Genuine Review Examples

Benefiting the public sector

According to the article, when one refers to information he or she means the entire records, documents, as well as data and files created, received and preserved. Records management, on the other hand, is the " field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, and disposition of records β†’


Article Review: Managing cross-cultural conflict in organizations This text reviews the article whose core focus is on cross-cultural, which is quite evident in numerous organizations. This shows that much conflict is more often in international organizations where most people are from diverse cultural backgrounds as compared to local firms. The research article classifies correlation between β†’

Article review on problems of municipal administration

January 1905. Thesis: According to Jane, the problems of municipal administration, and the shame of the cities in America is a result of the reformers' persistent and over-reliance of outmoded ideas of the eighteenth century. The author views those who draft the state constitutions and municipal regulations as the kind of authority who loves the β†’

The role of fathers article review

Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families; Administration on Children, Youth and Families; Head Start Bureau, 2004) Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons a dad might be separated from his kid. A competent, caring men figure can nurture and guide a kid effectively and contribute to all areas of the β†’

What is health care administration/management article review examples

Keeping a dual perspective of both internal and external domains is necessary for the management so as to make the right decisions. The definition provided by researches is in agreement with that forwarded in this paper. For example, according to Buchanan, Parry & Gascoigne , healthcare management is the process that comprises of social β†’

Article review on high-performance work systems and occupational safety, zacharatos, barling and iverson

For study 2, the authors asserted that they expounded on study 1 and focused on including variables such as trust in management and safety incidents and used the Bass and Avolio's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire for data analysis. The findings of study 1 clearly revealed that there is in fact a direct relationship between β†’

Free paper article review example

The author failed to give proper credit to professionally engaged women by implying that they are puppets, and males are pulling their strings. However, this is not the case because formal authority means that females are fully capable of calling the shots in divergent fields. The basic and fundamental claim of the author did not β†’

A history of the middle east book review examples

The British intrusion into India and other similar countries is also explained at length and there is some understanding of the nomadic nature of tribes in the Pashtun regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan where one can intrinsically observe the differences of lifestyle which lead to obvious confrontation in this regard. The City of Judah β†’

Review of literature: summarize the relevant literature

In this regard, this essay will summarize the relevant literature used to prove our position regarding self-esteem and productivity. " 5 Ways to Send Productivity through the Roof" " 5 Ways to Send Productivity through the Roof" is an article suggesting to managers methods that can improve employee productivity in their organization without necessarily incurring extra expenses. β†’

Free social media tools literature review example

According to Nelson , different social media platforms and other forms of communication can connect different people, and their voices can increase the timely dissemination and the potential impact of the health-based information and safety. Finally, some of the social media tools can personalize and reinforce the health based messages bay making the information β†’

The concept of structural adjustment

It is worthy of noticing the fact that the concept of structural adjustment is quite closely related to the issue of debt as it is viewed as an influential international actor. It is also considered as one of the ways to overturn the fall as well as marginalization of these states as globalization of the β†’

Final assignment

Final Assignment Dangerous Minds is a movie that is pertinent in my generation and to me individually. This movie is pertinent to my generation because of the socioeconomic issues that continually plague the pursuit of dreams, ambitions, and purpose in life.

Article review

This article is about an overview of the great depression that affected United States of America in the 20th century. He also focuses on failures of the economy, and factors that might have led to this failure.

I am sam movie review

He is unexpectedly the dormant character in the film. Sam'shappinesssolely relies on the happiness and security of his daughter Lucy alongside the support of his also mentally challenged close friends. Consequently, the viewer is manipulated to side with Sam's viewpoint that he deserves custody of Lucy and has enough to offer her β†’

Undocumented, indispensable by anna quindlen book review sample

It is not only about the taxpaying and being denied for the normal rights, however the writers explains that this results in denial of the human rights to people who are defined as illegal immigrants. Anna has presented the entire issue in a very smart way and rather than just β†’

Free literature review on legalization of medical marijuana and its effects on the youth

The aim is to find What are the implications of legalizing marijuana for medicinal purpose? What are the effects of legalizing marijuana on the youth? Keywords: illicit drugs, medical marijuana, effects. Literature Review In Leow's et al.'s summary article reviewing the legalization of marijuana, constitutional questions arise from the β†’

