who provide the services of the beer advertisement. All those companies provide beer promotion services like Pint Please App. Weakness for the Competitors The competitors have some weakness that Pint Please App does not have.

Lombardi’s italian grill

The need to change her immediate marketing strategy indicates that her business is not doing according to her expectation. Monica located her restaurant in a strategic position that is convenient to the customers.

Case study of apple

The Industry Organization Model is an alternative but the intrinsic nature of the Resource-Based Model establishes its suitability. The Resource-Based Model of above-average returns is one of the strategies that Apple can apply in order to remain dominant and innovative in a competitive environment. An understanding of available resources is therefore the first stage in β†’

The growth of mcdonald’s company in the european market

As such, lack of product diversity has been a barrier to successful expansion into the European market. Factors to Focus On Product Related McDonald's company has to establish products that go beyond its identity. To maximize on its expansion in the European market, McDonald's should embrace customer service as a complementary to offering β†’

Campaign measurables

In explanation, the support involves the indication of the best performing advertising tactics and making the optimal choice on the tactic to use. The real measure of the impact is through the sales that a particular advertising campaign is able to make in relation to a given product.

Executive summary for the development of a new product

This new product is expected to attract a new segment that will also identify with the products offered by the organisation. The changes to this product include the replacement of the cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and honey in the NRG-A bars with an artificial sweetener and the bars are glazed with a yoghurt topping. This new β†’

Understanding marketing strategic planning processes (marketing idea product plan)

Off 2 Gran Grans will provide assistance services, such as house cleaning and errand running for medications and groceries, with a supplementary service for visitation , consisting of concierge service and interpersonal relationship development. Off 2 Gran Grans will provide psychological adjustment for its target consumers and also fill a tangible need that need β†’

Group marketing plan

Students and those who would like to follow the event, will be required to purchase Hop Valley Brewing company products as their tickets to the event. This event will play a significant role in promoting the company's products. Organising for a games day will be another viable program to implement the marketing strategy of the β†’

Product evaluation on bluetooth

The aim of the current discourse is to provide a product evaluation of Bluetooth through identifying its uses, benefits, costs, and other relevant concerns that users must be aware of. Bluetooth is deemed to be designed for the purpose of providing a cheap and secure tool to connect and exchange various information between the abovementioned β†’

Chinese students learning strategies in efl and in esl

This strategy helps the learners to understand meanings and expressions in English as they are used in Australia. Metacognitive strategy is the second method that the Chinese students use to learn ESL in Australia. For example, they structure their learning in topics, and this helps them to understand ESL in steps. Thirdly, the Chinese students β†’

Discussion 7

She analyzed from head to toe, the three women who were present at the conference and she came to the conclusion that women always try to be " marked". Marked is the term which is used in the essay to highlight the fact that women always try to make their presence felt and they try β†’

The obedience to authority

Obedience to authority results in evil in the stories " The Lottery" and " The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas," because of appearance of convention, cowardice, and ordinariness of violence. Convention and law are common sources of authority, which many people can follow mindlessly, however evil their outcomes may be. In " The Ones β†’


Panelists: FOR thesis - Anas Altikriti and Mustafa Ceric, AGAINST - Feisal Abdul Rauf and Ramzi E. Mustafa Ceric said war against terrorism imply a war against Islam, because terrorists proclaimed they were acting on behalf of Muslims.

Analysis of silkos style

The tone of the first paragraph of the piece is informative as the writer is informing the reader as to how simple is Silko's way of writing and the next is persuasive as the writing is trying to persuade the reader of his point " Textual rhetorical analysis employs rhetorical terminology". The piece invokes the β†’

The royal tenenbaums -movie

inserts his/her The Royal Tenenbaums -movie In the last few months, I heard my friends talk about their experience of watching The Royal Tenenbaums, which so to say, was not very encouraging. The movie showcases one of the best in the art genre with perfection abound in everything ranging from dialogue delivery to the sets β†’