Informative Masters Essay and Research Paper Examples

The implications of fraud on uk banks

The significance of fraud on UK banks as an investigation represents its scale that is estimated to cost the economy in the range of 190 billion to 193 billion annually of which 110 billion is attributed to bank fraud. The above definition of bank fraud is an important aspect of the approach to this dissertation β†’

Analysis of a work of art

Analysis of a Work of Art The Metropolitan Museum of Art is home to some of the greatest collections of artworks done all around the world since the ancient times. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.N.p, 2014.Web.

Research and decision making assignment

It is illogical for the company to find a market for its product but to create a product to its market. Thus, the next step that the company should take is identifying its target market and studying its needs.

Point of view conflict

However, I scored poorly on the timing of my services. However, I analyzed the situation and realized that I needed to strike a balance between my philosophy and job demands.

The growth and development of civilization

Specifically, with regards to this brief analysis, the author will focus upon the significance of the 12th century renaissance in terms of architecture, the rise of universities, codes of chivalry, and courtly love all seen in the romances of King Arthur. This is due to the fact that architecture is one of the few aspects β†’

Final exam

While the question regarding whether the war on terror is just still remains unanswerable, it can be concluded that the theory of just-war is not fittingly applicable to the war on terror. The theory of just war postulates that peace is the overall goal in war.

Wolf v. colorado & terry v. ohio

The issues in this case involved incorporation of the Fourth Amendment and the lack of the need for a rule of exclusion. The decision of the Court in Wolf and Colorado in 1949 held that the Fourth Amendment applied to the states, and the exclusionary rule did not.

International business class (discussion board)

Factor conditions refer to the contribution of various resources to the success of an economy. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry are the last but not least of the factors.

2 page biography of jeremy bentham and his contribution to the study of ethics

Jeremy Bentham Biography and contribution to the study of Ethics Jeremy Bentham, a jurist and philosopher, was born in London on 1748 to a family dominated by attorneys including his father and grandfather. Because of determination and commitment, Bentham developed into a veteran theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law.

The technical concepts in written communication

Such joy and fascination leads me to establish writing as a hobby or a form of diversion by which to escape into a world of wonders and possibilities yet unknown. In addition, I would include purchasing a set of inspirational books with the Bible for further reflections so as to drive away temptations or tendencies β†’

Power, ideology, and terror in the atomic age worksheet

In conclusion, this paper gives a clear description of the cold war between Soviet and United States and in search for power. Lastly, it gives a description of the Berlin wall and its implications on the war.

Xbus man

The dispute between the two parties arose on the ground that Davis felt that his right as an employee was infringed by Food Lion Incl. The Act states the circumstances on which an employee can do overtime and the reward for the overtime.

Analysis of the problem of employees stress in the work place

Analysis of the problem of Employees stress in the work place Introduction Most of the employees struggled to achieve a work-life balance because of the increased commitments both in their personal and professional life. Causes of stress in employees According to Dale Collie, the major reasons for employee stress at workplace are due to the β†’

6c: case analysis

Case Analysis: Legal Consequences of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory Introduction: This case deals with and discusses the provisions, implications and interpretation of article 17 of the International Court of Justice which is designed to prevent impartiality of the judges, whereby any member of the ICJ who has previously participated in the decision β†’

Spss output summary

Research question The effectiveness of the team to complete more projects depends on the years' of experience. Table 3 The unweighted means of the Projected completed are as shown in the graph below The graph shows the unweighted mean of Team A = 3.

The great depression

The Great Depression There were a number of events that led to a 10 year depression in America, but the most significant one was the Stock Market Crash of 1929. The rapid sale of stocks led to a minimal crash on March 1929, the market was falling into crisis but the National City bank came β†’

Popular american culture paper

Popular American culture refers to the same phenomenon in the American society. American popular culture has influenced the way people perceive things, think about the alternatives in decision making, and make decisions.

Promotion and assistance of literacy in the us

The implementation of the several initiatives by the " Read for Life" network has grown in demand so much that it now does not have enough tutors for those that are illiterate in the community. You will be able to take this time from work to help illiterate adults with one on one interaction while β†’


Exercise Prescription for Diseased Population of Introduction Exercise is as important as medication and other forms of therapy for diabetics. According to the American Heart Association, the two-pronged exercise for middle-aged type II diabetics should involve swimming and walking, which are aerobic activities associated with the strengthening of muscles, lungs and the heart.

Buffering work-family conflict

However, the adverse impact of such conflicts has raised the need to buffer the work-family conflicts. The other factor relates to the management of the employees' set of behavior that are incompatible for work and family.

