Genuine Review Examples

Free book review on the bright forver from lee martin

Regarding his piecemeal hints into the whereabouts of the minor, another psychological orientation of the pedophiles in Henry is revealed. In relation to the actions of Mr.

Article review on the recent financial crisis and its causes

According to the article by Gordon and Metric, the major cause of the financial crisis is the increase in debt of various countries. Generally, the cause of the financial crisis can be attributed to the activities of the financial institutions and their government.

Review of an article from art bulletin article reviews example

The idea of art history represents a historical framework that is based in the inherent identity of the culture from which it is being expressed. In this sense, Mukherji is making the argument that the expanding world has caused the importance and credibility of art history to emerge as an important study due to the →

Good example of john mclane article review

The article addresses the topic of relationship between real stock returns and inflation, aiming to obtain the empirical evidence of the effect of different dimensions of inflation on the real stock returns. The common way to test the stated relationship is stating it in the form of a regression model, with the dependent variable being →

Good article review on cues to deception

The research problem in the article is, " Do people behave indiscernibly different ways when they are deceitful compared with when they are telling the truth?" Thus, the research aims to find out if people behave differently while telling the truth or when they are lying. Their finding was that when one was telling lies, →

Facilitator book review

Often, people fail to identify the importance of ethics and its influences in daily life decisions making the society uphold their values more and influencing the right decision even in the complex situations. Therefore, ethics is key and significant in one's life to be able to relate with others in the society to achieve one's →

Philospher book review sample

He argued that performing the act of bravery and having a calm and moderate manner are a good paradigm of excellent character. Murillo." The Aristotelian conception of habit and its contribution to human neuroscience".

On ethics and economics book review

The author basically tries to argue that ethics-related tradition of Economics dates back to the days of Aristotle and that Economics ultimately goes hand in hand with the study of Ethics and Politics. Amartya Sen certainly and in a very obvious manner, questions the disassociation of the study of Economics from that of ethics and →

The european accounting review

This paper contains an analysis of the activity-based costing literature which has been accumulated in the UK and USA accounting journals over the fourteen-year period since the first articles on ABC emerged. One permanent legacy of this interest in ABC= M is the impact which it has had on the accounting journals.

Why animals farm makes the case for utopian societies not being able to exist literature review examples

George Orwell's novel, Animals Farm, is a work that has a plot of animals attempting to develop a ideal society, but the work as a whole is dystopian, meaning it is making a case for the impossibility of an ideal or perfected society, since often time these societies forget to include the reality of human →

Good the animal farm book review example

The story itself, offers an insurmountable allegoric satire describing the tragic defeat of the expectations raised by the October Revolution in 1917 and simultaneously the defeat of every revolution that concludes in giving excessive and uncontrolled power to a small group of " representatives" the pigs in Animal Farm-. The lack of freedom and the →

Example of animals make us humans (temple grandin): movie and literature review movie review

The book points out the specific behaviors exhibited by animals and the way that they are exhibited in response to the environmental factors surrounding the animal. Grandin plays the intermediary role between humans and animals." Animals make us Humans" is a book by Temple Grandin is a creative nonfictional book that focuses on the emotional →

Literature review on war theme

Nearly the winner of the Whitbread Book Prize in 1982, War Horse is a fantastic story of the horse's bravery and devotion. The intent of this literary evaluation is to present the themes of the novel War Horse and explain how they brought the story to life in War, Horses and Human Nature.

Sample literature review on biology

Most of the protein synthesized by the mitochondria are encoded by the genes in the nucleus of the cell and must be imported to into the mitochondrion. Proteins remaining in the mitochondrion are characterized by a special signal sequence that is recognized by the mitochondrial stimulation, which is a chaperone as it targets the proteins →

The meat eaters article review example

In his article, " The Meat Eaters," Jeff McMahan discusses the concept of animals suffering at the hands of other animals, and whether or not this should be tolerated. He suggests a possible solution to the problem of animals suffering in the wild: to allow all carnivorous animals to go extinct and then replace the →

Free literature review about phoenix as a symbol for endurance in a worn path

In Eudora Wetly story " A Worn Path," the path that the old woman Phoenix Jackson walks on symbolizes the theme of the story that repetition in life can become similar to the monotony of death. In the woods, on a path that Pheonix has walked her whole life, she is confident.

