Genuine Review Examples

Integrated public health

In Newham, the Marmot Indicators for Local authorities' data is necessary to public health since it provides data used n proposed policy recommendations in a fair society. This data is essential to public health workers since it offers the real figure of the population in Newham.

Article review

The bigger message that those in the military can provide the business humanity is that being able to adjust to a situation is what matters. The CEO is charged with the responsibility of ensuring efficiency is achieved, and the target of the business delivered in an attempt to provide a system without flaws.

The repiblic amidst the social contract: an in-depth review of the society

The Republic amidst the Social Contract: An In-depth Review of the Society The Society in both works ly, The Republic and The Social Contract or Principles of Political Right portrays a set of virtues, principles and norms that serves as the basis for its foundation. On the other hand, the Book 3 of the Social β†’

Book review: bayesian statistics the fun way: understanding statistics and probability with star wars, lego, and rubber ducks

A Book Review on Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way: Understanding Statistics and Probability With Star Wars, Lego, and Rubber Ducks Will Kurt, 2019, 234 pages, ISBN: 9781593279561 Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way is an engaging introduction to Bayesian inference by Kurt. Kurt's book thus places itself well as a continuation book to McGrayne's The Theory β†’

The embodiment of objects: review, analysis, and future directions

In this sense, affective embodiment is one of the fundamental components of the embodiment of objects and tools: the first step toward such an embodiment is the actual sense that a given object or tool is part of one's body. In both cases, the signatures of the embodiment of objects and tools are not taken β†’

“night” by elie wiesel

Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor sheds light on some horrific events that had happened He was an advocate for human rights because of the hardships that he faced in the Holocaust. Babies!" This illustrates that he was not eased into the tragedies of what was the Holocaust was, he was hit with the cruelty right β†’

Glory review

Glory was mainly about the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, which was the first actual US Army that is compromised of only African American men. The movie Glory was a great movie that helped depict the special event of 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry.

The essence of teenage angst in the catcher in the rye by jerome salinger

Holden is relatable in the sense that he struggles with grasping the sincerity of the society around him and often talks about loneliness, depression, and throws the idea of suicide around like it's not as big an issue as it is; as unfortunate as it may be, many teens can relate to such things in β†’

Article review exercise

The authors claim that the regime reproduced the scheme it devised following the riots of October 1988 to avert the effects of the Arab spring in 2011. Moreover, they claim that the economic concessions offered to the civilians by the Algerian government prevented the regime from the uprisings.

Free great hymn to the aten literature review sample

Moreover, the differences between the philosophy of King Akhenaten, the supposed composer of this Hymn, and the primary Egyptian religion that existed before his reign have been further outlined in the lyrical verses of the Hymn. In the third stanza of the Great Hymn, the nature of the world when it is night has been β†’


Movie review of the American Graffiti The movie is one of the best coming to age movies, it describes some of the things teenagers get into before they start having adult responsibilities. In conclusion, this movie is one of the best that shows how teenagers undergo peer influence and struggle to make decisions.

Literature review on greek mythology

Along with at least in articles of the allotment of clones to dwell from antiquity, the poems of Homer are accompaniment odd to the Bible in preeminence. It betrays the alike baggage acclimation to abut the personages of the poem with the account of the poet, which adheres already been mentioned " in his poetical β†’

Inside job by charles ferguson

Insert The Inside Job, narrated by Matt Damon, produced and directed by Charles Ferguson, is a documentary movie about the financial recession of the late 2000s. The film won the Academy Award for Best Documentary feature in 2010 and was aired in the Cannes Film Festival in the same year.

Lying on the couch book review

However, I commend the referral of this complex role to his senior, Dr. I think he did this in a good faith, just to build the name of this institute.

