Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Music paper

The lyrics and music, I believe are the outcome of the emotions of the composer which compels one to put his thoughts to words and put the necessary accompaniment, satisfying the desired emotional expression in both the lyrics and music. Probably this is the easiest way of composing a song because the emotion is already β†’


Some of the health risksof obesity are; Individuals with abdominal obesity are likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Question 2 Modifications and considerations for testing for persons with diabetes Diabetic persons need to be tested by a physician in order to check that the level of glucose is controlled through medication before embarking on physical β†’

Articles of confederation vs. the constitution

Articles of Confederation vs.the Constitution The Articles of Confederation, ratified March 1781, were actually the first constitution of the United States of America, which provided all the states with the centralized laws. While the Articles of Confederation left the enforcement of federal laws and treaties to the states, the Constitution state it was the obligation β†’

Press cliping analysis

It seems that one of the only things that truly defines a journalist is the technique used in the process of communicating the news. The main difference between the article and the media release is that the journalist is telling us a story, while the publicist is informing us about the facts.

U.s. army corps of engineers strategic plan

Army Corps of Engineers Strategic Plan The Government Performance Act of 1993 is a guideline that ensures the government minimizes wastes and inefficiency and, therefore, increases the confidence of the citizens its governance. The strategic plan for the US Army Corps of Engineering is the best approach that will ensure implementation of GPRA.

Article review on technology in education

Latham conducted a research in which teachers were contacted for their feedbacks; two third of the teachers stated that the interactive whiteboard offers effective approaches to create interactive sessions; interactive sessions increase the level of interest of the students. Teaching and Learning Primary Mathematics: The Impact of Interactive Whiteboards.

Discussion questions

This statement is completely untrue and the reality is that when police officers first contact an individual in order to arrest them on the basis of suspicion and the first arrest does not makes and individual an offender. The data collected by UCR is managed by the defense agency of FBI and this data includes β†’

How does a child think about his own death when he is life-threateningly ill

But all of this depends a lot upon the age group of the child because there are a number of developmental stages of how children understand death. These children do not understand the meaning of death but they have a sense that their family routine is changing.

Fitt principle for cardiovascular fitness

Normal functioning and working of the heart depend on the resting heart rate and when it is low it enables the heart to function well and that why Cardiovascular fitness becomes an essential component of life. Benefits that are incurred by heart is determined by the intensity and level of exercise one is adhering to β†’

Small business management (find attachment)

Net Profit Margin: Formula: *100; Working: Net Profit: $35, 500, Sales: $885, 000 Net Profit Margin: 35, 500/885, 000 = 4. Return on Assets: Formula: Net Profit Margin x Assets Turnover Assets Turnover: Revenues/Average Assets during the period Assumption: Since we have balance sheet of only one year, we will assume that the total assets β†’


The second time I tried to end my habit when I came to know that my wife was pregnant. But still I was wrong with my thinking as it was not easy for me to quit my smoking and drinking habit.

Philosophy short answer

Multiple Choice: Which of the following most closely resembles Kant's first formulation of the categorical imperative A= act according to the rules which encapsulates moral duty B= act according to the rules which if generally followed would not lead to a self-defeating situation C= act according to the rules that people will accept for their β†’

Session long project module 4 union organizing (usaa insurance company)

XXXXXX Number: XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX of XXXXXXX XX XX 2011 Unionization in Insurance Industry USAA The insurance industry is not one with high levels of unionization and the industry has been able to effectively keep a major curb on the overall possibilities of unionization within the industry. USAA is impacted by a few of β†’

Healthcare management

If the price of the fertilizer falls, then the market supply curve would shift to the right because of the following reasons: The cost of producing the corns would have been reduced thus leading to increased supply. If the incomes of the buyers in the market for Adirondack vacations increases, the demand curve would shift β†’

Future of more energy efficient planes

This is a little different in case of the research and development of future energy efficient cars. All in all, the future of air travel, especially the research and development of air planes focuses on energy efficiency.

