Genuine Report Examples

Kinimatics and dynamics – lab report example

Governing Dynamics of Gyroscope Institute Governing Dynamics of Gyroscope Aim: The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the relationshipbetween the precession angular velocity, the spin angular velocity, the applied moment and the rotational mass moment of inertia of a gyroscope in steady precession. Measure the angular velocity of the gyroscope using the tachometer.5.

Apple csr polices and reporting business essay

CSR means the commitment of the business to contribute economic development, through activities to improve the quality of life of the workforce and their family, as well as the development of society. Suppliers are obliged to respect the human rights of its workers, to inform the workers of their rights, and to treat them with โ†’

Good example of report on total material cost = 2150000+1280000=3430000, total wages=432000+360000

The following are some of the recognised methods of over absorption rates: Percentage of direct material cost: In some manufacturing concerns a study of past cost will reveal a correlation between the direct material cost and the amount of factory overhead cost incurred. Thus if direct material cost is M and the overhead as % โ†’

Field experience report

Observe the implementation of the lesson and address the following: 3) Did the actual teaching/learning process take place as outlined in the plan? For example, he would assign the same chapter from the Civics book for all the students, but he would assign the gifted students, additional questions to answer at the end of the โ†’

Audit engagement report

For auditing to take place, there has to be an auditor, who has the qualifications of carrying out the auditing process, and the client, who is the one being audited. The partner's and the managr's reaction concerning the client was that the client had some issues to hide.

Horse power – lab report example

Table 2 Person A is observed to be a fast-moving student as evidenced by an average of 5. 72 watts and 61 horsepower on average.3.

Ib biology lab report

Sometimes the best thing to do for your method is to draw a diagram of the experimental set up and refer to it. The uncertainty of the quantitative data and the units of the uncertainty need to be recorded once in the column heading.

Institute of medicine report

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to discuss the Institute of medicine report and its impact on the future of nursing, nursing is one of the fastest growing professions in healthcare industry today, there have been ongoing changes to the way we practice, and to keep up with these changes we need to educate โ†’

A report on training & development department of spl

2 Vision of the SPL Square view business as a means to the material & social wellbeing of the investors, employees and the society at large, leading to accretion of wealth through financial and moral gains as a part of the process of the human civilization.2. Permanent improvement of all the employees " Knowledge and โ†’

Example of report on advert

Target Audience The target audience for this advert is men and women of all ages and that have the qualifications called for to fit the vacancy. The major information being passed across is the existence of a vacancy and in specific at Dell Limited as a software engineer and the qualifications being sought for.

Billabong business report

Billabong International's values remain consistent with its foundation objectives, which include: a commitment to brand protection and enhancement the manufacture of design-relevant and functional products marketing in the core boardsports channels such as sponsorship of events and athletes, as well as advertising in selected print media to expand into new geographical markets to expand the โ†’

Coming of age in mississippi-book report

" Coming of Age in Mississippi" by Anne Moody is an autobiographical account of a black woman living in South struggling against the centuries old racialdiscriminationby the white. In her account, Anne Moody describes the adversities of living in the " south" where the black population had just started their struggle for equal rights.

Review of maus

Artie Spiegelman proves with " Maus" that the graphic novel is also capable of dealing with " serious" issues by becoming a legitimate art form beyond being a part of popular culture." Maus" sets a new example for comic books by introducing innovative elements and methods that affect the comic positively: substituting human faces with โ†’

A midsummer nights dream

Perceiving of her as a lesser extension of his own self and an object, no person, of his command, Egeus insists that Hermia love whom he commands her to love. Hence, because it is the outcome of transient perceptions and because it is vulnerable to external influences, love cannot run a smooth course.

Synopsis of platos republic

Next, Plato elaborates on the concept of " the being"; for him, there is an element of intelligibility and visibility in all forms of the being and one needs to have the power to grasp what is intelligible and what is visible in each form of the being. Belief and imaging contribute to opinion whereas โ†’

The next christians

The emerging issues in Christianity are the major drivers that are changing the fundamental principles of the faith. The occurrences are unique and demand that all the people that confess the faith participate in the change process.

