Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

The children law

It must also be kept in mind that many young children today are not properly guided by their parents since they are busy working for a living Minors are supposedly guided by their parents so that they would grow up to be mature individuals with a healthy sense of moral judgment. Unfortunately, this is not β†’

A case of mistreatment at work

It continues to tell us how the two decided to confront her that afternoon to ask whether she had a problem with them. She told her that the organization had no morals at all and mistreatment, especially to people of color was the order of the day.

Mood disorders

Mood Disorders of affiliation Mood Disorders Mood disorders refer to disorders, which are characterized by disruptions in mood. The case of the associated disorders is aligned to the children and adolescents.

Case study

This will ensure that he receives education according to his needs, which are established in the act. This is because the act provides that in administering AYP the government has to consider some aspects of life like disabilities and other special needs.

Financial compensation and ethical issues in healthcare

Of concern, are the ethical issues relating to financial compensation and equity in the health care. The healthcare management also needs to develop and embrace a philosophy of business ethics in its operations.

Byzantine art: comparison paper

18 February 2007 Byzantine Art: Comparison Paper Necklace with Medallion and Amulet: A necklace with a medallion and an amulet, both from different periods in the Byzantine era, lends itself to a comparison between the two objects in question as they both accentuate and bring to life unique aspects of Byzantine art. In contrast, the β†’

Events and banqueting managments in uk

At other times, the crockery does not match the type of food and the kind of guests that have to attend the function. Many clients complained that the banqueting companies do not understand the corporate rule of solids to the right and liquid to the left.

Taking sides: were the 1920’s an era of social and cultural rebellion

Taking Sides: Were the 1920's an era of social and cultural rebellion Introduction The 1920's era represented changes in the social and cultural aspects of the Americans through the introduction of rebellious acts on the societal matters. This implies that the American women did not enjoy equal privileges before the 1920's and this facilitated the β†’

Technology article

In other words, cloud computing technology gives businesses and consumers the capacity to use computer applications without having to install software and also allows them to access personal files from anywhere using a computer that is connected to the internet. Interestingly, the term " cloud computing" got its inspiration from the use of the cloud β†’

Capstone: hr module

The recruiting cost has been justifiable over the period to increase the employees' skills in their working in production process. This increase in wage increases the cost of production.

Thank you letter

I applied for admission to a dental school, and as a result got the opportunity to be in touch with you all. A dentist helps in quadrupling the effect of a smile; therefore I decided that I will help in making life all the more enjoyable by giving the people a reason to smile.

Apa citations and references

In John E.B. Contemporary Pediatrics August 2001 v18 p65 APA CODE: Green, M, Sullivan, Paula D.and Eichberg, Carolyn G.


This has a net effect of overcrowding of the scientific field leading to competition hence resulting in increased number of retractions. All this has led to competition in the scientific world with grants being offered to a section of scientists only.

Part time position in a reputed accounting firm – resume/cv example

I would appreciate the opportunity to meet you to discuss my qualifications and the opportunity for a position in your company. I am confident that I have the accounting savvy necessary to ensure that I will be a productive and profitable accountant at -.

What does advertisement tell us about america before and after capitalism

Even though there were outcries for the abolition of such tendencies, capitalism thrived in the phase of industrial revolution in the nineteenth century crossing over to the twentieth century. The ad in Lecture 9: 28 with a slogan " Smart Buy's Buick," is an epitome of what manufacturers were doing to promote consumption of their β†’

The business aspect of the firm

The Firm Affiliation: The struggle by Amalgamated Manufacturing to make profit shows that the business aspect of the firm is not doing well. In expounding the business aspect, the firm may need to conduct consumer research in a bid to identify the loopholes characteristic of its products in the market.

3m case study

The company has faced several problems in their strategies and tactics while competing in the current market of globalization and liberalization Strategic problems 3 lines The 3M's strategy of market research was not adequate. The 3M management failed to identify experts at the right time to cater the needs of current trends in the international β†’

Information system

The major problem that arises in creating a software system is the lack of documentation and specification that the software engineers are constantly battling with, because creating a new software system takes large amount of time and effort and unfortunately many software companies do not release substantial budget and time which leads in the lack β†’

Legal provision in mental health services

The traditional approaches to decision-making that concern a patient with mental disability involved the professionals at the central position and the families of the patient. The patients were required to follow the directions of the professionals and the available members of the families.

