Genuine Research Paper Examples

Poland business cycle

Highlights in this issue: While on the whole not different from mature economies, the properties of the business cycle in Poland display some special characteristics The current cycle seems to have reached a peak but the slowdown is likely not to be as pronounced as in the previous cycle Volume IV, Issue 9 03.08. The →

Bussiness economic

Production occurs when we apply labor and capital to resources in order to increase the value of the resources. THE PRODUCTION POSSIBILITIES FRONTIER Introduction to the Production Possibilities Frontier The production possibilities frontier is used to illustrate the economic circumstances of scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost.

Which level of government should take the lead?

In ascertaining which between the federal government and the state and local government can best address the problems facing this nation, it is important that the pressing problems of the United States of America be identified first. When it comes to addressing the problem of job creation and economic growth, the lead should not be →

Voting system

1 Needs for the System The system needs maintenance to maintain the security, accuracy and the capacity of the system.3.3. 1 The system will produce the printed result of the election.3.7.4.

Grennell farm

This case presents the basic business financial flows of Grennell Farm for the year 2009 and the events that she had to deal with regarding the management of the business. Based on the comparison, it is advisable to sell 100 acres of Grennell Farm because the price per acre of $2250 is significantly higher than →

Research methods and the use of evidence in practice essay sample

In a randomised controlled trail for instance, the study can be said to be valid if the results clearly identifies occurrence of disease in placebo and absence of disease in the control group and from this the treatment can be said to be efficacious. Screening for cervical cancer and the development of HPV vaccines has →

Navigating the challenges of the consumer health universe

As a result, a common mistake that medical companies make when moving into the consumer health space is that they do not sufficiently modify their offerings and message to their intended audience. And that will lead to the birth of a whole new galaxy of consumer health opportunities.

Reflection about the annishnaabe people

Even though the wheel has neither the beginning nor the end, it is crucial to enter the wheel from the South and proceed in a clockwise direction. At the centre is the Creator and is also the Medicine Wheel itself.

Neutralization test for virus

NEUTRALIZATION TEST FOR VIRUS Neutralization of a virus is defined as the loss of infectivity through reaction of the virus with specific antibody. The loss of infectivity is bought about by interference by the bound Ab with any one of the steps leading to the release of the viral genome into the host cells.

Poly sci final paper

The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Matsigenka people, their needs as a community and finally pose a development project that meets the needs described. As with any parent, the task of raising a child is to raise them to be able to live in the world on their own one day.

Social or cultural issues in early contemporary literature

of Feminism as a Social Issue Dealt in Early Contemporary Literature Feminism became one of the most critical issues in literature during the early twentieth century. Feminism was not the sole emancipation of women from the chains of male dominant society and to gain equality as men; it was a deeper struggle of women to →

Fitting of engel curve

The analysis is subject to certain limitations due to the assumptions made with the most primary assumption being that the total expenditure on all goods is representative of the income of the individual. Working-Lesser Model is the first empirical model applied in the study of consumption analysis In the Working-Leser model, each share of the →

My lord the baby – a story by rabindra nath tagore on the case of rai charann

The little Master's mind was made up, and Raicharan was at his wits' end." Very well, baby," he said at last, " you sit still in the cart, and I will go and get you the pretty flower. Raicharan had plucked a handful of flowers from the tree, and was carrying them back in the →

The effects of being bullied for sexual exploitation

First of all, according to the definition of sexual exploitation in the first paragraph, P is guilty of sexual exploitation because P used photos of V, without her consent, for a " non-legitimate purpose" If he forced V to commit the sexual act, he is also considered a bully. Just as she would for the →

Economic development

The innovation scoreboard of 2007 has revealed that the EU has taken the lead in few metrics but still leading in most qualitative indicators in the fields of research and development. For organisation to achieve success in their operations, the whole process of innovation should not only be reflected in the R & D, →

