Genuine Review Examples

Free book review on last name

In his book he challenges the current generation to appreciate the political struggles in the 1960's and recognize the advantages of these efforts. In his analysis of the political journey, he recognizes the impact and importance of some political figures in the United States history.

Promised land

The atmosphere of realism is created by the environmental issues addressed in the film. The town people are introduced to the idea of mining of natural gas, without being given the precise details by a salesperson. The role of the soft spoken but self-driven sales-person Steve Butler is played by Matt Damon.

How to make an american quilt by jocelyn moorhouse

The central theme of the movie revolves around the lifelong experiences of the female protagonists presented in the movie who the practice of quilt making share their account of events they came across in the different phases of their life. The quilt that is being stitched is the one that they plan handing over to β†’

A book review of native son by richard wright

The focus of attention has shifted somewhat, with studies of Wright's political vision diminishing and analyses of his craftsmanship and literary sources increasing. The great majority of scholars and critics during this period are in general agreement about the centrality of Wright's position in African-American letters and β†’

Punk music concert review essay sample

Punk is a form of underground music that appeals to people who are either bored or dissatisfied with the way the world works. In The Merriam Webster Dictionary the definition of the word punk is; a young inexperienced person or a petty hoodlum.

Multicultural review

The lesson reviewed was " Sexism: From Identification to Activism, " a very proactive lesson that dug into the issue of sexism, and how the students lives where affected by the topic. Though, if adapted and expressed in a certain way the lesson plan would be multicultural and really take the issue of sexism β†’

Franny and zooey book reviews examples

The condition of the washroom is enough to describe the restaurant; it was not in a good condition. When she returned to the table, Lane realized that something was not right with Franny. The story of Franny ended with Franny fainting inside the restaurant when she was heading to the washroom, though the cause of β†’

Free drug addiction experiments based on both mass media and scholarly articles article review example

In the original nicotine experiment which is titled Abuse liability and pharmacodynamics characteristics of interventions and inhaled nicotine, a more detailed and scientific explanation of the same study is given as compared to Sandra Blakeslee's article in " The New York Times". Some of the most notable differences between the mass-media article and the scholarly β†’

Sample article review on treatment of tobacco dependence in college health

Article Review- A Review of the Evidence onTechnology-Based Interventions for the Treatment of Tobacco Dependence in College Health by Joanne Brown Joanne Brown's article is based on the recognition that, college years play a major part in the development of smoking behavior amongst students. The lesson that can be learned from this article β†’

A review of school funding in texas

The article shows the various efforts that the state of Texas has implemented in order to source funds for its schools. The first laws enacted for the purpose of school funding were the Gilmer-Aikin Act which was passed in 1949. In my opinion, β†’

Example of article review on famine, affluence and morality by peter singer – questions and answers

If the person possesses the ability to prevent a bad consequence to arise out of the situation, then it is morally sound for him to resolve the problem, as long as he does not commit something that would lead him to do something that is morally bad. As long as β†’

Free article review on ” the two languages ” by kenneth koch

While regarding poetry as a mysterious being that no one has quite been able to explain where and how it comes from, author Kenneth Koch invokes the ancient Greeks calling the Muse the source of poetry and others ascribing it to coming from some residually creative place in an unconscious β†’

Healthy eating and obesity literature review sample

They further argue that schools have an opportunity of creating policies that could prevent obesity through promoting a healthy eating and physical activity environment, which could lead to a reduction of obesity cases in the country. On the other hand, Veugelers, and Fitzgerald , in their study, focused on the impact that school

Free order 210883862 article review example

Their own behavior could have been affected by the behavior they saw in others around them, as a result of their expectation of how they should themselves should react. - Twenty-two of the thirty six patients who took psilocybin described having a ' mystical experience,' and twenty-five stated at the end of the sessions that they β†’

Investigating racial differences in intelligence: the minnesota case article review

The assessment uses education level to test the intelligence in the various groups of adopted children. This result shows a correlation between the parents and their adopted children in the selective placement by the agencies. This therapy has the potential of solving this problem it entails a learning process of the patients behavior and feelings. β†’

