Genuine Review Examples

Example of “take a cruise, save the world” article summary article review

There are many underdeveloped regions and tourists will pay to get there and offer their helping hands. Thus, the company will get a revenue from organizing a supply of workforce; however, its main aim is to make a positive impact on the global society and not maximizing its profits. For example, tourists from the United β†’

Performance review essay examples

Often, managers question the need for performance reviews on them as they consider the performance reviews to be ineffective on them and sometimes perceive it as a waste of time, on the other hand; managers like giving performance reviews as the reviews provide a platform where the manager can evaluate an employee's performance. As a β†’

Example of research summary article review

The first major finding of this research was that the positive effect of uncertainty avoidance was higher than the negative effect of power distance. The finding, in this case, was that power distance and individualism had negative effects while uncertainty avoidance had a positive effect.

Example of genetically modified food book review

If it contains products that are genetically produced or are artificial in their nature, then it should be the individual's decision whether to consume this product or not. It is the company's ethical responsibility to inform consumers when genetically engineered products are used in the production of a food item.

Balanced scorecard article review examples

Unlike the traditional performance measures which used ad hoc collection of measures that were more like checklists to keep track and improve, balanced score card aligns the activities of the organization to the goals, visions and strategy of the organization. It gives a way to link the intangible assets in the organization to the tangible β†’

Good article review on analyse for “from social class and the hidden curriculum of work.”

Consequently, the children from the less fortunate families would go to the middle-class schools and would not be on a similar level of competition as the children from the working-class schools and the affluent professional schools. The article has thus achieved its aim of showing the readers the Social class β†’

Mergers and acquisition literature reviews examples

That is identified from the large magnitude as well as growth in deal values as well as resulting mega-mergers that have been transacted recently. Relevance: In addition to seeking an explanation of the reasons for M&As, the study also seeks goes ahead to analyze the effect of the transactions on involved firms as well as β†’

Free essay on peer review report

Minimizing waste The explanation of the profitability of the method that Toyota uses for production shows that the writer has not yet understood the concept of ' economies of scale'. On the contrary, economies of scale applies to the whole process i.e.from the acquisition of the raw materials to the realization of the final β†’

Morgan stanley article review

Moore in his article " Morgan Stanley to Award More Bonuses Up Front," reports of the intention of the Morgan Stanly giving more bonuses upfront a clear indication of the growing profitability of the company. The author begins with a summary of the price chart showing the evident increase for the recent past.

Essay on bims review

To understand or find reasoning for this turnover rate the management personnel has decided on creating an instrument that could get the opinions, thoughts, and reasoning for the climate of the company in regards to the employees. BMIS Human Resources Manage r at DMC, Debbie Horner, developed an employee survey as a tool to find β†’

Example of movie review on four different types of evidence used

The first evidence is given where the film featured the production of different categories of meat, pork, chicken and beef by many food companies. Lastly there is a logo and pathos of two chicks, which signifies the, production of chicken meat and eggs. Visuals or auditory cues and symbols helped illustrate the points made β†’

Literature review on strategic human resource management

In addition, this would promote employee loyalty to the company, their managers, and their coworkers. As well, it showed that job descriptions were important elements in the reward determination and performance appraisal processes as the job descriptions enabled the objective evaluation of employees as well as the quantification of the performance appraisal criteria. Critique β†’

“intervela” sail manufacturing firm review

Another lacking, covering fixed cost of production and financing which they covered by working as sailor by their earning they incorporated " Autometrix Plotter" what made them unique in the local market like another leading manufacturer " North". When market shrunk in Italy they looked for another opportunity what a key feature of is genuinely β†’

Enron: the smartest guys in the room movie review example

The film has also shown interviews with former Enron employees, members of the top management and the McLean and Elkind as the authors of the book. Only a couple of years after Enron was incorporated, a news outrage broke involving traders of the company who invested in the oil markets which resulted to the consistent β†’

Free essay on the selected organization that will be reviewed in terms of the aforementioned is

The business processes in view of an increasingly technology based initiatives have given rise to a more efficient and organized execution of planning by an organization. In view of the subject matter project that is focused on discussing and evaluating the effect of process technology and e-business on logistical and operational capacity and capability β†’

6 rules for influencing how customers will review your brand

According to Walker's report, 86 percent of consumers surveyed said that they were willing to pay more for a better experience, and 88 percent said they considered reviews a credible source of information - a belief TripAdvisor has reinforced by using reviews to rank search results. The message here? But due to the structure and β†’

The chinese century

Is it true that China is the worlds largest economy as of now, and what are the future expectations? 6 trillion while that of the US is worth $17.

