Quality Mental Health Essay Examples for Your Learning

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Music have the power to reduce stress

Music choice can vary a lot between people, meaning using your personal preference for soothing music you like to listen to will be what is suitable to help you achieve the stress relief." Music can absorb our attention, it acts as a distraction at the same time it helps explore emotions." If you are in →

Principles and practice of mental health nursing

The socialization process fit with that of the recovery model both of which are patient centred, giving hope and optimism to the patient, and using a set of outcomes set by the patients. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: The craft of caring 2nd edn.

In portrait of abuse, cognitive dissonance is the gateway to women discrimination

In the movie " Portrait of Abuse" the women in the movie live in social environments much different than our own.within the social contexts That we live abuse seems uncommon and within Northampton people seem more open to speaking up to that type of thing. In many cases the men lost their possessions because of →

Borderline personality disorder: a case study

Dialectical behaviour therapy is specifically recommended to aide in decreasing Robin's suicidal and self-harmful behaviours- as these are the primary presenting symptoms- and to improve Robin's social interactions with others. Dialectical behaviour therapy skills use as a mediator and outcome of treatment for borderline personality disorder.

King v cogdon

Was the Killing of Pat Involuntary? Ms. Cogdon fell asleep, she began to dream of the war, and that one of the soldiers was attacking Pat in her bed.

Free research paper on qualitative article critique

While defining the terms ' immigrant' and ' refugee,' the paper also explains the caregivers' perspective of the barriers to access of mental health care among the aforementioned populations. Different perspectives of the immigrant and refugee mental health care problems are identified.

13 teachings by bruce lee to become mentally resilient

You are the commander of your own mind: You are the power and have the power that commands every aspect in your physical as well as mental health. You are the creator of the future that you envision, and there is no external force which is strong enough to overpower your conviction.

The differences between social anxiety and shyness

While shyness is similar to anxiety, and it is easy to confuse them both, anxiety is much more severe and is an actual disorder that can leave people unable to cope with social situations if brushed off as something else. While shyness can evolve into Social Anxiety, it is not a natural progression and many →

Sleep deprivation: causes, symptoms, and treatment

Adults need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep daily to function properly Sleep quality is determined by a role in sleep habits influenced by their mental well being. 1% of students in Germany reported that learning and working problems" is associated with the lack of quality sleep.

Music – my focus in life

Ever since he began to talk to me about my favorite artists and what type of instruments I admired, I knew that I wanted to learn more and grow my understanding of music. Whenever I need to represent my attitude and words are not there for me I know there is a place for that →

Reducing pressure and stress

Therefore, you need to find something that you can do to help you to control your stress so that you do not get all this pain from these things. Stress is never a good thing for you to have on your body.

The impact of mindfulness meditation

And the meditation is one way to exercise and relax the mind from the over-stimulation of daily activity, multi-tasking, and stress of the day are eliminated by focusing on something other than self in an attempt to reduce the haste of life.found that the overall mass of the brain increased as did the well-being and →

Prescribing art in mental health health and social care essay

Critics of 'art for mental wellness ' highlight the wealth of anecdotal and subjective grounds sing wellbeing and self-esteem betterments and the deficiency of quantitative, randomised controlled informations. To see my ain prepossessions of utilizing art as a direction scheme in mental wellness and to reflect on how my position has changed as a effect →

Adolescent mental health facilities

All the money and research lead to the founding of the National Institute of Mental Health in 1949. All of the person's belongings are taken and stored until the day the person is released from the hospital, whether it is the next day or a week later.

Search for identity and self-reliance

She is trying to explain that she feels like the fish because her fate is being authored/controlled by the parasite instead of herself. This character is based on the personality of Aza, but when Aza finds about this character in Daisy's fan-fiction she finds herself stuck to Ayala as if she's a part of her →

The connection of conscience and depression

Subsequently, depression can be linked to behavior and the environment that the person is placed in. Also spoken about in the article is the deprivation of the mother-child bond whereas the book confirms that feelings of comfort and security are crucial components to the mother-child relationship.

