Informative Undergraduate Essay and Research Paper Examples

Lgbt clients

LGBT LGBT LGBT is an abbreviation for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, a community just like the general public, comprises of people from all races, levels of education, ethnicities and income levels. The first advantage is that such knowledge help in creating a welcoming environment for the LGBT persons and people close to them by β†’

Analysis of bahrain’s economy’s strength and weakness

ANALYSIS OF BAHRAIN'S ECONOMY The economy of Bahrain has been ranked twenty-fifth in the world and d as the Middle East's " most free economy" by the 2006 Index of Economic Freedom. Oil and gas companies are required to pay 46% tax on income from the sale of crude oil and its derivatives.

Heart disease in older people

One of the diseases that are most common in the aged population is the heart diseases. The chemicals heart the rhythm of the heart, cholesterol levels in the heart and the blood pressure.

Conclusion and evaluation of corporate social responsibility

Conclusion and Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility From the research conducted, it is correct to that corporate social responsibility involves practices that are aimed at positively impacting the community within which a business operates and even creating a positive brand image for the business. However, Schwartz stated that it has been proved that CSR help β†’

Summary 1

In a community with the powerful and the powerless, it becomes very hard for the grievances of the powerless to be acknowledged or addressed since the powerful are always working towards abating the ability of the powerless to participate in the decision making process. Although the powerless in the community believe that the courts and β†’

Tax law worksheet

The hierarchical rule will dictate the case ruling that will dominate over the other and that is the position I will take. It is because the code is supreme over the other tax laws.2.

Health care reform

Medicare, the government health insurance for the elderly uses only 1-2% of your dollar to achieve rates of sickness, as well as death rates among their patients, which are in fact identical to those of the private health insurance corporations. 4 In the 2008 US Presidential Election both Obama and McCain were pledged to carry β†’

Das experiment

The film brings out the issue of superiority in the sense that despite the guards having been warned not to use any physical aggression toward the prisoners, they decide to harass the prisoners because they felt they were in control of the prison. The role of rules in a prison and society is to guide β†’

Cell biology

Upon binding to cellular glutamine, the glutamine repressor binds to the site of the promoter of the operon.A. By repressing the expression of the glutamine operon in the abundance of glutamine, as when the repressor molecule is bound to glutamine, the cell can conserve energy by not synthesizing a molecule that is already in abundance β†’

Dalai lama

Geetha Sundar Ahmedabad Dalai Lama 28th November, 2007 Dalai Lama Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism [Lamaism] was formerly the ruler of the country. The Dalai Lama lives in Dharmashala, India, as the head of the Tibetan Government in exile, while the Chinese continue to occupy Tibet.

Net present value model (npv)

A con of the payback period is that it does not take into consideration the time value of money. The net present value calculates the present value of future cash flows of a project.

Containerizations in maritime shipping

After acquiring a brief idea about the system of containerization, it can be widely observed that the system of containerization provides number of beneficial attributes to the organizations engaged in maritime shipping. In this regard, one of the primary advantages of containerization in maritime shipping is to protect goods from different hazardous conditions while delivering β†’

Psyc 317 psa video

Public Announcement speech on Homelessness in Central Florida Insert Insert Ladies and gentlemen, do you agree that Florida is currently facing inadequacy in the provision of affordable housing to homeless people? In accordance to the children and families department of central Florida region, there are 85, 908 homeless people at any given day.

M7a2 – research methods

M7A2 - Research methods affiliation M7a2 - Research Methods According to the University Institutional Review Board Handbook for carrying out research, it is the role of the university Institutional Review Boards to officially state conformity with research guidelines that offer for the ethical conduct of human research participants. The main mission of this University Institutional β†’

The outbreak of ebola in west africa

The paper " The Outbreak of Ebola in West Africa " is a great example of a research paper on medical science. The Ebola virus strikes fear in the human population because it is not curable.

