Genuine Report Examples

Advertising and promotion reports examples

The importance of this concept is that it gives the outlay and clearly outlines the purposes of the sectors that make up the system like the client who finances and selects and briefs the agency, the agency which implements the campaign, observe and evaluate results among other functions and the media whose main work is →

Tesco pestel analysis report

Though none of Tesco's officials offered any comment concerning the matter, analysts argue that the overstatement of figures was fostered by the company's struggle in terms of sales and that the move was to paint a fake possession of competitive market share. This means that the advertisement was misleading because Tesco had not conducted or →

Free report on managerial accounting ip2

This classification will help determine and track the cost behavior of a particular cost object which will in turn be used to determine its performance and how it is treated in financial reporting of the cost object. Firstly, total costs represent the sum of all the costs associated with a particular cost object and average →

Example of report on capital structure case study

In a nutshell, the two personas, Tiffany and Paul, are having dilemmas in figuring out the right mixture of capital structure that will be used to fund Medical Temps Inc.'s maintenance and expansion costs. Tiffany strongly advocates the use of equity financing while Paul suggests the use of debt financing, up to a certain extent →

Example of report on mcdonald’s corporation expansion in china

However, this document is an analysis of the china market regarding the various market factors that might affect the expansion of the business in china and recommendations to remedy the situation. Regardless of the fact that the procedure is long and expensive it is the compulsory role of the company to ensure production of standardized →

Ford motor company report examples

In most cases the vision and mission represent competitive disadvantage and advantage of the company. The company has gone global, and serves the mobility of people in the world.

Diversity at workplace report sample

The company is managed by a general manager who is in charge of the daily administrative functions of the company. In addition, our company has a board of directors who are always appointed and need to serve for a period of three years: thereafter, the renewal of their term is subject to the evaluation of →

Free report on management

Good employees and management relation is very important aspect for Garuda Travel Company because it motivates employees to work effectively in the quest of reaching the company goals. The top management of Garuda Travel Company stress on the importance of employees time management.

Example of second option is to import from the financially repressed countries report

The long-term goal of such measurements is to reduce unemployment in the country and to spur the economic growth. The value of the domestic currency is the reduction and as a result, the exchange rate for the domestic currency is lower.

Example of report on radioshack

The company's mission is to demystify technology to the mass market, and enable the customer to get the best valued products for maximum quality performance. First, the company is able to maintain a large number of customers and encourage repeat purchases due to the large number of stores that it maintains countrywide.

Ford motor company stoc report sample

To achieve this, the stock, the dividends, the balance sheet of the company, and the risks, have been analyzed. The CEO continued realigning the visions of the company, repairing the balance sheet, and revitalizing the company's Ford and Lincoln brands.

Free report on comparing six mission/vision statements

The mission for the new Red Cross is to alleviate and prevent human suffering in the face of emergencies by assembling the power of volunteers and the liberality of the donors. The value of the products and services is the fundamental message in these statements.

Arun sharma report example

The Balance Sheet of the company is itself prepared on the equation: Assets= Liabilities+ Stockholder Equity CDH520- Sharmeen Sultana Bank Reconciliation Statement: A voluntary statement made generally by an individual to find the source of difference between the bank balance and the cash book balance, and then reconcile the balance in both the books. Important →

Report on bhp-billiton

The later theory explains that BHP Billiton Company while is able to take advantage of the labor or the availability of a certain product produced in one of this country and maximize its production. The second way in which the corporate governance of this company is defined is the memorandum and articles.

Information technology auditing a value-added it governance partnership report examples

Information Technology Auditing: A Value-Added IT Governance Partnership between IT Management and Audit In the article Information Technology Auditing: A Value-added IT Governance Partnership between IT Management and Audit, which was published in Communications of the Association for Information Systems, the authors Merhout & Havelka discuss the importance of information technology in corporate governance. →

Good report on using theoretical frameworks like the one proposed by alan fox outlined in the

Moreover, there has to be a clarification of the ways in which government policies affect the employment relationships of the organization. Understanding the whole negotiation process and the dynamics of the system of industrial relations enhances the conceptualization of the employment relationship in the organization.