Example of flowers for algernon movie review

Charlie is 32 years old who has an IQ of 68. In the movie, Charlie who is the main character and the main narrator is the subject of the movie through his mental retardation and the urge to improve his mental status. This also shows that he does not have safety skills.a symptom Psych Central β†’

Section 2 video report

The culture that was shown is our wanton disregard to the environment and the call to change this culture of abuse and neglect to restore the health of our plaent. 2. The dominant theme and events in the film The film can be likened to Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth that discussed the β†’

The shakespeare’s use of imagery in villainy and deceit portrayal in othello

Othello is an exploration of the villainy and deceit of one's own mind and its power to manipulate the psyche to be overcome by jealousy and motivated to take devastating and irreversible actions. As Iago gradually " pours this pestilence into his ear", the dialogues between the two characters overlap and interrupt to such β†’

Tao te ching book review examples

The literal meaning of this book is Tao means way, Te means the virtue and Ching means Classic or the great book. The Tao Te Ching is considered the pedestal of Taoism which made a huge impact on China then and later. The book is easy to understand by the β†’

Great gatsby review paper

Great Gatsby Review - CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP COMP 1500: College Writing Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences Division of Humanities Submitted by: Assignment Number: 1 Assignment Title: The Great GatsbyReview Date: March 16, 2013 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in β†’

“richard iii” movie review

As we paced along Upon the dizzy terms of the hatches, Methought that Gloucester stumbled, and in falling Struck me, that thought to remain him, overboard Into the toppling surges of the chief. O Lord, methought what hurting it was to submerge, What awful noise of Waterss in my ears, What sights β†’

Review of “bluest eye”

There was one time when Claudia got ill while they went out to garner coals.her female parent was huffy though still took good attention of her but the kid did non understand that her female parent was mad at the illness and non at her.she besides retrieve how her sister usage to soothe her by β†’

Literature review on how does it relate to the fields discussed in the chapter

Additionally, every word in some represented the object itself. In the entire context of the chapter, as in to say, keep reading the rest of what she says, what does she mean by this? On page 211 in her book, Tyson is basically defining structuralism as the study of the elements β†’

An american soldier in world war i book review example

An American Soldier in World War I The book titled ' An American Soldier in World War I,' written by George Browne gives an account of the experience of an American soldier in the First World War on the European soil. Since most of the stories on the life of American soldiers during β†’

Harlan coben’s thriller “the woods” book review

Harlan is based out of USA and some of his bestsellers include " Gone for Good" and " Tell No One". The story of " The Woods" revolves around an incident which took place in a summer camp, in which four teenagers (Doug Billingham, Gil Perez, Camille Copeland and Margot Green) venture into the

Example of book review on the autobiography of benjamin franklin

This book provides key insight to all the details that went into the life of one of the most famous founding fathers of the United States of America and looks over each major issue that was ever raised in his time while it also dictates documents that were never told β†’

Managing the dream book review

In addition, the paper outlines the way in which the core concepts from the book can be implemented at the workplace and their implications to organizations. The main concept of the book bases on the aspect of how dreams are related to leadership. From the book, it is evident that effective β†’

The madman in the tell-tale heart – a review

The personality of the old man is very cruel and demanding which varies from the original text because he is very kind to his servant and in return he is obedient to the man but has fury towards his vulture-like eye. The doomful music, ticking of the clock, and dripping of water into the bucket β†’

Sample literature review on a good job

They now form a central and growing portion of the employment in the United States The last three generations have come to see a drastic change in the system mechanisms of who gets which job, the system that allocates occupations or ' the distribution of life's chances' in the existing societies. Secondly, a β†’

Other literature review examples

Under United Nation convection play is a child right and in Ireland this condition is same. Relevance of child play The main theme of this literature review is outdoor play in early childhood care in Ireland. They also guide the children on how to be careful in the course The relevance of β†’

Microbiology article review article review examples

The article focuses more on the role of chemoprophylaxis and its effects on achieving or enhancing naturally acquired immunity against Plasmodium microorganisms (especially Plasmodium falciparum) which are the culprits of malaria infections. The article provided a broad overview of the prevalence of malaria globally with certain areas marked as endemic having the highest number of β†’

Example of triumph of the city: book review

In the following book, the author considers the factors that contribute to the success of the city, as well as explores factors that can lead to its decay. Thus, the one common feature inherent to all cities lies in its ability to attract people and make them collaborate: " The strength that comes from β†’

There are two types of memories in a computer system: article review example

Moreover, it is important to consider the cost and the power consumption of the computer. Why was there a need to move to a new version and when did it occur. IPv4 and IPv6 are versions of Internet Protocol which is the technical format for the transport of data in computer networks.

