Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Article abstract assignments

Mason seeks to identify the nature of the product created by professional sports leagues, its customers, and the marketing strategies used to market the product. The marketing of professional sports leagues.

In tray item 2

I Analysis of Gainsborough Fashions based on the Factors Based on the factors considered by banks, this report analyses the liquidity and cash flow position of Gainsborough by using Current Ratio, Quick Ratio, Debt Ratio, Interest Coverage Ratio and Cash Flow to Debt Ratio. Cash Flow to Debt Ratio: The cash flow to debt ratio β†’

The tempest

To Caliban, the source of Prospero's power is in his books. Education is the means to gaining power and in the hands of Prospero it is a potent tool.

On nietzsche, the ubermensch and the simpsons

His philosophy is of the extreme form of critique, characterized by the rejection of Platonic absolutes and values, culminating in the notion of a self-affirming, authentic agent that is the Ubermensch. In his article, Thus Spake Bart: On Nietzsche and the Virtues of Being Bad, Conard points out that Bart Simpson, in the latter's rejection β†’

Debate arguing for homosexuals being allowed to adopt children

On the other hand one has to be responsible and affectionate to be a good parent and homosexuals have equal possibility of having these qualities as that of heterosexuals. The kids having homosexuals have positive approach to life as compared to the kids from the shattered families.

Effects of critical thinking on a reader and writer

I merge scientific rules with commonsensical judgment and come up with my own reasons to object to some points and agree with others. I analyze my ideas and compare them to common sense and to scientific reasons and finally come up with statements that fit very well with logic.

Listening skills

S- When people come to me and interrupt me when I am doing something, I put what I was doing out of my mind and give them complete attention.6. 2 - My manager listens carefully to what I have to say and seeks my advice 9.

Genetic variations in comt and drd2

Genetic variations in COMT and DRD2 modulate attentional bias for affective facial expressions Genetic variations in COMT and DRD2 modulate attentional bias for affective facial expressions Introduction Studies have uncovered that catechol-O-methyltransferase and dopaminegic receptor2 balance human consideration inclination for tasteful nourishment or tobacco. Conclusion All in all, a population-based study was performed to explore β†’

Product development of subaru

The major focus on the company has been on unique brand positioning leading to the development of the success. The approach of Subaru in research and development has increased product performance.

The help of in attaining one’s goals

The fact that this is a merit-based scholarship will guarantee that I have indeed earned this for myself and as a serious student, I could ask for nothing better at this important time in my education. Furthermore, this may sound technical but I believe that as I have always been good at school and have β†’

A scholarly source

The author explores the balancing and bandwagoning, as the two options that states have during conflicts. The goals of balancing and bandwagoning are different as well, with states opting for the bandwagon to gain something, while the purpose of balancing is ensuring that values are protected.3.

Using technology

Markus Hohenwater, having realised the necessity of incorporating related mathematics concepts, developed the GeoGebra Software as dynamic mathematics software that can be used to achieve the connection. The Software helps in linking the topics of calculus, algebra, and geometry to enhance understanding by learners.

The tribulation of men and women

However, during the second stanza of " Two Hands," Sexton begins to depict the lives of men and women after the " great fall" of Adam and Eve. In the last stanza, Sexton discusses the tribulation of men and women once they know that their lives are capable of being saved through a Savior.

Please answer in short paragraphs

This will be followed by use of statistical methods to generalize information to the entire population and finally use of statistical analysis to create a statement about the health of said population. Some reasons why the cost of health care is rising Cleverly et al explains that one reason for the continued rise in the β†’

Fieldwork project

Not-A is necessarily impure, a random catchall, to which nothing is external except A, and the principle of order that separates it from Not-A". Bri's wife was a very successful doctor; she did not want to give up her career and " do most of the domestic labor".

Capital budgeting

What is the profitability index of this project? The profitability index of the project is around 1.

The organizational culture

This means to use every opportunity to stress the importance of business ethics and key business decisions that are not only economically viable but make good ethical sense. To further ethical behavior there is a need to build an organizational culture that values ethical behavior.