Detroit and municipal bankruptcy

Municipal Bankruptcy: Detroit Introduction The municipal bankruptcy act was enacted in the year 1934 in order to provideprotection from creditors to the financially stressed counties. The security system in Detroit also begs for the filling of bankruptcy.

Phonetics laboratory: mandarin speaker from nanjing

She has trouble using the alveolar, lateral approximant /l/ and leaves it out in these words. Same as the Mandarin speaker, the Thai speaker has trouble saying the front, close-mid vowel / / and say /i/ instead./i/ is a front high close vowel.

Should high schools offer vocational education, or should students go to trade schools for practical job training

of the of the Vocational education and high schools Vocational education is based on imparting practical skills that allows the students to engage in careers that require good technical skills. Providing vocational education in high school also allows the students to recognize their interests so that, in future they can opt for a career that β†’

Career and job search

The employers need to provide some information about the benefits that they will offer to the job applicants so that they have an idea about the level of work-family life balances will they be able to afford. Realizing the need of work-family life balance, the organizations are providing their employees, especially single parents, the option β†’

Professional objectives and interests

PROFESSIONAL OBJECTIVES AND INTERESTS and Section # of The world has been transformed into a global village with the evolution of new technologies and the introduction of innovative ideas and field of work. Sharpening of the existing skills is a very important factor and I would like to focus my attention to it.

White-collared criminals with power theory

And the opportunity is, of course, nothing but another word for the seemingly critical volume of power. This is where the power and opportunity reached Critical Magnitude which had a detonating effect.Mr.

The mmr controversy

This was after he identified a relationship between the incidence of autism among the children who had been vaccinated with the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. The original evidence of the link was, therefore, the presence of the measles virus in patients who are autistic and suffering from gastrointestinal problems Autism in child's development At β†’

The issues in east african ethnic groups and its impacts on crime

It was reported by the United States Agency for International Development that the tribal and ethnic conflict has involved cattle raids and raids on pastoral communities which is usually associated with the proliferation of small arms. The authority of Chief and Sub-Chiefs in crime prevention is so crucial that a separate law was made in β†’

How changes in technology and the emergence of a global economy might affect college graduates seeking jobs , and what new skill

Consequently, the employees too are in need of acquiring a lot of new skills to be able to manage businesses in the global economy. Some essential skills and knowledge needed by a business student in the modern business world are communication skills across cultures, computer skills, team work, and volunteering or leadership.


More specifically, certain minorities suffered greatly as a result of the United States involvement in the Second World War, even more greatly as compared to their overall level of hardship prior to the United States in three of the war. In such a way, African-Americans indirectly benefited from the overall level of training and engagement β†’

How to negotiate so everyone wins

The key thing that can make negotiation to be successful is if are was no communication problem among parties and everybody is given a chance to be heard and also to listen to others. Coaches also have tactics to deal with the problem at hand and that is why they are involved in the matter.

Discounted cash flows methods for asset valuation

The most common discount rate employed is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital, which includes the risk of the cash flows. Second, some of the Income Valuation methods are " the capitalization of earnings or cash flows and the discount of future earnings or cash flows".

Psychological question

Application of t-test for independent samples The application of the t-test in the testing of whether there are differences between populations thus the use t-test requires the use of independent means of the samples. In this case, the use of tutorials for college statistics students is dependent or shared phenomenon.

Pablo picasso and jackson pollack

The basic and fundamental purpose of writing this essay is to compare and contrast the works of Picasso and Pollack that go by the names of " Three Musicians" and " Shewolf" respectively. The work of Picasso was painted in order to tell the people to make the most of their life by creating harmony β†’

Violent crimein the united states

Violent Crime in Newark, New Jersey Crime has been in existence since the commencement of the universe; even primitive communities have been known to have one or two criminals that are involved in crime. This habit needs to stop and there is a need to take care of the problem of crime even when β†’

School nurse roles

Also, the survey appears to have drawn a bigger participation rate in smaller districts with 1-4 schools in the district. 81% of the schools in the district have a Registered Nurse.