Analysis of the the making of the english landscape written by hoskins

The Making of the English Landscape al Affiliation The Making of the English Landscape The book ' the making of the English landscape, written by Hoskins was published in 1955, and it describes the local landscapes. Hoskins is a historian with clear records of the past, and he has unlimited interest in the English landscape.

Relevant experience and educational background

I believe that I can become a valuable part of this company using my leadership and management skills. I am sending this job application with a wish to get an interview call from the company.

Assessments child behavioral checklist

Sabrina's CBCL/6-18 internalizing, eternalizing, total problem and other problem are all below the percentile hence he is functioning in the clinical range. Question 3 The CBCL/6-18 results show that Sabrina is having a psychological problem.

Construction of additional warehouse space

Financial Status The financial status of the project is presented in the tabular form and payments to the contractor are based on the completion stage: Recommended Actions It is recommended the external financing from other sources should also be considered as delays in the payment can cause major problems for the company. It is also β†’

Theories and methods for health promotion

Theories The three selected theories include: social cognitive theory, theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behavior. It has a reasonable observation of people and apprehension with the social insinuation of the theory.

Preparing research questions and hypotheses

The scope of the research or study is the main determinant of the appropriate number of research questions and hypotheses. Additionally Toledo, Flikkema and Toledo-Pereyra suggest that a necessary ingredient of a well-developed and sound research study is a research hypothesis since it contributes to solving the research problem.

Website summary

It was a Limited Elective Monarchy as the office of the Emperor was not patrimonial and he could not rule out the role of the lords in making crucial decisions concerning the states. Some of the primary documents in its constitution were: rights of the holy and divine Rulers, loss of papal control over election β†’

English language courses as efl in saudi universities

Strengths of the article One of the imminent strengths of the article is the reference to the background information on the challenges of teaching EFL in Saudi Arabia. Another of the article strength stems from a detailed review of the literature to ascertain the claims that are later made in the discussion sections of the β†’

Feel just like a fish in water

Success and hard work I realized that just like a fish deserves water and food to survive; it is the same theory when it comes to education. In order to attain good grades, I need to work hard every day so that I can learn more and pass exam.

Comments on bp 3

Comment on Report of Team 28 The approach of the company to include and interlink all important stakeholders together in the network map will allow the company to come up with better communication and knowledge management strategies. All the feedbacks and comments generated as a result of this pre-launch testing will be used by the β†’

Arts and cultural heritage

The Aborigines or the ethnic group of Australia is rich in cultural heritage. Cultural heritage is one of the most important properties of a country or ethnic group that must not be lost.


Essay: Business Google Google is the most popular and " googled" company in the world of business at present. Whats the secret to Google's innovation and how long will it enable it to remain competitive in its industry?

Public health interventions at policy

The interaction of the physical, social and behavioral interventions ensure the efforts are comprehensive addressing the public health issues in totality.2. Bartholomew, Parcel, Kok, & Gottlieb, discuses: Design process applied to health promotion should be clear and systematic to enable understanding of the health conditions, causes and solutions.

Article review 1

Article Review The Minimum Wage is Truly a Bad Idea' by Donald Lambro The article d ' The Minimum Wage is Truly a Bad Idea' by Donald Lambro is a reaction to the law of minimum wage in America passed by Congress. The title serves the functional task of introducing the topic and hints at β†’

Discuss why you wish to pursue a career in nursing and two most challenging issues facing nursing practice today and why

Challenges in Nursing The idea that change is inevitable implies that the continuous evolution of the world also poses challenges to society, including the field of nursing. Sherman presents in her paper that there are challenges to the nursing leader in the presence of multigenerational nursing workforce.

Entrepreneurship and business creation

A business model is usually created as part of a firms' overall strategy and contains the core aspects of business including the purpose, strategies, the products or services offered by the business, the structure of the organization and the operational processes and policies that the organization is going to follow. Hence, the business model is β†’

Shared practice: business continuity planning part ii

The rationale for expanding it from financial data is that in most of the cases, organizations such as Engro have volumes of important business data that go beyond financial data. Should the company had used such forms of storage, it would not have worried about the loss of data

Article critique

The purpose of the present study is to examine social participation of students with disabilities in Dutch primary schools. First, the researchers try to identify whether social participation of students with disabilities differs from the social participation of students without disabilities.

