Genuine Report Examples

A assessing the feasibility of different techniques for providing fresh water report example

It is for this reason that a water program be launched in arid and water scarce areas in Africa that seeks to develop a prospective management of water resources to safeguard water scarce regions in Liberia that are fragile. Ideally, the fundamental ideology for the allocation of water resources are; sustainable, effectiveness, and equity with β†’

North american labor movement in the 1880s report (assessment)

During these years, employees were united mainly around the so-called Knights of Labor who proclaimed their goal to liberate workers from the tyranny of corporations and destroy the slavery of wage labor. The key figures in the conflict were capitalized tycoons and the owners of large enterprises on one side and the working class along β†’

Bioinformatics – lab report example

This E value is high; its significance is low in relation to Down syndrome. Protein 2 is EGW12244. This protein has an E value of 1 and is related to Down syndrome since the E value is very low.

Male, masculine, virility

In totality, the image promotes virility, physical strength and violence more than intelligence, civility and diplomacy. The background of the photograph is filled with smoke and the surrounding is littered with small particles of fire indicating that he just came from a war reinforcing the warrior image of the photograph. It creates an ambiance of β†’

Art in the renaissance period

This work of art manifested a conscious revival of the development of some aspects of Greek and Roman thought. The renaissance architecture encompassed the use of hemispherical domes, aedicules, semi-circular arches and niches that took the place of the irregular structures of medieval buildings.

A hispanic art report: joe villarreal, clara aguero and frida kahlo

Her high school notebooks were filled with sketches, including one of herself in a straw hat. Frida fell in love with a young man by the name of Alejandro Gomez Arias, a charismatic leader of the Cachuchas. He stresses to these students the importance of confidence, self-esteem and personal values as a key to success.

The baroque period

These strategies were deployed by the catholic popes and priests who aimed at restoring the glory of the Catholic Church, which had been lost in the sixteenth century. The use of light and drama facilitated the mission of the Catholic Church because these factors helped to inculcate spiritual emotions in individuals. These factors also helped β†’

Web design report

The server then includes the cookie response in the response it sends to the client and when the client receives the response, the browser stores the cookie in the cookie directory which is later sorted by the domain name. HTTP is a stateless protocol that does not record the web server requests made by the β†’

Example of media mystery report

My media use pattern is consistent with that of other members of my generation, in which social networking sites, have significantly swelled the number of hours spent on the internet. Another way of looking at the situation in my opinion is however that this preference, especially for the internet, comes β†’

Example of m/m/1 queue system report

M/M/1 queuing system is currently the most widely used analytical tool for large and complex models where the traditional optimization approaches such as mathematical programming and optimal control methods are no longer efficient. This report gives an overview of how to use the node together with the project editor to create an M/M/1 queue, gather β†’

Ephebophilia finding love in all the wrong ages report example

The denouement of the play involves Imogen and Jackson reluctantly continuing their search for new pedophiles to pay for their home. One of the play's great strengths is its sense of intrigue - the timeline of the play is a bit obscured, to help hide the couple's plan from the audience, and to make it β†’

Internet development report examples

The design phase of the website is extremely vital because it enables the designer to take a structured approach in the development and design of the website. The research will enable the website designer to determine the design requirements of the page, for instance, the question regarding the layout of the items in the page, β†’

Good report on ontologies paper

Moreover, there is a discussion about the causes of ontomological application " slowdown" and there is a discussion about findings of automatic semantic extraction and the success of SADI, in regard to implementation. Introduction What are Ontologies? There is possibility of finding in the literature a number of ontologies definitions. The significance of an β†’

Grps and 3g networks report example

In a GRPS/GSM network, classes of mobile stations are classified into A, B and C to signify the attachment of GRPS to the conventional GSM transmission services. GRPS technology allows for the integration and interconnection with IP-based data networks such as internet and intranet. To get an understanding of the 3G we consider the network β†’

Results and conclusion report

Introduction The two sets of the experiment were conducted in which the apparatus was set in way that allows the fluids to flow and was just separated by what is referred to as the heat exchange surface. This device applies the law of the thermodynamics in which the β†’

