Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Where is the “g” in creativity? a specialization–differentiation hypothesis

Therefore, the critical " source" of creativity may not be a g-factor, but instead the specialization of interests and commitments to a specific domain or creative outlet of interest, which in turn, facilitates the process of differentiation of an individual's creative potential. 003 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Barbot, B, Tan, M, and Grigorenko, E.L." →

Evolution of ethical principles in the practice of pharmaceutical medicine from a uk perspective

IFAPP is a non-profit organisation with the mission to " advance Pharmaceutical Medicine by enhancing the knowledge, expertise and skills of pharmaceutical physicians and other professionals involved in all scientific disciplines involved in the discovery, development, processing and usage of medicines as well as experimental and clinical research worldwide, leading to the availability and appropriate →

Health insurance programs

Members must be: the spouse or child of a veteran totally disabled; the child or spouse of a veteran who passed on from a Veterans affair connected disability, was at the time of death, completely disabled due to service; the surviving child and spouse of a military member whose demise was while on duty. Utilization →

The yellow wallpaper essay essay sample

In Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story, " The Yellow Wallpaper", the narrator's internal and external conflict demonstrates her gradual descent into a state of madness as Gilman critiques the conventional disregard for mental illness and the suppression of women in a patriarchal society, The narrator is subjected to the " rest cure" in order to →

Does therapeutic touch reduce pain?

Nursing is particularly suited to the administration of TT as this branch of health balances treatment of the whole body against treatment of the disease itself. A third study by Smith, et al.looked at three parameters; value of life, functionality of the limb and the effects of TT on pain, in patients coping with OA →

The 2011 who country profile health essay

A rise in the incidence of CVD in the early half of twentieth century and a subsequent decline in the later half have been documented in the industrialized countries. The deaths due to MI in India were 32% of all deaths in 2007 and have increased from 1.

Finding synchrony in the desynchronized eeg: the history and interpretation of gamma rhythms

The 5th sentence read: Feeble currents of varying direction pass through the multiplier when the electrodes are placed on two points of the external surface, or one electrode on the gray matter, and one on the surface of the skull. He attempted to explore the functional correlates of these electric currents and found that shining →

Can new technologies make us more human? an inquiry on vr technologies in social cognition

It is a form of social cognition, which in turn is understood as: General term used to describe different forms of cognition about, or actions in regard to, agents or groups of agents, their intentions, emotions, actions and so on, particularly in terms of their relation to other agents and the self. Our aim is →

The role of natural killer group 2, member d in chronic inflammation and autoimmunity

Here, we discuss the role of NKG2D-expressing cells as well as of NKG2D ligands during selected chronic inflammatory diseases, where the aberrant expression of the receptor and its ligands or data in corresponding mouse models implicate the role of NKG2D in the development of the respective disease. Following the discovery of Th17 cells and their →

Specifications for innovative, enabling biomaterials based on the principles of biocompatibility mechanisms

The two critical parts of this definition relate to the objectives of the systems in which a biomaterial is used and the fact that the material has to interact with living systems, in most cases parts of the human body, in order for these objectives to be realized. For a long time, and indeed before →

Getting rid of a bad habit using a four weeks plan

Sometimes it is to the point where I will use my fingers to get the skin in my mouth closer to my teeth so I can bite it. Before my conditioning plan, I was chewing on the start and end of every day.

