Genuine Review Examples

The white umbrella literature reviews example

Their race, culture and family beliefs shape the thoughts and identity of the narrator and her sister as immigrants. At the prospect of owning the umbrella, the narrator gets so excited to such an extent that she jumped up and down in the rain thanking Miss Crosman. But their mom is not ready to let β†’

Parental involvement and educational outcomes article review examples

Additionally, African American and Hispanic American single parents are more likely to live in poverty, be less educated, and to have never been married. Only about 5% of children who live in single-parent households live in single-father households. There is also an increased risk of depression and the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs β†’

A daughter’s reflection on growing up with a transgender father book review examples

This clearly shows how much she felt so low and unhappy at the beginning of the life making her see that nobody around was willing to help the situation being the grandmother was also very conservative. Surprisingly, Noelle could not clearly understand the real happenings until one day at the age of 14 when her β†’

Movie review on war dance in uganda

It is difficult to imagine that people can be so hurtles that they make innocent children to commit murder or expose them to images that are likely to haunt them the rest of their lives. Due to their economic conditions and the environment they live in, most of them have never been to the Ugandan β†’

Sample literature review on slma-qian “historical records

The " Biographies of the Assassins" and " the prince of Wei" are educative works used by Sima Qian to demonstrate his attitude. The biographies revolve not only among the leaders of man but also among the different encounters that man has in his life and how these encounters favor his positioning in the future.

Example of book review on george orwell’s 1984

When he was approached by a secret member working for the party he confuses him with a member of the brotherhood movement that was against the party and was planning to wage a revolution. He is presented with the famous publication by Emmanuel Goldstein which was a publicly acclaimed source of brotherhood.

Article review on how schools shortchange girls

The argument of the American Association of University Women in " Why A Report On Girls?" is that girls quietly suffer in the education system. In a world where girls are often the main, and expected, caregiver in a family, it would be best that an overdue partiality allow her to at β†’

The state of union address movie review

Therefore, he is addressed in the President's speech as a guest of honor along with the members of Congress. Congress: As the legislative branch of government, Congress passed a law mandating automatic budget cuts worth one trillion dollars in order to reduce the nation's deficit. Executive order President Obama considers cyber-attacks a dangerous threat to β†’

Free budget review essay example

The budget of the country or an organization is the difference between the money the country receives and the money it spends. Budget review is the process of evaluating and assessing budget so that it can articulate with the current economic reality of the country.

They will buy it

If we stop for a minute and think about the fact that %95 of the world media is controlled only by 5 companies, so would not it be acceptable to see the fact that these companies hold the possiblity of shitting with our lives? When your washing machine is broken, you never look for the β†’

Multitasking article review

It is the opinion of the author that multitasking during simple, menial tasks such as folding clothes and speaking on the phone does not require a high order of mental capacity to execute; therefore, it is acceptable to multicast when engaging in these activities. On the flip side, the author argues that hen β†’

Virtual money- the regulation of bitcoin literature review sample

It is not difficult to connect the Bitcoin address to the identity of the Bitcoin users. There is a need to ensure that the gains and potential benefits of Bitcoin system should be closely monitored by the authority.

Good article review about bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system by satoshi nakamoto

The survival of bitcoin is in a tricky state because of the number of businesses accepting bitcoin. The only reason motivating people to be part of bitcoin is that its speculative aspect. The advantage of bitcoin is that it offers low fees in the receiving and making of payments.

The great financial crisis book review

John Bellamy in his book " The Great Financial Crisis" gives a bold analysis of the financial meltdown, its causes, how it developed and the implications that it had to the general economic status of America and other countries across the globe. This is an excellent book that is easy β†’

The wounded knee review essay sample

It was considered, by Sherman and his deputy, Philip Sheridan, that the strong connection between the animals and the Indians would prove to be fatal, and the extinction of the former would entail the destruction of the latter. These conditions all led to a massive build up in tension which was fueled by the β†’

Good example of capital punishment book review

It is true that taking the life of another is ethically wrong, but capital punishment is just but basically administered on the same grounds where by the criminal is judged according to his/her actions of taking the life of a fellow human being. Capital punishment is somewhat close to suffering only that death is faster β†’

Review of “the propaganda of the saints in the middle ages.”