Sample article review on health news

The decline is in the report by the director of IHME in 2013. However, a combination of polymer and antibiotics avoided the defensive enzymes of MRSA.

The greater one-horned rhinoceros review

The wildlife sanctuaries of Assam is the home for the major portion of world's one horned rhinoceros population and the population has increased by 27% in Assam since 2006. Faecal metagenome bears a signature of the gut microbiota, therefore, this study aimed to identify the potential, valuable and unique microbiota present in the faeces of →

Skyrim review

You must decide quickly whether you will escape the burning town with the imperial guard, or with the leader of the rebellion who has recently murdered the king and claims that government is oppressing the natural born peoples to Scrim. The good and the bad for this you ask?

Understanding the linkage between human food insecurity and lemur population declines in madagascar: a literature review

People are becoming desperate and switching to unsustainable practices of obtaining food for the short-term benefit of human health at the long-term cost of the environment. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify a stronger connection between low fish supply and lemur population declines in Madagascar.

Predictability of anthrax infection in the serengeti tanzania article review examples

The scientists hoped to indentify factors in the environment and climate that associated with the outbreaks of anthrax, as well as any patterns of infections in the various species of wild animals. But they also found a correlation between the alkalinity of the soil and serum anthrax levels in lions and buffalos.

Good the effect of nutria in louisiana literature review example

5 acres of marsh 40 nutria potentially cause " permanent loss of 50% of the biomass produced" during a 20-year growth - " Within 20 years, a high density of nutria could result in the permanent loss of one-half of all the potential organic matter produced in a marsh.- Nutria grazing idamage to the biomass →

Free petrol direct article review example

The only problem is that the information presented on the site cannot be ascertained whether it is credible or not. It helps that there is a word from the chief executive officer of the company and also a guarantee that the products meet the required standards according to the California's organic foods requirements.


Compared to the velocity of the first car before the collision, the velocity of the combined cars after the collision is A piece of putty moving with 2 units of momentum strikes and sticks to a heavy bowling ball that is initially at rest. Compared to the force of the car on the bug, the →

Free literature review on best form of therapy in working with juvenile delinquents

Effects of Frustration on Behavior of Juvenile Delinquents. Multisystemic Therapy with Violent and Chronic Juvenile Offenders and their Families: The role of treatment fidelity in successful dissemination.

A literature review: addictive behaviors

Thomas Hint and Karl Mann are both under the department for addictive behavior and addictive medicine, central institute of mental health In the university of Heidelberg, Anaheim, Germany. All of the reasons for supporting the article written by Hint and Proof.Dry.

Good has psychology failed article review example

Article Review: " Has Psychology Failed?" by Jastrow The article " Has Psychology Failed?" by Jastrow addresses the issues facing applied psychology and the limitations imposed by different schools of psychology, such as behaviorism and the psychoanalytic school. The only evidence Jastrow appears to show in favor of the proposed naturalist approach in psychology is →

Reviewer in humanities essay sample

He studied at the Manila High School, and obtained his bachelor of arts from the University of the Philippines in 1918, and his master of arts from Columbia University in 1921 Bienvenido L. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorporating both views in his works.

Free article review on promoting an alternative framework in teaching

They always make sure that every child has one set of toys, books and art materials to be able to explore and study on their own. During plays and art workshops, it would be effective for educators to replicate the collectivism framework in Beijing.

Free article review on muammar gaddafi is dead says libyan pm

The article is about the report of the death of the late former Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi in the Guardian media. In the article is described the events that led to the capture and killing of Osama.

Good example of article review on discrimination in citizenship

Since the ancient years, it is possible that there is already billions of both resolved and unresolved cases of discrimination that have been filed in different courts, not counting yet the discriminations that has happened but not spoken of. There should be no more discrimination because it breaks the concept of equality and coordination of →

Good eli and oskar movie review example

What we see in the movie is that Eli is using Oskar. The point is that Oskar was already in love with Eli and after she had saved his life, he felt that he owned her something.

