Genuine Thesis Examples

Good example of the interrelationship between art and culture thesis

The tie between culture and art is profound and close as the two have a joint and beneficial relationship. The concept of leadership is exhibited by Ambrogio Lorenzetti in his painting, the Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country.

Cell phones thesis

From 1983 to the end of the 1980's cell phones grew in popularity due to the innovations in cellular networks that were able to handle phone calls in either one area or hand them off to other areas. The biggest lament of teachers in regards to cell phones is that they lead to student distraction β†’

Example of self introduction thesis

I can say that I am a true child of the world for I have lived in several countries already either for work or due to family circumstances. As fate would have it, I met my husband while I was in the Service.

Example of thesis on solar collectors

This essay will discuss upon the basic concept of solar collectors, how it works, the different types of solar collectors and finally the factors that determine the efficiency of a solar collector. The efficiency of a solar collector is dependent on the ability of the collector to absorb heat and keep the heat loss to β†’

Thesis on risks of illegal migrants illegally entering a country

One of the risks that illegal migrants face when they illegally cross the border is that they risk being apprehended by the country they are migrating to. If the immigrants are going to the new country for better paying jobs, which is the case in most situations, the coyotes will hike the prices which will β†’

Good thesis on succession planning and public agencies

The greater part of library agencies in the entire county have been used to the same approach of promoting the next in command whenever a vacancy occurs, and that is no different from the health agencies. The challenge is therefore in this diversity where the right person for leadership succession can happen to be in β†’

Drs. in nazi german camps thesis examples

Medical Killings and the Psychology of Genocide, The Nazi Doctors by Robert Jay Lifton and Doctors from Hell by Vivien Spitz. The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide.

Example of thesis on the integration of natural user interfaces (nui) for illiterate people

Kang and Kim state that the user interface should be designed in such a manner that the normal users of the devices should make use of the device without having to consult the user manual. This is achieved by providing a match between the user tasks and the satisfaction that the user gets from the β†’

Parents should be cautious when taking risks that thesis

The myth of Daedalus and the Fall of Icarus is a good example on how the acts of a parent influences their child. He understood the dire consequences of the failure of his plans and what could happen to Icarus if he fell.

Electroretinography thesis example

Since all the cells in the inner and outer nuclear layer of the retina contribute to ERG, it can be used as a function of these cells. The size and the shape of ERG depend upon the amount of light reaching the retina.


That dream I am dreaming, but There's a voice inside my head saying You will never reach it Every step I am takin' Every move I make Feels lost with no direction, My faith is shakin' But I, I gotta keep tryin' Gotta keep my head held high There's always gonna be another mountain I β†’

Mediation in the us navy thesis example

In the US Navy, it could be noted that there exist various kinds of conflicts that do exist internally and possess a threat to national security as they are the last line of defense of the country. With this in consideration, the US government can be noted to be shifting to use of mediation in β†’

Democratic peace thesis sample

However, he accepts that " power politics" affects foreign policy, and that if for example a liberally-oriented regime fails to bring prosperity, the idea of a war is more likely to overcome the basic liberalism of the state. Owen's theories about democratic peace are convincing and from his own studies he is satisfied that democratic β†’

Good example of distribution of apiaceae in lafayette and st. martin parishes thesis

The only recent publications on the identification and distribution of the Apiaceae in Louisiana occur in) and the USDA Plants database. The dominant soils are derived from the old alluvium and occur on the terrace or the uplands of the parish to the east of the Coastal Plain soils.

Thesis for gun control

COM 220Gun ControlI belive there is a need to increase gun control in an effort to decrease crimes that are related guns. In an attempt to regulate gun control many people believe that past familiar high profile political shootings have been as a result of the impactful gun control restrictions.

Approval sheet

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Secondary Education is hereby presented and recommended for pre-oral examination.Ms. D, for her unconditional and priceless guidance, patience and encouragement, and for sacrificing her health for the improvement of this manuscript.

Statistical inferences under the null hypothesis: common mistakes and pitfalls in neuroimaging studies

The crucial question is, in fact, the definition of the family of possible inferences to consider for a given question. When comparing two groups of subjects on a given measure, what is the minimum number of subjects to be able to observe a " significant" difference?