Differentiate among the three fungal phyla

The sexual reproduction of these organisms leads to the formation of Ascospores. An example of organism in this phylum includes the baker's yeast Means of Obtaining Nutrients The ascomycetes obtain their nutrients the same ways as zygomycetes.

3 activity

First, Craig asserts that the existence of God creates a sense of the foundation of the universe. Therefore, they approve of the existence of power and that according to Craig is God.

Debt administration

Which bond in the following pairs of bonds is likely to bear the higher interest rate and why A corporate bond rated Aaa or a municipal bond rated Aaa The two types of bonds are rated the same in terms of credit worthiness. A municipal bond with maturity in 20 years will attract high interest β†’

Arts and humanties

Utilitarian ethics denies gay marriages to be legalized because the only happiness generated by the legalization of gay marriages is the happiness of the gay couple while its negative implications on the society are numerous including lack of the gay couple to produce babies in the society with an already negative rate of birth, drop β†’


749839 Fable a) Definition A fable is a short narrative that makes use of animal characters to bring out a moral statement by making them speak like human beings.b) Example Aesop's Fable titled " The Ant and the Grasshopper.c) Explanation In this story, the ant is a hard worker who toils each day to save β†’

Parliamentary monarchy and political absolutism

Political absolutism is organized like a monarchy, but political power is unlimited and centralized to the ruler. On the other hand, political absolutism is likely to result in the violation of human rights.

Western civilization to 1550 what is the west

In fact, the West is " a body of ideas, values, customs, and beliefs" that was copied on the continent of Europe by the more advanced civilizations of the East at that time. King stated that the West is ideas, values, customs and beliefs which is the true meaning of the West.

Ethnic conflict

Ethnic Conflict Type of Article This is a research article that explores on the major ethnic conflict theories that are put together to explain the causes of conflict around the world Citation Blagojevic, Bojana." Causes of Ethnic Conflict: a conceptual framework". Politicians play a huge role in the exploitation of ethnic difference through the use β†’

Restorative justice

Thinking about the benefits of restorative justice to the Offender it becomes understandable that offenders returning to the community after the term of their punishment has a possibility to be successfully reintegrated to their communities and families, and continue normal life, instead of being out of the community for the whole life. Thus, we have β†’

Likes and dideerecnes of computing variances

Likes and differences of computing variance Variance is one of the available statistics for describing data sets and it defines the square of mean deviations of each data point from the mean of the data. Having been defined as the square of mean differences between each number in a data set and the mean of β†’

The kelo v. new london decision what did the supreme court hold what are the implications for economic redevelopment in the us example: detroit

This led to the filing of the suit in Superior Court of Connecticut by the homeowners, an appeal was preferred to Supreme Court of Connecticut and the case finally disposed of by the US Supreme Court, taking a period of 5 years, from the year 2000 to 2005.1C. The first and most important argument by β†’


In the case of Tom's data the level of self-esteem can be denoted as the x variable and the level of depression can be denoted as the y variable. The existence of positive correlation between the two variables means that for every increase of x, there is a corresponding increase of y.

Operation barbarossa

The reactions by Stalin prompted many sources to ask the question why the Soviet Forces exhibited poor preparations in the wake of Operation Barbarossa amidst the large numbers that the army had. Hitler's application of deception in the WWII against USSR In the early years of the World War II, the Allied Forces led by β†’

Good customer service

To achieve the key behaviors, personnel assigned to serve the needs of the customers need to undergo training on to enhance customer service skills. What behaviors would you measure to determine the effectiveness of your program?

Fitness plan

Aerobic exercise is an activity which uses the muscles of the body in a continuous and rhythmic manner. In order to follow a perfect fitness plan the diet of a person is also very important.

