Genuine Review Examples

Book review on lord of the flies – william golding

In the story the lord of the flies paints a clear picture on how the human behavior can be highly influenced by the society. In the story the laws and rules put a clear show of the need of rules and regulation in order to keep the human dark side in place.

ο»Ώemployee motivation literature review essay sample

Nohria, Groysberg, and Lee identify the four drives that underlie motivation, i.e, the four basic intrinsic motivators: the drive to acquire, the drive to bond, the drive to comprehend, and the drive to defend. Every dimension of the learner, from the intellectual to the affective, the spiritual and the physical, and even the imagination are β†’

Discussion forum #1 – becoming human

The core aim of the video is to answer the question; how did we become us? Scientists claim that changes in climate boosted the brain to grow.

Reviewing a link and writing about that

Pan troglodytes is the scientific name of chimpanzee, and they are only found in the African region of world. The sexual dimorphism of chimpanzee relates to the difference in their male and female species.

Jane goodall what separates us from the apes

Goodall probes the diverse cultures that exists between humans and apes such as the chimpanzees. According to Goodall's findings, chimpanzees can adapt to the culture of using technology similar to the tribes in Ecuador forests.

Literature review on violence against aboriginal women in canada

Across the various communities in Canada, a common fact stands out, that the plight of the Aboriginal women must be given priority, in all facets of the society, from the social to legal compartments. Violent victimization of Aboriginal women in the Canadian provinces.

Good example of article review on how poverty impacts mental health: a look at four papers

These studies showed that less education also was linked to people suffering from CMDs The paper suggested that in order to reduce mental health in low to middle income countries, housing or business development projects need to be aware of how their buildings and operations impact the mental health of the community. The paper also β†’

Literature review on amelie

In the modern world, it is clear that each and every person has to reflect on his or her own actions and compare them with what one observes from others, be it in the real world or in the world of films and fiction. With the help of her neighbor and friends, she finds the β†’

Movie review on paper assignment #1: groundhog day i

He was not doing anything with his life at all; all of these reasons led him to have a boring life this is because he did not do things for the sake of them, and was not moderate in things that he did.2. He tells Rita that he is " a god," for lack of β†’

Types of machine learning literature review example

In unsupervised learning, the computer is not provided with the correct responses, but the algorithm tries to determine the similarities between the inputs so that the inputs with similar attributes are categorized together. The history of machine learning can be divided into three periods, namely the exploration period in the 1950s and 1960s; the development β†’

Mitochondrial calcium regulation in plants literature reviews examples

In plant cells, the mitochondria are the parts that produce the energy needed for the plants' growth and development and also for the plants to perform their essential functions. It is therefore obvious that calcium's regulation of protein import into mitochondria appears as a plant specific trait and studies have shown a similarity in calcium β†’

Religious involvement and adult mortality in the united states literature review

Retrieved from: involvement and adult mortality in the United States:-a0127069493 The report seeks to analyze empirical data on the linkage between religion and adult mortality in the United States. Research on religion and mortality outcomes has also shown that public religious attendance frequency has an effect on adult mortality.

Alien (1979) movie reviews example

The First Scene of the Movie Alien The movie opens with a scene of an alien planet with some eerie music in the background. As the crew tries to defend itself, an alien creature kills Dallas and Brett.

Unaccustomed earth book review

Early on the reader sees that Ruma is starting to become a mirror image of her mother taking the path she once did in her homeland, " Growing up...moving to a foreign place for the sake of marriage, caring exclusively for children and a household had served as a warning, a path to avoid. Overall β†’

Compair and contrast two movies movie review sample

Both films portray strong emotional attachments and a difficulty by the characters to fully accept and come to terms with the various emotional setbacks they have undergone in the course of their lives mostly caused by the untimely loss of a loved one or circumstances beyond the control of the characters. Perhaps he is trying β†’

Good example of name literature review

This essay is an attempt to explore the theme of loneliness and love, as portrayed in William Faulkner's most anthologized short story ' A Rose for Emily'.' A Rose for Emily' is the most famous, at the same time, most shocking of the stories written by William Faulkner. Her non-acceptance of her father's death is β†’

Movie review on the analysis of the pursuit of happyness

The opening scene gives a glimpse of the phrase ' Pursuit of Happiness' as mentioned by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence that the Americans are entitled to the right of " Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness". The essence of the movie is brought forth by an ingenious application of different mediums; β†’

Sample movie review on film analysis: pans labyrinth

The faun tells Ofelia to open the doors to the Underworld by sacrificing the blood of her brother. A few drops of Ofelia's blood fall on to the alter next to her and she is transported to the Underworld.