Hcm477-0802a-01 finance in health care – phase 3 discussion board

Also, since these government agencies are well-known by big- and small business organizations, establishing a good business relationship with them could result to a positive impact over the profitability of the health care insurance company. In line with developing a new marketing campaign on behalf of Fullhealth, the use of television advertisement can be effective β†’

The effects of 9-11

Many Improvements were made to change security and intelligence tactics in the weak areas e.g.founding a state security screener labor force under TSA at airfields, requiring explosive detection screening of all checked bags and strengthening the cockpit doors. In my view, the security changes have addressed the weaknesses in 9-11 attacks e.g.the progress on airport β†’

Accounting assessment

Answers to Question a) The two feasible overhead rates for the year are either the Direct Labor Hours Rate or the Machine Hour Rate; DLHR = =, 000/ = 1520000/100000 = 15. 32110 37110 pounds In the application of a manufacturing burden to product, a cost accounting consideration is made based on direct labor hours, β†’

Change in retirement since life expectancy increased

On the other hand, some individuals face financial crisis and then in old age they look for some source of earning to fulfill their needs for day-to-day activities as well as to meet their health expenses. Observation reveals that some of the retired individuals get only meager from their retirement savings and so they work β†’

Stages of a criminal trial

One of the stages involved in the criminal trial is the issuing out of the opening statements. The attorneys involved in the persecution gives details of the issues that surround the case to the court.

Organazation design module

Chipotle's lately redefined its executive arrangement, and it called the " Restaurateur Program" that aimed at effecting the contributions of the top managers in the supplies towards their absolute impact to food supply and the client experience. Notably, Chipotle is one of the companies that has mechanistic model in their organizational structure.

Accounting issues and analysis

I have gone through the three areas of your concern in regard to the incoming transition to IFRS and I would like to clarify this transition in regard to your questions presented in the memo. The entity should equally be in a position to measure costs incurred in development in a reliable manner.

Biography of presidential candidate barack obama

Obama is the first African-American nominee for the President of the United States, coming from the domains of a single major party. His works include as a community organizer and a civil rights attorney and after that he served at the Illinois Senate for a period of 7 years.

Bus 234 kj p1-p2 other half

The aim of the action plan was to address all the company's training needs of the workers. The action plan had two key points for the company to implement, and the progress evaluated.1.

Schedule and cost control techniques

Project management techniques are considered as important for the overall success of the project as the effective project management can ensure not only smooth performance of the teams but also ensure that all the components of the project are effectively monitored and managed. This therefore provides a graphical overview of the project and the project β†’

Personal admission

I believe that the internal reason for my interest in the subjects of business is my willingness to learn about people and their business traits. In order to attain mastery in the fields of business and finance, I am applying for this degree course at your scholarly institute.

Turning a poem into a story

The poem is the first in the 1958 collection of the 95 Poems written by the author Cummings. The separation of the world sued in the poem indicates individual separation, which is the main result of loneliness.

Accounting principals

The key is to price it at a level where people can still afford it and will still demand it but where the company will also be able to make a profit and be able to maintain its status as a going concern. This is a good way for companies to save money as they β†’

Paper 2

Before under taking the project, there is a need to factor in some of the essential elements required for the success of the project. The project should identify the advantages and disadvantages of the system/policies that the project intends to use.

Family strengths: often overlooked, but real by kristin anderson moore

The article notes that such a focus on family strengths is necessary to counteract the dearth of knowledge in this area, owing from the traditional focus on family ills in the literature to the detriment of serious inquiry on how healthy and strong families work. The findings that family strength levels are healthy for the β†’

Us government

S government and the Israelis were reluctant to sign the agreement meant to ratify the development of the international criminal court. The second problem is that the International Criminal Court fails to recognize the basic rights of the accused individuals.

