Informative Intermediate School Essay and Research Paper Examples

Fire protection hydraulics and water supply

Multiply the length of 3/4-inch hose by 340, to determine the equivalent length of a 2-inch hose 2. Multiply the length of 1-inch hose by 86 to determine the length of a 2-inch hose.3.

Wk 5 strategic philanthropy for organizations

Strategic Philanthropy for Organizations This paper explores the benefits of Strategic Philanthropy for organizations. Strategic Philanthropy therefore forms part of the broader philosophy that outlines how involvement in citizenship can assist corporations improve their performance Strategic Philanthropy for Organizations Strategic Philanthropy refers to the practice of organizations in which they channel their charitable activities towards β†’

Compare and contrast two movies

The lady has dedicated most of her life in helping the people around her, to improve their lives despite the problems she faces in isolation. The movies are the same in the way they bring out the meaning of life.

Perfect research design

Central to this design is the baseline measure from which the researcher compares the posttest measurements. It is very important to gather measurements before and after the administration of the treatments.

Lin200 tut

Synonyms refer to two words with the same meaning for example the words " slim" and " slender".b. The second semantic change is the widening change where specific words are used to mean a general thing for example the word " vegetables" and " tomatoes".

Who we are (if at all possible this needs to be answered by someone over the age of 35)

April, How have I changed When I was eighteen, while I was still developing my niche in the society, my core values were perseverance, honesty and integrity, dependability and responsibility, and motivation to grow and learn. I am now led to a deep thinking, are the values I held before still lies in me, or β†’

Working with ocd- the case of majorie

According to Freeman, the key element of OCD is the occurrence of recurrent thoughts that are accompanied by the urge of compulsion and inability to resist them. She cleans the house thoroughly several times in a week, washes her clothes on a daily basis and cleans her hand 20-30 times a day.

A political speech on guantanamo bay

In the guise of national security, we seek to inflict pain and torture on the prisoners to extract what "-information to justify their presence in camps like Guantanamo Bay in Cuba" As POW's, these men are the mere forgotten and dispensable " soldiers-made-puppets" of another ambitious man wielding a form of power. Instead of nurturing β†’

My space

Once a task has started the momentum and interest of the task is enough to carry a person through the task to the end.3. Answer 3 I could use up the commuting time for study by making a CD of my notes and listening to them while I travel.

Between barack and a hard place: racism and white denial in the age of obama

In his timely writing, " Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial the Age of Obama," Time Wise explores the way Barack Obama's victory to political power has taken the race debate to a new level. The small but eloquently written book has two chapters." Barack Obama, White Denial and the Reality β†’

Evaluating the organization

A SWOT analysis usually begins with clearly defined state and objectives: Strengths: In strengths, it is checked which attributes of the company will help in achieving the desired objectives. Weaknesses: In weaknesses, it is checked which attributes of the company will be harmful in achieving the objectives.

Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling

In order to ensure that the managed care does not conflict with the code of ethics, the health care providers should adopt the systems that encourage the long-standing and effective relationships between the primary care providers and the patients. It is also ethical for one to leave the organization if there is no satisfactory resolution β†’

Emaars financial performance

Moreover, the ratio of selling and administrative expenses to the gross profit stands out to be and in 2007 and 2008 respectively. Selling, general, and administrative expenses are the sum of all direct and indirect selling expenses and all general and administrative expenses incurred by a company.

Income inequality

Looking at the economies of many developed countries, there is the existence of many skilled workers but that is not the case in countries that are experiencing the emergence of the economy since they have low skilled workers. The home country has the advantage of enjoying the relative labor that is abundant.

Teen suicides

Teen Suicides Bullying in schools and colleges has become a matter of great concern nowadays owing to the fact that it can lead to disastrous effects on the lives of the individuals who are bullied. The death of Tylor Clementi was mainly due to cyber bullying.

Pricing and quality

Pricing and Quality How can your healthcare organization with high levels of quality patient care benefit from higher quality than other organizations when price is a determining factor in contract negotiations with a managed care organization? Hospitals and healthcare organizations can have different levels of Medicaid or managed contracts with change in payments.

