Genuine Report Examples

Methodology report sample

A thorough review of related literatures was conducted to get the most recent, valid, and related updates on the field of engineering, particularly on the available technologies that promise reduction on the current emission rates of the greatest carbon contributors. These findings will be significant not only for the citizens of the said countries but →

Observation report essay examples

Moreover, assessing the role of the teacher also aided in getting a better understanding about the importance of the strategies adopted in an academic environment in fostering the overall development of a child. Observing the preschoolers The first look at the classroom gave me an impression of serenity, independence, and growth. The teacher then →

Collection, isolation and identification of bacillus subtilis from soil report examples

It was hypothesized that proper use of physical, as well as, biochemical tests would result in the identification of the organism collected. Materials and Methods The procedure of identifying the unknown organism from the environment was done following the illustrations that are given in the Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Cotton swab was used →

Management human resources report example

The sanction of the skills inventory needs the implementation of evaluation and assessment of NPD team members and their leaders to balance and assemble the required features of this profile (Akroyd, Narayan & Sridharan, 2009). Leadership Profile Corresponding to New Product Development stages Organizations ought to strategically contemplate the features required to enhance the →

Example of report on lab partners name(s)

8 Discussion and Analysis10 Conclusion11 Introduction The whole idea of this laboratory experiment is to determine the behavior of LRC resonance circuit in respect to the resonance of this system. This laboratory work or experiment tries to determine the behavior of an RLC resonance circuit in terms of the resonance frequency →

Good developing formal report case study example

The report " Helping Your Child Become a Reader," is a very important report with the sole purpose of emphasizing on the importance of teaching reading to one's child and on directing them through systematically arranged activities in their effort to practice reading in a meaningful way. However, the title of the report reflects →

Report on first grade (6-8 years)

The cognitive development of the child was facilitated both by the school and home environment. Levent easily followed the rules of the games. On the other hand, the cognitive theory argues that parents play a major role in influencing the cognitive skills of a child.

Culture shock in students studying abroad report sample

The following paper is designed to discuss a survey of the impacts of culture shock on students when studying abroad, and their coping strategies. Moreover, from the survey analysis, most students studying abroad do not understand culture shock before going abroad, and find it highly challenging to adjust and cope. Defining Culture Shock In →

Rock report samples

Granites play a huge role in the structure of the Earth's crust and the whole continents, since this solid rock is one of the main materials forming the outer part of the Earth's crust. The name " granite" comes from the Latin word " Granum" meaning in translation the " →

Foundation course – name report

However, efficient reforms have not solved certain social problems and poverty reduction in India revealing bottleneck points of structural change patterns in this country. Keywords: structural patterns, industrial and agricultural reforms, social problems Introduction3 Historical Background of the Structural Economic Change: Agriculture and Industry5 Government Policies and →

Free report about guideline for ethical code framework

A code of ethics document may outline the mission and values of the business or organization, how professionals are supposed to approach problems, the ethical principles based on the organization's core values and the standards to which the professional will be held".. - Define the objective in transparent and clear manner →

Good example of total dissolved solids and tap water report

Total dissolved solids are referred to matters in tap water or water bodies that left in a container as residue after evaporation and drying of a water sample. Sulfates and chlorides present in dissolved solids effect the taste and flavor of water.

Free report about technology

Furthermore, in order to improve the system, a hardware upgrade will be required. Software: The second component of the framework is software. This includes the software development tools that will be used in the development process. Data: Data is the most important part of the system.

Example of diffusion and osmosis report

The amount of the osmotically active substances in a cell, as well as the extracellular tonicity, determines the amount of water in the cell and the volume of the cell. Using a clean 1mL pipette, 1mL of IKI was added to the water in the beaker and the color of the beaker contents and IKI →

Global warming report sample

To come up with suggestions on the solution to this issue, the scientists have first explored into investigating the cause to it. Most researchers on climate change as a result of global warming have attributed it to the gases emitted from greenhouses as well as the burning of fossil fuels and destroying of forests. With →

Team strength report examples

Theskill to leverage this diversity and to achieve cohesion in the team leads to the creation of a genuinely strong and well-performing team. The ability of an organization to capitalize on the strengths and diversity of the team members have a number of advantages for the company. It is also →