My responsibility and building mutually supportive relationship

I feel good about increases in these areas because my progress makes me feel successful, and I recognize that improvements in these areas based on the results of my prior scores are important for my success. I think I need to continue to focus more of my attention on Building Mutually Supportive Relationships in the β†’

Statement of objectives for public policy

The benefits that the degree in sciences of management emphasize that public policies' response to change is a necessary component to adapt and adjust to inefficiencies, conflicts and developments in the environment. The University of Arkansas would inculcate the necessary ingredients to hone me into a professional specializing in public policy, genuinely loving and sharing β†’

Marketing: personal sale

For instance, expertise in sales would require an understanding of the product, the distribution channels and the work flow process in the order to cash cycle. Technical intelligence in manufacturing would entail an understanding of the assembly lines, the working features and technical specifications of the machinery.

Human resource management

The goal setting theory, the expectancy theory, and the share ownership schemes theories help discern the link between cognitive processes and pay. On the other hand, the expectancy theory asserts that an individual chooses a given behavior that leads to the best outcome in terms of performance and pay.

Website comparison paper

The readability of the Deutsche Bank website is relatively better in terms of menus and other content arrangement on the home page. The controls are arranged in a natural sequence and user feels more comfortable with the text controls used on the website.

Family story

Characters: First-person narrator, a male teenage cashier; Stokesie, another cashier; Lengel, the manager of the A&P; the three girls in bathing suits, McMahon, the meat counter guy. Characters: Sally, a young married girl; The Marshmellow Salesman, Sally's husband.

Application for the william d yaxley memorial scholarship

I am a firm believer that everything and anything is possible to those who have the tenacity to achieve. I used to be a factory laborer for the past nine years before I decided to go back to school and finish my education.

Bus econ part2

National income is often used in the estimation of the value of production and economic activity in a particular country. In some cases, the terms of trade of a country can also be used to measure the state of the economy.

Pharmacy from my childhood

As I had always wanted to pursue my career in medicine, I was captivated by the working of the pharmacy. I consider pharmacy to be a rapidly- developing career and distinguish that pharmacists are a great deal occupied in the initiation of new drugs for all sorts of diseases, and I find the thought of β†’

What does the hippocratic oath suppose

The expectations that come with being a medical professional are tantamount to the dignity of the profession that requires an unwavering commitment not only to competence but also to compassion. This is a psychological and intellectual journey that, like scorching heat is to iron, tempers it and wields it into becoming fervent steel capable of β†’

Rockwood and green’s fractures in adults

Distal radial- The part of radius near the wrist is known as the distal part and so the fracture of the radius is known as distal radial fracture. Scaphoid fracture- Fracture of any of the scaphoid carpal wrist bones is known as a scaphoid fracture.

Employee rights, managed care and patient safety

If the employee finds the organization to be involved in any form of unethical practice unlawful and harmful activities or mismanagement of funds they have the right to report the same to a public entity. They also have the right to report any form of intimidation by their employers and are protected by laws if β†’

Distinguish among the five types of customer markets

The first is the consumer market, " which consists of individuals and households that buy goods and services for personal consumption". The key to the retail market is accessibility, and affordability.

Comprehension questions about text: globalisation and higher education development: acritical analysis

of institute Globalization and Higher Education Development A critical analysis [Pick the Contents Section 3 Evaluation of the source3 Write and evaluation of the text as source material3 Evaluation of the source: 3 Currency: 3 Reliability: 3 Usage of evidence: 3 Section 2: 4 The globalization of education as a multi-billion dollar business can bring β†’

Project pitfall analysis

The completion of one project should lead to the substantial finding at the end of the concerned project but a lack of clarity can be witnessed in the concerned project instead. The focus of risk aversion should be mainly to take up a level of project whose risk can be easily identified and acceptable; prioritize β†’