Practicum experience literature review sample

Develop skills in collaborating with the nurse researcher, nurse educator, and senior nurses in project implementation - reading on the meaning of collaboration and the principles that guide effective collaboration will give me a background on the concept ensuring the application of the principles during meetings, in the β†’

Rethinking wilderness article review sample

The wilderness, however, is facing problems with its naturalness and that has to be solved so as not to prevent the stewardship of the wilderness. In an article written by Cole, he says that the definition of naturalness is not related. This is the power of sublime and Cronon argues that the preservation and the β†’

Example of book review on maria brosius’ “women in ancient persia (559-331 b.c)”

Brosius reveals the roles that women in ancient Persia played, especially in the liberation of fellow women and in the economic development of the empire. Strategic roles for the women in Ancient Persia are identifiable in their effort in fighting for equality, taking care of families, undertaking investment opportunities, and supporting β†’

Software development methodologies literature review examples

To achieve this role, the developer creates a foundation through definitions, visualization, validation and understanding the character of the information process. After depiction of the pattern of information, the developer then establishes a frame work of data together with the features of the information to be stored. To be used effectively for a project, DSDM β†’

My mid program review essay examples

The various exercises that I have been engaged in, have propelled me to another imaginative level as they have enabled me develop very creative solutions. Another skill that I have learnt is the issue of time and resources management. Time management is quite essential in everything in life and learning this skill has made me β†’

Feedback & reinforcement article review example

He argued that the organisms were not changed by the environment, but were forced to change their behaviors so as to adapt to the changes in the environment. Being such a well developed theory, Darwin could borrow some ideas from it in coming up with his theory, and he actually did by borrowing some aspects β†’

Literature review on why people suffer from iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a later stage of iron deficiency which starts with iron deficiency depletion in the body and end with this disease which affect the functioning of different organ systems in the body. This can result to low levels of iron in the body and hence suffer from this disease.

Article review on polymer infrared detector&organic and infrared sensor

Heating the polymer wire changes the stiffness of the wire, leading to changes in the effective spring consonant of the sensor of the tuning fork which in turn results in alteration of the resonant frequency. It is possible to trace the location of the reflection band in the range of visible light or UV by β†’

The meditations book review

Also, Book I makes an impression that Marcus Aurelius had many friends and teachers who played a significant role in his personal development. The general argument of the author is that family and friends were the ones who influenced the development of personality and character of Marcus Aurelius. I believe β†’

Example of how the elements of the story develop book review

Walker's character. The very title of the story, " The Devil and Tom Walker," foreshadows the story; it is also ambiguous, since it could mean that Mrs. Walker is written out of the story, to no one surprise she is true to her personality.

Example of article review on phil

The conflict between personal and professional ethics is a serious problem that appears in many professional areas. Harris et al believe that the conflict between personal morality and professional ethics is hard to solve.

A rose for emily and a&p literature reviews examples

Time is a vector of change, and it contributes a lot in causing the change. Authors of both these stories have portrayed how time and change affect the story, ideas, symbols and characters in a greater manner.

Example of heart of change book review

The major point of this process is to help the people to change in behavior, which happens mainly through speaking to people to know their feeling. This is because change is the need of time and all nations require these strategies to shine.