Simple rules

To begin achieving reliably higher success rates with their alliances, the companies need to shift their focus to five principles that complement the conventional advice from the experts. In the recent past, companies have been forming alliances and relying on them solely for their growth.

In ferguson, black town, white power

Examples: In the year 1990, the population of Ferguson had majority of Whites while Black population was. In the year 2010, the White population reduced to 29% only while the Black population reached to 67%.St.

When i was puerto rican by esmeralda santiago

Summary of the book: When I Was Puerto Rican is a personal recollection of growing up and having to live in the ever-changing world due to hopes and dreams that need to be fulfilled. The most crucial of these issues is becoming acquainted with the way of life and traditions in Puerto Rico.

The importance of education

As this essay will illustrate, education is a valuable tool that benefits not only the individual learning in an educational institution, but also the society that he is part of. Through education and the knowledge and values that it imparts, a society is empowered and made better.

One current event reaction statement pertaining to psychology in the news

The results of the survey suggest that these cases of suicidal attempts are very common to ages 6 to 12 and 12 to 18. Further, it is also during this stage that children develops the attitude of differing to any instructions and they become disobedient to any commands be it coming from their parents, elders β†’

Billabong case

The gaining in the value of the U.S.dollar against Australian dollar benefits Billabong in two means, strengthened price aggressiveness and translation advantage. In the case of a fall in value Australian dollar against United States dollar, the price of importation surfwear in America in terms of United States dollar will decrease.

Toy set company

The Guidecraft wooden blocks and construction sets are some of the classic toys sold by the company. An example of the construction set by Guidecraft is the Construction Truck Sort and Match whose heavy-duty pieces are attached to the matching board with pegs and some embedded magnets.

Window display (pasta)

One of the most important but mysterious elements of the piece is our use of pasta on the trees: surprisingly, it represents the concept of nature, comfort, energy and internationalism, and adds an interesting textual element to our piece of art. The shape of the pasta does not exactly mirror the shape of branches, but β†’

A silver tongued devil

He became angry, and for the first time in their relationship, he did not bother to consider Alena's' motivations. After spending five restless nights, Anthony decided that it was time to commit, he had the thought of now or never in his head, he thought that no other woman could be as perfect as Alena, β†’

Past education

To maintain the integrity of program provided, steps were to be taken to apprise students and parents of ethical violations and school expectations. The common school provided knowhow regarding the sanctity of private property and to all.

Inadequate literacy is a barrier to asthma knowledge

The study results show that the mean scores for Asthma knowledge descended with lower reading levels.on the other hand, the Standard deviations for all four groups were nearly the same. The reason this may be happening is that those with higher levels of education are exposed to more people and to more concepts; giving them β†’

Atc-47 ethical dilemma – terry bailey

Under the Current Assets head, the Bank Account Balance would have reduced and on the Liabilities side of the Balance Sheet, the Profit and Loss Account balance would have reduced. Section 53 - Article II - The Public Interest: Terry should have accepted the obligation to act in a way that will serve the public β†’

English composition 2

It is common with the writers and researchers to generalize various facts based on the sample data available to them and there is possibility for logical fallacies in these generalizations. However, in such means of inductive reasoning there is possibility for various logical fallacies and the " fallacy known as hasty generalization is a conclusion β†’


With all the commotions, the experience of being lost coincided with the metamorphic loss of her personal identity and strength as the fear that enveloped her during the experience transformed her life to silence and as she failed to relay her wish to the Moon Lady: to be found. Given the course that Ying-ying's life β†’

Usability and human factor studies of technology

The web usability principles created by Jakob Nielsen helps to create a user-friendly website for both experienced and inexperienced users. This is similar to another principle ' Help and documentation'.

Death of a salesman

The settings of the play are in the 1940's and since Willy the protagonist is a salesman, the settings move between the different offices and places that he visited. The other physical settings of the play are in the Loman's house in the front porch, backyard, basement, bedroom and the kitchen.

