Genuine Report Examples

Outcome-based evaluation by schalock

Outcome Based Evaluation al affiliation Outcome Based Evaluation Major argument The piece of literature in consideration is the Outcome-Based Evaluation by Schalock which explores the field of policy analysis and explains the needs and interests of administrators, policy makers, consumers, educators and funders. Schalock gives a premier of the principles relating to the application of β†’

Report that are mediated by computers which

However, they need to maintain a healthyfeel of perspective on what their enterprises are capable of displaying onsocial media, and what's practical to anticipate as the proceeds of the sameundertaking. This is so because we are able to share our experiences at any time of the day.

Report on individual reflection

The group work was distributed well because all students of the group did participate in at least one section of the group assignment. Then group leader should also ensure that the progress of the work is as planned.

The newsagent project report example

There are several models of software development that can be as much as there is no such thing as the right or wrong model to apply in the development of the software, it is important to apply the most appropriate model in the development process so that the process the efficiency of the system β†’

Free reporting practices and ethics research paper example

The third viewpoint that is also the last the clinical viewpoint managers, have the responsibility to ensure a smooth delivery of health services to clients. In as much as the organization is not for profit making, the fact is that they hand finances in their day-to-day activities and that management of these finances is necessary.

Report on overview of the it functions

These IT teams are tasked with identifying the needs of the users in their respective business units and developing the corresponding solutions, examples which include either the development of new applications or the addition of enhancements to existing applications. This group consists of teams that are focused on the internal business customers' software needs; the β†’

Risk management for e-business sustainability report

The analysis has demonstrated the immense prevalence of risk in e-business model's operation and the process of such risk's manifest. In addition, the analysis has clearly described the supply chain and value creation in relation to the e-business model.

Good example of bc connect expo reflection paper report

Therefore, this report reflects on the global awareness based on the issues affecting the hospitality industry such as multicultural sensitivity, awareness of global issues and the impact of managers working in the hospitality industry on the environment. Furthermore, reflecting on the impact of business operations on the environment, it was stressed in class that the β†’

Report on increase in water demand

As in other world continents, demand for water in Australia has also increased putting the continent under stiff competition for fresh water. Increased water demand for domestic, agricultural and industrial use in Australia has resulted to stiff water competition since Australia is a dry continent with limited fresh water supply.

Free report on hr management in work

The overall objectives of this report is to help them in adapting a concrete methodology that is applicable in project management in the form of organizing change that allows the employees to engage in a form of empowerment in the manufacturing cells and through the identification of the requirements that facilitate the self-directed concept implementation β†’

Cents on the dollar the facts about eh gender wage gap

This is because even women have the capacity to undertake most of the highly demanding jobs in a similar manner as men would. The article maintains that women are involved in different jobs as compared to men.

Report on justification of the project

Following a structure suggested by the same authors, the following business case analysis is comprised of:- Set of outcomes and clearly defined business objective - Beneficiaries and stakeholders of the project - Evaluation of project benefits - Evaluation of project costs - Evaluation of project risks - Definition of the project - Management commitment and β†’

Project management case reports example

Fast moving schedules are hard to manage due to the concurrent nature of activities and this was one of the contributing factors to the distress of this project. The software developer lacked guided requirement to focus on leading to poor performance, this is one of the problems that set the project on the wrong foot β†’

Negotiation report example

The final negotiation plan should be realistic and relevant to the objectives. Any new information must be immediately considered and communicated to the leader in a way that does not disrupt the leader or the flow of the negotiations.

Example of how mechanical engineers fixes the shortage of fresh water report

The following research is important in ensuring the public understand different methods used by mechanical engineers to solve the problem of freshwater shortage in the universe. Method: The report is a study on the methods used by mechanical engineers to solve the problem of the freshwater crisis in the country.

Complete name of mr. shihab, the interviewee report examples

I hope to see you again in the near future, as I continue to reflect deeply and apply your insights as. I would like to reiterate how I enjoyed and cherished every moment of the interview.

