Genuine Review Examples

Example of article review on race and ethnic relations

In Waren's " Using Monopoly to Introduce Concepts of Race and Ethnic Relations," he showcases a potential method of introducing concepts of ethnic and racial relations to students through the game Monopoly. The overall goal of this modification to the game is to show students the effect of racial discrimination from the other side of β†’

Example of literature review on examining secondary school saudi male students’ english writing quality and fluency

The author focuses his discussion on a study of Saudi English-Major Undergraduates and the problems they experience in academic writing. Al Asmari on the other hand, points out that acquisition of second language skills include writing and speaking the language is affected by a myriad of factors in the immediate social environment.

The article was written by a certain professor, whose identity was not revealed article review example

Article 1: Gary Soto's " Looking for Work" One initially presumed that the main point of the article was basically the adventure or challenges allegedly encountered by Gary Soto in looking for work. One envisioned the contents to be about the travails of searching for permanent employment which would provide the searcher with a β†’

Good strategies to develop local communities; community intervention article review example

For treatment, one has to take every case in detail and then design the treatment plan which may differ from others residing in the same community; however precaution would help everyone to be aware and clear about their actions and consequences which is likely to be more lasting and durable. When one has a complete β†’

Free article review about strategic impact merit pay: a review

The authors devised an alternative approach to the pay for performance system called Strategic Impact Merit Pay in which employee behavior is considered in the calculation of compensation. Initiative and creativity would flourish improving the overall performance of the staff and people in high tier positions would be challenged to live up to their titles β†’

Example of bringing addie to life: instructional design at its best article review

I would like to suggest that the designers should commit themselves to the production of a relevant and well researched program which can help in the accomplishment of the objectives as planned. Otherwise, it will be challenged during the development process in which it should be repackaged to ensure that it is up to standard.

Example of nursing: balanced scorecard literature review

Conclusion - Description of how the balanced scorecard reflects the strategic plan of the organization and nursing's role therein. In concluding the value of scorecard will be briefly outlined while a description of how the balanced scorecard reflects the strategic plan of my organization and nursing's role therein is discussed.

Facilitator literature review examples

The selection of the armchair research method is a calculative strategy because studying the language of a community is hard. Initially, the researcher thought of what the general compliments of the people in a particular area could be.

Information system evaluation literature review sample

When designing an Information System Evaluation Tool, it is important to consider the privacy of patient information, the security of the information gathered, its accuracy, capacity of the system, and the cost implications of maintaining the system. The process of evaluating health information technology systems differs from other types of evaluation because it is designed β†’

On china book review

Kissinger states that, following his theories, China was able to remain a ' geopolitical free agent' during the cold war and formed a tactical partnership with the subdue its fellow communist neighbour. He says that the Chinese continue to display this tactic, as is evident when, post 9/11 " China remained an agnostic bystander β†’

The wasteland literature review examples

Eliot begins " The Wasteland with the section named, " The Burial of the Dead". The two women in this part symbolise the two sides of contemporary sexuality: one side is a dry, infertile exchange, attached to obsession and self-destruction, while the second side is a wild fertility linked to an absence of culture and β†’

Example of theodore roethke literature review

The specific nature of the boy's relationship with his father is a complex dichotomy between love and victimization, as the father is shown to be clearly alcoholic and abusive, both to his son and to his mother. Here, the language takes a dark yet comic turn, as the son's clinging to his father is related β†’

Sample literature review on explicate the poem: dulce et decorum est

He could never get over the trauma and tragedy of warfare and his poems are among the most emphatic piece of literary works which denounce warfare and exemplify the brutalities of violence and the ultimate futility which leads to irreplaceable loss of lives and psychological strain. The poem is a first-hand account of the mental β†’

The modernist features in prufrock literature reviews example

The ability of a poet or writer to connect events that shape the society and the world at large with the ideas in the poem is what determines whether a poem will remain relevant for years. Many modernist writers and poets use many of the themes that are covered in the poem.

Good example of alliteration in the raven literature review

In the poems " The Raven", " Lenore" Poe inquires the loss of ideal beauty and the difficulty in getting it back. Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven - A.