How the battle of gettysburg changed the civil war

The military situation in 1863 was crucially influenced by the Southerners' defeat in the bloodiest battle in the history of the American Civil War the three-day battle of Gettysburg. Meanwhile, in the Western theater of military operations, the troops of Generals Grant and Banks gained absolute control over the valley of the Mississippi River, dividing β†’

Thesis soul and losing such a sense

Dirt that might cause blockage of the flow of fluid from the eye can easily cause the rise of pressure in the eye, thereby leading to risk of contracting glaucoma. Eye drops, and other drugs are often prescribed to patients of glaucoma, aiming at reducing the pressure in the eyes.

The phantom satiation hypothesis of bariatric surgery

In the human literature, the term of satiation also commonly refers to the subjective feeling of satisfaction toward the end of a meal. The stomach itself is innervated by two gastric branches of the subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve that enter the gastric wall at the level of the lower esophageal sphincter before sending smaller offshoots throughout β†’

Populist movement thesis and conclusion

This evolved into farmers trying to get the attention of the government, and finally the Populist group was a rising political party that was upset about how the industrial nation left them behind. Conclusion: In the 19th century, Populism was one of the few phenomena that had real national influence and this led to much β†’

The significance of art education to stakeholders

The goal of the survey was to evaluate the value of art education to today's society, and the importance of art education to teachers, administrators, parents, students and the community. The results indicate that most of the teachers, administrators, and members of the board of education valued art education.

On interpretation and task selection: the sub-component hypothesis of cognitive noise effects

The error can be called the " sub-component hypothesis of cognitive noise effects": the idea that the effects of noise on complex abilities can be studied, quantified and understood by solely investigating the effects of noise on sub-component abilities. That is, the cognitive process that is impaired by noise, and hence the reason why task β†’

The cultural imperialism thesis

According to Cunningham, media globalization is no longer a one-way flow of media and cultural products from the western countries to the rest of the world. The cultural imperialism thesis is a negative way to understand media globalization, and it oversimplifies this complex process of information flow.

Null hypothesis

The p-value is used to determine if enough evidence exists to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative. The p-value is the probability of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis.

Let’s clear up about the thesis statement and its specificity

You should decide what the specific idea you want to prove is to formulate this opinion in your thesis and to stick it throughout the paper. A thesis statement explains to your readers the topic and arguments you want to present in the paper.

Behavioral and multimodal neuroimaging evidence for a deficit in brain timing networks in stuttering: a hypothesis and theory

This article is not an exhaustive review of the literature on stuttering or the arguments surrounding the cause of the disorder, but rather a hypothesis as to one of the possible causes of stuttering. Although there were no significant differences between stuttering and non-stuttering speakers in the output of the SMA to the BG, there β†’

Brain-state-dependent non-invasive brain stimulation and functional priming: a hypothesis

00122 The aim of using non-invasive brain stimulation techniques in neurorehabilitation is to improve neurological function by modulating brain plasticity in the specific areas of the brain. Similarly, the effects of the stimulation depend not only on the predefined parameters but also on the state of the brain before and during the stimulation.

No need to match: a comment on bach, nicholson and hudson’s “affordance-matching hypothesis”

We believe, however, that the proposed separation of hypothesis generation and hypothesis matching is not in line with the empirical evidence currently available, and that the division between " interpretation" and " prediction" relies on a cognitivist assumption that is hard to defend. The second and more likely option is that affordance extraction and mirror β†’

Covid-19-related anosmia: the olfactory pathway hypothesis and early intervention

In scientific literature, after the first reports of olfactory and taste disorders in COVID-19, an increasing and rapidly evolving detailed analysis of this symptom was progressively collected to evaluate the prevalence and patterns of anosmia and its significance in the context of COVID-19. Despite a more effective recovery of taste with back to normal range β†’

Analysis of the efficient market hypothesis

The Efficient Market Hypothesis, one of the most prominent conjectures in finance, emerged in the 1950s due to early application of computers in analysis of time-series behavior of economic variables. First evidence testifies to the strong form of market efficiency and suggests that managers do not have access to private information as returns to investors β†’

Dota hypothesis

When they are having a problem in school, they use DotA as past time to relieve frustration. And Instead of going to school, they are cutting classes and goes to internet cafes with friends to play DotA.