Foreign policy in libya

Foreign policy of the Obama administration in Libya Following the uprising of some civilians in Libya against the Colonel Muammar Gaddafi-led Libyangovernment and the use of force by the Libyan government to suppress the uprising, the United Nations Security Council supported by the Arab League authorized a no-fly zone in Libya to protect the civilian β†’

Literary analysis

In the first poem, the peach tree was the focal point where the process of ripening of the peach fruit symbolize the deepening of the relationship between the bride and the groom's family. In the medieval lyrics, " Strawberry Picking", written by Alexander the Wild, as he was noted to have memories of his childhood, β†’

Compare and contrast

This symbolizes the presence of the devil in the world according to the Christian domain. From such an analysis of symbolism in The Devil and Tom Walker and Young Goodman Brown, it is arguable that symbolism is better portrayed in Young Goodman Brown.

The handmaids tale vengeance

Offred is the protagonist and narrator in her story, while there is no narrator in my story but myself. My story adds to the understanding of dystopia by representing and describing these same features.

The effects of the influx of foreigners to the native americans

The effects of the influx of foreigners to the Native Americans Change is inevitable in all aspects of life and the Native American also had to change in various ways in order to accommodate the foreigners who were invading their homeland. Another instance that shows the change that Native Americans had to go through β†’

English oral – lady windermere’s fan – oscar wilde

Erlynne follows Lady Windermere and attempts to persuade her to return to her husband and in the course of this, Mrs. He explores how the wit in Lady Windermeres Fan contributes to the structure and meaning of the plot, while also investing the book with a satirical jab at high society.

Animal farm and fascism

He is the leader, the head of the entire farm. This is also one of the similarities regarding the two ideologies in the book.

Business 50 p week 2

The dynamics in the markets and the inherent needs of the customers require warrants effective service culture that can positively impact on the organization. Recommended area of change in service culture of a typical organization Design of policies and procedures Policies and procedures define the service culture and the mode of operation within an organization.

Cfp and cfa

The employability level of chartered financial analysts is also higher in the job market as compared to individuals without this charter. For example; individuals with this certificate have a higher chance of getting employed even in the European job industry as compared to financial analysts without this charter.

The divergence of u.s. and uk takeover regulation

The Divergence of U.S.and UK Takeover Regulation The article that has been selected for summary of its content is titled " The Divergence of U.S.and UK Takeover Regulation", which is written by John Armour and David A. Rules of takeover in the UK are the outcome of the self regulation where interests of institutional investors β†’

George washington carver

During his career at the institute, he did a remarkable job that until to date many remember him. He further extended his goodwill when he consumed his entire savings to start Washington Carver foundation for agricultural research to further his need to help the farmers.

Journal entry

Journal entry March, 06 On the first day of my practicum exercise, after meeting the department manager, I was asked to wait for my preceptor who has to take me through the entire practicum exercise. March, 13 2013 My preceptor prepared me for the need to ensure hygiene in health institutions to reduce infections.

Improvement in administrative procedures: a key to improved public school student and teacher motivation levels

Many factors work together to increase the motivation levels of students and teachers of public school sector some of which include interactive learning environments, peer-to-peer relationships, student-teacher relationships, and administrative procedures, which govern the working of the school management. Purpose and Significance of the Topic The purpose of this paper is to understand the significance β†’

Metabolic disorders case studies

In later cases of the disease patients may lose all sensation in the extremeties due to the development of diabetic polyneuropathy and they will also have signs of macroangiopathies. Precautions will consider the status of the joints of the women and other complications that maybe present due to type 2 diabetes.