English romantic writers by david perkins

The emphasis that the book gives to women writers who otherwise had very little publicity and fame gives a sense of fairness about the writer in terms of the promotion of equality. Again, this is a feature that makes the book universal and highly suitable for people of different reading backgrounds.

Summaries of at least 4 chapters of the perfection by michael hyde

At the outset of the book itself, Hyde tries to explore the way the philosophers like Edmund Burke and David Hume have delineated with the idea of perfection and through the general comprehension of the terms like " proper", " beauty" and " eloquent" one can easily find the way perfection is related with the โ†’

Two gods or one

Volf asserts that the concept of " sufficient similarity" makes us understand that since the beliefs of the Christians and the Muslims about God are same, and the acts of worship are similar, hence there is sufficient similarity in the referents of both, which implies that they have the same God.Q.4. This shows how merciful โ†’


Reasons for the forgetfulness of the question of being In the early years, anyone who persisted in questioning the concept was faulted with an error of method. First, the concept of being is universal; the understanding of the concept encompasses all that is being.

Staphylococcus genus report: history and treatment

On the body, S.aureus is commonly found on the skin and in the nasal and oral cavity. It is important to remember that maintaining good hygiene can play a tremendous role in the prevention and spread of this bacteria.

Internship report analysis

Performance Evaluation Study of Merchandising of FGS Knitwear Limited 5 Executive Summary Merchandising department is the star of the department among all the working departments in the Export concern, because it is the only department having maximum control over the departments and total responsible for profit and loss of the company. Performance Evaluation Study of โ†’

Victoria climbie inquiry report

On February 25 2000 Victoria Climbie was declared dead after months of abuse and neglect, the torture of which she was subjected to was what many described as " the worst abuse of a child they had ever seen." The torture included starvation, cigarette burns, repeated beatings with a bike chain and hammer blows to โ†’

Tuesdays with maury

This is displayed when Mitch attempts to talk to him, but Peter is bent on not establishing a relationship with Mitch. It is simple Mitch's effort to rekindle what they had as children and Peter is now responsive.

The geographical poetics of giovanni verga

Thus, Verga has a double-responsibility of aesthetically representing Sicily and the South in such a way that is recognizable and foreign, picturesque and menacing, the South as a geospatial concept and idea and the reality of life in the South. In dealing with the sea as setting and symbol, Verga is cognizant of the geographical โ†’

Finance.intermediate english report 42324

WHAT PROMPTED THE INVENTION OF STEAM ENGINE Many factors prompted the invention of the steam engine and other systems during the industrial revolution. Further more, the construction of roads and bridges over rivers was a great motivation to the expansion of steam powered trains in the entire region.

Management report topics essay sample

As manager of a midsized company, you have been asked by the management council to justify the installation of a Wi-Fi network for your company. What are the pros and cons of switching a business operation to a Linux system?

Manual for health professionals by mohanna, wal and chambers

Strengths: Education and teaching on the subject of healthcare are somewhat complex and in the past, limited efforts have been made in that direction. It provides for necessary teaching tools for developing and organizing teaching sessions in the related subject.

Salvation story written by langston hughes

The expressions of remorse after the event ended and young Langston's loss of faith is also written from Old Langston's perspective. The story gives the reader a feeling of knowing the author personally." Salvation" seems to be an autobiographical piece through which Langston Hughes has shared his experiences and declared how events had moulded his โ†’

Eco bottle lab report essay

One power unique to the House of Representatives is that revenue bills must originate from the House; the framers gave this power to the House because the House of Representatives is more representative of the entire population than the Senate is. One power unique to the Senate is that they are the ones that try โ†’

From slavery to freedom, edition 9, chapter 21 pp 549 – 582

This made them to form a movement in the late 1960 and early 1970 which was known as ' the black power movement," this led to a great symphony of struggle for racial justice and equality in America. However the passionate advocacy of race, pride and black self determination of Malcolm contributed to the mind โ†’

Instructional rounds (review 3)

The main scope of the paper is to focus on investigating the Effective Implementation of Pedagogical Reform project to establish the extent to which teaching experience can be improved by implementation of pedagogical reform. Overall, the study sought to establish the effectiveness of quality teaching rounds on the performance of the teachers.