Example of beowulf literature review

Beowulf who is the hero in the poem grows in wisdom through pain and at the end of the epic tale, he triumphs through personal experience. In the poem, Beowulf is portrayed as the hero of the people for saving them from the monster Grendel.

Poem comparison literature review samples

Those Winter Sundays," by Robert Hayden and bilingual bilingue by Rhina Espaillat address the past events as they appear in the memories of the authors. The father used to wake up early in the morning during the winter Sundays of the times and light fires in the fireplaces in order to warm the house.

Understanding ‘nothing gold can stay’ literature review examples

It is believed by a multitude of literary experts to be one of the best poems written in English. The poem is a teacher which inspires us to respect life and accept the changes.

Poetry analysis literature review sample

1) " Halley's Comet" by Stanley Bunitz This passage is meant to demonstrate the excitement and joy that young boys feel at the exciting and the new - the boy does not quite understand that his life and the lives of everyone else would end. The " boy in the white flannel gown" is doing β†’

Literature review on revelations in the ordinary

The reader witnesses the literal events as the boy waits at school, returns home to the mourning family, and sees the body of his little brother in the coffin. The significance of the form of the poem is that the regular stanzas represent an attempt to bring order to the situation of conflict, in which β†’

Essay on sonnet 18 review

This is due to the poem's lack of specific description of the person who is being adored in the poem; the qualities Shakespeare describes are universal enough to be nonspecific, and many are impossible to reach, like immortality and eternal youth. This is the first of the sonnets of Shakespeare that does not reference procreation β†’

Anne bradstreet’s poem on queen elizabeth is typical of her poetry literature review

Anne Bradstreet, the poet of In Honour of that High and Mighty Princess, Queen Elizabeth, was the first female poet of America who poured her heart out in her literary pursuits echoing the perfect mesh of Puritan thoughts and feminine emotions. She is drawing a comparison between Queen Elizabeth and the Greek Goddess of Wisdom β†’

Literature review on poem analysis

For example, in the fourth line, the poet stated that " in that rich earth a richer dust concealed". This implies that the poet believed that when he dies in foreign land, his dust would enrich the soil because it will have a piece of England.

Sherwin bitsui an important american indian poet book review example

ANWR This is a classic poem which deals with the phenomenon of the outback and being caught without gas in the middle of nowhere. This is a great poem which demonstrates the full force of Sherwin Bitsui's writing.

The first two lines of frosts poem goes literature review

Then there is the more difficult path:" And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear" This path represents the more difficult paths or obstacles that we meet in life the path that only a few people choose because the way is hard to figure out and is difficult to go β†’

The student revolution of 1968 article review

In fact, the whole month of May is dedicated as an anniversary of the student strikes and uprising that took place in May 1968, as well as other major events that have taken place in the month of May. The one certain thing is that May is not one of the best months in the β†’

Book review of dagmar herzog: intimacy and exclusion: religious politics in pre- revolutionary baden

Therefore, Herzog highlights how liberal Christian men discussed and struggled with institutions and representatives of the church and inside their own political wing to define political campaigns that conquer the relationships of men and women as well as Christians and Jews, with the outcome of being a driving force in the 1848/1849 revolution of Germany. β†’

Persepolis: marjane satrapischildhood in revolutionary iran book review sample

Marjane Satrapi's book Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, published by Pantheon Books of New York, NY in 2003, tells the author and artist's own story of her childhood in Iran during the 1970s and 1980s during revolutionary times in her home country. Satrapi does not subscribe to that idea; perhaps this is because the β†’

Good article review on how are they utilizing the planning, implementation, and evaluation processes

Specifically, she stressed that she really wanted to be hands-on or doing the travel to see for herself, the extent of misery and need that the people they earmarked to help currently encounters. Planning is being undertaken by their staff at the foundation to look into distinct areas that need to be addressed given their β†’

Lakota woman review

The main point in writing this book was to present the reader with the Indian viewpoint on how they were treated and what the effects of that treatment has done to their people over the years. The use of the pipe along with the Willow tree tobacco, the various dances performed, and the infusion of β†’

Film review “real women have curves” movie review examples

As did most of the women in the movie, she must have believed that there was no place for her in society or that she was not good enough to make it big, that she did not deserve to be more than what she already was. It was also because of these notions and stereotypes β†’