Literature review on birds of america by lorrie moore

The short story by Lorrie Moore named " Birds of America" is written in English but at times the use of language makes reading the story difficult. The father's words give the reader a sense of the disorientation the parent's feel in Peed Onk, their sleep deprivation and the shock of their baby having cancer.

Free the kite runner by: khaled hosseini literature review sample

The three stages in the life of a young boy have shown how bravely he faced all the hard situations in his life. The migration of people from the country is discussed in a tactful manner.

Thus, the story by joyce oates cannot be considered as a fictionalized version of literature review examples

The image of dancing the waltz may replace the real image of the father beating his child. It should be started that the magazine article was based on the true story of the serial killer and the short story on the article, which was read by the author only to the half.

Free literature review on the role and meaning of telemachia in odyssey

The aim of this essay is to present you with the questions risen by the reading of the first four books of Odyssey. And Telemachus' destiny is the one of a noble man, who wants to build the strength of his name.

Free article review on act 3 of guan yunchang’s righteous and brave refusal of the gold

A critical assessment of the play reveals various concepts such as characterization that are of importance to the present literature scholars and the future students. However, Chapter three of Yunchang's play based on the " Righteous and Brave Refusal of the Gold" will form the primary focus of the paper.

Movie review on review: stranger than fiction

Ferrell is superb in the film, anchoring the film with the kind of saccharine sweetness and earnest buffoonery that he's displayed in films like Elf; he plays na vete very well, and his distress at the omnipresent voice that seems to narrate his life makes for a lot of fantastic bits of comedy. In conclusion, β†’

Book review on book written by jerry b. jenkins and tim lahaye

The Rapture has occurred, suddenly driverless cars are colliding everywhere, and the superficial, evil Romanian Nicolae Carpathia, the anti-Christ comes on the scene, deceiving the world with peace. Buck also makes the discovery through the bible that those left behind were the ones that were not born again Christians and those taken up were the β†’

Role of the advanced practice nurselastname_firstinitial_w3a2_su_nsg5000 literature review sample

These could be issues related to, the right to health and access to health care, euthanasia, quality of treatment and life for people with terminal illness, and cloning and reproduction. Research has shown that HFACS can be reliably used to analyze the underlying human causes of both commercial and General Aviation accidents," says Wiegmann & β†’

Free article review on open skies agreement

It allows airlines from the involved states to fly in areas within USA and the European Union. Open Skies' implementation of changes is likely to face a myriad of organizational and bureaucratic challenges in the future.

A literature review of the charter school system

However, charter school teachers seem proud of their schools' autonomous status: " According to educators in these three charter schools, autonomy over instructional materials and strategies was one of the central reasons why they engaged in charter school reform".. Ron Zimmer and the Rand Education Institute agree, stating that charter schools provide students and their β†’

Reading and writing skills book review example

At the last minute the plans for a trip with his climbing partners had fallen through, and on the spur of the moment he decided to head out on his own to cycle up a long mountain trail, leave his bike and then walk down the Blue John canyon. Only when he had made a β†’

Hand washing strategies and compliance literature review example

In this study, the researchers sought to assess hand hygiene practices and the nature of patient contact in physicians and nurses at a neonatal intensive care unit in Ghana. The aim of this study was to evaluate educational level and hand washing compliance.

Good article review on criminal law: evaluation

Using criteria described in the Pyrczak's guide, answer the following questions: 1) Best title: Explain why: The first part of the title is a question that begs for an answer from the reader, the second part tells the reader what is the research is all about. It creates a big destruction away from the highlight, β†’

Movie review on drag show review

The performance is full of sexy dance moves by both the drag queen and the boys surrounding her. The portion of the show where one is disturbed is when the dancing boys and girl gathered around the drag queen.

Example of movie review on scene analysis: dance girl dance

The pianist and the trumpeter are filmed at close range and the camera here is close up to the two most important members of the orchestra. Nothing is left to chance and these opening scenes are a sure indication of what the film is all about.