Thesis in them), observance, or for use as

The scientist will torture the animals by burning the animals causing them to burn to death or suffer the burn for the rest of their life. The Act's job is to make sure that minimum care and treatment are given certain assure that animals are purposefully used in research facilities, observance, or for use β†’

Humanities thesis statement notes

My Thesis: The media brought to light the burden of the heavy taxes and debt which lead to an economic crisis and triggered the revolution. Paragraph 3: The anger turned to violence and Fall of Old Regime.

Thesis (parking area in the state university)

This being the case, the researchers who are students in Criminology have embarked in conducting a study on the indiscriminate park-ing of motor vehicles in the campus, the result of which will prove beneficial to the Uni-versity and the clientele, students, visitors, and the faculty and staff who own motor ve-hicles that enter and leave β†’

Davis-moore thesis

Because of the level of proficiency and high qualifications needed for these roles, the benefits and rewards for these roles should also be high in order to attract the best and the brightest people who can perform these roles. Otherwise, the delivery of these roles may be compromised and the overall well-being of the society β†’

Sample thesis on name

' Subject' Literary Analysis of the Play Arcadia Hayden White, in his essay titled " The Historical Text as Literary Artifact" argues that, every historian is a storyteller, and the ability to construe historical events into coherent narrative form is significant to the art of historiography. Almost two centuries years later, Hannah Jarvis, a writer, β†’

Sids–cdf hypothesis revisited: cause vs. contributing factors

It is telling that as of November 2016, out of approximately 11, 000 SIDS articles in PubMed, only 50 articles contained the search words " SIDS and diaphragm," and only a few of those actually address the role of the vital respiratory muscle in SIDS. In 1972, Joan Caddell advanced a hypothesis in The Lancet β†’

Information sharing thesis

In considering the importance of information sharing, the effectiveness, information protection, exists and dynamic tension while making the information available for the authorization and the disclosure of sensitive information for jeopardize methods and sources while endangering civil liberties and endangering for the intentions and adversaries. Disclosing of sensitive information is the brighter way of managing β†’

Ultrasound vs radiographs: diagnosing developmental dysplasia of the hip

In the early stages of life, the infant's hip is largely cartilaginous and the femoral head is unossified. Congenital dislocation of the hip and its relation to swaddling used in Turkey.

Thesis on a study into how culture and living standards influence healthy lifestyle zoning

Secondary objectives of the study include:- Determining how the culture of the people in Santa Monica affects zoning and urban planning. Relevant recommendations will also be made in this section, with a view of improving the planning and zoning of Santa Monica, Los Angeles.

Thesis: design and fashion

The proponents of this study also intend to correlate the flow of curricular activities and spaces required to attain maximum efficiency of both the architecture of the institute and the curriculum/educational system to be adapted. The nine stages are of the following: Data Gathering In order to gather the necessary data would be the visitation β†’

Life cycle hypothesis

This paper will analyze the life cycle theory, the pattern of an individual's lifetime savings and the impact of that pattern to the overall economy of a country. Impact on Saving Rate The overall saving rate of an economy depends on the level of saving and consumption in terms of dissaving that is there.

Maribel r. gaviola

The thesis statement is like a road map that will tell the reader or listener where you are going with this information or how you are treating it.thesis Statement The thesis statement is that sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is β†’

Hypothesis a nectar reward. materials and methods

The effect of relative position of flower models on the feeding behaviour of the butterfly will be nullified by randomizing the position. The effect of relative position of flower models on the feeding behaviour of the butterfly will be nullified by randomizing the position.

Wendell berry’s- the art of a common place thesis statements examples

He further goes on to explain the source of his wonder and authenticity to be the relationship with the land. Berry uses this to his favor to assert that the American settlers during that time never learnt how to be part of the land, and they misused the available resources.

Hamlet, prince of denmark: shakespeare’s philosophy of life second

Young Hamlet, who is watching the action, comes to comment on the skull, saying that he knew Yorick well, allowing himself to indulge for a moment in childhood reminiscence before he lapses back into the philosophical ruminations about the nature of life that are the primary subject of the play. In this scene, Shakespeare relays β†’

Psychology-facial feedback hypothesis experiment replication

Group A was the group that held the pens in their teeth and Group B is the group that held the pen in their lips. When holding the pen in the teeth a person does not need much strain to keep the pen in place.

