Genuine Review Examples

Review of “bless me ultima”

Although his faith is strong in the beginning of the novel Antonio witnesses his Father kill a man. His mother believes that he has the capabilities to one day become a priest although his father would love to see his son enjoy the life of a cowboy.

Book review of 6 suspects

The suspects include: Moan Kumar, a corrupt retired bureaucrat Sabina Sane, a Plywood star Skeet, a tribesman from the island of Little Madman in the Bay of Bengal Manna Mobile, a small time thief Jonathan Aria, Vicky father and a high level politician Larry Page, a naive Texan conned by a mail-order bride scam In β†’

Literature review on work reviewed

The author of the book, Violence in the domestic sphere, by Ingrid Westendorp has spent a lot time conducting research in the African continent regarding the practice of female genital mutilation. Therefore, the culture of female genital mutilation lies in the mental frameworks of the societies that practice female genital mutilation to date.

Free book review on the omnivores dilemma

The Omnivores Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals is a 2006 book by American author, Michael Pollan that takes readers through an enthralling expedition of the American food system. The second part of the book, which is the pastoral section, is one of the most fascinating parts of the entire book.

Book review on critical review of eating animals by jonathan safran foer

Eating Animals is a comprehensive Foer's individual description of disagreements with the principles of eating animals subsequent to the delivery of his son. The query of eating animals is conceivably among the most susceptible in the world." If and how we eat animals cuts to something deep," Foer elucidates." Meat is bound up with the β†’

Book review ruskin bond’s

Back in India, he spends his time making friends with an unlikely princess in a lonely tower, encountering a ghost in the garden, and recreating his grandmother's youthful days from an old photograph. He returned to India in 1955, and has never left the country since.

Without conscience: the disturbing world of the psychopaths among us. new york book review example

Much of the information and literature in this book about psychopaths is science in general. Although the book is alarmingly enjoyable, much of it is regrettable and factual and the saddest part of it is that it retells of sociopaths and psychopaths who appear to be incurable as no treatment for the adult's and their β†’

Book review on anthropology

He mainly focuses his research on political mobilization of the ethnic communities in central and north America, political violence, labour relations in this region and the general life of the marginalized communities within America and especially the street families in the inner city dwellings of North America. The manner in which the media presents this β†’

A book review of all quiet on the western front

While All Quiet on the Western Front may help us understand the effects of the Great War on Germany, it is as an account of trench warfare and a simple story of human endurance. The portrayal of the characters makes the reader feels as if at the scene of the battle.

Review on james baldwin’s story “notes of a native son”

I had and still do to this day I believe much resentment towards my parents for this, due to the fact I cut many people out of my life because I could not make time for them. I know my father wants me to succeed deep down, but his mentality of getting there and the β†’

Richard cory by edwin arlington robinson review

The envy and the jealousy of the poor and the needy lie with the rich and powerful. In the first stanza of " Richard Cory" the reader becomes aware of the main thrust of the poem that suggests the differences between the wealthy and the less fortunate.

Evelyn waugh’s brideshead revisited: literary review

With this history of Oxford in mind, it is suggested that it is because the university was obviously so male-dominated in this time and the colleges were not co-ed that the presence of women makes the men in the extract uncomfortable. It is also implied that the men in the extract believe themselves to be β†’

Good book review about gender and tragic morality

The confrontation between Antigone and Creon gives rise to the conflicts between genders in " Antigone". Antigone stands as an example to the society as a woman who acts out of duty and responsibility, to her conscience and to God.

All quiet on the western front test

Answer- Paul is a character in the book All Quiet on the Western Front, Paul shows many character traits but one stands out. The main theme for this book is the brutality and horror that is war in general.

The french and their revolution by richard cobb book review example

The book " The French and their Revolution by Richard Cobb" is a collection of several essays written by Richard Cobb on the account of French Revolution. He also gives the reader a chronological account of the events that occurred during the time of the French Revolution.