The savages (2007, tamara jenkins) on aging related discussion

Movie Review- The Savages " The Savages" a movie that is eye opening about the predicaments of the old age and also the eternal relationship between the siblings, wonderfully nuanced, a tragicomedy movie about two wallowing souls and their ailing father. The movie sends the message that ole age is the age of helplessness when β†’

Electronic voice phenomenon

Similar to a dog whistle, EVP has a frequency that is too high for a human to hear, but for such things that are designed specifically for hearing higher frequencies - such as the audio recorder which uses magnets to record onto tape - it works. In the 1990 movie Ghost, another form of communication β†’

The three dimensions of power

The article chosen for evaluation here is Jane Meyer's men of zeal, which is part of a larger book that describes the nuances of power and relations in and around the Bush administration especially during the years of war. The second facet of power is exercised through the limitation of the scope of what is β†’

Literature review on information technology in business

IC ITE creates a strategic need to the development of IT enterprise which involves the creation of the right platform that enables consultation of the right service providers[18]. The investments, education, training and professional development reflects on the excellent analytical skills that motivate the adoption of the right knowledge and the performance for critical skills β†’

Suzanne collins’ mockingjay book review

Katniss Everdeen has ventured through the Hunger Games and the third Quarter Quell, and has been rescued by the rebels in District 13 and has been convinced to become " the Mockingjay," which happens to be the symbol of the rebellion in Panem. Katniss takes up the role as the " Mockingjay" and becomes the β†’

Purely belter: film review

There job in the community service is to deliver food to the elderly but the building they deliver to is right above the Newcastle stadium St James Park so in the end they get to see Newcastle play after all. Also Gerry and Sewell do not have jobs so in order to get the money β†’

Review of a worn path by eudora welty

Subsequent to that, she begins to consider it a ghost. In the later part of story, she comes to meet her grandson.

Emotional intelligence and stress level

This study advances the hypothesis that individuals with lower stress level would report higher scores of emotional intelligence while those individuals with lower stress scores/level, would report low scores of internal work locus of control. The reason why individuals with lower stress levels would report low internal locus of control is that stress is usually β†’

Samba diallo’s journey ambiguous adventure book review – francophone literature essay sample

I think the word " ambiguous" is strongly related to Samba Diallo's thoughts and situation when he studies in the new school and the university in France. According to, the book is the Adventure of how Samba Diallo balances the traditional African values which is Islamic values and Western values which are the knowledge β†’

The catcher in the rye: a book that should be remembered

The Catcher in the Rye is a novel that will be remembered throughout the ages for its depiction of post World War II life, both through the story and American society's reaction to the tale. The portrayal of post World War II American society was accurately portrayed through Holden Caulfield's adventure during the course of β†’

Statistics article review essay sample

Bayesian School of statistics promotes the idea that subjective probability should be used to quantify the degree of belief in different models. On the left-hand side the theorem represents the posterior probability the probability after seeing the outcome of the experiment or observation.

Trends in legal gambling: literature review

They conducted a survey in Germany, using a sample of 1, 586 adults to estimate for all types of commercial gambling, the separate functions of participation, and in order to provide explanatory variables about the socioeconomic characteristics like education, gender, age, income, employment and family status, occupation, home ownership, and the relevance of the highest β†’

Lecture video – ethical egoism

The theory is, however, silent on the concurrent promotion of one's self-interest as well as those of others; only emphasizing one's interest as the only variable to fulfilling the basic goal of one's happiness. According to the theory, helping others does no good, for it is not only a denial of value of individualism, which β†’

This literature review is concerned with defining comparative politics as adiscipline essay sample

Its main purpose is to try to depict views of various authors presented in texts such as " Comparative Government and Politics" by Rod Hague and Martin Harrop, " Theory and Methods in Political Science" by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker and in the handout from Dr. Hague and Harrop come with a bit different β†’

Green mile

On the negative side, I thought the length of the film was too long because as griping as it was, it was difficult to pay attention without taking a break, which made me loose the rhythm of the film. I thought this symbolized the dark side of the story, in which the viewer was about β†’

Shawshank redemption film review essay

Since Andy was a banker prior to his incarceration, he is willing to complete the legal paperwork for the captain nearly free of charge. When the captain catches wind of the incident, he protects his legal advisor, Andy, and beats Bogs so bad he is transferred to a prison hospital.

Blackbird play review and analysis theatre essay

The claustrophobia is evident in the beginning of the play, when Ray keeps finding excuses to leave the pantry. The barbed wire lining the top of the set is a fitting reminder of the entrapment Una felt throughout her entire life.

Review of

The structure of the website is very easy to follow and to understand. It is great to have all that information in one place, and the layout of the website makes it easy to find just what you are looking for.