Toward a praxis theory of suffering by janice morse

Understanding suffering, and the responses and needs of those who are suffering, rests squarely on the shoulders of nurses, and easing and alleviating suffering are the heart of nursing. In conclusion, the article had a very important and positive result on the author of this post who was able to recognize the behavioral-experiential nature of →

Teaching immunology as a science and field of medicine

In addition, the middle section of the book leads with a chapter on clinical immunomodulation that describes general and specific approaches to boosting or reining in immune responses via the use of immunopotentiators or immunosuppressants, respectively. It is a great textbook and the inclusion of clinical cases in each chapter should keep the reader highly →

Different strokes for different folks: the bodymind approach as a learning tool for patients with medically unexplained symptoms to self-manage

The BodyMind Approach explores the experience of the symptom by working from the body to the mind, in this way it honors both conscious and unconscious processes. Integral to the program is the acceptance of the participant's symptoms and the belief that they are real, not all in the head, honoring the participant's lived body →

Animal models for oral transmission of listeria monocytogenes

InlA has a high affinity for human E-cadherin, and the human Met protein serves as a receptor for InlB, so the full complement of surface protein interactions is available to promote uptake of L.monocytogenes during human infections. In the first, human E-cadherin is ectopically expressed under the control of the iFABP promoter, resulting in dual →

Prevention and treatment of traumatic brain injury due to rapid-onset natural disasters

Thus, the importance of addressing the issue of efficient delivery of specialized medical care to meet the immediate needs of disaster victims, especially in developing countries that have a limited number of medical specialists, cannot be overstated. A tornado event in the US and an earthquake in the People's Republic of China, respectively provide insights →

Geriatric medicine in an aging society: up for a challenge?

The main consequence of this reshaping is a progressive increase in both the number and the relative proportion of older people in our society. Professional national and international bodies, e.g, the British and American Geriatrics Societies and the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society, have played a significant role in promoting the importance of a focused →

Dermatology: where are we coming from and where are we going to?

The system of grouping morphological features in skin diseases followed the same principles as defined by Carolus Linnaeus in the taxonomy of plants and animals. That is why skin diseases are at the frontiers for advancement of insights in the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases and for understanding the mode of action of treatments.

The detrimental impact of maladaptive personality on public mental health: a challenge for psychiatric practice

In the year 2007, in view of the upcoming DSM-5, the majority of PD experts, comprising clinicians and researchers, agreed that PDs are best viewed as personality dimensions and that the categorical system incorporated in DSM-5 and ICD-10 should be replaced. Personality disorders in the community: a report from the Australian National Survey of Mental →

Late complications following continuous-flow left ventricular assist device implantation

The latter can be utilized to evaluate the position of the cannula in respect to the ventricular walls and mitral valve. The etiology of these events is multifactorial and includes: management with systemic anticoagulation to diminish the risks of pump thrombosis and thromboembolic phenomena, acquired von Willebrand Syndrome due to the non-physiologic, high-shear stress associated →

Corrigendum: adoption of evidence-based fall prevention practices in primary care for older adults with a history of falls

This publication was supported by the Cooperative Agreement, Number 5 U17 CE 001994 - 05, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and →

Whatsapp in stroke systems: current use and regulatory concerns

The purpose of this perspective is to briefly review examples of currently available Instant Messaging applications, legislation about the use of these apps for clinical purposes in both developed and developing countries, to analyze the difficulties of implementing dedicated Electronic Health Records IM applications in low-income settings, and to describe their current use in stroke →

Online diagnostic assessment in support of personalized teaching and learning: the edia system

The principal function for which the system is designed is to provide regular diagnostic information in three main domains of education, reading, mathematics, and science, from the beginning of schooling to the end of the 6 years of primary education. In this paper, we first outline the theoretical foundations of the eDia system, including the →

Editorial: peptidyl-prolyl isomerases in human pathologies

In " PIN1 in cell cycle control and cancer," Cheng and Tse reported how PIN1 fine tunes the cell cycle protein machinery, including the retinoblastoma protein, cyclin D1, cyclin E, p27, Cdc25C, and Wee1. PIN1, the cell cycle and cancer.Nat.Rev.

Editorial: perceptions of people: cues to underlying physiology and psychology

Editorial on the Research Topic Perceptions of People: Cues to Underlying Physiology and Psychology Our perceptual sensitivity to cues of socially and sexually relevant physiological and psychological traits in others is remarkable. The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology.