Observations of a movie theater

The boy yawns tentatively and lays his arm across the back of her torn seat. He then places the drink back in the holder and lays his hand gently on her knee.

Discussion question

Indeed, there are sustainable modern practices in agriculture that have adopted and customized even conventional means yet whether they can maintain this sustainability or not seems to crucially depend upon a range of applicability considering the prevailing crop species and frequency of quality operations. 29 Mar 2011." Field to Market: Using Sustainable Agriculture to Meet β†’

Act violations in afghanistan

This is because there is heavy US presence in Afghanistan due to the relations that the US government has with the Afghan government. The war in Afghanistan was one of the most expensive in history due the US government's dedication to dealing with Taliban and find Osama who was the architect of the September 11 β†’

Musil, behind the wall

In addition, he questioned the science and technology that had resulted to the problems of destruction from the nuclear weapons. Musils relationship to the religious environmental movement Musil is openly in support for the religious environmental movements as the publication has revealed discuss all the religious groups and the steps they have taken to address β†’

Equity analysis of gap inc

Gap, Inc.has a very strong market presence and delivers a quality product, but the organization is not without some key challenges; primarily strong competition within the apparel industry and the need to accurately predict consumer preferences in the world of fashion trends. Gap, Inc.has very strong brand and franchise values that are sustainable over the β†’

Cost accounting: budgeting

The company is largely involved in the production of glass materials that are used for domestic purposes and outdoor activities. By maintaining the predicted operational margin, the organization is capable of increasing sales volumes for the Decisions The decision of the firm is to use advertisement and other promotional mechanisms to increase awareness and sales β†’

Chapter 12 product and promotion: creating and communicating value

The market in this phase has the option of discontinuing the product or improve and maintain the product. In the introduction stage, the marketer needs to increase advertisement and awareness of the new product.

Horrible crime of charles manson

Now that Manson was out of jail, he was able to amass all and always being shuffled in and out of homes and schools, I feel Manson did not grow up as he should and suffered from a lack of a stable conscience. A huge Beatles fan, Manson preached to his followers that mass murders β†’

Topics for writing

27 May, The American Behavior: Americans are very diverse in their culture. Freedom means a lot to Americans in every walk of life.

Beyond physical presence: the real essence of community

The study of Naila Kabeer strongly and clearly illustrates the fact that being a resident in a locality is not equivalent to being a part of the community. Kabeer noted that there is an " overarching presence of 'the community' as a factor in shaping the lives and choice of the Bangladeshi women and of β†’

Discussion question

America is a developed country and almost all the people have the basic necessities to spend a comfortable life while Sudan is one of the poorest countries of the world. He will emphasize that because of the use of scientific methods the death rate among the adult has reduced and the mortality rate of the β†’


When one talks about presence in the web, it denotes the website and when one focuses on physical presence, it is the web servers. As the files and pages, which are visible on the website, have to be stored in some physical location, web servers play that part." A server in this context is a β†’


2) I consider the following sentence to be the most informative information in the abstract paper." It is further premised on evidence that language differences can be linked to legitimate historical and cultural legacies, and the positively framed presentations of language differences in sociocultural and social historical contexts can effectively counter dominant, seemingly unsustainable ideologies β†’

Black preschoolers more likely to face suspension

Despite that, the blacks students or preschoolers are the minority in the US schools; they privilege almost half of the total suspension cases in their school times. For instance, the black students or preschoolers get suspended for minor mistakes that could be of no harm to the other schoolmates as compared to white students who β†’

Landing site – faxbroadcasting

It provides you a cost saving yet fast way of broadcasting your fax. Since response rate is higher to fax, then it can be expected that marketing through fax broadcasting will bring you great response at very low cost.

Matsushitas culture changes with japan

What are the implications for Matsushita if the changes are made quickly or it takes years or even decades to fully implement the changes? Culture is always changing, so business needs to do the same.

