Genuine Report Examples

Report on web theatre tour

It is seen as the tool that bridges the gateway between the play and the human experience. The audience are part of the dramaturgy and the space provided for them is excellent.

Good a. cultural events report example

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe The Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the largest arts festival in the world, and it started in 1947 as an alternative to the Edinburgh International Festival. Undoubtedly, The Fringe is a cultural event because it gives global artists the best platform to express the cultural norms and traditions of →

Good report on survey analysis

The favorite fruit tastes are the following: strawberry (is liked by 63% of people taking part in the survey), mango , apple and pineapple , banana and lime. Taste is the key motivating factor in choosing juice for 83% of respondents, 17% rely on quality. 83% of the sample practice various kinds of →

Example of report on the hospital departments

This piece enumerates the characteristics of these departments and their contribution to the achievements of the hospital. Dermatology department This department handles clients and patients with skin conditions. This department also works with the laboratory unit that assists in biopsy analysis and culture and sensitivity of samples. Oncology department This is the hospital →

Breast cancer report examples

Breast Cancer Breast cancer is cancer, which emanates from the breast tissues, normally the lobules, or the milk ducts. In breast cancer prognosis, a number of factors are considered; the stage, the size, and the location of the tumor, the disease recurrence, and the patient's age.

Immunotherapy as a science of treatment can be categorized into two very broad categories report examples

Radiation therapy in the treatment of tumours is not a recent technology either, this kind of treatment mechanism was introduced back in the 19th century in the year 1890 though it was until recently that it was established as a major means to the treatment of cancer cases. Such knowledge called for a need to →

Full address report examples

It is the culmination of research done on the campus of WSU and was completed the summer of 2015. I have found the results bothersome, with most students reporting that they have been on the receiving end. If you have any questions, or need any clarification, please feel free to contact me. A NEW WAY →

Free report about the future of tria

The article starts with a flashback on the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program that developed after the 9/11 terror acts. It is unknown when such acts are said to be acts of terror or the nature of the repercussions.

Sample essay on cross cultural training report

The attractive fashion represents the classy choice and the lifestyle of the ancient people. The glory that was Greece: A survey of Hellenic culture and civilization.

Report on laws in australia

With Focus on the Privacy Act 1988, the Freedom of Information Act 1989 and the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 In Australia, other than the laws passed by the parliament of Australia which apply to all states and mainland territories, the laws in individual states and mainland territories are applicable only within those states and →

Fsu going green report example

Frostburg State University is going green by adopting some measures to reduce environmental degradation and instead help in maintaining a clean and sustainable environment. One of the ways to achieve environmental sustainability is by reducing usage of plastic water bottles. To reverse this, FSU students will resort to using reusable water bottles →

Aims report examples

Management of resources of resources should meet the needs of the current generation, within the bounds of the ability of the resources to meet the needs of future generations. The results across all these lines of inquiry not only indicate that climate change has had, and will have a massive impact on the sustainability of →

External value creation concepts within renaissance hotel and resort group report

The hotel was created for those who seek new discoveries and adventure, and people willing to uncover the local flavour, charm and culture. That is Renaissance hotels and resorts are located among the best places in the world, for its clients to experience the something new and wonderful. The renaissance brand is owned by the →

Report analysing the strategic planning of tata motors

The name Tata stands for Trust, Acceptability, Transparency, and Accountability. The Tata motors invented and followed enterprise process model to and became the leader of the motor industry in Asia. This practice helped the company to work as a team not with influence of individual employees. This helped to entail the process in more clarified →

Example of military logistics and supply chain management report

Military logistics refers to the exercises that involve planning and executing the movement and maintenance from one stage to another of the military forces and their weaponry. The army however prefers wholesale acquisition for stability in supply as opposed to retail acquisition in which subcontracting and sub-subcontracting can disrupt the supply chain process with far →

Free report on nintendo wii

Eventually, customer understanding was integrated into the creation of a gaming platform characterized by fun, innovation, and uniqueness. Drivers for Innovation Speaking of the main drivers of innovation and their influences on the development of the Nintendo Wii, several factors contributed to the innovation and development of the Nintendo Wii. Through the division and →

Brief report on neurodevelopmental disorders

Early life is a sensitive period and therefore disruptions in early brain development lead to NDs (Bale et al., 2010; Boivin et al., 2015). Research directed to unravel factors contributing to the emergence of NDs which is necessary for the development of new preventive strategies and therapies. Moreover, these maternal conditions do not only have →