Structures of the technology sector and its changes report example

The survival of business in the industry is dependent, in part, to innovation and new product development, and as well, structural reinvention and strategies. Actions and strategic decisions of top management executives are essential in the determination of the future of many organizations and in enabling these organizations to avoid becoming obsolete.

Example of report on business communication

This is because with the current aspects such as globalization, fast and efficient communication means is one of the most important building blocks for the success of any business enterprise, because receiving of information for example concerning the newest products, competitors or technology in the market for any enterprise to adopt or look out for →

Report on job analysis

This is attributed to the hardworking team of management that over the years has come up with approaches that combines the most powerful aspects of technology, design and marketing strategies that has put it a notch high in the market. The success of the company and its place in the market is within its command →

Foundation history and business strategy report on bioforge

Currently, they are at the prototype stage; they have completed a number of iterations of the initial designs, and plan to get to the testing phase very soon with a small group of patients. Rather they are trying to solve a social problem and working for the betterment of the lives of people.

Example of report on justification

The purpose of this justification report is to outline advanced methods of ensuring the security of organization data and the clients. The security programs and policies are intended to guard the privacy of the client, company information, and data.

The benefits of sustainability reporting for an company

There can be a number of benefits to the company if they choose to adopt sustainability reporting: Building Reputation and consumer trust It may turn out to be a capable device for corporations that need to assemble or reestablish trust. Expansive examination of qualities and shortcomings, and the dedication with stakeholders that is imperative for →

Example of report on initial situation

The purpose of this investigation is to analyze and assess the operations of Hunter Powell Investment Partners Company and incorporate BPI principles to the workshop in order to raise the company's productivity. While conducting this report, I have addressed issues pertaining operations and all management of the company to the staff at Freightways Limited who →

Ceo report sample

The slower growth in the economy of US would make it difficult for the business growth in the Mexico. Strength for Business Environment Government of Mexico is taking action to develop infrastructure of the Mexico and that would help many foreign investors and manufacturing companies to set up their plan due to better growth of →

Example of report on fundamental analyses of company shares

Fundamental analyses of company shares involve the review of the financial aspects of a company and generate metrics, such as the price and book value of a security or the enterprise value and the EBITDA to value of a stock. In this analysis several assumptions are used: the market value is taken to reflect →

Example of david mandela the chief finance officer report

What is a trading and profit and loss account and why must the company prepare the account at the end of the trading period? It was established from the interview that the trading and profit and loss account is prepared at the end of the accounting period simply to calculate the net profit.

Report on forms of business organizations

The biggest advantage of this form of business organization is that it has limited liability. The main disadvantage of this business organization is that it is expensive and intricate to form.

Good example of report on emirates airline marketing report

Europe and America are some of the locations that the airline is currently targeting because of the mass populations that visit the UAE occasionally. The location of the firm and the infrastructure that allows for the distribution of products and services is the essence of place as a marketing mix.

Good example of marketing individual report

The concept of marketing is one of the major parts of the marketing management and tool that associated with the financial position of the organizations particularly. Due to high competition in the market, the level of marketing and its related management is increasing heavily in all over the world, and they are giving the things →

Managing entrepreneurial enterprises report samples

In terms of weaknesses, the company is fairly new in the industry and may not have a command of the market as compared to other established companies. However, research shows that people will continue to die as a result of old age.- Operations The operation of the coffin business will be led by business professionals →

Good when setting up a business, owners must take into account the following: report example

Abstract When it comes to setting up a business, it is important to gain a thorough understanding of what needs to be done in order to guarantee the success of the endeavor. When one of the incorporators decides to leave the company, the result is the dissolution of the corporation itself, although the other members →

Annual report apple inc research paper

After the discussion of the company's equity related issues, the annual report discusses some of the important factors that affected the company's operations during the financial year ended September 2011. Other long term assets in the company were valued at $3.