Report progressive hospital

The Core Switches act as the routers for the site, handling traffic flows within and between the sites. The main weakness of WEP is the way in which data is encrypted and the fact that a hacker can use a ' sniffer' to crack the encryption key.

Interaction of mind with the environment

Interaction of the Mind with the Environment Introduction The human mind is sensitive to any changes in the environment; for this reason, the human mind has to change in order to adapt to the environment. The role of memory Considering the book, the role of memory in the interaction of the mind with the โ†’

Executive addition, the report provides an analysis of

Despite its effort in ensuring that its employees' welfare is well catered for, the company still needs to make some adjustments concerning employees' motivating factors to emerge the leading organization in addressing the needs of employees. Humana Insurance can introduce intensive training and development programs in its company to increase the effectiveness of the employees.

Electronics laboratory report.

The equipment used in this laboratory included: the signal generator which was used to supply the power used in the various procedures, The oscilloscope which was used to view and record the waves produced from the AC currents and then make relevant calculations based on that.iii) The DC power supply was used in the first โ†’

Book report for the odyssey essay

The best aspects of The Odyssey are the exciting adventures Odysseus goes through and the explanations and descriptions of the conditions and scenery. Homer allows the imagination of the reader to come up with the details like the color and size of the creatures and what the surroundings look like.

Plato, republic, from x

s In book X of The Republic, Socrates turns to the question regarding poetry and poses arguments convincingly concerning why they are perceived as dangerous for the city. Secondly, the images that these poets betray are often the worst form of soul, thereby neglecting the virtuous part of the soul; which evidently diverts the energy โ†’

The whiteman’s burden

His main objective is the historical origin of racism in America in which the blacks are discriminated by the whites. As a result, the blacks were treated as slaves because of their low status in the society, and are perceived to have originated from an ape and a human being.

Joyce carol oates’s is this the promised end

The main questions arisen from this essay are: Is it necessary to Lear to become insane What is the role of transcendence in the tragedy Is " King Lear" really a tragedy or triumph of justice For Lear, It is necessary to become insane because only in this state he can achieve spirituality and distinguish โ†’

Ernst and young llp. the annual reports of at&t and verizon

Coincidentally, both of the companies under consideration utilize the service of a single auditing firm Ernst and Young LLP. The income statement of AT&T and Verizon both lists down the source and the amount of revenue earned from the companies' operations together with special income like interest, investment, and sale from discontinued operations.

Speaking style of president bill clinton

Speech on the unique Speaking style of President Bill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton was one of the most memorable presidents of the United s in the 20th century. The first Clinton's speech to be analyzed is his speech to Veterans Organizations on Kosovo which took place on May 13, 1999 at the Office of the โ†’

Outliers by malcolm gladwell

The chapter ' Rice Paddies and Math Tests' ed by Malcolm Gladwell in his book ' Outliers' published in the year of 2008 provides a succinct yet perfect description of the cultures and traditions prevalent in the Eastern parts of the world especially that in the country of China. In the first few pages, the โ†’

Ghost stories by hampton sides

There is a lot of firing but due to their skills of the 121, the Japanese prison guards are all fallen and they break the prisoners loose. The soldiers are forced to run in order to save their lives and that of the rescued prisoners.

Lady macbeth pyshcology report

In her early life as a wife she bore a child which was reported to have died at the age of six and a half months due to an accident with one of the family's hounds. The anti-depressant administered was of a very high dosage and Lady Macbeth no doubt suffered from delusional visions from โ†’

Individuel – lab report example

The project involved a restructuring of a hall that remained located in the middle of the University of Wales, Newport. In addition, it comprised meeting the deadline for project completion and finally enhancing the technical skills for each of the member in the project.