How is lab equipment used report example

Using a graduated cylinder, 25 ml of water was measured and poured into the flask and the flask reweighed with the new contents. - The water was then emptied form the flask and the procedure repeated two times with the graduated cylinder. - The above procedure was then repeated only that in this case, the graduated cylinder →

Training and development project / reserch report

These objectives are aimed at finding a reasonable solution for the research issue.* Identifying the training methods using currently in service oriented organizations and production oriented organizations.* Identifying the relationship between training methods and performance improvement of the employees in the organization.* Identifying the necessary modifications for the training process and finding out most suitable →

Semantic representation and left visual field bias in encoding report examples

In this case, the hemispheres in the cerebral are stimulated. The right and the left hemisphere of the brain play a key role in semantic memory of both visual and verbal cognition. This is a guarantee by anatomical properties of the visual system, which enable selective stimulation by a visual hemifield. In the presentation of →

Example of design report training rubric: communication skills training essay

The table below highlights a plan and examples of some of the topics to be covered during the training session. Note: all the sessions will have an attached practical session that will last for half the time of the session. The number of sessions per topic will depend on the duration of the topic. Instructional →

Telecommunications – mobile phones – engineering report

Analysis The History of Mobile Phones The history of mobile phones shows a deep understanding of Telecommunication and the development of devices which are connected wirelessly to a public switched telephone network. The transmission of speech by radio has a long and excessive history going back to Reginald Fessenden's invention and shore →

Elements of a final report

In a fact sheet from the University of New England'sAcademicSkills Office, it says that the title page " must include the subject of the report, who the report is for, who the report is by and the date of submission. " After the title page comes the Abstract, which is typically composed of →

Report on wireless info system

These radio signals are responsible for the reliability and strength that Wi-Fi as a technology possesses. Wi-Fi is Half Duplex: One of the most mistaken conception about Wi-Fi technology is that it is Full Duplex or that it allows two way communication or data sharing simultaneously, while the reality is totally different. That's way too →

Example of fax machine report

History of the Fax Machine & Alexander Bain. History of the Fax Machine.

Business communication report hnc

Research into IT solutions It was found that the IT systems of the surgery were out of date and thus, very slow and unstable. Sometimes, it was impossible to type in personal information of the patients, because memory storage of the computers was full. It was found that the doctors realise that the service provided →

Is social networking affecting verbal communication skills report examples

An article entitled " Are Social Networks And Technology Putting An End To Verbal Communication?" written by Frank Angelone and published online in the Social Tech Zone presented relevant information on the potential devastating effects of social networking and texting on verbal communication. As such, the information contained therein could be used in one's →

Report on importance of communication in tourism industry

A considerable amount of weightage is given to the power of impressions on the mind of a person living in the twenty-first century. One of the most important aspects of Tourism is the communication of the impressions created in the minds of tourists. In the field of Tourism, communication, both non-verbal and →

Example of report on cell transport lab report

Introduction The neurophysiology of nerve pulses in the cell were the subject of the online laboratory experiment in order to better understand neuron communication from inside a cell to the outside of a cell. The concentration and type of ions solution inside the cell and in the extracellular region influence the potentials →

Memo short report

The recent conflict in FinanceGates Project was definitely harmful to the overall success of the project and the spirit of cooperation InternetGates Company tries to promote among its employees. However, for lack of communication skills expressed in shyness and fear to lose rapport with the boss, Frank was reluctant to share this with him.

Devices to aid speaking and listening report examples

The device is controlled by a series of buttons and switches (a single switch in the most simplest of cases) and works on the basis of the user telling the software what it is they want to say and the computer saying it for them, albeit in a robotic voice. c. Similar to the previous →

Jordan frazier

There is a need to update the curriculum because of the drastic change in writing styles and ways of communication in the workplace. Importance of documents to readers: Professional writing is an essential part of efficient communication in the workplace and to clients.

Policy memorandum report examples

This among other raised the decision of the policy makers to reconsider either increasing the generosity of the Earned Income Tax Credit for the childless or ending the American Opportunity Tax Credit as a way curbing the situation. Earned Income Tax Credit was formed as a →

Role of american troops in the second battle of the marne report example

By taking part in what is largely considered to be the most important battle of the First World War, American troops survived a harrowing battle to become an integral part in the creation of the counter-offensive that would end up winning the war for the Allies. The Role of American Troops When viewing the →

Slavery phenomenon and its causes in the usa report (assessment)

This is one of the differences that should not be overlooked. It is possible to say that the enslaved people could perform different kinds of labor. These are some of the main aspects that can be identified. In turn, the experiences of the owners could be very diverse.

