Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Drug store drugstore and pharmacy history

RUNNING HEADER: The Dangers of Patent Medicine The Dangers of Patent Medicine BY YOU YOUR SCHOOL INFO HERE HERE The Dangers of Patent Medicine During the 1800s, it was common for various elixirs, potions, and herbal remedies to be sold to mass market consumers which contained formulas and ingredients that posed significant long-term health risks. →

Endocrinology of aging: the convergence of reductionist science with systems biology and integrative medicine

The field is on the verge of a fundamental understanding of the factors which appear to either slow or accelerate the process. A dramatic endocrine change of aging is the development of the menopause which occurs quite suddenly and produces marked symptoms and is associated with major changes in the body which the peri-menopausal woman →

Editorial: muscle-tendon-innervation unit: degeneration and aging—pathophysiological and regeneration mechanisms

Editorial on the Research Topic Muscle-Tendon-Innervation Unit: Degeneration and Aging Pathophysiological and Regeneration Mechanisms This research topic brings together basic researchers and clinicians working in the area of neuroscience, aging, sarcopenia, and orthopedics in human and in animal models with the aim to accelerate our understanding of the mechanisms involved in aging and degeneration of →

The perception of adolescents’ encounter with a flipped learning intervention in norwegian physical education

In universities, a significant improvement in the ability of students to engage in self-study of the PE curriculum is observed as FL enriches the teaching resources of sports courses and enhances the students' interest in learning. Flipped learning interchanges the general organization of the lessons and may be used to rethink, from both an epistemological →

Vagus nerve stimulation as a gateway to interoception

The vagus nerve, the main cranial nerve in the human body known to be central in relaying visceral signals to the brain, is naturally implicated in interoception. However, according to embodied, interoception-based accounts of the conscious self, access to and evaluation of the signal from the physical body is necessary for the conscious " self" →

When the part mirrors the whole: interactions beyond “simple location”

The quest of the physicist and the philosopher is then to find out about those tiny building blocks, inquiring about the smallest of objects, in order to identify and characterize the constituents of reality. Or, quoting physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach's criticism of Newton: in the principle of inertia there is " an abbreviated reference →

Benefits of stretching

Not necessarily, in the research done in the article, " STRETCHING REVIEW: A Scientific Review of the Benefits, Or Lack Thereof, Of Stretching" the author feels that, " just because a stiff muscle is related to a sports injury, and stretching can lessen a muscle's stiffness, this does not mean that stretching prevents injury." Different →

The evolution of syntax: an exaptationist perspective

Thus I will start with a brief exploration of the general concept of change of function and its resurrection in the term " exaptation" by Gould and Vrba, and then very briefly outline some of the objections that have been made to this concept, and the closely related concept of " spandrels," as applied to →

A gateway between recent and remote memory

Much is known about the predominant role of the hippocampus in the formation and consolidation of recent memories. The formation of recent and remote memory is associated with time-dependent formation of dendritic spines in the hippocampus and anterior cingulate cortex.J.

Trends in neuropediatric physical therapy

In this sense, some intensive physiotherapy protocols associated with the use of special clothes have been shown to treat these children, among them are: the PediaSuit, the TheraSuit, the PenguinSuit, and AdeliSuit. The effect of suit wear during an intensive therapy program in children with cerebral palsy.

Regulation of mhc class ii-peptide complex expression by ubiquitination

In March-I-deficient B cells, MHC-II expression is much higher than in control B cells, and this effect was mediated by ubiquitination of K225 in the I-A -chain. Curiously, the ability of IL-10 to downregulate MHC-II expression in DCs is due to induction of March-I.

Book review: birds minds. cognition and behaviour of australian native birds

In spite of this, however, emus, fowls and pigeons have neuronal densities in the pallium that are comparable to those of the cortex of primates. A major merit of this book is that it integrates with competence and clarity neural, ecological and cognitive aspects of the study of birds' intelligence.