Free literature review on significance of the study and the contributions it can make to society in general

We will classify and analyze on the basis of whether; the purpose and method of study is clear; For the purpose of analysis of qualitative methods we will look at the research article submitted by Laura L Tirado-Gomez on " Cervical cancer: a qualitative study on subjectivity, family, gender and health services". The participants in β†’

Cactus flower production analysis movie review

The Off-Broadway production of Cactus Flower directed by Michael Bush at the Westside Theatre provides a lovely, bright look at the Sixties while still carrying the more whimsical themes of the farce. The crux of the play revolves around Julian, a philandering dentist, who pretends to have a wife in order to prevent himself from β†’

Example of male chauvinism book review

He handed over to his sister in law a bus fare ticket that was to be a means to send her back to Laurel. Weeks, later collapses and she masters courage to tell Stella about the bad ordeal of her husband.

Literature review on kimberly

Tartuffe The play opens with Orgons's mother; Madame Pernelle, convinced of Tartuffe's piety, leaving rather than listen to the concerns of the rest of the family who have seen though him. Tartuffe's control Orgon reaches the point where he tells his daughter, Mariane to break off her engagement to Valere, who she loves, and marry β†’

Example of essay on review – why torture is wrong, and the people who love them

There is quite a bit of gore in the production, as is expected with the kind of wildness Christopher Durang is known for - he likes to shock and surprise his audience, and will often do so in the broadest way possible. The way he sends up post-9/11 fears of Islamic terrorists, the state of β†’

Free guilty pleasures by laurell k. hamilton book review sample

The author clearly has intentionally set up the two main characters in the novel to be strong willed females in traditionally male roles, to quash the stereotypes of a lead detective and head vampire having to be male to be believable. The humor in the story is sparse and provided by Anita through a series β†’

Gender difference in language article review examples

The title serves as the hypothesis as well as it attempts to seek inquiry on the biological state of the brains of the female gender and that of the male's. The author of the article looks into the neurological setup of the two genders and derives his hypothesis from the different capabilities of the brain.

Example of the history of the middle east book review

Harem Years describe the lives of the people in Egypt after the war while Fragments of Memory reviews the live that Syrians led before and during the war. The characters in the story Fragments of Memory rejected the invasion of the colonial masters in their country.

Literature review on gabriel in “the dead”

Gabriel himself is a bit of an antisocial misanthrope; he has difficulty relating to and talking to others, and he is one of the few people in the story to actively state that he dislikes Ireland. This extends to his lack of understanding about religion as well, since he cannot relate to the Catholic guests β†’

Circumcision of girls article review

This is unlike some of the scholars in Egypt who prefer to remain silent about the issue. Among the consequences of female circumcision discussed in this article include medical complications and loss of sexual pleasure.

Free book review on a dolls house by henrik isben

Why is Nora Helmer an historically significant figure In the play, A Doll's house by Henrik Isben, Act 3; Nora and Torvald resolve their issues and confront the truth, and Krogstad and Mrs Linde reconnect after several years apart and rekindle their relationship. This is as depicted in the play through Nora's actions.

The ambiguous nature of daisy millers character literature review

He is a writer prominent for his writing style which depicts details of his era, criticizes indirectly the faults of the society and social structure of his time and raises questions considering the validity of the time's principles. Daisy Miller is a painting in which Henry James draws and paints the portrait of his society.

Good example of essay on suggested sample screening critique please type your reviews

At the end of the movie Precious is a different person, determined to receive a high school diploma equivalency and improve her life and the life of her children. The ideology presented in the movie suggests the idea that the way Precious' family lives is the only way of life for African Americans, and that β†’

Free literature review on a literary analysis of the story the yellow wallpaper

For example, readers understand that the protagonist is stable in their emotions because of the information in her journal. This is because the medication attempts to protect a fragile mind of the woman in the narration.

Movie review on the mastery of vertigo

As the camera pulls back, we see the city skyline, as we follow the criminal climbing to the roof of a building, followed by Scottie and his partner this allows the audience to see who is chasing whom, and shows the stakes of the scene itself. Scottie, as the main character, becomes the central figure β†’

Crazy horse and custer book review examples

How were Custer's and Crazy Horse's childhood lessons and educations different? Also, while Curly was growing up, his mother played a fundamental role in teaching him the Sioux doctrine and the principal that everything they had was supposed to be shared equally.