Head collaborative cultures and organizational competence

Head Collaborative Cultures and Organizational Competence In " Collaborative Cultures and Organizational Competence" the author underlines that successful learning and teaching, administration and management is possible only if all stakeholders cooperate and collaborate to achieve their purpose. At the beginning of the chapter 6, the author explains the main problems affected modern education and β†’


She views the world in a holistic way and tells her friends that the world is unified. Sonia brings in Descartes philosophy in the film by claiming that people have grown to develop the opinion that the nature is not a living organism.

The buddhist empiricism thesis

" Doctrine of conditioned genesis " articulates that nothing appears independently in the actual sense but rather everything links to the other in different perspectives. Understanding this doctrine proves essential in pursuing liberation, in that someone refers to the basics that everything appears in a cycle, whereby everything occurs because of a cause and triggers β†’

Work and identity

Weber displays the parties on the society and some of the excellence of the class of the society. When these rules of the classes, the positions of the owners as well as the control of the people belonging to that class are considered, the definition of production by Marx is attained.

The department of animal science at a&m

I plan to make full use of the facilities and the expert guidance that TAMU can offer me to help me attain my goal of doing a doctorate in embryo research. I would like to make a huge success in my chosen career; at the same time have a happy and contented family life.

Preliminary investigation

The basic steps include the filing of a Complaint-Affidavit, the Issuance of subpoena by the prosecutor who is investigating to the respondent, the filing of a counter-affidavit by the respondent, the filing of a Reply-Affidavit and Rejoinder-Affidavit and resolution. They include: ascertaining if the suspect is armed and still in the area, proceeding to the β†’

The orchid thief

Question 2: Key among the advantages of the CITES convention is the fact that it seeks to preserve some of the rarest plant and animal species by limiting trade on such. However, the convention makes it difficult for people to obtain permits to trade and mutate the crops thereby limiting the growth of trade in β†’

Global challenges

Urban Planning and Future Challenges The issue of urban planning has always been a challenge to urban planners and policy makers. This is due to the rapid increase in rural urban migration, which affects most cities in the third world countries, such as India, South Africa, and Kenya.

Life experience and education

This early foundation in the interest of engineering has been encouraged by my family and has driven me to achieve a higher degree to be able to compete in the age of globalization. I have acquired a sense of duty and commitment to excel in my studies and achieve the highest levels that I am β†’

Etiological factors/psychoanalytic theory

Cultural pressures and ego deficiencies and social expectations of drug abuse can lure the young adults to drug abuse. Drug abuse and delinquent behaviors is a complex social problem where genetic and biological factors lead to emergence of drug abuse among young adults.

Abigail williams analyzation

For instance, she accused Elizabeth of witchcraft because she had a doll with a needle In Its stomach, saying she was using voodoo to hurt Abigail. Abigail Williams Analyzing By shinning pin pointed those people and decided she would accuse them of witchcraft in any OLL with a needle in its stomach, saying she was β†’

Should people be allowed to keep pitbulls

The Pit Bulls are the kind of breed of dog " that has been skewed by misrepresentation of evidence and flat out lies" over thinking the significance that they have. What makes Pit Bulls as one of the most popular and demanding type of breed is that they are very loyal to their owners.

Conduct some independent research on a controversial public policy (at any level of government) addressing some aspect of techno

The Freedom of Information Act The Freedom of Information Act was created to grant citizens the right to access specific types of federal agency records. On the other hand, federal agencies need to carefully interpret and understand the laws which govern the processing and releasing of requested information by the public.

Teen risky behavior:

The level of education on sex and drug from the parents largely influences the risky behavior. The Identification and Prevention of Middle Childhood precursors of Risky Sexual Behavior.

Short proposal

My qualifications to complete the project Being a the most recurring and important qualification I do have is the ability to analyze the situations. Since I am a student at the campus and I have witnessed the parking RTD problems for students and other people and have found a need to do research on it, β†’

The rime of the ancient mariner

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge is one of the celebrated British poets of the romantic era. In this poem there are two aspects of love that the poet dwells on - the love of God for all the creatures of the earth and the poet's own love of the beauty that β†’

Sutter medical center castro valley

Sutter Health ensured that health care is provided to its patients was still affordable despite the efforts it had put in redesigning and changing its management and accounting processes. The new designs and accounting practices developed by Sutter Health enabled it to repair its budgeting therefore created great financial achievement.