Caffeine does elicit

Caffeine-containing soft drinks are very popular." Caffeine taken in beverage form begins to reach all tissues of the body within five minutes. Caffeine increases blood pressure and stimulates the brain and behavior.

See order instructions

In the Gita, which is the most influential holy books of the Hindu, a hero by the name Arjuna is contemplating a battlefield just before the beginning of the battle. The author also demonstrates that ' just war' which is the use of war to finish a war or injustice as advocated Arjuna by Krishna, β†’

Emba 560 executive position week 2 exercise 2

At this stage, I will first assess the requirements of the position with respect to the organization, and leave out for a moment the people who are being considered for the position. He/she also must possess honesty, integrity, character, trustworthiness, and all the personal virtues I would need my VP to have to be able β†’

Noteworthy inaugurals

Let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who will have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. In 1925, β†’

5 questions

The general tradeoffs in the sequencing decision change the customer order and inventory service levels " Increasing level of service typically means higher level of inventory". The correct inventory target level can be determined by inventory optimization to keep all the locations all the way through the supply chain and helps to manage the trade-offs β†’

Why is the college a good fit for you

In addition, my intention is to contribute not only to the local community but also to the global community, and the college provides an environment where I can interact with individuals from different religions, majors, backgrounds, ethnicities, and hometowns, which would help me to develop proper interpersonal relations and fit perfectly in the global community. β†’

Apollo 1 launch catastrophy

There had only been short delays due to the communications systems, but according to the astronauts and the technical crew the other systems had been faultless. The knowledge and familiarity of the crew and the astronauts with the spacecraft was faultless.

The food truck business

The Food Truck Business The Food Truck Business New concept Changes within the food industry focus on maximizing sales and profitsfor a restaurant business. Necessary Permits/Licenses Operating a food truck business require full compliance with the established law governing the operation of such business.

Hippolytus of euripides

The strength of character shown by Hippolytus is the basic requirement for the efficient running of a company in a highly pressurized, temptation a women infested environment. Therefore, the strengths of character, personality, and mind shown by Hippolytus are the requirements of the job of CEO of a present-day company.

Looking for information about china

Another article is about Chinas relationship with Russia and its response to the recent problems in Korea. It is allied with North Korea which is causing many problems and is provoking the West.


Permitted for the individual job costs tracking and give feedbacks as to crews efficiency with regards to labor hours and material waste. 0 Licensed to exercise Chiropractic in Wyoming, Montana, Colorado and Minnesota.


Divorce Despite the overwhelming societal evolution, the issue of divorce remains one of the greatest challenges of a family set up. This paper discusses the causes and effects of divorce.

Ethics, virtue and moral agency

Another example is the importance of the virtue of patience in society. Corporate Moral Agency and the Role of the Corporation in Society.

Contemporary issues and controversies in western canada

All of them involve the changing world we are living in and to some extent relate to the current economic crisis. Blame the Olympics - The columnist writes about the sometimes strange protests that have been occurring in the buildup to the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver.

An experiment about facial expresions, using the researh report format:title,abstract,intro,method,results, discussion,references, graphs

An Experiment about Facial Expressions An Experiment about Facial Expressions The experiment aimed to determine the correct number of facial expressions perceived per gender from 24 different faces shown in a class of 8 females and 15 males. The objective of the experiment is to determine the correct number of facial expressions perceived per gender β†’

Over sea under stone by susan cooper

This is going to be the start of a new adventure for the Drew brothers and sister. In the first place, it had to be somewhere in England because the adventure relates to the legend of King Arthur and his knights.

Crash cultural identity

The fact, that he was brave enough to fight with the guy, who tried to steal his car, became the evidence of the inner change, which had happened to Cameron. The issue of cultural identity is shown to be manipulated through the scene in the attorney's office.

Science of performance enhancement for athletes

It is from this situation that science can be used to lessen the number of athletes practicing this illegal act in sporting. The science of doping detection is advancing, and this technology can be used to catch athletes involved in such immoralities to emerge victorious, for example, Floyd.