Free article review on urban society

In most developing nations, there are developments of city slums due to increase of migration of the populace from the rural to the city. City slum dwellers are at the bottom of the city population, but they are better than those living in the rural.

Wall street journal section review

Wall Street Journal Section Review Table of Contents Personal Finance 3 Appendix A: Specific Observations 3 References 4 Wall Street Journal Section Review Personal Finance The Personal Finance Section of the Wall Street Journal is replete with information categorized according to Family Finances, Financial Advisor, How-To Guide, Investing, Retirement Planning, Taxes and On the β†’

Ignited minds review

The book talks about his experience of meeting the numerous students from all over the country and how during the course of interaction with the people from the entire nation made him realise the potential of India to be a developed country. His emphasis on the role of parents and teachers in nurturing the younger β†’

Das experiment

The film brings out the issue of superiority in the sense that despite the guards having been warned not to use any physical aggression toward the prisoners, they decide to harass the prisoners because they felt they were in control of the prison. The role of rules in a prison and society is to guide β†’

Product family design article review

The customer needs are translated to functional requirements and these form the front end part of the product family design. Platform based product family design Corresponding to the scalable and modular product platforms, there are two types of approaches to platform-based product family design.

Timothy hall’s story review

Timothy Hall, tells a story of a bold, independent, self confident, and assertive young women during the time of 1636 to 1638. The answers to such questions can come only from a thorough examination of Anne Hutchinson experience with religion, culture, and politics in early modern England and its first colonies.

Intraoperative use of remifentanil and opioid induced hyperalgesia/acute opioid tolerance: systematic review

Before we discuss AOT and OIH induced by remifentanil, we have to understand the definitions of AOT and OIH because management for pain control is different according to make a diagnosis one of them; While AOT can be overcome by increasing the dosage, OIH even worsens the pain. Koppert et al.also suggested that even though β†’

Marketing mix review and recommendations marketing essay

Australia has one of the smallest and oldest car industries in the world and has played an important role in the success and development of Toyota over the past 50 years. In 1994 the Toyota Altona Assembly Plant is opened and the Toyota corolla is the first car to be built in the plant.


For these reasons, the topic will be of research to determine and explore the independence of auditors in terms of the audit quality, non-audit service fees, and non-audit service. Bingley, Emerald. id= 261321 Lehman, C.R.

Literature review of finite impulse response filters

Besides this paper designs FIR filter utilizing symmetrical signifier construction of FIR filter by taking advantage of symmetrical coefficients and saves figure of multipliers in the design.3. 3 PAPER 3: Fixed-Point FIR Filter Design And Implementation In The Expand In Sub-Expression Space [ 3 ] In This paper Chia-Yu Yao and Chung-Lin Sha had presented β†’

Analysis of the play doctor faustus

Analysis of the Play Doctor Faustus In the play Doctor Faustus, one of the most important happenings is the main character Doctor Faustus selling his soul to the devil and condemning himself to eternal damnation. While Doctor Faustus may have sold his soul to the devil and to evil there is evidence in the β†’

Reviewing the annual report of hutchison whampoa limited

It is important for HWL to prepare the annual report as a basis of linking the conceptual framework in order to provide most useful information to satisfy the users all over the world. Financial information is comparable as accounting policies are consistent from period to period in compliance with accounting standards, and the change of β†’

Article review 1

Article Review The Minimum Wage is Truly a Bad Idea' by Donald Lambro The article d ' The Minimum Wage is Truly a Bad Idea' by Donald Lambro is a reaction to the law of minimum wage in America passed by Congress. The title serves the functional task of introducing the topic and hints at β†’

Ethical review of video game ratings philosophy essay

According to a Game Informer article the California bill; which is summed up to be that any violent video game has to be marked with a two-inch square label on the front of the box and it will have retailers that sell these games to minors pay a $1, 000 fine for each offense, has β†’

Review of cruise tourism and malaysia tourism essay

Ocean and coastal cruise tourism is unique in the manner in which it provides a combination of transportation, accommodation, entertainment, retail and destination services. The growth of the cruise market throughout the world, and perhaps more notably in the United Kingdom has been one of the most remarkable phenomena of the 1990s.