Term paper on business report-company report royal dutch shell

The Shell sign is a familiar sign in many parts of the world because of the gas stations. The strategy of allowing the nationals of an operation's location to work in the country is a new innovation for Shell.

Example of report on samsung in china

Determined to be the best in the industry of home electronics and wireless devices, Samsung, in the period between 1994 and 2000, started investing in hiring the design firm IDEO in the USA, implementing the Innovative Design Lab of Samsung, and hiring designers to pursue the trends in fashion, cosmetics and design consultancies, and stay →

Fedex report essay sample

The company consists of four segments: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, and FedEx Services. Inbound logistic as one of FedEx's primary activities is the processing of receiving the product or service, such as the pick up of the package from the customer.

Report on a strategic analysis of starbucks

The capacity of the buyers to manipulate the prices is quite limited since specialty coffee is consumed individually and cannot be controlled as a horde. A huge capital and proper management of it is necessary to sustain the kind of development Starbucks has reached while maintaining quality of product and service.

Example of hudson’s bay company report

The company was named The Governor and Company of Adventures of England Trading in Huston Bay and has never changed the name since then. The company held successful monopoly on the fur trade from Labrador to the Pacific Ocean, and from the Yukon and the Arctic to the United States.

Example of gillette razor’s marketing report

Before agreeing on pricing, Gillette Company put the following factors into considerations: it checks on the fixed and variable costs, competition from other institutions, the objectives of the company, the proposed positioning strategies and the target group and willingness of the customers to pay for the prices set. In penetration pricing, the Gillette Company →

Report on nike ethics & social responsibility

Corporate social responsibility refers to the performance of an initiative by an organisation to contribute to the economic and social well being of the persons that work in the organisation, and their next of keen. Employees of the organisation are expected to abide to the set standards of the document whenever they are performing business →

Finance report example

Both of the NPV are in negative terms and it is found that the companies are still in the queue of financing the things accordingly and effectively. The GPM of the companies are mentioned below Commodity Price of both of the companies is perfect and it is found that the commodity price of Shell is →

History of h and m3 report example

The users of the cosmetics are usually the youths and this is the group of customers that the company targets most. The analysis of performance of the company during the years 2010 is as shown below.variable From the table, it can be observed that the performance of the company has been good.

Political support report example

Executive Summary The report gives brief information about the Go-Ahead company, its current market position and the market segments it operates in as well as describing the operations of the company. The success of the company is attributed to the formulation and implementation of a sustainable strategy.

Report on importance of business ethics

In 1863, John Stuart Mill, a founder of business ethics, saw the importance of fairness in economy. This has also enlightened the business fraternity on the change of business ethics.

Free report on letter to the investor

Unfortunately, the firm has been unable to invest in TQM in 2014 and this is unlikely to happen in 2019 as portrayed by the projection. Appendix 2 provides a comparison of the investments made on TQM in 2019 and the projected investments to be made in 2018.

Work based project report

In recent years, the issue of corporate governance and ethics has grabbed attention in the light of corporate scandals that have reported since the Enron scandal. The stakeholders in the hotels are the stock holders, the employees, creditors, suppliers, communities around their establishment and the government.

Report on determination of volatile compounds in different hop varieties by headspace-trap

This article appeared in the " Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" of ACS publications in the year 2012 and attempted to compare the efficiency and accuracy of Head Space -trap method coupled with GC/MS and conventional essential oil analysis method. The components of the essential oil of hops are analyzed and quantified by several →

Sales conference venue report sample

The following report describes the experience had in the conference that I assisted at Marriott Conference Center, the intention of this paper is to display the characteristics of the venue and take it into consideration for the upcoming Sales Conference. In first place, the ambient of the center can be describe as formal and entertaining, →

Accounting decision analysis report sample

In this case, since the company caters to the petroleum demands of several unidentified consumers, we could assume that it will not ultimately hurt the company and its resources should the management decide to implement the use of a cash receipts journal for every transaction. Because of this, it would be greatly beneficial for the →

Free report on financial analysis of abbott and its competitors

Among these three companies, GSK has performed the best as the operating profit margin of GSK is the highest in comparison to the other two companies. The other financial ratio that has been used to compare the performance of Abbott and its competitors is the earnings per share.