Bread mold experiment lab report

Title: Bread Mold Lab Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of water on bread mold growth. Hypothesis: I hypothesized bread mold would grow faster if the bread was exposed to water. Materials: Bread Plastic cup Water Rubber band Plastic wrap Light Scale →

Theorist report: psychoanalytic theory

He also theorized that each stage could continue while another one was taking place at the same time, though the success of the individual relied on what he called a successful completion. Keywords: Erik Erikson, Sigmund Freud, human development, psychoanalysis Theorist Report; Erik Erikson Psychoanalytic Theory Background and Overview Psychologist Erik Erikson did →

Good report about general causes of pavement failures

The amount of loading that a pavement can bear without failure is determined by the strength of the subgrade and the surface layer. Inability to expand and contract in a pavement is caused by poor mixing of the HMA and aging. Figure 5: Block cracking on a pavement Longitudinal Cracking Longitudinal cracks are →

Free report on the sleipner a

The main cause of the failure of the wall is the combination for a concrete error in the predetermined element analysis well as inadequate support of the concrete base in a critical zone. Post investigations of the accident indicate that the error would be traced from inaccurate estimate of the linear elastic model the tricell. →

Free report on tensile test lab

The structure and mechanical properties of metals. The mechanical properties of materials.

Free report on the metromover(conclusion)

Passengers like the Metromover, and according to the ridership statistics, there is a slight increase in the total number of people that use the system annually. However, the system has a significant setback in terms of maintenance costs. This is because the system's maintenance costs depend on taxpayers' money which everyone contributes, but then not →

Solidworks finite element analyis reports example

05 for the filled vessel. - The calculated stress is verified by its comparison with hand calculated membrane stress. - Von Mises and Tresca criteria are applied to upper and lower spherical part of the pressure vessel, with FOS larger than 2. - Von Mises and Tresca criteria are applied to the →

Good general causes of pavement damage report example

Moreover, this project's emphasis how weather condition has the major factor in negative impact of the internal road and external road through the expansion and shrinkage which lead to early failure damage. This report will investigate the main parameters of this project to discuss the general causes of pavement damage →

Good nutrition related to type 2 diabetes in indigenous children report example

Genetic and family factors, environmental factors like maternal gestational diabetes and intrauterine retardation in growth and lack of physical activities during adolescents and childhood have resulted in an increase, in the levels of insulin resistance that are considered crucial in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes among the young. This is largely due to the →

Ohms law and resistors report example

Since the voltage supplied by a voltage source, such as a battery, is constant the current will change in magnitude depending on the number of resistors in the circuit. This causes the resistance of the filament to increase, and hence the current reduces since the voltage source is constant.

Free report on hypothesis

It can be differentiated from the Renilla reniformis by the shape of the frond, which in the R.reniformis is not conspicuously wider that long and the sclerites of the stalk, which are shorter than those in R.mulleri. The ability of the Renilli mulleri to habituate itself is one of the →

Report on resonant circuit

1 x 10-6 Coulombs For R = 800 Since from the graph f resonance = 300 Hz. Q = 12 xfresonance x RC where R = 800 and c = 0. 01 x 10-6 Coulombs At resonance in a RLC circuit voltage is at the minimum value Figure 4: Graph of →

Wc 814 report example

This had the effect of having a very mellow sound that was easy to predict; the variation in the songs came from King's ability to improvise, and the embellishments each band member made on their instruments. King's real talents come in his ability to play blues guitar, which was chiefly on display during this concert. →

Background screening and the fair credit reporting act

A heightened interest on background checking also resulted from the observed rise in cases involving abductions and abuse of children, older people, and persons with disabilities. This resulted to majority of the states requiring employers to conduct " criminal background checks for anyone who works with children, the elderly, or disabled." In →

Business research report about compensation strategies

Since compensation is the biggest benefit we provide to our employees, this topic deserves thorough research and thought as we examine and promote a new way of rewarding our employees for theirhard workand dedication to the quality and performance we expect from each and every one of them. After reading this report, →

Nimitz by e. b. potter report examples

It was first published in the year 1976 and entails the definitive biography of one of the commander in chief in the Pacific fleet in the Second World War. After the capture of the American forces by the Japanese army at the Pearl Harbor in 1941, the admiral in command →

Court visit report

The difference between the two courts is that the appellant jurisdiction was already heard in a lower court whereas the criminal jurisdiction was heard for the first time in the lower court. The atmosphere and the surrounding of the courts were nearly the same as both had magistrate seat and desk, advocate →