The features and approaches to cognitive dissonance

However, it is also worth noting that Graff, Sophonthummapharn and Parida found that younger persons experience the least dissonance when it came to regretting their purchase of a mobile phone despite them being the least emotionally-involved in the decision-making process. Increasing the perceived attractiveness of the chosen item, or a strategy known as ' sweet →

Mental health issues in the workplace research paper

It is recommended to design the conditions in the company to strengthen and encourage a supportive culture in the organization: creating a transparent information and decision making policy constructed on trustworthy cooperation and open dialogue; Further qualification and training. As the stress in certain work environments can be related to an eating disorder, a positive →

The stress of student mothers

To deal with the stress of motherhood and school, you need to confront it head-on. Knowing how to balance the stress of coursework will help manage the time a mother is in school.

Partnership and interprofessional practice

Interprofessional practice it is the ability of professionals to work in collaboration, applying knowledge and skills, to improve the service users experience of the service provided. Together the Acts place a legal duty on the interprofessional team to work in partnership with Sandra and to inform Sandra of her right to an assessment; furthermore Standard →

Holden caulfield and depression in the catcher in the rye

After the play Sally and Holden see, Holden sees all the people and views them all as " phony", " At the end of the first act we went out with all the other jerks for a cigarette. Holden is acting like a duck in the way he avoids having to deal with his issues.

Imposing and exposing values

Values based counselling means that the counselor is always pointing to a better way, meeting the client where he or she is at, and guiding that person towards a higher place: a place of deeper truth, a place of greater meaning. This is where the values of the counselor are critical to effective therapy.

Negative effects of stress in our world

There is no denying the fact that stress negatively impacts the different, from the human body, the mood to their behavior First of all, stress affects the human body. There is no repudiating the detail that stress effects harmfully ranging from people's body, mood to their behavior.

Insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea and sleepwalking debated through their various manifestations and effects

The purpose of this paper is to discuss and determine the differences between different types of sleep disorders, what are the causes and the effects on humans' physical and mental health. Now that we have known the common causes of sleep disorders, who tend to be the patient, let's look at some of the most →

Physiological stress – the martian and life of pi (by jade matthews)

In the two movies ' The Martian' and " Life of Pi" the protagonist of the stories goes through a series of stressful situations that put pressure on them physically and mentally. The complexion of his skin was caused by the lack of blood flow as he held his breath while removing the metal piece, →

Psychological anaylsis of the virgin suicides

Both the Lisbon girls and the neighborhood boys share the two roles throughout the duration of the novel. When reacting to the structure of the novel, one notices the straightforwardness of the piece.

Mental illness and addiction among immigrant, refugee and asylum-seeking, latin american and african american populations

Results demonstrated the efficacy of the CATS program in improving overall functioning and symptoms of PTSD. Lastly, Williams and Thompson conducted a systematic review on the use of community-based, culturally-specific interventions in reducing the psychological impact of trauma amongst refugee populations.

The treatment of postpartum depression

Baby blues occur in most women following the birth of her baby, the difference between postpartum depression and baby blues is the severity and length of time. The earlier help is looked for, the sooner treatment and assistance can be given to a suffering mother and prevent other complications after baby is born.

Psychological assessment tools

Validation history, strength and weaknesses: One of the criticism of the gung scale Is that It used graded responses that may be confusing to elderly patients, and so they may require assistance from the examiner to complete the form. A base rate score of 75 or greater on the Desirability or Debasement scales indicate that →

Mental illness and prison

There are medical personnel that work in prisons, however; they do not have enough resources to provide specific care plans or treatment for prisoners with mental illness. Mental hospitals usually have them come back for group sessions or a one-on-one session with a healthcare provider, while prisons do have that kind of system, it is →

Free research paper on quality improvement

The quality improvement initiative furthermore is the key to the improvement of the entire population mental health as it will ensure the value for the expended monies and their accountability. The analysis of this initiative is important as it provides a better understanding of the topic of quality improvement in the mental health care.

