Genuine Report Examples

Free report on the objectives of this experiment are listed as follows

The above procedure was repeated for the beam 2 and beam 3. The results obtained in this experiment are tabulated as follows: Graphs and calculation Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 3 Theoretical values sample calculation-beam 1 For W= 10 N I= bh312= 20*5312= 208.

Global navigation system – lab report example

The annual costs incurred in the working and maintenance of G.P. The accuracy of G.P.

Report on higher education in qatar (part in green3)

Key Market Opportunities in Qatar's Higher Education Sector AFFILIATION: Key Market Opportunities in Qatar's Higher Education Sector Areas where UK Universities have potential for expansion in Qatar In order to boost the higher education sector of Qatar, UK educational institutions will have to develop course curriculum keeping in mind the requirements of its workforce. According β†’

Unilever bangladesh limited report essay sample

Over the last four decades, Unilever Bangladesh has been constantly bringing new and world-class products for the Bangladeshi people to remove the daily drudgery of life. In 2004, Lever Brothers was renamed, " Unilever Bangladesh Limited" in order to align its corporate identity and logo with that of the global Unilever.

George c. marshall by mark stoler

In this book, Stoler covers the long and distinguished career of George Marshall in detail. This biography reveals a brilliant and complicated man Recommendations and conclusion This book is one of the great biographies of George Marshall since it focuses on his successes in the military.

The journey of a buddhist nun: even against the wind

At the age of sixteen she had a sudden realization of nirvana, and hence forth she had an uncontrollable urge to move away from the normal life and take the noble path pursued by the Buddha. Maechi Wabi always wanted to follow the path of nirvana and attain enlightment, and hence she did so.

The hippopotamus: endangered species report

The reason the price-per-kilo is so slow is because hippo ivory is very brittle compared to the much stronger elephant ivory. The 1989 ban on elephant ivory is the main cause attributed to the exponential rise to hippo ivory trade".

The stories by guy de maupassant

The story talks about the kind of strength and bond that the marriage of the two regains with time as Mathilde realizes the importance of being there for the man that she has married and understanding the kind of sacrifices he has made for her. The Jewels, one more story by the same author, expresses β†’

Building on reflective practice: becoming real aboriginal teachers

Building on Reflective Practice: Becoming ' real' Aboriginal teachers Becoming ' real' Aboriginal teachers: attending to intergenerational narrative reverberations and responsibilities The article written by Young, et al.proffered issues pertinent to the narrated stories on the experiences of six Aboriginal teachers: Brenda, Mary, Jennifer, Jerri-Lynn, Khea, Lucy and Lulu as they pursued higher education in β†’

Report and recommendations for motors engineering ltd

The evaluation of project risk therefore depends, on the one hand, on our ability to identify and understand the nature of uncertainty surrounding the key project variables and on the other, on having the tools and methodology to process its risk implications on the return of the project. These include the ranking of risk and β†’

Report corona case study

U to the US had the largest beer market in the world and the consumption per capita is very high. Which was the largest beer importer in the 25 western states and was experienced in the marketing and sales of imported premium beers.

Elements of a good nursing report

This was reflected in a greater appreciation and satisfaction on the part of the receiving nurses and a demonstrable improvement in team empathy We note that the authors stated that in organising the mid-section training sessions they utilised the research work of Orlando, who crystallised the essential elements of the nursing report into the basic β†’

Management principles: the latham report

Understanding the nature of the construction industry is said to be essential to gain a better understanding of how a project will proceed. Latham determined that a checklist of design responsibilities should be prepared in order to prevent confusion & to determine the liability of a project team.

Automobile innovation

The more the automobiles are used, the more they began to affect the daily lives of individuals'.at the time the suburbs were a popular thing and the introduction of the automobile meant, the spreading out of these suburbs. The automobile innovation has made the car innovators look for elegant and smaller details to be able β†’

Extraction lab report

An acid-base extraction is a solvent-solvent extraction, in almost every case one of the solvents is water or an aqueous solution and a requirement of a solvent-solvent extraction is that the mixture of the two solvents will separate into two layers. At the end of the procedure the neutral compound was recovered in its solid β†’


Calorimeters identify the scale and rate of production of heat and change into numerical designations that can be used to sufficiently measure the assimilation and production and energy and heat. There is need to establish the heat capacity of the calorimeter.