Inclusive creative movement and dance

For example, when she kneels and opens her hand, but her two palms are together given out the importance of the moral values in the society based on the unification of the people living in the community. Her message focuses on the welfare of society and the importance that friendships carry in respect to the β†’

Silentos criticism

The philosophers of 1840s were too shallow in their analysis of the subjects and did not evaluate the objectivity of their claims by doubting their theories unlike the philosophers of the past e.g. In our age, a lot of people have become authors just for the sake of publicity.

Unions in the usa

One of the primary reasons for the decline of union membership in recent years is that a lot of companies have closed down. Four Reasons for the Decrease in Union Membership in Hawaii.

Reflective journal m02

In my readings, I was struck by the observation of Pride, Hughes and Kapoor, that the profit maximization goal is impossible to define, and therefore impossible to achieve, because there is never a satisfactory answer to the question, ' How much profit is enough?' Exactly, businessmen are depicted as greedy and heartless, loving money for β†’

The rise of a whole deaf identity

Deaf Education, Arts, and Lit: The Rise of a Whole Deaf Identity October 13, Deaf Education, Arts, and Lit: The Rise of a Whole Deaf Identity The Deaf community has similarities with other marginalized communities that challenge oppression and affirm their identities to undercut their disempowerment. The key concepts of these essays are the importance β†’

Career or job search

Human Resources of the University of Arizona The website is valuable in informing readers about the kinds of flexible work arrangements, and the benefits and challenges of alternative work arrangements. Flexible Work Arrangements" This is an article from, and it is good in explaining the trend toward flexible work arrangements and discussing examples of β†’

My study journey

The course was highly regarded in the job market and there was a need to involve in a course that reflects on the market demand and personal ambitions. Experience is my best component in that through this opportunity I was able to learn the market strengths and weakness.

Business users and households: activeion portable

The product is different from the rest of the products in the market. Synergy with the market mix 5.

The definition and criticism of an insanity defense

Insanity Defense of Institute] The Definition And Criticism of Insanity Defense Insanity defense typically refers to a plea that defendants are not guilty because they lacked the mental capacity to realize that they committed a wrong or appreciate why it was wrong. They are not something prepared and executed instantly; Insanity defenses involve a thorough β†’

White denial of racial issues contributes to poor race relations

The principal issue of this article speaks about the need to acknowledge that racial differences and discrimination still exist today, and the way toovercome and beat them isnt to become " color blind", not by blacks abandonment of their heritage and culture to become part of the broader America and certainly not by claiming that β†’

Crime prevention program

Conclusion For a successful crime prevention program it is necessary to generate significant difference in the delinquency of participants especially the experimental group, however, in the case of S.O.F.T.L.Y.the difference between the initial and final evaluations was not sufficient enough as the participants of the experimental group were still inclined to commit crimes. The Prevention β†’

Bus 101

When the central bank is " tightening", it slows the process of private bank issue by selling securities on the open market and pulling money out of the private banking sector. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of short term financing.

Economics: research the effects of trade on the global environment

Economics The current global economic crisis has stimulated much debate about international trade and the role of supranational actors such as the World Trade Organization in regulating the economic affairs of nation-states. Economic globalization, namely the spread of neoliberalism and capitalist-inspired consumerism as the dominant engine of economic growth, has both supporters and detractors.

Personal statement example

My educational background will be very helpful for me in my journey towards a law degree due to my specific interest within the realm of the law. The average salary of a first year law associate in a large firm is $145, 000.

Explain and discuss the ways in which culture and experiences influence our perception of taste and smell

Taste is used to determine the flavor of food or any other substance, smell is part of the sensory experience interconnected with taste while inhalation of chemical odor from the air determines a person's sense of smell. For example, wintergreen is perceived as candy odor in the United States while the perception in the UK β†’


Students learn the use of the vocabulary when they include the vocabulary in speech making. In this regard, the students appreciate the English language and the vocabulary used.

Vicale had propelled his business above other potential competitors in the market

The constant demand for action figures from friends and visitors to his office, and with the research he conducted on the internet increased his urgency to start the business. The pricing of the goods in the market should also be added to the research.

Introduction to social policy

by Date Social Policy Dean defines social policy as " the study of the social relations necessary for human wellbeing and the systems by which wellbeing may be promoted, or impaired". Alcock, Erskine and May on the other hand, define social policy as " the study of social issues, social problems, social groups, social services β†’

Types of social media

Social media like Facebook and Twitter as the main source of information system is getting better each day with sophisticated technology. Why social media is best for managing information system Social media have more trust worth information due to its networking, accessibility and interactivity.

Arab culture

In addition to religion, the tradition that existed in the region also acted as a vital factor in assigning women a second position in the society and family. It is a clear indication of treating women as second class citizens in the same geographic territory and culture.