How each understands a traumatic event and the defense mechanism used to surpass it

Although it is clear that negative outcomes seem to be prevalent amongst those who experience trauma, investigating one's coping skills would be necessary to consider if this is a relevant factor when assessing outcomes from trauma. Through analyzing the existing literature, there is reason to believe that negative effects due to trauma are because of →

An introduction to cognitive therapy

Two ancillary assumptions underpin the approach of the cognitive therapist: 1) the client is capable of becoming aware of his or her own thoughts and of changing them, and 2) sometimes the thoughts elicited by stimuli distort or otherwise fail to reflect reality accurately. The task of cognitive therapy or CBT is partly to understand →

Health of children

It analyses practice based on evidence gathered from visits by Her Majesty's Inspectors to 72 schools and reports on the impact of the guidance provided to schools four years ago by the Department of Education and Skills and the National Healthy Schools Standards, agreed in 1999.[1],[2] Both clarify the importance of good provision to ensure →


The mind is reintegrated, and roles and functions are resumed in a phase of reconnection. In the nine-stage treatment of multiple personality with multiple personality the psychotherapy is established and preliminary interventions are made to establish safety, develop a therapeutic alliance that includes the alters, and enhance the patient's coping capacities.

Work effectively with in mental health 21503

It is essential to involve Lee in the development of a recovery program to suit him and his situation, as well as the relationships in his life. Frank feels that Lee may be confused and not have sufficient knowledge or experience to be sure of his sexual preference.

Anxiety in the free world

From previous experience with police and what he was known for by the police, Muhammad made the decision not to call the cops. The night Doris is found, covered in blood, Muhammad is faced with a huge decision whether to call the police or not.

Six dimension worksheet

Physical health: Exercising daily is an activity that helps Social health: An activity that reflects social health would have to be interactions with other people. Praying regularly is an activity that you do daily to strengthen your spiritual health.

Spotlight on veteran suicide

As we know, veterans are more likely to commit suicide, but most veterans over 50 are the ones who feel they are at the point of no return and take their own lives. As a society we tend to assume that it's the soldiers own fault as to why they commit suicide.

Mental health narrative essay

One of the many challenges that human service professionals e.g.social workers, counselors, and other professional helpers encounter in the practice of their profession is the need to understand the cultural, language, social and economic problems of people and their families in order to extend appropriate and effective services to people especially those who belong to →

How can mental health recovery be used to inform practice and improve outcomes for patients?

Also, there is likely to be a cross over in terms of the users of the various services and we may be able to market our service within these groups. In conclusion, I have designed a project whichI believewould have make a positive contribution to the mental health and social functioning of both existing service →

Basically how an individual evaluates themselves

This coupled with the fact that she was still very young raised the level of stress in her life and leading to her mental disorder. Thomas problem of overdosing on non-prescribed pills in the run-up to the Olympic could have been another contributor to her state of mental health.

Correctional substance abuse essay examples

It was established that in order to gain positive grounds in regards to offering better conditions in the facilities, especially for those with mental problems, it was to be of best practice to develop a superior system of communication within, and without the facilities. In order to have a successful program, it was of utmost →

Vr is now used to treat addiction and other mental illnesses

Virtual reality is therefore beneficial to the treatment process because it can reproduce triggers that people can face in a safe environment. Clients visiting the lab undergo a 45-minute virtual reality session, where they have to deal with dangerous experiences that in the real world can lead to a relapse.

The effect of social discrimination against people having mental illness

It is proven that there is a strong stigma against people that has a mental illness, and they experience it in all areas of their life. These are no sense and hurtful things to say to people with mental illness as it is like saying they have no reason to be sick, they could choose →

Adhd and autism

I have experienced and interacted with a young boy that had autism before and I found that the way he interacted with me and others around him was fascinating. Some questions that were most helpful dealt with the symptoms in a child with autism or ADD, how parents should deal with their children, how you →

Crisis and acute care in mental health

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate an understanding on the nature of risk and risk assessment in relation tosuicide. Beck suggests that risk assessment in the mental health care setting is an attempt to control the behaviour of patients and clinicians for the interests of the organisation rather than the best interest of →

Sleep disorders and how they affect an individual’s mental and physical health

In the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders which is also known as the DSM-5, it contained information on all sleeping disorders and not just the insomnia in general. The most common sleeping disorders that are found and diagnosed in humans consist of sleep walking, narcolepsy, and insomnia.