Week4 report

It is aimed to describe the experiences of the training in the bank and its benefits and learning points in the last 30 hours of the training period. The checks were in the accounts of the customer of the bank and had to be sent by the Central Bank of Recovery.

Adverse impact & business necessity

Adverse impact & business necessity Adverse impact & business necessity Part oneIn the work of Landy, adverse impact refers to any form triggers that work to the disadvantage of other persons. However, in the case of the adverse impact, analysts and researchers argue that the illegality of this move may not be evident.

Visual illusions

Visual Illusions PART ONE Ideally, a visual illusion is created at the cortical level, as the visual cortex influences the way we see the world. Blind spots and visual illusions related in the sense that they are both occasioned by an error in one's visual sense.

Supermax prisons

Supermax Prisons The article, " From Alcatraz to Marion to Florence - Control Unit Prisons in the United s" is a very enlightening piece of material about the history of supermax prison in the United States. Aside from the abuse that the prisoners suffer from the prison guards, there is no intention of rehabilitation in β†’

Interacting with investors

The paper will look at some of the dos, and the do nots that anyone looking for investors should adhere to, and responds to a question concerning the length of the business plan. It is also important to show that one wishes to be part of the company and not only interested in the investor's β†’

Letter of recommendation

I watched [your name] develop into a fine professional with a profound sense of responsibility and determination as her general practitioner.[Your name] understands all the duties of her profession as a dental assistant. Clearly, [your name] made use of her determination and duties towards fulfilling the expectations of the admission requirements of a student from β†’

Federal health care policy

Federal Health Care Policy Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Public health statistics indicate that hundreds of thousands of Americans die every year because they are unable to access and pay for their health insurance plans. Critics of this policy, who are mostly Republicans, identify that the reforms will not reduce the federal deficit, and β†’

Assignment 3b: short-answer questions overview

What is the connection between diet and heart disease? Heart disease is a number of abnormal conditions affecting the heart and the blood vessels in the heart, the most common of which is affectation of coronary arteries.

Law enforcement 5

One of the most notable recognitions is the potential that domestic violence incidents may ultimately lead to death. While the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment supports increased arrests, ultimately it seems that the most effective course of action is to not require that all individuals be arrested on domestic violence calls.

Thinking personally about social change

The city is the financial hub of the country, is the 11th largest city in the world and is home to millions. The Citizens Foundation worked very religiously to change the social paradigm of the city and the country in general.

Short answer questions

A generalcritique of the evolutionary theory of attraction is the frequent omission of clear definitions. The intention of the 18year old Harris and Klebold was to " leave behind a memorable mark in the world".

Damage to countries’ cultural heritage from tourism

How does tourism damage cultural heritage in countries famous for their traditions How does tourism damage cultural heritage in countries famous for their traditions The development of tourism in countries worldwide serves a series of different interests. Most commonly, it seems that the negative effects of tourism on cultural heritage are long term, as, for β†’

The theory, and methods used in the application of ‘crime pprevention through environmental design principles’ (cpted)

The Theory and Methods used in the Application of 'Crime Prevention through Environmental Design' Principles Introduction When, for the first time in human history, the concept of property or owning something might have evolved, the concept of the crime, too, seems to have taken birth simultaneously. Method used in the application of CPTED It is β†’


That is the reason I love nature a spring. The greening of the grass is the first thing to see, the heralding, with brilliant green that grows like a carpet everywhere.

Shooting dad

Your Shooting Dad Shooting Dad is an essay by Sarah Vowell reflecting her relationship with her father. It starts by painting a contrasting picture of personalities of her and her father.

Fukuyamas philosophical system and the ethics of biotechnology

He terms the factor that is responsible for the dignity in mankind, the factor X. In fact, the concept of factor X is relevant to the person's beliefs.