15 tips for designing a mobile friendly ecommerce website

If not, this means that users have to pinch to to zoom - which means that either your content is too small or not optimized for mobile devices. It's suggested that you include the following viewport element in all your web pages: This feature makes it possible for your visitors to make a purchase from →

Magnet status

Organization attributes that attract nurses to magnet hospitals support better patient care and outcomes, including a strong presence of nurses in patient care decision making, a high level collegiality between nurses and physicians, and more time for nurses to care for and teach patients, and the encouragement and expectation ofcritical thinking. The written application for →

Challenges to ethnographic research

The world as it had been known was drastically changing in the 1990's with the dissolution of the Soviet Union rendering the " stark opposition of ' East' and ' West'...[and] the ethnocentric formula it" represented to be even more useless. Following this line of thought it is easy to see the appeal of universals, →

In-depth comparative analysis research paper between two different firms operating in two different countries but which have sim

In some cases, this uniqueness is the cause that a firm stays long enough and gathers enough market share to make a difference. P & G and Unilever collectively have reached conclusions that in order to survive in these countries and get hold of a significant market share, the differences in the culture should be →

Place of woman in a society

But from the very beginning, there has been a big question mark on the status of women in our society. They have been exploited and ill-treated right from the beginning of the creation.

Media lab

Taking over the counter drug for some of the symptom of cold, fever and some ailments that we experience is not the best thing to do; it is actually deprivation of ones defence mechanisms. The problem we are facing is the ability to distinguish between disease and defence of the body systems.

Independent regulatory commissions

As stated by the legislation of the Communications Act it states that the FCC was created " for the purpose of the national defense" and " for the purpose of promoting safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communications. The FAA is an agency of the United States Department of →

A wrinkle in time novel

As she gets caught up in the battle to save the universe from evil, Meg uses both her strengths and her weaknesses to help her. Meg's love for her mom is so strong that she reacts by getting angry, gaining more strength to use in the battle against evil.

Blaw law of tort

This can be done using the ' but for' test, in which if the plaintiff would not have suffered damage but for the defendant's negligence, then the negligence is a direct result and breach of duty of care. She will be awarded damages to compensate for the loss of reputation.

Gangsta’s paradise

Through the difference in the context of each writer's life, these two interpretations of the same song are very different in meaning. Wonder uses music to make others aware of problems in American society and to evoke a change in society; similarly, rap artist Coolio uses the lyrics in his 1995 hit song " Gangsta's →

Barnes and noble business assessment

The economics of Barnes and Noble go hand and hand with the sales of the company. Barnes and Noble has struggled to compete and overcome this obstacle since a majority of their previous consumers are now looking in their stores then going to the internet and Amazon to find cheaper prices.

Modern history of japan

The Emperor's commands had no legal force within themselves, but required the signature of a " Minister of State".6. Moreover, according to constitution, the Emperor's commands had no legal force within themselves, but required the signature of a " Minister of State".

The social psychology of the salem witch trials

The puritan teachings and beliefs were deeply revered and a way of life for the followers. With this being the Puritan mindset, it would be common to fear the repercussions of not conforming to the rules and standards of the religion.

At the back of the stage

At the start I hesitate because it's my first time to ramp at the stage crowded by a lot of people, but I hanged my mind because I told to myself why not try it? Well, getting the Crown is not all that matter but what matters most is the learning, the experienced, thefriendshipwe build →

Madeleine l’engle’s “a wrinkle in time”

Before we go on further with this exploration of " A Wrinkle in Time", it is essential to reiterate that the story is categorized as a children's story it is intended audience were children. The critics of the novel had approached the narrative in an overly critical fashion that is opposed to the book's nature →

Development of multinational personnel selection

Koch also felt the need to improve the contents of the structured interviews that were based on the candidate's current situation, as opposed to the candidate's previous work experience. This would not only affect the individual modules of the system, but also the basic job requirements, the adaptation of modules to specific countries, and the →

Family interaction

Critical reflection on one nurse-family interaction and the impact I was in my community placement where I got an opportunity to interact with an adolescent who was Insulin Dependent Type 2diabetesand his family. A critical reflection on PSHE This essay will look at the teaching of an.