Managing conflict in healthcare organizations report

Caregivers fall into conflict with patients regarding the type of treatment and the information that should be conveyed to the patient's family. The conflict takes the focus from the patients to the issues between doctors and staff.

Good example of report on feasibility / recommendation report

It is recommended that KAI approve Ellis Clinton for the position of Supervisor in the Department. Ellis Clinton is the obvious choice for the position of Supervisor in the Department.

Report on specific solutions to the challenges

The problem can also be solved through lowering the restrictions on the SMEs thus ensuring that the implementation of the sustainability plans does not become problematic in the business. The management at AAS should form structures that will fully comply with the regulations to ease the implementation of the sustainability plan.

Knowledge management innovation report

A number of scholars assert that not much is known as far as the creation of knowledge as well as management of knowledge creation process, even though there is much awareness on the significance of knowledge in management. The conversion of tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge is a means of defining the indefinable.

Literature review of 1 scientific journal article on climactic change

Literature Review al Affiliation) Literature Review The journal article " Climatic and human influences on fire regimes inmixed conifer forests in Yosemite National Park, USA" aims at identifying the influence of interannual and interdecadal climate variation and changes in land use on fire regimes in Yosemite National Park, California. The study relied on mined data β†’

Unknown lab report for microbiology

The first procedure that was done was a gram stain followed by a streak of the unknown on a TSA plate in order to determine the gram reaction and observe the colony morphology. The lactose test was repeated and gave a result that was consistent with the other data.

Plz see the instructions

There Are Eerie Parallels Between The Stock Market's Recent Behavior And How It Behaved Right Before The 1929 Crash The relationship between economicdata and real world occurrences sometimes does not coincide especially when we are using big data to interpret micro economic situations. In the article titled There are eerie parallels between the stock market's β†’

Free bacteriophage plaque assay report sample

The experiment is aimed to measure the number of plaques created when the virus T4 infects the host bacteria and their genetic material integrates into the genetic material of the host cell. The tail covered with a contractile sheath provides the nucleic acid a path to pass in the host cell on infection and the β†’


The article is quick to point out that both parties are accusing each other of trying to destroy the democracy of the country, but what is being seen is just another African country on the brink of destruction from within its ranks. Something needs to be done to ensure that the country's children are saved β†’

The gentle subversive by mark lytle

The Gentle Subversive by Mark Lyttle offers a detailed biography of Rachel Carson who many consider as the mother of the environmental movement. This led to the ban of DDT in the US in 1972.

Into thin air reaction paper

Into the thin Air [Pick the The book written and composed by Jon Krakauer is an adventurous yet thrilling climb to the Everest. In the book Jon has taken many roles; he is not only the writer of the book, but at the same time he is the main character and a true mountain climber.

Termites in the trading system by jagdish bhagwati

Jagdish Bhagwati believes the remedy to the current global economic crises only rests in adopting trade liberalization or free trade rather than the present protectionism. Jagdish Bhagwati does not approve the utilization of Preferential Free Trade Agreements as a remedy to the present challenges.

Internship report on ific bank ltd

The BBA program conducted by Rajshahi University was introduced in order to provide a number of fresh pgraduates in business sector; this program has been designed to facilitate the students and the executive to provide basic theoretical knowledge and practical in the job activities in the context of Bangladesh. Since the BBA Program is an β†’

Icici bank report

With a change in the corporate structure and the budding competition in the Indian Banking industry, the management of both ICICI and ICICI Bank were of the opinion that a merger between the two entities would prove to be an essential step. The portfolio of interest in the CAPM formulation is the market portfolio that β†’

Book report on the scarlet letter essay (book review)

Though the development of these themes is also a subject of other characters such as Chillingworth and Dimmesdale, Hester is outstandingly the central character since she makes the latter two behave in the manner they do in the novel to the extent of contributing towards their demise. By refusing to accept the societal tagging of β†’