Cohen describes how the in the early years of the church, martyred Christians rapidly assumed a high position in the churches hierarchy of faith. These saints where given to have special powers and gradually became central to the Catholic Church; as opposed to God. Even if there are not as many people who follow the β†’

Free essay about a review/summary report of the scientific merit of movie “the day after tomorrow

This paper includes the discussion of the ways science is shown in the said movie. In the first place, the movie has triggered serious discussions regarding global warming. The sudden climate change portrayed in the movie began with the melting of the polar ice caps, which made the flow of the Gulf Stream stop.

Peer review essay samples

The author is also keen to provide the applications of the technology and voices environmental impacts that emanate from the use of the technology. However, the author does not provide a concluding paragraph to summarize the article and maybe offer a general recommendation concerning the technology being discussed. Summary of the Paper - The problem β†’

Example of the making of mass destruction:inside job and the great recession in focus movie review

In the process, Ferguson tackles the ethical dilemmas that plagued and continue to plague the powerful United States financial sector, raising questions about the morality and uprightness of the leaders of the industry. In Inside Job, Charles Ferguson spends much of the film explaining how the financial crisis was formed. The final part provides a β†’

Example of report on peer review community

Founded by Tim and Nina Zagat, the review site has been providing customers with the much needed information regarding the pricing, location and quality of services and products among other information for hotels and restaurants all over the major cities all over the world. Zagat though also susceptible to some misguiding information considering that it β†’

Article review on senator asks justice department to investigate mortgage company

Timaraos.this is actually ethically wrong. The company's ethical duty could have been to provide the right information to the clients rather than exploiting them on the basis of providing them with the improper fee structure which resulted to double-billing their mortgage for legal services which is related to the processing of the foreclosures and the β†’

Free the battery technology article review example

When this breakthrough is eventually achieved, people will find themselves using devices which are not using the ordinary batteries, but instead they will power themselves with either energy from the air, cellular, TV or Wi-Fi signals. The major drive to the development of the battery has been for the companies to meet customer β†’

Free article review about four-door lamborghini

Unlike Gallardo, Murcielago, or Aventador two-seat supercars, the four-door Lamborghini was expected to have its engine located in front of the driver. On September 2014, Lamborghini sent invites to fans to the company's press conference at the Paris 2014 Motor Show scheduled for October 2, 2014. Contrary to speculations, the β†’

Article review on globalization of the hospitality industry

The current tension and violence in Egypt gives a good example of a political factor that may limit the globalization of the hospitality industry. Cultural Factors Globalization of the hospitality industry becomes a challenge when it tends to affect the cultures in the different foreign markets. Ethical and environmental considerations have become an important β†’

Good example of book review on a road ahead – bill gates

The machines developed in a way that they could communicate with each other through the internet, which is the ticket to the information highway. In this introduction, Gates establishes the origin of his love for computers and introduces the reader to the information highway. Information highway is cited as something β†’

Good example of social media creates new customer relationships article review

Companies must identify who would make the final decision of the purchase and then identify whether these people are going to be Facebook or Twitter users, and then make a decision of advertising on these networks. As shown in the case sometimes campaigns on Facebook and Twitter can have a rebound effect. On the upside β†’

New tax conformity rule article review samples

The article relates to as how entities both domestic and multinational, used the difference in valuation rules of LIFO and Non-LIFO Inventory Valuation methods for purpose of tax saving as LIFO was used solely for tax reporting purpose which increased their value of Cost of Goods Sold and finally with low gross profits, β†’

Example of article review on outsourcing

These myths are assuming: that an outsourced vendor can be efficient, effective, and flexible all at the same time; that an outsourced service is like a commodity; that contracts should be tight and binding; that contracts are not at all important; that outsourced services are a form of insurance; that the responsibility is rests solely β†’

Book review on building strong brands

However, the quest to build a strong brand is full of liabilities. Associated issues that are common in the building a brand include pricing competition, the ease of competitor access, the diverse efforts of the media and the markets and finally the internal issue of often changing marketing strategies. With β†’

Components and forms of financial statements literature review examples

IFRS is founded on an overriding requirement to make fair presentation of financial statements. US GAAP, on the other hand, is a term used to indicate the body of authoritative literature comprising accounting and reporting standard in the US. This includes the correction of error or reclassification of financial statements. The difference occurs in the β†’

Good example of corporate citizenship: towards an extended theoretical conceptualization by dirk matten and andrew crane article review

