Genuine Thesis Examples

Guidance and counselling thesis

In his discussion of all the activities involved in pupil personnel work and the personnel involved, he stated that " Probably no activity in the entire list suffers so much from lack of a coordinated programs as does guidance, and especially the counseling part of it". In the late 1920s, in response to the lack β†’

Euro-optimist hypothesis

This was the case up to the current sovereign debt crisis in the eurozone and presumably, if the euro does not break up, it will continue into the future. After being predicted in 2005 that the euro would possibly surpass the dollar in 2022 as the leading reserve currency, their latest econometric calculations in 2008 β†’

Example of investigation into methods of dispute resolution in jct 2011 thesis

In the investigation process and results it occurs that at the start of the research the goal was to find the best method of dispute resolution, but after a wide investigation and study about this topic the conclusion reached was that there is not a best method to achieve construction resolution but there is the β†’

Thesis on the activation of secondary metabolites in streptomyces spp

Bioactive compounds derived from the natural world are responsible for many of the therapeutic effects that our ancestors experienced, and today, these compounds serve as the framework by which scientists develop novel drugs. It is the vastness of the variety of molecules in the natural world that presents a fundamental research β†’

4ps concept paper for mcc as of 21 january 2009, 10:30 am

In order to ensure an effective and well-targeted social protection program, 4Ps employs a [i] targeting system to identify the poorest households objectively and to prevent inclusion3 and exclusion4 errors, [ii] system verification of compliance that includes a computer system being developed to be installed in the schools were children beneficiaries are attending classes and β†’

Good thesis on use of open source software in commercial and government environments

Such experiences are with regard to: Quality of open-source software, their reliability, cost of software provision, and the time taken for the organizations to acquire the software. Determine the motivations behind the choice of the government and commercial institutions to use the open-source software. LITERATURE REVIEW The use Open-Source Software in Commercial β†’

Romeo and juliet -thesis

THESIS STATEMENT " Romeo and Juliet is the most famous play of William Shakespeare among high school students of St. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The scope of this research are the High school students of St.

Tennessee williams’ play “a streetcar named desire” thesis

Blanche DuBois' illusions and her unrelenting quest to escape the reality as espoused by Stanley leads her to insanity. Williams uses this opportunity to show that fantasy cannot overcome the reality irrespective of how one tries. Williams' view towards the ideas of illusion and reality works to highlight the fact that reality will always overcome β†’

Intersection of media and culture: on her own ground by madam c. j. walker thesis

Walker's story is the definitive ' rags to riches' tale, much loved by the American public: born to enslaved parents, orphaned at a young age; married and widowed before the age of twenty, and died with her name attached to a small fortune: hers is the American tale of ' the land of opportunity.' The β†’

The frontier thesis

The essence of Turner's thesis In Turner's mind, the settlement of the West by white people " the existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement westward" was the most important part of American history.[2] This is the major theme in Turner's essay and the heart of β†’

Thesis: object for his own pleasure and nothing

To Caroline Frankenstein, Elizabeth is " a pretty present for my Victor". The objectification by Caroline Frankenstein is extremely telling, as Caroline is directly comparing Elizabeth to an object that is defined in and of itself as an object of value for others. The female monster is a character that is commodified by the the β†’

Curley’s wife om thesis paper

But one thing always stands in her way, her loneliness. Curley's wife is a major victim of loneliness because of her faileddreams, her struggle to be someone's friend, and her lack of love. But while some may believe that, Curley's wife was indeed a victim of loneliness because she believed in her β†’

Comparative error analysis of public and private high school students

As regard's high school education, the pros and cons alike spark ranging debate amongst different stakeholders from parents to students and administrators. Hypothesis: There will be a statistically significant difference in academic success rates of students who attend well funded private schools as opposed to students who attend public schools that are under-funded. Independent Variable: β†’

Early childhood education thesis

Therefore, the learning and experiences of the child during childhood can be of importance in later years of life. Another importance in childhood education is habits and characters are learnt during this period. Since proper education plays such a vital role in a child's growth and development, it is the responsibility of parents to ensure β†’

The beginning of algebra thesis sample

Most of the renown historical mathematicians such Rene Descartes made some of the major contributions to the development of the modern algebra whereby he came up with la geometre, a publication which focused on improving problem solving techniques in the field of geometry. The Mathematics of Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, India, and Islam: A Sourcebook.