Free article review about ageism

The group aims at sensitization of issues such as the availing of resources and healthcare and resources to the elderly. The media plays an active role in promoting prejudices towards the old and the young.

“does a teaching intervention make a difference?” article review example

In tandem to this, Mockiene et al.also confirm that the research designed used is RCT, also, the research is quantitative, ascribed to the number of variables used, and this is analogous to Holzemer assertion that, for an RCT design to be used, the researcher must include an intervention, which is manipulated and exposed to the →

The us system movie review examples

With such prestigious universities as Harvard and Yale, we can observe a shift in the quality of education which is not seen in the other countries chosen for comparison. The Finnish system is also good and there is a vibrant possibility to better its educational systems especially in the larger cities of Helsinki and Tampere →

Example of sexual harassment: counteraction groups literature review

In a book by Charles Jones titled The Black Panther Party Jones explains about the role of women in counteraction groups and the sexual harassment cases that taint the movements. These books present contrasts between women and sexuality and explains why sexual harassment is rampant in some part of the world as compared to others.

Clark-lewis, elizabeth. living in, living out: african american domestics and the book reviews examples

According to Rollins, the main aim of racism was to make the black Americans independent and to create a hierarchy in which the whites were on the best jobs while the African Americans worked as subordinate staff. This resulted to enrollment of the blacks to the schools of the white and sign of equality and →

Good movie review on through deaf eyes

The university is the only one of its kind that offers services catering specifically to those who are deaf." Through Deaf Eyes" also featured actress Marlee Matlin, who is a common figurehead in the deaf community. They are deaf, but they are also human, and that is what is most important".

How does cultural diversity in women influence their participation in sport literature review examples

The concept of diversity in sports is an aspect that has been rooted in the history of sports, in addition to becoming an important aspect in sports. In the contemporary society, the participation women in sport are one of the fastest elements and more women are seeking knowledge regarding sports.

Good example of good behaviour games as an intervention for maladaptive behaviour: a literature literature review

For this reason, the use of good behaviour games as a remedy for maladaptive behaviours is effective because it " moulds" preschool up to third grade students to realize the essence of obeying rules, which is feasible through avoidance of maladaptive behaviours. Medland & Stachnik further notes the effectiveness of good behaviour games as an →

The critique of public choice theory on metropolitan governance literature review sample

One of the biggest assumptions made in the Tiebout model is that all citizens are constantly updated and aware of all information related to the running of tax-related services, as well as how all municipalities are being run." For the Tiebout model to work, citizen consumers must have accurate knowledge of the alternative local public →

How homophobia hurts everyone article review

Blumenfeld talks of the nature of the social construct of homophobia by assimilating it to other phobias that also tend to be based on not only an individual's understanding of the world, but equally as a result of the influence that an individual gets based on the surrounding social factors and other human understanding. In →

Free article review about team leadership

Their article addresses the developments in the field of work group diversity since the publishing of the work by Williams and O'Reily, offering a review of 40 years of research in the field of demography and diversity of organizations. Shippers addressed the developments in the field of work group diversity since the publishing of the →

Maroon 5 concert (team) review research paper sample

The crowd danced while waiving their hands to and fro as the band performed " This Love" until the song came to an end giving way to a thundering round of applause. I look forward to attending more concerts by the band because of their variety and classic performances." Shows".

Film analysis: do the right thing movie review examples

This analytical paper aims at elaborating the outstanding scenes and criteria used within the film, which is essential in enhancing a success in the development of the theme of the film, doing the right thing. Initially, the film, Do the right thing is related to the basic life experience of the director of the film →

Good example of essay on how to train your dragon: film review

In the movie ' Stoick the Vast' is chieftain of Viking village and Hiccup who is the main character of the movie is his son. Hiccup shows the influence of prejudice and intolerance when he attempts to kill dragon in the movie.

Movie review on race and ethnicity

It slows the economic growth of a country due to the uneven distribution of the natural resources and wealth. It was a form of discrimination as they would be locked out in borrowing due to the discouragement of the high interest rates.

Article review on hiv article critique

The purpose statement is very well stated and pertinent to the study objective of this research paper. The research design seems to be apt in addressing the aim of the article.