The exclusionary rule

Hence, the illegal articles will not be included in the criminal proceeding which if actually admitted will surely convict the accused or punish the individual who is in possession of an illegal item. Landmark Cases Supreme Court, n.d.Web.

Should your next car be a hybrid

Regular car A regular car, however, is cost effective in terms of purchase and maintenance than the hybrid car. A regular car therefore has greater and long-term disadvantages, than advantages to members of the society.

Do humans need to eat meat to have a healthy diet

But in order to maintain optimum health, meat should be part of every person's diet. Meat, in appropriate quantities, has positive health effects and should be part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Germany and the germans

What initiated the project were the bad incidents that happened in the history of Germany before 1988 and thus some Germans, under the supervision of Lea Rosh the journalist, wanted a public visualization of the history in the form of a sculpture. Serra had left in the middle of the sculpture's creation due to some β†’

Marketing at walmart

The sales items were obvious and fit in well with the idea of the store as a general retailer where anything was available. However, they were very happy to answer any question that was asked of them regarding sales items or where things were located in the store.


We now often hear ethics in class and to put it in proper perspective it was defined by Kant's deontology that posits that the best way to act morally to act from duty with the consideration of the highest good, that is, acting through the moral determination of the will. I can however rebut that β†’

Hindu temple of florida tampa; sat april 16th seetha-rama kalyanam

Not having a Hindu background the service was a great learning experience, and a number of the symbolic elements were lost on me, as I was generally new to the various customs and religious elements. During this part of the ceremony the pandit took a device that contained flames and blessed the figures.

What inferences can you draw from this passage what are the implications

When a person is hardworking or has a desire to achieve as in the case of conscientiousness, the person will definitely work efficiently and optimally produce. Such persons are a nuisance to the organization and will lead to a decline in the general output of the organization.

Clinical experience

A year later in 1985, I graduated from the University of Geissen with a degree in After graduation, my professional experience in the field of dentistry began when I served under the army in 1985.during my service, I earned the rank of Captain before honorably leaving the service. In the past years, I was able β†’

Ethical dilemma

PROF Ethical Dilemma In this scenario, the ethical situation is that Frank Santino has to balance his responsibilities as a close friend of Jose with his responsibilities as an accounting manager at a Ford and Toyota dealership. Johnson would obviously be harmed by having his private financial information shared, as he would not get the β†’

Sherlock holmes in the final problem questions

Moriarty and Holmes share, for instance, an almost inhuman set of skills in observation and deduction, which Holmes has demonstrated many times, and Moriarty demonstrates by noting that Holmes is " loading a revolver" in the pocket of his night gown. One of the most important is simply him having a mental capacity that can β†’

Bad leadership versus quality leadership on celebrity apprentice

Matlin was very courteous to her team members throughout the entire season, often using soft language to inspire others to achieve their greatest potential. At the same time, Matlin always tried to help others, showing that she thought their opinions and talents were valuable to the team.

International financial management

In this case, Colorado, said to take the long position in dollars; alternatively, it can choose to buy dollars at spot currency rates. In the case of UVA Company, it can take the same measures (buy futures contract or buy at spot rates) but this time, it should take a long position in the β†’

Organizational behavior (1)

These are the changes that managers and their organizations ought to progressively respond to in order to achieve effective organizational structures (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin & Cardy, 2008). To discuss how organizational culture influences the 21st century manager, it is important to define organizational culture. Managers in the 21st century have learnt to embrace the contingency approach β†’

Week 8: experiential exercises-10.1: making a layoff decision

Tartaro should also look in to cross training, attendance, ability to get along with others, prior discipline and quality of work. Based on the designated criteria Tartaro should develop a list of the employees in the department identifying the three employees selected to be laid off. This is an inconsistency, which will create problems later β†’

Instant messaging and videoconferencing

INSTANT MESSAGING AND VIDEO CONFERENCING goes here] [Your goes here] [Due the paper] Instant Messaging and Video Conferencing Question No. Both instant messaging and video conferencing influence the components of communication in a way that both of these involve two-end communication where messages are sent and received at all ends of communication. Question No.