Writing to learn 3

Carbohydrates are key sources of nutrients such as magnesium, iron, vitamin B and phytonutrients, which aid in the processing of the red blood cells, muscle contraction and fighting disease. 1 Pound a Day: The Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox and Plan for a Lifetime of Healthy Eating.

The national institutes of health and the centers for disease control and prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a part of the Department of Health and Human Services and its main goal is to put forward collaborative information, methods and expert knowledge for the general population so that they can pursue a healthy life. Summary: The National →

Modelling human decision-making

This paper anchors the development of the simulation modeling the human decision making. In specific, the focus of the project is about the process of using simulation and the methods which extracts knowledge about human decision making.

The nrepp policy under the trump administration: how it is preventing and treating substance abuse and mental illnesses

In January 4 2018, Trumps administration ended the National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices, a database of more than 400 resources and programs geared toward the prevention and treatment of substance abuse and mental illnesses. Many people are affected by the ending of the registry for substance abuse and mental illness programs.

Why call bodily sense making “languaging”?

I understand the point of talking of " languaging" to denote " language as an activity", 1 namely as a process and as a behavior rather than as a static system of symbols and rules. In the first year of life, infants engage in progressively richer interactions with the caregiver, in what is known as →

Toward a general theoretical framework for judgment and decision-making

This is the case of the recent discussions about the robustness and generality of loss aversion provided by, for example, Ert and Erev and Yechiam and Hochman 7; the conditions for underweighting of rare events; or the construct of risk taking by Yechiam and Telpaz. 519 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Erev, I, and Greiner, →

Mortuary and anatomical pathology health and social care essay

In the morgue, besides there being a room for readying of organic structures of people who believed in the Roman Catholic religion, there is besides a room saved for readying of organic structures for people who believed in other faiths and have different spiritual rites withrespectto readying of the dead The mortuary offers an necropsy →

The role of hydroxychloroquine in coronavirus disease 2019. a versatile tool at the service of humanity

In China, a panel of experts recommended chloroquine phosphate, administered orally at a dose of 500 mg twice per day for 10 days for patients diagnosed as mild, moderate and severe cases of novel coronavirus pneumonia and without contraindications to chloroquine. In vitro antiviral activity and projection of optimized dosing design of hydroxychloroquine for the →

Editorial: emergent neural computation from the interaction of different forms of plasticity

A first insight from this Research Topic underscores the importance of the time scale of homeostatic plasticity to avoid runaway dynamics of Hebbian plasticity. They show that the interaction between dopamine-modulated STDP and homeostatic plasticity is sufficient to explain a broad range of experimental findings regarding the coding properties of neurons in prefrontal circuits.

Innovative human resource practices : global perspective.

They range from the introduction of new technologies to the assignment of new duties to the increase in competences, they test new organizational models, and they introduce innovative tools of social and political governance at a local level. Modern workplaces are extremely complex situations in which all the elements: the nature of the job, the →

Intervention of pkc-θ as an immunosuppressive regimen

Recently, it was demonstrated that the TCRs initially microcluster in the dSMAC, and then move through the pSMAC into the cSMAC, and is believed to be critical for the generation of continuous TCR signals that are required for T cell activation. Altogether, the fact that selective translocation of PKC- to the IS is critical for →

Persuasive speech outline: volunteering essay sample

Furthermore, Preston Gralla, who wrote The Complete Idiot's Guide to Volunteering for Teens, reveals that " one of the best ways to meet new people and make friends is to volunteer" and that volunteering is " a great way to meet people you otherwise might never meet".3. In The Complete Idiot's Guide to Volunteering for →

Adverse effect of smoking habit

It is approximated that, 12to 13 victims are likely to succumb to the effects of smoking in relation to the respiratory aspect. This is due to the continued and excessive practice of smoking habits.