Far from the madding crowd composition book review examples

Bathsheba Everdane's relationships with Farmer Boldwood and Sergeant Troy do not succeed.- There is no true love between Bathsheba and the two men.- Although she takes long to realise it, Bathsheba's true love is Gabriel Oak.- A good marriage is founded on mutual love between the partners.- Body - A marriage should be based on →

Good example of literature review on the process of hospice utilization

Hospice caregiving is described as that which is patient and also family centred in a way that it is designed to cater for the needs of the patients as well as the needs of the caregiver. Racism and discrimination has been one of the most fabric factors of America that has adversely been of great →

Example of statement of the problem literature review

Based on the research by Melhim, tae kwon do, and other forms of martial arts cannot be used as comprehensive fitness program since they rely more on anaerobic metabolisms. Aerobic and anaerobic power responses to the practice of taekwon-do.

Good checking my privilege article response article review example

It seems that Fortgang is upset because while not everyone is equal in the history of mankind, and even today, he wants the world to pretend that everyone is. It is certainly not Fortgang's fault that he has this privlidge.

Good example of essay on a review of rights to healthcare in the united states: inherently unstable

The explosion of chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease are on the brink of overturning the current structure of the national healthcare insurance system in the U.S. This need of the common man for healthcare services, led to the emergence and evolution of Medicare and Medicaid born out of a necessity to implement →

The silicon rubber review

The method followed for the preparation of hybrids were given in the supporting information. 5 mm was used for the dielectric measurement.

Ocean acidification and the process involved in its occurrence movie review examples

The process involved in the acidification of the ocean is a chemical one where, as carbon dioxide is dissolved in the ocean water, it reacts with the water to form carbonic acid. The increase in ocean acidity causes a reduction of carbonate in the ocean water a substance that is invaluable to a myriad of →

Free book review on african leaders’ contribution towards slave trade as the main facilitators to

The book ' The Salt water slavery: a middle passage from Africa to American Diasporas' is authored by Stephanie Smallwood illuminating more on the extent of the African slavery and what extended from the slave markets into the Atlantic ocean during transit of the slaves. The sections are the African slave markets along Gold →

Life in the leatherwoods ( a book by john quincy wolf) book review sample

Life in the Leatherwoods by John Quincy Wolf is a very rare memoir about the lives, society and culture of the ' plain folk' of the Upper South during the late-19th Century, specifically the white small farmers of the Ozark Mountains in northern Arkansas. This was the norm in the childhoods of the grandparents and →

Good article review about highway-railroad grade collision, maryland

The two meet at a private grade crossing; the train horn sounded the required times, but the Mack Granite truck failed to stop and collided with the train. He managed to move the crane, but the foreman was struck and killed.

Good movie review about fracknation

The movie tries to prove its authenticity to the anti-frackers about the importance of fracking, and how essential it is for any nation to generate energy and gas. McAleer provokes Joshua fox, the director of Gasland; a documentary that released in 2010, to prove fracking can have dangerous and ill effects on the people living →

Wine to water: a bartender’s quest to bring clean water to the world-review essay examples

Wine to Water: A Bartender's Quest to Bring Clean Water to the World is a well written piece by Doc Hendley, which reflects a motivated path of his life to make clean water available for the needy people around the world. The tone of the book is quite direct and its content visualizes the essentialities →

Free hotel rwanda: a movie review sample

However, when the outbreak continued, his family and neighbors were threatened by Rwandan Army officers, forcing him to turn the hotel into a " refugee camp" as he struggles to maintain the hotel's reputation as a luxury hotel. Later on, with the help of UN convoys, the hotel refugees were able to leave the premises →

Toni morrison’s recitatif literature review examples

It is never fully explained which woman is of which race, but because of the cultural differences the reader is led to believe that the white woman is of higher social standing than that of the African American woman. Although the story takes place in a more modern setting with laws are in place to →

Article review on critique article

In terms of the argument that this research makes, it is clear that the author has a clear hypothesis that personal factors are among the key reasons that has increased the prevalence of Dyslexia, in about three percent of children in the United States. The first criterion that causes this research to be subject to →

Example of race and ethnicity in media movie review

One of the best attributes of the film is the director's achievement in the portraiture of Malcolm's progression of thinking. The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

Reading response, causes of prejudice article review examples

Under the larger category of " The Psychology of Prejudice", Parrillo studies the cognitive, emotional and action-orientation levels of prejudice, self-justification, personality and frustration. In his section on " The Sociology of Prejudice", he explores different elements of prejudice as the result of socialization, of economic competition, and of social norms.