Sample report on real-life dynamical system

In this analysis of kinematic of volley ball, the ball spends in air should be reduced, when the serve of volley ball is made. In order to setup the analysis of kinematic of volley ball, we should consider several variables in the analysis. The schematic diagram will show the top view of

Good example of report on cloud computing

In its widest usage, Cloud Computing is the delivery of scalable information technology over the Internet as opposed to operating and hosting those resources locally such as university or college network. They are encourage to utilized cloud service since it contemplate budget pressure, increases reliability of and more access to information technology systems, and β†’

Minnesota’s governor and us senate predicted election results report examples

Minnesota has been largely democrat ever since with a democratic president elected by the state ever since 1972. The difference in the two parties has somewhat narrowed in the recent past and both the gubernatorial race and the senate race are expected to be very tight. Polling information suggests that currently, the democrat nominees hold β†’

Good report about network analysis and design

In the preliminary phase of design I will only focus on designing a network for the main campus , and the office departments building. Business Description Objective The institute lacks a network that can connect each of the institute's building. Upon installing the centralized networked database, the staff members would be able β†’

Technology role in healthcare report

There are a lot of benefits to be derived from being connected to the hospital network. In this era of electronic records, it allows for easier and faster access to patient information at any time of the day. One can call up patient information at the click of the button and give instructions on β†’

A case study audit report of veterans affairs’ association

This audit is conducted within the framework of Treasury Board Secretariat's requirements in this respect. Objectives The objectives of the audit are to ensure the compliance of all sensitive information and goods with the Government Security Policy and with the operational standards and the efficiency and effectiveness of the Security Program of β†’

Fair value reporting advantages and disadvantages

It will also examine how fair value led Lehman Brothers, an American investment bank, into bankruptcy during the global financial crisis and why the trend of fair value has emerged in the recent decades. As historical cost loses relevance with the passing of time, it is more appropriate to use fair value reporting as it β†’

The ethicality of an action jay gatsby report (assessment)

This paper describes Jay Gatsby's action and applies the utilitarian theory to establish whether Jay's action was ethical or not. As presented in the novel, Jay Gatsby was trying to win Daisy back because he firmly believed she was the love of his life. With such kind of uncertainty and dilemma, Jay decided to take β†’

Example of essay on auditors report

If reports of the auditors are separate, they should state in the additional that they will be issuing the additional reports. When auditors provide an opinion or a disclaimer in financial statements, they should report on significant deficiencies in the internal control pointing out the ones that can be considered as material weaknesses. Violations of β†’

Anchoring report on cognitive bias report

Background Cases have been reported whereby people are seen are to agree with the general thinking of the group they are in, for example when a propaganda starts out in a group it is accepted by everyone of the group even when basic logic shows that the basis of the ideology is misplaced β†’

Free report on attitude towards risky behaviour

A Abstract This study sought to determine the predictors of sexual risk taking behaviour among adolescents in the U.S.A. There is a significant correlation between the knowledge of HIV/AIDS and sexual risk taking behaviour among adolescents.

How much ram is enough report sample

Usually RAM is a volatile storage, where data is lost as soon as the power is disconnected from the computer. It is a temporary data storage for program and system instructions, as well as for the data which is to be processed.

Report on rules to secure financial future

And regardless of money a person makes, most experts believe that with smart management every single person is capable of keeping more of what they make, than simply spending it, and they will still be able to make ends meet in their financial obligations. 3 rules to secure financial future Do not overspend on β†’

A report on transport layer security (tls) and secure shell (ssh)

The record protocol is then responsible for changing position of data between two ends of the link using the values agreed through the handshake protocol. The information that then come from the application to the TLS record protocol, are compressed and encrypted as required before they are sent to the other end. This will then β†’

Free report on pills to replace sunscreen lotions that blocks uv rays

and Aids in Fighting the Risk of Skin Cancer Educating and Informing the Public on this Solution The Importance of Sunscreen Solutions in New Zealand New Zealand is a country with an adequate amount of sunshine fairly well spread both in terms of seasons as well as geography. On a regular β†’