Example of the hunt for red october by tom clancy book review

Konovalov; he did not appear up to the same caliber as many of Clancy's other antagonists. I liked that the book reflected the real world events of the mutiny on the Storozhevoy and the sinking and salvage of K-129. Captain Ramius is a fully developed character; I felt his pain at the loss of his β†’

Example of movie review on the day the world took off

The movie initially shows the worst and the best aspects of industrial revolution.the movie goes deeper into many years and millenniums ago in showing the trend of the factors which led to industrial revolution. The variety of problems and challenges which faced people in life also led to development of solutions which were further improved β†’

Response on a reading article review

In this work, various aspects of language and its interrelationship with the society, the social class, the ethnic group, and the sex, are all highlighted. Here we look at the roles played by society in developing the language, and the roles played by the language in developing the society, just like the egg and β†’

Article review on democratizing the economy

Therefore, non-profit making unions can help in the liberations of the economy and empower the people. The citizens can as well help in creation of co-op or application of employee ownership and adopt social and environmental standards as part of their missions. It is thus important for the citizens to form groups that can be β†’

Effects of risperidone on kids with autism and irritable behavior article reviews example

The older the parents are, the higher the chances of the baby becoming autistic. The objective of the research was to establish the effects of Risperidone on the cognitive ability of children with autism and irritable behavior. The article talks about the effects of a drug called Risperidone and the effects it has on children β†’

Good example of quot;as the internet rewires our brains” review article review

Article Review of As the internet rewires our brains by Kurt Cagle In the article of Kurt Cagle, " As the internet rewires our brains", the author's main argument is that the use of social media sites is heavily valued and can decline the critical skills that children own. For example, the author's β†’

Role of communication and teamwork in improving patient safety – literature review

In light of the pervasiveness of these happenings, it is imperative that this paper adequately addresses the topic on the role of teamwork and communication in improving patient safety. Objectives The aim of this literature review is to evaluate the role of team work and communication in improving patient safety. Discussion A team β†’

Principle of speech communication book review example

The two main areas to consider when planning a speech is the type of speech and how to deliver it. This is the type of speech most used by sales people and students defending a thesis or dissertation.

Self review essay samples

I can use these tools to make my presentation interesting to the audience. For instance, I need to improve my observation skills in order to observe behaviors of my audience when they are non-verbally during my presentation.

Article review on approaching teamwork using critical praxis

Given the pedagogical, structural and individual tensions that manifest itself in critical teaching on teamwork, this evaluation research looks at the possibilities of the current communication pedagogy in our institutions of learning viewing teamwork within the constraining angle of traditions, weak theories and methodologies. The article further propose that analyzing and teaching teamwork should β†’

Book review on putting it all together

This is found in chapter three of reading 1 - The connection between self-concept and communication is that an individual's self-concept directly affects his communication. When an individual takes himself highly, he is likely to have more confidence in communicating more than one who has low self esteem. - In paragraph 9 the author uses the β†’

Semester review

I will discuss the writing process I have developed over the course of the semester, and then elaborate on how my writing ability has improved. In conclusion, I feel that Technical Communications has helped to foster my writing ability over the last semester.

Hills like white elephants: a narrative structure analysis literature review examples

There is very little description in the story, which makes the description of the hills - " like white elephants" - and the land - brown and dry - stand out much more clearly to the reader. Moving to the Girl's Side of " Hills Like White Elephants".

Book review on digital media ethics: chapter four

Instead of appropriately using it to promote cohesion, they perceive it as a platform through which they can advance their imperialist ideologies. In this chapter, Ess displays his literary prowess by producing a very insightful piece which displays how people fail to apply the ethics in the online media. Actually, β†’

Free understanding the concept of friendship literature review example

In the words of Hall , individuals must be willing to accept that the people of this planet do not just inhabit one world but exhibit a range of different cultures, and if this is not properly understood, it can destroy some sections of the population of the world. However, in spite of these β†’

Essay on a review of an online work group

A Review of an Online Work Group The core objective of the group work was to complete a set of products and generate quality cards. Further, each member was assigned a role on activities to be done in the group, which enhanced a positive team work and pooling of ideas.