Racism in poetry literature review

Moreover, the speaker of the poem is a slave, and he is arguing that he is just as American as the white people of the country. In mentioning the colour of the pigeons' feathers and their ' cooing' accents, the poet is linking the image to the colour of Hispanics' skin and to their differing →

Racism literature reviews examples

On the other hand, passive racism how people who do not engage in discriminating other people based on their race but they enjoy the privilege of belonging to a certain race. This is pure racism because I do not see how the color of the skin affects a person from working.

Example of is there a bias in medicine literature review

The report goes on to describe two different studies that demonstrate the importance of race in doctors' medical practices, mentions that doctors also discriminate against the obese, and concludes it is up to the patient to demand proper care and to seek out a physician who will treat him properly. Here we have a first-person →

Example of malcolm x rhetorical techniques article review

It goes without saying that his choice of words and diction brought out the feelings of the black people in the right way because they at least in one way or another he talked about the brotherhood of man in which in another way can be looked at as nationalism regard to logos, he appeals →

A book review on: nothing to fear by adam cohen

Cohen, an editorial writer at The New York Times, makes extensive use of bothprimary and secondarysources to unmask the clear, compelling story of how the prevailing circumstances of the nation together with the attitude of its political leaders reshaped American society in so brief period of time. The book is simply the evaluation of the →

Literature review on asbestos pathophysiology and safety guidelines

The most affected area is the lining of the lungs known as the pleura but it can also affect the lining of the stomach and the heart. This has led to the development of strict guidelines to govern the alterations of these structures so as to protect the health of the construction workers and that →

Review of dovpo trigger 168 tc box mod

The adjustment buttons are located on the top side of the mod which is a little different and for good reason. The key thing which I now look out for and this mod has it increasing increments of 1 watt at a time, this is so much easier then 0.

Article review of smoking

However, the rate of the students who tried to smoke in both sample groups is also interesting. However, the rate of mothers and friends who smoke in the Turkish sample is lower than that in the German sample.

Women redeemed from sexual addiction book reviews example

Little is thought about the predominance of sexual compulsion in ladies, yet clinicians say the marvel is true and just now getting the consideration given men." No Stones" is a thorough methodology to recuperation for female sex and affection/sentiment addicts. This book looks at the issue of sex and adoration enslavement in ladies by taking →

Looking for richard review

This aspect of the docudrama is embedded right at the beginning, as Pacino opens the curtains to the stage, only to be faced by an audience of one, but the voice of this one man outweighs the voice of any audience of men. This, I assume, is a result of context of the modern era, →

Title: hamlet

Title: Hamlet Author: William Shakespeare Year of publication: 1603 Setting and time period: 16th century Denmark Primary Characters: * Hamlet- indecisive, isolates himself, plans his " antic disposition" * Claudius- murder of King Hamlet, Hamlet's uncle and stepfather, guilty * Ophelia- Polonius's daughter, Hamlet's love, drowns Secondary Characters: * Horatio- Hamlet's friend * Polonius- protective →

Example of love and marriage in a midsummer nights dream literature review

A Midsummer Night's Dream has many things to say about the themes of love and marriage; it is mostly portrayed as something foolish and impetuous, with youthful lovers making rash decisions and falling into literal spells. By presenting this reality, it helps to provide more and more of a cognitive dissonance between what Bottom perceives →

Example of book review on shakespeare questions

For example " To Be or Not to Be" is a comment made by Hamlet to the outside audience and does not represent Hamlet's thought at that moment.- A. I do feel that murder in Hamlet is similar to the murder of Abel.

Critique article review example

The morale of the department also reduces the satisfaction of the employees. The study explains the composition of the various variables in the study.