Healthcare information systems report examples

This is courtesy of HIPAA Privacy Rule and covered entities are supposed to keep track of protected health information and its revelation on top of documenting any the privacy policies and procedures. Unless an individual authorizes disclosure, Covered entity can only disclose health information only where it is needed to facilitate health care operations or β†’

Correctional facilities in alabama report sample

Based on the Monthly Statistical Report for July 2013 for the Fiscal Year 2013, the Alabama Department of Corrections Population Trend Summary which includes the ADOC Jurisdictional Population as of July 2013 is 32, 341 (Thomas, Alabama Department of Corrections). The minimum security work relase facilities as of July 2013 is 2, β†’

Report on assisting a client in a career choice

The report's examination is limited to those two careers, and nothing outside those. The sources I used included the Bureau of Labor Statistics and various online sources, providing as current and reputable a database of information as is possible for the client on these two resources. The book " Career Opportunities in Law and the β†’

Report on hipaa compliance

The legislation expects every hospital to safeguard the health information of a patient and uphold high standards to information privacy and confidentiality. The security engineer should put emphasis on the execution of physical safeguards to the manual health records. The manual records must be converted into a digital form and this will comply with the β†’

Example of report on fundamentals of network security

This paper will present some fundamentals of network security with a view to educating the CEO and other staff of the company and as such, prevent practices that can put the network in jeopardy. It has been said that in the network security schema, people are the weakest link. This can be provided by a β†’

Audit report reports examples

Describe the audit process you have just competed for LSS. The audit process completed for LSS was a security audit of the system. The audit process was successful in identifying the different control policies that can be used to secure the system.

Free electrical safety mentoring plan report example

The identification of possible mentors will be based on the ability of a mentor to respond authoritatively on electrical safety issues raised in the evaluation. Incentives enhancing electrical safety will be offered on a departmental basis, to inculcate a culture of team effort in ensuring the safety.

Example of report on social change

The change will also reflect in the demographics where the population will grow due reduced infant mortality rates and increased number of immigrants. An increased generational gap will be observed due to improved health and social security policy framework. The internet will be an instrumental force in advancing the social β†’

Free report on computer career and ethics

A few decades ago the world entered into the era of computer technologies and information flow that are available for the majority of the population. From Computer ethics to responsible research and innovation in ICT: The Transition of Reference Discourses Informing Ethics-related Research in Information Systems.

Good report on flu vaccine

Thus, this report gives information about the flu and the flu vaccine. The Flu Flu is a viral disease primarily caused by influenza viruses. However, the severity of the symptoms depend on the type influenza virus that caused the flu.

Health safety and the environment report feyzin

This project describes the history of the refinery, a description of the LPG manufacture processes, the cause of the accident, details of the accident, inquires and safety measures, conclusion and personal recommendations. A focus group for the project was the first approach on research to explore people's ideas and attitudes to the accident. Therefore, the β†’

Report on link stuxnet worm

The assessment of cyber security vulnerability assists the IT managers to ensure that no loop hole or missing link is present that can provide an opportunity to the intruders or malware to enter the system. Since most of the infrastructures are interconnected today with other networks and systems the probability β†’

There are basically two major types of this destructive category reports example

At the end of report, few questions are given in order to test the knowledge obtained in this report. - Network Security: Network security is set of rules and regulations adapted by the network administrator in order to observe and restrict unauthorized access, modify, misuse of the network resources. Network security architecture is also explained in β†’

Report on lab# 1

The shift in the phase of primary and secondary sides can be shown in the readings of experiment, primary: 100 and secondary 136. VPh2 = 1/a VPh1 = VL1/ a 1/2. Turns ratio, a = VPh1/VPh2 This difference in voltages is also shown in the readings 15 and 26 V from experiment. Lab#2 β†’

Work experience report: learning from ms. donoghue

I thought this was a really good practise as it enabled the kids to easily understand about the different subject they had to know, the kids were learning and having fun at the same time which I thought was really nice way of teaching.Ms. I picked stuck in the mud and the kids really enjoyed β†’

Security firm targets mobile carriers report examples

There is therefore the need to ensure that the channels through which the attackers use to make attacks to the networks are as secure as possible. One way in which attackers get to the users is through SMS. With the advent of premium services that requires users to subscribe to β†’

India: second ngo shadow report essay sample

Each of the chapters in the Reports point to the widespread practices of discrimination and social exclusion of women and provide evidence in the form of statistics and media reports on the prevalence of the problem. Despite the commitment made by the Government to the CEDAW Committee to empower the National Commission for Women β†’

Rubiks cube report samples

It was then that the adaptation of the Rubik's cube in primary schools was thought. In small groups, the children try to solve the complex Rubik's cube.