The core of religion, art, and faith

The Core of Religion, Art, and Faith When reading both the texts of Georges Bataille and Soren Kierkegaard, the reader is taken on an exploration of humanity. The nascent[developing] image ensured the approach of the beast and thecommunicationof the hunter with the hunted." The animals on the cave walls possessed a divine strength in the →

Organisation: international business

Due to the pressure in the business arena, many companies are compelled to conform to these corruption practices. The reason is that most companies and organisations at large think that this value is obvious and it encompasses the rest that are mentioned above.

Darkness is coming, for me, and you…

Caddis and the classes came out of their classrooms talking, laughing and heading all around the school while Caddis and her class headed to the Cafeteria. Amine looked up and smiled at Caddis, she waved to Caddis and patted on the bench next to her.

Controlling irrational fears after 9/11

The premise for the author's argument is that America's high level of panic after 9/11 was actually excessive in relation to the number of deaths. The author's second premise is that our country's misguided response to 9/11 was to start throwingmoneyaround in the hope of preventing further attacks.

Patient safety in a hospital – research

A random sample of 217 doctors and nurses in Shifa International Hospitals were given a modified version of the AHRQ's questionnaire to determine various factors that influence health professionals' reporting behaviors, with an important focus of the study on barriers to incident reporting. However, among the outcome variables, differences were found in positive scores on →

My thoughts about worldviews

A worldview, in my opinion, is the way you look at the world and how you see God; a worldview is a set of beliefs that directs the way you act. They do not think Allah is a knowable god and they do not believe in the Trinity.

Billing and coding for health services

Billing and Coding for Health Services Affiliation Billing and Coding for Health Services Medical billing defines the process of ensuring that payment is received for the claims that are placed with health insurance companies, to ensure the receipt of payment for the medical services that are provided to a patient by a healthcare professional. The →

How democratic is the uk political system?

One method proposed in response to political disengagement is to increase the frequency of available polling stations, thereby increasing the proximity between the polling stations and people's homes, as well as the variety of locations, including places such as shopping centres, which are frequently visited by the public on a daily basis. Furthermore, since people →

An overview of project finance and infrastructure

In the United States s alone, firms financed d S 19 billion o of capital expo punctures using projectfinanceloans and bonds in n 2009, down n from $39 billion in 2008 and $47 billion n in 2007. In n these types of o projects the users of the project or the buyers off the output →

Car restoration market

From the activities estimate of times and tasks that need to be done, we identify that there are 22 activities involved in the process starting from order of materials to pull car to Detroit Auto Show. To capture the car restoration market, RASAS will have to keep the operation cost low such as the cost →

German social scientist max weber

In Weber's first major work on religion, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, he claim's " that there is a close connection between religion, the rise of economic capitalism, and the birth of modern civilization in Western Europe". For Weber, religion is something that is fixed with special experiences, or " ecstatic states", →

Contexts for contemporary business paper

I also propose that present day vice, greed, and corruption executed in the financial world by politicians, dockworkers, bankers, and other important members of society in positions of power are now able to be performed and executed on a much larger and more poisonous level than Madeleine probably ever dreamt of. The mansion could be →

“bangkok central nag philippians”

They also let us watched how to create our money, the security features of each of our money have and the refinery of gold in the Philippines. Compiling In this process they used a machine to produce a set of coins which is for the distribution of the coins.

What is social inequality in sociology

Hence the term " social inequality", it refers to the ways in which socially-defined categories of persons are differentially positioned with regard to access to a variety of social ' goods', such as the labour market and other sources of income, theeducationand healthcare systems, and forms of political representation and participation. This gap between the →

Features of health plans

This plan features low escapements, there is a limited provider organization and pre- caution care is covered with this plan. There features of this plan are lower escapements for network providers; higher cost for out f organization providers and this plan covers pre-caution health care.