Walgreens annual report analysis essay sample

Finally, to highlight its financial and business achievements, Walgreens uses bullet points about all of its milestones from 2012 in its annual report. To give investors an idea of how Walgreens new customer-centric retailing experience provides benefits to both the customer and the company, Walgreens uses full-page pictures of its customers followed by their stories.

Chilean copper mine collapse report

Another factor to consider is the communication the company must have with the employees of the company and that would also include the workers that are trapped in the mine. There will be ways of communication given to the miners from the company and to the families.

Reading report of “the tale of genji” or “genji monogatari”

READING REPORT OF THE TALE OF GENJI AND GENJI MONOGATARI Reading Report of The Tale of Genji and Genji Monogatari The catchy work by Shikibu is one that encompasses numerous themes that deepen the readers' audience understanding of the Japanese culture and society in the times. The issue of rape and its relation in to โ†’

This report assesses the opportunity

Using relevant costing it has been shown that purely on a financial basis accepting the order in the short term will increase relevant cash flow by 105, 000, even with the loss of revenue and production of 6, 000 boxes of Boosters. A repeat order would improve both the OAR and the utilisation of the โ†’

Theme of conflict in charlotte brontes novel jane eyre

Rochester and she is deeply in love with him she still insists to maintain her own position as the Adele's governess and make her own money so that she may not be in debt with Mr. Due to the fortune makes her be economically independent of Mr.


As Carl is still highly obsessed by the past and as everything ranging from beer bottles, teenagers and the river takes him back to the memories of the past, one gets the feeling that the character is highly static in nature. The first is between man and destiny and the second is between man and โ†’

Report on inflation

8 Autonomy of the Central Bank 07 08 References Appendix Trade Deficit of Bangladesh Yearly Reserve Position Yearly data of Workers Remittance Yearly data of Inflation Yearly data of Export, Remittance, Reserve and Exchanger Rate Monthly data of Remittance and Exchange Rat Regression Analysis FDI In Bangladesh 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 21 โ†’

World war ii 20th century

The categorization of what makes it momentous for the century is how it has affected the lives of people from the moment it happened and transcended from a fleeting instant to one that would ultimately change the course of history and human life as we know it. In these fields which have seen tremendous development โ†’

Global media intelligence report

With the exception of Australia and Japan, AsiaPacific weathered the global economic recession from 2008 to 2009 better than the rest of the largest regional markets in the world. As in most developed countries, total media spending dropped in Australia during the recession, with researchers estimating declines of 5% to 8.

Project report on working capital managment

PPT 5/9 Strategies of Operation Due to the total change in the environment manufactures were required to compete the good products with low price and the ready delivery by evolving a strategic business development from marketing to operations by the cost leadership and differentiation strategies Differentiation strategy: This calls for following changes in the new โ†’

Report on the religious life of planet earth

Report on the religious life of planet Earth Name: Course: Institution: Instructor: Date: Report on the religious life of planet Earth Religion, according to Geertz is a " collection of cultural systems, belief systems and worldviews that relate humanity to spirituality and, sometimes, to moral values". The common factor in every religion is the acknowledgement โ†’

A report of pace leisurewear ltd finance essay

Even in year 2009 Profit before tax and interest was higher as compare to year 2008, but company also increase fixed assets and current assets. Company's total sales minus its cost of goods sold, divided by the total sales, which is represent in percentage.

Strangers among us: how latino immigration is transforming america

Observation plays a huge role in the development of the book and dictates the social theme of the book. The organization of the book is effective and utilitarian.

Information seeking activities for language learning

The types of information-seeking activities done by students in learning French language.ii. Of the 20 focus groups, 16 use online information for learning and more so to improve their language.

Evan baker’s bikers island: theories of racism

The author has drawn the awareness of people towards the insincerity of the intention of his agent, and his duty as a social worker. From an approach of case study, Evan baker makes use of the Art of War as a mechanic for comprehending the circumstances of hostages to conquer the hardships of biggest jail โ†’

Way to happiness

Set in rural England of the early twentieth century, " The horse dealer's daughter" has the raw, earthy quality of the working class about it. The story is set in France of the late nineteenth century, and Maupassant brings in the element of surprise at the end.