Review of a world diverse ii

Ways of coping with life's adversities are discussed in " Silence" and " Pet Sense"; the former urges one to have moments of silence for relaxing the mind and body, and the latter extols the benefits of having pets." The Nature of Life" is a touching prayer to God who provides in this life and β†’

Fireproof: movie review about love

The weaknesses of Caleb very significantly led to his wife Catherine not to submit to him or even respect him as her husband in very many aspects. Caleb's father comes on in the movie to positively impact the life of Caleb by introducing to him a book titled " The Love Dare". What Caleb's father β†’

Movie social network review essay sample

In one night, the network that he created collapsed the Harvard server that resulted to his six months of probation. He was asked to enter into an agreement to develop " Harvard Connection", a social networking website specifically for Harvard students by the Winklevoss twins and Divya Narendra. With the financing from his β†’

Review on bhag milkha bhag

The Indian Sprinter is a role model and motivation for all the upcoming Indian athletes. The movie begins in the late 1930s at, Lahore which is currently located in Pakistan which in the 1930s was a part of India, the movie begins with showing how Milkha was going through his ugliest scenes of childhood, witnessing β†’

How to write a movie review

Whether he has succeeded in this new genre or not, it will remain to be seen in this movie review of his latest release The Greatest Showman. Second Paragraph: Take Care of Business The Movie ' The Greatest Showman' is a film which genre is a musical nature and was released in late 2017, β†’

Hangover movie review

But, in fact, when the three groomsmen wake up the next morning, they cannot remember a thing. For some reason, they find a tiger in the bathroom, and a six-month-old baby in the closet of their suite at Caesars Palace. The movie had a few featured artists in this film, such as Kanye West, The β†’

Race and color prejudice in othello literature review

Hamartia is the fatal flaw that the hero makes that leads to his downfall; Othello makes this mistake in believing Iago's suspicions that Desdemona has cheated on him with Cassio, leading Othello to strangle Desdemona to death and give in to his more primal instincts. Race plays an important part in Othello's character; however, that β†’

The contagion movie review sample

As the contagion affects many individuals globally, social order starts to crack down as more and more people panic. Microbes in the Movie Microbes were used in the movie as the main reason of potential global catastrophe, which the story revolves. However, some invalid parts of the movie are the not so realistic use β†’

Small organizations vs large organizations article review

We expect the study sample to increase with the increase in the size of the organization; which is not true in this case. We can base our comparison according the size of the organization (i.e.small Vs large organizations), and the sector type (i.e.public sector vs.private sector). An organization with more than 1000 employees is considered β†’

James cameron’s avatar review

He would gain their trust and slowly become one of their own while secretly siding with humanity's army to cause the destruction of the Na'vi and set up mining outposts for the newly found Unobtanium. Jake Sully would later change his mind about the idea of wiping out the Na'vi for the greed of Humanity β†’

The value of gender and race

This is one of the reasons why the class performed badly in school and even the faculty did not want to lend school to the class on the grounds that the books might get destroyed or might get lost. Despite all the challenges Erin never gave up, at the course of 1992-1995, she had some β†’

The kite runner review

Hassan was a Hazara and Amir a Pashtun which in history Hazara's and Pashtun's did not get along." The curious thing was, I never thought of Hassan and me as friends either. Assef put on his brass knuckles and was going to give Amir a beating but Hassan was not a coward and stood up β†’

Political science movie review examples

In it, Jack Abramoff, who used to be considered one of the most successful and powerful lobbyists in Washington, talks about how he used his client's money to buy powerful friends and influence legislation. One of the most powerful tricks he used is to offer a staffer a job working for him whenever they were β†’

Global economy midterm review questions

2 Race to the bottom is the phenomenon in which the business environment in a country is deregulated so as to attract investors, causing low wages, poor environmental protection and poor working conditions. In the context of globalization, the arms industry is escalating conflicts and the proliferation of arms has increased considerably. Q.