Why is it important for the government to regulate natural monopolies

This tends to be the case in industries where capital costs predominate, creating economies of scale that are large in relation to the size of the market, and hence high barriers to entry; examples include public utilities such as water services and electricity. Furthermore if left with no regulation then standards could slip and as →

American policy

To achieve this, America should focus on the following tasks: first, U.S.should focus on the war of hearts and minds to spread the ideas of freedom and democracy to Chinese people; second, assist independent organizationshuman rightsactivists inside China; third, support American allies around China both politically and militarily. In addition to facilitate a peaceful transformation →

The interlopers

The dispossessed family has never accepted the ruling of the courts and continues to poach on the land. Throughout the course of Ulrich and Georg's lifetime, the feud has grown into a personal, bloodthirsty one.

Family and issue

He was the enemy of the Lava Goddess Pele who lived in Kilauea.-The second Issue is the story of how his mother was born and kapu would for the king but she fell in love with the King's brother and gave birth to 3 children and a pig child. That is where the fifth issue →

Church administration

The basic attitude of the Church administrator as a Servant of God should live the life of model to others, so that they can be drawn unto the work of God. And it is the duty of the church administrator to facilitate the church work with all the difference in the people.

Lending a helping hand

In this line of work, it is imperative that I can get a backgrounder of the children's behavior from the parents or guardians of these children. I make it a point to challenge the parents of these children to be positive influences on the lives of these children.

China`s economy

To develop and establish a stable foothold in the competition, Chinese enterprises should learn and grow in the face of competition and challenges. The structure of the report is described as follow: Firstly, it introduces the background of global PC industry and the Lenovo Group.

National labor relations act: can freelancers act as a union

When considering this understanding of the labor act, it's clear that the intentions of the act would indicate that freelancers be able to unionize. While the intentions of the act indicate that freelancers should unionize, the act still indicate that it does not apply to independent contractors.

Historical antecedents of your chosen field

The cultural values have a significant impact among the students and the teachers of ESL. The ESL students have to adopt the English language as a primary language to gain knowledge and develop attitudes as well as skills.

The world is fast becoming a borderless place

I am not saying that I do not have the training and expertise at the moment but I do believe that there is still room for more. It is for this reason that I plan to be able to find gainful employment in one of the industries and do more research in this field.

Nba – a new digital entertainment model in china

The association's operations in China have grown substantial since, leading up to the formation of NBA China in 2008. As a subsidiary of the association, NBA China is responsible for conducting all of the league's business in Greater China.

Genocide: was it the nazis’ original plan?

For instance, if we wish to identify the senior level administrative policy decision on the Final Solution, we may reasonably cite the 20th of January 1942 as a key date: this was the date of the Wannsee Conference, whereat the " policy agreement" for the " Final Solution of the European Jewish question" was formulated, →

Research into teaching language to apes always attracts curiosity and attention

We know though, that for example, the orangutan brain is very similar to our own, with the left hemisphere being significantly larger than the right, and that the left hemisphere in the human brain is the language centre, used for the production and comprehension of language. The methods utilized, and the research studies have had →

Administrative law

Its function also includes " publishing a notice of Proposed Rule Development in the Florida Administrative Weekly", the publication of a notice of proposed Rule making in the F.A. Both require the same processes and the same function except that in the context of the Federal APA where there are two types of rule making, →

Human genetic engineering research: where to draw the line

The genetic engineering of humans can be the greatest thing to ever happen to us, however, such power can lead to corruption and cause us to regress as beings. Sanded would disagree with the argument that human genetic engineering should be allowed to a certain extent because he is against the whole idea of genetic →

Comparative essy

The Shahnameh, also known as " The Book of Kings", is the most seminal of literary Persian works in the tenth century. This epic allows readers to visualize the issues that took place in Persia and informs them of Persianculturebefore it was changed into something different.