Example of book review on the dali reading

The overall thesis of the article is the identification of the source of Dali's inspiration. Dali described himself as a Spanish mystic of his time and believed himself a saint of Spanish whose divine purpose is to rescue painting from imprisonment in the blasphemous aesthetics of the modern world.

Example of literature review on statement of the problem/purpose of study

It is therefore important t respect the views of different people from these two groups, the pro-choice, those people who strongly believe that a woman has a right to choose whether she is going to have the child or not, and the pro-life, those who believe that abortion is not good and it is not β†’

Research paper on review of the cold war

This crisis was the first step to the cold war with many analysts viewing the leader of the Soviet Union as being responsible. Further, an economic disagreement in the year nineteen forty six between the Western countries and the Soviet Union in Russia led to the cold war.

Review of the file by timothy garton ash

The most fascinating thing, as well as the most peculiar, is that Garton Ash begins to track down " all the members of the triangle"; for he and his friends were the first side of the triangle and then the informers were the second and the officers the third." Gradually, like a detective" he starts β†’

The interesting narrative of olaudah equiano book review

The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano does more than just detail the experiences of a former African slave, it sets forth the play sequence between the various players engaged in the slave trade, the emotions involved, the effects and consequences on the players, and the future of the game if it were allowed to continue. β†’

Human evolution literature review

The theory of human evolution says that the humanity evolved from primates, or ape, as their ancestors. There are two hypotheses, concerning the origins and evolution of today's humans, Homo sapiens, both based on the assumption that our species evolved from Homo erectus, a Homo family tree species, which were renowned for being the first β†’

Feminism and anti-feminism in the caterbury tales literature review examples

In addition, the essay gives an analysis of some of the differences between men and women in the Canterbury Tales. Due to the equality of women in the society, the following discussion draws a conclusion on feminism and anti-feminism in the Caterbury Tales.

Good leadership competency model article review example

Sixteen of the twenty top competencies highlighted in this study are similar to the findings of Goleman's model, which proves that leaders who rate high on emotional intelligence will rate as strong candidates of many of the competencies mentioned by Ansari and Khadher. This is a major weakness of the study as it limits the β†’

Example of report on project review

The Raspberry Pi and Z wave technology used in the home automation system helps to save energy, time and ensures security of the home.- Detail Specifications In this project we are going to use raspberry pi board, Z- wave card, Z- wave appliance plugs/switches/thermostat/sensor/remote control and mobile application. After creating the automation products it is β†’

Civil disobedience and civil rights literature review

The list of the readers influenced by Thoreau's thoughts is astonishing; famous leaders from Gandhi to Mandela, the fight against apartheid, the Civil Rights Movement and more recently the Egyptian revolution. This essay analyses the background of Thoreau's writings, the influence of his thoughts on action and how this is reflected in the film.

Reply to articles article review

The first article focuses on the basic legal rights stipulated in the civil rights section of the AFL-CIO website. For fear of losing jobs, African Americans avoided fighting for their rights and put up with the harassment.

Dr. george henderson: movie reviews example

Changing from a black community to functioning in a white one. The Day George Henderson Slipped and Became a Racist.

Good example of literature review on what factors make chinas constitution better than a democratic constitution

The Chinese constitution states that all power belongs to the people and that the state provides protection to the interests and lawful rights of the minorities and develops and upholds the relationship of unity, equality, and shared assistance among all people in China. Democracy is the active participation of the citizens in civic and political β†’

A battleground of the second civil war the struggle for integration in mississippi book review

Attempts to implement integration throughout Mississippi elicited a widespread campaign of intimidation against black folks that was as far-reaching and destructive as the violence that protesters were met with in Mississippi and other parts of the South. In the towns of Dundee and Rosa Fort, white teachers assigned to all-black schools were permitted to resign β†’

Martin luther king jr.’s “i have a dream” speech literature review sample

Cash a check King uses this phrase to introduce his analogy of what the civil rights movement is doing to establish its rights in America. Promissory note King uses this phrase as part of his analogy of the civil rights movement to describe what the places of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are β†’

Analysis of the river of no return by cleveland sellers

The racial discrimination, the harsh violent treatment, and the separate but equal, were just more of the reasons for African Americans to fight back for a change. The autobiography paves the perspective of a visual of the many struggles faced during the 1960s.Dr.