Literature review on neighbour rosicky by willa cather

It is clear from his memories and anecdotes that he and his wife have struggled to keep going on the farm: the work is hard and the climate in winter very challenging. Towards the end of the story in the following spring, Rosicky has a heart attack and Polly rushes to help him.

Hunger of memory: book review

In his famous autobiographical book the Hunger of Memory: the Education of Richard Rodriguez, Richard Rodriguez, a renowned public speaker and author expertly illustrates his personal experiences of emotional disconnect and societal alienation. The main thesis or theme of the book form the author's point of view is that the society together with the education β†’

Example of literature review on the dangers of knowledge, gothic thriller, romance

The book and its monster have been compared to many different things in a variety of subtexts, but one of the clearest readings of the book indicates that the monster represents the dangers of knowledge, especially as the book posits that the pursuit of said knowledge can lead us to give up our humanity and β†’

Hamlet movie review

Hamlet, who is the main character in the play, is the prince of Denmark. According to the people have lost their beloved king Hamlet and he is to be succeeded not by his son but by his brother who they are not sure of.

Impressions from six stories literature review sample

In Tong's story, " The Brothers Shu," the street the families live on, the building they live in, and the nearby river are all referred to as dirty and/or black, and these images refer not just to the physical surroundings but the situation that these two families are in. His purpose in the story is β†’

Can parental involvement reduce teenage gang involvement article review examples

The question of whether the parents are still in control over their children, it is an issue that challenges the idea of involving parents in gang prevention and intervention. However, if the weight of the problem began to increase to the point of the parents totally lost control of their children, intervention would be the β†’

Example of movie review on homeless to harvard: a movie analysis

Director Peter Levin's movie, Homeless to Harvard, which starred Thora Birch in the role of female protagonist Elizabeth Murray, is a true to life story of " Liz" as she struggled to become a better person than what she saw in her parents. To entice students about college life, the teacher brings the students to β†’

Barefoot gen movie review examples

It feels one with pity to see the dead bodies of the victims and the continued deaths that occur along the way in the hope of sooner recovery. The fact that Gen is rejected and criticized in every family, social and cultural setting that he and his mother attempt to establish themselves indicates that their β†’

Conceptualization of the disability movie review example

Not all the time would one come up with the correct diagnosis, but the essence is to develop a plan of action with respect to the disability of the individual. The girl is about 14 years in the movie, and is curious about her sexuality and the challenges that come with it.

Argument analysis article review sample

Here, the author tries to catch the attention of the parents and teach them if they put educational TV programs, it is beneficial to children. The fact that he says Watching TV has got an effect depending on what programs one is watching, overcomes Seth's general point of view.

Basic skills of social research article review examples

The article by Richard Peets entitled Family and Religious Characterists' Influence on Delinquency Trajectories from Adolescence to Young Adulthood was selected by this student as the springboard for the discussion about basic social research skills. For religious characteristics, the variables are religious family environment, parent-child heterogamy, and religious participation.

Free the amazing spider-man 2 movie review sample

As Peter's old friend Harry Osborn returns to New York to head Oscorp Company due to his father's death, and an accident in Oscorp's lab, events start to shape up in what seems to be Spider-Man's most dangerous challenge, that involves coping with the truth about his parents. Along with three villains and a subplot β†’

Literature review on psy 3311- research method

Knowing the extent of the problem is detrimental in identifying the role of parental involvement to the issues of teenage involvement to gangs from which preventive measures can be formulated. In order for successful parental intervention AACAP also indicated a number of signs that might indicate the youth's association to any gangs.

Example of oedipus the king movie review

Oedipus the King is a play by Sophocles in which Christopher Plummer lays the role of the psychologically disturbed Oedipus. Throughout the play, Sophocles points out that it is wrong to believe in fate.