Design of a three phase separator in oil and gas

The design of hydrodynamic of liquid-liquid separation in the three-phase separator is basing on the rules laid by the American Petroleum Institute design principles. The projected outcome of this project is to have a three phase separator model developed.


Cananae IPTP Adviser BSU ARASOF Nasugbu, Campus Nasugbu, Batangas Ms. Leila Tenorio Adviser BSU ARASOF Nasugbu, Campus Nasugbu, Batangas JOHN KARLO B.

Thesis titles

They do not have Online Reservation System.2. They do not have Online Reservation System.2.

The upstream-downstream hypothesis and corporate international diversification theory

Against this backdrop, this analysis suggest an alternative upstream-downstream hypothesis whereby the overall effect of internationalization on the risk and leverage of multinationals is dependent on the market conditions of the host and target country. The paper examines the theory that multinationals should have lower risk and higher leverage than non-multinationals and explains the difference β†’

Thesis study for tinta net marketing flashcard

We chose Tina Net Marketing to be the subject of this study; the said business is a telemarketing company that offers brand new ink ND toner for all types of printers, we decided of making them an Ordering Management System, a Billing Management System, and an Inventory Control System. The company is still using a β†’

Utm thesis manual

1 Thesis Title The title should be a short and snappy description of the main topic of the thesis. 1 Citing in the Text The references cited in the text should be indicated using the name of the author and the date of publication.

Inventory system thesis

The study is intended to create a computerized process to lessen the amount of time consumed in encoding the products and checking the product stocks. Objectives of the study The aim of this study is to develop a useful system for the salon which has the capability to encode purchased products and acquired services by β†’

Publisher statement on “questioning the hiv-aids hypothesis: 30 years of dissent”

00030 A Statement of Concern was issued by Frontiers about the article " Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent" on 26 September 2014. Frontiers has received several complaints from public health professionals related to the article " Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent," which questions the link between HIV and AIDS.

Linguistic relativity hypothesis

Sometimes we have difficulties explain things to each other, things that are often the same, but because of where he's from and the way theircommunicationmethods are structured makes it difficult, to understand him being I am form a different part of the world, meaning a different form of communication method, with a different set of β†’

Diffrenece between hypothesis and theory

After a hypothesis is set based on really weak and shallow observations it must be tested for that opinion or idea to be true it must be tested and observed scientifically and not only once it must be tried and observed a number of times, that what develops a theory and obeys scientific laws, a β†’

Hypothesis and conclusion

Racial profiling has been a contentious issue in the United States and all over the globe, particularly to the extent on which the action infringes the very fundamental human rights and civil liberties protected by the law. Research objectives To determine whether racial profiling has worsened after September 11 To determine the extent does an β†’

Emperor justinian thesis

At the time of the reign of the Emperor Justinian, the once mighty Byzantine Empire was experiencing a period of decline and weakness. However, by the beginning of the 6th century the old Roman Empire was gone and had been replaced by the Byzantines in the East.

Thesis sample

Comment on the files you download 5. Comment on the files you download 5.

The psychology of south african’s acceptance of segregation

Although numerous efforts and protest from both social groups and the government tried to eliminate the existence of discrimination in South Africa, it is still visible in a lot of aspects in the society. Africans think that the aspect of race in South Africa should not determine the capability and hinder one's personal growth and β†’

Where is the “g” in creativity? a specialization–differentiation hypothesis

Therefore, the critical " source" of creativity may not be a g-factor, but instead the specialization of interests and commitments to a specific domain or creative outlet of interest, which in turn, facilitates the process of differentiation of an individual's creative potential. 003 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Barbot, B, Tan, M, and Grigorenko, E.L." β†’

The secularization thesis

Basically, the greater the religious diversity of a society, the better the religious vigour in that society. Starks third argument is that in all versions of the thesis the claim that " of all aspects of modernization, it is science that has the most deadly implications for religion".