Introduction and brief analysis of the yellow wallpaper

The Yellow Wallpaper Close by its investigation of mental illness, The Yellow Wallpaper offers a study of customary sexual orientation parts as they were characterized amid the late nineteenth century, the time in which the story is set and was composed. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an unmistakable women's activist, who dismissed the trappings of conventional →

Mayer-rokitansky-kuster-hauser syndrome

The hypothesis and or purpose of this study is to evaluate self-report measures of psychological distress in woman with MRKH syndrome compared to woman without MRKH syndrome. I belief observing woman when diagnosed with MRKH as well as following up with woman after dealing with the initial shock of this syndrome will give insight to →

Suicide cases among successful young adults

Enke and his wife adopted a baby girl, Leila, but Enke was afraid she would be taken away if his illness was revealed to the world. This is in line with the statement as Festinger suggested that the more the discomfort, the more the desire to reduce the inconsistency between two cognitive elements.

The influence of music therapy on our health and well-being

Plato prescribed both music and dancing for the fearful and anxious, while Aristotle spoke of the power of music to restore health and normalcy Music on Humans 5 to those who suffer from uncontrollable emotions and compared it to a medical treatment. Many physicians began to use a multidisciplinary approach to medicine and, recognizing the →

The effect of insomnia on our health

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder and can be considered a mental illness because it affects how those diagnosed sleep and their ability to stay in the resting state. Retrieved from https://www.sciencealert.com/what-exactly-is-the-link-between-insomnia-and-mental-illness.

Environmental health and safety

When poured on the ground, household hazardous waste may seep into and contaminate our groundwater or the ocean we swim in. When hazardous wastes are released in the air, water, or on the land they can spread, contaminating even more of theenvironmentand posing greater threats to our health.

Mental health and recidivism

Due to the large number of mentally ill inmates prison psychologists and psychiatrists are burdened with a heavy caseload which restricts the effectiveness of treatment per individual c. Community treatment of severely mentally ill offenders under the jurisdiction of the criminal justice system: a review.

Musical interventions to help treat depression

So powerful is music, that it is even used in a clinical setting to treat mental and even physical illnesses and disabilities through a process known as music therapy. It is with this in mind that I am proposing to develop a mobile-phone application that brings the magic of music therapy into the hands of →

Ambulatory care and the mental health services

With the advent of the new health program and support by these two agencies, there is hope that there will be improvement in this care. This causes a shift in the type of care that is given from coverage for illness to coverage for prevention of illness.

Client conceptualization

When the client is able to understand how her thoughts lead to a specific behavior, and the counselor has helped the client change the direction of her thoughts, the client will be better. The expectation is that the client can realize how many distorted beliefs she has and help redirect her to healthy thoughts.

Determining which temperature is more efficient to breakdown protease enzyme, a lab experiment

We hypothesised that the rate of enzymatic breakdown would change in response to change in the temperature of the protein. The testing solution used was ninhydrin, of this we added 2 ml to each test tube, we then placed the test tubes in a bath of 95 water for ten minutes.

Chronic sleep deprivation can affect your overall health

Providing understandings of long-term effects of CSD on neurons and brain, the article educates the audience on the significant health effects of CSD, evoking the awareness of the importance of sufficient sleep. Neurology is the main discipline of this article, most obviously, as it is published in the journal ' Frontiers in neurology' and headings →

Good example of article review on how poverty impacts mental health: a look at four papers

These studies showed that less education also was linked to people suffering from CMDs The paper suggested that in order to reduce mental health in low to middle income countries, housing or business development projects need to be aware of how their buildings and operations impact the mental health of the community. The paper also →

Understanding mental illness

Understanding Mental Illness: Means for Lifting the Stigma As a victim of the debilitating mental illness clinical depression, I have a first hand knowledge of the terrible stigma attached to seeking medical help for this and similar problems. As people are exposed to the illnesses and begin to understand their origins and ways to help, →

Bipolar disorder signs and symptoms

A year later, because her symptoms continued; she was administered as an outpatient in the university clinic and was diagnosed with bipolar II and was given valproic acid 1000 mg/d and sertraline 50 mg/day. The depression symptoms returned after 5 months and she was prescribed with lamotrigine and moclobemide.