Free literature review on ethical messages in modern chinese literature

Bei Dao, one of the famous dissenting poets of the 1980s and onward, chooses to address the problems in the People's Republic of China through the creation of poetry. The image of the star-like bullet holes and the blood-red dawn are allusions to the flag of the People's Republic of China; the five yellow stars β†’

Red chicago a review book review examples

Randi Storch's 2007 book Red Chicago: American Communism at its Grassroots details the subversive movement in Chicago at the time, when there was a vast upswing of Communist thought stemming from the worker's revolts of the time. Compared to the thesis of Making a New Deal by Liz Cohen, Red Chicago focuses much more on β†’

Free literature review on program design elements

The paper will thus look at the entire planning process and the implementation of at least two strategies that would meet the objective of the program, which is to involve all the stakeholders in the policies aimed at fighting the disease. The program staff, on the other hand, will receive the information as it was β†’

Good example of movie review on watching youtube video about city council meeting

At the beginning of this public hearing, the mayor of the city, Mel Cohen, greets the audience, thanks everyone for the presence and announces the purpose of the meeting, namely the discussion of the presentation of the budget. I think it is obvious that the meeting is generally convenient to the public: both the day β†’

Good analyzing scene in city of god movie review example

The struggles in the social lives of the people of Brazil was also among the main points of focus of this film where the locals realized the dangers and problems of the slums which they lived in as shown by the life conditions in the ghetto of Favela. The social perceptions in Brazil and the β†’

Movie review on requiem for a dream

The Snorri-cam is a device that is strapped to the actor's body, and the camera is mounted on top of the device. What Aronofsky exploits most through the use of the Snorri-cam in this scene is that he perfectly captures the emotions of shame on her face and the emptiness in her eyes.

Free movie review about the work of film production

In the process of converting the newspaper article into a film scenario, I would tell the story from the view point of the low level drug dealer from Cork, Sammy. The film begins with the failure of the sting operation and then goes back to Sammy's arrest.

Article review on sonny’s blues

Although the story is told from the narrator's point of view as he tells what happened to his brother and what he believed led him to do drugs and heroin, it is also about how the narrator feels about his brother. This is also how the narrator learns about Sonny's distress and how he wanted β†’

Shay’s rebellion by leonard richards book review examples

In his eyes, it is misleading, that the rebellion was much more widespread than formerly thought, and that those that were involved in the rebellion and their supporters essentially symbolized entire communities the poor and the wealthy, the powerful and those that were weak, even associates of some of the greatest Massachusetts families. By means β†’

Free article review about psychodynamic approach

Chapter 13 of " Leadership: Theory and Practice" is dedicated to the problem of psychodynamic approach in the sphere of leadership. Northouse provides the overall picture of psychodynamic approach the essence of which consists in the concept of personality a complex of qualities that determines the model of behavior characterized by permanent nature.

Article review on research methods and sex differences, personality and cculture

Sample data is used in the experiment of sex differences, personality and culture. The article is able to establish statistically that a relationship exists between sex differences and personality.

Example of reading #4: darley and batson article review

The study involved an examination of the influences of several personality and situational variables on assisting behavior in an emergency situation as the one depicted by the parable of the Good Samaritan. Studies in the last four decades did not reveal personality determinants of helping behavior, personality variables were not predictive of helping either nor β†’

Movie review on nursing

In the movie " Girl Interrupted", there were several psychological problems depicted by the characters and the most prominent among them are the characters of Susanna, which was diagnosed of Borderline Personality Disorder and Lisa who was diagnosed of being a Sociopath. For a much comprehensive treatment and diagnostic requirement, the National Institute of Mental β†’

Media review: on climate change

Even before the post-contemporary period, various environmental problems have been detected as one of the principal factors that affect the change on the way of life all over the world. Nevertheless, such detrimental effects of extreme climate change could be treated and even prevented from impairing the world and the mankind.

Review of dxo filmpack rendering software

The film rendering software is a great tool in making the pictures translate the vision of the photographer. Lateral shifting: It is one of the best features of this software.

Book review on photographys impact on the world

In one of her essays, " In Plato's cave", Sontag argues that the photography is a false way of relating to the world. In surreal photography, the photographers construct the details of the photo so as to present the impossible.