Report on my election campaign

My decision to run with the Republican party was partly based on the fact that generally, the American public are divided on the subject of Republicans vs. I believe that this would show my allegiance to the domestic situation.

A report on penicillium, its benefits and global impact

They do this by acting directly on peptidoglycans, almost like the backbone of the cell wall, providing structure to the cell. Peptidoglycans produce a mesh-like structure around the plasma membrane of bacterial cells, that will increase the strength of the cell walls and prevents external fluids and particles from coming into the cell. As the →


Rhythmic synchronisation assists in elimination of continuous signal relays to the brain, a phenomenon that would be costly to sustain in terms of coordination. Print. Gross, Joachim, Miniussi Carlo and Thut Gregor." The Functional Importance of Rhythmic Activity in the Brain".

Bio lab report

Ye Tao BISC220-13155 The Effect of Temperature on the Digestion of Starch by Activity of Enzyme ? -Amylase: Observationof Rate of Starch Disappearance through Iodine Test Introduction An enzyme is a type of protein that, through its own structure including hydrogen bonds, acts like a biological catalyst and is able to accelerate the biochemical →

Sci103- science and technology course_ phase 3_ip3 – lab report example

Notice that each site you visit has a distinctly different surface, which could affect runoff. One Inch of Rainfall Shallow water infiltration Deep water infiltration Runoff water Evaporation water Vegetation 25% 25% 10% 40% Mountain 10% 5% 60% 25% Bare soil 20% 15% 35% 30% Section 2: →

Youtube video and comic pages summary

In other words, we need to be able to look at something and see two of the three: a word, a reasonable image of reality, or a picture of some sort. 150-word summary of Youtube video The video from Center for Media & Social Impact titled " Fair Use is Your Friend - Remix →

Political and art

Summary and Reflection According to John Frohnmayer's article " Censorship and its Progeny", the First Amendment's acknowledgement of the freedom of conscience requires the public to protect anyone who speaks against the flag as they are given the right of speech. Judgment against such speech in different countries was harsh to the extent that individuals →

Film and social change in china

Film and Social Change in Chaina Thesis This article examines the changes in the film industry in China that have been brought about by the social changes that have taken place in China. Method Research on this article has been conducted on various analytical bases. They have then related the content →

Answer question

To implement the Enterprise Resource Planning system. Question 3 and 4 Answer : The initial cost of the project was estimated at $37 million to acquire the software and to pay for the implementation process of the system. In these two phases, the entire system is analysed and the requirements specifications are done.

Written report ”love is a fallacy” by max shulman essay sample

One favors materialistic objects, and wishes he had a raccoon coat, and the other favors looks, and beauty, and wishes he had a certain girl to go steady with. He had made Petey a deal, and that deal was to exchange the raccoon coat , for Polly.

Book report on things fall apart

Okonkwo is later selected by the elders to be the guardian of Ikemefuna, a boy taken prisoner by the village as a peace settlement between two villages after his father killed an Umuofian woman. There was a lot of killing I thought anyways, and I would have never thought Okonkwo would have killed himself before →

Sure fire by jack higgins report example

Higgins uses the symbolism of optimism and pessimism to connect with the real life and bring a in depth resemblance of the real world. The book is action packed and full of adventure with twists and turns meant to amaze the reader.

Report on anna fitzgerald

The story that happens within the two weeks gives a flashback from the points of views of the main characters in the novel who are Anna the sister to Kate, Sarah Kate's mother, Brian who is Kate's father, Jesse who is Kate's brother, Campbell serving as Ann's attorney and Julia →

The hobbit report examples

This wisdom is necessary for Bilbo to become a hero who is successful. The other themes that clearly come out are the themes of solitude and nostalgia. This brings the events in the novel to a conclusion that is successful. Conclusion " The Hobbit" or " There and Back Again" is essentially an epitome of →

Report on mrs dawn moore

Moore's job requires her to understand policies, take initiatives, and make recommendations to the BCNR based on her findings. Mrs. I explained to her why I chose her for the interview. I shared the qualities that we had in common such as being ambitious, punctual and unbiased in being a leader. Integrator was also on →

Drug violence in mexico report

I would think trying to address the drug violence would be a major issue for police and politicians. I had to think about the actual source of the problem, which is the illegal drug trade that creates the violence in the first place.