Nehru report essay sample

The Nehru committee appointed by nationalists was their response to the appointment of Simon Commission and the challenge given by Lord Birkenhead to Indians asking them to frame a Constitution on which the Indian opinion was united. The Committee Report was adopted in August and was an outline draft of a Constitution which was based β†’

Leading questions and the eyewitness report

Although not the first of her career, the 1975 paper entitled Leading Questions and the Eyewitness Report is the first in a long line of research based on the effect of question wording and information on eyewitness memory. Due to the broad expansion of interest since the original paper, this review will primarily focus on β†’

Mall culture by steven l. shepherd

This is the process of life and once a man stops yearning for something, the whole process of producing and selling would cease. The other remarkable idea in the essay is the desire of the writer for reflection, solitude and rich inner life.

Review on a streetcar named desire by tennessee williams and on a supermarket in california by allen ginsberg

The Post war New Orleans, where lust and casual sex came as a relief in times of stress and grief serves to be a suitable milieu for the play, where Tennessee Williams juxtaposes conflicts and complexities, throws open a debate favoring an individual's singled out madness as an option for survival in the new order β†’

Internet security systems report

According to the report, which was developed by the ISS X-Force research and development team, there were 7, 247 new vulnerabilities recorded and analysed by the X-Force in 2006, which equates to an average of 20 new vulnerabilities per day. In addition, the synchronised release of new and updated third-party products that support new operating β†’

Blog 6

The notion " a person of the world" thus comes about to scrutinize how people live their lives currently. These are possibilities that have changed peoples lives and therefore call for a review of how people have interacted in the past.

Osmosis lab report assignment

We tied off one end of the dialysis tubing to create a bag, filled it with distilled water, and tie of other end to close. Then we filled a 250 ml beaker with only distilled water, and immersed the bag in the beaker and let stand for 30 minutes.

Anglo-saxon society in beowulf

By adducing the concept of peace-weaver in which marriage is used to mitigate feuds between enemy groups, the place of women in the society is confirmed. This is a literary too that significantly boost the understanding of addressed ideas.

Math 10 final project report example

Crabbing per week: The number of times individuals went crabbing per week was captured in question one, this question yielded numerical data: The following are summary measure: The mean number of times individuals went crabbing was 3. The table summarizes the frequency of this variable: This yields the following histogram: Amount spent on bait: The β†’

Although unit (eiu) sponsored by nec. this report

Karachi, has finally beenincluded in the list of safe cities. EIU called Karachi as the worst city tolive in the world and security remained the biggest source of problem.

Analysis of imf report 2014

In the current scenario of the spread of Ebola virus, it can be presumed that incidence of debt will shoot up from the current 39% of GDP and it will pose a major threat to the economic growth. The main reasons for this is the non compliance with the policies and the non-binding character of β†’

Types and characteristics of joints – lab report example

On the other hand, the cartilaginous joints are bonded by the cartilage while the synovial joints are usually separated by a fluid-filled cavity. The major symptoms of the disease are portrayed by swelling and stiffening of the joints.

Brave new world and brave new world revisited

Although Huxley does not use the expression of genetic engineering or eugenics in Brave New World, he describes the production of humans outside the mothers' womb in a manner that would match society's needs. He now feels that the advancement of medical science, like for example anti-malaria medicines, does not benefit humanity in the end β†’

Life and teachings wk 5

Mathew also records in His gospel the report that was given by the soldiers who were guarding the tomb to the Jew's authorities. Jesus gave the disciples a commission to propagate and continue the work of the church in the spirit.

Book report (the titans curse by rick rordan)

So a quest was given to Zoe who was the leader of the huntresses that they should go save Artemis before the winter solstice and when she went to go consult the Delphi Oracle it said " five will go west hunters and campers combined will not fail one will be lost in the land β†’

Mortar – lab report example

Results a) The result of the experimental study has put forward the bond prism strength to be 6989.b) However the shear prism strength was 5 Mpa c) The masonry mortar cylinder average strength was 93. Also it got reflected in the shear test as the mortar was slipping away while applied between the bricks.