Summarize research study report examples

222-227, by Frimming, Polsgrove and Bower, conducted in 2011. 1.2.Aim. The purpose was to evaluate what students think about social media and its influence to health and fitness in an attempt to enhance the knowledge of health and fitness to the students. 1.3. This indicated that the researchers had a β†’

Professional interview analysis report sample

Following this, below are the question asked ; - As a teacher, what is your philosophy basis of education? In my opinion, the philosophy basis of education refers to the field of applied philosophy which promotes specific education philosophy that examines the meaning and goals of education. The teacher's role here β†’

Example of emotional disabilities report

The disease has to be merged with other disorders like polar depression and other mental illness through effective administration of bipolar medications. The doctor must hear about the symptoms from the patients in order to effectively administer effective diagnose and treatment of the bipolar diseases.

Good example of report on library and the college student: the effects of library have on a college student

This study was conducted to assess the effects of using the library in overall performance of students. This study suggests that when students are aware of the results satisfaction of library has on them, they change thoughts and their GPA improves. Hypotheses The use of library for by college students is a major contributor β†’

Good example of essay on cultural event report

The main aim of the museum is to preserve the Japanese culture. They did all that to develop and to make people aware of the experiences and cultural practices of the Japanese.

Free data report example

For both regions, peak transit hours appear to be between 6 am and 9 am, as people move from their homes to work the bulk of this traffic could be reduced with a more efficient public transit system, targeted towards professionals. Background The University of Toronto region was chosen β†’

Report on florida assessment for instruction in reading (fair ap3)

Lange uses the techniques of focus, proportion and relation to teach the viewer in interpreting the photographs, for the viewer to decipher the unspoken story of the people being photograph and not the author's own thoughts. Given the description of the author's intentions, the interpretation then depends on how the viewer sees the images based β†’

Good how many students who are involved in extracurricular activities report to have research paper example

Conclusively, the study shows that indeed extracurricular activities influence academic performance, subsequently; this effect depends on students' involvement in various activities. - Problem - Purpose The main purpose of this study is to find out if these extracurricular activities in which students in Junior High School students participate have really β†’

Education computing as a social practice report examples

Without the exposure in the younger grades, there is a lack of interest in knowledge as students enter the upper grades. One difference over the past 15 years is the increased knowledge that students have about technology. All of the information related to the subject of technology in the classroom is done in an excellent β†’

Example of report on professional experience interview with lou michel

Prior to the Buffalo News, he worked at the Tonawanda News just north of Buffalo. An inspiration to budding journalists, he is the recipient of several Associated Press awards. Michel decided not to attend graduate school, but to embark on his fulltime career as a journalist. When asked to recollect the time he first decided β†’

Report on business level strategy

The role of the business unit is to devise a strategy which allows it to compete successfully in the marketplace and to contribute to the corporate strategy. The third Strategy is referred to as a Focus Strategy.

Example of strategic planning analysis report

The main factor that is influencing the quality of education in the States is the financing of the universities. The quality of service that is produced by the public universities is reflective of the reluctance that they have to adopt strategic planning.

My last duchess report example

From the choice of words by the Duke, it is evident that the Duke was unhappy with the Duchess innocently flirtatious and friendly nature. It's quite obvious that the Duke to paint an innocent picture of himself but on the contrary, the guilt is so loud. The death and the circumstances in which the duchess β†’

Example of report on the indian revolution mahatma gandhi

This movement was characterized by widespread acts of violence and sabotage in the country to force the British out. In the same year, as a result of this the ' Quit India Movement,' he was arrested for two years.