A healthcare policy for improving the life of gambians

With the number of pregnant women having no access to healthcare insurance increases, there is a growing ethical dilemma on the part of the health minister on how the government could make the healthcare insurance accessible to those who could not afford it while minimizing excess in medical costs. The case of the healthcare minister's →

Anthrax and smallpox

Smallpox is a biological weapon due to the successful efforts of the WHO to eradicate the disease. The role of the WHO in preparing for anthrax is that of a think tank.

Indestructible plastic: the neuroscience of the new aging brain

To answer these questions, the many understandings of aging today need to be disentangled, tracing back the current state of affairs to a complex negotiation and renegotiation of the aging mind and brain in biomedical discourse. During this time, most literature on the topic described a sort of " rigidity" accompanying the aging process in →

Startling speech: eliciting prepared speech using startling auditory stimulus

2011 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Chiu, C, and Gick, B. 1080/00222890309602129 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Lashley, K.S." The problem of serial order in behavior," in Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior, ed L.A.

Stem cell therapy: medico-legal perspectives in italy

The Regional Administrative Court of Brescia confirmed the " lack of scientific evidence," the omitted transmission of the data to the Italian National Institute of Health and the absence of valid opinions of the Ethics Committee for each of the treated patients. However, in the uneasy pondering of the interests at stake on the one →

Peptic ulcer diseases

Proton pump inhibitors work by blocking the final step of acid production and inhibiting gastric acid secretion by being converted to active metabolites that irreversibly bind and inhibit H+/K+ ATPase, an enzyme on the surface of gastric parietal cells. Long-term use of medications that suppressed gastric acid secretion has been shown to leave patients at →

New perspectives on spontaneous brain activity: dynamic networks and energy matter

The fifth section, starting from the ubiquitous phenomenon of power laws and its correlations, provides an overview of one of the most successful general brain frameworks, Friston's " Free Energy Principle", in order to explore the power of this theory to explain the role of spontaneous brain activity. Spontaneous cortical electric activity is already present →

A curriculum-based approach to teaching biosafety through elearning

While biosafety pertains to the protection of human health and the environment from the possible adverse effects of the products of modern biotechnology and is generally used to describe frameworks encompassing the policy, regulation, and management to control potential risks associated with the use of the technology, the term biosecurity is most commonly used to →

Existential transformational game design: harnessing the “psychomagic” of symbolic enactment

Yet, a basic principle of psychology is that the experience of an authentic life depends on the alignment of all parts of ourselves, both the feeling and thinking self, or as it is more commonly referred to the conscious and unconscious mind. This corresponds to the view of Campbell on myth as a vehicle to →

Master cells of the human body

The possible use of gene therapy to fix the chemical imbalances in our DNA that cause genetic disorders and some types of behaviors may be one of the greatest outcomes of continued and more aggressive research of embryonic stem cells. The benefits of embryonic stem cell research are proven to be highly beneficial on many →

Commentary: is there any influence of variations in context on object-affordance effects in schizophrenia? perception of property and goals of action

Note that in the case of a comparison between a null and alternative hypothesis for a single two-level factor, k 1 k 0 = 1. In Experiment 1, the authors reported that for the n = 18 patients with schizophrenia, the critical interaction of response and orientation did not differ as a function of name →

Editorial: recent advances in service life prediction of bridges and structures

Editorial on the Research Topic Recent Advances in Service Life Prediction of Bridges and Structures The global issue of premature deterioration in bridges and other structures requires a switch from prescriptive to performance-based durability design of infrastructure, taking into account specific environmental exposure and a combination of actions to which a structure will be exposed →

Brain asymmetry in cortical thickness is correlated with cognitive function

The left > right asymmetry in posterior regions, including inferior sensorimotor, inferior parietal, posterior temporal, and inferior occipital cortices, was primarily the result of the decrease in thickness with aging in the right hemisphere, and the increase in thickness with aging in the left hemisphere. The right > left asymmetry along the medial wall, including →

Evidences of impacts of climate change on mediterranean biota

The minimum data required to examine the frequency of impacts with temperature were identification of the species or community examined, the location of the study and the year to which the statement of impact referred to. A full analysis and interpretation of the data re reported in Marba et al.