Self esteem

Self esteem College: SELF ESTEEM The generally accepted meaning of self esteem is the evaluation that a person makes and habitually maintains uphold in regard to himself. Self-esteem and adjusting with blindness: the process of responding to lifes demands.

What are the effects of sleep deprivation for paramedics literature review example

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Firefighters and EMS Responders.[Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 08 2012]. Fass, B.A.C.N.-P.B., 2010. Stress and Sleep Deprivation in EMS.[Online] Available at: [Accessed 14 08 2012]. International Association of Fire Chiefs, 2012.

Strategic performance review of goapple

GoApple started with the iOS smartphone leader position in January and shift to Android in April to accommodate the market demand. Due to the oversupply in the iOS smartphone market half of the manufacturers were producing iOS mobiles, there was a major decline in the number of units sold in February.

Labor market inequalities literature review samples

There are different trade- offs that occur between employment and the social protection of employee through the labor market policies. The stabilization of labor market results to the fulfillment of productivity targets and this implies that the institution of labor standards and market institutions has improved. However, there is a barrier to this achievement, the β†’

Free book review on where am i wearing : a global tour to the countries, factories

Timmerman describes how he went to Honduras to see where his T-shirt was made, to Bangladesh to see where his underwear was made , to Cambodia to see where his jeans were made , to China to see where his flip-flops were made , and finally to Perry, New York in the β†’

Review of flannery o’connor’s book, a good man is hard to find

The combination of the humorous elements with the disturbing elements enhanced the story's disturbing nature, because these two contrasting feelings are usually not used together in the way that O'Connor has used them. Initially, " A Good Man Is Hard to Find" is a humorous narrative of a dysfunctional family going on a road trip. β†’

Example of extraordinary putting transforming the whole game a book report book review

Similar to the journal article critique, determine the validity and reliability of the information presented. The author has done a good job, since the author is a successful golfer and a coach for a long time; most of the time it is reflected that he is sharing his personal experiences and teaching others to do β†’

All the pretty horses by cormac mccarthy. a literary review

He's young and he has nowhere to go. Mexico is revealed to be not at all like the old Frontier Grady seemed to imagine. John Grady ultimately has to go back to America.

Book review on purpose of the book

Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine, and the Murder of a President. First, she brings a living Garfield, the general, the man, the congressional representative, the scholar, and the president, to the attention of her readers, and restores him to the modern world.

Ferguson rifle book review summary essay sample

He is the hunter of the house with his mother and is a very good shot. The tribe is unsuccessful and does not kill any of the members of the lot, and the Indians run off. Following this, Captain Fernandez rides up to the men's fire where he tries arresting the Indians, saying they β†’

Good literature review about analyse the relationship between the evolution of protagonist and the city of barcelona

Analyze the relationship between the evolution of protagonist and the city of Barcelona in the novel " In Diamond Square" by Merce Rodoreda's In Diamond Square is an acclaimed and classic story of a woman caught up with her children in Barcelona civil war. It is important to note that Natalia is used β†’

Literature review on kaoru ishikawa

He is credited for the creation of the Japanese Quality Movement in 1962, after he developed and delivered a course on quality control for the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers earlier on in 1949. He played a very important role in the leadership of JUSE and also served as the president of β†’

The hold life has: coca and cultural identity in an andean community book review examples

Washington, D.C. Introduction The book " The Hold Life Has: Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community" is an idiosyncratic ethnography of the Quechua-speaking people of the Andes. This book typically examines the cultural identity in Sonqo and the role of cola and alcohol in the lives of the people of Sonqo.

Identifying with the author in between the world and me

This particular inspiration of Coates' is facilitated by his situation as a dad, which shows itself since the guide accepting structure as a notice to his adolescent tyke. Coates shares stories, both individual and other's happening to other people, to get the reader to see the world through his very own eyes, and help the β†’

Critical book review sample

The book thus explains the impact the gospel has had in different parts of the globe over the years and delves into the future of the gospel in different parts of the world. The book however rewrites the rules as far as evangelism and the spreading of the gospel is concerned.