Editorial: viral interactions with the nucleus

Editorial on the Research Topic Viral Interactions with the Nucleus The eukaryotic genetic material is sequestered within the nucleus bound by the nuclear envelope, separating the genetic material, and its functions from the surrounding cytoplasm. Non-enveloped DNA viruses deliver their genomes into the nucleus in diverse ways, including docking at the NPC, disruption of the →

Book review: safer healthcare; strategies for the real world

This view that there is a range of safety models and that the particular safety model used in any industrial environment must conform to the pragmatic constraints on the work is a valuable insight. This is a significant vulnerability in home healthcare and may constitute a prime target for development of organizational interventions that facilitate →

Editorial: in vivo magnetic resonance at ultra high field

It is often referred to as the " Apollo project of the brain" and the basic approach is best described as " reverse engineering the brain" [ 2 ]. In a review focused on the history of NMR magnet technology Moser et al.addressed the driving issue of this topic that is the motivation for higher →

The way development of medical devices and techniques guide us into the future

Bio Engineering is a very recent field involving the problem-solving and ingenuity of engineering and using the sciences of medicine and biology for the development of new medical devices and techniques. To begin with, the basic concept of biomedical engineering is the application of the basic sciences of physics and chemistry on to living things.

Establishment health centres remote villages health and social care essay

Preventable and catching diseases are the major causes of high mortality rates and lend to a great extent to the load of unwellness in developing states like Pakistan. In peculiar, the National Programmed for FP and PHC represents the largest graduated table intercession for the bringing of FP and RH services in the signifier of →

Editorial: resource recovery from wastewater by biological technologies

The analysis of the limitation of pH on the chain elongation has been explored by Ganigue et al.where acetogenic bacteria were used to ferment syngas from a waste gasification origin into ethanol and butanol that were subsequently chain-elongated into C6 compounds in the same process. Contrarily to the current view of medium chain fatty acids →

Editorial: digital interventions in mental health: current status and future directions

Editorial on the Research Topic Digital Interventions in Mental Health: Current Status and Future Directions An honest supply-and-demand assessment of mental health services in 2020 leads one to conclude that treatment needs would be impossible to meet without increased leveraging of technology. The future of technology-enabled treatment in mental health is probably best captured in →

Corrigendum: using a crop modeling framework for precision cost-benefit analysis of variable seeding and nitrogen application rates

A Corrigendum on Using a Crop Modeling Framework for Precision Cost-Benefit Analysis of Variable Seeding and Nitrogen Application Rates by McNunn, G, Heaton, E, Archontoulis, S, Licht, M, and VanLoocke, A. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Identification of the epileptogenic zone from stereo-eeg signals: a connectivity-graph theory approach

A large group of effective connectivity measures are based on the concept of Granger causality, initially defined for bivariate processes x and y: x Granger causes y if the knowledge of the past of both x and y reduces the variance of the prediction error of y, in comparison with the knowledge of the past →

Gaze perception in social anxiety and social anxiety disorder

Next, biases in the perception of other individuals' gaze in social anxiety will be reviewed with a focus on: whether mutual gaze is more readily perceived; and whether mutual gaze is avoided and perceived as threatening. In recent years, several studies have investigated the perception of self-directed gaze in order to quantify the perception of →

Assessing the need for a specialist service for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems living in israel: a qualitative study

Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the need for a specialized service for people with intellectual disabilities and mental health problems living in Israel. In general, participants were not satisfied with current mental health care for people with intellectual disabilities and there was a general agreement that services are in need of →

Stress leads to prosocial action in immediate need situations

In contrast, the biological term " stress" refers to an evolved, metabolic, neurohormonal response to unpredictability and uncontrollability, which prepares the organism for acute threat, centering around the coordinated action of the sympathetic nervous system and hypothalamic pituitary adrenocortical axis. The consensus from this work is that stress does indeed affect decision making, but in →

Workshop report: incf short course on neuroinformatics, neurogenomics, and brain disease, 14–21 september 2013

Funded by the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility and the University of Tennessee's Center for Integrative and Translational Genomics, the aim of the meeting was to introduce participants to core neuroinformatics and neurogenomics data sets and tools. The bulk of the program, however, was devoted to applying these tools and to learn how to mine the →