Example of nursing research critique report

The objective of the research was to determine whether there is an existing relationship between the semi-quantitative serum pro-calcitonin test and the clinical outcomes of patients with community acquired pneumonia; as well as to compare the usefulness of the serum PCT Test with that of other β†’

Free report on news

Saudi women recently launched a campaign that is currently hitting the news headlines against the government ban for them to drive. It is however, clear that it is not all the Saudi people are in support of this discriminatory act. The patrolling police are that much vigilant to an extent of stopping vehicles and peeping β†’

Report on information sheet

It is a country that has come a long way in terms of its existence and of has a very interesting profile as the only country in the region that is British dependency. Even if this is the case, its economic system evolved through time and space and as of now, it is a capitalist β†’

Example of report on juvenile offenders and re-offenders

Formation of the juvenile court for offenders and re-offenders and there enact regulations to defend young children from misuse, long hours, progeny neglect and the establishment of programs to double-check their safety. There is a large deal of argument over the endeavoring and judgment of juvenile offenders and re-offenders today. The β†’

Difference between cash balance and profit reports example

The reason is that a net profit takes into account all the cash and non-cash activities while cash flow only considers the inflow and outflow of cash from the business. A cash budget helps maintain the cash flow of the business. The net cash flow shows the financial stability of the business and the net β†’

Report writing on customer relationship management

Ultimately, this gives customers the ability to sound off on what's important to them, but it's also a great way to get deep, personal insight into the consumer mindset and put it to work for promotional and merchandising decisions." Facebook is becoming the main portal 30% of the US now uses as their home page β†’

Example of report on the issue of credit cards is beneficial to banks because

Analysis of Credit Card Debt Abstract Credit card is a bank payment card used for transactions, the settlement of which is derived solely from funds provided by the bank to the customer within the set limit, in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement. The main advantage of credit card β†’

Smoking in the restaurant report example

They start with one or two puffs a day and very quickly reach up to the level of chain smokers with 10-15 puffs a day. In spite the soaring figures of chain smokers all across the world, several countries and world organizations have come together to join hands to make a collective joint effort to β†’

Free report about buyer behaviour

The objective of relationship marketing is to build relations with customers, and maintain relations with other stakeholders, namely the suppliers, market intermediaries, and customers" A consumer's buying behavior is dependent on their economic, passive, cognitive, and emotional views, says Zumpfe and Schiffmann. The economic view is that consumers are rational buyers, capable of β†’

Report on kids and cell phones

The motive of the child is to fit in with the rest of the kids by having a cell phone. The parent is the decision maker. In this scene the advantages will be the ability of the cell phone to facilitate communication and to satisfy the child's desire of owning a cell phone.

Free report on identify problem of a company

To increase efficiency among the staff and enhance good communication between the staff, the vendors and the store owners, there is need to update the point of sale system. It is therefore important to evaluate if the entire staff are conversant with the point of sale systems.

Example of budgeting for a poor family of four report

However, the house will be relatively small and the members of the family will have to squeeze in it. With this amount of cash, it is better to first budget for the basic needs before analyzing the other types of expenditure. This will help to increase the income of the β†’

Report on external and internal environments of the intercontinental hotel corporation

Because of the many and sensitive services offered by the industry, there are many external factors that affect the business especially when the business is international like in the case of intercontinental hotels. The factors that affect the intercontinental hotel corporation to the greatest extend are the economic and environmental factors. The economy of a β†’

News report report examples

The demand for cosmetics is high due to the rising number of self-dependent women in the society. It is also important to highlight the past performance of the company to the investors, in a transparent manner.

Why do people dine out report examples

Abstract The report discusses the aspects of food in detail regarding the ethics and moral duty that is the liability of the restaurants and caterers. It needs the right fuel in the form of food and regular maintenance in the form of exercise and lifestyle.

Health psychology report

I told myself that I was not addicted and that I could quit smoking anytime I wanted to. To prove to my friends that I could, I stopped smoking for a while.