Example of book review on all quiet on the western front

We see the events of this book through the mind of the nineteen year old narrator; Paul Baumer who fought on the French front in the German army of World War was the patriotic speeches of his teachers that convinced him and his friends to volunteer to join the army as the words of β†’

Reviewing fernando meirelles and katia lund’s movie, city of god

Likewise, in this scene the repetitive rhythm of the gravel during the quick shot of the pavement addresses the hasty behavior of the characters Carrot and Knockout Ned within the transition of scenes. The camera pulsing through the scene gives an illusion of the viewer being in set, synced with the rhythm of the sound β†’

The crucible – performance review

Each actor showed a deep understanding of the plot and was able to convey the message about McCarthyism and thesymbolismof the witch hunts for the way people were suspected and persecuted in the 50s when McCarthy was most influential. Miller's work successfully illustrates the parallels between the series of events that occurred in the late β†’

Reaction paper to the tea party book book review examples

The book The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism is a book that was written after interviewing Tea Party activists across the United States. According to the book, as the digging in into the movement gathered momentum, it became clear that the Tea Party is not the giant obstacle that it's occasionally painted β†’

Literature review on perceived usefulness of students electronic devices

Regarding the purpose of using the technological devices in schools, Noeth and Volkov remark that technology serves for teaching and applying practical and sophisticated digital content, for providing simulations of real world experiences, developing cognitive thinking and extending learning outside the scholastic environment, for providing access to a vast area of information available through the β†’

Article review on leadership skills in community development

The article that Szu-Fang Chuang wrote, entitled " Essential Skills for Leadership Effectiveness in Diverse Workplace Development", provides a clear definition of the skills essential when conducting leadership in the workplace arena. As Szu-Fang stated, " Effective global leadership is a key to unlock the mystery of working with diverse employees and bring the β†’

Joys of science article review example

That is the beauty of the power of science with robotics". That is one of the gift that science provided".

Good example of how does music affect premature infants literature review

The implications about the use of music on preterm infants asserts that nurses should avoid the use of an undocumented music in music therapy sessions, educate and guide parents on how to select favorable music for their children and individualize music therapy to enhance alert responses among premature infants. The fact that music is useful β†’

Literature review on technology in education

The process of integrating technology in education according to Sessoms requires that the changes be a reflection of the transformation in the teaching methodology and pedagogy. Constructivism theorists such as Vygotsky argue that the modern technology should be incorporated in the teaching and learning process to enrich the content and make the teaching and learning β†’

Cross-culture negotiation take-home exam article review

This way, the parties from the French culture will accept the negotiator and participate effectively in the whole negotiation process. This is one of the tactics, which is used to relieve tension in the culture of the French.

Free literature review on the value of information

The more societies continue to make a living as a result of manipulation of information, the more people will be caught in a continued struggle of reducing the information overloads in their lives in the quest of reducing the uncertainty of what to do. In the process of selection and compression of information, some of β†’

Free forming movie review sample

It is at this point where two Titans in the movie argue about their priorities in the team. This is where the team members learn to motivate themselves.

Example of literature review on the mystery of capital

The Mystery of Capital, which bears the subtitle: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else, tackles the conflict by considering the advantages property law in ensuring capitalism work for the poor populations of the world. In the book, it is clear that the key source of the inexhaustible wealth of the developed β†’

Good example of biographical sketch of author book review

Crouch first explores the idea of ' culture' and what it means to a society: " Culture is, first of all, the name for our relentless, restless human effort to take the world as it's given to us and make something else". In Culture Making, Andy Crouch's overall purpose is to enlighten his Christian audience β†’

Maxwell jc 1998 the 21 irrefutable laws of leadership nashville tn thomas nelson book review examples

The reader is also given a series of tips and instructions so as to apply the law of leadership in his or her life at the end of each chapter. Maxwell stresses that no leader can perfect all the twenty-one laws and this is how he enumerates the importance of nurturing others in the organisation β†’

Literature review on two assignments (part one and part two)