Commentary: motor imagery during action observation: a brief review of evidence, theory and future research opportunities

001 CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Christina, R.W." Motor learning: Future lines of research," in The Cutting Edge in Physical Education and Exercise Science Research, eds M.J. D, and Kerick, S.E." The psychology of superior sport performance: A cognitive and affective neuroscience perspective," in Handbook of Sport Psychology, 3rd Edn, eds R.C.

Book review: another science is possible

The title of the book already promises a dialectical contrast between contemporary and another form of science, and between fast and slow science. Finally, Stengers brings her slow science plea to academia, and tasks the university with creating such a future for slow science, of complementing the reliability of the laboratory with the reliability of β†’

Literature review

It is important to focus on the fact that learning organization means the structure itself that is involved in the process of learning to be able to update and to continuously improve the totality of the organization. This is goal is achieved through the creative and constructive inputs of the people within the organization which β†’

Literature review: overview

Larkey has identified strategies to use when teaching ASD students how to write those strategies are: ' Co-actively write, putting your hand over the top of the students, use a computer for the student to write, Use a tape recorder for the student to record their work, use a voice activated computer which transcribes for β†’

Book review: follow your gut: the enormous impact of tiny microbes

As years went by, the understanding of the nature and importance of microbes became more apparent however, to date, for the broad audience, the understanding of the microbial roles in our life has been restricted to those causing diseases. Chapter 2 - Describes how we acquire our first microbes from our mother and explains the β†’

Writing guide for a perfect literature review essay sample

Your critical judgment has to show your knowledge of various approaches to this topic, theories which are elaborated and arguments to provide evidence of your viewpoint. You are free to use this literature review template to simplify the process of writing!

A smart home review

The hardware required for setting up the bluetooth communication is readily available and the technology also provides the necessary bandwidth for the operation in a home. Sensors Several sensors can be used in a smart lock to detect the state of the lock and door.

Stephen kalong case review

Dato' Ningkan has mill to command the confidence of the majority of the members of the Council Negri, he is bound by article 7 of the Constitution of the State of Sarawak to tender the resignation of the members of Supreme Council.3. It is clear from the contents of your letter that you have refused β†’

Family story

Characters: First-person narrator, a male teenage cashier; Stokesie, another cashier; Lengel, the manager of the A&P; the three girls in bathing suits, McMahon, the meat counter guy. Characters: Sally, a young married girl; The Marshmellow Salesman, Sally's husband.

Analysis of native son by richard wright

However, in opposition to these concrete statistical analyses, one man published a novel in 1940 that would oppose the theory of a physical warfare, and claimed that the era of the 1930s was home to a " battle of words". Unfortunately, toward the end of the novel, Bigger was jailed to show the childish attempt β†’

Analysis of a fletch

At the end of the movie, any person will be earning for more of the same performance from the silver screen. This is a criminal offence of impersonation, especially of a government officer and the use of false identity to acquire confidential information that would not be divulged under normal circumstances.

Runaway chemical reaction and vapor cloud explosion

Further, the study stresses on the safety management appliances to the control of risks during the reaction processes. The drive needs to be sorted before the start of any reaction process to control the explosion incidences.

How does culture shape creativity? a mini-review

Therefore, to deepen the understanding of the relationship between culture and creativity, particularly the role of culture in modifying and nurturing creativity, the major roles of culture in conceptualizing, manipulating, and measuring creativity were carefully identified. Typically, these suggest that Western cultures attach more importance to process- and product-based creativity and highlight the pragmatic, problem-solving β†’

Review questions

25 Direct labor cost per unit = direct-labor hours * direct labor rate = 0. 50 June cost = Direct labor cost per unit * Number of units = $ 0.

How to write book review

How to write a book review Perhaps the best way to offer guidelines on how to write a book review is to give you an example of the kind of instructions and guidelines we would be given by journals who invite us to review books for them. In the first three Chapters of the book, β†’

Coral reefs: description and features

The open sea is the sharp increase in water depth at the edge of the continental shelf separated from the coastal zone. Then benthic zone is the lowest part of the lake where mostly decomposer and detritus feeders are located.16.