Mental imagery and food consumption

The exposure to food automatically prepares individuals for food intake and often evokes thoughts about food, a simulation of food intake, and a strong motivation to consume food. Taken as a whole, the results of the above-mentioned studies correspond with the assumption that conditions that facilitate the simulation of the consumption of attractive food increase →

How to crack pre-registration: toward transparent and open science

For example, the practice of hypothesizing after the results are known involves the reconstruction of hypotheses and stories after results have been obtained and thereby promotes the retrospective fabrication of favorable hypotheses. Pre-registration is a remedy for this problem that involves the submission of research papers for which experimental and analytical methods, including researchers' motivation →

Biological science proves that longevity is biologically affected less than by emotional aspects

The article I chose covers advice for longevity, which, the article says is the key, is a rich, strong social network of friends and family. The article goes on to say that it does not seem to be affected by age or gender and that the effect seems to be as strong as that of →

Emerging trends and promises in orofacial cancers

This treatment, as well as the combinatory use of Notch inhibitors and chemotherapeutic drugs, resulted in a significant reduction of cancer stem cells. The opposing roles of NOTCH signalling in head and neck cancer: a mini review.

Divergent hemispheric reasoning strategies: reducing uncertainty versus resolving inconsistency

That is, the properties of the localized neural processes in each hemisphere combine to create divergent reasoning strategies at the hemispheric level but may not generalize to all modules in the hemisphere. To preview, there is substantial evidence that the left hemisphere tends to form hypotheses and the right hemisphere tends to evaluate and revise →

Easy access, difficult consequences? providing psychiatric patients with access to their health records electronically

Progress has been made both in terms of: 1) the number of organizations that have opened up their psychiatric notes; and, 2) our understanding of the impact of opening up notes to both patients and providers. In this study, patients were provided a portion of their notes, and requested of the study researchers, increased access →

Ethical, legal, and professional issues in counseling

In order to ensure that the managed care does not conflict with the code of ethics, the health care providers should adopt the systems that encourage the long-standing and effective relationships between the primary care providers and the patients. It is also ethical for one to leave the organization if there is no satisfactory resolution →

Cannabinoid cb1 and dopamine d1 receptors partnership in the modulation of emotional neural processing

A commentary on The dopamine and cannabinoid interaction in the modulation of emotions and cognition: assessing the role of cannabinoid CB1 receptor in neurons expressing dopamine D1 receptors by Terzian, A, Drago, F, Wotjak, C. In an intriguing article of the Special Issue " The endocannabinoid system: a key modulator of emotions and cognition" published →

A grand challenge for genetics of aging: adding healthy years to our lives

The goal of Frontiers in Genetics of Aging is to be a forum for publication of findings that will extend our understanding of the genetic and molecular basis of the aging process, and of the interaction between genes and the environment. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Khanna, A, Muthusamy, S, Liang, R, →

Case study

In most cases of encephalitis, there is stiffness of the neck and the back in adults and stiffness if the whole body in babies. Encephalitis which is an infection of the brain might have caused infections in the cerebrospinal system.

Request for

I am divorced since two years and the responsibility of the children has fallen to my lot and I have accepted that challenge. I am placed at the precarious stage of my life and I am unable to take admission to any medical course without financial assistance.

Corrigendum: yap and taz regulate cc2d1b and pur β in schwann cells

A Corrigendum on YAP and TAZ Regulate Cc2d1b and Pur in Schwann Cells by Belin, S, Herron, J, VerPlank, J.J. Feltri 3, 4, and Yannick Poitelon 1*" This does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Alzheimer’s disease case study essay sample

Because your disease is in the early stages, I would start you on Razadyne as it is designed for treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer's. They are dedicated to researching Alzheimer's disease and finding ways to reduce the risk of dementia.


Telemedicine is part of the larger field of telehealth that is promising to bring the untold change to the health care industry and radically improve the delivery of care to patients. Having compared the results, the figures and samples were comprehensively discussed and this brought the paper to further recommendation in case of a future →

Application letter for cardiologist essay sample

Since my infancy and adolescence I had made immense strategies of achievement and I have been very resolute and loyal to them. I believe that............with its outstanding universities and teaching facilities, will provide me with an ideal environment for the accomplishment of my long-held desire of serving humanity as a Cardiologist.