Political economy of race, class and gender

Contending Economic Theories Entry point Entry point matters in all theories because according to Wolff and Resnik, theories usually differ based on the aspects of their objects they choose as entry points into the complexities they try to find an understanding. For example, selecting as entry point the parameters related to the production and dissemination β†’

Video review

The video helps in understanding the reading about Kahlo and Rivera since their lives resemble that of Frida in one way or another although they were not crippled like the lady. It was also possible to understand her misfortunes and how they acted as a drive in her painting career and into becoming one of β†’

Care for kids crche database reports examples

Before the formation of the distinctive tables, there is a requirement to comprehend the rationale that will be utilized to design the tables. At first the table will comprise of a substantial table that will have the properties of every element and protests that will be utilized as a part of the database.

Reader’s reports

READER'S REPORT Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck Publisher: Pascal Covici Reader: The plot is about the friendship of George Milton and Lennie Small, two farmhands with the dream of possessing their land and their journey to achieving the vision despite, not breaking through. John Steinbeck was a renowned writer in the 20th century, and β†’

Analysis of the sixth chapter of the titled the bottom billion by paul collier

The chapter opens by reminding the reader on the explanation of the bottom billion, which is indicated in the previous chapters. The term' catch up' is explained to be the ' convergence' by a specific country.

Free progress report research paper sample

The aim of this project is to study the functions of HRM in the context of improving work performance and design motivation policy. The information in my assignment includes the role and importance of HRM in organization structure and how HRM has assumed a critical importance.

World bank report concept of water security environmental sciences essay

Union Ministry of H2O resources has estimated the states H2O demands to be around 1093 BCM for the twelvemonth 2025 and 1447 BCM for the twelvemonth 2050. Global clime alteration is likely to increase the complexness and costs of guaranting H2O security.

Report on the bergeys manual

For instance, in this study and using Bergey's Manual, we are supposed to identify the species and genus of a sample of bacteria. Diagnosis of Escherichia Coli remains a challenge since these bacteria occurs in the stool and patients who have diarrhea.

Where have all the werewolves gone

It questioned the accuracy of the beliefs of people in the past. In conclusion, the death of the werewolves was because of the strong evidences that rose against it.

Chemistry report examples

The last step is to observe the image of the specimen. This is used to indicate the variability that is exhibited out of the upper quartile and the lower quartile.0.

Hand washing and bacteria report sample

The two hypotheses are:- There will be decrease in bacterial growth variables in non-washed and washed contaminations.- There will be differences in the decrease of bacterial growth variables from the use of antibacterial and non-antibacterial soaps. Experimental quadrants and swab streaks of the agar plate was shown in Figure 2.

Book report- human sexuality

Book Report on Love Sex Again by Lauren Streicher of Learning Book Report on Love Sex Again by Lauren Streicher There is no doubt that sexual life is of particular importance for every person, including women. Reading this book allows all women to have knowledge that can help solve numerous health issues and therefore significantly β†’

Example of report on dream job in travel industry

Smith Klein, the employee that I interviewed, held the position of cabin crew supervisor at China Airlines, and had a dream of becoming the manager in charge of all staff. In the exclusive interview, Smith Klein informed me that he had held a number of junior cabin crew position before rising to his current position.

Art and gender review

In spite of the varying viewpoints, various scholars tend to agree that feminine beautification is oppressing and advances the aspect of gender inequality. Women require significant amount of time to undertake the beautification procedures.

Of mice and men book report

In the book " Of Mice & Men" the two main characters are George and Lennie. Overall George is a loyal friend to Lennie and dealt with Lennie no matter what, even when I came to the end George only did what he felt was right for Lennie.

Disparity in economies

Despite enjoying and acknowledging the benefit of economic progress, sustaining the economic breakthrough to individual countries and others is a challenge. The challenge has led to the overall structure of the world hence different economies focusing attention on the entrepreneurs.