Research review on accuracy of memory

An advantage of the research conducted by Loftus and Palmer, is that it gained a lot of knowledge into the misinformation effect. The research of Conway stated that memory inaccuracies were due to a fault in one of the key processes.

The democrat and the dictator

The Democrat and the Dictator Introduction The world re-known leaders who shaped the current politics: Franklin Roosevelt and AdolfHitler rose to power almost at the same time. Through the film " The Democrat and the Dictator," Moyers Bill extensively reveals childhood lives and their different paths they used to raise to power and how each β†’

Review of different themes: the dead, by james joyce vs. a raisin in the sun, by lorraine hansberry

Gabriel's grandfather riding his horse, Johnny over and over again around the statue of William III, conqueror of Ireland on behalf of England is another sign of nature." The Dead" connects paralysis with the English and with the theme of nature. The story incorporates aspects of nature in many descriptions and quotations, but it is β†’

Book review: war! what is it good for?

War Is considered as a massive murder and claiming that it has a positive consequence In not right, but the author argues to It as the philosopher Thomas Hobbes once concluded the same In the 1640 urine the English Call war. The author concluded that somehow war has been beneficial as it has brought bigger β†’

Zlata’s diary review

In the country, Zlata hid in her cellar, her house, Zlata's neighbor's house, and anywhere else that was relatively close for Zlata and her family to travel to. During the war, Zlata was exposed to danger that would scar her.

Film review for “an anthopological introduction to youtube” essay sample

Wesch, all from an anthropological stand point of what it means to be human, covers how YouTube became a part of today's community, how it has the potential to destroy community, and how it builds community. According to Wesch, most of the videos on YouTube are homemade and intended for less than 100 people; however, β†’

Literature review: evidence-based treatments for childhood trauma & ptsd

Because of the varied and severe consequences of childhood trauma, this points the importance of available treatments that are effective, backed up research, and can simultaneously meet the specific needs of children and adolescents. This is an essential aspect of the intervention, as parents' reactions to the child, styles of parenting, and their own ability β†’

Peer-reviewed literature

The journal reveals the procedures necessary for the reduction of the urinary tract infection patients in hospitals. The journal indicates the strategies, which are instrumental in the prevention of the urinary tract infection.

Literature review of theories on culture and diversity

2 and it shows diverseness related to the strategic context and the quality of the determination procedure of the board. It is to be noted that the this position pertains with the positive result of the diverseness where as the other is more looking to the negative result of the group structures and procedures.


Fairchild talk about Polysubstance abuse in which they have explained Polysubstance dependence broadly and have also discussed the case history of a 23-year-old white males recovery from 12 years of alcohol and other substance abuse including the addicts personal views about their addiction, their past lifestyle and the lifestyle that is currently freed of drugs. β†’

Developing surprise in the interlopers

Saki utilizes suspense, textual structure, and pacing to develop the element of surprise in his narrative " The Interlopers". In the end, Saki best uses suspense, textual structure, and pacing to produce a surprise ending in his narrative " The Interlopers".

β€˜swades’ movie review essay sample

Directed by Shutout Gawkier and starring Shark Khan, the movie allows the story of a non-resident Indian living in the United States of America and working for NASA He decides to come home to the village in which he was raised and the consequent series of events that occur leave him with a strong sense β†’

Code of ethics

The Movie Corporation argues about the history, evolution and role of modern Corporations in society. The ethical issues raised in the movie are related with how the modern corporation is actually taking controls of those aspects of the society which were earlier considered as responsibility of the government.

Final exam review

Disruptions to speech process...know what the external barriers are to listening, and what the internal barriers are to listening...which are the greater barriers? What are the 4 different types of supporting materials?

Book review: the tortilla curtain essay

The lives of the Rincons and the Mossbachers are told alternately in the novel to give voice to each of the four main characters up to the point where their lives become intertwine and their worlds " crash". Also, there is a line in the novel that could be referring to the problem regarding the β†’

Murder by death

It is a bit weird to hold him responsible for his own death, but an in-depth analysis of the whole scheme of the challenge of resolving the mystery of the mid-night murder that the detectives confront clearly indicates that it is Twain, who arranges the plot carefully to baffle these world-class sleuth hunters. Though the β†’

Book review: social ecology in the digital age: solving complex problems in a globalized world

The social ecological perspective draws on concepts and approaches from the social sciences, as well as physical and life sciences and the humanities to examine the nested and interconnected nature of human-environment systems. His own evolution as a social ecologist is reflected in the topics and examples in the rest of the book.