Human services skills

The human service professional is there to empower the clients to help to find and locate resources needed to make meaningful changes and ability to trust andrespectone another. In order to comply with Reggie and Todd, all those feelings and beliefs will have to be put aside in order to fully help them both.

Drug-diagnostics co-development in oncology

The ideal approach to co-development of a drug and companion diagnostic involves: identification of a predictive biomarker based on understanding the mechanism of action of the drug and the role of the drug target in the pathophysiology of the disease. The efficiency of the enrichment design depends on the prevalence of test positive patients and →

Drug therapy trials for the prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia: current and future targets

A recent workshop conducted under the auspices of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health on the primary prevention of chronic lung diseases focused on BPD. Postnatal inflammation in the pathogenesis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

Herbal medicines for the treatment of cancer chemotherapy-induced side effects

Ghrelin secreted from the stomach binds to the ghrelin receptor, which is produced in vagal afferent neurons and transported to the terminal of the afferent fiber, and inhibits electrical activity of the vagal afferent fiber. This signal is transmitted to the solitary nucleus in the medulla oblongata and then to the NPY and growth hormone →

Baclofen for the treatment of alcohol use disorder in patients with liver cirrhosis: 10 years after the first evidence

Given the strong relationship between alcohol discontinuation and hepatic function improvement, regardless the stages of liver disease, total alcohol abstinence represents the main outcome in the treatment of AUD patients with liver disease. However, given the impaired hepatic function and the lack of randomized clinical trials investigating both efficacy and safety of approved medications for →

Corrigendum: ion channel targeted mechanisms of anti-arrhythmic chinese herbal medicine xin su ning

00070 In the original article, we incorrectly used the university internal grant code which should be replaced by the Chinese Medicine Research Fund in University of Oxford. The funding statement should read: This work was supported by the Chinese Medicine Research Fund in University of Oxford.

2020 vision of frontiers in striated muscle physiology

The results of a PubMed search with " muscle sex difference" as a search term, indicates a peak in the number of results in 2009, followed by a 3-year period with a small decrease in the number of annual publications. The increase in the number of published articles on sex-related differences coincides with an awareness →


Brand A is chosen as the first option because it maximises the " must" and " want" criteria, as well as having lowered uncertainty and risks through the lowest negative impact on the environment and employees, while Brand B is the second choice because it is satisficing in relation to the minimal criteria of " →

Food craving: new contributions on its assessment, moderators, and consequences

The development and validation of the state and trait food-cravings questionnaires. Food cravings, appetite, and snack-food consumption in response to a psychomotor stimulant drug: the moderating effect of " food-addiction".

Effect of inflammation on the process of stroke rehabilitation and poststroke depression

As the inflammatory response may modulate neuroplasticity during stroke and altered neuroplasticity may be associated with the onset of PSD, the stroke-induced immune response in the brain can also affect the PSD process. In this review, we describe the two different types of stroke and respectively summarize the effects of inflammation on the process of →

Editorial: mitophagy in health and disease

The Research Topic on " Mitophagy in Health and Disease" in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology includes a series of 11 articles that discuss recent advances in the field of mitophagy research and highlight challenges and outstanding questions, that need to be addressed before mitophagy modulation can be considered for the development of effective →

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol Abuse Introduction Alcohol abuse is not always characterized with the pattern of heavy drinking; instead, it is defined in terms of the adverse consequences. The paper also explores whether current behavior of alcohol abuse has any relation to the past.

Cognitive control and emotional intelligence: effect of the emotional content of the task. brief reports

Nowadays, it is assumed that cognition and emotion are two complementary aspects of the psyche, and that it is difficult to separate their influence in the performance of the activities of everyday life. The aim of this study was to examine whether cognitive control implemented for persons high or low on EI depends on →

The effect of microgravity-like conditions on high-level cognition: a review

The studies therefore are in line with the hypothesis that mental manipulation of objects is not affected by contextual changes. In fact, microgravity does not allow the building of a representation linked to verticality, that is the typical spatial coordinates of human body on Earth.