In making this point, Desser suggests that the film is about human redemption as he makes connections between Milton's epic poem and the world of Blade Runner." The heatless, soulless, neon lights, the misting, acid rain and the teeming mass of humanity that populate this Los Angeles of the future is the very vision of β†’

Good example of article review on factors that help or hinder the development of the pdps

Relying on interviews results, the authors in their article listed some factors that may help GPs to undertake the new development plans. In addition, it is necessary to mention that such factors as regular plans undertaking valued by the practitioner and supported by GP tutors may also have their positive impact on the development plans β†’

Below show the carbon dioxide emissions by region article review examples

Many organizations have championed for enactment of tax liability to the companies causing such emissions in order to compensate the society for such suffering that is in an open way tied to the activities of the organization. Participants in the energy sector have argued that carbon dioxide is not the only pollutant contributing to the β†’

Free movie review on bringing down a dictator

It is a powerful film featuring some great filming and focuses on the ruthless brutality of the dictator paired with the intrinsic bravery of the opposition groups who faced considerable obstacles in attempting to get what they wanted. Nothwitstanding all this, it is an enjoyable movie and I liked it immensely although I would change β†’

Good example of leadership and the change process literature review

To cater for these deficiencies, human capital strategies and leadership training need to be promoted so as to create a positive working environment that reflects the demands of the nursing practicum. Leadership and management approaches in the nursing practice, significantly influence the capacity and quality of services by the nursing professionals.

Literature review on child development: time to grow

In cases where the child is in school, the child development research may help the stakeholders who may include teachers and parents to understand the basis of a child's performance. This can derail assisting the child, but once the research is conducted the child's displays a lot of information thus allowing the parents and guardians β†’

Good globe trekker video: iceland & greenland movie review example

The two islands also has several differences such as; Iceland is portrayed as more technologically developed compared with Greenland which is portrayed as being technologically backward. Greenland is larger than Iceland and most of it is covered with ice which is not the case in Iceland.

La mission and article review examples

However, the movie is more focused on revealing the susceptibility of the father leaving the issues of possibility and susceptibility of gay Latino unexplored. The community pride in the story line of the movie was the ultimate intention of the movie.

Forest development the indian way by richard reed article review samples

They believed in the replenishing of the environment because it is the nutrients present in the soil that were their source of livelihood. The Guarani and such communities in far areas in the world are suffering in the hands of big corporations that are buying their lands and taking over from them.

Role of play in early childhood article review

With regard to Play as a type of cognitive development, Jill is expressing two points of view. Play can be both indoor and outdoor, and, according to Jill, it is essential to use both of them.

Good example of jean paul satre and existentialism literature review

And the end and the beginning were always there Before the beginning and after the end. It was created out of the id and it seeks to fulfill the desires of the id, but in a manner that is acceptable to others and in the context of society.

Orathinkal article critique article review examples

The essay used in the description of the results was easy to follow. The researchers failed in that the article lacked summary of the article purpose that should have been at the beginning of the discussion section.

The value of literary review and the part we play essay example

In essence the act of critically analyzing a book is to observe what is being communicated and the styles and techniques the author uses to communicate those ideas. The essence of plagiarism is the direct copying and or modifying of a written idea or work and claiming it as one's own.

Example of book review on leadership

In this book author emphasized on bringing change when it is hard to change as the entire problem is in the mind so it is better to change the mindset rather than habits. Bringing change is not from the peoples' perspective but from the change in the situation.

Good article review about gis solutions for environmental management

This has been proven because of the interdependency of the ecosystem we live in and the impact of what humans do to the environment. Like any other information system, GIS is an integration of the basic components of information systems like the hardware, software and data.

Article review on leadership and motivation

Out of the three leadership theories, the author, Caol McKinney favors the situational leadership theory. Good leaders have the following traits: the ability to understand and work with a wide variety of personalities, the ability to organize work and people, and the ability to know their own strengths and weaknesses.