Report on hdfc bank

Manish Panchal, Branch Manager and company project guide, who has provided me with the necessary information and also for the support extended out to me in the completion of this report and his valuable suggestion and comments on bringing out this report in the best way possible. The following are the list of foreign banks β†’

Review:getting back to full employment: a better bargain for working people

The book explores the problem of workers losing their economic power, and the measures they can partake to regain the lost power. Several other problems such as weakening of workers' unions and increased competition in the employment field have led to the derailment of the status of average American workers.

Project report on debit and credit cards essay sample

Definition of a Bank Section 5 of the Banking Companies Act, 1949 defines banking as " accepting for the purpose of lending or investment of deposits of money received from the public, repayable on demand and withdrawable by cheque, draft, order or otherwise". Cardholder's name The following are found in the reverse side of a β†’

Marketing analysis research report_diet pills

I have accumulated very useful facts that will strengthen my decision on recommending such a product and what the cost would be, how society shushes skinny as the " in thing" and what the possible side effects of the ingredients that a person can have as well as how readily available it is in the β†’

Retail marketing report

Merchandise assortment elements that were assessed include range and quality of merchandise, breadth and depth of product range and the types of brands. The observations are used to compare and contrast the two retailers and found that each retailer had their strengths and weaknesses within their merchandise assortment and store design which influences the stores β†’

Marketing planning and strategy report samples

That is; this report has been analyzed in terms of the internal features and external environment of the business. Ideally, the mission of the business does not outline the major focus of sustaining the market and equitable performance.

Report on tourism and hospitality sales and promotion

Furthermore, the research indicates the types of communication channels that are to be used for the promotional campaign along with the duration of the campaign. With the passage of time the company has developed three brands globally; Best Western, Best Western Plus and Best Western Premium, to meet the unending needs of the travelers and β†’

Brisbane health clubs environmental analysis report sample

The industry has numerous competitors for the customers to choose and the products are also undifferentiated. In such cases, the health clubs find themselves in a position where they cannot be able to sue the customers for failure to honor the contracts.

Sample report on country risk analysis: russia

The rate of unemployment in Russia was 6 percent in the year 2012 and 6. The economy of Russia is the fifth largest in the world and the world's leading exporter of natural gas and oil.

Report on sales management

Marketing is the process of collaborating the worth of values of commodities or service to clients; this at some time can be said to be the art of selling products and letting clients know of a good and new products in the market. However, the society views marketing as to be the linkage between clients β†’

Free enter university name report example

Introduction and product base: As you know fox is part of a conglomerate that produces and acquires live-action and animated motion pictures for distribution and licensing in a number of different formats for entertainment around the world. This as we mentioned in the earlier memo is a major placement of the " Product" in the β†’

Market report examples

Given the decreasing rate of sales that exists currently within the company, a new product must be released in the next three years to sustain the viability of our current business model; this report discusses the viability of the lowbush blueberry moisture sensor in fulfilling that role. Identification of Market Need In order to examine β†’

Netflix and its development

Despite the success, the company heads in the form of Reed Hastings is all aware of the competition faced with as a result continuous strive towards improvement in the performance. Netflix ensured overcoming the physical constraints which was one of the reasons why Blockbuster suffered market sweep and overall costs.

Ginsters report

1 CSFs According to Rockart and Bullen, Critical Success Factors are the limited number of ways and the factors that are fundamental for the continual successful performance of a company. Ginsters has consistently used advertising and it leads the pack in the pies and pastries category of the market.

Example of aims and objectives report

Each of the parties in the partnership will have equal rights to the business. Since the location of the restaurant is within the city center, we expect that most of our competitors will be all the restaurants within the same locale.

Economics report

The some of the macroeconomic variable are analyzed as follows; Interest rates, which is a representation of the cost of borrowing influences the rate of investment in various industries. This was the situation during the 1970, 1975 and 1982 troughs which created the same cyclical effect to the industry.