Review of theoretical and empirical literature economics essay

In addition, the knowledge of the extent of exchange rate pass-through to domestic prices would provide an insight into the international transmission of shocks and the effectiveness of exchange rate policy measures on external adjustment. The size of the export market and the degree of competition the exporter faces in that market is important in β†’

Book review: heartland the darkest hour

She thinks that she is the best horse racer in the world, but that changes when a certain horse and a certain person came into her life and taught her about passion. At the end of this book, Amy is more kind and does not think to much about her self.

Book review: tortillas wheat flour and corn products

Corn and wheat are the base for the manufacturing of an array of important staples, including tortillas, which are considered as the most important staple food for the Mexico and some Latin American countries. Taking all these aspects into account, this book aimed to: provide a deep review of production and processing of tortillas for β†’

Article review essay

In this article, William Baker also described to us, the relationship between the ancient Olympic Games, and Greek religion, what some of the Greek philosophers thought of the Olympic Games, and the role of athletics in general, in ancient Greek Society. The textbook also states that while " at the Olympic Games, Greeks honored the β†’

Defining car culture review

Car culture as define by Best, A.L." Car culture is often seen as a space where men can be men, and in many instances it provides one of the few opportunities for men to forge emotional ties with other men, often across generations".this states that the car culture is not just simply a space where β†’

Literature review on employee turnover management essay

Asuman Kiyak indicated that the best predictor of turnover is the employee's intention to leave, which determined by age, tenure of employment, the community they employed and job dissatisfaction. To identify the main reason of turnover in T&H, this study focus on the demographic factors, job satisfaction, and work-life issues as the determines of turnover β†’

Fast, affordable, professional editing and proofreading

The goal of a literature review is to gather a representative collection of the most pertinent material. A qualitative literature review documents the importance of the research problem at the beginning of the study, does not foreshadow the research questions, and is used to compare and contrast with other studies.

Book review: contact mechanics

Although the discussion of the limiting cases of indentation of a layer bonded to a half-space can also be found in other textbooks, that of the author differs enormously in terms of detail and clarity of the explanations. Contact Problems in the Classical Theory of Elasticity.

Book review

The major idea of the work is a detailed investigation of the selection of the meals people are eating daily. A big part of discussion of this part of the book is devoted to the industrial food which is related to corn products.

Literature review on mergers and acquisitions

The focus of this research is to explore and analyse the organizational cultural issues as the major potential threat for the success of mergers and acquisitions. To analyse the effects of cultural issues on the performance of mergers and acquisitions.

The impact of the crusades

The documentary " The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross" narrates that history and how the two religion shaped up against each other in one of the longest and fieriest battle history of the world. One of the key impacts of the war was the obvious loss of life of millions of people on both sides β†’

Jaws – review essay

The shark is connected to the music in the title sequence as the music beats slowly and gradually gets more frequent every time the shark is about to appear. The movie is based on the shark and the trauma it causes, so to keep the audience interested they have to keep them bewildered and amazed β†’

The lake in the woods by tim obrien

With this O'Brien builds mystery and fear, the lake brings a warning to the reader that something is going wrong or might go wrong while the couple settles in the cottage by the lake. This created an impact on the reader that both Vietnam and the lake symbolizes horror and secrets, both of which can β†’

The issue of fear in “between the world and me” by ta-nehishi coates

Throughout the book, Coates discusses the disparity between the lives of people from different racial groups, socioeconomic statuses, and parts of cities, but in every situation he mentioned that in one way or another, all people were afraid. The beginning of Between the World and Me mainly focuses on Coates' childhood in the ghettos of β†’

Article review – “the indian view of the 1885 uprising.” essay

Though the historical account of this series of events, which led to the prosecution of many Aboriginal leaders, seems to be biased from both the official reports and Stonechild's account, the political position of the Native Peoples was set back for many years because of these historical incidents. Stonechild attempts to right the wrongful depiction β†’