Choosing a pay structure that works for the practice

Primarily the job analysis process is dependent on the assessment of the job activities, its worth to the organization, as well as the required knowledge and experience - all of which are factors within the job-based pay structure. The bonus and demerit structure will also be based on the results of the job analysis.

Dentistar, inc

Therefore, it is recommendable for the firm to issue the refunds for unused portion of subscribers' premium payments if and only the company receives a refund request in writing. Dentistar's subscriber tracking system is also a competitive advantage of the company as it assists the managerial persons to easily identify status of the subscribers' policy β†’

My sisters keeper

Sara loved Kate so much that she was willing to do everything for her daughter's sake even to the extent of representing herself and her husband in court against her own youngest daughter's claim for medical emancipation. Brian had been a very loving and supportive father to Anna by making her stay with him in β†’


Finally, design bias is the type of bias in which the researcher or researchers set up the experiment or test in a way that fundamentally leads to the results to be represented in a biased manner as a function of the fact that an unprejudiced result is not guaranteed by the faulty design. This is β†’

Would the nixon/kissinger approach have worked right after world war ii

Nixon and Kissinger's Approach Nixon and Kissinger's diplomatic strategy and approach were specific to circumstances andissues of the profound power politics of their time. The principles of Nixon and Kissinger's approach also applies to other regions where multiple players exist with each important to US interests.

Experiencing travels

Perhaps, it is for this reason that there are several kinds of transportation that are always trying to improve their services for travelers to have the best experience and to cater to the necessities and wants of pilgrims. One cannot stop when using the airlines as compared to travelling in cars where a traveler may β†’

Lifestyle corporation

The internal revenue service also requires the partners to pay their income taxes depending on the agreement on distribution ratios of profits and losses. Since tax is deducted on the payments of the contractors, the corporation is able to reduce taxes largely.

Disease report

Healthcare providers will usually suspect the presence of Q fever in people who are suspected to have been exposed to the pathogen and who develop pneumonia, hepatitis, flu-like symptoms, and endocarditis. Symptomatic forms of Q fever are predominant on males, which accounts for approximately 77% of all cases of Q fever that result in the β†’ content analysis

Most of the videos that appear of the home page of are news and technology related most popular videos that are recommended by the site itself, and videos that are watched at the moment. The commercial tries to gather the attention of American who are most of the time busy and yet want to β†’

Fieldnotes: solano canyon garden

I began approaching and talking to a couple of people, asking what kind of plant is that, how tall they grow, and what good they are for. I noticed most of them seemed to have " favorites" when it comes to plants since they kept going back to that same plot for the next several β†’

Religion of the native americans

Native Americans Native American spirituality in general is not regarded as a " religion" in the full meaning of this word. Often the cause of a disease is considered to be an imbalance between spiritual, physical, mental aspects of a personality; Indian medicine is a medicine of spirit that restores order in a human β†’

History discussion

The subside of the Federalist party and the infirmity of the " official presidential candidate" of the Republicans resulted in a line up of candidates who all belonged to the Democratic-Republicans, which led to the Congressional Caucus system of candidates nomination, and ultimately the growth of a new-party system in the US. From this election β†’

The elements of a good credit policy, implications of increased receivables, the amount of annual expense to the firm as a result of the delay in collections

It also includes industry benchmarking statistics as well as various metrics i.e.days the sales are outstanding, collection effectiveness index, aging performance, bad debt write-offs, etc.iii) A credit evaluation and approval process; iv) Credit continuation procedures to support continuous monitoring of receivables portfolio and overall appropriate risk; v) Collection procedures Modern Farm Equipment's credit policy i) β†’

Domain bacteria

They contain a cell envelope comprising of a capsule, the cell wall and a plasma lemma or plasma membrane and a cytoplasmic region, which contains the cell genome, ribosomes and various cell inclusions. They are in a Kingdom of their own because biochemically, they are nearly as different from bacteria as they are from eukaryotes.