Prosociality and a sociosexual hypothesis for the evolution of same-sex attraction in humans

Benefits of SSSA and same sex sexual behavior for the development and maintenance of same sex social bonds and group affiliation have been proposed previously, most notably by Kirkpatrick and later by Bartova and Valentova. SSSA is a motivator of homosexual behavior, and sexual behavior is a strong motivator of social bonds and affiliations.

Hewlett packard deskjet printer supply chain case

Rating based on scale from trip advisor Correlation Coefficient 1, 000.Sig. Rating based on scale from trip advisor Correlation Coefficient, 814** 1, 000 Sig, 000.

Henry kissinger 1971 secret trip to china

Introduction The political issue on Kissinger's secret visit to China created a controversy that changed the diplomatic relations between China and the United States. As Fergusson noted, Kissinger's secret trip to China in 1971 has made two areas of its foreign policy be consistent, and these include the renewal of the United States' relationship with β†’

In the origin of hypothesis goode and

In Western societies race is thought to be an important determinant of human behaviour and it will not be very difficult to think of any number of commonsense propositions which can serve as the source of hypothesis. The role of new thought pattern and social changes help in the generation of new hypothesis.

Thesis statements

In order for the judicial system to judge whether a law is constitutional, it must have the power to overturn a temporary law of Congress. The growing popularity of American Gladiators shows that people are more interested in watching gladiators than ever before.

Success of safeguard soap by procter and gamble

The Core Of its market as the soap of the Entire family gives the broader range of target market. Know the most effective media marketing of Safeguard soap to the buyers.

Commentary: the need for bayesian hypothesis testing in psychological science

It ought to be noted that the p -value is a statistic descriptive of the probability of the data under H 0 [p]. Wagenmakers et al.'s criticism of the p -value is faulty in that they allow for a probability transposition not warranted either by modus tollens or by the technical apparatus of Fisher's and β†’

Chimeraism thesis

It had the head of a lion, the body of a goat and tail of a snake. This is how they suggested the questions: " If human neural stem cells were implanted into the brains of other primates what might this do to the mind of the recipient?" and, " Could we change the capacities β†’

Remarks on the prolactin hypothesis of peripartum cardiomyopathy

A seminal study in 2007 introduced the hypothesis that an antiangiogenic prolactin fragment with a molecular mass of 16 kDa is a key pathological mediator of peripartum cardiomyopathy. The concept underlying this putative therapy is the inhibition of the generation of the prolactin fragment by substrate depletion, i.e, the inhibition of pituitary prolactin secretion by β†’

Alison bechdel’s fun home and michel foucault’s “repressive hypothesis”

In Alison Bechdel's Fun Home, Alison's indulgence in lesbian literature and experience within the gay community rewards her with a sense of liberation. Alison is acting in concordance with the repressive hypothesis on a variety of different levels.

System analysis thesis

Statement of the ProblemThe proponents would like to develop the ordering system to address the following problems of Bans and Pizza: How can Bans and Pizza keep pace with the modernization? RECOMMENDED SOLUTION Overview of the Proposed System The computerized order and sales system can lessen the time consume in writing the order of the β†’

Retraction: questioning the hiv-aids hypothesis: 30 years of dissent

The utility of the article as a historical summary of dissenting theories of AIDS was recognized by the reviewers and editors, who accepted the article for publication. The article-type was changed to " Opinion" to better reflect the subjectivity of the subject matter and to clarify to the scientific community and broader readership that the β†’

Editorial: structural valve degeneration and failure in transcatheter and surgical bioprosthesis

Editorial on the Research Topic Structural Valve Degeneration and Failure in Transcatheter and Surgical Bioprosthesis With the increasing prevalence of valvular heart disease worldwide, the need for heart valve replacements is expected to hit as well. The article by Sawaya et a critical review of the standardized criteria to define SVD and valve failure β†’

Topic for dissertation: chlamydia trachomatis infections among ethnic group ages 14 -24 in miami dade florida

What I hope to accomplish this term This term will mark the beginning of my dissertation and lay down the basis of the research. Having determined the research area, I intend to, during this term, develop an introduction of the dissertation, literature review, and methodology.