Example of reviews movie review

Oedipus The King tells the story of Oedipus, a young king who comes to wrestle with his past and his destiny, involving the inadvertent and unknowing murder of his father, and the marrying of his own mother. Oedipus' tragic flaw is the blindness he demonstrates towards the nature of his reality and the relationship β†’

Example of literature review on questionnaire: the role of parenting in child development

These respondents are the target group of the study as they have children whom they have brought up and who are currently undergoing through the early childhood education. The study is important for early childhood educational institutions so that they can plan for the strategies to use in the learning process of the children.

Categories of nutrients book review example

The author dispels a number of myths associated with pregnancy, consistently emphasizing on the importance of a balanced diet to the health of both the mother and the child. Brown assumes that most of the illnesses witnessed during the pre and post pregnancy periods are related in one way or another, to the nutritional content β†’

The importance of employees in marketing

It will also cover the basic concepts of marketing such as customer orientation, differentiation and the marketing mix and relate them to the role of employees in the organization. Relationship marketing and the element of human resources in marketing Recently, the concept of relationship marketing has been pushed forward as a replacement for the marketing β†’

Literature review on performance management

Literature Review on Performance Management Performance Management Performance management involves the process of clarifying and communicating performance expectation, priorities, and responsibilities to enhance mutual understanding between employees and supervisors. It involves setting and aligning of individuals' performance to organization's coaching, informal feedback provision, employee development, formally evaluating performance, strategic goals, and linking performance to rewards β†’

Willies way book review example

In the book, Van Hooser argued that businesses can develop a good relationship with customers by reaching out in various ways, such as making eye contact, or introducing themselves to customers, and getting to know the customer in order to personalize services based on their needs, demands, and interests. The good thing about redefining routine β†’

Global appendix questions book review example

Each of the components of international information systems has definite uniqueness.- Hardware: this is the machinery which is usually the computer. One of the elements that is significant for this idea is development of inter-organizational information system.

Price elasticity for food literature review examples

Price elasticity of demand is defined as a measure of the rate of response of the quantity demanded due to a change in price. In Thailand, carrying out the estimates of the demand elasticity for the consumption of rice is limited to the Engel curve or expenditure elasticity by making use of the cross-sectional data β†’

Plagiarism declaration literature review examples

According to therefore, a development process and approach should focus on the management of interactions and not entirely technology; collaboration among the software development team members and the communication skills through out the development process and the implementation stage of the project. The level of interactions and communication between the development team, the client and β†’

Literature review on o contact information

As a medical professional, it is straightforward to see the usefulness of a PHR, as availability of up-to-date medical records are an integral part of my profession and a help to accomplishing my job effectively. This attitude may also be influenced by the relative ease of use of a particular system including the ability to β†’

The mcdonaldization of society book review

The golden arches of the McDonald's logo make up of the most recognizable logos in the world. Ritzter goes on to make a very interesting claim about globalization and what he calls the " McDonaldization" of society: McDonaldization is the logical result of extrapolation of the increase of bureaucracy in American society.

Good investigate britain food culture literature review example

Food culture in Britain is changing and people are turning on the new kinds of food. It is the work of the society to reduce food chain's dependence on energy, water and other types of resources.

Free book summery book review example

I partially agree with this idea because some people may not have the same perspective as how they can satisfy their lifestyle in terms of the level of their income and consumption. I would recommend this book to my classmate so as they can have a personal reflection of their own satisfaction when it comes β†’

Movie review on the movie “thirteen”

But, when a single mother has to deal with her growing daughter, who is attached to her father, the implications can be volatile, as seen in the change in Traci's attitude in the movie, Thirteen. Traci, who was once a smart straight-A student, befriends Evie by winning her admiration in the most unethical manner; she β†’

Example of course work on video resume reviews

A video resume is a short video which a prospective employee creates and which is aimed at describing the qualifications and skills of an individual to potential employers. It is also imperative that a job seeker a reliable video resume website since there are a multiple of them and make sure the video is β†’

Good example of ethical issues in the social network movie review

In the middle of the chaos occurred we observe Mark Zuckerberg, promising student of Harvard University who launches the website that will change society structure in one moment, Eduardo Saverin, ones Zuckerberg's best friend and money investor in this idea, Sean Parker, one of the co-founders of the Napster portal who brought Facebook to Silicon β†’