Impact of high fat diet and ethanol consumption on neurocircuitry regulating emotional processing and metabolic function

The higher level of EtOH-related deaths in men may be due to the differing prevalence of AUD between men and women, with the highest prevalence in the European region and Americas according to the World Health Organization. As discussed above, many of the discrepancies in the HFD and EtOH co-consumption literature may be due to →

Vicarious ostracism

D, Bagg, D, and Williams, K.D." I feel your pain": the effects of observing ostracism on the ostracism detection system.J.Exp.Soc. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Williams, K.D." Ostracism: effects of being excluded and ignored," in Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, ed M.

Prosocial behavior at work through the lens of character strengths

Therefore, the examination of PB is in need of an approach that is able to accommodate its cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects, be sensitive to different types of PB and while considering its value-laden nature and potential for positive and negative consequences. This suggests that certain aspects of the CS of love, such as trust →

Editorial: neural mechanisms of perceptual categorization as precursors to speech perception

The present papers contribute novel insights about the function of dorsal areas in and near the auditory core, the functional specificity of the mSTG/S, and the role of non-auditory areas, for phonemic perception. Ley et al.discuss the value of MVPA for revealing high plasticity of sound representation in auditory temporal areas as a function of →

Urgent measures for the containment of the coronavirus (covid-19) epidemic in the neurorehabilitation/rehabilitation departments in the phase of maximum expansion of the epidemic

In fact, the epidemic is expressed by the tremendous number of infections in an extremely short period of time, thus affecting large portions of the population, which leads to the concentration of a disproportionate number of requests for assistance compared to the emergency response capacity of the health systems. In fact, in an extremely short →

Did insecure attachment styles evolve for the benefit of the group?

The solution to the " paradoxical" persistence of insecure attachment styles, according to Ein-Dor et al, is that across evolutionary time, the costs of insecure attachment styles to individuals were exceeded by benefits at the group-level. 32, 1 67.

Grand challenges in bionics

As an additional evidence of the interest of the scientific community in the field of bionics the International Society of Bionic Engineering 8 was founded in 2010 to foster the exchange of information on bionic engineering research, development, and application. Lepora et al.reported and analyzed the explosive growth of publications and discoveries in the world →

Paleoecology grand challenge

In the same vein, but even earlier, Nagel had discussed in detail the distinction and connections between the " nomothetic" aspects of science, " which seek to establish abstract general laws for indefinitely repeatable processes," and the " idiographic" ones, " which aim to understand the unique and nonrecurrent". In Fanelli 's words, " the →

Confessions of an educational psychologist

Finally, I suggest possible alternatives to the current curriculum and pedagogy of educational psychology in order for it to align with the principles of twenty-first century learning. Despite these efforts to connect theory to practice, and to make the course " relevant," I cannot help but feel that the courses have been marathons and the →

Editorial: evolution of reproductive organs in land plants

Extant plants are the consequence of over-400-million-years of evolution that are reflected in the innovations of reproductive organs throughout their evolutionary history, such as the occurrence of seeds, ovaries, flowers, inflorescences, and their functions. Guo et al.conducted a detailed anatomical observation of the vascular bundles within the pistils of Dianthus chinensis, and propose a novel →

Valproate mhra guidance: limitations and opportunities

The MHRA regulations recognize that it is not safe for some women to discontinue valproate prescription in pregnancy and doing so may in fact pose considerable risk to both the mother and the fetus. In these scenarios the only option may be for the specialist to amend the form by hand and justify those areas →

Can functionalised play make children happy? a critical sociology perspective

According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, every child has the right " to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities". Hence, we argue against the background of the notion that children's leisure lives are reframed in the sense that the basic intention of play to " simply →

Editorial: african swine fever

On the other hand, the difficulty to eradicate the disease in other areas of Europe where the infection is very widespread and wild boar is the main virus host has been confirmed by the re-emergence of ASFV in Estonia last August, where no virus had been detected in the previous 18 months. The acute form →

American dietary guidelines

The guidelines emphasize on the element of calories balancing as the key to managing one's weight. With the knowledge of what to eat, what not to eat, and how to balance one's weight through calories, the guidelines also provides information on how to define a healthy eating pattern in order to minimize their nutrient requirements →

Aberrant disgust response and immune reactivity in cocaine-dependent men might uncover deranged serotoninergic activity

The increased sympathetic and immune responses documented in this clinical population in association to a hypersensitivity to stimuli conveying a risk of infection might be explained in relation to a deranged activity of serotoninergic circuits. 1021/bi0106890 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Ducy, P, and Karsenty, G.