Dorian gray (2009) movie review

The movie is somewhat different from previous attempts of screening the story about a young and handsome Dorian Gray. The movie ends with Dorian and the portrait unification in flames and a failure of human soul.

Hydrofracking and human health effects review of current literature research paper

10 to 70% of the water that helps build the pressure comes back to the surface and can be reused. These chemicals help improve the flow of the water, chemicals and the proppant through the pipelines, help thicken the sand to hold the fractures for better retrieval of the fossil fuels, prevent rust in the β†’

A review of the circadian rest-activity rhythm, a potential safety pharmacology article review example

The " circadian timing system" has been linked to the wellness and improvement of survival rate in cancer patients. The study tries to answer the main question: what is the relationship between the disruption of circadian rhythm and adverse events in individual cancer patients?

Malignant melanoma review: epidemiology and patient survival rate

Second, the melanoma is localized to the skin in most of the cases and that can be identified by very simple examinations. The organization of this paper is as follows: Section-II discusses the Literature Review; Section-III discusses the datasets that has been used for segmentation and classification algorithms; Section-IV evaluates and analyses the different algorithm β†’

Book review: economic justice in an unfair world

This book provides a detailed illustration of the international community, so as to locate the factors that should be considered in order to structure a global economy that emphasized the benefits of all nations. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Book as compared to other similar readings The same point that is emphasized by Kapstein through β†’

Economic justice for all article review

The article is written to address the effects of the US economy on the human life. In light of economic justice for all, the government ought to consider the needs of the minority groups like the Mexican-Americans in Arizona.

Free article review on sociology

The officer was arrested for 20 years and a fine of $100000. Later in the year the same officer was charged with physically harassing a man who operates a plowing business and took everything that he owned.

Review of the speech resisting colonial expansion from 1752 article review examples

In the article one of the chiefs of the Indian Abenakis addresses the Captain Phineas Stevens and through him the Governor of Boston and the English people as a whole denouncing their plans for colonial expansion in their lands. The speaker condemns a recent survey of the Abenaki lands by English inhabitants of the city β†’

Simulation review paper

After analyzing and reviewing the current status of the company I must figure out what's beneficial for the organization in regard to capital shortage. The reason was the equipment is new and after the lease ends the company is given an option of purchasing the equipment or not.

Health reform and employment article review example

The overall purpose of the article is to evaluate the impact of Obamacare on the job market. First, that the employers will cut jobs just because they have to provide insurance.

Reasons for entering and leaving nursing an australian regional study literature review examples

The paper presents a critique of an article by Eley, Eley, and Roger-Clark through careful analysis of the sections of the article The essence of a research paper is to attract readers as much as it can. Therefore, a research title is by all means the first introduction that beckons readers to read a researcher, β†’

The unmet needs of carers in the australian society today literature review

The main purpose of this paper is to discuss how care responsibilities in the continent of Australia are affecting the lives of the carers in a negative manner. The impact of the burden of care is acute on the mental, physical and economic state of the carers.

Strategic review of australian department store david jones

As the DJA credit card is a product development strategy, of supplying new products to existing markets, the customers of DJA are essentially the same as the current DJS customers. Expansion of the DJA alliance: In addition to credit cards, AMEX offers a range of insurance products, travel and financial services.

Sustainable economic growth literature review example

This essay will discuss the UK's sustainable growth agenda and how it has impacted the standards of living, unemployment and the environment in the UK. Since the emergence of the term sustainable development in the late 1980s, it has rapidly become the dominant concept in the study of the interactions between the biophysical environment and β†’

Sustainable development and business ethics article review examples

Business ethics on the other hand refers to the principles that govern the acceptable conduct in business organizations. Sustainability and the world development is the next article that cites the various decisions made by the United Nations in managing the environment with the rapid economic growth and industrialization.

Long-term effects of exposure to mass trauma and resettlement amongst vietnamese literature review sample

The findings of this study seem to suggest that trauma continues to affect the mental well-being of a proportion of Vietnamese refugees more than a decade after being resettled in Australia. Long-term effect of psychological trauma on the mental health of Vietnemese refugees resettled in Australia: A population-based study.