S4 w7 one pager

The capabilities of the league of Arab s affiliation The capabilities of the league of Arab s The League of Arab States was established and created with the aim of cushioning its member states from economic and regional uncertainties. This decision was questionable as many Arab nations felt that the organization would have used force β†’

White collar crime

White Collar Crime White Collar Crime The case of Madoff clearly exhibits that businesses should not be allowed to damage and cause disadvantage to a larger section of the society in order to benefit a few. The two elements of a crime includes mens rea which is term used to refer to the intention that β†’

Financing new ventures

This can be termed as diversification of portfolio such that change in the value of one investment in the portfolio there will be a response to change in the value of other assets in the portfolio. Horizontal diversification is where an investor holds one type of asset or security in his portfolio but checks β†’

North american civilizations

Dates and Location of Adena and Hopewell Tradition Hopewell culture flourished along the riverside of the north-eastern and mid-western United States and the date of origination of the culture was approximately in between 200BCE to 500CE Adena Culture is more popularly known as pre-Columbian Native American Culture. The leadership of the Mississippian culture was great β†’

Answer to a 4 part question

The economy is not driven by the government but the market which in turn relies on the consumption capacity of the people.' Free market' economy has been successful in America to a large extent. Friedman's opinions can be challenged but what cannot be overlooked is the fact that American prosperity has come because of its β†’

Operant conditionings from a video

When supernanny first arrives, the Agate's family is in a complete mess and the mother is not in total control of the situation. The technique was meant to instill discipline in the house by ensuring that the children acknowledged who is the head of the house and that they are not free to go and β†’

Conduct a brief participant observation

Aside from the prices of the food that are way cheaper than the usual restaurants I go to, this greasy restaurant lacks the cozy atmosphere that other restaurants I went to. It could, however, be because they make room for other customers who will be coming by to have their piece of meal for the β†’

Jim carey/ the actor

He was an extrovert and has said in his own words that he was committed to get a reaction from the people around him since high school. He was awarded a star in the Canadian walk of fame in 1998.

All about black organized crime

The impacts which are noticed in black organized crime are occupying a significant position in society. The loss which is faced by governments are Loss in legal business income Loss of tax policy income Incomeutilize in organized crime due to law Expenses for public harmsis the result of criminal activity The Motorcycle Club is the β†’

Legal questions

The civil rights legislations are legislations enacted to stop all forms of discrimination in the country, including racial segregation, and discrimination in employment, according to Scheb and Stephens. In case of such a suspicion, the police have the right to stop, question and search the suspect for arms or any other weapon that may be β†’

American politics and imperialism

With two major parties in the United States, citizens of this country have been able to focus on the debate presented by the most prominent politicians they have not had to concern themselves with obscure arguments by third or fourth parties. A good example of this is the Populist Party in the 19th century.


Job experiences can help the managers understand the demands and challenges that might be faced for every job position; the awareness of such aspects directs the individual towards effective management. The assignment of the individual at different positions will facilitate the acquisition of experience for different tasks and will make the individual value the relevance β†’

Divorce mediation

The subject of property settlement can be done in 1 to 2 sessions and child custody during the last session or vice-versa. One of the ways to defuse tension and hostility during family mediation is through the technique of framing and reframing the statements of parties.


Running Head: Roger Federer and David Beckham Federer as Religious Experience and the Multiple Brand Personalities of David Beckham Professor June 13, 2011 Few athletes have the capacity, opportunity and dedicated focus to be marked with greatness, like tennis ace, Roger Federer and soccer icon, David Beckham. According to the article, " Federer as Religious β†’

Critical thinking in context

I am able to come up with solutions to problems in a systematic way and prioritize ideas based on their importance. I am in a better position to solve problems by using the information that I have.

Sustainability in bmw

The social programs serve as a marketing strategy because the organization creates awareness of the products to the public. In respect to the environment, BMW provides traffic education in UK for people to minimize traffic jam and air pollution.