Good example of article review on horse-and-two -goats

This is clear from the conversation Muni has with the shopkeeper about the postman. 2. Muni's idea that the tourist is a police officer out to arrest him divides the U. This can be attributed to the fact that he believes that the British boots are better than Indian shoes. 2. The narrator has a β†’

Book review on how full is your bucket

Using the dipper and bucket metaphor, the authors show us how to increase positive interactions in our lives, why this is so important and how to improve the world around us by filling other people's buckets. Evidence Cultural Differences Rath and Clifton imply that this theory works for everyone. Yet, it's a consideration β†’

Literature review on refined purpose of the proposed study

The purpose of the proposed study is to look into the issues concerning communication that arise due to the increasing use of mobile phones in society.communication among children, specifically the role of mobile technology in threatening to change the future generation's patterns of communication. The research also reveals that the percentage of children and β†’

Good article review about global citizenship

For, instance, I have been able to form many friends who are doing the same course in spite of our differences in terms of nationalities. I have also observed that global citizenship has been accompanied by global development and global changes. In addition, global changes have been manifested in a variety of aspects, for instance, β†’

The pursuit of happiness movie review movie review examples

It was the turning point in the life of Gardner and his son because a few years later, Gardner was able to sell a multi-million dollar stake, which was the defining moment of his career. The receiver of the message may not be able to decipher the meaning of the message being conveyed right away β†’

A matter of perspective context capitalism and the wall street ethic in bartleby literature review sample

It is perhaps more to the point to argue that he comes to feel compassion for Bartleby as far as he is able, though the care he shows for his clerk is self-congratulatory, as though the lawyer expects to earn some reward or material gain for his concern. One of the narrator's most self-serving and β†’

Summary and review of the “technical communication” by mike markel and stuart a. selber

By specifying the details of the content of the excerpt, it will clarify the author's purpose and the audience will be able to identify and accept the conclusion of the document. Another guideline that is legally considered in disputes concerning fair use is " the amount and substantiality of the portion of the work used". β†’

Communication technology movie review example

If this is the case, is technology, especially communication technology, good or evil, the salvation of the human race or the destroyer of humankind? The role of communication technology is elaborated through scientific action films which are based on the current technology. PART ONE When we talk about the good or evil of technology β†’

Good literature review on growing up hand in hand with technological advance

If Aristotle is to be considered as one of the best writers who have managed to draw the exact profile and mysteries of human nature and life's principles, then it can be argued that teenagers indeed seem to be the first group who get affected by technology in their thoughts and behavior compared to other β†’

Literature review on sexual harassment at work

I think that women have developed strategies to stop unwanted sexual harassment and have support at their places of work. Audience: The information will be useful for women who want to learn more about dealing with sexual harassment using positive communication strategies. Goals of Information: The goal of my research is to better understand the β†’

Free movie review about bridget jones diary

On the other hand, she has a soft spot for Daniel her boss at the book publishing firm where works. However, Bridget life changes drastically when she meets mark (who is a childhood friend whom she preserved as rude) at the New Year party organized by the Bridget's parents. This conversation is a working point β†’

George hardwell

When he goes to sleep, the animals of the farm hold a meeting in the barn to hear a speech from a boar named Old Major. The animals find a gun and say that they will shoot it twice a year, once on the anniversary of the battle of cowshed and the anniversary of the β†’

The problems preventing solar energy manufacturing adoption in india

For the reason that Fukushima Daiichi nuclear catastrophe the Japanese government has approached solar energy with power, and it has set targets for 28 GW and 53 GW for 2020 and 2030, respectively. Germany Germany has been among the leaders in manufacturing of photovoltaic power for years and turned into one of the first international β†’

Drama macbeth: shakespeare’s play and wells’ film essay (book review)

However, the play communicates the meaning of the text in a better way as compared to the film by Orson Wells. In the film adaptation, perhaps Orson tries to embolden Macbeth because he is a man and men are supposed to show courage and boldness. However, this perception defeats the essence of the play.

Harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone

Right from the first page of " Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" (or " Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" for those reading in the UK) Rowling proves that she knows a thing or two about the kind of magic that brings stories to life. Literally rescued from the Dursley's and taken under the β†’

“jane eyre” book review sample

She finds it difficult to distinguish reality from her dreams. In chapter 26, Jane and Rochester are set to be wed when the wedding is interrupted by Mason who proclaims that the wedding cannot take place because Rochester is already married to Bertha. Bertha is representative of the fears Jane β†’

Literature review on a century ends and new millennium begins part 3

All it takes, though, is the return of his grandmother's regalia for him to feel a sense of belonging: " I knew that solitary yellow bead was part of me. All that it takes is the act of kindness by the pawnbroker to return this tradition to him, to allow him β†’