Example of report on sex roles

However, he was sensitive and seemed to be cross to his mother-in-law because of the mischief that she always caused. However, she was too cheerful and taught Greg how to have a more positive outlook in life.

Example of the perks of being a wallflower by stephen chbosky: book report

He presents a world of new experiences as the first date and music tapes, family drama and new friends, the world of alcohol drugs and sex, where the only thing that matters is finding the right song while you drive to the infinity. I have always liked to read the book before the adaptation to β†’

Mmpi ii report essay

The MMPI-2 was developed as an aid in determining mental health status and the need for hospitalization. The MMPI-2 is also used as a personality appraisal for firefighters, police officers and pilots. Interestingly, the MMPI-2 is also used to assess personality in other cultures and the results are compared to our own.

Weekly report on the course of “professional research and communication”

Additional examining helped me in getting the opportunity to deal with on the purpose of research and basic reasoning by on a very basic level evaluating the bit of article. Week 2 In second week, quantitative research, one of essential research, was talked about in subtle to get wanted outcome by controlling factors β†’

Report on creating backup disk image

However, when creating a disk image, you cannot use the same drive as the one you are backing up so you need data storage for your back-up which should be at least as big as the total file size of the drive you are imaging since it is copying everything. An advantage of this from β†’

Concept of community report examples

It is also true that the concepts of community continue to attract the imaginations of people. The imaginations arise due to the wide perspective and the connotations of the concept of community. Notably, the concept of community has advanced its significance especially within the context of a dynamic environment. The dynamisms β†’

Report on research

The ability of the workforce to adapt and accept change creates competitive advantage for the organization, Wendt,. Past research has it that the flexibility and resilience of the management guarantees an organization's success in the sense that careers can only be modified by behavioral tendencies that hoardover time, Liff. The results showed a positive correlation β†’

“the prince” report sample

The acquisition of power and the substantiation of power are the focus of his writings. " The Prince" was one of the first works to distinguish between dictatorships as a constitutional institution of the republic. Machiavelli has the foresight to realize that humanity has many different sides to it that a ruler must consider. Machiavelli and β†’

Premise report sample

Flexibility in approach would be required for the success of any business in the global system. Pink argues that the world is full of people with two kinds of thinking aspects, the L-directed thinking, and the R-directed thinkers. I think that Pink is calling people to see the reason why the right part of the β†’

Free report on fidelity to the program model

Analysis of the program " Getting Out and Staying Out" Abstract The ' Getting Out and Staying Out' program has received a lot of attention in the recent past for the role it has played in reviving and rekindling the lives of young males of New York who have served time in prison. β†’

Example of report on career management

For example, the correlation between levels of education and expectancy of knowledge is a key to professional presentation. Even as I have learned the importance of focus I have learned the value of focus as have and am currently giving myself to success in this course.

Good michael jackson’s lucrative legacy report example

From the description of the principle, the conceptual framework could be applied to Michael Jackson's legacy in terms of designing a strategy which would enable the estate to continue earning profits despite Jackson's demise. As such, through the main idea, Exploring the Financial Prospects of Michael Jackson's Estate, the strategies that were designed by John β†’

Good report on project

Our task is to determine which property is the best investment for the three different risk investors which is the risk averse, risk neutral, and risk seeking. Our team took all of the overall expected average return, absolute risk, and relative risk of each of the locations, style options, and heating systems and compared them β†’

Report on business law

The Article 1 , amendment five and amendment four are some of the business laws that directly and indirectly impacts on the enterprises in United States. The Article 1, section 8, gives congress the power to impose taxes on businesses and products. However, this clause has also been used, in the past, to ensure smooth β†’

Tax deed and tax lien sales report examples

The title to it is officially transferred to the government authority in question and the document is question is called the quit claim deed or limited warranty paper. If the purchaser wants to get the title of the specific property, then they must initiate another quiet title action for the purpose of reselling the property β†’

Belmont report

To develop the guidelines to be complied so as to assure the particular research study is being conducted in accordance with those principles. The commission was also directed to consider; ? The role of assessment of risk-benefit criteria in the determination of the appropriateness of research involving human subjects, ?