Pancreatic be done as a master thesis project

Pancreatic cancer is a highly lethal malignancy with increasedincidence by 1, 23 fold in the last 6 years with survival rate less than 10% , number of pancreatic cancer deaths is estimated to overpass Colorectal andbreast cancer deaths by the year 2030. We propose to investigate retrospectively the ability of β†’

Childhood education thesis

This early education enable the children get prepared to interact with their surrounding environment and therefore, are extremely valuable. Grotewell and Burton in their book " Early childhood education: issues and developments" provide detailed significance of the parent's close interaction with the child as they develop. Early childhood education is β†’

Thesis statement

Thesis Statement: Even though when I do not take personal responsibility I am more likely to blame others, personal responsibility means to acknowledge responsibility for my choices and being accountable for my own actions because the actions you take in life, affect your college success and by settinggoalsin the beginning you can stay focus throughout β†’

Noticing hypothesis

Noticing alone does not mean that learners automatically acquire language; rather, the hypothesis states that noticing is the essential starting point for acquisition. There is debate over whether learners must consciously notice something, or whether the noticing can be subconscious to some degree Noticing is a complex process: it involves the β†’


Argument 1: Romeo and Juliet met by fate It is not merely a coincidence that Romeo and Juliet meet in the first place. Argument 3: Romeo and Juliet's fate: death It is also a result of fate that flaws agonize Friar Lawrence's plan which eventually leads to Romeo and Juliet's utmost and dire demise.

Free thesis about the history of proposition 209 is briefly outlined below

Next the results of the evaluation of the numbers of African-Americans holding professional positions at UC and CSU higher education systems are discussed. Affirmative action is often in the public realm due to media coverage on the extreme stances, the pro and the cons on the policy since the 1960s. The US Appeals for the β†’

Frankenstein thesis

The creature describes the beauty of nature quintessentially. Victor is endowed with a loving family since his childhood, in stark contrast to the desolation and hatred which the creature faces from the inception of its life. Victor is driven by the urge to counter death after his mother's demise and in that pursuit he creates β†’

Good international commercial law thesis example

LAW International Commercial Law 2 The best evidence for the indispensability of a given phenomenon is its life through the years and its enclosure to appropriate situations. Lex Mercatoria as an aggregate of principles and rules created and established by merchants in the medieval ages aiming the regulation of their transactions. The β†’

Political science thesis

This can be traced back to the affirmative action efforts of the government and the compliance of industries to the provision in the late 1960s (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1996). According to Moen , the case of Brown formulated the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which, in turn, served as the foundation of the β†’

A thesis statement on the novel candide by voltaire

The novel Candide by Voltaire delved into the miseries of men, politics and religion where every unfortunate event that happens to the individual is to be accepted since it is all for the best. Fatalism is the view that individuals are powerless to do anything other that what we actually do. It seems ironic that β†’

Sister flowers by maya angelou

Flowers attention that Marguerite had looked up to her, and that she shared a common interest in reading.Mrs. It was the beginning of one of her life lessons and encouraged her to gain more wisdom form Mrs.

Free thesis on creature of cluture

Never judge culture by one man and never judge a man by popular culture. - Anonymous Abstract In " The Death of the Author," structuralist thinker Roland Barthes suggested the notion of the author as a distinct identity in the creation and interpretation of a text was a thing of the past. Using β†’

Free thesis about economic segregation in nyc

Other perceptions are contrary to the finding, arguing that the background of an individual actually affects the economic mobility, which varies by neighborhood, locality and state. According to the 2009 study, the results showed that an individual with a very poor background stands a high risk of living in worse conditions as an adult. Statistics β†’

Hypo: there is a positive correlation between aftercare services and inward thesis

Yes {} no {} - If yes, what tool is your organization using to conduct that assessment? Testimonials {} Certificate of receipt of service {} Computer software {} Other {} - How many positive feedbacks/testimonials did your organization receive in: 2010 () 2011 () 2012() - Can you estimate the amount of inward direct investment that β†’

Example of harper lees to kill a mockingbird thesis

Through the innocence of Scout, Harper Lee presents the varying aspects of intolerance and racism evoking the vivid racial discrimination around the melodramatic town of Maycomb; provoking the distinctive characters to challenge their values to the extent of their abilities. Introduction and main thesis racial injustice and the disruption of β†’

Case study

Introduction The system design project, Enrollment System that will provide the needed and storing information in a faster, more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. Caloocan High School is one β†’

The perception of female college student toward portrayal body image of women in thesis examples

If, considering the height and weight ratio of the respondents and considering them to be in the average healthy ratio, this shows that the respondents believe that the thin models in the magazines have the ideal body image. Survey results also show that most of the respondents think that the body image the media shows β†’

Globalization and it effects on cultural integration: the case of the czech republic.