3 The social role of business has been predominated by the concept of corporate citizenship, which currently has several notions. Corporate citizenship has two conventional views: Limited view corporate citizenship is " strategic philanthropy;" undertaking ethical, economic and legal responsibilities are done with self-interests in mind Equivalent view corporate citizenship is " corporate β†’

Article review on innovating on the cheap by lance a bettencourt and scott l bettencourt

They asserted that innovations might already exist among a company's previously rejected products and that the value of these innovations was just waiting to be realized. The authors intended this article for entrepreneurs, that is, to help them realize that they do not have to spend much on innovations, that they can still grow

Role of compensation and benefit in attracting and retaining qualified employees article review samples

Generally, attractive compensation and workplace benefits play a significant role in attracting and retaining qualified employees in an organization. Based on the above argument, the following discussion provides an analysis of an article that focuses on the role of compensation and benefits in attracting and retaining qualified employees. According to Smith , most employers β†’

Free article review on facebook: watching the watchers by patrick white

Actually, Facebook has assisted to open up the reality of what happens in the daily lives of both children and the parents. Besides, Facebook has the advantage of allowing people to socialize with different people of different ages and gain a better understanding of their traditions, values, and culture.

Example of book review on the portable thoreau- answer essay questions

This adds credence to his ideals seeing that they are followed by actions and are therefore not merely sophistical platitudes. Philosophers, and there is no dearth of historical examples in this regard, typically prefer the tenets of simplicity and economy since they seem to coincide with how nature operates. I β†’

The inductive qualitative approach was used in this study because the researchers article review examples

The aim of the current research is to provide the information on dynamics of organizational change. Organizational identity is defined as collective understanding of who its members are as the organization. Identity ambiguity and change in the wake of a corporate spin-off.

Example of essay on printer and scanner review

Inkjet printers create an image by propelling tiny droplets of inks on a paper while a laser printer utilizes a light or a focused beam to transfer images and text onto a paper. The HP Photosmart 7510 At a cost of 120 dollars, this is a budget multipurpose printer that is suited for a β†’

Opinion book review

This is a situation which can be explained by the fact that within the entity and in relation to the job or work entitled to employees, it vividly shows that the experience gained by the employees will make him or her manager in another entity. Although the present company should be able to offer a β†’

Free contemporary literature 440-01 book review example

Ideally, various advantages and benefits accrue to a firm that ensures that their transparency is known to the citizens and the government in their day to day operation of their business. The Circle by Dave Eggers depicts the encounters undergone by the character, Mae. The voracious information that is collected from the employees of the β†’

Good example of article review on smarter off shoring

The article summarizes the current trend of companies to outsource their operations to low-wage countries. The trend has been proven effective with the success of General Electric, and British Airways in the 1990s.

Article review on bhopal tragedy

1-Identify the impact of this incident on both the MNE and the host country? For the host country, the Union Carbide disaster exposed the inability and the ineffectiveness of the government in dealing with the disaster. An amount of $470 million was paid by Union Carbide to the Indian government to meet the claims β†’

Free article review on starbucks and danone are joining forces to sell yogurt

Starbucks and Danone to Join Forces" article, written by Stephanie Strom and published at ref= global & _r= 1&on July 23rd, 2013 discusses about an organizational strategy for increasing two companies' visibility, market share and profits and this is the reason why I chose it, for elaborating on an organizational behavior concept. This business β†’

Good example of devise, deviser, device, devising, and its variation of meaning in becketts literature review

At the end of the day, with all devising, what is the point of being? The first point to make is that it must be said that the story is a fiction. Yet, the meaning of " device," transforms at the end of the paragraph just cited to " devising," which in its verb form β†’

Production and procurement management in aviation article review example

The company also has to install a printer in the warehouse that ensures that all particulars that are required to be printed in the receipt appear. Recent developments have seen the company adopt a new printer that is up-to-date, and that helps the company in the daily operations..