Obesity/body image (sociology) part ii

The Symbolic Interactionist perspective best illuminates and explains the issue of Obesity as how it was interpreted by the individuals having the disorder themselves and especially for the normal-weight individuals. For instance, due to the increasing rate of obese patients in the United States, there is an apparent conflict existing in the provision of Medicare β†’

Capital budgeting – capital investment appraisal

But still there are some factors that make us reluctant in taking this decision, as there is no information available about the production capacities of both machines so we can not say accurately that which machine is more beneficial, as production capacity and quality of Machine A may be many times higher than B and β†’

Importance of following rules and regulations

The Importance of Following Rules and Regulations Human society is characterized by the following of certain rules and regulations. The importance of command is that it guides and helps the members to uphold the rules.

You decide

The Chess Club is responsible for providing ASU students with the opportunity to engage in mind games. Membership of the club ranges from freshmen to seniors, the club is open to everyone that is interested in playing chess either professionally or for fun, as long as they are a student at ASU.

The omnivores dilemma industry

The research presented in the Omnivores dilemma is meant to help to understand the health as well as the environmental implications of our food sources. The sterling great success of the Omnivores dilemma is one of the key Pollan's ability to explore pressing agricultural issues and even the most complex in a simplified way.

Achievements of heron alexandria

He was a native of Roma Egypt which recognizes him as one of the classical age experimenter and also a follower of the ancient theory of Democritus, Epicurus and Lucretius. He also came up with the formula that the path taken between two point by a ray of light is the path that can be β†’

Case study example

of the of the Concerned 17 May Case Study There is no denying the fact that the changes initiated by Michelle Rhee are thoroughly in consonance with the pragmatic essentials of equity theory that have to do with the existence of mechanisms to gauge and influence employee motivation in relation to the outputs extended by β†’

Elisa assay

Graph 2: Monoclonal mouse anti-rabbit Ig G In this graph various dilution of mouse anti rabbit Ig G antibodies were used to determined concentration of rabbit Ig G.the most effective dilution will be between 1/4000 to 1/8000, as in rest of the cases, at lower concentration of Ig G there is no linearity with increasing β†’

Response on the grand inquisitor

However, the story reflects the savior of the people meeting opposition from the religious authorities of the church when the great inquisitor arrests Christ and takes him to prison. This were the same people who really longed for the coming back of the savoir in regard to their torments and tribulations they had initially gone β†’

Parallel universes

It might not be possible to totally prevent the occurrence of controversial behaviors but some of the recent cases have raised much concerns about to what extent the school officials and the law may go when regulating teacher's out-of-school conduct. Depending with the responsiveness and awareness of the community to initiate a course of action β†’

Cutomer service article review

According to the customer, his Cuisinart coffee maker had experienced a breakdown after three years of efficient service and this prompted him to contact the head office. According to the customer, he believed the bulbs would last for decades and this prompted him to lodge a complaint when it got damaged after five months.

History class

They circulated learning brochures for classroom activities in which the film would function, as a motivator of higher critical thinking regarding the importance of history in the perspective of the long-disappeared chapter revived to American past in the movie. Apparently, Spielberg made this film to articulate the sentiments and sensibilities of a diversely cultural modern β†’

Whistleblower protection

However, there are also federal protections for private-sector employees, such as the Energy Reorganization Act, the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and retaliation protection under various non-discrimination statutes. Common law protection for whistleblowers in the courts falls under the system for fighting wrongful termination.

Discussion and respond – dissertation example

These factors motivate the employees to work and continue their relationship with the organization. These factors which are harmful for the employees and their health are creating chaos in our minds.

Health quality monitoring organizations

The second duty is approving of medicines to ensure they are safe and effective before they are released to the public. The last duty is continuous monitoring of products and services to ensure quality and adherences to set standards.

Response book

The book is a memoir of a successful story of John Hockenberry who was paralyzed by a car accident at an age of 19 years, but regardless of the physical limitation, he has led a very successful and remarkable life as a world-travelling journalist traversing through the hills or Iran and Afghanistan as well as β†’

Online obsessive relational intrusion: further concerns about facebook

The article proffered issues pertinent to an examination of social networking sites, particularly Facebook, as facilitators of Online Obsessive Relational Intrusion, or stalking. In the end, users of social networking sites are thereby advised to be vigilant and cautious in providing personal information that would encourage the public to pry and intrude on one's life β†’


251647 Completed by: Scharada Dubey 11th November 2008 Football and Soccer Page1 The free-flowing game of soccer, which requires few rules and little equipment, is the world's most popular sport. Both forms of the game, soccer or association football, and American football have some things in common, namely both are played between two teams, in β†’