There is, the more there the futures of globalization, the more there is cultural integration.ii) Intensification of trade and commerce and communication is the main cause of cultural integration in the Czech Republic.V. In is text, " Globalization as a Problem" in The Globalization Reader says ' globalization as a concept refers both to the β†’

Great expectations by charles dickens: thesis statement

Dickens meant to show the audience a tale of love mixed with political and economic intrigue, as the relationship and conflict between rich and poor is made clear through both Pip and Estella's star-crossed love. Great Expectations shows the audience, through the stories of the various main characters, the pitfalls and β†’

International business thesis examples

The marketing perception and the inclusiveness of the businesses are by the consumption ratios of the clients as well as the nature of competition available in the market. Thus, Green Kitchen will experimentally determine the core scope of its brands, and position it should take to outwit its competitors. Green Kitchen will do local and β†’

Free thesis on contemporary media and old ones have differences in technology advancement, but

What this means is that modern use of media to communication and disseminate information is made more effective by the development of tailored software that enables seamless and uninterrupted communication. Thesis statement Comparison between telegraph and social media The use of telegraph in disseminating information and for communication was an innovative breakthrough in β†’

Example of divine command theory and the goal of moral objectivity thesis

In regards to Relativism and subjectivism we can establish that holding a moral belief is a subjective opinion, but using the divine command theory can lead us to the conclusion that morality has the possibility of objectivity. Opinions could be based on your culture/folklore, your parents/grandparents, TV/videogames, and unless you can strip away all β†’

Computer hacking thesis 15255

Listed below is some information on the problems caused by hacking and some solutions of how to stop hacking. Thesis: Hacking has become such a problem in today's computer dependent society that stronger measures must be implemented to stop hackers, and if hackers are still successful, they should be severely punished. I. It is relatively β†’

Revealing sources of media thesis

In a story about suspensions of two firefighters in Dunmore, PA, the judge rejected the motion that the reporter had to reveal his source, who identified the suspension of the firefighters for failing to complete their training courses this was done to protect the source from scrutiny. The protection of journalist's rights does not extend β†’

Special operation forces (sof): the war on terrorism thesis sample

Currently USSOCOM has deployed over 12000 of its 33000 special operators across the world half of whom are in Afghanistan and the remaining in 70 odd countries. The US SOF has the following strategic roles as mandated by congress and the department of defense in the fight against the war on terror. Unconventional warfare which β†’

Security in public schools thesis

With the current setup, parents are not able to enter the school premises if there is no prior notice of a meeting or permission from the security giving them the impression that their involvement in school activities are not welcome. Home-school partnership is vital in the holistic development of a student. Yet, with the increasingly β†’


And as expected, a lot of students enrolled in the different public schools around the country and most of them are congested. BODY There is a huge shortage of classrooms and in some of the schools specifically Longos Elementary School, children have to sit on the floor in order for them to fit and to β†’

Thesis on founding brothers

Even if it was a very difficult endeavor, these founding fathers managed to attain political independence from the British and record a tremendous success as a result of the following factors: In chapter two, the Dinner, the author demonstrates how the leaders decided to put their differences a part and come together for a noble β†’

Good thesis on challenges of staying focused

This is the stage where children start to understand some of the worldly concepts in a more complex manner and start to decipher the information that is fed to them in ways that are more refined. We will also look at ways to help students overcome the fear of public performance, and finally, we will β†’

Sample thesis on other cultures. the results of this study showed that there is a need to extend

Therefore, there is a need to extend past research especially to examine whether multicultural activities are being taught in all areas of curricula through the year in preschools, especially focusing on race/ethnic diversity. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study was to examine statistically significant relationships between preschool teachers and β†’

Thesis on why students should go for internships

The issue of payment should not come into the equation here since the experience gained by an intern is invaluable and serves to improve both life and work prospects. The conception of internship is based on medieval times when an apprentice was given board and lodging in return for his β†’

Balanced literacy approach to reading thesis example

In addition, the program will eliminate the aspect of teachers concentrating on specific children because it advocates for equality for all. Effects of balanced literacy approach to reading on children success The balanced literacy approach to reading will affect children success in a number of ways. From research to policy and practice: a review β†’