Participation of britain in the global economy report

The success of UK in the global economy is evident from the gradual increase of the number of exporters in the country. This explains the reasons why the Governor asserted that, the weakening of the Sterling Pound since the beginning of the recently experienced economic crisis is an opportunity for Britain to rebalance its allocation β†’

Report on globalization

In the early1990s, the MNCs was attracted by the opportunity of low production but to date the emerging markets are turning to be a key growth sector. Generally, MNCs lead to the introduction of new skills and technology that are used to improve production in the host country.

Subway marketing report

This paper is aiming to analyses the market environment by using SOOT analysis and investigate the potentials of the new product with recommendations regarding the elements and marketing mix. It is noticed that Subway is facing a lot of opportunities in the fast food industry with a lot of internal and external challenges.

The viability of expanding uk civil engineering business into nigeria and china report example

Civil engineering as defined by Narayanan and Beeby refers to a branch of engineering, which entails the idea, model, construction, and control of domestic and commercial structures and buildings, transportation systems, and water supply tools for products and individuals, alongside the management of the environment for the sustenance and enhancement of life quality. Civil engineering β†’

Supermarkets analysis report examples

To achieve the objective, the analysis refers to the Supermarkets and food products with a focus on the UK market. In the UK, the big four supermarkets including Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Morison's face declining margins owing to the discounters growth in market share of the food market.

Free report about calculations

841 which is an attractive reason for inclusion of both the stocks in the portfolio. Market analysts are fully aware of the foreign currency risk and the threat it poses to portfolio returns.

Target advertisement report samples

This creates a motivation and excitement towards the product as in the case of Quick Trim, where women, in large numbers, subscribed to the Quick Trim program seeking the ultimate body shape- the ultimate woman's body shape. The strategy adopted by advertisers of Quick Trim is to offer a way to acquire an attractive body β†’

Advertising strategy and campaign of axelynx brand report

The main aim of advertisements is to convince the customers to buy the products of the company. When the strategy is built in an intelligent and a considerate manner, it will reflect a better image of the company hence convincing the customers and eventually boosting the sales.

Report on how computer information system changed advertising

In this particular report, I venture into a career position in marketing, and explore the impacts, and changes, of using computer information system in the process of advertising for products and services. The marketing career has also benefited from the use of information system, as it is possible for the marketers to form a client β†’

How far the press should be free to report

The argument that is often put forward that it is in the public interest to know what is going on and that secrets should not be kept from the public is a valid one, but there has to be a line drawn between the public interest and what the public are interested in. Another reason β†’

Essay on broadband subscriber survey report

The goals of the survey are the following: Determine satisfaction rates for current broadband products and services for all types of residential subscribers. Working together, Kayla, the CBA staff, and the analysts at MDNI finalized the survey questionnaires designed to assess the needs of all respondents and to achieve the goals listed above.

Example of report on e-marketing

The online marketing resource that would be of great help to the organization to keep track of the products, services and customers is data warehousing. With the help of this technology, it is possible to the database of the past can be put into a new form of service.

Example of report on starting a business

Noteworthy is the reality that businesses are the backbone of the economy. The fundamental role of strategic managers is to set long-term objectives for the business, such that the direction of the organization is changed to suit the shareholders' interests.

Global issues in the hospitality industry report

It is due to this that any issue that affects the labor market is of particular interest to managers in the hospitality industry especially in their strategic planning and management. The importance of this is that the organization is able to detect trends in its human resource market and hence be able to incorporate it β†’

Digital media report examples

The use of digital media as a means of marketing has gained a lot of popularity especially because of the ever-increasing Internet use by many people. According to Pride and Ferrell, digital media allow marketers to use websites to provide information on product types that meet the needs of the various users.