A latch on priming

The work of Lerner and Shriki fits into these lines of evidence and adds semantic priming to the repertoire of phenomena that can be explained in terms of the complex dynamic behavior of ensembles of cortical neurons. 2007 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Plaut, D.C." Semantic and associative priming in a distributed →

Editorial: molecular, cellular and model organism approaches for understanding the basis of neurological disease

In turn, these models may enable understanding of key disease processes and the identification of new targets for the medicines of the future. This is reflected in the reviews and research articles in this Special Issue entitled " Molecular, cellular and model organism approaches for understanding the basis of neurological disease".

Love at first sight

010 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Sunnafrank, M, and Ramirez, A. 015 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Willis, J, and Todorov, A.

Family digital literacy practices and children’s mobile phone use

Of particular relevance is the related influence of parental use of a smartphone and the extent of parental monitoring and control concerning their child's smartphone use, e.g, the type of data plan provided, the extent of domestication of the internet, age of first internet access and the range of opportunities available for mobile internet access. →

Corrigendum: the impact of aerobic exercise on fronto-parietal network connectivity and its relation to mobility: an exploratory analysis of a 6-month randomized controlled trial

R, Wang, S, Voss, M. Our results demonstrate that neural network functional connectivity may contribute to the effects of aerobic exercise on mobility among older adults with SIVCI.

Adding suicide prevention to the triple advantages of injectable long-acting second-generation antipsychotics

Recently, Stahl challenged out the traditional association between LAI formulations of antipsychotics and patients with schizophrenia with the most severe symptoms, in addition to those with the poorest adherence to treatment, numerous hospitalizations, and chronicity of the disorder. Antipsychotics and mortality in a nationwide cohort of 29, 823 patients with schizophrenia.

Presurgical functional cortical mapping using electromagnetic source imaging

Still, this combined approach is rarely used for FCM and comparable studies for simultaneous FCM in MEG and EEG are, to the best of our knowledge, lacking. In the context of FCM, it is used primarily for verbal language and primary motor cortex localization in specialized centers.

The brassica genome

These make the Brassica species of the uniqueness of polyploidy in botanical evolution. Sequencing of the genome of Brassica rapa provided a great opportunity to bridge the rich knowledge obtained from Arabidopsis to be transferred to a cultivated species.

Commentary: first-order embodiment, second-order embodiment, third-order embodiment

Metzinger's goal for 1-3E is to show how the experience of being a self is generated within an embodied system and thus to embed his self-model theory in the context of grounded cognition. Metzinger gives a description of the relation between 2E and 3E, where the representational content of 2E is " elevated to the →

Metacognition and intersubjectivity: reconsidering their relationship following advances from the study of persons with psychosis

In this work, conjoint disturbances in the ability to form a sense of how others perceive or value experience and an inability to see relationships of fragments of experience with one another, are thought to result in the loss of capacity for the experience of interiority, historicity, agency, and intimacy. 10: 204380871882157.doi: 10.

Interplay between policy and science regarding low-dose antimicrobial use in livestock

The US and the EU have taken vastly different approaches to AMR surveillance and research, and these choices have led to a wide variance in the current policy climate regarding antimicrobial use and AMR. The US National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System is a joint effort of the US Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug →

The correlation between medical marijuana and suicide

The results of the research this article is based on says there are too many factors in people's lives when studying to determine a definite answer to whether or not there is a direct correlation between medical marijuana and increases suicides annually. The writer of this article does not have a definite answer to the →

Weight management

One shortcoming of the research is that, much of it is concentrated on the behaviors that lead to weight decrease, but less study is findings has been provided for weight loss maintenance. The influence of the blended strategy of consuming fruits and vegetables and engaging in normal physical activity has not been widely studied in →