Understanding health policy

The PBS website gives further evidence of this, while the proponents of Health Care reform call for the state to play a more proactive role and the insurers to cover pre-existing conditions and make the process of claims easier, the opponents are adamant that this would erode the competitiveness of the service providers. This is β†’

Professionalism in child and family studies

With a change in the traditional roles that people of either gender have to perform in the society, the role of the family as a unit has changed to a great extent. Beliefs about the family and the quality and nature of family life The concepts of the family having changed means that professionals who β†’

Socrates scholasticus: the murder of hypatia

Selected Sources: Sex and gender Socrates Scholasticus: The Murder of Hypatia The above source is about a woman known as Hypatia, the female philosopher who was a daughter to a great philosopher called Theon who made great achievements in science and literature to the extent that she surpassed all the great philosophers of her β†’

Discussion b

The listed forms of abuse are the widely known, but the list is endless due to the vulnerability of children. Lastly, neglect is the failure of a parent or guardian to provide the basic physical, educational, medical and emotional needs of the child.

Slp 2 – mgt 411 compensation: benefits

The main goal of employee benefits is to promote the economic status of individuals and enhancing the living standards. Describe the compensation that you receive in the form of benefits The range of compensation received in the form of benefits are divided into two categories namely the mandatory and voluntary benefits.

Risk and return, portfolio diversification and the capital asset pricing model; the cost of equity (starbucks co.)

Capital asset pricing model is one of the leading models for calculating cost of equity by taking into consideration the concept of risk and return. This paper will therefore provide computation and will also discuss the cost of equity of Starbucks besides computing the cost of equity for Nestle and McDonalds to make a comparison.

Developing an interview method

In this research study I will be seeking to understand how children from Brazilian immigrants that have arrived in Quebec, Canada in the past four to five years feel about their new literacy language and also feel according to their Brazilian roots and Portuguese language. The purpose of this research study is to demonstrate the β†’

Imagine the date is march 4,1933 adn you have just been innagurated as the 32nd president of the us. what is the first thing you do as president why

The first thing that I would do as President is issue a ban against slavery and the oppression against the groups of people that were feeling it most. The thirties was a time for political, social, and cultural change, and while slavery was not banned during this time, I feel that it had been the β†’

Extra credit #2

Film Review on Financial Crisis The CNBC Subprime Mortgage Special - House of Cards gives an explanation of the global financial crisis. The financial greed among investors is what led to the financial crisis.

Investigation of two countries: an industrialized country investigation of two countries: an industrialized country (germany) an

The total population of the country is over 81 million out of which 74% of the population is living in the urban areas whereas rest is in the rural areas. Out of the total population of the country, almost 92% of the population is Germany whereas approximately 2.

Admissions for masters in public policy

I have at all times felt like I have a calling to serve the public and have been given the responsibility to continue acting on this call to the best of my ability. I believe that it offers an ideal balance to my extensive past experience in the public sector as a public advocate.

Minority in women -annotated bibliography

Women and work: A handbook. Women and work: A handbook.

The background in business and accounting, achieved through academic or professional experiences

I am proudly aware of the immeasurable worth of my academic credentials from such a reputed Business School as the W.P. I believe that the MACC Program will serve as my stepping stone to success and equip me with the skills I need to become a formidable player in the business world.

Hope vs expectations

Maruska asserts that good leadership within the organization promotes the relationship building through mutual trust and confidence that promotes collective goals and proactive participation of the workforce in the decision making processes. The author has stressed that hope and expectations of the people within the organization are the most important factors that have direct impact β†’

Is mr. webb naive

James Webb was a former chief of the National Aeronautic and Space Administration which is well-known as NASA.Mr. As the nation mourned, he went personally to President Lyndon Johnson and asked that NASA is allowed to handle the accident investigation and direct the recovery from the accident.

Great a&p

The changes A&P subsequently made to our food distribution system set the stage for it to become the largest retailer in the world between the years of 1915 and 1960. It would seem that the Great A&P itself had undercut local, independent butchers, bakers, and candlestick makers in order to unite and profit from the β†’

Watching television

This paper draws a research strategy in identifying the impact of television on children and adolescents in the age group of 3 and 20. Moreover, more than half of the parents reported influence of television advertisements on their children to a large extent.

Morgan state university professor convicted of fraud scheme

In 2011, the prosecution alleges that the professor cunningly falsified documents in a desperate attempt to hide the fraud he had committed. The Manoj Kumar Jha's case is not the first fraud case at Morgan State University.