A review of the book connected book review sample

The book can be said to be illuminating because the authors have managed to draw out the devil in detail and expose some of the bad impacts which can occur as a result of interactions apart from the benefits of socializing. It is a well written and lively account of the human social interactions and β†’

Prezi experience reflection and review

One of the English professors helped us with learning the Prezi interface and facilitated the designing of the structure for our Prezi. The major question they tried to answer in their presentation was " what is realness with reference to the real world? " In terms of their organization, they followed a very simple structure β†’

A reflection on service learning: working with eric article review examples

The underlying thesis of Gibson's essay is that Waverly High School is unlike any other school because of its unique approach of handling the educational, social and behavioral needs of its students in an individual manner. According to Gibson, the school avails a curriculum that is designed to meet the individual needs of every student.

Example of literature review on evidence based approaches

The use of MI could attempt to bridge the period of poor motor performance, fill the " practice gap" between the amount of training these patients need and the amount they receive, and be used to accelerate the acquisition of new motor skills by providing a well-suited cognitive model in advance of any physical practice. β†’

Example of article review on positive effect of kangaroo mother care

The purpose of the research was to investigate the use of in Neonatal Intensive Care Units and its association with breastfeeding on infants. The introduction provided a perfect explanation of the purpose of the study, and the main reasons for carrying out the study.

Sample literature review on online learning

Introduction Online learning is defined as the use of web to access learning materials; to interact with the content, online tutor, and other fellow learners; and to obtain the necessary support during the learning process; in order to gain knowledge, to construct personal meaning and grow with the learning experience. As online learning has gained β†’

Example of king kong (1933) movie review

The purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze the technological challenges that the director faced while creating the 1993 version of King Kong, and the renowned technological advances that were made by this iconic film. Nonetheless, King Kong remains a classic, a masterpiece of technology, which was ahead of the time in which β†’

Analyzing ‘the rocking horse winner’ and ‘rules of the game’ literature review example

And it is a significant point of contrast that the mothers in both stories have a direct role to play in the lives of the young gamers and are they key factors in the development of the story. Opposite to that, it's the curiosity as well as desire to learn and outshine in Waverly which β†’

Reaction paper 2 article reviews examples

The concepts of leadership and motivation are critical in the shaping of the modern world. Motivation, Emotions, and Leadership: The Silent Side of Management.

Example of comments on chapters 6,7,8,9 article review

The assessment of the difficulty of goals plays an important role in the achievement of goals as it highlights the difference between attainable and unattainable goals. The knowledge of oneself is important in the performance of tasks and contributes to the success or failure of certain tasks.

Good example of demography, labor growth, and employment outcomes article review

The ELMPS06 data highlighted in the article, clearly brings out the various aspects of the labor market exploiting across the time constraint in the view that seeks to assume the current employment status of the individuals being evaluated. The four year moving average is presented in the trend to help prevent the abstract from the β†’

Hpv-16 and its relation to cervical cancer literature review examples

Although global studies on the prevalence and pathology of HPV-16 and cervical cancer are rare, there are a number of localized, geographical studies that investigate the prevalence of HPV-16 and cervical cancer in a given area. The incidence of cervical cancer is highly associated with the HPV-16 virus in women.

Literature review on health inequity and inequality

Although a decline of its incidence in New Zealand was noted, such decline halted sometime in the 1980's and the rate of incidence becomes consistent thereafter and it remains to be an apparent health problem in the region which is highly associated with migration issues and other factors that are responsible for the local transmission β†’

Free case study on review of gis in housing and the effect of educational level

1 Background of Study Housing, in the human context, refers to the provision of a human being or beings with a physical structure which is constructed with the primary purpose of providing the occupant with security from the vagaries of weather, scum of the earth and other organisms; and with the secondary purpose of providing β†’

Drug treatment book review examples

This treatment may occur in one of the following modalities depending on the type of drug; residential therapeutic communities, chemical detoxification, drug-free outpatient treatment, methadone maintenance, or self-help groups. Therapeutic community is an approach, which needs adoption in the treatment of drug problem.

International marketing – political environment on developing country article review examples

With Kenya having successfully promulgated a new constitution that will build trust in the judiciary, the economic growth after the elections is expected to continue. The Kenyan political environment is anticipated to be stable beyond the elections returning promising a boom in the economy.