Healthcare dashboards and metrics

Healthcare dashboards and metrics February 23, Healthcare dashboards and metrics Prevention and management of diseases and infections is one of the major aims of the healthcare sector. In order to ensure effective prevention, I would include incidence of pre-hypertension as a healthcare metric with 120 mmHg and 80 mmHg as benchmarks for systolic and diastolic β†’

Catcher in the rye comparison to author

The ' Catcher in the Rye', one of the most significant works of Salinger features Holden Caulfield as the central character. D Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye.

Brother juniper’s research: science v. faith

Three tragic happenings in her life brought about the changes; these being her little boy Jaime's illness, her own suffering of smallpox, and the fall of the bridge, with the loss this inflicted upon her. Though not believing that Dona Maria had a heart, she was willing to sacrifice a young girl to get the β†’

American government and capitalism

Capitalism is the status where a small percent of the richest in the society own and control almost all of the resources of that nation. The government introduced the credit system in the 1970s to increase capitalist output consumption.


The Three Top Causes of Death in the Country The three top causes of death in the country are coronary heart disease, stroke and lung cancer. In the event that the coronary artery is blocked and the supply of the oxygen-rich blood gets to the heart muscle, the heart may become permanently damaged.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

Doctor and employee of Vermont's Department of Veteran Affairs Andrew Pomerantz reason that most veterans with PTSD to not seek treatment because they dont want to be viewed as " weaklings". The wives of returning soldiers often report their husbands to be more irritable and snippy.

America in transition 1801-1848

The boundaries in the West were clearly defined through the treaty, in regard to the Louisiana Purchase. The building of the Erie Canal illustrated the confluence of a vision.

Women around the globe

29 October Women around the Globe Women around the globe have been characterized differently. In spite of the prevailing differences the state of women around the world can be summed up by the statement, " women do have more rights around the world and there has been much progress in treating women as full citizens"..

Based on the two uploaded journals, what is one point from this week’s readings that stood out to you. your comments should f

Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology It is exhilarating for the American masses to know that the government strives to rethink information by reinventing public services. The definition of information policy in the past is much simpler than it is today.

Healthcare finance

Among the reasons that make top-down approach the most ideal is the fact that it allows the upper-level executives to come up with budgeting information without relying on the lower-level managers. This is unlike the bottom up approach where departments make their own budgets and pass them to the upper executives.

Reflection paper

To illustrate the impact of culture on leadership, this paper will compare and contrast the Germanic Europe with the southern Asia cultural clusters. The most remarkable part of the group discussion was the part that entailed contributing of ideas and brainstorming for proposals.

The outcasts of poker flat

It is through the use of the Western setting and local color that Harte attempts to be a model for his contemporaries and his story is set in the rough and tumble days of the California Gold Rush. As the short story begins, the author introduces his protagonist as well as the setting of the β†’

The book of judges

2 The main cause of the sin in the book of Judges was the worship of the false gods that was due to the intermarriages of the Israelites with the Canaanites community. 4 The role of the women in Judges is to expose men to humiliation and defeat, because the powerless often have more power β†’

Book report

Additionally, the regime has not lived and exercised the ideals of its constitution to safeguard the freedom of the people but has violated them repeatedly. This was via its foreign policies' formulation according to which, due to the fear of the communists' influence, the USA funded and aided some colonies indirectly.

National american woman suffrage association

During the progressive movement, Americans attempted to resolve some of the problems born of industrialisation at the end of the 19th Century. The US entered World War 1 on the side of the Allies, Russia, France, and Britain, in 1917.

A private affair of an individuals conscience

The book is written in the form of journal entries and dialogue from three years of documented conversations in which the women confront their feelings on an array of issues - from religious stereotypes and social injustice to the crucifixion and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict The authors wrestle with the issues of anti-Semitism, prejudice against Muslims, β†’

My philosophy of nursing

Even as a nurse discharges professional duties, he or she is not immune to the physical and mental condition of the patient, his craving for the care/regaining normal health/fears about death/worldly concerns, etc, or personal issues that concern the nurse himself/herself. To conclude, ethical and moral considerations of the nursing profession demand that a nurse β†’

How i plan to study

In mind mapping technique, the sentences and paragraphs will be represented in the form of key words and images. This will help me to relate to the key notes, phrases, questions and images mentioned in the notes.