Free games of thrones thesis example

And truth be told nobody wants to be deceived for whatever the reason might be. Let's look at a few characters in the book to understand the means and motives behind their deception and how far do we find their choices as a reader- acceptable. Though, Peytr Baleishis not a point of view character in β†’

Jane austens pride and prejudice thesis example

In the eighteenth century, men and women were instructed to follow the societal norms that defined the code of conduct of an individual and judged people according to their status and property. The ultimate goal of every girl in the novel is to settle down with a wealthy suitor but the story ends with a β†’

James brown was an american singer thesis sample

Note: he performed until the year of his death; and he passed at the end of that year. James Brown was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. Because of his stage performances and the frequency of them he was nicknamed the hardest working man in show business. James Brown lived β†’

Thesis on the effects of latrunculin b, methyl viologen and antimycin a treatments on plant

Latrunculin B, methyl viologen and Antimycin A treatments on plant mitochondria which is the powerhouse of the cell. Treating Mitochondria with Lantruculins caused disruption of actin filaments which resulted in irreversible opening of mPTP leading to the release of calcium ions into the cytoplasm. Antimycin is a potent mitochondrial and electron transport inhibitor in β†’

Race theory thesis example

In a nutshell, race remains a relevant and imperative concept in the society as it promotes globalization, international integration and cultivates peace in the region. Globalization And Race: Transformations in the Cultural Production of Blackness.

Writing a thesis statement about discrimination

Moreover, since the thesis statement is understood or interpreted in the light of the contextual information provided earlier, you might express only the core message in the thesis statement. Your thesis statement is your answer to the question in a single sentence.

“to build a fire” between formalism and naturalism thesis sample

The man is losing his mind and starting to rave, thinks of killing his own dog, his husky, in order to put his hands in the dog's warm interior and the only thing that escapes the dog from his master's tentative to kill him is his physical inability to act on its purpose, as the β†’

A case study on oral reading fluency thesis

Those establishments interacted in perverse ways with a series of other shocks that hit Africa, shocks like the slave trade in the early modern period and the colonialism in the 19th century. The contemporary segment corresponds to the advanced part of the economy, and it is associated with urban life, use of the advanced technology β†’

Nui for illiterate thesis example

Most of this research concurs that the integration of audio and graphic features in UIs for illiterate people is beneficial but differs on recommendations in alignment with current design conventions. Controversial user interface works included those of Wiedenbeck in exception of Shakeel et al and Medhi et al text β†’

Example of thesis on fracking regulation and agenda setting: an analysis of the formulation of

Next the research question and the aims of the research are offered. Background Hydraulic fracking is popularly referred to as ' fracking' and involves drilling a vertical well and then drilling horizontally in order to fracture the geological layer of rock where natural gas might be trapped; the rock formations of shale-type β†’

Eat pray love thesis

Chapter I INTRODUCTION In this chapter the researcher discussed about this study based on background of the study, problem statements of the study, purpose of the study, the significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of key terms. Long in his book," English literature," writes that literature is β†’

Efficient market hypothesis

The fundamental assumptions behind the efficient market hypothesis were based on the fact that the financial markets are extremely efficient because it was generally believed that the investors have put in place an in-build mechanism which allowed them to automatically integrate the publically available information into the prices and market itself therefore discount such information β†’

Efficient market hypothesis and behavioral finance – is a compromise in sight

The Origin of the Efficient Market Hypothesis The introduction of the term " efficient market" is usually attributed to Eugene Fama. However, in cases when the CEO was the company founder, the stock market tends to react by a price increase, begging the inference that the ability to create a business is different from the β†’


While wrapping the body they placed amulets and said prayers to protect the body in the journey through the underworld. Quote " Why was it so important to the Egyptians to preserve the body?

Thesis on contrasting views of classical athens: plato and pericles

Pericles, on the other hand, used his aristocratic background and resources to make lasting improvements on the way of life for the citizens of Athens. Introduction Any discussion about the contrasting views of Pericles and Plato predictably comes down to democracy. He argued that the outside influences would corrupt the β†’

Diathesis stress model

Stress: Nora and Myra were considered the more superior set of twins and therefore were able to function better than Iris and Hester. This categorization is probably one of the first stressors that caused Iris and Hester to suffer the worst from the disorder. A stress that affected all of the children and helped trigger β†’

Prostitution should not be legalized

It is, in a sense, to treat them as if they are less than human and undeserving of respect and dignity. 3rd topic sentence idea : destroy family Fidelity In Marriage And Abstinence Before Marriage: Based upon biblical principles, we believe that marriage is to be a lifelong commitment.