Book review on as we are now by may sarton and still alice by lisa genova

Caro is need of short term care, however, this translates to long term care and she is forced to stay in the nursing home for a considerably longer period of time than was supposed to be. The nursing home is under staffed; the health conditions are of a low standard. Aging β†’

Review of peter the panderer

There are a series of statements that support the final claim that "...our community endured the same hard times." The supporting statements start with Peter's father being laid off at the Steel Mill, then theirfamilynot having enoughmoneyfor school, and finally the football season being canceled due to low funding. In β†’

Book review: dakhmheh by naveed noori

The book speaks of Arash's uncomfortable feeling during his stay in America and thus, even with the begging from the mother and sister not to go back to Iran, he goes there after his mother's death. Soeymaani shows three different personalities of himself when he unconcernedly denounces the man who gave Arash his paper and β†’

The bluest eye by toni morrison – the concept of race

For instance, Claudia gets admonished in the wake of dismantling the doll and get the support of the message that whiteness is wonderful and darkness is appalling. Her craving to deny her little girl is demonstrated when the white young lady asks who the dark kids are and Mrs.

My favourite book: “alice in wonderland”

And she, like me, does not like abstruse words and is not afraid to ask about what she is not in the subject. Alice lives the sensual side of her soul, but at the same time knows how to reason. When she knows how to achieve what she wants, everything is done for this. She β†’

And then there were none by agatha christie: a character of philip lombard

This reaction gives us a peek into Lombard's psyche and way he's always acts so blase in many of the sequences of ATTWN, because to Lombard, there's always a way out. " For the first time his voice was uneven, almost shrill. Lombard's reaction opens the reader to the 2nd half of the book, β†’

Example of article review on children’s literature and how it grew

Other than those, Egoff assumes children that could read had to make do with books such as romances and fables and the like that were written for an adult audience. Then, in the era of the Puritans, they discovered that children liked to read books about other children, so children's β†’

Review of ernest gaines’ book, a lesson before dying

In this novel Jefferson learns that by dying like a man, he will fight back to the community that wrongly accused him of a robbery and murder. Wiggins, ends the novel with the changes he has seen in himself, and in his community. A character that changed the novel is Paul, the deputy of the β†’

Example of book review on a shopkeeper’s millennium: society and revivals in rochester, new york, 1815-1837

He has described how the social association displaced as a consequence of the artisanal structure and the industrial capitalism in Rochester. However, it is important to mention here that the sociological phenomenon and changes of those times were not only confined to Rochester. Work Cited Johnson, Paul E.

Book review on book : the amazing harry houdini

He moved to the Big Apple which was in New Yolk city to work as a messenger and fabric cutter in the tie factory. He started performing magic as a teen and went by the name of " Eric The Great" He changed his name to Houdini after he read a book from one of β†’

Harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone: film review

The reviewers from the United States figured that the only reason to omit anything from the book was to keep the story in sync. Likewise, British movie reviewers focused on similar characteristics implanted in the movie. The setting of the movie is just as important to the movie as a whole as it is in β†’

Detroit: a biography by scott martelle book review example

The book Detroit: a biography was inspired by his experiences when he lived briefly in Detroit. Detroit: A biography Martelle chose to call his work a biography instead of history so as to highlight on some of the main events in the evolution of the city and explore the main forces that shaped the β†’

Free literature review on the research

All the involved individuals and groups of individuals had to be equipped with relevant information in relation to the dangers of poor diet and the advantages of healthy eating habits, and the need for a change. The other important role of the nurse leader was to coordinate the activities of the team involved in the β†’

Example of movie review on sociological aspects of lord of the flies

The movie/story have famously been referred to as a display of the cruel and malicious nature of human being that is innate and likely to be released when societal rules and boundaries are removed. Evidence of the necessity of Functionalism is seen when the horrors and chaos of life occur among these group of boys β†’

Literature review on august wilson’s use of rhetoric devices

Towards the end of the play, Troy is not aware of the change that he could have the opportunity of playing football and getting an education in a university which posses to the reader the question of how the change happened without his attention. In most of the circumstances, Wilson used the rhetoric questions to β†’