Structural qualia: a solution to the hard problem of consciousness

Should the second thesis be incorrect and consciousness fully analyzable in structural terms, then finding the structure of consciousness in some patterns of neural activity and studying the origin and nature of that structure would hopefully reveal us eventually all there is to know about consciousness. According to my proposal, which is based mainly on →

Results of the meta-health study suggest pathways by which vitamin d affect obesity and cardiovascular risk through adiponectin levels may require further characterization in subgroups

A commentary on Association between vitamin D and adiponectin and its relationship with body mass index: the META-Health Study by Bidulescu A, Morris AA, Stoyanova N, Meng Y-X, Vaccarino V, Quyyumi AA and Gibbons GH. Although potential mechanisms were carefully considered and described by the investigators of the META-Health Study, the mixed results raised questions →

Music makes the world go round: the impact of musical training on non-musical cognitive functions—a review

In the following, we will review the available behavioral and neuroscientific studies on these kinds of effects and assess the degree to which musical exercise generalizes to cognitive functions not directly related or unrelated to musical abilities in healthy humans. In particular, musical training may be a very valuable approach to counteract the deteriorative effect →

Commentary: clinical approach to the differential diagnosis between behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and primary psychiatric disorders

This highlights the importance of considering bvFTD as one of the key differential diagnosis in treatment-refractory forensic patients with progressively worsening cognitive functioning and high rates of violence as well as in patients with new-onset criminal behavior. For example, during the course of treatment and as reported previously, we re-evaluated the utility of medroxyprogesterone by →

Editorial: representation in the brain

Editorial on the Research Topic Representation in the Brain Representation of abstract concepts in the brain at the neural level remains a mystery as we argue over the biological and theoretical feasibility of different forms of representations. The main point of the piece is that the term " representation" presupposes a separation of process and →

Editorial: investigating the impact of current issues on leisure, tourism, and hospitality in psychological science

Editorial on the Research Topic Investigating the Impact of Current Issues on Leisure, Tourism, and Hospitality in Psychological Science As one of the world's most dynamic, fast-changing, and intense industries, tourism remains the primary engine of economic growth and sustainability generating a vast number of employment opportunities leading to poverty alleviation. In recent years, the →

The inequalities surrounding indigenous health

This history of inequality, discrimination and overall mistreatment has not only had a prolific impact on the health and socioeconomic status of Indigenous individuals but it has contributed to an increase in detrimental social conditions and a lack of faith in their Non-Indigenous counterparts, the Government and the Australian Health Care System. The Australian Institute →

Editorial: regulatory peptides in neuroscience and endocrinology: a new era begins

Editorial on the Research Topic Regulatory Peptides in Neuroscience and Endocrinology: A New Era Begins The Research Topic " Regulatory Peptides in Neuroscience and Endocrinology: A New Era Begins" represents the second such Research Topic gathered under the auspices of the International Regulatory Peptide Society, an international federation of scientists committed to progress in basic →

Editorial: human and oncoviral non-coding rnas as modulators of cancer aggressiveness and disease progression

Editorial on the Research Topic Human and Oncoviral Non-Coding RNAs as Modulators of Cancer Aggressiveness and Disease Progression Non-coding RNAs include a variety of molecules that modulate complex cellular networks with roles in normal physiology and cancer pathogenesis. Zhao et al.reviewed the role of lncRNAs and miRNAs in regulating the Programmed Cell Death 4 tumor →

Virtual letter

First, I would like to inform to you the reasonI chose this name to you. I am a devoted and true Christian, and I wanted to give you a biblical name that is why I chose Neriah for you.