Example of general and specific deterrence report

This means that when a person is aware of the consequences of what they are engaging will be reluctant to be involved in those activities which are against the law. In some cases the punishment involved may be ineffective and instead encourage the resolve of the person to get involved in other crimes regardless of →

Free preventing human trafficking report sample

The European slave trade, which began in the 1400s, is one of the first instances of organized human trafficking and the practice has continued to the present day (" Timeline of Human Trafficking"). In order to begin eradicating human trafficking, governments need to raise awareness among their citizens, identify and inform potential victims with an →

Report on davis v. the board of county commissioners of dona ana county

I am confident that you would find Herrera to be an excellent employee"(Court of Appeals of New Mexico, 1999). In the beginning of December 1994, Herrera posted an application for a job with MVH and they contacted the detention center where he worked previously for a reference. The plaintiff in the case had sued the →

Court observation reports example

I thought if a jury is pregnant, they could be excused from the jury. As the questioning continued, the defendant's lawyer stood up to object; the lawyer asks for a sidebar because defendants' lawyer thought the trial was about 1. 1 million that is part of the 3.

Patient rights and autonomy report examples

Scenario: A 2-year old girl was rushed in the Emergency Room by her parents due to dog bites in the face and neck, and scratches in the arms. Doing advance research or knowing which health care facilities in the vicinity adhere to regulatory codes can be helpful. References: College of Respiratory Therapists of Ontario.' →

Proper offer and its proper acceptance report

In specifically, in offer the offeror has the intention to be bound with acceptor. INTENTION TO CREATE LEGAL RELATIONSHIP FREE CONSENT When both the parties in the agreement take, understand, purpose, matter of subject and terms and conditions of the agreement in the same way than it will →

Psychological support agency report

For example in the occurrence of an earthquake, the scale of the disaster determines the impact it has on the citizens and hence the size of the psychological support agency that responds to the issues that arise. The qualifications and skills of the employees in the agency are well evaluated before they are employed to →

Example of report on nursing: ha-353 legal aspects/healthcare administration

Thirdly, the institution can turn to the court and a waiver is issued withholding patient's consent fro treatment if the patient is incapable of giving such consent as if in a coma or illiterate. Lesson 4: 2- Decision-Making Concerning Individuals: Reproductive and End-of-Life Issues Question 1:- Case Study surrogate mother. According to Carla Spivack →

Report on night nutrition

Find at least two excerpts from Night that describes the diet of one of the characters. From the late night the characters had the following types of diets; the character mostly ate potatoes and bread which is mainly composed of carbohydrates. 3. Type a reflection regarding the treatment of Holocaust victims pertaining to the diet →

Report on policing

The most memorable of the nine principles was, " the police are the public and the public are the police". The seventh principle implies that the police are the public and the public are the police.

Tribunals report examples

Fourth, international tribunals may be used as a forum for the review of acts by international actors such international non-government al organizations. The settlement of international disputes has grown from a mere conflict of laws and interests to a conflict of cultures as well. Cultural and political differences among nations make it difficult for international →

Drug enforcement administration (dea) report

The DEA, as the name suggests, is cabinet agency formed in response to the drug menace that has hit the country in the 1970s. The paper will analyze the organization chart as well as the recent accomplices and criticisms that have been directed at the DEA. Historical context Formation and the early life →

Free repertoire performed (list max 3 works) report example

While enjoying the impressive concert performance, I made notes and participant observations regarding the concert culture of Western Art Music. Performers The orchestra consisted of approximately 60 performers for the first piece, and 90 performers for the second piece. The demeanor and actions of the audience indicate that they showed respect for the performers →

Report on developing career related groups of like-minded people

These are renowned organisations that provide valuable information and news in the area of tourism and offer a great number of networking opportunities. 3. It also gives awards in the field of tourism. 3.2.