Example of cultural factors report

Therefore, in the analysis, factors responsible for its well being in business operations as well as factors which limit the effective performance of business operations are going to be discussed Israel cultural behaviors have been significant and consequently affect business operations in the country. On the other hand, knowing to say a few of salutations →

Sony electronic corporation reports examples

It clearly suggest that the company has a vertical reporting structure in the organization where different departments and divisions are aligned and they all report to the management of the company. However, it could be stated that the decision-making is centralized as the individuals heading different departments in the company are based in the company's →

The cliptomania webstore reports examples

The areas that are analyzed will include the problem statement, key success factors of the company, SWOT analysis to analyze the internal business environment, the solution to the problems and the evaluation of the solution for business success. The major problem that the owners of Cliptomania faced was to change the operational platform of the →

Example of disclosure index for agenix limited report

It is a requirement by the AASB that the financial report of a listed company should disclose the actual operating figures in the form of a consolidated statement of comprehensive income, a consolidated statement of financial position as at the last day of the financial reporting period, a statement of changes in equity that occurred →

Swot analysis on chipotle reports examples

Encouraging the formulation of new ideas and innovation in the company is a distinctive competence to the company, unlike other companies that lean on their own perceptions regarding the type of products they ought to be producing, this company will be producing products that favour the customer needs. This opportunity affect the company in the →

The healthcare environment and culture report examples

Therefore, the efforts of all employees should be focused on the maximization of benefits for the organization and on improving performance. Therefore, it is crucial to hire employees, who are able to fit into the culture of a healthcare organization and fire those, who are reluctant to live the values of the company.

Good example of slogan: just do it report

Track and understand activities of competitors so that the organization may be better prepared to meet competition Achieve the estimated sales run-rate of $20000 in every quarter by the end of the year Increase the organization's market share for the products by the end of the 2015 year. Over the years, the Nike Company has →

Delegante schoen report sample

The analysis conducted for the company Delegante Schoen indicate that the company has performed at an unremarkable level compared in the last three years. The company's image rating is relatively flat for the last three years, with year 12 being the highest in the last five years.

Free report on system analysis

Motivation The company has realized that employee motivation is key to the improvement of the performance of the employees and also to the general productivity of the company. The company's mission and vision is also another source of motivation for the employees, the company also ensures that employees have understood the company's mission and therefore →

Audit plan report example

However, the plan should concentrate on the following material transactions: Manufacturing transactions- these is in relation to the commercial airline production and the subsequent deliveries. Related Party Transaction Finally, in a bid to cover all the material transactions, it is essential to examine the related party transactions with particular emphasis on the disclosures and the →

Evidence of sustained competitive advantage at wal-mart report example

The paper will also offer a theoretical analysis of the reasons for the achievement of the competitive advantage by each of the organizations. It is important that the assessment of the competitive success of the organization is done in a period of ten years.

Report on financial analysis: blue inc

For Instance, while investors analyze the financial statements to evaluate their investment decision in the company, creditors are more concerned to judge the profitability of the company i.e if the company will be able to honor their agreed payments on time. This number is important for the creditors as it reveals the payment ability of →

An analysis of the current and future use of internet technologies of british airways report sample

The British airline has been investing in its development and maintenance of the website,, which contributes to 33% of total sales in the United Kingdom and 80% of total sales outside the United Kingdom. The IT system of the company is taken, as the core system to bring a difference in its operations and →

Traditional news release report sample

The Spartan PR company has today negotiated and reached a three year endorsement agreement between this our solemn company and the celebrity which the celebrity will promote the company's products. Today, the celebrity has been granted an opportunity to promote the products of the company by the name Spartan.