Free book review on the missing campus climate debate

In addition to that, a member of an environmental group called Environmental Protection Agency comments that the group is not aware of any effects linked with the tacos corn. A member of the environmental group confirmed that the tacos corn sold in the supermarkets were tested before they found their way to the market. It β†’

The lost generation article review

The author stresses, that actions should be taken both by companies and governments in order to avoid the phenomenon of " the lost generation", known from Japan and now spreading in the Western World. As a college student myself, I was astonished by the ramifications, the problem of youth unemployment β†’

Eastman kodak case review essay sample

The business had the philosophy to sell off non core services and as IT was being revamped it was an obvious step for IT to follow the trends of the business. If Kodak truly wanted to have their vendor relationships be truly partnership the agreements had to be flexible to allow the relationship to grow β†’

Corporate governance and firms performance literature review examples

Furthermore, both Aljifri and Moustafa and Stanwick and Stanwick stressed on the importance of agency theory in determining the impact of corporate governance, with both emphasizing on the agents the board of directors, as they act on behalf of the principals the company stakeholders. Firmly standing β†’

Term paper on company review

Although, many companies have now managed to develop similar products and competition is becoming stiff. Marketing Objectives The objectives of carrying out the marketing research for Apple, Inc Company are as follows; 1) To explain the company strategic planning 2) To design a business portfolio and develop growth strategies for Apple, ltd β†’

Good article review on antecedents of offshoring advanced tasks

The journal article of Jensen and Pedersen on the antecedents of offshoring advanced tasks operated on four hypotheses about how an offshored taks becomes more advanced: when firms are more knowledge-intensive; the more offshoring experience accumulated in the firm; the more resources in

Example of technology to eliminate article review

Reducing the number of e-mail systems reduces the cost of running the systems. There is also a high initial cost of connecting the two companies if the IT team will connect whole 16 e-mail systems.

Domino’s pizza company review

This is not to say that they were not taking action, they just were not out there announcing it to the world. Once this seemed not to work out, they made a twitter account to interact with customers who had questions or concerns about the video. If customers do not want to go to the β†’

Behind the labels; free trade and the growth of inequality amongst third world workers movie review example

The consequences for granting exemptions to U.S.federal labour laws to garment subcontractors operating on Saipan was that they could pay the workers a fraction of the minimum wage, work them harder in poor conditions and for longer hours. This proves that the neoliberal agenda breeds the growth of inequality as the multinational corporations will β†’

Example of social media strategy article review

Tolerance for uncertain outcomes and scale of results sought in social media strategies used by businesses today. Organizations the world over are adopting the use of social media to increase their sales in the market. This will ensure that the product will definitely be viewed given the following of the identified personalities. Adopting a β†’

Sample article review on the egyptian accounting profession/standards

Also, Egypt established the Egyptian Standards on Auditing with the aim of promoting transparency, efficiency, and accountability of all the financial operations. The Central Bank of Egypt also issues critical guidelines to commercial banks on the financial reporting standards and thus expects all the banks to follow the EAS.

Review: kinky boots essay samples

Society is still not as accepting of the idea of men dressing up as women, and the only times these cross dressers are accepted is when they are portrayed in a comical and unintelligent manner. However, with Kinky Boots, they were portrayed in a more positive manner, as they somehow became a ' hero' for β†’

Article review on international marketing

Summary The international marketing journal is a research that aims to enlighten the concept that images of a brand, the brand's country of origin , and brand's country of manufacture influence consumers' perceptions and evaluations in an emerging market. Specifically, it is noted that consumers in an emerging β†’

Amazon affiliate program review

The Amazon Associates offering is an Amazon Affiliate program that can really encourage your autonomous wander. Here is the way by which to twist up an Amazon part.

Good example of the association between diabetes and oral health amongst people from different backgrounds literature review

For this purpose, health care delivery in the context of diabetes management should be comprehensive enough and emphasize on alleviating oral health concerns that have shown to have a close association with diabetes. The Relationship between Oral Health and Diabetes Mellitus.

Good example of leadership and decision making in crisis in the global era: how leadership nowadays literature review

The history illustrates various examples of the organizations, which are over managed and under led and it is a challenge and the task of the modern corporations to develop an internal framework for development of the leadership capabilities, which can take the organization to success through crisis. One of the β†’

Good example of heart of darkness book review

The manager and the brickmaker view Kurtz as a real threat to their survival in the company hence the delay in the ship's repair. The ship is repaired and Marlow, the general manager, and the pilgrims set on a voyage up the river. To the Europeans, Africans are people to be dominated-though in the end, β†’

Example of new media strategy article review

The brand is actually the market leader in very many countries. Since the use of typically begins from a young age, Durex has been using youth media, for example, MTV or the internet to target the young people. This is actually a symbol of the Durex brand association and support for β†’

Social media article review example

Social MediaThe article " Social Social media? Understanding the functional building blocks of social media.