A moment of self awareness

I felt that because I was in the gas station for a specific purpose, I would be more comfortable and I was correct. Accordingly, I learned that while I am always interested in changing myself for the better, I would like to do so in a way that is not perception based but in fact β†’

Freedom of expression

It did not violate her fundamental right to express her opinion, but involved a defense of the airline's right to stick to its principles on its private property. If taken to court, this case is likely to be decided in favor of the airline, as it did not technically violate the lady's right to freedom β†’

Assignment example

Arab Historians of the Crusades. Arab historians of the crusades transforms the Italians.

Characteristics of the modern theories of international trade

Some of the modern theories of the international trade include competitive advantage by Michael Porter, Resource and trade by Heckscher and Ohlin, standard trade by Paul Krugman and specific factor and the income distribution by Paul Samuelson and Ronald Jones. This considers trade as a gain due to the expansion in the choices within the β†’

A decade of development

They insist that the source code of the software must be made available to everyone and those additions and insertions to the source code should provide a way of customizing the software according to the needs of each individual. According to this paradigm, content should be free of commercial attributions and once the source code β†’

How familiar are you with the swine flu

The results show that, there is a cultural and societal understanding of the flu, not only based on the facts about the swine flu, but also from the influence of the media and the hype that is surrounding this specific flu. What other opinions do you have about the swine flu and what is happening β†’

Dsm-iv evaluation

The objective of DSM-IV is to impart clear descriptions of diagnostic categories in order to enable clinicians and investigators to diagnose, communicate about, study and treat people with a variety of mental disorders; however, the clinical and scientific considerations involved in the categorization of such mental disorders may not totally be pertinent to legal judgments β†’

Tech article

Radio Frequency Identification Technology Overview of the Technology RFID: The RFID Technology is a new technology that tracks and monitors all moving objects with the aid of RFID Tags. Lui and Chen 2009, in their article titled " Applications of RFID technology for improving production efficiency in an integrated-circuit packaging house", defined the radio frequency β†’

Detail three differences of the colonies listed in the chapter 1 and 2

The widespread migration into America saw the formation of numerous colonies in the lands of America; several of Western Natives in fact belong to European decent. On the whole, the population of this region was more homogenous than Middle and New England Colonies.

Internet-based psychological interventions

One of the most suitable ways to construct such Internet intervention is creating a website which team would deal with people who need psychological help in determining themselves, for example, analyzing of their personalities, mental traumas, fears and fetishisms, preferences and talents. Creators of such an Internet intervention should register the service as it is β†’

Coca-cola marketing

Marketing of Coke-Zero The launch of Coke-Zero started in October 2006. The Success of Coke-Zero is the power of the zero percent sugar proposition in response to consumer drink requirements.

The reasons for success

There are of course some areas when a person needs to be competitive for having the achievement of what he wishes to achieve such as some exams of competitive nature. Though it is not right to deny " competitiveness" as one of the success factors, it would not be correct to conclude that competitiveness is β†’

Environmental hazards and human health

Environmental hazards and human health Environmental hazards are responsible for as much as quarter of the burden of diseases worldwide and more than one third in pediatric cases. A system approach to health and wellbeing in urban environment, Retrieved from World Health Organization.

Finance 2

A change of disposable income will lead to a change in the budget. In conclusion, preparing a household income and strict operation within the budget is fundamental for successful finance management.

Prosecutorial misconduct

One example of prosecutorial misconduct is witness tampering that means harassing, threatening or frightening a witness, forcing him to think a certain way by pressure, forcing him to lie, or simply forcing him not to be a witness at all. Since the accused have the right to go through a fair trial, the elimination of β†’


Environmental Protection Agency: As an Auditor the issue has to be taken seriously since it has both internal and external effects and can therefore influence the financial position of the company since dust has got an effect on people in terms of health and that the company will be compensating the victims, so the auditor β†’