The social making of gender article review essay example

In this section of the article she first makes reference to a quote from the legendary first Black South African President, Nelson Mandela, to confirm that racism and oppression are the same; prison is a microcosm of the whole and fighting inside is comparable to the struggle outside. She then embraces an exposition into how β†’

Mlk why we couldn’t wait book reviews examples

King wrote about that time in these words "" In the summer of 1963 a need and a time and a circumstance and the mood of a people came together".. King pointed to this when he stated that the " milestone of the centennial of emancipation gave the Negro a reason to act a reason β†’

Simulacra and simulation article review sample

Summary of the article/introduction Baudrillard mentions that postmodern simulacra and simulation are no longer a question of imitation but rather an analysis of how images of the real are substituting for the real. This result to a free floating the idea of society and the world that supersedes concrete reality in its outcomes.

Good example of sociology literature review

HIV/AIDS infection is increasing among baby boomers Research questions What are the reasons why HIV/AIDS infection rates are increasing among baby boomers? What is the influence of American culture on baby boomers that is leading to an increased rate of HIV/AIDS infections among this generation? What is the average age of the β†’

Buddy cianci documentary movie reviews examples

Movie review-" Buddy: The rise and fall of America's most notorious mayor" The film, " Buddy: The rise and fall of America's most notorious mayor" features the story of a contradictory and very determined former Mayor of Providence Rhode Island, Buddy Cianci. Buddy: The Rise and Fall of America's Most Notorious Mayor.

Free book review on the birth of modern politics a review

What this book is, though, is about a compelling election that changed the way politics was practiced as it steered the direction of the nation through the election of 1828 between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. While this book succinctly tells us that it is about the elections of 1828, almost half of it β†’

Example of movie review on living like superheroes

These are similar occurrences, and both Captain America and The Flash have to overcome a " fish-out-of-water" feel (Captain America with technology and modernization, and The Flash with realizing his world and everyone he knows act in direct contrast to their other selves). Captain America unites the Avengers, and in this movie, The Flash pulls β†’

Race and religion in america book review example

In the case of the black church in the decades after Emancipation, the roller coaster existence that included the euphoric sweep to power in many states in the former Confederacy during the close supervision of the South by the Northern Republicans during Reconstruction but also included the sellout of the freedmen by the Republicans in β†’

Book review on “reagan on reagan”

This was to compensate the victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki cities of Japan. In the 1970s he supported the rights of the gays. Reagan paid a great deal of attention to family and religion.

Free lovely irony in o. henrys the gift of the magi book review example

Henry explores the culture and psychology of America a couple of decades after the Industrial revolution and before World War I. In " The Gift of the Magi", the members of a young married couple each sacrifice their most valued possession to buy a gift for their partner. Even though this holiday is supposed to β†’

Essay on the holy trinitybook review

They have grown to supplement national holidays like the Memorial Day and have become somewhat symbolic in marking the transition from one year to another in the US. The three sports reveal aspects that are otherwise intertwined in religion such as the views on past history, prospects of the future β†’

Free book review on learning in the key life

He believes that education is comprised of various life experiences and that there is a need for people to establish a balance between academic education and self education. Although there is significant value in academic education, Spayde feels that class and education are all about power. Spayde believes that the most efficient way to learn β†’

Article review on international corporate finance

The U.S.and South Korea negotiators broke a three year impasse over the joint agreement by reaching an agreement on a deal to steadily lower U.S.tariffs on Korean automobiles. The deal must also win ratification by South Korean law makers. The deal gave a boost to the U.S.president's efforts to double U.S.exports β†’


Global summary In the review " The pivotal role of microglia in iron homoeostasis in the brain," the discusses the negative effects of iron especially in cases where it accumulates in the brain. The conclusion sums up the conditions that can lead to iron accumulation in the brain and its impacts. Positive comment The β†’

Film review-pressure(horace ove 1975)

One of the strongest points of the movie is that " it is a political, but not a propagandist film, posing questions and offering alternative ways of answering then without prescribing solutions". Indeed, the intensity of the problems that are being described in it is rather high and the directors show that everyone has their β†’