Free article review about the view from the cios office: three chief information officers on the challenges

Moreover, this article gives me an insight on the decisions that I should make, and how I should approach the challenges related to the technical aspects of the business. As CIO, I have to provide solutions and information to enable the business across lots of different platforms that are changing at a very rapid pace, β†’

The review of the documentary: the corporation

The authors of the film study the impact corporations have on the modern society in general and individual people in particular. The film presents unprejudiced view on such mega corporations as McDonald's, Coca-Cola, IBM and Nike. They make a good deal showing true appearance of corporations and influence they have on average people. This is β†’

Chapter 1 reviewing the basics 7/25/12 tara campbell

What is the path and folder name to the desktop folder for the user Jane when Windows Vista is installed on drive C? v. Remember the reason you are there is to help and fix the problem.10.

Good example of short book summary book review

A rash of " ethical fashion" books and blogs exist on the subject or topic-" To Die For" of Lucy Siegle comes to mind or reflection, and the popularity of the movement is increasing that even the world clothing giants or huge companies have glommed on. Cline is a persuasive advocate when she writes, " β†’

Article review on answering 3 questions

The continued use of the internet by the society will have significant implications on the future of e-business. The availability of the internet will increase the scope of the needs of customers for choices of holiday destinations. 2) Government policy can act as a barrier to entry or an aid to entry into an industry.

Free how cios overcome the competing values challenge article review sample

In this article, two propositions were proposed: everything else being equal, influence attempts are less likely to result in commitment to the new initiative when competing values exists between CIOs and the targets of their influence attempts; and the impact of competing values on the target's β†’

Human resource practices in the u.k and france article review example

The importance of the article was to establish the effects of comparative training in the United Kingdom and France. The other factor that the article sought to establish was the impact of the institutional structures and the educational system on the business.

Good article review about history

Add more relevant details to the paper. Article for Review Houston Riot of 1917 Abstract In August 1917, after suffering a string of racial attacks, black members of the Twenty-fourth Infantry's Third Battalion rioted in Houston, killing 15white civilians and four police officers. The blacks soon realized the truth of the matter. β†’

Example of report on review of movement of company’s share price

While analyzing the share price of KFC Holdings Ltd, the movement of the share price can very well be evaluated. The share price recovers in the month of May and maintains the position reaching highest in the month of July.

Pricing review chapter book review sample

The price has to be set in a way that it is fair enough to ensure the company makes profit and at the same time not to exploit consumers. The most significant themes or concepts of the chapter Important themes highlighted in the reading are pricing as an element β†’

Free book review on monsanto

Monsanto is one of the major companies that involved itself in the production of GMOs and it also controls the biggest and widest share of market of GMO crops in the world. It was among the first companies to genetically modify a plant cell and also the first to make field trials of genetically modified β†’

Good example of article review on data

The article is also appropriate to the audit profession because the author gives important insights that may be useful in noticing management of earnings within an organization. For example, checking for substantial year-end transactions and reviewing the organization's trends may assist in noticing any anomalies. I agree with Clikeman that earnings management is something that β†’

Is silence killing your company article review examples

I need to be quiet and follow the rest of the employees who have been here longer. Nothing needs to be changed unless the customers are complaining. It is not in my job description, someone else is in charge of it. The company will think I am not a team player if I speak up. β†’

Dominant design and the smartpone industry article reviews example

This indicates that between Apple and Google, nearly all of the market is controlled. As a result of this serious loss of competitive edge in the smartphone sphere, Microsoft decided that it would not continue to try to compete with Apple and Google in the smartphone market as they have β†’

What is strategy article review examples

Strategy is the creation of exclusive and valued position, involving a diverse set of activities, which means if there existed only a single ideal position, strategy would be nonexistent. According to Porter , operational effectiveness should not be considered a business strategy, but it is a necessity in business. β†’

Article review on marketing

Black & Decker was successful with the Dust buster vacuum cleaner that led it to the acquisition of the General Electrics' appliances division in 1984. At this point, the initial Space Maker was fully redesigned to give a less bulky appliance that met the needs of the consumers. With the thermal carafe, Black & Decker β†’

Pablo escobar the king of coke questions and answers movie review sample

In that way, he was able to gain the support of people in Medellin while he continued on his trade that ran in a bend-or-break manner (Pablo Escobar: The King of Coke, 2007). c. Such modification prompted America to send further arsenal to Colombia that boosted intelligence and search for Escobar and the rest of β†’

Organization movie review examples

The primary focus of the clip is the organization, where Carter works. Carter's understanding of the relationships within the organization and in particular towards employees is extremely pragmatic.