Efficient market hypothesis and financial crisis

According to the efficient market hypothesis, efficient market is the place where the price of the stock will quickly adjust when new information appears therefore a current price of any securities reflect all information relating to it in the market. This hypothesis implies that the ratio of income and market data in the past does β†’

Effect of somatic marker hypothesis on making decisions

As a result, the brain is able to produce a prediction model of alterations expected to occur in the body, allowing the individual to respond more effectively and rapidly to the stimuli, without having to wait for the changes in physiology to be produced by the periphery. This reaction is summarised by the SMH, as β†’

Business communication hypothesis

Business Communication Hypothesis Name: Institution: Course: Date: Business Communication Hypothesis In the article, " Improving Business Ethics with the Sapir-Whorf-Korzybski Hypothesis in Business Communication Classes", Franklin Krohn intends to show that the increased use of business terms that connote violence affects business ethics by influencing the way people think. The business environment has experienced increased β†’

Thesis (point of sale system)

0 Context Data Flow Diagram of the Current System This illustrates the Data Flow Diagram of the Walk-in/Order Transaction of the Current System. 0 First Explosion Data Flow Diagram of the Order Transaction of the Current System This illustrates the detailed Data Flow Diagram of the Order Transaction of the Current System.

Can damasio’s somatic marker hypothesis explain more than its originator will admit?

There is also something in the reasoning process that can make a choice impervious to the effect of emotions, if we are to believe Damasio. Damasio does claim, however, that emotions " are not the result of thinking through a problem and generating a solution".

Utilitarian arguments for thesis statement

As quoted by This statement shows that it is morally justified and people have the right to undergo scalpel even a man. Besides that, it is also legal for the doctor to help people undergo scalpel.

The sapir whorf hypothesis

The fact of the matter is that the ' real world' is to a large extent unconsciously built upon the language habits of the group. The categories and types that we isolate from the world of phenomena we do not find there because they stare every observer in the face; on the contrary, the world β†’

The underlying analysis chapter has been developed in following sections thesis example

Analysis of the data is critical and is among most important segments of the study for the fact that analysis provides inference from the data providing direction to the conclusion and level of achievement of research objectives. - First, the assessment of top management's interview including General Manager and other from Operations Manager's views. - Second, the β†’

A thesis in institutional management

To come up with a framework in practices as implemented by selected companies in Malate. Institutional management is often associated with hotel and restaurant management since it is one of the two major courses that can be chosen in taking up Hotel and Restaurant Management. In addition, at some universities, schools of hotel and restaurant β†’

Succession planning and public agencies theses example

The process also involves the determination of the key expectations of the succession planning team. The other step for consideration in this process involves determining the measures put in place to ensure transparency, accountability, and fairness in the process of succession planning. In addition, the chapter examines the elements of a successful succession-planning model as β†’

Example of thesis on guiding consumers

A few government white papers have also been included in this study to show how the government guides consumers. In order to understand what guides consumer decision-making, this paper will include a number of subsections that address the various stakeholders in this decision-making, the methodology pursued to come to a consensus on what guides consumer β†’

“the scarlet letter” – thesis

The plot in " The Scarlet Letter" revolves around three significant events that describe the development of the story. As both starting point and ending point of the novel, the scaffold scenes hold symbolic meaning. The first scaffold scene introduces the reader to the story, plot, and characters. As Hester is accused β†’

Free thesis on othello the moor of venice

It is a dark and classic tale of jealousy and intrigue set in the ambit of Venice although Othello is actually governor of Cyprus. Plot and analysis The first act demonstrates the anger of Desdemona's father when she elopes with the moor Othello and is an astute reflection of β†’

Example of on the same question of another industry expert has a more succinct perspective thesis

I like to go to a live and see them perform in order to observe what characteristics the artist already has and what is missing how the audience reacts to the artist, evaluate whether to sign the artist or not.(Ten, Personal Interview 28 November 2014) Daniel offers his β†’

Thesis customer satisfaction

This will be conducted with the assessment of related literature to show the relevance of the literature to the study. The process of the study is done by giving survey through questionnaire and conducting interview to determine the level of customer satisfaction and competitiveness of Bayleaf Hotel.

Free use of social media marketing in fundraising by global environmental ngos in russia thesis example

This form of marketing that makes use of social media sites and networks is known as social media marketing. Indeed, it is the further finding of the research that respondents or the sampling frame of the study called for the appearance of the organizations in social media channels.