Medicare funding and reibursement

31 March Medicare Funding and Reimbursement Medicare Funding and Reimbursement Operating payment to be paidto the hospital The operating payment to be paid to the hospital is calculated as follows: Operating Cost = + ) 1 + IME + DSH)) Substituting values yields the following results: Operating Cost = + ) 1 + 0. Capital β†’

High performance management

PROS AND CONS OF DELEGATION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF EMPLOYEES Pros: When supervisors delegate authority to their subordinates, it provides them with an opportunity to show talent and skills to take pride on their decisions which work as a motivational factor. PROS AND CONS OF DELEGATION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SUPERVISORS Pros: While delegating authority β†’

Gender reassignment surgey

The conversion from male to female involves the removal of the penis, the reshaping of the tissue to make them appear more female, and the construction of a vagina; the vagina is often constructed through skin grafting and through an isolated loop of the intestine. The life which follows the reassignment surgery is often one β†’

Toward a theory of social practices

Toward a Theory of Social Practices In the article Toward a Theory of Social Practices: A development in culturalist theorizing, Andreas Reckwitz explores the main features of ' practice theory', a category of social theory. In his explanation of practice theory in terms of cultural theory, Reckwitz argue that the i8th century social theory β†’

Poetry analysis

To such an individual living heroically is the normal way of life and a routine culture. To surrender is the quality of a humble individual and it is dynamic in content.

Financial and strategic planning

Owing to these, it is essential that the hospital retains this form of revenue streams to finance the much needed improvements within the institution. How to analyze businesses, financial statements, and the quality of earnings.

The use of social media by the sports organizations

The forces that led to emergence of the role of commissioner in professional sports organizations include; need to curb corruption in sports organizations, dispute resolution between league members, and administration of punishment to players whose conduct become detrimental to the integrity of the game or league. Therefore, the organization of NFL will have to change β†’

Norms, biases and preferences

Norms, Biases and Preferences NORMS, BIASES AND PREFERENCES Social norms can be defined as the implicit or explicit rules that specify the behaviors considered acceptable in a society. They instead rely on norms that can be attributed to other factors that are significant, that is preferences and biases.

Overexercising or not exercising

The advanced life facilities have reduced the volume of physical efforts needed for the human life at present. For example, the invention of motor vehicles and the wide use of it for the transportation of people and goods have reduced the physical activities.

White paper/rfp response internet search

Big Marketing for Small Creative Firms http This response aims to persuade smaller firms to practice marketing techniques used by large enterprises to acquire competitive advantage in their markets. The small marketing firms should embrace the following marketing tactics to become more competitive.

The ethics of parental respect in america

In Asia, most of the cultures are based on piety, respect and reverence for parents. As per " American culture is less closely tied to the entire notion of hierarchy and respect, whether or not kids are in the picture".

Teaching math

Secondly, they should know how to solve a simpler problem by changing the representation since it enables them to identify the problem. It is a good thing since the children learn their mistakes and the chances of repeating them become very minimal.

Hw 1

One of the benefits of globalization is the enhancement of cultural exchange between nations. The developments and advancements in technology have driven globalization and led to the spread of trade among nations.


Anti-bias classrooms also teach children to speak up for the right thing, to recognize bias and to respect the differences of human beings. However, despite these differences, anti-bias education should allow the gifts and abilities of all children to flourish.

Colonial life in north america

Colonial Life in North America Introduction Life in the new colony held both positive and negative influences on the immigrants from England in terms of weather, health and religion among other things. In the new colony North America was better in terms of weather conditions for example in Virginia the winter was not that harsh β†’

Irony in the cask of amontillado by edgar allan poe

This is evident in the title, Fortunato's name, Fortunato's costume, and the author's reference to mansions. Another example of irony in the story is in Fortunato's name.

Patient safety improvement

Before ht patient leaves the operation room the nurse verbally confirms with the team the name of the procedure recorded, that all instruments used are present, any equipment problems, then the surgeon, anesthetist and nurse review recovery and management of the patient. They then give a brief to the passengers about the plane and what β†’

Death penalty

Death Penalty Death penalty is considered as a capital punishment in the U. In opposition of the death penalty and in agreement with people of similar opinion, death penalty cannot be deemed to deter crimes' occurrences and therefore ought to be abolished, which forms a valid argument as supported below.

Concept of long-term care

This is because I have come to realize that people in need of long-term care are more " special" than the rest of the individuals because of their various forms of inability to care for themselves. These individuals also require long-term care and end up spending a lot of their family's wealth in the care β†’

Country analysis

The development of the networks especially in the developed countries has pioneered the expansion of companies as some target the international market. Just as with any of such networks, the American chamber of commerce has pioneered the development of business both in the country and in the international society including France.

Reaction paper

This movie is shown on the home box office and stories told in this movie are through letters of the men and women who participated in the war. There is also a soundtrack behind the scenes of the voices of the soldiers express through the words they wrote in their letters.

Important information on book iv of the republic

Important information on book IV of the Republic The book is about the lifestyle of the guardians and the overall assessment of the as a whole. The book also discusses the definition of justice through Socrates, who says that justice is fulfilling one's role applicably and giving back to the city what is due.