Good example of essay on purpose of the report

The paper focuses on the evolution of the concept of marketing myopia presented by Levitt as the relevance of this concept has emerged once again in the form of new marketing myopia. The basic idea of the report is to involve all stakeholders and to institutionalize the processes of involvement.[Student][Professor] The purpose of this report →

Ford employee protection policies report examples

Even when the world faced crisis and turbulent times in the beginning of 2008, the company did survive in this period. Of the three major auto companies in the US, Ford Motor Company was the first to come back to business.

Good report about nestle pakistan: an ethical approach

It is clear that within Kline's framework, that Nestle is complicit in the draining of the towns aquifers, whether this was intentional or not, the companies history with water issues and significant resources means adequate testing would not have been onerous for the company and the simple act of it could have prevented this from →

Report on toyota’s strategies in economic globalisation

The governments in Europe allowed Japanese companies to enter the market in the 1960's and 1970's. However the high demand in the region in spite of the import restrictions caused the company to expand the assembly plants to Europe.

Good example of fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectroscopy report

90, which is almost similar to the absorbance of the QC sample and 1402. Company B's white sample powder has absorbance that is similar to that of the powder sample derived from the creek.

Report on convection of consistency

Relevant department should be the one to initiate the process of acquiring the asset. This method allocates same value of depreciation to all the years.

Good report on brand equity management

A brand speaks to the pith of the clients' keenness of the hotel, its items and administrations. The measurement and determinants of brand equity.

Diagnosis report

The avoidance conflict intervention mechanism is employed in the school where the administration does not provide solutions for the teachers. The compromise mechanism is employed with regard to the parents of the students, where the wishes of the teachers are compromised to accommodate their needs.

Cross-rail project management report sample

The main project team involved in building and operating the Crossrail system is responsible for developing scope, cost management and implementation schedules, and managing the risks and evaluation of the project. The prime objective of the present project management report is to ensure Crossrail construction is started and commissioned on time, within budget, and meets →

Research paper on different levels of accounting reports

Compilation refers to the process in which accounting entries are made and the accounting statements of accounting statements are prepared. Often the advantages that accrue under the process include the clear documentation of accounting transactions, the use of the accounting information from the statements for purposes of decision making at the internal and external levels.

Sample report on organizational assessment

Another conclusive information here would be the fact that when 19 participants were asked whether they need more from the church, 15 or more than 75% of the correspondent population responded with a yes, which means that they perceive there are a lot of things that need to be improved in the organization and with →

Example of water rights of the māori in new zealand report

The situation began because the Crown wants to sell the Mighty River Power who owns the electricity sold from the power generated by the Waikato River Hydro series of dams and reservoirs. In the photo can be noted the original shape of the banks of the river at that point and the ground cover.

Sample report on sustainability in business

It involves the analysis of the past, understanding the present, and using the data to predict the future. This scenario also implies that the costs for running a logistic company will significantly increase due to the interference of trade routes in the Arctic regions due to the melting of ice.

Good example of report on human resources management in the tourism industry

It is essential for the safety and satisfaction of tourists that their human resource contacts demonstrate all necessary skills for their responsibilities.- Role and purpose of human resource management in tourism: A discussion of tourism cannot take place without including the topic of hospitality. The correlation between the needs of the tourism industry and human →

Lean system or just-in-time systems report example

This will eventually lead to an improved process and outputs since it requires focused and commitment to Quality Management by all the departments in an company with the guiding principle of prioritizing quality rather than the cost of materials which will eventually lead to reduction of waste. In short the pull system is used rather →

Report on “managing performance at haier” essay sample

The management of workers and engineers at Haier may be characterized as the management of " a carrot and a whip". The workers and the engineers are now given opportunities to display their motivation, innovative and competitive attitudes and capabilities of such kinds under Haier's management.

Free the federal no child left behind (nclb) education reform law report sample

SEA is the process and the source of the federal spending for the purpose of the elementary and secondary education. On the state test, the state and the district official has the report that the achievements of the student are rising which is showing the sign of positivism.