Mental health and gender congruence among transgenders in chennai

The reason behind this change due to awareness about transgenders and inclusiveness to society getting higher and in turn these improvements will lead to increase in the acceptance of transgender by non-transgenders and it will be gate opener for transgender to access the societal features such as health care access, employment and etc. The creation →

Prediction of hallucination proneness based mindfulness

With regard to the hypotheses, our investigation demonstrates that there was considerable association between all variables (mental distress and mindfulness) and hallucination proneness, also this study shows that mindfulness can predict proneness of hallucination by mediating of mental distress. The results are supported by some of previous researches, at the first it's going to →

Free research paper on effect of mental health on society

This will make sure that confrontations are able to take place in a way that will not provoke outbursts or confusion for the individual. One of the worst areas of mental health disorders is the area of addiction. One of the best ways to combat this issue is through the use of exercise. Another one →

Management of fractured front teeth following accidental trauma

Dental professional involve in management of patient immediately after the admition to emergency unit and then comprehensive management of the patient until the patent obtain an aesthetical improved and functionally acceptable teeth and occlusion. Patient with dental trauma might have other injuries that could be more serious. To avoid such failures, stress is given upon →

Empowerment and its effects on health care essay sample

The Department of Health recently published that there needs to be a shift towards the promotion of mental health to promote the health and well being of a nation. Women have long been a population that is at greatest risk for disempowerment. Disempowerment has shown to increase the risk of health related problems. →

Unifying elements of the creative artifact “explaining my depression to my mother” by sabrina benaim

Benaim's performance of her poem completely qualifies as an act of communication and as will be discussed further later in this text, there are a number of forms of communication that Benaim utilizes to convey her emotions during her performance. In Benaim's performance of her poem, there are a number of elements that are intrinsic →

Person-centered approach on xavier example

The admission to the hospital was because he went to the hospital and held a knife to his neck threatening to kill himself. Because, of these beliefs it will be little more difficult for him to come to the self-realization that he should take his medication.


Getting away of crdit cards and checkbook is a way of quit shopping. The last part " under mouse arrest" was talking about the online shopping, even if we do not go to shops on the streets, but still we could not stop shopping online. Summery of Literature 2: In the paper, →

Diagnostics of adhd (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in american children

ADHD has a lot of different types of symptoms. Common symptoms of ADHD are Fidgets with or taps hands or feet, or squirms in seat. One more symptom of ADHD the child's behavior can be described as dreamy or unable to pay attention.

Case analysis of andrea yates

Nathan Merrill XXJUN2012 PS208 Case Analysis of Andrea Yates After close review and careful analysis of the case of Andrea Yates and the circumstances which led to the drowning death and murder of her five children, I first would like to state my personal opinion on the conclusion of the case which was the →

Defining stress: types, effects and communication process

This minimizes the brain functions, increases sugar and BP levels. Depression. Pain of any kind. Lack of concentration and unrest. Weight problems. Low on confidence and morale. Digestive and reproductive issues. Memory and thinking problems. Sleep problems. It affects relationships. Types of stress: Acute stress: Acute stress is temporary stress that arises due to various →

Life threatening situations and how to overcome them: ptsd symptoms and treatment

However it is now recognised that PTSD can develop in anyone who has been in a life-threatening or alarming situation with modern statistics demonstrating how common the disorder actually is, affecting one in five fire-fighters, one in three teenage crash victims, half of female rape victims, and two out of three prisoners of war. All →

Good essay about bipolar disorder

A hallmark of the different bipolar disorders types is a depressive period and manic phase, with a return to a normal level of functioning between depressive and manic episodes, which may be quite extreme, depending on the individual. Mood disorders, such as bipolar disorders often occur in a cylindrical design, with a triggering event, which →

Punishment for the rapist in india

Sex also involves intercourse but it is different from the rape, as in rape there is a involvement of the outer force, violence and the most important that it is done without the other person's will or in such a vulnerable conditions where there is no other option left by the victim like threating the →

Mental health case study

In a disease like diabetes, physicians can run tests to look for certain indicators of the disease in the blood like the levels of blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C. Sometimes physical conditions can cause mental illnesses. The deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill began with the introduction of the use of psychotropic drugs for mental health →

Professional interviews

Two interviews were obtained so that a comparison can be made between a clinical psychologist and a clinical therapist and the roles both professionals play in mental health. Steibe-Pasalich's area is individual, and group counseling, also outreach, and crisis intervention.Dr.