Iphone review essay sample

The iPhone is also the father of the iPad, which is the pioneering product of tablets. With the new iPhone, it seems that problem has been addressed and improved. Apple is aiming this product at consumers who already own an iPhone, by making their phone a more personal expression of who people are.

Literature review on the things they carried literary analysis

However, O'Brien maintains that the story is a fictions account of what actually happened at Vietnam. O'Brien uses the Alpha Company as the focus of his story. The story opens up by literally describing the things members of the Alpha Group carried. The detached manner in which O'Brien gives an account β†’

Free article review on strategic management

The introduction of the article provides insight into the issue of the federal government availing public data, through technology applications, that employees and emerging business might use to provide competition to the established business. The article provides the dangers of technological applications to existing business in the sense that information β†’

Example of five lessons learned from catastrophic failures of leadership book review

Finally, the author divulges that derailment is not foreseeable but lack attention to the development always increases the chances of it might take place. - Three main points linked to human resource management Because this book focuses on leadership failures among other points that are important in a leader's journey, it provides very important points β†’

Strategy and eeo article review

Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 17 , 93. Major Thesis The article attempts to study the impact of the ' equal employee opportunity' legislation on small businesses in the US. The data used in this article was restricted to small business hence it would be prudent to carry out an analysis of the β†’

Innovating on the cheap article review examples

The message of the article informs readers that in order for a business to continue growing, it must introduce fresh offerings in the market, which appeal to the diverse needs of the clients. The authors have educated the readers about the six types of innovation, which need to be understood in order to enhance cheap β†’

Free article review about corporate social responsibility

However, greater part of corporate social responsibility since the information behind them may not be reliable or valuable for helping the corporates to come up with a concrete conclusion. Following the difficulty of the corporates to measure the reliability of their social responsibility, they have changed ways to and focused on engaging in corporate social β†’

Black cultural studies literature review examples

Even though they used the normal English words, the accent and the fact that some of the meanings were totally opposite of what they said made it difficult for the whites to follow their conversations. To the people who have been brought up in a similar environment, it may work out well for them as β†’

Example of article review on articles

Article 1: Simple Tips for Virtual Meetings With the increasing number of individuals and businesses utilizing virtual meetings, the tips provided in this article on how to make the most out of the virtual meetings are very handy and simple. This will surely reduce the telephone bills of the company plus the fact β†’

Book review on a review of killing for company

Masters' report is effective as it achieves its aim of delivering a fair and accurate evaluation of the case and also of the life and attitudes of Nilsen. As the title " Killing For Company" suggests, Nilsen's key aim with his victims was to control and prevent them from leaving him. Many true crime books β†’

Sample article review on summit electric lights new erp system

Summer Electric Light can be considered as one of the future beneficiaries of an ERP system if the development is studied and implemented properly. In terms of operational efficiency, the new ERP system can improve this a lot. Likewise, they are also able to monitor their products that are disposed fast and can work on β†’

Book review on defiance of the patriots: the boston tea party and the making of america

By revealing a lot of little known details and historical facts and considering the uncertain legacy of the Tea Party, Carp is able to present a deeply expansive and compelling history of the iconic event rooted in the tempestuous past of America. The Boston Tea Party grants Carp with an opportunity to examine and explore β†’

Critical success factors for a small professional services firm literature review example

These success factors are necessary because they enable an organization to achieve its goals, and they also serve to guide the organization in its operations. For professional services firms, such as law firms, Kaiser and Ringlstetter assert that the acquisition of high performing young professionals is a success factor as this ensures the β†’

Extraordinary circumstance review

The purpose of review report is to conclude whether WorldCom satisfied the Code of Ethics and the Attribute and Performance Standards set forth by the IIA. They would sell the stock as soon as they get. In order not to let the stock price fall, the executives in WorldCom bought the stock β†’