Create a visually effective bcg matrix for your company (not in excel). you do not have to show all of your calculations, but should create a table showing the main elements that go into the matrix: segment of business, your brands, top competitor, basis

Consider the following table that indicates the requisite elements for a BCG matrix. BCG Matrix Starwood & Resorts Class Brands Top Competitors Starwood and Resorts Competitor Rooms Market Size Upscale Cambria Suites Hilton World Wide 468, 000 680, 117 811, 200 Ascend β†’

Construction project management

This will ensure that workers of one company specialize in what they are doing without undue influence from others. There is a need to have common points of reporting emergencies so as to promote orderly rescue or corrective measures. Contractors need to come up with collective minimum safety requirements at the site for there to β†’

Transformation leadership and followers career advancement

The main reasons I support this concept are that when managers exhibit good listening and communication skills and deal with their workers with respect and dignity, the latter themselves try to step into the former's shoes by hard work and effort. Thus, managers must know that since they are the leaders, they will have to β†’

The craft of public administration statute

Publication and Public Comment Once an advisory committee votes initially to recommend an amendment to the rules, it is required to obtain the approval of the Standing Committee, or its chair to issue the proposed amendment for municipal comment. Consideration of the Public Comments and Final Approval By the Advisory Committee The β†’

Week 3 chapter 7 qm

For example, in car assembly line, the worker that assembles a car engine and delivers it to the worker who installs it into the car's body structure is the supplier for the installer. Explain the role of customer in the total quality setting. In the total quality setting, customers play a pivotal and central role β†’

The 5 dysfunctions of a team

As we can see the existence of one creates a chain reaction that often results in the emergence of the rest. What engenders the greatest impact on me upon reading Lencioni's solutions to these five dysfunctions masterpiece is the author's solutions or countermeasures to the first dysfunction, the lack or absence of trust. He first β†’

Chapter 6 homework

Manufacturing lead-time is the summation of preprocessing, processing and post-processing lead-time (ORACLE, " Oracle Bills of Material Users Guide"). CALCULATION OF MANUFACTURING LEAD TIME OF WORK CENTER 10 FROM SETUP A MACHINE Setup on A = 50 minutes is the preprocessing time Processing time is the move time between operations i.e. The manufacturing β†’

Experience in the community team project

We were supposed to clean a few of the local parks as a cohesive cleaning crew. Since the team was performing volunteer work it was sort of hard to force people to do things a certain way.

Managing the physical movement of goods and information

Considering that the supply chain elements of an organization may exist prior to the establishment or implementation of a new SCM framework, the SCM team must focus on building a reliable and integrated way of tracking the flow of quantities of materials from location to location. In a decision support system or executive support system, β†’

Skills required for corporate development manager

In simple terms, the post of a corporate development manager entails practices such as planning and executing a huge set of business strategies necessary in meeting the objectives of an organization. To be successful in delivering the best for this career, it is essential that become enlightened on a number of key skills.

Business management and organizational behavior

Jasper Hennings needs to judge all of his employees similarly and should be strictly avoided in the prevailing scenario while judging and making a decision about the course of action with Henry Darger (Richard, L.D.& Marcic, D., " Understanding Management"). Answer to Question 2 In the Rio Grande Supply Company, the expressed cultural values β†’


Commandants and supervisors employ the evaluation in a way that the employees are not aware of any negativity. Managers and supervisors in the verge of making efforts to improve on productivity to improve performance and productivity in terms of productivity and growth are advised to always embrace the use of the tools such as rewarding β†’


The student exhibited clarity in the language used in the explanations as well as clarity in the answering of the questions posed. From the responses given, the student exhibited the ability to reflect on the unit in question. The student failed to express reasons for the criticism of the theory.