Vitro corning

According to Hofstede's culture dimensions, we can get the conclusion as the table demonstrated below: As shown in the table, although culture of both countries has masculinity characters, there is still a large culture gap in other aspects between American and Mexican. If Corning and Vitro still want to remain in the alliance, understanding and →


The fossilized remains of this 3 year-old early human child are often referred to as belonging to ' Lucy's baby' since she was found only a few miles south from where Lucy was found Lucy over two decades earlier, even though the child's fossil is actually 100, 000 years older than famous Lucy. Prior to →

Development economics iran

The previous President Mahout Maidenhead was a political hardliner and a staunch critic of the Western Powers whereas Hosannas Reunion, the newly elected President is a diplomat and as willing to open talks with Western Countries over the pressing issue of Nuclear Proliferation. The most pressing issue currently in Iran in terms of political urgency →

Before offering feedback consider if you’re trying to teach a pig to sing

It can be infuriating when you want to provide much wanted feedback and the person who desperately needs it turns a deaf ear to you. There is only so much criticism a person is willing to tolerate and in the case of me, it's not much.

Lowering the drinking age to 18

If we are considered adults and expected to act like one at the age of 18, it is not right to restrict us to a drinking age of 21. Leaving the decision of alcohol mostly to thefamilyis the best scheme if the aim is to reduce underage drinking.

Vampires in modern european and american cultures research paper

The evolution of the image of a vampire in the United States and the differences, which the latter has undergone, can be attributed to the change in the target audience, which the movies and stories about vampires are aimed at. With the Pearl Jones comic book series being the introduction to the new concept of →

Basic economic problem

The scale of is simply a list were the wants are being rank according to their importance. Government The government has decided to build a hospital and a school.

The ed sullivan show

The Ed Sullivan Show was so successful as a variety show because of the sheer number of types of performers that starred on the show. Rev of The Beatles on The Ed Sullivan Show.

Studying chromosome 11 of the human genome

Five specific diseases will be looked at and studied in detail: the Sickle Cell Anemia gene, the MLL gene which causes Trisomy 11, the H19 gene which causes Beckwith-Weideman Syndrome, the WT1 and PAX6 genes which causes Wilm's Tumor syndrome, and finally, the work being done on the genes of Chromosome 11q22-q24 regarding cervical carcinoma. →

A divided world and a divided self

The moral, social and familial institutions at work in the lives of the characters are inseparable from the behavior of the characters themselves and their behavior, in turn, affects the ways they perceive and challenge the institutions that establish a collective social identity. While the Widow Quin is perceived as an outsider and generally shunned →

Jerry rice

After leading state to a 24-6-1 record, Jerry was going down the road of success, Bill Walsh a 49ers coach heard about the amazing and best wide receiver in the, he had to come and talk to him. Walsh came to the 1985 pro football draft determined to win jerry's services for the sold →

The american international group

It was established in china in 1949 and is the largest insurance company in china, enjoying quite a large market share. They are exposed to trends of loss thus enjoying a favourable state in the market as opposed to their competitors.

Family pride

I want to talk to you about some of the things that make me proud to be a part of my family. And because of that, I am proud to be in my family.

Eye contact

I found it to be very telling, as to the reasons for either the lack of, or the reasons for eye contact. I think that when it comes to eye contact in any culture.

The grand budapest hotel

From the elegant purples used in the hotel outfits to display the establishments ritziness, to the eerily dark outfits worn by the antagonists whos minds were corrupted by greed, every moment was greatly influenced by the colour theme chosen and guided the viewers emotions consistently throughout. The beautiful cinematography in this film is testament to →

Should children diagnosed with adhd be given medication to address their symptoms

Parents and teachers play a critical role in both evaluation and the improvement of the child suffering from ADHD. The ADHD child requires intensive care and attention by both his teachers and parents and any negligence will lead to a rise in the severity of the symptoms.