The democrat and the dictator

The Democrat and the Dictator Introduction The world re-known leaders who shaped the current politics: Franklin Roosevelt and AdolfHitler rose to power almost at the same time. Through the film " The Democrat and the Dictator," Moyers Bill extensively reveals childhood lives and their different paths they used to raise to power and how each β†’

The purpose of food protection and safety

Purpose of Food Protection and Safety al affiliation Purpose of Food Protection and Safety Food protection has become one of the increasingly vital public health issues. These factors have led to the formation of rules relating to food protection, and tribal and local agencies to inspect and oversee food establishment, to ensure food protection.

The health education code of ethics

The Health Education of Ethics The Health Education of Ethics Introduction The nature of Health education requires a deep understanding of the professional ethics and the legal provisions associated with it. In these sense, several legal and ethical issues are faced in the health education in settings that are directly linked to the profession, the β†’

Global health

Rural areas, especially in Africa, are at a risk of not developing because of lack of accurate statistics. Vital registration in rural Africa: is there a way forward to report on health targets of the Millennium Development Goals?

Professors question

The enlargement of the field across the border has ensued to massive investment in the infrastructure development. Thus, many investors are positioning themselves in the North East Mexico to capitalize on the economic boom of Eagle Ford Shale within South Texas.

Memo 3

Legal Memo To From Re: Issue: From the invasion of the United s in Petrolia through the air strikes in the of preserving internationalpeace, will the international law favor Petrolia in this dispute? It is on this note that the united sates failed to follow and obey the rule of law in involving the crisis β†’

Experiences life’s a school

As a result of this, I began to go paintballing regularly. However, I also had to act like a professional.

Miscommunication between teachers in terms of culture, language, generation or age differences

In the following discourse, the paper delves into the relevance of the above in miscommunication between teachers and students. This has led to a developing a wide gap between teachers, most of whom belong to the previous generation, and their students, who embrace the new communication technology thereby creating a divide between the two.

International business

Implication of Asia's Rise as a Center of International Business for Australia Asia's rise as a center of international business, radically alteringthe global landscape over the recent decade, has been sped up by the progressive rise of nearly all Asian countries from the economic depression of 2008. The objective of this paper is to examine β†’

5 questions

Answer # 2 There are number of factors that can positively or negatively affect cohesiveness; a few of these are number of employees, duration of time for task achievement and duration of time the group spent together, organization, external pressures, location and reputation of the group, closeness of supervision, and internal competitive behavior. Advantages of β†’

The temple of me

A one walks up to my ancient temple; there is a stone path trimmed with bushes that leads from the sidewalk about 500 feet to the initial steps that you have to take to walk down and even yourself with the floor of my temple. And above each one of the tapestries there is an β†’

Foodmart, inc.

The only remedy for the car seller lies in equity which comes in to cure the hostility of the common law of contract. There is no legal remedy for the breach of contract as the lack of capacity makes the contract void.

The impact of human growth, development and identity on cognitive impairment

THE IMPACT OF HUMAN GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, AND IDENTITY ON COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT By and City, State Date of Submission The process of human growth is a lifelong process spanning from birth to death. Physical changes drive the process of physical evolution, as the cognitive abilities advance and decline depending on the brains response to brain's growth β†’

Guillermo furniture store concepts

Further, the paper attempts to develop a financial plan for Guillermo to enable it to competitive in its respective furniture market. Guillermo's Furniture Store case study divulges how the entry of a new competitor from abroad has triggered unexpected challenges to the financial situation of the business.

Industrial policy in the middle east and north africa

What will the Middle East, in general, do as oil begins to run out? Second, I want to determine the economic mix of the Middle East in terms of imports and exports, as well as look at the history of the Middle East to determine what has historically made it so oil-dependent.

You decide

To do this, I took the plate in my hand and using both hands, I brought it to my lips and sipped the drink. The act was not easy for me to perform given I understood that it was discomforting the people around me, though I tried my best to maintain an indifferent attitude to β†’

Types and characteristics of joints – lab report example

On the other hand, the cartilaginous joints are bonded by the cartilage while the synovial joints are usually separated by a fluid-filled cavity. The major symptoms of the disease are portrayed by swelling and stiffening of the joints.