Example of report on establishing the barriers to the use of hydrogen as fuel for cars

After some time, the amount of energy sent from the sun to the surface becomes equal to the energy radiated back into the atmosphere. Certain chemical reactions also lead to the emissions of this gas such as the reactions in the manufacture of cement.

Deviance in zaroff and montresor

There is no question that Zaroff is a particularly cruel type; the hunter who kills purely for sport and not because he has to eat or even really cares about showing off his game. What is perhaps most interesting is that even though both Zaroff and Montresor are decidedly unhinged, the way the stories are β†’


Hurst, tried to explain the nature of and characteristics of social mobility and openness in his article " Social Mobility and Status Attainment: Openness in U.S. With regards to the direction of social mobility, Hurst also argued that as shown by researches, the trend has been more of upward mobility rather than downward mobility; however, β†’

Flaws in the design of the report of employees essay sample

The layout is difficult to read and understand, and the reports are inflexible, prohibiting the user from changing the information to the users liking. It allows the user to review the prototype design and to either accept the design or request changes and this method is repeated until the design is accepted.

Margaret atwood’s the handmaid’s tale

The Handmaid's Tale as written by Margaret Atwood narrates the ordeal of the Protagonist of the tale, Offred as a handmaid in an imaginary Republic of Gilead that was run by a tyrannical Christian regime. During a monthly ritual, the Commander tried to impregnate her as it was customary for the commander to lie with β†’

Nicomachean ethics by aristotel

For Plato and Aristotle, politics and ethics were closely connected.'He who would duly inquire about the best form of a state ought first to determine which is the most eligible life'.'Virtue must be the care of a state which is truly so-called' For Plato's judgment of the attempt to practice politics as an art separate β†’

The weed by amrita pritam

The main theme of the story is the vulnerability of women who fall prey to the lure of men, symbolized through the metaphorical weed, and how males exploit the females for carnal pleasure and then discard them. Right from the first line of the story, the author hints at the way women are treated in β†’

Bridge to terabithia report

Through the friendship with Leslie, he becomes courageous and lets go of his anger and frustration. Jess and Leslie find solace in the sanctuary of Terabithia until a tragedy strikes and the two are separated forever.".

Business report on rmg sector

The growth and development of the RMG industry in Bangladesh was the result of an international " managed trade" regime in the apparel. OBJECTIVES The objective of the report is to analyze the whole Readymade Garment Industry and find out the importance of this sector in our economy, how strong our garment sector in the β†’

The making of the atomic bomb

Originally concerned with "pure" scientific research, those who worked on the Manhattan Project were forced to consider the ultimate consequence of their research efforts on the future of the human race." THE MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB provides a valuable insight into the developments within physics and chemistry which directly lead to the Manhattan Project β†’

Competitive advantage report of brazil

The skills and average education level of people in Brazil is not so good but not so bad. There are many people with skills and good education in some big cities in Brazil, but the conditions in those small cities are not so good.

Report on data warehouse governance business essay

Implementing a good data warehouse governance requires a framework based on the three major elements: StructureProcessCommunicationStructure refers to the structure of the business, who are the decision makers and the responsibility they hold. If the business wants to have a good governance framework I will suggest that the structure of the business be changed so β†’

Good example of report on enzymes

This experiment aimed to study the cellobiase by determining its rate of reaction and effects pH, temperature, concentration of the substrate or enzyme on the rate of reaction. The initial rate of reaction at pH3.

Tony dungy book report essay

In the next few pages I will detail the character qualities Tony Dungy demonstrated, the leadership techniques he employed, and how he brought about change to a team and to the league as a whole. He was not going to succumb to the pressures and change his philosophy of respect and trust.