Festival presentation

Located in one of the most beautiful parts of the country, watch the sun set over the cliff top and get ready for a long night of dancing and buzzing music. Year on year the Boardmasters strives to enhance the event, not only for fans of the festival but also for the town of Newquay →

Free research paper on psychological test critique

This is the fifth subscale that contributes to the total score of the test taker's anxiety levels. The Computer Anxiety Scale test has two parts; the manual and the answer sheet, which is used to plot the responses of the test taker.

8 never-before-published follow up ideas unveiled

If you do, I would like to send it to you". You can have a telegram sent to your client and it will be the first telegram they have ever received.

My first day at sixth-form

I was sixteen and I had to make that same difficult question that everyone had to ask themselves at my age, 'what am I going to do after I got my results from my GCSEs?' The day before I got my results I decided to go to Westwood ST Thomas sixth-form in stead of college. →

Staples’ “black men and public spaces” strays only slightly

Staples refers to publications by Norman Podhoretz and Edward Hoagland who had expressed their views on the same type of fear the woman who ran from him had experienced and although the fear was factually founded it did not give much comfort to Staples. After Staples realizes and begins to understand the reasons behind this →

Genghis khan

However, Genesis knew that their only escape route was down the steep backside of a mountain, and, unable to see, the fleeing men and their horses fell into the gorge. The artists placed Mongols in a variety of Christian paintings with their distinctive clothing, headgear, and bows.


One of the biggest issues I have with this company is the inaccuracy of its projections; especially for the inventory and accounts payable. This main reason for this is due to net sales not increasing enough in relation to the increase of net property and equipment.Mr.

Deception research today

The current Research Topic brings together contributions from experimental psychology, psychophysiology, and neuroscience focusing on the understanding of the broad concept of deception including the detection of concealed information, with respect to basic research questions as well as applied issues. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text Gamer, M." Detecting of deception and concealed information using neuroimaging →

David suzuki

A lot of people know about his goals to help the environment and how to get involved in it because of the books that he writes. You will be helping the David Suzuki Foundation to aid in protecting the nature and our quality of life.

Hinduism and spiritual significance diwali

Many other Hindus believe Diwali is linked to the celebration of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, and wife of deity Vishnu. In West, South and certain Northern parts of India, the festival of Diwali marks the start of a new Hindu year.

The dividend policy test

The wouldividends as residuals' view of dividend policy are best described as Dividends are paid if the company generates profits greater than the prior year The profits made by the division of the company in a particular city should be paid to shareholders of the same city Dividends should amount to the entire annual profit →

Five forces framework

Geographical segmentation divides the market into the various geographical areas which helps wealthy countries like the I-J by maintaining better positioning and enhances the status symbol of the perfumes company. LIVE has target the people having higher income and the company has created the images that are in accordance social identity theory and consumer reckon →

Policing in america society paper

State police, under the laws that govern the State have the policing authority across the whole of the State. The sovereignty of the State and the sovereignty of the Federal government play a significant role in determining the relationship between the policing organizations in the US and the government.

Doe season

During the few days that Andy is on the hunting trip, she takes an incredible journey trying to find out who she really is. Andy is a young girl who enters the world of a boy's rite of passage to adulthood, experiences an internal journey through the group's teasing, the killing of the doe, and →

The role of internet marketing

Instantly millions of people can have access to a company, its products or services, and this can be done at any time anywhere in the world. Relationship building is also one of the reasons why businesses use internet marketing; this can be done through e-mails received to update customers with latest products, services or news; →

Monetary economics

The Quantity Theory of Money Demand is most prominently found in the work of Irving Fisher who examined the relationship between total quantity of money M and the total spending in the economy P x Y, where P is the price level and Y is aggregate output. Y When the money market is in equilibrium →

Market research into the london zoo

The manager of the zoo decided to tell a college student to do a market research so that they can know what the visitors are thinking about the zoo and what the visitors want. The problem is that it is very long and so it is not good.