Arabian journal of business and management review essay sample

Efforts have been made in the past to identify the role of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises to the development of Nigeria's economy, its problems and prospects which created a vacuum on the role of government and other financial institutions in the development of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises. It is this vacuum created β†’

Free reaching out to the community literature review sample

The United States is faced with exodus of police officers because of different issues and the process of recruiting is faced with a lot of challenges. One of the issues that need to be considered is reaching to the community as a way of reaching and fighting crime. There is β†’

Free article review on marijuana legalization

In Washington, the use of marijuana in public spaces and driving under the influence of marijuana is still illegal. The aim of this paper is to explore on how the federal government is going to handle the legalization of Marijuana in the Colorado and Washington states. Accordingly, a majority of the residents in Colorado and β†’

Short story review: the necklace

Mathilide the protagonist in this story, was invited to a ball, but she did not have enough money to buy a dress. At the end of the story Mathilide finds out the necklace she borrowed was a fake.

Review of the movie vigier blue is the warmest color

The most important quality of this film was love and it's essentialness to Adele. Blue is the Warmest Color will change viewers views on this film because of the realism of the love story between Emma and Adele.

Movie review: 3 idiots

It is my first time to watch an Indian film and I must tell you that it is a great experience. We go by the set standards of the society and ignore our real passion. We end up becoming average professionals in the field that we enter and on the other hand, the field that β†’

Example of introductionwhat is the research question article review

How did the authors measure the variables in question? The authors measured the big five personality factors using the NEO Five Factor Inventory which is a 60-item revised version of the NEO-personality inventory. What did the authors find? On the correlation of the Big Five factors, the authors found that the scores for β†’

Learning experience literature reviews example

Discuss what happened, what you learned from it, and how it will change your practice in the future. The organizational needs assessment was the best learning experience I had this semester. Discuss how you handled the situation, what you have learned from it, and how you could have handled the situation differently. On the other β†’

Book review on marijuana

This is another consequence of the using the drug as a cause of unintended crime. The article gives a twist in the drug use from abuse to anesthetic use. In fact the drug has more potential of abuse than medical use.

Review on wood, goffman, and gergen’s reading

Identity, therefore, consists of views and opinions about us, other people and the social life that develops out of interactions with others. If one identifies his/herself with a tribe, the behavior or actions will reflect who or what an individual is. Information about the identity of someone helps one to define the situation, it also β†’

The nursing shortage effect on patient outcomes article review samples

The reasons for this nursing shortage are: A a decrease in the amount number of people entering nursing school, the decrease in the amount ofas well as nurse educators, the an increase in the population, which results in an increase in thegreater number of people in need of health care services, and the increase in β†’

Review of the spike jonze’s movie “her”

Giving the last scene significance by providing a iconography on the colors red and white demonstrating the framing of Theodore. The filter throughout the movie is dark, deem, and smog layering with the exception of his bright clothes. He extends his assumptions of the movie being an exaggeration since for him it is not logical β†’

Interpersonal conflict in film

Responding to Interpersonal Conflicts Full Rick Cabot, the district attorney and his wife, Jean in the movie Crash directed byPaul Haggis, were carjacked at gunpoint by two black teenagers and the interpersonal conflict begins that would not only involve the couple but the people who represented the carjackers in Jean's mind. She let her steam β†’

A short review of nancy folbre, valuing domestic product new york times, may 28, 2012

In most instances, it is the women who bear the brunt of this exploitation, on the home front as well as in the new political economy of neoliberalism and globalization, in which human capital is seriously degraded by vagabond capitalism that exploits both people and natural resources. Discussion In her New York Times article β†’

Mean girls film review essay sample

However, Rachel Mcadams makes the biggest impression with the showiest " Plastics" role and is certainly someone to watch for in the future. For example, both films are set in the modern age, and have a hidden meaning that any girl could relate to.