Study report

Objective of the study Identifying and assessing issues regarding youth social networking usage and the resultant impact on their social interactions and social behavior on the whole. Its a notable behaviour change owing to the usage of such sites and is evident that they are more in more social contact with the opposite gender while →

Report on airbus

The name " Airbus" was taken from a non-proprietary term used by the airline industry in the 1960s to refer to a commercial aircraft of a certain size and range, for this term was acceptable to the French linguistically. It was the launch of the A320 in 1981 that guaranteed the status of Airbus as →

Environmental impact assessment report on malaysian airport project construction essay

Besides that, in 1998 EIA will be implemented as whole and made it mandatory to all the project to be implemented. Environmental assessment report intended to assess the environmental impacts of airport project proposed by Janji Manis Corporation to replace the new airport in Subang to Sepang, as what been stated in the →

Report on organizational structure and finance of british airways

In conclusion, the report will summarise the information on the organisation and a view of its trading in the last five years followed by recommendations on how I feel the business may proceed in the current economic climate. Although the airline has been operational since 1919, developments over the years saw the merging of the →

Air dispersion modeling report essay

The report will discuss the mathematical basis for point source dispersion modeling, the regulatory framework , and on models that were researched and used in an attempt to model air dispersion from a point-source. In " Energy and the Environment" by Fay and Gloom, is: Where QPS is the mass rate of a pollutant →

The harbinger of tom joad: john steinbeck’s approach to documentary reportage in “the harvest gypsies”

Steinbeck immersed himself in the lives of the migrant workers, paying close attention to the minute details indicative of their cruel situation. In his introduction to " The Harvest Gypsies," Charles Wollenberg affirmed the importance of such documents to the validity and realism that shone through in Steinbeck's writing: " The reports, which included social →

The lottery by shirley jackson report (assessment)

The date was used as a platform for the Lottery tale. Shirley employed diverse writing styles in the Lottery story. Analysis of ' The Lottery', a Short Story by Shirley Jackson.

Report on typology in american writing

Typology, in a biblical sense is what you are looking at as different signs and different interpretations of symbols and readings in the Bible. Another example of antitype and type in Jonathan Edwards's writings is in his Doctrine when he explains that it's not the light that shows you are sinful, and it's not a →

Report on issue – desserud

Summary In Desserud's article " The Governor General, the Prime Minister and the Request to Prorogue," the author looks at the events that led to the eventual prorogation of parliament in Canada in 2009, stemming from Steven Harper and his decision to prorogue. This argument is made through a detailed examination →

First to fight an inside view of the us marine corps report sample

It is known fact that the Marine Corps are the most potent fighting force in the U.S., and even among the most powerful forces in the entire world, but by relating his experiences in this book, Lt.Gen. First in Fight is an absorbing book as it based on the Lieutenant →

Stand your ground law report sample

The court held that such a right to self-defense was a plausible basis for defense against criminal charges such as assault or homicide. The doctrines of Stand Your Ground have also been likened to the Castle Doctrines as applied in several states within the United States. These are just some of the states that have →

Free report about influence of social consensus information on humanitarian aid

The second issue of study is about receiving the consensus information. In this case, the report bases on the article, the influence of social consensus information on intergroup helping behavior. Comparative to the present study and assessment of the social consensus on the behavior of helping, a selected sample of character is chosen to enable →

Report on arrangement of the exhibition

All the events were duly distributed & assigned to different groups of students comprising of the F.Y.& S.Y.D. Ed's class was cleaned and the tables were arranged in the class accordingly along with the walls of the class and 2 podiums were placed right in the middle of the class and one along the black →

Domestic this aspect. as reportedly a number

Firstly, in this plan I will be looking intothe recent developments of law undertaken by CPS and analyse how it iscontributing towards the betterment of the victims and the witnesses. Asreportedly a number of domestic violence cases are going unattended by thepolice and the percentage is soaring high 4Fourthly, my arguments for or against the →

Report on billing and coding for health services

However, the payment claims may get rejected in the process of submitting payments to the healthcare facility after services have been rendered to a patient or client. Several reasons may cause the subsequent rejection of a payment claim. For instance, if the payment indicated occurs incorrect, the alterations may occur →