Beyond the founders: new approaches to the political history of the early american book review

Book Review: Beyond the Founders: New Approaches to the Political History of the Early American Republic Paisley et al.'s book Beyond the Founders: New Approaches to the Political History of the Early American Republic charts the development of both the upper and lower class people who settled in America during its infancy. These β†’

Educational implications article review

Wavering concludes his article with the educational implications of Piaget's logic of meanings. In his article " Vygotsky and the Social Dynamics of Classroom," Peter Smagorinsky discusses Russian psychologist, Lev Vygotsky's theory of how learning is influenced by social dynamics. He concludes by stating that implications of culture on thinking. Although the theme of the β†’

Mgmt 428 movie reviews example

This concept of generational theft is based on the fact that opportunities for the youth are extremely important and the entitlement spending or the money spent by the government in retirement fund can be better utilized for the purpose of building job opportunities for the youth. It is also important to do so in order β†’

Adult learning article review

Education needs to change from a process of conditioning to empowerment while learning needs to change from a homogeneous commodity to a customized experience to the needs and individual characteristics. In other words, the conception of the adult education is a venture in informal learning.

Nanotechnology article review sample

However, through the recognition of such ideas and facts, the society may avoid the repetition of errors in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Nanotechnology and the Developing World.

Free book review on mhs6470 human sexuality

Describe the difference between a sexual problem and a sexual disorder as identified in the text. A sexual problem is a problem that occurs during sex. What event marks the beginning of the gay liberation movement? The Stonewall riots of 1969 Essay question (50 points-1 page doubled space minimum) Describe yourself and your development β†’

Literary analysis of james cooper the pioneer literature review examples

The themes employed in chapter XVII brings up the role of the characters and literary techniques through dialogues, setting, resolution, and use of ringe notes. There is a theme of rivalry, the chief, Billy Kirby and leather-Stocking had a long existed jealous on their point of skills. Also the chief Billy Kirby portrays the theme β†’

Free dwight d. eisenhower article review sample

It is the strategy of the United States to limit the expansion of the communism and the power of the Soviets. The objective of the policy of Massive Retaliation is to reduce the waste budget of the military and to focus on the development of the higher weapons which is the nuclear bombs. The policy β†’

Article review on evolution of education over the years

Introduction- - Definition of the concepts of education relative to the formal and informal sector - Development of the background of the notion and concept of education-the understanding of education, in terms of the learning venues and spectrums - Evolution of technology relative to education-why education has changed coincidentally with the changes in technology - β†’

The deficiency of critical thinking skills is restraining the workers and the organizations article review sample

This deficiency has resulted in lack of good leaders in workforce. - Argument Pedagogy is highly related to knowledge but the element of critical thinking is not found which is creating problems. It is the higher education which has failed to fulfill its purpose in developing good leaders. - Weaknesses The biggest weakness of this β†’

Human development article review

Research Methods in Human Development: " Child Care and the Development of Behavior Problems among Economically Disadvantaged Children in Middle Childhood" Child Care and the Development of Behavior Problems among Economically Disadvantaged Children in Middle Childhood: A Review The peer-reviewed article is the work of Votruba-Drzal et al.. The focus of the study is β†’

Book reflection book review

In the book " The end of poverty: Economic Possibilities for Our Time" Jeffrey Sachs explains the yawning gap between the rich world and the poor and what can be done to improve that dreadful situation. First idea depicts the greatest tragedy of our time poverty and its dimensions, in which the one-sixth of β†’

The relationship between chinese politics and governance and the writing style of liang qichao book review

The politicians (representatives of the political side of the story) then make their response by either ignoring or making the necessary actions that are based on what the reaction of the people on the politically relevant news released by the journalists. The bigger and more serious the issue is, the stronger the call for action β†’

Example of article review on evaluation of hand washing program for 2nd graders

The purpose statement include key concept/variables and the study of population in interest because it is used to determine the hand-hygiene behavior of 2nd grade students in order to improve the hand washing behavior among the students; and to be able to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The model/framework was clearly linked to the β†’

Book review on practical of petersen text

He tells those that take part in the conversation that the card can be placed between the " talker" and also the " listener" and in both cases Petersen provides them with the relevant rules of effective communication with the listener saying " I am calm enough to hear I do not own the problem" β†’