Scarlet letter: review and recommendation

In this brief overview of the 1850s novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, I will go through a summary of the piece, go into the experience I had with the book and a critique over how well the book was in a sense of readability, let it be known to the readers of this paper β†’

Patriot movie review

The main character, Benjamin Martin, is a veteran of the French and Indian war who wants independence from Britain, but is not willing to risk the safety of his already motherless children by going to war. It was the British who had killed his wife and he did not want to put β†’

The searches movie review

This is a saga of cowboys, with beautiful and almost unbelievable photography, filmed at an astonishing location in Monument Valley Arizona and Utah, a place that western mythology in cinema editioned in the popular imaginary as the typical landscape of the genre. John Ford was able to exploit this aspect in its entirety by working β†’

Air force one movie review

The movie starts with some signs of terrorism and attacks of the president then when everything was amended and the president was on his way back to America with his family, secretaries, and his members. When that did not work when the plane was being refuelled mid air the plane dropped to a certain level β†’

A review of the last house on the left movie

The Last House on the Left A remake of the 1972 film of the same title, The Last House on the ' Left, directed by Dennis Illiadis, tells the story of a father and mother, John and Emma Collingwood, who take revenge on the family of criminals, who they unsuspectingly let into their β†’

Spains robin hood article review

The theme of the paper is to show how bad leadership in Spain has caused many economic problems. As these workers move along the roads, they find two people who address them. They argue that with communism, the country will be able to provide jobs for the people and the β†’

Sociology of work article review examples

The Time Famine: Toward a Sociology of Work Time. The paper gives a description of a qualitative study of the way people utilize their time in the workplace. Glenn." Male and Female: Job versus Gender Models in the Sociology of Work".

Shark tank movie review

However; by selling the sauce to restaurants, Lulu Bang has the potential to gain a competitive advantage as the sauce is being tasted and introduced to the customer first, and then if customers are satisfied by the sauce, they might want to purchase it to take home which will increase the sales of the business β†’

Good example of macroeconomics article review

Cutting the spending meant that people are going to lack basic commodities that have in the past been influenced by the state spending thus calling for the overall government to regulate on policies that will affect distribution of basic need for the jobless and elderly who depend on government on β†’

Finance review ( annuities: suitability changes and challenges)

Section III Main Issue of the Article Annuity sales in the United States are growing and there many different types of offering in the marketplace. Section IV Relationship to Course A concept that was taught in the course that was emphasized in the article is that the consumer is the most important stakeholder in the β†’

Enter the void film review

Early in the film, Oscar is shot and killed in a drug bust gone wrong. The rest of the film is captured from the perspective of Oscar's spirit, as he revisits important moments of his past and watches over his loved ones. Noe's commitment to presenting the whole film through Oscar's perspective β†’

The nun movie review

This helps the rhetor achieve their purpose once they gain the audience's attention they can go more into the details of the story, so they can further convince the audience to go see the movie. This image is creepy with the black eyes and mouth which makes the audience from the start feel scared. For β†’

What causes an economic downturn

This increase in the number of debts has led to the vulnerability and the collapse of the housing bubble as well. This has in a number of ways led to the economic downturn becoming worse. b) Growth of the Housing Bubble: The year 2006 has seen a number of people refinancing their properties to be β†’

I am legend film review

We did!" But Smith is like a ray of hope and reminds us that there are good people left in the world. In this case, Smith feels it's his duty to save humans and " Light the darkness". I Am Legend is available in Blu-Ray and DVD on Monday 21st April 2008.

All quiet on western front movie review

Until Saving Private Ryan released in 1998, this film was considered the most realistic in its portrayal of the horrors, gore, violence and trauma that actually takes place in war. The movie is narrated by Paul B umer and follows the lives of B umer and nineteen of his classmates in Germany. Despite this, the β†’

Disclaimers in hr communications: literature review sample

The job advertisement released to find a suitable candidate, the contract document which defines the boundaries and the other terms and conditions of the job, the policies which come into prominence on various occasions during an employee's stay in the organization and finally the end of the contract which could be through retirement, a resignation β†’

Sample article review on chemistry in current events

Superbugs: The Bright Side The term ' superbug' is grossly scary to the general public and is used for a resistant strain/species of a micro-organism that does not die easily. Such species are known to have developed a gene/segment of a gene that imparts the resistance to antibiotics and related drugs.

Example of article review on how the airline industry has evolved in 100 years of commercial air travel

The development of the industry is ascertained by the fact that in 1914, only one passenger flew on one commercial airline. Electronic cigarette is also safer compared to the regular cigarettes. Parents have to comprehend that nicotine is harmful to the development of teens and children.