Example of theatre studies movie review

Just like a movie the performance of the play is true, fresh, and exciting; the production of the play was both funny and heartbreaking with excellent pace and design. The plot of the play is good.

Free article review about the role of the automata in the history of technology

The meaning role of the automata in the history of technology was described in the article written by Silvio A. The article was published in 1964 in " Technology and Culture" journal and it narrates the history and development of automata from the very beginning, starting from the easiest mechanisms.

Art and design: a review of the renaissance, 17th-18th centuries and 21st century design trends essay

One of the most intriguing aspects in the rococo technique had to be the use of elegant and florid designs that transformed architectural designs into works of art. In the 21st century design, environmental concerns during design has enabled construction activities to be carried with more concern for the environment and the future generations It β†’

Review of the beginning woods by malcolm mcneill

He must go to the Beginning Woods to find out about his " Forever Parents", and the Vanishings, which have started ever since he had appeared in the world. The book ended with Max finding his Forever Parents and learning the cause of the Vanishings to prevent it.

Review on currency number recognition

The feature extraction of Indian currency notes involves the extraction of characteristics like consecutive Numberss, watermarking of currency. In the techniques for paper currency acknowledgment, three features of paper currencies include size; colour and texture are used in the acknowledgment.

Margin review questions

Chinese needed the nomads because the steppes provided the horses and other goods and the nomads controlled much of the Silk Roads. But the nomads viewed the Chinese as a threat because the Chinese had military attacks on the steppes and they built the Great Wall.4.

Example of article review on science

The article Sound cloaks enter the third dimension by Andrew Grant, highlights the cloak technology developed to reduce noise pollution thus preventing submarines and war ships from being detected by the enemy. The article simplifies this important information to the public and the US Naval Department by breaking down the science behind the clock technology.

Motivation and emotion video response paper movie review example

In this presentation, I think the main idea is how the video games are applied as an extension of the practices and principles of applied analysis of behavior. The author seems to outline the behaviorism as the theory of choice in motivation and emotions.

Psychodynamic theory and psychodynamic therapy literature review sample

The theory chosen for this paper is the Psychodynamic Theory used in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy as popularized by one of the people with the largest and most significant contributions in the field of psychology, Sigmund Freud. Psychodynamic psychotherapy is basically the use of psychodynamic theories in the more sophisticated field of clinical psychology or in the β†’

Book review on

Overall Purpose of the Book: The purpose of the book as explained by the writer himself is " to clarify issues in intercultural and interracial conflict, to provide insights on the different ways people of various cultures handled conflict, to evaluate these according to the Scripture and to provide practical guidelines for helping us live β†’

Example of book review on imperial germany and the great war 1914, 1918 second edition 2004, by roger chickering

In Roger Chickering's Imperial Germany and the Great War 1914-1918, the reader gains a unique perspective on an oft-ignored component of World War I history; the impact of the war on Imperial Germany. One of Chickering's most brilliant and enlightening components to the textbook is the effect of World War I on the German home β†’

Good article review on renewable energy resources in turkey

The lopsided statistics on non-renewable versus renewable energy market has been ascribed to: insufficient cost effectiveness of renewable energy technology; possibility of imbalance in the system of technology; and the lack of government support. Current Situation of Renewable Energy Sources in Germany and Turkey Germany's location limits the generation of renewable energy, but their existing β†’

Meaning of human requirements article review

Following the arguments in the chapter that capitalism is the basis for the definition of human needs and as such, the ethical values that govern the behavior of the individual in society, accumulated by the amount of wealth in the society. But in the modern system of private property and the division of labor, the β†’

Free book review on the mexican war, 1846-48: a case of u.s. imperialism

Under the provisions of the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Rio Grande did become the new border and the northern half of Mexico was annexed to the United States. O'Sullivan and the supporters of Manifest Destiny sincerely believed that the U.S." represented the wave of the future and the hope of mankind" and their β†’

Book review on the best intentions

PAUL COLLIER'S CONDEMNATION OF INEFFECTUAL AID AND RESOURCE ADMINISTRATION AMONG ' THE BOTTOM BILLION' A REVIEW OF ' THE BOTTOM BILLION: WHY THE POOREST COUNTRIES ARE FAILING AND WHAT CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT' Paul Collier's assessment of one of the worst humanitarian disasters in modern history explains, in practical terms, the social, economic β†’