Example of article review on review of article five meta-trends changing the world

Yes, I think the article was written in a clear manner. Although the author gave his opinion in each of the five areas discussed, and gave supporting references for each, I still do not believe that I would classify the article as overly biased. He supported his position in a β†’

Research question and literature review examples

Sleep deprivation among the emergency medical providers is due to the variety of shifts they work in order to provide the community with a continuous 24-hour service. The paper explains how sleep deprivation affects the productivity of the paramedics. Notably, the paramedics require essential skills especially in emergency medical services. Considerably, β†’

Good misinterpretation of communication literature review example

This research will demonstrate the needs to be sure of the meaning behind every communication and measures that can be used to ensure that the message has been clearly and accurately understood. On the basis of this study, scholars in communication and another range of practitioners will have a task to analyze non-verbal and verbal β†’

Book review: harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban

K Rowling is the third book in the phenomenal Harry Potter series. The storyline of this book flows very well and every aspect of the book is detailed.

Macbeth test review

man not born of woman Macduff has more need for a priest than a doctor Lady Macbeth secret, black, and midnight hag The Witches Thane of Glamis and Thane of Cawdor Macbeth to be father of kings though not a king Banquo compared to β†’

Frankie and alice

Frankie and Alice Frankie and Alice The movie Frankie and Alice begins in Georgia in 1957, showing a girl in a car accident and stars Halle Berry as Francine Murdoch , a lady suffering from multiple personality disorder. This paper will write a personal plan to promote re-integration of egos in a case such β†’

Forks over knives film review

All the core proofs of the advantages of so called vegan diet are only based on observations. And also, many of those observations are not trustworthy enough to be considered proofs. This is one of more thing to realize, when thinking about reliability of this movie. But in many β†’

Movie review of princess protection program

The evil General Kane comes in with armed men to take over Costa Luna and incarcerate the Princess and her mother, some fighting ensues, and Joe Mason has to swoop in and rescue the Princess. The makeover proves to be futile when Brooke sees Rosalinda in a magazine and recognizes her as " Rosie".

Good ambiguity and its thematical significance in films movie review example

The essay will also discuss the specific ways in which the audience is alerted to the possibility of what they seem to be hearing or what they see not being the whole truth. Stories we tell The Stories we tell is the seventh film by Sarah Polley, who happens to be the writer and β†’

Taare zameen par film review

This gave birth to the story of " a child who did not fit into the school stream" named Ishaan Nandkishore. Ishaan is an 8 years old dyslexic child that was sent by his parents to aboarding schoolbecause he is on the verge of repeating 3rd grade for the second time. The stigma associated with β†’

Free movie review about big fish

This story is about a man named Ed Bloom, about the surprising man having in his stock a mass of stories and histories. The protagonist of the movie Ed Bloom is a real role model.

Example of tin toy movie review

Pixar's Tin Toy is a paradigm of a short-form film that illustrates breakthrough, genuine emotions, and completeness of essential film qualities. When all other movies were accustomed to using the traditional form, Tin Toy opened the door to modern film art, a fledgling form in 1988 that ultimately become the inspiration of β†’

Analysis and review of selected dystopian literature and movies

The Capitol enjoys broadcasting the live television of the games which shows the viewers how there is no sense of humanity. Blade Runner: it was a very different movie than the others because of the extraordinary futuristic technology that would probably exist in the future. In the movie, one could also notice and infer about β†’

Example of movie review on digital film theory: wall-e

This paper will use the Digital Film Theory to reach this conclusion and to link Bazin's notion of realism to WALL E. Before proceeding with an in-depth analysis of WALL E on the basis of the Digital Film Theory, it is necessary to differentiate digital mediums from analogue ones. In conclusion, WALL E β†’

Film viewing guide: “babies” movie review

This film captures the early life of humans around the world - I chose to watch this documentary because I was interested in how other cultures parent. - The central point of the film was the development of the babies. Shots of the environment around the children is really what tells the story of life there, - β†’

Apush review

You will be allowed to bring one page of notes to help you write the essay I select that day. If what you have is more than two sides, review what you have and then condense to two sides for the day of the essay writing.