Good literature review on nathaniel hawthorne’s views on gender in the scarlet letter

The paper explores the concept of gender by examining the Hawthorn's views on gender in his work, The Scarlet Letter. The Scarlet Letter presents female characters who show diverse personalities and attitudes. In sympathy with the most female characters in his work, Hawthorne highlights the complexity of the women's lives in the era of pronounced β†’

Free book review on solidarity divided – book review

Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008. In Bill Fletcher's book Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and a New Path Toward Social Justice, the authors delve into the intricacies of the US labor trade union movement. The purpose for writing this book is to win the war for social β†’

Employee of the month movie review

When looking at how this applies to Zack, it is clear that he was not at the top of the hierarchy at the beginning of this movie, and it is only through many different events and realizations that he begins to achieve what he is personally capable of. As the movie starts, β†’

Book review on review of the book newman, d.m. (2012). sociology: exploring the archi- tecture

The members of each of the professions are brought together by the commonality of the type of occupations that each individual is involved in. The article , Dying to get High : Marijuana as Medicine, by Wendy Chapkis is an example of a social science research. Therefore, the methodology that is used in this research β†’

Stranger than fiction movie review

He is always on time for things and even counting the number of times he brushes his teeth in the morning! The character that Ferrell acts is not the typical character that Ferrell works on, but it is a very good change for him because it somewhat makes the audience think that β†’

Me before you movie review

Me before you is a drama and romance American film based on novel which written by Jojo Moyes 2012, it is about impossible love story between two different persons from various classes Louisa Clark and will Traynor which placed in a small city in England, Louisa Clark is a 26 years pretty tawon girl, β†’

Literature review on western civilisations

One could say that their culture was a changing one which developed through time but by this era they were practically in the doldrums as Coffin states. The Grecian Empire was also influential in the Middle east up to Turkey in this period but the Jewish civilization which reached a peak under David and Solomon β†’

The ideological dilemma of gender neutrality and discrimination in organizations

It is said that mainly the hesitation of gender discrimination in the workplace is giving an ideal gender-equal status to the Western business organization. The best part of this academic article is that it brings out the truth about the workplace environment with regard to gender discrimination.

Review of the film the mask you live in

To " take care of business" implies that to not cry, to not be delicate, to not offer folks an opportunity to upset you, to counter with cruelness, to be furious, to drink, to womanize. I felt tears and addressed if this was the time within the interest of ME to go away the territory, β†’

Example of ‘richard cory’ – simon vs. robinson literature review

While Robinson focuses on the quiet dignity of the man, and the equally mysterious circumstances that would have led to his suicide, Simon's adaptation of the song is framed in the jealousy and desperation of the narrator himself - each verse is ended with a repeating chorus that laments his β†’

Radio-movie review of mental disabled individual

The coach'sfamilyalso comes to appreciate Radio and supports the friendship of the two men. The things that impacted me about the movie are the fact that it is based on a true-life story. I believeit was at the end of the movie that in the credits you get to see a picture β†’

Review on the kite runner book

It depicts the early days of modern Afghanistan, the book starts on the day the king is overthrown and a republic is declared, as well as some of the communist era, and it even shows some of Afghanistan in a more present-day light. At the beginning of this review, I called The Kite Runner a β†’

Free article review on job analysis, recruitment, and selection

This will translate to an organization having an efficient work force that will steer the day-to-day operations of the organization. The article observes that for any organization to meet its stated goals and objectives, it must put in place policies and procedures that will attract and vet in the best of β†’

Review on canadian imperial bank of commerce commerce essay

There is a batch of room for turning within CIBC. Finance The construction found within the fiscal facet of the organisation is that of Director offinance, senior fiscal analyst and fiscal analyst." The Finance group provides fiscal services to CIBC 's concerns through effectual administration and determination support procedures ". In this manner, an β†’

The factors in economic boundaries

In order for firms to compete globally, it is important for managers to understand the nature of global markets. In global markets, the prevailing exchange rate is as well important when computing the cost of production, because it ultimately influences the costs of exports and imports. Another important factor is the competitive market condition.