Methods literature review

The gubernaculum, is undifferentiated mesenchyme that is attached to the caudal end of the testes or ovaries on one end, and to the labiosacral swellings on the other end; it aids in the decent of the gonads. These form the borders of the inguinal canal, and also serves as the coverings of the spermatic cord β†’

Example of article summary article review

It is auditors who have to control the system that prevent and detect fraudulent activity and suspicious transaction. The article also sums up the fact that " Inductive Logic Programming" is the future of fraud detection and prevention techniques.

The future of cloud computing literature review sample

One factor to consider is the number of users involved, the extent of need and use of the applications, and whether the cloud application is to be used internally or is to be shared externally. Key drivers also play a role in determining the benefit of adopting cloud computing, especially scalability and the time it β†’

John hersey “hiroshima” book review essays examples

Further, " Of a hundred and fifty doctors in the city, sixty-five were already dead and most of the rest were wounded. So, it became difficult to provide immediate aid to the victims of blast, as the wounded individuals were large in number, and the hospital staff was not enough.

Nick hornby/how to be good. riverhead trade book review samples

This is because his sudden interest in change comes when he is about to lose his wife whom has over the years been patient and supported him. It is clear that he continues to be selfish since despite all the difficulty that he has put his wife through he continues to be selfish.

Free literature review on family educational developmental context in adolescents

In this context therefore, the importance of the family structure in the education and social development of a child is perfectly echoed in this model. The role of parents as a key constituent of the family in relation to the performance of their children is very important.

Book review on gaines m foster ghosts of the confederacy oxford

As such, southerners and the organizations that kept alive the chivalrous vision of the Lost Cause invented palatable explanations, such as the " overwhelming numbers" theory, for the Confederacy's demise." Extrapolating an image of success from the overwhelming-numbers explanation, hardly realized they had lost on the field of battle". Whereas many historians have regarded the β†’

Greek chorus article review

Enthymeme For one to find out the basic cause of things they must involve tradition and democracy itself is considered a tradition. In his work Pozzi illustrates that;" takin the pre-Dorianmyths from the Homeric renaissance and presenting them to the Athenian Audience, the playwrigths objectified the cultural tardition of the the polis.

Juvenile justice and the missouri model literature reviews example

America has the potential of reducing further the detrimental Juvenile crimes that are rampant in the US today if the Juvenile Justice will consider the Missouri model. The conflict of interest between punishing juvenile law offenders and the role of the system to bring about constructive behavior changes to the juvenile law offenders has β†’

Book review on identity and agency in cultural worlds

Firstly, they appear on the social level very early in the development of the child and later on in the development of the child, the functions appear on the individual level. The chapter agrees to the existence of specialized practices and discourses that each predicates a figured world that is realized in various personal identities.

Free literature review about conceptual framework

The underlying study entitled ' An evaluation of the hotel Memling waiters perceptions on informal food training in Republic Democratic of Congo' is aimed at finding and achieving the objective of the evaluation of the perceptions of the waiters of Memling hotel on the level and quality of informal training of food service provided and β†’

Five dysfunctions of a team by patrick lencioni book review

Kathryn and the senior leadership team at the Decision tech, more effective in making the rest of the team aware of the dysfunctions and subsequently pushes the team through them in order to become successful. Kathryn and the senior leadership team at the Decision tech, more effective in making the rest of the β†’

Good example of software engineer article review

There is a need to ensure that the procedures and the processes of documenting the system are clearly understood in the design of the project. One thing that is common with both the classical and the modern documentation tools is that there is the documentation of the processes that are included in the development of β†’

Sample article review on this was produced. course taught by professor

Therefore, this study sought to answer these questions:- What information is available about the early symptoms of autistic disorders?- Can a family physician diagnose an autistic disorder in a child under 24 months of age?- What is the best format to detect if a child under 2 years of age has autism?- What problems present β†’

Learning journal – leadership and power book review

Now I understand that the panacea lies in the ability to influence and persuade fellow employees to view a new issue from one's point of view. I plan to study, internalize and objectify the vision and values of my organization.