The role of meditation on sports performance

Athletes such as Usain Bolt, who was the first person to hold both the 100m and 200m world records, and the first man to win 6 gold medals in sprinting, describes that " sleep is extremely important to me I need to rest and recovery in order for the training I do to be absorbed →

Introduction of support group & online support group

For example Email, Usenet and internet bulletin boards have become popular methods of communication for peer-to-peer self-help groups and facilitated support groups. Support groups have long offered companionship and information for people coping with diseases or disabilities, and online situational oriented groups have expanded to offer support for people facing various life →

Good essay about personality disorders in the dsm

This makes it important to consider that as the reasoning for why they should be included in the DSM. One good example of a personality disorder that has many similar traits to mental disorders is bipolar disorder. Like many mental disorders, it has been proven that there is some genetic link with bipolar disorder. Another →

First responders and mental disorders

And we want these responders to be the best that they can be when they arrive. The ravaging effects of fire, the emotional and physical damage caused by accident and abuse, the threat of personal attack, constant stress, and an inability to save everyone they attempt to help take a toll. So, what can we →

Suicide and depression of student

People who feel depress should be compromise but also, we need to be careful on the things that we do, the words we say that comes out in our mouth because we do not know if the things we do to that person to feel better, is effective there are instant or tendency that the →

Essay on mental illness and criminal justice

This evident increase in such offenders is mounting pressure on the government and correctional systems to improve on their provision of medical care for the individuals. According to James and Glaze , a survey in 2004 shed light on the symptoms of depression, mania and psychotic disorders displayed by mentally ill inmates. This is →

Example of argumentative essay on stress in australia

Carers of people with chronic health illnesses also report higher levels of stress and stress compared to non-carers. Carers with low levels of support report significantly higher levels of stress, which in turn results into greater impact on physical and mental health. Apart from the chronically ill and their carers, young adults also face greater →

We have become untrue to ourselves

I contend that we have lost our pride in the Philippines, that we no longer consider it a privilege and an honor to be born a Filipino. And they cannot be anything else because their elders did not know enough, or did not care enough to fashion them and to mold them into the Filipino →

W1:a3 essay

To meet the needs of the aging population, psychologists need to increase awareness of competencies for geropsychology practice and knowledge of dementia diagnosis, screening and services. American psychologists are on the verge of a decade of demographic change in society and in their profession.

Depression treatments

The article shows that depression needs to be treated aggressively with quality treatment and the importance of preventing future cases." Medication Rationality in treating depression" covers depression treatment methods used by Lithuanian doctors. Costs of treating depression patients have been burdensome since many of them have relapsed, as mentioned before. The study →

Mental health programs for women in prison essay

The needs of the clients highly influenced the design of a mental health program for women in prison. The Mental Health Step Down Program or MHSDP and the Resolve Program or RP are programs that focused on the mental health issues of women in prison. In addition, the program seeks to improve the level of →

Harmful influence of depression on our health

Depression can result in various physical and emotional problems and may end up reducing your performance at your place of work and you can take help of remedies like best cbd oil for anxiety and depression. The depression is experienced by people of all ages. The above symptoms will also cause you distress and end →

Covering health services costs: increases of costs for hospital treatments and by using new technologies

Peter Jennings interviewed numerous individuals from different sectors to compile a comprehensive report. The report noted that biggest loss of the health care coverage dollar investments originated from more continuous technological improvements that have a continual growing high cost per procedure, which are introduced into the medicine each year. The documentary also indicated that Hospitals →

Schizophrenia and stigma

But most of these representations, since the Old Testament period, strongly inspired by a pagan vision, have introduced a new notion in the world of madness, that of sin and madness considered as fault and punishment. While this distinction may have taken a glorifying time, especially in the religious field with the stigmata of Christ →

The art of living with depression

It too involves an organ , receptors and hormones. Even an educated person lie about having session with a psychiatrist, just because of the shame it will bring on their family. These are some of the factors that hinder the person from seeking help and thus falling deeper and deeper into the clutches of →

Postpartum depression and the social construction of motherhood: a gendered perspective.

Through a feminist discourse the paper attempts to demystify and deromanticise the idea of motherhood arguing that rather than being natural; motherhood is a social construct that puts pressure on the woman triggering the onset of PPD. " Mental illness is the most solitary of afflictions to the people who experience it; but it is the →