Choice of overseas market report samples

Although the residential market in Turkey registered its peak in 2011, when home sales grew with 21% in the term of one year, it continued a steady growth in 2012, as the interest in owning a property in this country is still major. Pozas indicates a decline in Turkey's demographics, caused by a diminution of β†’

Report on hyatt regency

The hotel is the largest in the city and in Punjab State. Hyatt hotel is a massive international brand and it is a popular global brand-enhanced by its location in the commercial corridor of Punjab's largest city.

Outback steakhouse international marketing analysis report essay sample

By pursuing this strategy, Outback International is building on its existing resources and capabilities.* Entering International Markets Through Value Creation and Franchising: Outback International can use the above value creation strategy, but by franching international operations with company-owned stores to allow Outback Steakhouse to act as a support Analysis of Alternatives: Prior to analyzing β†’

Free tows & marketspace matrix for datastickies report example

The study caters to the introduction of a product and the paper will indicate three cycle marketspace matrix after developing the TOWS matrix related to the product. The TOWS matrix is utilized to identify key performance indicators for the innovative product within the project so as to understand the future opportunities for the product β†’

Group project homelessness

From the focused we will have the number of aged vulnerable for the project. For this case, the research assistants are expected to get directives from the Head of Research and to inform him of the progress.

Managing the accommodation experience a research study report

While direct observation was always liable to make the subjects of the study change their natural behavior, it was found that it could reveal the feelings of the Hotel customers about sharing their privacy with others as well as other feelings. We as the researchers selected random time to visit the selected Facilities, in this β†’

Free global financing and exchange rate mechanisms report example

Therefore, global equity portfolio managers have resulted in a variety of methods to currency hedging to manage the uncertainties in the foreign market. This is so because currency hedging reduces the financial risk, which occurs in the foreign market.

Marketing report for hyflux ltd

Vision To be the leading company the world seeks for innovative and effective environmental solutions Mission To provide efficient and cost effective solutions to meet our clients' needs through innovation and technological advancement Values Boldness - Dare to dream, dare to do and dare to excel Entrepreneurship - Nurture the entrepreneurial spirit, embrace challenge and β†’

Report on fashion marketing

The high-end stores are not meant for the middle class population but for the elite in the society. Common trend observed during the study was that the high end stores were, merging of low end clothes and high end fashion labels with the aim of creating affordable wears and products for everybody.

Conventional and cultural expression of tea market in france report samples

France is said to share a major part of the European market in regards to the green tea. With more and more innovation of conventional cultural expressions, one can see a dramatic trend of improvement in the tea market of France.

Report on the different types of table management systems in the restaurant

The purpose of this article will be to examine the different types of table management systems and recommend the best for use in the restaurant. The study will limit itself to the capacity of the table reservation system to cater for the needs of the restaurant.

A report on e-marketing computers

AGooglesearch for a definition of e-marketing produces the following results " Moving elements of marketing strategies and activities to a computerized, networkedenvironmentsuch as the Internet. Part of the objectives of this essay is to examine how many of the functions listed in the definition of ' marketing' are equally viable for ' e-marketing'.

Financial markets course summary report essay example

My participation in the Financial Markets course also enabled me to gain a foundational understanding of the operation of various stock markets across the globe and within the United States. In the course of my career, I have learnt about various concepts relating to the bond market such as the Yield-to-Maturity, and the Yield Curve.

Example of bmw business strategy report

4% in 2010.the paper seeks to analyze and evaluate the business strategy that BMW has pursued using Porter's Generic Strategies framework, identify the unique resources and capabilities that underpin the value chain and Assess BMW Group prospects in terms of the criteria suitability, acceptability and feasibility. The structure of BMW could not allow it to β†’

Snow falling on cedars

Clash of civilizations The problem with the relationship between Hatsue and Ishmael needs to be understood in the context of clash of two civilizations and from the point of view of the thinking process of the combustible younger generation and the traditional elders. An individual is therefore, subservient to the interests of the society and β†’

Literary theory

Analysis of the poem " last night" by Sharon Olds The poem concentrates around the theme of love. The great height of security that comes with the love experienced in the last night is also shown.