A and p: movie review

Gallant After watching the film A&P In comparison to the discussion In the classroom, a lot of the topics are current trends and Issues In the 20th century. John Update himself reported In hisInterviewof when he was young and married and 29 years of age that he could relate to these types β†’

Movie review jobs

One of my quotes form the movie " here's to the crazy ones the misfits the rebels the trouble makers the round pegs in the square holes the people that are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the one who do" Steve Jobs. Growing up In the time when he was β†’

Petition for review on certiorari assailing

They further alleged that there was no agreement limiting the period within which to exercise the right to repurchase and that they had even overpaid RAMOS. Furthermore, they interposed the following defenses: the trial court had no jurisdiction over the subject or nature of the petition; RAMOS had β†’

Journal article review for business marketing

Analysis: The article's conclusions identify drama, skill, and social as the most important factors in attracting viewers of non-affiliated fans of the teams participating. This influences the relationship between sports leagues/teams, television networks, and advertisers. Finally, the author concludes that to create a atmosphere of cooperation from their dealer network, investment in non-coercive β†’

Guest speaker paper

MARKETING IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY The speaker explores the existing marketing strategies in the hospitality industry. Marketing in the Hospitality Industry.

Macroeconomics waste in economic terms article review

The " Wastebook" by Tom Coburn describes 100 different items in the Federal budget that add little value for the nation but contribute to the already significant taxes and country debt. Although nearly all projects described in the " Wastebook" make little economic sense, some of them can actually harm the economy. The money from β†’

Corporatism literature review sample

The success of the Tunisia and Egypt within their boundaries was allied to the introduction of corporatism policies that pushed for the organization in the government. The review shows that corporatism is not a failure, but rather a success in comparison to socialism and capitalism.

Good article review on advertising: summary

The postmodern understanding of advertisement goes beyond the need to select what means of the platform to use. After all, the result is better when firms realize that there is only falsehood to which methods are best and in the conflict of print and online advertising. Since the main aim is to reach out β†’

Example of article review on discuss last portfolio

In addition, is the interest rate risk which comes as a result of global investment. This is because such share holdings move at a faster rate than those of foreign markets and thus stand in a better chance to get the full benefit of diversification. On the other hand, it is recommendable to consider diversifying β†’

Example of article review on depressive symptoms and health promotion behaviors

Due to the stress and budget accompanied by this profession many of these women develop depressive symptoms, overall health problems and status compared to the non caregivers. The authors of this article identified the level of depressive symptoms and the health promotion behaviors of the family caregivers from a study β†’

Pricing cue article review sample

The retailers use price cues that if used well can build confidence for customers to purchase products and can violate the consumer assurance on pricing and reduce product equity giving rise to lawsuits. The Sale signs are a pricing cue the retailers' use that is simple and it is on display near the items that β†’

Critique article review samples

Key take away points The current peer-reviewed article on " Impact of online consumer reviews on sales and price strategies: a review and directions for future research" by Peter De Maeyer provides a broad perspective on the linkages between online reviews provided by the customer on the impact on commodity prices and sales. β†’

As per file attached article review

In addition, it is through these social networks that different preferences and tastes with regards to different products are identified. One thing that is worth noting is that the collection of data in the social networks should not be taken at the early stages of a given social network. The value-freeness of quantitative research methodology β†’

Example of literature review on effectiveness of e-marketing to non profit making organizations

On the other hand, approximately 39% use the internet to purchase their products. The researches done so far concerning the effectiveness of the internet marketing in the non-profit making organizations have yielded many important findings. However, the fundamental purpose of this paper is to review some of the existing studies regarding some findings of some β†’

Literature review on counterfactual thinking

The research was conducted by Roese and the main objective of the research was to identify what the relationship is between the counterfactual thinking and the behavior of the buyer in marketing. The conclusion that the manger was able to come up with in the research was as a result of counterfactual thinking.

Free cultural tourism in the middle east literature review sample

The Omani government is proposing to draft extensive policies for the development of the tourism industry in Oman with clear-cut goals, implementation timelines for different projects, assessment of the capabilities, examination of the demand and future outlooks in global tourism, observing the contemporary trends in the tourism sector, profiting from sophisticated technology and using the β†’

Example of smart grid electricity market requirements literature review

The article advocates the potential effects of smart grid technologies in transforming electricity market including its functionality, security, and privacy. With the electricity sector facing the challenge of functionality, smart grids ensure that it monitors, protects, and controls the operations in the sector with the required efficacy. As such, smart grids operate efficiently and optimize β†’