Runninghead: strategic planning report

In this way, cross-functional decisions help the organization to achieve success However, before making a strategic plan, it is better for a business to ask and consider few important things such as what makes it different from others, how to achieve the satisfaction of customers, the adoption of strategies that minimize the risks business faces, →

Feasibility study analysis

The feasibility study solves the dilemma of most of the investors because the market study can be useful in determining the economic value of establishing a mountain resort. Even though the feasibility report presents useful information that can be used to determine the viability of a resort business, the report should include information on the →

How has globalization affected employment and communities in contemporary britain focus on the de-industrialised greater glasgow area as discussed in a recent report by the joseph rowntree foundation

Impact of Globalisation in the UK The United Kingdom is one of the countries that have experienced effects of globalisation especially in the realm of employment. The most prevalent area that has been affected by the globalisation is the Greater Glasgow area in the UK.

Reporting practices and ethics in financial management

Financial management is defined as the management of the finances of a business or organization in order to achieve financial objectives. The purpose of the controlling element of financial management is to make sure that plans are being followed.

Overcoming organizational defenses report sample

The book provides a great understanding on how to deal with such situations and form a learning culture in the organizations. Overall the book is very helpful and full of learning and the only problem that I noticed in the book is that it provides huge knowledge on the subject in limited pages.

Management and ethics in healthcare report examples

In the case in the United States, the management of the resources allocated towards the maintenance of the healthcare provision has had to be allocated major professional laws and ethical provisions in order to maintain a balance between the expenditure on healthcare services and the health and well-being of the entire society. In conclusion, the →

Db asra project report example

Therefore, the project managers need to perform their duties in the correct way and with competency so that at the end the aim of the project is achieved. Therefore, the intended purpose was not achieved and this led to the failure of the project.

Effect of forecasting and predicting on operational and financial performance 4 report examples

It is a challenge for the top management to seek solutions and business tools that enhance the predictive ability of the managers in business decisions and increase the accuracy of the business decisions. Utilization of the concept used in predictive business models works to works to increases chances of making the right assumptions and build →

Free report on planning and control in the budgetary system

The extent to which a budget is successful majorly depends on the available management systems, which are in place in the view of the entire budgeting process. One of the roles of control and planning in the budgeting process is facilitation of meeting the set deadlines.

Features of windows server 2008 report examples

It then describes the main features of Windows Server 2008 R2 in terms of its virtualization, management, scalability, web, and networking and access capabilities, as well as how it integrates better with Windows 7. Microsoft Server 2008 consists of web tools, security and server management improvements, and built-in virtualization technologies that enable the efficient management →

Credit risk for major banks in australia report examples

Outline the regulation from APRA in regards to credit risk for the large major banks and contrast to the regulations for smaller bank re credit risk. In the past years and decades, the issue of Credit risk rating in the banks of Australia has been very critical for the management systems of credit risks.

Report on urban/rural planning

This is due to the difference in the duties and responsibilities undertaken. The dynamic nature of planning it requires one to have necessary formal education and experience to be efficient in this field.

Example of report on working with and leading people

This report is dedicated to Tesco Company and seeks to highlight the important factors, procedures and mechanisms for selecting a new role of a baker, leadership and management skills applicable and ways of integrating the new member into teams and working groups to enhance productivity and business success. A t this stage, the candidate is →

Boutique management system project report

3) Sell an Item When the user clicks on Sell an item link, then a page comes up which allows the user to do the following:- Provide a title for the item and a description of the Item. There will be Upload Image Button which the user uses to upload an image of the item.

Sample report on the usage of wireless sensor network in er

The WSN-enabled application is made up of application server and the multiple application clients. Results indicate that the distances between the application motes and the base station/server, signal range and the node mobility affects the performance of the WSN.

Example of report on health information management

The clerks will send the patient details to the doctors through the computerized information systems in the hospital. The doctors will also send diagnosis reports and charges to the registration clerks for filing in the medical history files of the patient.