Implementation of rowe at best buy

This change helped in the success and increased the productivity of the employees because the employees became more focused towards getting their work done as the performance would then be based on the accomplishment of the task irrespective of the number of hours worked. The previous setups of the work environment by Best Buy resulted β†’

Chipotle mexican grill in japan

CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL RESTAURANT STRUCTURE According to the new survey, companies and businesses are working to limit the number of employees and managers. Ordinarily; more workers in the business will attract more expenses which will reduce the profitability of the business in the long run.Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant has very few levels of management. The β†’

Project sponsorship and decentralization of decision making

Project sponsors increase the commitment of the managers to the project and hence minimizes the probability of the project failing. The project sponsors help in decision making in projects and hence the managers and the rest of the team will work towards success.


The terms of the collective bargaining agreement are not ambiguous, and it is in fact the fault of the union that the communication was not done the first day, as they did not even want to hear the proposals. It is therefore correct to say that the refusal of the union to hear the proposals β†’

Inventory management

The system also captures the customers buying data which ensures monitoring of the stocks. Advantages of RFID I. There is no mishandling of the stock and therefore the smooth running of the business. III.

Freshii restaurant (report about staffing and job analysis )

Freshii restaurant knows this fact very well and the company is keen on keeping all its employees motivated and satisfied all the time. External recruitment and internal recruitment methods are used by Freshii time to time as per the needs of the situation. The importance of communication skills for the success of an employee is β†’

Influences on providers

The ageing population and social-demographics have forced the healthcare providers to incur heavy healthcare costs. Influence on providers Introduction Healthcare spending has been increasing over the past 40 years. The increase in healthcare insurance will lead to early detection of the medical conditions thus a reduction in the overall medical costs incurred by β†’


Whistleblowers of Misconduct in Organizations Will increasing rewards for whistleblowers to above 30 percent of the fines increase the reporting of corruption? Financial misconduct and overall white collar crime at the corporate level comes with negative economic implications. By increasing the rewards for blowing to at least 30% of the recovered sums therefore, congress will β†’

Lean manufacturing–mass customization & marketplace simulation

This means that a given company should be in a position to serve the customers or rather to take to the market exactly what the customers expect. Thus, the company should be in a position to understand the need for market segmentation.

It outsourcing

This study therefore highlights an online article on outsourcing, the IT functions outsourced, rationale behind outsourcing by organizations in each case, with the aim of establishing the benefits of outsourcing to the referred businesses. Summary of the article Title: Citi, BofA & JPMorgan to outsource $5 billion of IT and back office projects to β†’

Critical thinking applications paper

It was thereby summed that " the ideal critical thinker is disposed to try to " get it right," to present a position honestly and clearly, and to care about others (this last being auxiliary, not constitutive); furthermore the ideal critical thinker has the ability to clarify, to seek and judge well the basis for β†’

Development of economic thought

According to Dickinson, socialist planners must follow the listed points while going through any planning task: Planner must survey the current economic situation of the state or country in terms of taxation, BOP or expenditures. The suspected public expenditure must be listed beforehand so that they must be included into the total expenditure. Probability of β†’


She says that her supervisor and the board set the goals. In the interview, the interviewee says that she applied for the job, and then was employed later.

Management and advertisement

The advert, therefore, scores very well in terms of the best qualities of conventional adverts. The company using alternative advertising is the clothing giant Barbour which is using quality as a way of advertising its products. In essence, this strategy has over the years worked effectively for the organization and has enabled it to lead β†’

A match you can bargain on discussion questions

As Wal-Mart is already accustomed to this new organizational culture, Dell will be able to make a smooth transition to better cope with the demands that are placed upon the company. Because Dell has not really focused on retail before, it will take some time to adjust to the corporate culture that is already in β†’

Leadership and the creation of management consulting

It is clear that the composition of employees or the workforce is an important factor with regard to the possibility of a firm producing future CEOS. Do you think so-called leadership factories are also better placed for non-leaders to work? With the two companies, that I think will make the offer but I have not β†’

Exploratory data mining in behavioral research

On the days that the dog group did not have dogs at work, the stress level was the same as the others. There was no clear difference when it came to organizational support or physiological stress. 3. The limitations of the study The results obtained could not apply to employees in other companies.