Occupational health and safety: safeguarding machines

The feeding process of the machine can be safeguarded by maintaining a safe distance between the machine and the operator's hands. For example, if the stock is sufficiently long to allow the worker to operate from a distance, the worker can hold the free end while the machine works on the other end of the β†’

A letter of intent for getting a scholarship

Since I know that I have passion for learning, and implement it in all areas of life, I know this can be achieved effectively through studying from achieving my goals. I have conduced extensive research about Franklin, which is one of the most credible educational institutions, and best for acquiring my Bachelors in Accounting Degree β†’

Operation managment

Answer: For airlines, the cost of crews is one of the largest cost components and hence Crew Scheduling and the Crew Recovery Problem is a major issue. CrewSolver is used to find the best set of flight cancellations, additions, delays and aircraft routings.

Free writing

Hence, it was through my observation of nature that I learned the strength inherent in small things. It was how I came to the conclusion that perhaps I may not be able to wrest big achievements in my life, but certainly I can accomplish many small things through my dedication and sincerity.


In this way, the nurse is truly a member of a community of care. Thirdly, belonging to a professional nursing organization assures the nurse that they are in a group of professionals dedicated to providing compassionate care and service.


The nonverbal communication is the most important aspect as it reflects upon the professionalism and expertise of the person; the HR assistant will have to ensure that the right gestures and postures are used while communicating so that there is a healthy relationship between the assistant and HR manager. 3 The main elements of a β†’

What customers don’t know won’t hurt them, will it

This creates the difference in the personality of Elena and the management. The objective of the company is to maximize profit while the objective of Elena is to work hard and transparently so that she can climb the management hierarchy.


His argument is that war is the greatest concern of the state because failure in war can lead to the extinction of the state. In regard to military strategy, Sun Tzu captures something of the sense of Machiavelli's last words in the Prince when he stressed the importance of a positive attitude and the goodness β†’

Selection of the firm

It discusses the nature of GEICO Insurance Company based on the company's service and products, brief history, and their position in the market's competition. The company is famous for the infinite merge of the United States army, and the old hand people's group.

Is unconscious motivation important or not consider behaviorist and cognitive objections to invoking the psychodynamic unconscious in psychological explanations

Unconscious motivation is the resultant action of the body or part of the body due tostimulation of the unconscious mind. He coined the aspect of the superego, ego and id for the conscious, subconscious and unconscious respectively.

History 1010

The 1866 Congressional elections allowed these Republicans to take control of the Congress and continue the process of reconstruction in the south. The troops kept peace in the region and protected the former slaves while Congress compelled the southern states to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment in order to reintegrate with the Union states.

How society shapes technology

The Number 16 September How Society Shapes Technology Robert Pool's work How Society Shapes Technology challenges the generally held view that it is technology that shapes the society and drives the history. Recognition of society as a shaping force of technology helps discard the theory of technological determinism, a theory that relieves scientists and the β†’

Types of blood cells and process of homeostasis leading to clot formation

Blood is that fluid component of the body that transports nutrients and oxygen to all the pats of the body while removing the waste products formed by these parts. The major types of cells found in blood are the red blood cells, the white blood cells, and platelets.

Three different commercials

I was promoted as a corporal last year and I maintain good relationships with my colleagues as well as the members of my community. This, along with my desire to be of service, strengthens my purpose.#2 Hair Dresser I am Carrie Smith and I am here to tell you how I can be a valuable β†’

Convenant marriage

Covenant Marriage of the of the Covenant Marriage The covenant marriage contract is envisioned to imply a couple's strong commitment to their marriage and their volunteer sacrifice of easy access to fast, hassle-free divorce. The limits of law and raising up a sentiment for marriage.In A.J.

Mary tudor and lady jane grey

The power of Mary Tudor and Lady Jane Grey was deeply rooted in the religious and political upheaval of the time. At the time of Lady Jane Grey's ascension to the throne for a mere nine days, she was not the only one with a claim to the throne.

Business sector: healthcare

World Health Organization claims that, in the UAE, the standards of health are said to be quite high due to the increase in government spending during the tough economic years. This trends and changes will enable us to determine the occurrence of certain diseases, and identify outliers in the data collected.