A model for mission dentistry in a developing country

One of the greatest difficulties in bringing oral treatment and preventive care to an uneducated population is the lack of understanding that oral disease is preventable. For example, the Minister of Health and The Colegio require that visiting dentists register with them prior to working in Honduras by supplying a copy of the dentist's diploma →

Corrigendum: differential regulation of thyroid hormone metabolism target genes during non-thyroidal illness syndrome triggered by fasting or sepsis in adult mice

A corrigendum on Differential Regulation of Thyroid Hormone Metabolism Target Genes during Non-thyroidal Illness Syndrome Triggered by Fasting or Sepsis in Adult Mice by Fontes, K. Differential Regulation of Thyroid Hormone Metabolism Target Genes during Non-thyroidal Illness Syndrome Triggered by Fasting or Sepsis in Adult Mice The authors apologize for this error and state that →

Transcranial alternating current stimulation affects decision making

As a consequence, the frequency-specificity of tACS effects on decision making cannot be addressed, and the potential of frequency resolution of tACS is underpowered. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Sela, T, Kilim, A, and Lavidor, M.

Commentary: what is the link between stringent response, endoribonuclease encoding type ii toxin-antitoxin systems and persistence?

Other groups investigated the implication of the 10 TAs as well as that of Lon, ppGpp, and polyP in persistence to various classes of antibiotics. 0030282 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Maisonneuve, E, Castro-Camargo, M, and Gerdes, K.ppGpp controls bacterial persistence by stochastic induction of toxin-antitoxin activity.

Discussion of treatment options for metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer patients

The revolution in the management of patients with metastatic hormone sensitive prostate cancer began in 2015 with the addition of novel systemic therapies to androgen deprivation therapy. Abiraterone in addition to ADT was effective in all subgroups in the STAMPEDE Abi trial with a 7% improvement in 3-year OS in the abiraterone + ADT →

Severe malaria

There is a need to continuously alter the use of chemoprophylaxis due to the ability of mosquitoes to develop genes which are resistant to drugs if given for a long time. Provision of knowledge and education to communities most affected is necessary as a way of fighting malaria.

The question of “representation” in the psychoanalytical and cognitive-behavioral approaches. some theoretical aspects and therapy considerations

The aim of this theoretical paper is to compare the cognitive- behavioral and psychoanalytical approaches with respect to the way in which each of them conceives of representation and deal with the issues that this involves. There are no doubt many overlapping elements in the way in which the workings of the mind are →

Human cytomegalovirus latency and reactivation in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients

Clinical evidence indicates that the risk of reactivation post-HSCT is strongly connected to the pre-transplant HCMV serostatus of the donor and recipient and the pace of post-transplant HCMV-specific T-cell recovery. However, the lack of well-validated biomarkers for reactivation makes it challenging to predict the incidence and outcome of infection in individual patients, and greater knowledge →

Editorial: sound, music, and movement in parkinson’s disease

The Editorial on the Research Topic Sound, Music, and Movement in Parkinson's Disease As editors of this special edition on sound, music, and movement in Parkinson's disease, we are delighted with the final collection of papers that have been published in this research topic. These authors shift the focus from the functionality of the basal →

Three questions to consider before applying ecological momentary interventions (emi) in psychiatry

The development and application of EMI are continuously increasing, related to the emergence of smartphone apps and the widespread availability of the internet. Moreover, there is a lack of longitudinal studies that compare the effects of face-to-face treatments with the effects of the same face-to-face treatments in combination with EMI.

Editorial: granite petrogenesis and geodynamics

The origin and formation of granitic rocks was at the forefront of geological debate before and after the pioneering work of James Hutton and Charles Lyell, and played an important role in the development of continental drift theory. The manuscripts present a variety of approaches that address the role of hydrothermal and hydromagmatic fluids in →

Pedodontics – roots and specifics of american pediatric dentistry

Believed to have begun in the early 20th century, pediatric dentistry is actually a form of dental care that began long before, in the homes of moms with teething children, concerns about breastfeeding, and adult tooth eruptions. With tooth problems being the most common childhood medical ailment in American since the year 2002, the importance →