The use of lausanne trilogue play in three cases of gastroschisis diagnosed during pregnancy

Gastroschisis is marked by an elevated degree of severity, increased incidence registered in recent years, the early stage at which it is detected, the high level of medicalisation during pregnancy and postpartum period, the fact that younger mothers are at greater risk, and the long-term consequences on the patient's conditions caused by the defect. Neither →

Individual differences and psychosis-risk screening: practical suggestions to improve the scope and quality of early identification

We also discuss how the status quo approach of interviews such as the SIPS' identification of Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome and related risk states can limit the incorporation of important information relating to comorbidity and developmental considerations, relevant concerns in the CHR population. Most importantly, we would like to thank all of the families and participants →

Corrigendum: single cell electroporation for longitudinal imaging of synaptic structure and function in the adult mouse neocortex in vivo

A corrigendum on: Single cell electroporation for longitudinal imaging of synaptic structure and function in the adult mouse neocortex in vivo by Pages, S, Cane, M, Randall, J, Capello, L, and Holtmaat, A. This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the National Centre of Competence in Research SYNAPSY financed by the Swiss →

Smoking as a global issue

Increasing the number of taxes on cigarettes as well as the implementation of bans can prove to be useful for the purpose of discouraging the smokers from smoking and this fact has been proven as many smokers have quit smoking following these regulations. A survey in Sweden also indicated the fact that the easy availability →

Book review: memory: a history

Despite some minor omissions in its coverage and some unusual features of its format, Dmitri Nikulin's edited collection does an admirable job of providing a synoptic view of memory in the history of philosophy, and it will constitute a valuable addition to the libraries not only of philosophers but also of psychologists interested in the →

Oxytocin and vasopressin, and the gaba developmental shift during labor and birth: friends or foes?

Indeed, the " stress of being born" is important in triggering the breathing reaction that must take place at birth via a series of mechanisms that are beginning to be deciphered, including the squeezing of the fetus through the birth canal and the cold temperature outside the womb. Opposite actions of AVP and OT are →

Self as an aesthetic effect

Continuing the thread opened by Ken Gergen in the 1990s with the idea of a saturated self in contemporary society, Hermans conceives of self as a multiple and dialogical process of position-taking, but, unlike Gergen's view, it is related not to the modern conditions of life but to the inevitable social nature of self. Although →

Assessing compnay’s financial health

The firm's strategy and sales growth in each of its business units will determine the investment in assets needed to support these strategies; and the effectiveness of the strategies, combined with the response of competitors and regulators, will 2 Assessing a Company's Future Financial Health911-412 strongly influence the firm's competitive and profit performance, its need →

Editorial: developments in campylobacter, helicobacter & related organisms research – chro 2019

In relation to survival, Riedel et al.analyzed the transcriptomic differences in C.jejuni and C.coli when exposed to elevated temperatures of 46 C, identifying several chaperones with increased gene expression indicative of a general involvement within heat stress response. The authors discuss the use of PMA-qPCR as a rapid, specific and sensitive method for the detection →

Speech for formal ambassadors meeting

Indeed, I am very confident to mention that the new initiative of TIF in each of the country members of our Federation will strengthen the impact and the value of its work. Massive threats to the stability of the social systems and public health care and to the general access to healthcare services come in →

Hemichannels; from the molecule to the function

Additionally, a growing body of evidences shows that HCs are involved in important and diverse processes, such PGE 2 release from osteocytes, glucose detection in tanicytes, T cell infection with AIDS virus, memory consolidation in the basolateral amygdala and release of nitric oxide from endothelial cells, among others. Accordingly, blockade of HCs reduces the cellular →

Compliance managment

Compliance Management An Assignment Submitted by of Establishment XXXX, Section XXXX, Spring Compliance management isconcerned with the identification of applicable requirements of the organization in the field it is operating in, assessment of present compliance, assessment of potential outcomes of non-compliance and recommendation of measures and strategies to address compliance problems as well as avoid →