Scot’s principle of symmetry

Scot's Principle of Symmetry Scot is the social construction of Technology in which the developmental process of a technological artifact is described as an alteration of variation and selection. It misses the thrust of our argument that the " successful" stages in the development are not the only possible ones since historians should ensure โ†’

Evolution and diversity lab reports assignment

The goal of this lab was to understand and be familiar with the millions of organisms that live on earth everyday and how they got here. The part of the fungi that grows and metabolites is found beneath the decaying organic material and is called a McCollum, which are made up of Happy.

Achievement anxiety and gender

Define what Horner meant by " fear of achievement" in women The influence of one's gender on the achievement level of an individual has been one of the vital topics of researches in relation to gender studies and the constraints of femininity have attained the focus of such discussions. In conclusion, Horner's findings with reference โ†’

Measuring and reporting the cost of quality

Although in the early decade, quality cost were describe as the cost of rework, inspection, scrap and the cost of running in the quality department but still people often misunderstand cost of quality as the cost of creating a quality product or service. Cost of quality as presently understood is the sum of the cost โ†’

Project report on inventory management flashcard

The longer the lead time, the larger the quantity of goods the firm must carry in inventory. However, if the discount is sufficient to offset the extra holding cost incurred as a result of the excess inventory, the decision to buy the large quantity is justified.

Burberry investigative report and competitors essay

The House of Fraser customer is similar to the Burberry because both are fashion conscious and look for comfort. Ralph Lauren, House of Fraser and Escada are main competitors of Burberry because of their approach to the customer and merchandise.

Bell jar by sylvia plath

She questions her existence and the meaning of the internship and her accomplishments. The experience is painful and she has to go to the emergency room.

A child called it by dave pelzer

Pelzer had to play the very games not for the sake of fun, but to survive through the physiological and psychological torture that he was regularly offered by his mother. To his mother, Pelzer was more of an " it" than a " he".


The character of a person is made by the attitude he carries. Self esteem is related to the type of attitude one possess.

Crocodile tear by anthony horowitz

This novel is very amazing I really liked how writer plots how Alex Rider being in Scotland and went to the Greenfields trip then he goes of the film studio and at the end he goes to Kenya; Alex suffered alot in this story. Alex makes a tough journey to the dam and saved himself โ†’

Tourism tech and innovation preliminary report

One of the best strategies that the company can use to make its services better is development of smartphone applications to supplement the activities and games found in the Park already. Social media advertising campaigns should also be used to increase awareness about the amusement Park and create a strong level of brand loyalty in โ†’

Hr report to ceo

We designed special leaflets where all of the requirements were mentioned, so that the General Manager must be enthusiastic, have outstanding communication skills and be able to work with people from different cultural backgrounds. It's important for the General Manager to be open for the society and be able to speak more that one language.

Effect of temperature on larvae growth – lab report example

For a time period of about three days, the evidence obtained from the insects that are associated with the body is found to be very accurate and in some cases, it may be the only that can be used in the determination elapsed time since the occurrence of death or when the body was put โ†’

Book report the perks of being a wallflower

He understood what most did not and did not Judge anyone for who they are or what they were like; on the contrary, he actually thought about and sometimes asked why they decided to be that way, and there was nothing more to it. In many moments through out the book I think that it's โ†’

Physics “the domino effectโ€ lab report essay sample

Controlled Variable: The number of dominoes used, the distance between the dominoes, the loads used as the initial force applied on the domino, the inclined plane used as a platform that will direct the load to hit the first domino, the stopwatch used to time the domino effect, the person using the stopwatch, the person โ†’

Accounting attachment report

1 The objectives of the Industrial attachment The purpose of industrial attachment is to bridge the gap between the theory and the practise of coursework learnt in the University of Botswana. In providing accounting services, the aim is to also influence the practise of proper accounting ethos and to improve the running and quality of โ†’

Advanced corporate reporting

A reporting entity is required to prepare its financial report based on IASB framework and it is so useful for different types of users to evaluate the financial performance of the reporting entity and make suitable decisions. Moreover, the financial report is prepared based on HKFRS, the accounting policy is consistent and because of this, โ†’

International business management report nike marketing essay

Nike is the world leader in the segment of athletic shoes and apparel. Nike is the world leader in the segment of athletic footwear & athletic apparel in the world.