Holocaust thesis statement

Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews. There is a detailed timeline which clearly sets out the chain of events leading up to and beyond the Holocaust.

Example of a dogs death thesis

Description of the Theme The short story written by John Updike entitled " Dog's Death" centers on unraveling vividly the excruciating pain described as quietly endured by a beloved pet dog prior to the eventual and inevitable demise and the surrounding love and affection felt for the dog as they tried their best β†’

Quality improvement paper falls prevention in hospital and mental health unit thesis samples

The committee identified the cause of the fall and the opportunities to improve safety at the individual patient, unit and system level. The stakeholders in the QI system include hospital administration, nurses, patients and their family. The baseline data was used to characterize the frequency and causes of falls in the mental health unit. Project β†’

Should parents be friends with their children thesis

Thus it is not appropriate for parents to be friends with their children. Dewar states that when parents become friends with their children, they tend to treat them as a confidant which is a very big cost to the children as the children may be stressed out by the many personal β†’


Thesis: * Although the Chinese, Han and Roman Empires differed in their reasons for conquest, and response to crises and their religion; they were similar in their implemented common language, trade methods, and their central governments and bureaucracy's. The fact that the Roman Empire and Chinese Han Dynasty lacked necessary materials and ideas caused β†’

Thesis on justice and revenge in the punisher: max

Across these six issues, Ennis provides a pulpy, exceedingly violent look at the dark and gritty world of Marvel's Boston, as Italian mobsters, old friends and CIA hitmen all vie to kill the Punisher, while Castle himself must fight against all odds to kill them right back. Ennis' primary stamp on the character and world β†’

Homeland security thesis examples

Can the Israeli approach to airport security as outlined here work in the U.S.? INTRODUCTION The attempt by Nizar Hindawi to blow up an El Al plane in 1986 was an example of state-sponsored terrorism, in this case by Hafiz al-Asad, the father of the current dictator of Syria. At some point, the law β†’

Thesis sample

In the study of Lee and Maslog on " Asian Regional Conflicts and the War in Iraq: A comparative Framing analysis", the results show that the Asian newspapers used a war journalism frame in covering regional conflicts but deployed a peace journalism frame in covering the War on Iraq. The fact that the country is β†’

Developing thesis statement

The next two or three sentences develop on the first sentence adding increasingly more specific information leading up to the thesis. The Thesis Statement Must State a Controversial Point The formulaic thesis statement unequivocally states the main controversial point of the essay and provides " a roadmap" or outline for the rest β†’

Free thesis statement on history:

The human rights movements took place in different countries and in different time, but they have always had lots of similarities. They often arose, as a result of discrimination, bigotry and intolerance, when there had been abandoned the mother language, the lifestyle, rejected and disapproved points of view, ideas, and forbidden to think differently. The β†’

Cyber bullying outline and thesis

Cyberbullying is defined in legal glossaries as actions that use information andcommunicationtechnologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm another or others.use of communication technologies for the intention of harming another person use of internet service and mobile technologies such as β†’

Thesis on feminist approach to heart of darkness by joseph conrad

In the text, women contribute to the system with their silences, which instantly reminds of the absence of women in Western literature both literally and metaphorically as commented by Luce Irigaray. Looking at the whole text on a larger scale, Africa turns out to be the female while Britain is the male in terms of β†’

Poetic analysis of works by robert frost thesis

The wall, given its significance as a symbolism for protection, may come to mean as a mechanism against efforts to foster socialization, given the demeanor of the speaker to his neighbor in the poem. In saying that " Something there is that does not love a wall," repeated two times in the poem on the β†’

Effects of empowerment on police officers in the singapore police force thesis examples

The root of the problems in the Singapore police force lies with how police officers perceive the police institution. There is also need to identify a variety of ideas to improve the working systems for the officers. The real fear in dispensing comprehensive empowerment to the police force is the fear of the consequences of β†’

Example of falsehood of the american dream in arthur millers death of a salesman thesis

In Arthur Miller's Death of a salesman, the author uses literary elements such as symbolism, irony and characterization to develop the central theme of the false belief in the American Dream. Willy strongly believes in the American dream. For example, the author uses Willy's character to bring out the contradictions between his idealized life and β†’