Business structures

Based on the laws that govern the establishment of general corporations, the shareholders exhibit protection from the creditors of the business. The liability of shareholders in S Corporation is limited.

Article review-how collectivism affect management(international management)

Secondly, the study not only looked at the mere relationship between collectivism and propensity to trust and OC, but also explored the process that links the antecedents to OC. Besides, the role of organizational-based self-esteem as valid mediator of the effects of collectivism and propensity to trust on OC was confirmed, while organizational tenure moderated β†’

Load factors and airplane design

In spite of the fact that the Code of Federal Regulations obliges that the plane structure is equipped for supporting one and one-half times this farthest point, the load elements should not stress the structure. The VG diagrams will help in the study of an event that the subject plane is flown at a positive β†’

The complete persepolis

However, Margi's parents regard her as a young adult by the fact that they agree to send her to a boarding school as an indication of their sense of Margi as a young adult. Her mother informs her that, there is no need to cry, as she is a big girl, " No tears.

The adaptation to a new environment

People in the USA are in a rush even to eat unlike in Qatar where one orders for food and eats without a rush to fill. We almost shared the same feelings of loneliness and fear with my brother during our early days in the United States.

Homework for marshall

The Marshall plan was aimed at appealing to America to generously lend a hand to Europe after the war. The plan was meant to promote security to all humanity and not just what interested America.

Revisiting sacred ground by n. scott momaday

The reason he is revisiting these places and describing them in his articles is because he is of the opinion that a person can never forget the land where he is brought up and raised. This trip is because of the reason that he wants to feel the scent of his land again.

Karl marxs doctrine

In order to provide a comprehensive understanding about human nature, Marx made a clear distinction between the actions of animals and the activities performed by human beings differentiating themselves as a superior creature in the earth. In the identification of human nature and taking into concern Marx's distribution theory, it can be affirmed that Marx β†’

Market segmentation

Consumers will also be willing to pay different prices for products, and this means that segmentation will help in determining the right price for the right target group. Psychographic segmentation will enable an organization to know what consumers think, what they value, and how they live their lives, and this will help in determining the β†’

Polaroid company distribution crisis

The following were the alternatives that the company would choose from: 1. The advantage with this alternative is that there would be no connection between the company and the government.

American policing

The concept of community policing was created to reunite the community by reducing crime and fear in society. New York: McGraw-Hill Humanities Stevens, D.J.

Transportation through the various parts of the denver metropolitan area

At the beginning of my journey on 15th street, one notices that the streets were eerily empty of pedestrians and some of the buildings are quite tall. Although it was the case that I hardly saw any people outside of the inner city and the residential area for some reason being in the rural area β†’

3-5 tax incidence

No: Response to Article: The article by Walter Williams informs about the ignorance of masses about taxation and tax incidence. People who are ignorant of taxing and related descriptions think that government fails in taxing the right people and corporations and rich people should be taxed only.

Professional educators making a difference

The future of higher education and professional training. The marketing curriculum and educational aims: towards a professional education?

Shareholders enjoy growth at dick’s sporting goods

The reason why rapid growth can sometimes be a bad thing for a company is because it has not prepared to expand business operations. While this may not prove to be fatal to a company, it can mean that the company has to secure external financing in order to break even, and doing this can β†’

Marketing planning and statistic

Customer research involves gaining information on the type of customers the organization attracts and what attracts them to the organization. The model provides an excellent foundation for an organization to further conduct research and gain the necessary information for the formulation of future strategic plans.4.


Inflation: The Cause, Effects, and Remedies Inflation is defined as the rising cost of goods and services measured against a baseline standard. The new government restructured the debt, privatized state owned industries, and tied the currency to the US dollar.

To what should i dedicate myself

Thus, as work and vocation may not be entailing the same sphere of activity or profession, ' work' refers to the professional activity which may involve one's utility of both physical and mental effort to achieve a result, purpose or goal.' Vocation' on the other hand, refers to the presence of a powerful feeling in β†’

The delegates to the constitutional convention

Philadelphia Convention was the most significant event in the history of the United States. The 55 delegates from various regions attended the convention and actively participated in the inception of the new constitution.

Professional development project

PORT Unit, the litigation unit, and the engineering documents unit are all units under contract administration. As such, the contract administration procedures will reflect the expectation and preparation of a greater off-site production content.

Prupis and petigrow v. gilbertson

The court granted summary judgment for the defendants on the ground that the complaints were not timely filed, ruling that the claims were governed by Oregon's 2-year limitations period for fraud claims, the most analogous forum-state statute; that plaintiff-respondent had been on notice of the possibility of fraud as early as 1982; and that there β†’