Osmosis lab report assignment

The reason this happens is because there is a higher concentration of water in the cell then there is in the environment the cell is in. So the water inside the cell will cross the membrane and enter into the solution outside the cell and it will continue to do this until the concentration inside โ†’

Example investigative fire report

Access to the property is at the gravel driveway to the left and I made entry into the Truckee was made through the front door after documenting photos of the outside of the structure. Opinions/Theories The point of origin being in the living room with the heaviest damage focused on the end of the sofa โ†’

The importance of being earnest by oscar wilde

The play is very interesting to read as there are witty and paradoxical remarks passed by characters of the play such as Algernon, Lady Bracknell, and Jack. While reading the play, the absurdity of the situations is felt such as Gwendolen's promptness in accepting Jack's proposal, Cecily's falling in love with Algernon before his actual โ†’

Disorders of the immune system reports examples

The characteristic include a decrease in the IgM levels and increase in IgE and IgA. Activated complement plays a role in bacterial lysis, stimulation of the inflammatory response, promotion of phagocytosis and in clearing the immune complexes.

Between barak and a hard place book report

In this book Tim Wise explains how Barack Obama's political success took the race debate to new levels and how to many whites, validating the American ideology that hard work pays off to anybody and it serves as the perfect example that institutional barriers against blacks no longer exist. I think it is worth mentioning โ†’

Report on how honda has changed its internal environment

The fact that in this generation women can work outside their homes and join the workforce means that they have an improved spending power the increase in the spending power of women is an economic factor that can effectively be employed to develop products and services that target women in the motorcycle manufacturing industry. The โ†’

The miracle of life – lab report example

It oozes out of the ovary, to the end of the fallopian tube, and to the uterus. Tentacles capture the egg and pull it inside due to the muscular contraction of the tube and the constant swaying of the cilia.

Pill bug lab report

In the experimental maze there was a longer left side to see if the pill bugs became discouraged the farther they went to their food so that they may turn around and go down the other path. There were some pill bugs that took a left turn but then turned back around and went down โ†’

Genre paper and presentation

The conflict in " The Silence".lies in looking for the killer to save the girl, which means the hero must establish a congenial relationship with the villain to get clues about the killer. In both " The Silence".and " Ringu", the directors were able to evoke that kind of feeling.

Overview the life of a day moth in a story the death of a moth by virginia woolf

The author personifies the creature and further shows potential joys that the moth could endure in the morning and the joys enjoyed by other species, with only the life of the moth lacking any fruitfulness. In the end, despite all the struggles experienced by the moth, the final one is one that is uniform among โ†’

Ode on a grecian urn by john keats review

The immortality of the art on the urn is caused by its beauty which causes the characters on it to remain evergreen.3.a. Beauty and Imagination in " Ode on a Grecian Urn" Most of the poem talks of the nature of art and the role of imagination in it.

Ethical audit report of the toyota company

By these cases, the sales of Toyota keep reducing and facing the losses of profit, it affected the reducing reputation of Toyota's image and stock prices of Toyota have been southbound ever since news of the recalls hit the stands, with almost one-fifth of the company's value wiped off the board on the Tokyo stock โ†’

Silas marner report

As well, a big house and a rich lifestyle does not compel her to change her mind because Sila's home and the lifestyle she lives is what she is use to, and she will also marry a workingman. It is clear that the story, Silas Marner contains many aspects of the fairytale and therefore lacks โ†’

Chromatography: lab report assignment

15 points) You have to keep the spot above the solvent because if you lay the spot in the solvent it will soak into the solvent as opposed to diffusing up the chromatography paper, keeping it out of water allows the solvent to carry the color up the paper with it as opposed to washing โ†’