Talk about contemporary architecture by gilles de bure

(YOUR (THE A Book Review on Gilles de Bure's Talk About Contemporary Architecture The book created by Gilles de Bure entitled Talk About Contemporary Architecture talks about a deeper appreciation and understanding for contemporary architecture from the 20th up to the 21st centuries. To add to this, the book takes the reader into the minds β†’

Motion picture industry managerial report

In this case study it was found that there was a high correlation between the total gross sales and the opening gross sales, time spent in the Top 60 and the number of theaters played in, indicating that movie makers should take these variables into consideration when trying to predict or plan for a successful β†’

Tort law: stella liebeck report

Juror Richard Anglada said the jury was trying to deliver a message to the fast-food industry." The coffee's too hot out there," she said." This happened to be McDonald's." Tracy McGee, McDonald's attorney, said the company would appeal. Last month's jury award in Albuquerque of $2.million in punitive damages to a woman scalded by McDonald's β†’

Teaching gifted kids in todays classroom

While there are students who do not show the required competencies in earlier grades, there are also average students and finally there are the gifted students who progress well ahead of other students. Moreover Winebrenner & Brulles also stress on alternate activities to engage the gifted students since these students grasp the subject matter well β†’

Volunteer report

This included going to the Parish Council's website, with the permission and supervision of a worker, to enter the information that I made a record of into the system. This made me anxious and fearful because of the many silly mistakes that I usually make, but I eventually put anxiety and fear aside and entered β†’

Valarie strauss – childrens dilemma in classrooms

Due ADHD: Analysis of Valarie's article on Children's' Dilemma in rooms In the article " Why so many kids cannot sit still in school today", Valarie Strauss decries the increasing impact of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, otherwise known as ADHD on the learning capability of individuals, more particularly the children, in the 21st century. β†’

Major points and events of colonial america history

Major Points And Events Of Colonial America History Introduction The book is based on the history of America from the time the North was occupied by the Native Americans and the South occupied by the Inca and Aztecs. Even though the book does not cover the early period of 1400 in American history in β†’

Salt fractionation of plasma proteins | lab report

At low concentrations, the presence of salt stabilizes the various charged groups on a protein molecule, thus attracting protein into the solution and enhancing the solubility of protein. The precipitated protein is collected and categorized according to the concentration of the salt solution at which it is formed.

Basic business report

This means that a docudrama made about level 4 pathogens is not just " egghead stuff", the humanitarian side of the topic has great media value, even more so is the political side. There are also several fictional movies that have garnered success on the genre such as Epidemic, Andromeda Strain and several others.

Strategic audit report of apple

The first limitation is that I failed to sketch the complete picture of the Apex activities at the period of my internship programmed. 6 Scope of the Study: The report commences with the analysis of the footwear industry, company in focus, presenting the mission & vision, the values & product, description of 8 associates companies, β†’

A christmas carol by charles dickens

The spirit takes him to a grave and Scrooge is shocked to see his name inscribed at the headstone. His friend's ghost turns out to be his philosopher and guide and he is lead to the road of transformation.

Report on exxon and shell joint venture

With this report, a brief analysis is done as to the background of the partnering firms and the anticipated benefits of the joint venture between the two. How the Joint venture will take place The joint venture is a 50-50 undertaking from both the parties and will be executed from the PARAMINS division of the β†’

Latest report-global next generation sequencing market

Biz/analysis-details/global-next-generation- sequencing-market-trends-and-opportunities-2013-2018 The growth of the overall NAGS market is driven by continuous innovations and developments in the market aimed at higher throughput, increased accuracy, and affordable costs. The opportunities for the growth of this market include developments In the pre-sequencing, cloud computing, and NAGS bioinformatics solutions.

Cultural study report – south korea

1 BACKGROUND OF KOREA Korea's population is one of the most ethnically and linguistically homogenous in the world, virtually all Koreans share a common cultural and linguistic heritage. Over the past several decades, the Republic of Korea has achieved a remarkably high level of economic growth, which has allowed the country to rise from the β†’

Greasy lake by t. coraghessan boyle

The narrator of the story goes on to list quite a few of the " bad" qualities that his friends have, and which he admires, and which make him think that they are " two dangerous characters". When they are forced to scatter, with the narrator finding himself in Greasy Lake right next to a β†’

Electronic laboratory practise – lab report example

The use of the oscilloscope, the signal generator, the power supply and digital multimeter were used to understand applications of various electronic circuits. Practice on the application of digital multimeter and oscilloscope in measurement of current, voltage and resistance was also achieved.