Marat/sade article review

As mentioned earlier, the play is actually a play within a play. The direction and production aspect of the play was superb.

Servant leadership in nursing article review example

It is worth noting that this type of leadership requires the deepest level of intuitive perception and understanding, empathy, the ability to look within and around, a sense of community and a stable framework of values. In the nursing setting, a leader as a servant can be considered the one who creates the conditions to →

Movie review on how arnold won the west

The movie changed the way I feel about the possibility of a free and fair election in America because from the beginning the Gubernational election was purportedly stage managed by the republicans so as to steal a senate seat that was not theirs from the beginning. A re-election is finally set up and the lead →

Literature review on the wonga coup book by adam robert

Adam Roberts covers that reality in his book The Wonga Coup, which details a seemingly contemporary repeat of the European exploitation of Africa through the attempts of a mercenary group consisting of Englishmen and South African soldiers to overthrow the ruling regime of Equatorial Guinea in 2004. Africa, with all its vast riches, will stay →

Example of movie review on blonde woman: couldn’t you give us just a couple of minutes?

The influential impact that I derive from the characters is that both Michel and Patricia portrays the cunning tendencies as evidenced by the accidental possession of a gun by Michel as well as the involvement of Patricia with him inspiring an inclination of fascination, sex and affection within the spectrum of the gangster persona. The →

Essay on a review of the situation

The main concern that teachers address is not whether EAL students are academically competent or if their English is just not on par to accomplish goals; but rather the question of how to cater to both EAL and non-EAL students at the same time without compromising on the both of their quality of education. To →

Free book review on new haven: yale university press. 1977

The thesis of the book is that women used the opportunities they had in society to move from the home sphere out into the world. Cott's book New could be thought of as a product of the time because the subject is women and women's spheres in the home and finding ways to create spheres →

Good the importance of thomas paine’s “common sense” in american history literature review example

The ideas of Natural Laws, and the roles and limitations of the Government, which are expressed in this document, were in wide circulation in the educated circles at the time, and even the common people with little education felt the injustice of absolute rule and lack of rights. Therefore, the role of Paine's " Common →

Literature review on afghanistan

Therefore, the individuals of Afghanistan have been subjected to provincially defined understandings of themselves, and have yet to get the social and intelligent devices important to oppose and reject the inconvenience of the other's perspective of self. The consequence is that the larger part of performing artists in and eyewitnesses of Afghanistan are trapped in →

Example of book review on british in the middle east between 1798 and 1914

It is aid that the main aim of the British venturing into the Middle East was to gain control of the trade routes and the oil in the area. The British in collaboration with the French and the Russians collaborated to enhance the technology of the Middle in a quest to subdivide the empire among →

Article review on history comparison

Here, the Balfour Declaration, Henry McMahon's Letter to Ali ibn Husain, and the British Mandate for Palestine are all compared and contrasted in terms of how they affected the area, as well as other important questions relating to their role in the Israeli-Palestine conflict. In the Balfour Declaration, UK Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour describes →

Repurposing a wheelchair: reshaping a life article review sample

Seeing her life slip away and become restricted, Austin's new wheelchair gives her an exhilarating feeling having the mobility to whiz around, roam the streets, and feel the wind on her joyful face. In 2005, when she began to dive, she realized that scuba " extends her range of activity" bringing a sense empowerment to →

Book review on evidence, argument and conclusions

Introduction and Thesis Robert Remini was correct that the War of 1812 was mostly a disaster for the United States except at the very end, when Andrew Jackson defeated a superior British force at the Battle of New Orleans in January 1815. Remini's narrative of the battle and the events leading up to it →

Managing your boss – review

To manage situation like this we need a good understanding of the other person and ourselves, and use that information to develop and anage a compatible working atmosphere that compatible with both people's work style and assets. Next step is to find a way of working that suits employee and boss.

A review of the work and play poem by ted hughes

In the first stanza, the writer, uses alliteration in the first phrase, " The swallow of summer, she toils all the summer" the use of 's' words. In the second stanza, the writer uses a metaphor, ".the barbed harpoon" in the first line, to describe the swallow.