History of the war on drugs reports example

The Administration was to inspect products and forward the offenders to the prosecutors for prosecution. In 1914, the Harrison Narcotic Drugs Act was enacted, and it became the first federal drug policy. The Act drastically increased the penalties for drug abuse and was regarded as the most punitive anti-narcotics legislation in the history of the →

Sms- past- went af – dec school nom report

However, it is important to note that this words do not change when they are in the subject or object form A- li- saidiwana mimi He: NOM MSC PAST helped: AF - DEC me: NOM ' He was helped by me' Mimi ni- li- - saidia I: NOM SM1S- →

Project management techniques

Most of the books are rich in the content related to practices in project management, functions of project management, criteria for success in a project, and potential sources of risks and opportunities in a typical project, though, a vast majority of the books commonly available in the market are too difficult to understand for an →

Example of aim: investigating the effects of environmental factors on transpiration rates in report

Introduction Transpiration is the process involving the movement of water from the roots through the xylem to the atmosphere via the stomata. The plant uses the remaining 5% for its metabolic functions such as photosynthesis and respiration. The movement of water in the vascular plant is as a result of the coordination among →

Report on procedure

The purification process was accomplished by the addition of a reagent. INTRODUCTION The objective of this experiment is to characterize, isolate and purify caffeine derived from the tea leaves and to extrapolate the percentage of caffeine that is recuperated. The aim of the aggregation of sodium carbonate is to differentiate the caffeine from the →

Example of political science report

Criterion fulfilled as er number 2. 5. Criterion fulfilled as er number 2. 5.

Good report on clinical case

The environment plays a critical role in the determination of the personality of a person. Carlos must be made to understand he has a personality disorder that is manageable, and it is important for him to comply with psychotherapeutic strategies that will be engineered for his sake. A review of various medications used →

Book report history of the world in 6 glasses essay sample

It was a sort of edible money, and it was consumed in both solid and liquid forms. 4. The importance of a symposion was it allowed people to celebrate and be playful but have adversarial discussions. Chapter 4 1.

Figure2 uv absorbance peak area vs benzoic acid concentration mmol/l report examples

Analysis of Unknown using Standard Solutions and HPLC Part 1. The data for the construction of the standard curve for caffeine and benzoic acid are presented below. The graphing of the Caffeine Standard Curve demonstrates an R2 of 0. 01 M HCl. The caffeine concentration of the unknown is calculated using →

Example of essay on geology report

The majestic valleys that we have such as the African Great Rift Valley, were formed as a result of tensional forces in opposite direction, that acted upon the earth's plates causing a large amount of stress on the land and as a consequence, unbearable stress was experienced along the fault lines that had formed within →

Bangladesh financial reporting standards (bfrs/bas)

Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards The Financial Reporting Standards prescribed by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Bangladesh are known as Bangladesh Financial Reporting Standards (BFRS, including Bangaldesh Accounting Standards, BAS). BFRS and are closely modelled on International Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards issued by the International →

Scientific benefits of phyical execrice report example

Research on the mental element of basketball reveals that players must be attentive to have quick and fast control of the ball, and the activities happening in the court. It also requires skills of rebounding on shots so that there is timing of the jump, reaching the ball as it caroms from the hoop, and →

Report on sunterra field students trip

Later in the trip, a presentation about the farm as well as the extensiveness of the company was given. By doing this they ensured that their products would continuously be available to customers, and the quality of the product could be marketed to its full potential. The Sunterra tour was a remarkable and memorable tour →

Mandela’s leadership: long walk to freedom report

The current paper analyses the effectiveness of leadership with reference to Nelson Mandela, the late former president of South Africa, as depicted in the movie, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom. Linking this model to leadership theories, the paper concludes that Nelson Mandela was an effective leader to the extent that he possessed many of the →

Report on cultural diversity essay

Background of Walt Kowalski The film " Gran Torino" is primarily about a man by the name of Walt Kowalski and his relationship with his neighbor Thao. One way to develop cultural competence for a man like Walt Kowalski is to assist him in gaining a better understanding of himself and the Asian culture of →

Healthy lifestyle final research report

Recently, we conducted a survey among the National University of Singapore undergraduates to explore their knowledge of healthy lifestyle and sleeping habits (see Appendix AInterviewQuestions). The research mainly covered the concept of a healthy lifestyle, the sleeping hours and rituals. The aim of this paper is to reveal the general →