Review wherever i wind up by r. a. dickey for criminal justice class

The criminal justice system should protect the innocent, punish the guilty and provide safety and confidence to the people. As an alcoholic, his mother was unstable, a sociopathic and irresponsible and, therefore, should not have had custody in of Dickey in the first place.

Can we make sense of the world by edward feser

The scope of thought holds that, the world is thoroughly intelligible in itself and partially intelligible to us. The third holds that the world is intelligible in itself and completely unintelligible to us.

Equipment report

The main aim of performing this experiment was to study the behaviour of the voltage across a capacitor as it charge and discharge through a known resistor. The time constant of an RC circuit is the time taken for voltage on a capacitor to fall from V0 to final value divided by number e; that β†’

Reflection of trances from the blast by mary ruefle

Trances from the Blast Although the poem of Ruefle normally sound like a landscape conducted in neon, the notions underlying it are compared to the romantic bridging for distance between the departed and the living in Jaroslav. In the title of the poem, the speaker is seen articulating the imperative of the poet.

Answer the questions about a

Sagan's opinion, it is critical to note that double-blind is an experimental procedure in which neither the subjects of the experiment nor the persons administering the experiment know the critical aspects of the experiment. It boosts the integrity of the experiment such that the outcome is representative of the actual event.

Wet amounts and hanging drops – lab report example

For the Vaseline to be in touch with the slide and the depression to be above the culture drop, the depression slide was upturned over the cover slip. This was meant to assist in making observations close to the edge of the culture drop and not in the middle.

Review of the art of war by sun tzu

The Art of War by Sun Tzu: A Book Review The Art of War by Sun Tzu: A Book Review Chinese military general and strategist Sun Tzu's" The Art of War" is a well-known literary classic that has widely influenced not only the leaders of military studies all over the world but politicians, business people β†’

Strengths and weaknesses of incident reporting in nursing

Identify reasons for a low level of incident reporting and offer a solution to the problem, eg.awareness of incident reporting procedures, accountability, consequences of not reporting incidents. There are limitations to what the incident reporting systems seem to be able to achieve in practice." The subjective nature of reports, the lack of consistency and validation β†’


An individual can be reassured everyday in the comfort of a Sacred that is intimate and personal. Immanence in a Sacred is more of a personal experience between intimates.

Negative binomial regression model report sample

In the essay herewith, we present a detailed comparison of the negative binomial regression and the integer valued AR model for the dataset zeger.txt. The process will involve fitting the two models on the dataset provided, obtaining the maximum likelihood estimates of the two distributions and also obtaining the posterior distribution as required.

Experiencing a story, a poem, a play – a about the need to get approach towards the literary work to understand it in the right way

Reading Response Experiencing a story, a poem, a play Introduction " Experiencing a story, a poem, a play" is a literary work that captured the interest of many as it talks about the way a story, a poem or a play is interpreted and connected to the reader's mind. As the text tells us that β†’

Ancient roman architecture report history essay

During the Pax Roman, time of peace and prosperity in Rome, the architecture in Rome flourish and the most architectural progress was made. The use of many things, such as: vaults and arches, with knowledge of building materials would allow the Romans to have successes in the building of public buildings and public areas.

Offer a character analysis for one chosen short story. ( the questions are in the instructions)

As much as he is facing the wrath of his initial mistakes, at the redemption stage of his life, he has a feeling of humanity and undertakes the sole responsibility of taking care of his daughter. Ironically, lack of Charlie's acknowledgment as per the changes in his life is what overly led to his greatest β†’

Free effect of substrate concentration and ph on the rate of enzyme reaction report sample

This experiment worked to determine the effect of pH and concentration of the substrate on the enzyme activity. The optimum pH for enzyme's best-working condition was determined to be pH 7 while the 4g was the concentration of the substrate that saturated the enzyme.

Stewardship versus economic decision making in financial reporting

This brought the debate of whether such objective neglected the importance of the stewardship assessment by the part of shareholders. ON THE APPLICATION OF FAIR VALUE ACCOUNTING.

Book report

Overall Message The author's main message was that by focusing on progress and not perfection, the athlete can continue to improve throughout his career. Overall Message The author's main message was that trappings of glamour and money that accompany sporting success.