Literature review on sms system helping communication

The SMS system is essential is among the fastest tools of communication of written information to a large number of people in different location. The effect of SMS system in communication in different sectors is a matter of concern and consideration thereby influencing the way the public respond to information send to them through this β†’

Technologies and disruptive technologies article review examples

The increased use of wireless and mobility technology that came towards the end of the twentieth century has led to the creation of many gadgets that enable movement and connectivity of people at the same time. The information and technology sector has greatly been accelerated by the fast revolution that plays a great role β†’

The spirit catches you and you fall down book review

Anne Fadiman's 1997 novel The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures tells the story of a struggling Hmong family and their attempts to treat the epilepsy of their daughter Lia Lee. One of the central conflicts between the American doctors and the β†’

Example of self-disclosure gender and communication article review

Self disclosure connotes the aspect of susceptibility and taking risk on the part of the one opening up to another. With regard to the foregoing, satisfaction in a relationship is not necessarily pegged on self disclosure.

The making of young people who will change the world by tony wagner book review example

Children come to think that the right answer to a question posed to them in school is a better alternative to asking a question. In a joint effort to raise children who are insightful, creative and motivated, communication is essential between home and the teacher.

Good example of neurolinguistics literature review

Inactivation of this analytic mechanism comes out as damage and shifts the functions of language towards homologous mechanisms in the hemisphere of the brain that is not dominant. Neurolinguistics is defined as the interdisciplinary study of the processing of language in the brain, with particular emphasis on the processing of spoken language when there is β†’

How nonverbal communication can be more powerful than verbal communication article review example

President Barack Obama's use of nonverbal communication in his inaugural address was a very effective tool in his speech. President Obama must have definitely made special efforts to tone up his nonverbal communication as he was making such an important speech to an audience watching him from all over the world.

12 o’clock high movie review

For that reason, this film is regularly used like an example in stimulating the discussions with respect to the styles of leadership and effectiveness. The inner belief of this general is that he understands the needs and hopes of the unit.

Social psychology book review example

Likewise, according to DeLamater and Daniel, they discussed the issue of social psychology as the act which is characterized by human interaction he also studied the behavior of the individuals as a self estimated activity. Whereas the development of social perception focuses on the unfolding of the child son's abilities, the social learning perspective emphasizes β†’

Masking poor communication article review

The only trouble is to understand and be aware of this at the moment when misunderstanding is in progress, because in that moment we are usually under the influence of emotions and cannot think clearly and rationally. Maybe I should talk to her the first time when she said that she is in a bad β†’

Literature review on online business interaction

Most of these studies stress the centrality of good business communication in establishment of any business relationship. 2012 argues that it is possible to contest that the use of the online platform in communication improves relationships in business.

Planning movie review examples

However, Henry V is perhaps the finest film adaptation of a Shakespeare play, and Kenneth Branagh, who directed the film, wrote the screenplay and starred in it as King Henry V himself, was critically acclaimed around the world because of the film. King Henry's ability to plan is also revealed in Act 2 in the β†’

Helping doctors and patients make sense of health statistics article review examples

The literature is based on the widespread health statistics illiteracy and the team of psychologist's suggestions growth towards evidence-based society. The psychologists tested the physicians on their understanding of benefits and chance of occurrence of a disease given a positive test.

The material heterogeneity of recorded sound article review examples

Therefore, an audience is important; in the in the interpretation of sound actualization of sound recorded for playback. All these play an important role in the successful execution of a sound event; in the production of film or cinema sound.

Example of what every body is saying an ex-fbi agents guide to speed reading people book review

However, the fourth commandment is a bit tougher to read, discussing the individual patterns of behavior that are difficult to pick up unless you know the speaker. Moving on to more specificity, the book discusses tells from the hands and the feet particularly those pacifying behaviors that indicate discomfort on the part of the speaker.