Skepticism and contextualism by ernest sosa

However, the author also asserts that the need to provide context both confuses and fails to fully answer the concerns of the skeptics on the philosophical level even when the statements are true on a more common level. In addressing the relevance of contextualism to skepticism in epistemology, the author lists the four basic types β†’

Evolution of mass communication

Evolution of Mass Media There had been past references to the power of mass media to influence its audience in a large measure, but it was in the 1920s and 1930s, through the growing influence of radio and newspapers, that theories were formulated. The aftermath of the broadcast suggested that media could manipulate a passive β†’


Prices for the services will be somewhere in the middle-ground to be affordable to its market. Another marketing strategy that will be implemented in the salon to attract more customers is the holding of " payday promos".

Source base questions – kmt-ccp rivalry

Study Source A Using details from the cartoon, explain what the cartoon is trying to Source A, the cartoon shows us that the KMT officers were totally on the side of the rich landlord demanding greater taxes. Source A seems to drive the message that the communists were sympathetic about the hardship of the β†’

Capital budjeting

Cost of transportation service Return of Capital The time taken by a business to return of capital is calculated at the end of a year. Return of capital.

Chemistry of hazardous materials

The information that is required is on the nature and characteristics of the chemicals that is found in the four containers. Only members of the HazMat team should be allowed to access the site with the punctured tank and the three other tanks containing hazardous materials.

Udl solutions plan: educator reflection

The decision to employ assistive technology to overcome learning challenges experienced by disabled students should be arrived at after a wide consultation between the student, parents, teachers and panels representing the disabled. Parents and other concerned individuals are invited to submit information that may help in customization of the chosen AT for the student.

Identify master dissertation topic only .. in subject of (( total quality management strategic quality management ) in ad police department

The possible topics for dissertation on the functioning of Abu Dhabi Police could be To examine if there has been a significant impact of The Abu Dhabi Police Strategic Plan 2008-2010 on the overall improvement in the law and order system in the UAE. 2. To analyze if continuous and practical trainings in the use β†’

Managed care

Recently it has become the center of American politics with the introduction of the Obama's Health Plan.' Managed Care' is the dominant health care delivery method in the United States that emerged since the Health Maintenance Act of 1973. The major drawback of the managed health care is that it has turned to favor insurance β†’

Discussion question response

In addition to your examples of a feedback, making a compliment about the sent message also qualifies as a feedback. Your way of responding to emails is a good example of effective feedback and it is worth emulating.

Are americans overtaxed

Discussion In the book ' Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Political Issues', the authors George McKenna and Stanley Feingold have adopted a very good approach to dealing with many of the issues that are the subject of frequent political and public debates. Writing in favor of taxing the rich more, Steve Brouwer states in ' β†’

Case study example

The separation of the Lakeberg twins was a measure of the interaction and relationship between medical practice, health care ethics, and society-based expectations. The separation of the Lakeberg twins put forward a number of ethical issues related to saving lives at the slimmest chance of survival.

Taking responsibility activity

It would be great if you would prepare the latest financial statement within the next 2 hours so I can discuss the matter with him. Rewritten statement: I am meeting with the union leaders today and would like you to take notes.

Dashlocker case 1, page 645 the book info: 978-1-133-94775-2 small business management: launching and growing entrepreneurial ventures, 17th edition

He demonstrates innovation and risk taking as he was able to start a business offering services that were already in the market. Response to Question 2 Hennessy's motivation to start the company came from his realization that the businesses that offered laundry services may have been ignoring a part of the available market.

Adidas sales force

The first reason being that the time needed to boot the laptop, log in to the VPN, and access the information was the same as that needed to call CSRs. The best way to make a case for the implementation of Enterprise 2.

Lesson plan deconstruction

Contents covered in the lesson are Reading various literary and informational texts and poetry, summarizing them and writing one's own idea about the text read, learning to evaluate and organize the coherent details. The lesson also requires the students to engage in group conversations and writing sessions to develop oral and linguistic skills.

Evidence-based policing

Sherman, who proposed the concept of evidence-based policing in 1998, as " the use of the best available research on the outcomes of police work to implement guidelines and evaluate agencies, units, and officers". Encouraging law enforcers to look at relevant researches and adapt any best practices that are specified in literatures is one of β†’

The short id exam

Turkic Migrations The general movement of people from Central Asia resulting in the expansion of the Turkic Tribes in the Middle East and Europe 7. He was also the President of Iran between 1981 and 1989.19.


This supports the argument by Botha, Bothma and Geldenhuys that effective e-commerce organizations should learn from their websites. This way, the pool of customers would be expanded and subsequently increase the purchases from this e-commerce platform.

Should students and teachers be tested for drug use in public schools

The use of drugs by both students and teacher is greatly affecting education in the public schools. Moreover, all the students in the public schools, especially the adolescent and young adults, should be tested for drugs.