Good literature review on morse museum

The Morse Museum houses the world's most complete collection of art works by the American designer, Louis Comfort Tiffany. The interior contains an original wing that displays the Museum's assortment of architectural items and arts from the renowned Long Island residence of Tiffany in Laurelton Hall. The tiffany's collection of artworks seems to be a β†’

Example of article review on international relation theory

The main theme of the article is war and Brill goes to an extent of criticizing the perspective of the American military where he argued that the perspective resulted to the failure. This is a very accurate observation that happens in the real world where countries merge to bargain for treaties that are of interest β†’

Free article review on approaches of the authors on the subject matter

In the United States, racism has continued to undermine the economic development of the nation. The subject matter of both authors revolves around importance of race to both the democrats and republicans. The separation of blacks from the whites brought about a number of educational, economic, and social disadvantages. Specific area of American History from β†’

Article review on americas racial future

At the time of the movie's filming, interracial marriages were illegal in various states in the country, and mostly in the southern states. This paper will provide the dreams of the film's characters and compare with the steps taken in the country since the filming. The film provides a reflection β†’

Literature review topic

The Evolution of Heart Chambers from Amphioxus to Mammals Heart is main organ of supplying blood to all the body organs. With the evolutionary process, they have been changed to eukaryotes, the most developed organisms of the world.

Analysis of the crash

Analysis of the Movie Crash Racism has been a menace to the American society since time memorial and still poses a big threat to peaceful coexistence and societal harmony in a country with the global highest racial diversity. Finally, racism is a killer of morality in the society.

‘all about eve ‘film review

It is even evident from the movie title that this is a movie primarily about a woman. It is a movie that is designed to appeal to a primarily female audience.

Comparative review the holy trinity versus deposition

Aside from the vault containing the figures of the Holy Trinity, the paintings of the figures, apparently of donors, are life-size and realistic and their location manifested volume and space as exemplifying nearness to the viewers. Most profound in identifying the rationale for juxtaposition of the figures is the relationship of these men and women β†’

The hunger games

The first of these is when she chooses to sacrifice her life for that of her sister through her joining the Hunger Games in the latter's behalf. The film from Katniss' view can be told as a form of hardship that has to be endured because it is through this endurance that she will eventually β†’

Gallery review

The artist has used warm colors and tried using contrasting colors that make the characters of the painting stand out in the portrait. One of the formal characteristics identified in the painting is that the artist has not emphasized on the hair of the two women. The main function of the piece is to represent β†’

Freedom writers

This lifestyle is completely different than the lifestyles that the students in the movie are surrounded by. What's good about the story regarding the movie is that the teacher is able to look past statistics, stereotypes, and race and give the students in her class a chance.

Apocalypse now – the lessons of the vietnam war to today’s society

The research centers on the lessons of the Vietnam War to today's society. The air attack flattens the houses of the Vietcong along the Nung River.

Gina kims never forever

Eventually and inevitably, they find themselves in a relationship despite the commercial nature of their relationship. Although Sophie is a well-to-do woman, her infertile husband, who is also Korean, puts her in an awkward position in which she cannot be a mother. The fact that she hires someone to inseminate her makes it lean towards β†’


The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez is a movie that retells an incident that happened in real life in Gonzales, Texas back in 1901. The main problem that gave rise to such a thing was the use of a deputy (by the sheriff investigating the case) to translate what β†’


Story begins with the family of three children, Judith; the eldest, six years old Micheal Myer and infant Laurie Strode. Along with Doctor Samuel and Jimmy, Laurie gave a brilliant fight to Micheal; she fired at his eyes with the gun given to her by Jimmy.

A long history of racism: bamboozled

Also, there is much violence in the film because it is to suggest how aggressively racism is still prevalent in our society. There is this horrible shootout between the police and the rap group who is there to perform.

Water for elephants directed by francis lawrence

By placing a love triangle deep into the heart of the film in a circus story, the film is able to bring that special aura and romance that remains relevant despite the passing of time. Set against the background of depression in the United States that characterized those times, Jacob had hoped to become a β†’

Modern king james version: troy

As the famous saying says, " Nature is enough for humans' need but not enough for humans' greed". Also, the movie shows how the fornication committed by Paris to Helen destroys thousands and thousands of lives. The beauty that blinded the heart of the beholder moved him to do a little foolishness that is heavier β†’