Free book review on the hunt for red october annotated bibliographies

It is particularly significant that this book reflects real world events, the mutiny aboard the Storozhevoy and the defection of Captain Jonas Pleskys of the Klaipeda. Within the first, few pages of " The Hunt for Red October" Captain First Rank Marko Ramius and Captain Lieutenant Gregoriy Kamarov of the Soviet submarine Red October carry β†’

Film analysis movie reviews examples

The relationship between the two is built upon the belief that Henry thinks that he deserves Lucy, who seems to keep on forgetting him. This seems to the ' end of everything' between Lucy and Henry.

Good example of research paper on research article review

The researcher established that perceived stress and self-esteem accounted for 40% and 19% of the variance in depressive symptoms. The relationship between self-esteem and depression emerged in three out of the five research articles.

Theoretical article summary article review example

A conceptual framework further elaborates and paints a diagram of the theory that is presented in the article.c) Explanation of Concepts 1) First Concept 2) Second Concept The second concept is the individual aspect. Worldview The assumption of the theory under the world view assumption is that an emotional contagion and its relationship to a β†’

Example of barriers for nurses in providing patients with nutrition and hydration literature review

A qualitative descriptive study by Ross et al.was done to explore awareness, knowledge and perceptions of patient malnutrition in the acute care setting to identify barriers to the implementation of nutrition care. The studies were conducted in hospital and aged care settings in different countries and dealt with the provision of assisted feeding, general nutrition β†’

Four specific types of communication flows article reviews examples

The first communication flow is the maintenance of relationships with members through membership related negotiations. All of the four communication flows stated play a major role in an organization's effective communication both within itself, and with the outside world.

Example of article review on abnormal psychology peer-review article a longitudinal examination of stress

The Bible is not a book in the modern meaning of the word. The reason for this is that Christians believe that the Hebrew Bible promised the coming of the fulfillment of prophecy, and the Hebrew Bible is a testament, or witness to something in the future.

Literature review on introducing literary criticism

Dramatic Situation: Who is the Speaker, the " narrator" of the poem? Subject: What is the subject of the poem?

Family observation communication style book review examples

This paper aims to examine the communication patterns present in Chris' family and check their use of body language, other communication skills, if they are using negative communication styles and other factors that may affect their communication. The process of observing a family's communication patterns is important because these patterns usually vary from one family β†’

Example of article review on cognitive science

For proper functioning of the brain, the two hemispheres must have a mode of communication. As such, proper communication between various brain parts; the two hemispheres are of great importance for the proper functioning of the cerebral system.

Individual dynamics and leadership

Statement of Objectives of the Study The study would involve critical analysis of the book, derivation of the concepts present in the book and application of relevant theories studied with respect to Individual dynamics and leadership. The pigs become the supervisors of the rest of the animals.

Review of mel gibson as hamlet

Gibson's execution is powerful and extravagant; he's amusing to watch, and there's never a minute when he appears to be short of what sufficient to the undertaking he's embraced. He's made a populist, respectable and determinedly not for the ages.

Romeo and juliet act 3 scene 1 review

Act 3 Scene 1 is the main turning point of the play where it becomes a tragedy, the scene begins with Mercutio humouring everyone and then enters the happily married and love-struck Romeo refuses to fight Tybalt now that he has married Juliet, Tybalt thinks that Romeo is mocking him but still refuses so Mercutio β†’


Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows is the last novel of Harry Potter and the ending of Harry Potter story. Announcing that the ministry of magic has fallen under Voldemort's control, and that ministry officials, and the Death Eaters are on the the way to the borrow at the moment.

Harry potter 7 review

It's a time of great peril and therefore the Dursleys are forced to go into hiding so that Voldemort's gang, the "Death eathers", will not torture them for information, and Harry sets off with his best friends Ron and Hermione on a difficult quest to find and destroy the last of Voldemort's Horcruxes. I would β†’

Free literature review about comparison of honey treatment and traditional ointments in the treatment of pressure ulcers: a literature review

In this paper, a literature review of five articles published in reputable journals compares the use of honey-based ointments with traditional ointments in the effectiveness in the treatment of pressure ulcers. The discussion of the study stated that the chances of infection increase with the duration of time between the burn and initial treatment; infection β†’