Swot annalysis

SWOT analysis PepsiCo, one of the largest companies in the world, which specializein food and beverages. SWOT Analysis. STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Branding Product diversification Proper distribution channels Low productivity Poor employee relation Overreliance on Wal-Mart Overdependence on the US markets OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Increased product β†’

Supply chain management

The supply chain KPIs include turnover, efficiency, stock inventory, out-of-stock performance, throughput, shrinkage rates, number of weeks of supply, and delivery lead time. While analyzing the turnover of Hsuh Ta Enterprise Co., Ltd, a plastic forming and molding company located in Taiwan, it seems that the company performs satisfactorily in terms of turnover. Even in β†’

Emotional intelligence research/opinion paper

EI is therefore important to be able to identify such individuals in an organization and make the best use of their skills. Individuals with a low EI are encouraged to improve this so as to get a better understanding of their emotions and learn how to manage them resulting to improved performance in the work β†’

Mgt 601: week 2 dq 2

In addition, Managers should also come up with contingency plans just in case failure occurs in their original plans. How the Plans are distinguished from one another It is prudent to note that operational plans result in the achievement or attainment of the tactical plans which, in turn, result in the achievement of the β†’

Fair housing and responsibilities of a property manager

Fair Housing and Responsibilities of a Property Manager A property manager is an individual who is responsible for operating a real estate entity and charges a fee for the same. The property manager is therefore an individual who would take care of all the property related affairs and be involved with the β†’

Mt140 unit 4 assignment

Case Study It would be very helpful for the CEO to create a new position between him and the location managers. The CEO would require the location manager to report the coordinating manager and they would have the privilege of directly communicating with the CEO taken away from them.

Medical data management

The IVRS system allows for the integration of data about the doctors and surgeons present and on duty in the hospital. The IVRS makes the input and organization of data in the hospital unproblematic, fault-free, and cannot be tampered with manually.

Segmentation of the market and the ipad

Demonstrating the applications on the iPad and their positive influence on children as a learning tool is an excellent strategy that targets that market these parents want a toy that also provides educational value. Finally, the product positioning of the iPad, for this segment, stresses how it is revolutionary among modern computer technology as well β†’

Lakshmi mittal and the growth of mittal steel

One such company that beat all the odds to rise to the position of being the best steel company in the world is the Lakshmi Mittal Steel Company. Furthermore, it is a common practice by a foreign investor in terms of political and economic loyalty to the host nation.

The impact of e-commerce technology on the air travel industry

Additionally, communication with travel agents has been facilitated through technology which in return has allowed Airlines to effectively meet the needs and preferences of their customers as one of the objectives of strategic management. More importantly, the application of technology has allowed companies within the travel and tourism sector to effectively monitor travel. This is β†’

Primary source evaluation

REBA is an assessment tool that can be used to assess the performance of employees giving recommendations to the suitability of the jobs that they do The assessment tool provides categories upon which score are given depending on the critical tasks that the job poses to the employee, this is achieved by assessing the β†’

Answer questions

The organization also avoids instituting corporate measures such as accident prevention as evident in the increased proportions of violations (Washington Post Staff, Writer 2010). Question 2 The company should address all avenues of accident that have led to previous tragedies in the mining operations. It means that fewer accidents will occur and majority of β†’

Project management organizing a sports day – business plan example

Project Management Organizing a Sports Day Stakeholder Analysis This section outlines the project stakeholder analysis: Management of University of Greenwich One of the key stakeholders involved in this project will be the management of Greenwich University. Project Manager -1 Person A project manager will be responsible for the management of β†’

Leading global workforce

Leading Global Workforce: Significance of Assessing Capabilities Importance of Identifying Strategic Capabilities The process of identifying the strategic capabilities is essential for an organization to recognize what capabilities distinguish it from others in the marketplace. Another importance of identifying strategic capabilities is that it can benefit the organization to determine the right time and method β†’


However, some differences exist between the two methods as discussed below: The Iron Triangle Method This methodology is a process of sequential design where developers working on a project proceed to the next level of development as they complete each of the stages in the sequence. Developers begin with a simplified design for the β†’