The casque of amontillado by edgar allen poe, and a rose for emily by william faulkner

The paper " The Casque of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe, and A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner" is an outstanding example of a literature essay. A Rose for Emily implies Emily's will to murder Homer and the actions she took afterward.

Research paper example

According to her plans she thought she would labor for a while, and then have a perfect delivery and start breastfeeding expecting to start bonding with the baby instantly. Margret buoyed by the fact that she kept a healthy lifestyle, labor and birthing was nothing closer to what she was expecting.

The necessity of appealing to english-language learners

The main theme throughout my studies in week 2 has been the gradual understanding of the necessity of appealing to English-language learners in ways that promote inclusion and cultural sensitivity. I have further considered the necessity for transitioning students into English education with sheltering techniques and that total immersion programs might sacrifice Spanish speaking students' β†’

Restaurant consulting firm

Therefore, in all, critical and creative thinking abilities, excellent communication skills, organizational capacities, and being well-acquainted with computer functioning and the internet are the skill-sets that the team must possess. Thus, it is evident that the skill-sets and the work complement each other.

Answers of interview questios

What are the major categories of stress symptoms and how essential are they in identification and management of stress? It is also good to determine if it affects the personal and professional life of the person.

Etiology of bipolar disorder

Etiology of Bipolar Disorder The bipolar psychiatric disorder, as the suggests, is an illness in which the sufferer fluctuates between depression and mania. A genome-wide association study implicates diacylglycerol kinase eta and several other genes in the etiology of bipolar disorder, Molecular Psychiatry, Vol.

Ethics in your life

Deontological or duty-based ethics These are a set of rules that are according to the situation confronted by the person. It is also thought that rules and principles are important in the implementation of ethics.

Cultural diversity

Retrieved from Cultural Diversity In Business Dictionary. Social Psychology-Cultural diversity in the classroom and its effects on academic performance: A Cross-National Perspective.[Abstract].

What are the implied contracts

The determining factors for implied contracts include the conduct of the parties involved in the contract and the level of trust that exists between the parties. For example, in the case of implied contracts, silence is used as a gesture for acceptance that is based on the factors of trust and confidence in the other β†’

James joyce the dead

Due The Dead by James Joyce Characterize the following, including physical and emotional attributes.a) Gabriel beingthe protagonist in the story is depicted as an educated teacher from the university besides being a writer ".they were friends of many years' standing and their career had been parallel, first at the University and then as teachers".. She β†’

Virginia local and state government

The flip side of the change in the term limit feature would be the decrease in the terms of the members of the Legislative Assembly. In my opinion, a four-year term with a term limit of a single term, for the Governor would be limiting.

Egypt and shifting power / influence structures in the middle east

Role of Israel Though Israel has kept a very low profile in the current situation it is nonetheless very eager to know the outcome of the current unrest in Egypt. The urban population of Saudi Arabia is almost of the same age as that in Egypt and subsidized bread and petrodollars might not be able β†’

Assessment and decision analysis

Meanwhile, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada is paying special attention to the possibility of implementing strict and corresponding control of the railway system of the country. The main goal of a new report called " Moving Energy Safely: A Study of the Safe Transport of Hydrocarbons by Pipelines, Tankers and Railcars" is to improve β†’

The accounting profession

The analysis is very helpful for the reader in the sense than one gets to understand both the internal and external environments of the company that influence its performance. Communication plays an integral role in the career of a forensic accountant and is essential that the accountant develops good communication skills.

The anti trust legislation

It was in the early 1980s in the case of American Telephone and Telegraph from AT&T and thus transforming the nation's telephone services. When the past cases were of regarding the monopoly of the companies due to mergers and acquisitions, the present case was a clear cut case of the fight of incompetence over competency.