Using Effective Communication Skills: I will continue to have strong command of the material I am teaching and be firm in my delivery, I will make learning fun for the students, and ensure openness with the students. I will also use a language that is clear, known and understood by the students. Parent Conferences I →

Free report on cat on a hot tin roof

Why do you think it's so important for Williams to not reveal Brick's sexuality and do you buy his claim that Brick is not gay? During the time and place of this book, which was middle 40's early 50's and in the south of all places, homosexuality was not accepted nor spoken of, or a →

Sample : diversity in law. enforcement: the report egidio a. diodati assumption cojlege

It is not fair to engage in such practices because they do not add any value to the organization. All the stakeholders should be made to feel that they are equal and not discriminated irrespective of their differences.

Free report on status of hypertension in malta

Because of the high mortality risk associated with hypertension, it is desirable to investigate the status of hypertension as a disease in Maltese population and to critically evaluate the findings based on culture and health practices in Malta that may have significantly influenced the status of hypertension in the country. Among the commonwealth member states →

Assessment of nutritional status anthropometry report

The choice of the method to be used for nutritional assessment depends on the level at which a person wants information and also the validity and reliability of the method. The assessment of nutritional status can be summarized by the mnemonic " ABCD" standing for anthropometric measurement, biochemical, clinical indicators and dietary assessment. Purpose of →

Report on dimensions of bilingualism

To better establish the scope and meaning of bilingualism, a discussion of the operational definition of language was provided and arbitrated. In this part of his paper, he tries to debunk the common belief that the age and manner of the acquisition of a particular language have bearing on the proficiency level of the individual →

Report on the social and environmental impact of geothermal energy

However, social and environmental considerations and impacts are vital in making geothermal the preferred form of energy [ CITATION MDu04 l 2057 ]. Geothermal Energy Technology and Development There are various technologies available and applied right from the exploration stage to the development and exploitation of the geothermal energy. The exploration, development and exploitation →

Report on indirect and specific deterrence

What this means is that the action of an individual results from careful consideration of the benefits and costs. Therefore, the basic premise of the theory is that an increase in the cost of crime leads to a decrease in the number of persons committing crime.

Good example of report on demographics of the district

The major professions of the district's people include industrial production, transportation and fishing. Reduction of the Sports Program It has been noted with great concerns that there has been significant reduction in conducting sports related programs in the district due to over emphasis placed on routine curricular activities and study classes in

Good example of mathematics paper report

The aim of the paper studied is to bring to light this usefulness, introduce some practical applications of the same, and to examine the behavioral spectrum of such systems. For r > 2, the stable point varies, and may change to a repellor. A deeper analysis of this model shows what exactly happens in the →

Sample report on global business

The GDP increased from $19486 per capita in 2009 to $2358922 per capita in 2013. The recovery of the Russian economy from the 2008 crisis is a positive signal for the economy in gaining foreign investments. Market Demographics: The average figures of OECD suggest that the there is a healthy employment and labor market in →

Example of report on managing in a global economy

Algeria seemed the best location for the said project and this paper gives a detail research on the country. Background information of Algeria Algeria is a country found in the Northern part of Africa. The highest point of the country is Mount Tahat which is in the Sahara, since 85% of the country is →

Example of report on doing business in kenya

Its official name is the Republic of Kenya, and its head of state is the president. Kenya is a democratic society; most of the decisions are as a result of a consensus.

Free shanghai pudong international airport report sample

The Shanghair Pudong International Airport is an important Chinese airport located close to the urban part of Shanghai. The location of the airport is especially ideal because of Shanghai's free trade zone.

Example of funding model report

Public Education Networks Public education networks, which work in different areas of education to improve the quality of education, also provide help in terms of money and loan. Funding Higher Education: The Contribution of Economic Thinking to Debate and Policy Development.

financial research report essay sample

Therefore the company is considered a non-diversified investment. Exxon Mobil's financial results are subject to a variety of risks in the global oil, gas, and petrochemical business. A reason for other investors to follow suit by investing in Exxon Mobil is the company's dividend.

Report on sovereign wealth fund

The maximum estimate of Sovereign Wealth Fund states around US$ 5 trillion of Assets under Management. Different Sovereign Wealth Funds that we know today There are five types of Sovereign Wealth Funds Stabilization Funds These are the funds that are arranged in order to protect the economy →