Thermopylae: the battle that changed the world

In the course of three days, the Persians and the Greeks fought to the death. With the Battle of Salamis and the final and decisive Battle of Plataea, in which the Greeks destroyed a great number of Persian soldiers, the Persian army finally retreated.

Chapter review

Analysis of the article I believe the census data does not provide a clear indication of family state ion America because of the inability of the data capturing the death of spouses and the challenges in the family unit resulting in more nuclear families instead of broken families. Key points in the article The determination β†’

How religion and culture intersect in the realm of aesthetics

However, God is perceived to be self-inventing or making, and this realm offers the conceit of subjection to an elusive agency of control According to Hecht et al, the link between experience and aesthetics can be pointed through the religious forms, which organize relationships between the divine being and the human beings, as well as β†’

Summary of article

In order to determine the right amount of risk to bear, an organization needs to recognize that the costs associated with cash flows cannot exist if the organization has a huge buffer stock of equity invested in liquid assets. Therefore, the management can use ERM to eliminate the chances of distress to a level that β†’

Ben sherman report essay

2 Background information of the brandBen Sherman has been created a great British icon over the world.and the brand communicates with consumers through musicArthur Bernard Sugarman was back to Brighton from America in 1963 and established the company named as Ben Sherman. In addition, more than half of the participants want to have more womenswear β†’

Just for fun – coffeecare

The government simply does not have the right to regulate and control the standards of purchasing of healthcare. This illustrates that by imposing laws and regulations on the purchase of coffee does not ease the healthcare issues of the public, instead it adds to their worries.

Lab report: friction

It is due to molecules of the surface is resisting the molecules of the object squeezed on it. Thus, it is a force which resists the relative motion of one surface in contact with another.

Gas chromatography lab report assignment

As the component is been passed thru the oven, a reading is shown on the monitor that shows the area under the curve and also the retention time f the gas in the column. The gas chromatography tells us that it is only 99.

Micro unknown lab report

A Durham tube is used to collect any gas that may be produced, and is reported as if a bubble appears on the inside and if the organism cannot ferment the glucose and no bubble is trapped inside the tube. This is deduced by the addition of Reagent A and Reagent B, and the observation β†’

Plato and utopia

It is in this book that Plato attempts to outline the best possible conditions for mankind to experience the perfect life. He points out how important it is for each individual to feel as if they are fully in control of their own decisions and challenges in life as well as the importance of shaping β†’

Company supply chain analysis report for nab

Company Supply Chain Analysis Report for NAB Executive Summary The intent of this report is to analyse the practice of supply chain management in National Australia Bank. Logical thinking and supply chain process mapping are the tools used to analyse NAB supply chain management practices.

1-5 myths of capitalism

This is the essential viewpoint of capitalism as it seeks to favour the consumer by providing variety of products and services at affordable and competitive prices. When the welfare of the citizen is threatened, government will have to step in through legislation and industrial policies and laws.

Industrial placement report in heritage hotel essay

Furthermore, in each room is placed with an environmentally friendly card to encourage guests to reuse the bed sheets and towels therefore help the hotel in reducing the use of detergent for cleaning purpose. The volume of work is not match with the time and staffs are working in rush thus reduce the quality of β†’

A in the newspaper is decided. reporters

The news content of the paper is looked after by the news editor under whose guidance a number of sub-editors, reporters and many other correspondents work. Sub-editors are promoted to the positions of senior sub-editor, chief sub-editor, deputy news editor and news editor.

Business research report

A company can invite people to like their page and share their posts and just like that, millions of people could be exposed to the content. Social media is a fast and easy way to reach the most people.

Artificial / imitation jewelry sourcing & market feasibility report

USA is the largest market for fashion jewelry and had a share of 31% of the total global fashion jewelry sales in the 2006. The future of fashion jewelry industry lies in the developing countries and primarily China and India.

Percy jackson book report

Then, I will talk about the writing of the author and the strengths and weaknesses of the books. It is a whole new and fun way of looking at the Greek myths.

To kill a mockingbird report essay

But I was fine I was not scared at all, I figured if I went over to the wall by the stairwell Jem would start searching for me and find me soon enough. I did not do anything wrong and Jem started blaming it on me that we had to stand to the Reverend, that β†’