What is asthma

What is Asthma Irregular contraction of the bronchial tubes within the body is more commonly known as Asthma, this is one of the most distressing ailments of the present era. Chronic Asthma " The Beta Adrenergic Theory of Asthma" This theory isconsidered to be a classic and is used in most of the citations used →

Responsibilities or requirements: framing dual use issues for scientific engagement

In 2002, the International Committee of the Red Cross introduced the concept of a " web of prevention" to underscore the need for a comprehensive and coordinated strategy that could engage gather the many communities necessary to address the challenges. An example of nesting security within the broader framing comes from a project of the →

Can preinjury adversity affect postinjury responses? a 5-year prospective, multi-study analysis

For over 20 years, two models have been at the forefront of research into the psychology of sport injury: Williams and Andersen's multicomponent theoretical model of stress and injury and Wiese-Bjornstal et al.'s integrated model of psychological response to the sport injury and rehabilitation process. The BPSM hypothesizes that prior to a task, individuals →

Editorial: role of coagulation pathways in neurological diseases

Editorial on the Research Topic Role of Coagulation Pathways in Neurological Diseases There is a growing evidence that abnormalities of coagulation pathways are involved in the pathogenesis of several neurological diseases in tight correlation with both neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration. The observation of a close concordance between perivascular fibrin deposition and the occurrence of clinical signs →

Noninvasive ventilation in palliative care and ethical dilemma

The main goal of NIV is to appropriately sustain the ability of the respiratory system to meet the body's metabolic demands. This article emphasized the importance of the proactive pediatric palliative management in SMA 1 children, the shift of specialized care to the home and consequently even more intensive involvement of the parents.

Protein structure and function

Introduction DNA polymerase is an enzyme that plays a central role in the synthesis of DNA molecules through the process of DNA replication. Hydrogen bonds and Van der Waal forces of attraction play a significant role in the tertiary structure of DNA polymerase.

Insights from introspection: a commentary on gould et al. (2014), “an extended case study on the phenomenology of spatial form synaesthesia”

Moreover, the reliance of AB's synaesthesia on internally verbalizing the name of the inducer does seem a novel contribution to our knowledge. 013 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Price, M.C." Synaesthesia, imagery and performance," in Oxford Handbook of Synaesthesia, eds E.

Revisiting thymus function

An analysis of the chromosome constitution of the cells in metaphase in the spleen showed that 15 20% had originated from the thymus graft. Role of the thymus in the origin of immunological competence.

Evolution of wearable devices in health coaching: challenges and opportunities

These models are essential as they establish the link between the sensors of the device and the health indicators of the patient. This allows for opening the space to discuss the safety of the users involved in the study, the efficacy of the wearable health coaching device, as well as the diversification of subjects involved →

Exploration of molecular network variations in different subtypes of human non-functional pituitary adenomas

Also, post-transcriptional splicing and numerous post-translational modifications contribute to the complexities of transcriptome and proteome and cause the interactome more complex and more dynamic; for example, the literature demonstrates the splicing variants/isoforms of hormones, such as GH and prolactin, and PTMs, such as tyrosine nitration and phosphorylation that occur in NFPAs. Identification and characterization of →

Editorial: positive psychology and learning a second or third language

Theoretically, applying PosPsy constructs and methods to SLA help language researchers better understand the field of SLA through a new and positive lens. The overarching goal for organizing this eBook was to offer groundbreaking work in second and third language research from an international group of researchers who use a PosPsy orientation to guide their →

Expression of concern: discoidin domain receptors: potential actors and targets in cancer

00055 With this notice, Frontiers states its awareness of concerns regarding a number of instances of failure to adequately cite or attribute credit appropriately within the above-referenced article.Prof. Olivier Feron, Chief Editors of the journal and specialty section respectively, will direct an investigation in full accordance with our procedures.